Passive Voice - Ielts and Inversion
Passive Voice - Ielts and Inversion
Passive Voice - Ielts and Inversion
Passive voice is important for IELTS. Whenever you speak or write, or try to
understand reading passages, you need to have the ability to use and
understand a good range of grammar.
However, a way that the passive is specifically needed for IELTS is if you get
a process diagram in Academic IELTS Task 1. In this case you will use it
throughout your explanation of the process.
So first we'll take a look at how to use the passive voice generally, then we'll
see how it is used in a Task 1.
When we use the passive voice, the person or thing receiving the action
becomes the subject:
Active Passive
The dog bit the boy The boy was bitten by the dog
1. Move the object of the sentence, and make it the subject. The object thus
becomes the subject (often we exclude the object because it is not
important to the sentence).
2. Add in "by" before the new object (if you are including it in the new
3. Add the verb "to be" to the front of the verb, and change the verb to the
past participle. You then have a passive voice verb. Remember to keep the
tense the same.
Active Passive
In this case the verb "bit" is in the past simple, so when it is made passive, the
verb "to be" must be the past simple - "was".
Passive Voice Examples
These are examples of how we form it with different tenses (without the object
in the passive):
Transitive verbs have to take an object. For example, you cannot say "He
discovered". This is a transitive verb so it needs an object: " He discovered a
Intransitive verbs are not followed by an object. For example, you can say "He
died". Or it could be followed by an adverb: "He died yesterday".
But we cannot say: "He was died" or "Yesterday was died he".
hardly ever Hardly ever had there been such a shortage of water.
scarcely ever Scarcely ever have they had to wait for anything.
only in this way Only in this way can we be sure to avoid repeating the
problem in the future.
not only Not only had he broken the law but he was also
not until Not until the following day did he realise he had been