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Pessaries for vaginal prolapse:

Critical factors to successful fit

and continued use
A successfully inserted vaginal pessary can improve voiding,
urgency, and incontinence for women with urinary incontinence and
pelvic organ prolapse, no matter the stage. We encourage you to
offer and use this low-cost, minimally invasive approach. More than
half of women with prolapse may use a pessary for up to 2 years.

Teresa Tam, MD, and Matthew Davies, MD

In this CASE 1 Early-stage pelvic organ prolapse active with her husband on roughly a weekly
AC is a 64-year-old white woman with early basis.
Pessary indications stage III anterior and apical pelvic organ pro- On examination, the leading edge of her
and options lapse (POP). The prolapse is now affecting prolapse is the anterior vaginal wall, protrud-
her ability to do some of the things that she ing 1 cm beyond the introitus, and the cervix
page 43
enjoys, such as gardening and golfing. is at the hymenal ring. There is no significant
She has hypertension controlled with posterior wall prolapse.
medication and no other significant medical After she is counseled about all pos-
components of
issues except mild arthritic changes in her sible treatment approaches for her early-
successful fit hands and hips. She reports being sexually stage POP, the patient elects to try the vagi-
page 50 nal pessary. Now, it is your job to determine
the optimal pessary based on the extent of
Outcomes Dr. Tam is a graduated Fellow in the Division
her condition and to educate her about the
of Urogynecology and Minimally Invasive
page 59 Gynecologic Surgery, Department of Obstetrics potential side effects and best practices for
and Gynecology, Penn State Milton S. Hershey its ongoing use.
Medical Center. She is currently in private practice

at All for Women’s Healthcare in Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Davies is Division Chief, Urogynecology and he vaginal pessary is an important
Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Department component of a gynecologist’s ar-
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at Penn State
mamentarium. It is a low-risk, cost-­
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State
College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania. effective, nonsurgical treatment option for
On the Web the management of POP and genuine stress
Dr. Tam reports that she has received a grant or
urinary incontinence (SUI).1,2 It is unfortu-
Dr. Tam demonstrates research support from Ethicon BioSurgery and is a
proper insertion speaker for Merck Pharmaceuticals. nate that training in North America typically
Dr. Davies reports that he is a consultant to Boston provides clinicians with only a cursory expe-
and removal Scientific and a speaker for Ethicon Endosurgical
techniques, at and Boston Scientific.
rience with pessary selection and care, mini-
obgmanagement.com mizing the device’s importance as a viable

42 OBG Management | December 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 12 obgmanagement.com

tool in a practitioner’s ongoing practice. In
fact, most clinicians tend to view the pessary Vaginal pessaries: An instructional video
with a mixture of reluctance and disregard.
This is regrettable, as a majority (89%) Written and narrated by Teresa Tam, MD
of patients can be successfully fitted with
a pessary,3 regardless of their stage or site In this 15-minute video Dr. Tam demonstrates insertion and removal
of prolapse.4 Although high-stage prolapse of the ring and Gellhorn pessaries and illustrates proper technique for
estimating pessary size.
does not predict failure, ring pessaries are
used most successfully with stage II (100%)
and stage III (71%) prolapse, while Gellhorn
pessaries are most successful with stage IV
(64%) prolapse.5
In this article we review the several pes-
sary options available to clinicians, as well
as how to insert them and the best scenarios
Use this QR code to download the video to your
for their use. We also discuss the key require-
Smartphone, or go to obgmanagement.com. Free QR
ments for patient assessment and in-office readers are available at iPhone App Store, Android
fitting (meant to optimize the fit and, there- Market, and Blackberry App World.
by, the success of use), the possible side ef- © Dr. Teresa Tam
fects of pessary use that patients need to be
aware of, and appropriate follow-up.

pessaries come in different sizes and shapes.

