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Renewable Energy Report


Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology

Of the United Nations – Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
This report was prepared by Dr. Krishna Raj Shrestha Research Centre for Applied Science and
Technology (RECAST) Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal under a consultancy
assignment given by the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT).


The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Secretariat of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific. The report is currently being updated and revised. The information presented in this
report has not been formally edited.

The description and classification of countries and territories used, and the arrangements of the
material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, of its authorities, concerning the
delineation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of
development. Designations such as ‘developed’, ‘industrialised’ and ‘developing’ are intended
for convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a
particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names, commercial
products and/or technologies does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Chapter I
1. Introduction 3
Background 3
1.2 Demographic Setting 3
1.3. Socio-economic Condition 4
1.4 Energy and International Cooperation 4
1.5 Energy Policy and Plan 5
1.6 Rural Energy Policy 2006 and Delivery Mechanism 5
1.7 Energy Scenario 6
1.8 Alternate Energy Resources 11
1.8.1. Hydropower Resources 11
1.8.2 Solar Energy 12
1.8.3 Biomass and Biogas 15
1.8.4 Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) 15
1.8.5 Biomass Briquetting 16
1.8.6.Wind Energy 16
Chapter II
2. Leading R&D institutions and national/ international agencies in the
country working in the field of Renewable Energy. 17
2.1 Ministry of Science and Technology 17
2.2 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology 17
2.3 Research Centre for applied Science and Technology 18
2.4 Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) 19
2.5 Alternative Energy Promotion Centre 19
2.6 Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP) 20
2.7 Renewable Energy Project (REP) 21
2.8 Rural Energy Development Programme(REDP) 23
2.9 The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) Nepal 25
2.10. Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal) 35
2.11 Practical Action Nepal Office 36
2.12 Winrock International 37
2.13 Centre for Rural Technology Nepal 38
2.14 Centre for Renewable Energy 40
Chapter III
3.1 Success stories 41
3.2 Model Energy VDC: A Dream Comes True 41
3.3 Bringing the World Closer: Micro Hydro
Operated Cable TV Network 43
3.4 Making of an Urja Arc 45
3.5 Making Economic Sense 47
3.6 Less Hardship for Women 50

Chapter IV
4.1 Renewable Energy Market and Industries Scenario 53
4.2 List of qualified Solar PV Companies: 54
4.3 List of qualified manufacturing, supply & Installation companies for MHP 56
4.4 List of Organizations involved in the development of Wind Energy in Nepal 60
4.5 Other Organizations related to Wind energy 66
4.6 Service Providers in ICS Technology 67
Chapter V

5.1 Identification and analysis of barriers to the promotion

of modern biomass energy technologies 70

5.2 Technical barriers 70

5.3 Institutional barriers 70
5.4 Policy Barrier 70
5.5 Information barrier 71
5.6 Financial Barrier 71
5.7 Market Barrier 71
5.8 Social Barrier 71
6 Conclusions and Recommendations 72
7 References 73

1. Introduction

Energy is an important development indicator, which provides vital inputs for survival and
economic development. Energy supply and consumption is still in a traditional state in Nepal.
At present, renewable energy generation capability of the country is still significantly very
low due to technological and economical barriers. But the average efficiency of the
renewable energy technologies is good in performance and also environmentally safe.

Nepal is fully dependent on traditional energy sources such as biomass. For commercial
purpose the country is reliant on imported fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG
for running vehicles, stationary engines, boilers, cooking, lighting etc. Heavy dependence for
energy on biomass resources has accelerated the depletion of natural resources and
contributed to the degradation of natural environment. The country spends about 40 per cent
of it’s foreign currency reserve on the import of petroleum products. On the other hand, the
country’s vast resource of renewable hydropower energy remains virtually unexploited.
Nepal needs to harness its vast hydropower potential and reduce its dependence on biomass
in order to check the further degradation of the environment and reduce country’s
dependence on fossil fuel based energy. The power so generated can be used for setting up
clean energy based industries which will significantly contribute to the economic
development of the country.

1.2 Demographic Setting

Nepal is a sovereign independent country situated in the foot hills of Himalayas in the Central
Asia. It has an area of 147,