When is a pessary your best Most are made of medical-grade silicone, ren-
management approach? dering them durable and autoclavable as well
There are several indications for pessary as resistant to absorption of vaginal discharge
use,6 namely when: and odors. The ring pessary with support is the
• the patient has significant comorbid risk most commonly used support pessary. The
factors for surgery Gellhorn pessary is the most commonly used
• the patient prefers a nonsurgical alternative space-filling pessary. It is used as a second-
• a goal is to avoid reoperation line treatment for patients unable to retain the
• POP or cervical insufficiency is present ring-with-support pessary.
during pregnancy
• the patient desires future fertility
• surgery must be delayed due to treatment Support pessary options
of vaginal ulcerations The support pessaries are used to treat SUI
• the pessary will be used as a postoperative and POP. These pessaries typically are the
adjunct to mesh-based repair.
Pessaries have very few contraindica-
tions (Table ). However, factors that do nega- Contraindications to pessary use
tively affect successful fitting include: • Active infection of the pelvis or vagina. Treatment and resolution of the
• prior pelvic surgery infection are advisable prior to pessary fitting and use.
• multiparity • Latex allergy. Although most pessaries are made of silicone, the ­Inflatoball
• obesity is made of latex, so insertion of this pessary is contraindicated in patients
• SUI allergic to latex.
• short vaginal length (<7 cm) • Medical or social factors predisposing the patient to nonadherence and
• wide vaginal introitus (>4 fingerbreadths) pessary neglect.
• significant posterior vaginal wall defect.5,7-9 • Vaginal mesh erosion. The foreign body should be removed prior to pes-
There are two main categories of vagi- sary placement.
nal pessaries: support and space-filling. All

o b g m a n a g e m e n t . c om Vol. 25 No. 12 | December 2013 | OBG Management 43

pessaries for vaginal prolapse


Ring pessary (A), and ring pessary with support (B)

easiest types for patients to use because they

are more comfortable and simpler to remove
and insert than space-filling pessaries. For
example, a ring pessary is two-dimensional
and lies perpendicular to the long axis of the With the patient in a horizontal position, the ring
pessary is placed behind the cervix, into the
vagina, allowing patients to have intercourse
posterior fornix
with it in place. Support-type pessaries in-
clude the ring, Gehrung, Shaatz, and lever.

illustration: marcia hartsock for obg management

pessary to reopen, and direct it behind the
Ring cervix into the posterior fornix (Figure 2 ).
This is the most commonly used pessary Give it a slight twist with your index finger
because it fits most women. There are four to prevent expulsion (see Vaginal pessaries:
types of ring pessaries: the ring (Figure 1A ), An instructional video, on page 43).
ring with support (Figure 1B ), inconti-
nence ring, and incontinence ring with sup- Gehrung
The ring pessary, port. The ring pessary is appropriate for all This pessary is designed with an arch-shaped
the moset stages of POP. The ring with support has a malleable rim with wires incorporated into
commonly used diaphragm that is useful in women who have the arms (Figure 3 ). Use of the Gehrung
pessary, is uterine prolapse with or without cystocele. pessary is rare; it is most often used in wom-
The incontinence ring has a knob that is en with cystocele or rectocele.
appropriate for
placed beneath the urethra to increase ure- Insertion. Fold the pessary to insert it into
all stages of pelvic
thral pressure and is useful in cases of SUI. the vagina. Upon insertion, keep both heels
organ prolapse
Insertion. Fold the pessary by bringing of the pessary parallel to the posterior vagina
Photos: Courtesy of ©CooperSurgical, except where noted.
the two small holes together, and lubricate with the back arch pushed over the cervix in
the leading edge. Insert it past the introitus the anterior fornix and the front arch resting
with the folded edge facing down. Allow the behind the symphysis pubis. The concave



Gehrung pessary (A) with knob (B) Shaatz pessary

44 OBG Management | December 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 12 obgmanagement.com

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/Hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease inhib-
itors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: Significant changes pessaries for vaginal prolapse
(increase or decrease) in the plasma concentrations of estrogen and progestin
have been noted in some cases of co-administration with HIV/HCV protease
inhibitors or with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
Antibiotics: There have been reports of pregnancy while taking hormonal con-
traceptives and antibiotics, but clinical pharmacokinetic studies have not shown surface and diaphragm support the anterior
consistent effects of antibiotics on plasma concentrations of synthetic steroids. vagina. Place the convex portion of the curve
7.2 Effects of Combined Oral Contraceptives on Other Drugs

ÃÊ Vœ˜Ì>ˆ˜ˆ˜}Ê Ê “>ÞÊ ˆ˜…ˆLˆÌÊ Ì…iÊ “iÌ>LœˆÃ“Ê œvÊ œÌ…iÀÊ Vœ“«œÕ˜`ðÊ
beneath the bulge. The two bases rest on the
have been shown to significantly decrease plasma concentrations of lamotrig- posterior vagina against the lateral levator
ine, likely due to induction of lamotrigine glucuronidation. This may reduce sei-
zure control; therefore, dosage adjustments of lamotrigine may be necessary.
Women on thyroid hormone replacement therapy may need increased doses
of thyroid hormone because serum concentration of thyroid-binding globulin Shaatz
increases with use of COCs.
7.3 Interference with Laboratory Tests This support pessary has a circular base sim-
The use of contraceptive steroids may influence the results of certain labora- ilar to the Gellhorn pessary but without the
tory tests, such as coagulation factors, lipids, glucose tolerance, and binding
proteins. rigid stem (Figure 4, page 44).
8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS Insertion. Because it is stiff, insert this pes-
8.1 Pregnancy
There is little or no increased risk of birth defects in women who inadvertently sary vertically and then turn it to a horizontal
ÃÊ`ÕÀˆ˜}Êi>ÀÞÊ«Ài}˜>˜VÞ°Ê «ˆ`i“ˆœœ}ˆVÊÃÌÕ`ˆiÃÊ>˜`ʓiÌ>‡>˜>ÞÃiÃÊ position once it is inside the vagina.
have not found an increased risk of genital or non-genital birth defects (includ-
ing cardiac anomalies and limb-reduction defects) following exposure to low
dose COCs prior to conception or during early pregnancy. Lever
The administration of COCs to induce withdrawal bleeding should not be used
as a test for pregnancy. COCs should not be used during pregnancy to treat The Hodge, Smith, and Risser pessaries are
threatened or habitual abortion. collectively called the lever pessaries. They
8.3 Nursing Mothers
When possible, advise the nursing mother to use other forms of contracep- are used to manage uterine retroversion and
tion until she has weaned her child. COCs can reduce milk production in POP. They are rarely used.
breastfeeding mothers. This is less likely to occur once breastfeeding is well
established; however, it can occur at any time in some women. Small amounts
The Hodge pessary is beneficial to pa-
of oral contraceptive steroids and/or metabolites are present in breast milk. tients with a narrow vaginal introitus, mild
8.4 Pediatric Use
Safety and efficacy of Quartette have been established in women of reproduc-
cystocele, and cervical insufficiency. The an-
̈ÛiÊ >}i°Ê vwV>VÞÊ ˆÃÊ iÝ«iVÌi`Ê ÌœÊ LiÊ Ì…iÊ Ã>“iÊ vœÀÊ «œÃÌ«ÕLiÀÌ>Ê >`œiÃVi˜ÌÃÊ terior portion of a Hodge pessary is rectangu-
under the age of 18 as for users 18 years and older. Use of Quartette before lar (Figure 5A ).
menarche is not indicated.
8.5 Geriatric Use The Smith pessary is useful for patients
Quartette has not been studied in women who have reached menopause and with well-defined pubic notches because the
is not indicated in this population.
8.6 Hepatic Impairment anterior portion is rounded (Figure 5B ).
œÊÃÌÕ`ˆiÃʅ>ÛiÊLii˜ÊVœ˜`ÕVÌi`Ê̜ÊiÛ>Õ>ÌiÊ̅iÊivviVÌʜvʅi«>̈Vʈ“«>ˆÀ“i˜Ìʜ˜Ê For patients with a very shallow pubic
the disposition of Quartette. However, steroid hormones may be poorly metabo-
lized in patients with hepatic impairment. Acute or chronic disturbances of liver notch, the Risser pessary is useful. The Riss-
function may necessitate the discontinuation of COC use until markers of liver er’s anterior portion is rectangular with in-
function return to normal and COC causation has been excluded. [See Contra-
indications (4) and Warnings and Precautions (5.2)] dentation but wider than the Hodge pessary
8.7 Renal Impairment (Figure 5C) .
the disposition of Quartette. Insertion. Fold the pessary and insert it into
10 OVERDOSAGE the vagina with the index finger on the poste-
There have been no reports of serious ill effects from overdose of oral contra-
ceptives, including ingestion by children. Overdosage may cause withdrawal rior curved bar until the pessary rests behind
bleeding in females and nausea. the cervix and the anterior horizontal bar
rests behind the symphysis pubis.

Manufactured by:
Teva Women’s Health, Inc.
-ÕLÈ`ˆ>ÀÞʜvÊ/ 6Ê*,
-Ê1-]ʘV° Space-occupying pessaries
-iiÀÃۈi]Ê*Ê£n™Èä The second pessary category is the space-
Quartette™ is a trademark of Teva Women’s Health, Inc. filling pessary. These pessaries are used
©2013 Teva Women’s Health, Inc.
/…ˆÃÊ LÀˆivÊ ÃՓ“>ÀÞÊ ˆÃÊ L>Ãi`Ê œ˜Ê +Õ>ÀÌiÌÌiÒÊ vՏÊ *ÀiÃVÀˆLˆ˜}Ê ˜vœÀ“>̈œ˜] primarily to support severe POP, especially
Iss. 3/2013. posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse.
QUA-40103 They have larger bases to support the vaginal
apex or cervix; therefore, they are more diffi-
cult to insert and remove. When this pessary
type is in place, sexual intercourse is not pos-
sible. Examples include the Gellhorn, donut,
cube, and inflatable pessaries.

48 OBG Management | December 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 12 obgmanagement.com



Hodge pessary (A), Smith pessary (B), and Risser pessary (C)

Gellhorn hand or depress the perineum with the in-

The Gellhorn pessary is the most common- dex finger. Once the circular base is inside
ly used space-filling pessary. It has a broad the vagina, push the pessary upward until
illustration: craig zuckerman for obg management.

base with a stem (Figure 6 ). The broad base the tip of the stem is just inside the vaginal
supports the vaginal apex while the stem introitus (Figure 7). Many medical illustra-
keeps the circular base from rotating and tions inaccurately depict the Gellhorn pes-
prevents pessary expulsion. The stem comes sary in a final placement that appears too
in long or short lengths. The concave base high in the pelvis. This figure, which has
provides vaginal suction and keeps the pes- the patient in a standing position, shows
sary in place. The holes in the stem and base how low in the pelvis this space-filling
provide vaginal drainage. The Gellhorn pes- pessary can sit in a patient with advanced
sary is useful for women with more advanced prolapse. The space-filling
prolapse and less perineal support. Remove this pessary by gently pulling pessaries support
Insertion. Folding one side of the base to the the stem while inserting the opposite hand advanced-stage
stem, insert the Gellhorn pessary vertically beneath an edge of the pessary base to break prolapse, with some,
inside the vagina. To facilitate insertion, the vaginal suction (see Vaginal pessaries:
such as the donut
separate the labia with the nondominant An instructional video, on page 43).
and cube designs,
more difficult to
Photos: Courtesy of ©CooperSurgical, except where noted.


When the patient is standing, the Gellhorn pessary

Gellhorn pessary sits just inside the tip of the vaginal introitus.

o b g m a n a g e m e n t . c om Vol. 25 No. 12 | December 2013 | OBG Management 49

pessaries for vaginal prolapse

Essential components of a successfully fitted pessary

Patient assessment In-office trial

Accurate selection and placement of a pessary requires Insert the pessary into the vagina using the dominant
appropriate examination and fitting, beginning with deter- hand. Using the nondominant hand, separate the introitus
mination of the patient’s stage of prolapse and introitus. and depress the perineal body. Apply a small amount of
Key steps include: lubricant to the leading edge of the pessary.
• Examine the patient with an empty bladder in the After insertion, ask the patient to strain and cough,
lithotomy position ambulate in the office, and void. Reexamine the patient
• Perform bimanual pelvic and speculum examination to ensure that the pessary is still in the correct position
using a Sims speculum (or bivalve speculum broken in and that placement has not shifted. Perform the cough
half) with the patient in a supine position leak test with the patient in a standing position and the
• Administer the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification pessary in place. Re-examine the patient while she is in a
(POP-Q) exam standing position. Use the largest pessary that is com-
• Perform digital examination fortable for her. Advise her to bring the pessary back to
• Assess vaginal atrophy, vaginal introitus, and vaginal the office if it gets expelled.
width and length This is a trial-and-error process; advise the patient
• Evaluate pelvic floor muscle strength (Kegel squeeze). of this. It may require a trial of several styles and sizes to
Next, gauge the correct pessary size by approximat- find the right pessary fit. Once you find the correct size,
ing the number of fingerbreadths accommodated across document the final pessary size.
the vaginal width.
Another method of estimating pessary size is to
insert two fingers inside the vagina and estimate the Follow-up
distance between the posterior fornix and the posterior
Schedule a follow-up appointment 1 to 2 weeks after in-
pubic symphysis (see Vaginal pessaries: An instructional
sertion. Ask the patient whether she has experienced any
video, on page 43). An easy reference is to start with a
discomfort, malodorous discharge, or vaginal bleeding.
size 3 or 4 ring pessary if the vaginal introitus is 1 to 2 fin-
Also inquire about any changes in urinary habits or bowel
gerbreadths in width and the prolapse is stage II to III. If
movements and related complaints.
the vagina accommodates 3 to 4 fingerbreadths, or there
Remove the pessary and clean it with mild soap and
is stage IV prolapse, use a Gellhorn pessary.
water. Examine the vagina for pressure points, abrasions,
Here are the different types of pessaries and the
ulcerations, and erosions.
most common sizes available. (Pessary sizes change in
Teach the patient how to remove, clean, and reinsert
quarter-inch increments.)
the pessary, and advise her to perform these tasks on a
Ring: Size 3 to 5 or 2.5 to 3 inches weekly basis.
Gehrung: Size 3 to 5 or 2.5 to 3 inches Schedule a follow-up visit in 1 to 2 months, and
another visit 6 to 12 months after that.
Lever: 2 to 4 inches
If the patient cannot or will not remove her pessary,
Gellhorn: 2.5 to 3 inches ask her to return in less time, usually 1 to 2 months, to
Cube: 2 to 4 inches observe her progress, with subsequent visits every 3 to
4 months for pessary cleaning and assessment, again
Donut: 2.5 to 3 inches
depending on the condition of her progress.
Inflatable: Sizes are medium or large

Donut to grasp the pessary and facilitate removal.

The donut pessary is used for advanced pro-
lapse because it fills a larger space. It is dif- Cube
ficult to insert and remove because it is large, The cube pessary supports third-degree
thick, and hollow (Figure 8, page 51). uterine prolapse by holding the vaginal wall
Insertion. Insert it vertically and, once it is with suction (Figure 9 ). Because of the risk
placed inside the vagina, rotate it to a hori- of vaginal erosion and lack of drainage in
zontal position. A Kelly clamp can be used some designs, the cube pessary requires

50 OBG Management | December 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 12 obgmanagement.com

pessaries for vaginal prolapse


Donut pessary Cube pessary (A) with drainage holes (B)

nightly removal and cleaning. Incontinence pessaries

Insertion. Squeezing the pessary with the These devices are used specifically for
thumb, index, and middle fingers, insert the SUI. The incontinence ring (Figure 12,
cube pessary at the vaginal apex. page 52) and incontinence dish ­pessaries
Removal requires breaking the suction ­compress the urethra against the pubic
by placing a fingertip between the vaginal symphysis. The knob is placed beneath the
mucosa and the pessary and compressing urethra, increasing the urethral closure
the cube between the thumb and forefinger pressure and thereby preventing urinary
to remove. Gently tugging on the string also incontinence.
helps with removal.
CASE 1 Concluded
Inflatable Given that AC has early-stage POP and is
This space-filling pessary is an air-filled ball sexually active, a space-occupying pessary Side effects
that is inflated via an attached stem that also is not the optimal choice. Instead, a ring pes- could deter some
enables insertion and removal. The older sary with support is fitted for her trial.
women from using a
­Inflatoball pessary is made of latex, so its pessary. Appropriate
use is contraindicated in patients with la- What side effects might a patient
counseling about
tex allergy. Newer inflatable pessaries are anticipate with pessary use?
what to expect and
silicone-based and consist of an air-filled Vaginal discharge and slight odor are
report is warranted.
donut, a stem with a valve, and an air pump common. Pessary removal and cleaning are
Photos: Courtesy of ©CooperSurgical, except where noted.

(Figure 10 ). Some models also include a usually adequate to eliminate them. Tempo-
deflation key. The inflatable pessary comes rary discontinuation of pessary use may be
in small, medium, large, and extra-large siz- warranted until symptoms subside. If these
es. This pessary type must be removed and maneuvers do not resolve the issue, then the
cleaned daily.
Insertion. Place the deflated pessary into the
Photos: Courtesy of Bioteque America.

vagina. Move the ball-bearing valve within

the stem (which controls the air flow) to a
lateral projection on the side of the stem. To
inflate, attach the inflation bulb. (Inflation
typically requires 3 to 5 pumps of the bulb.)
Move the ball bearing back into position to
maintain the inflation, then detach the bulb.
You can leave the stem outside the body or
tuck it gently into the introitus (Figure 11, Inflatable pessaries
page 52).

o b g m a n a g e m e n t . c om Vol. 25 No. 12 | December 2013 | OBG Management 51

pessaries for vaginal prolapse

FIGURE 11 trickling flow and possible hesitation upon

initiation of voiding.
Alternatively, pessary placement may
instigate stress-type incontinence akin to
that seen after prolapse surgery. Changing
pessary size may alleviate this condition.
Otherwise, these side effects may reduce a
patient’s willingness to continue pessary use.

How can a patient optimize her use

of a pessary?
A patient can remove the pessary on a periodic
basis or try to use it continuously. If she cannot
or will not remove the pessary, then she will
need to come back for scheduled visits, as de-
With the patient lying down, the inflatable pessary scribed in the sidebar, “Essential components
is inflated within the vagina. The inflation bulb is
of a successfully fitted pessary.” If she is able to
detached and the stem is tucked into the introitus.
remove the pessary on her own, then she can
use the device as needed or remove it for inter-

illustration: marcia hartsock for obg management

course (though it is not necessary). She must
patient should be examined to rule out other remove it weekly, at a minimum, however, to
sources of infection. both clean the pessary and give the vaginal
Vaginal bleeding. Bleeding from vaginal walls a “rest,” which can minimize the potential
abrasion and ulceration could be caused by for abrasions or erosions.
trauma from pessary removal or vaginal
impingement. Evaluation is warranted for CASE 2 Advanced-stage POP

The typical any vaginal bleeding. BD is an 82-year-old widow (G5P4014) with

follow-up interval Changes in urinary function. Less com- stage IV vaginal prolapse. She has noticed
for a patient with a monly, women using a pessary may notice some scant blood staining on her clothing.

space-occupying changes in their urinary function. Many She frequently voids small amounts of urine
women with anterior or apical prolapse but never feels complete relief. She defe-
pessary is 3 to 4
will have altered urine streams with slow or cates normally.
Her medical history is significant for
coronary artery disease with prior myocar-

Photos: Courtesy of ©CooperSurgical, except where noted.

dial infarction, with multiple stent placements
over the years. She has hypertension, reduced
ejection fraction, and diabetes. She is mor-
bidly obese and suffers from degenerative
joint disease. She had a vaginal hysterectomy
several years ago for benign indications.
Upon examination, BD’s prolapse is
large, with excoriations and hyperkerato-
sis of the skin over the prolapse. It is easily
reduced in the office.
What is the best pessary for this patient,
and how should she be followed and coun-
seled regarding ongoing care?

Ring pessary with knob Since the failure rate for pessary usage
increases with advancing prolapse stage, a
cont inued on page 59

52 OBG Management | December 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 12 obgmanagement.com

pessaries for vaginal prolapse
continued from page 52

space-occupying pessary is most appropriate Successful fitting of a vaginal pessary

to try initially. A trial with a support pessary has been associated with improvement in
could be useful to allow the excoriations to voiding, urinary and fecal urgency, and in-
heal and provide a healthier vaginal environ- continence. A vaginal pessary is a viable
ment. A Gellhorn pessary is commonly used. nonsurgical option for the management of
An inflatable pessary could be an alternative POP and urinary incontinence and remains
if the Gellhorn fails to stay in place. The cube an optimal minimally invasive approach to
pessary, known to cause more abrasions such disorders.
and erosions than other pessaries, is a poor
choice given the state of the patient’s vaginal CASE 2 Concluded
tissues at baseline. The patient returns to the clinic 1 month
Space-occupying pessaries are more dif- after the original insertion. The pessary is
ficult to insert and remove and have a higher removed, and the vagina is inspected, with
risk of pain or trauma. Start with shorter time no abrasions or ulcerations found. The vagi-
intervals between visits, eventually spacing nal cavity and pessary are cleaned with a
them out for the patient’s convenience. The mild soap-and-water mixture. The pessary
usual interval for follow-up is 3 to 4 months; is lubricated and reinserted. This process is
longer intervals could be offered if the pa- repeated 2 months later, with subsequent
tient is reliable, adherent, and reports no follow-up intervals doubled (up to 6 months
complaints with pessary use. between visits) when the patient has no com-
plaints of discharge or odor.

Outcomes 1. Colmer, WM Jr. Use of the pessary. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
Only short- and medium-term outcomes for 1953;65(1):170–174.
2. Culligan PJ. Nonsurgical management to pelvic organ
pessary use have been described in the litera- prolapse. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;119(4):852–860.
ture. Short-term (2 months) satisfaction and 3. Nygaard IE, Heit M. Stress urinary incontinence. Obstet
Gynecol. 2004;104(3):607–620.
continued use, along with resolution of pro- 4. ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology. Neither sexual
lapse, occurred in 92% of patients.7 Previous ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 85: Pelvic organ prolapse. Obstet activity nor stage of
Gynecol. 2007;110(3):717–729.
hysterectomy or prolapse surgery may influ- prolapse has been
5. Clemons JL, Aguilar VC, Tillinghast TA, Jackson ND, Myers
ence the short-term success of pessary use.10 DL. Risk factors associated with an unsuccessful pessary
found to preclude
More than half of sexually active women fitting trial in women with pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 2004;190(2):345–350. long-term use of a
achieved long-term use (up to 2 years), 6. Clemons JL, Brubaker L, Falk SJ. Vaginal pessary treatment
regardless of prolapse severity. Brincat of prolapse and incontinence. UpToDate. http://www
and colleagues found that long-term pes- -prolapse-and-incontinence. Updated February 8, 2013.
sary use (1 to 2 years) approached 60% in Accessed November 7, 2013.
7. Mutone MF, Terry C, Hale DS, Benson JT. Factors which
132 women with both urinary incontinence influence the short-term success of pessary management of
and prolapse. Women being treated for POP pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005;193(1):89–94.
8. Fernando RJ, Thakar R, Sultan AH, Shah SM, Jones PW. Effect
were more likely to continue pessary use of vaginal pessaries on symptoms associated with pelvic
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o b g m a n a g e m e n t . c om Vol. 25 No. 12 | December 2013 | OBG Management 59

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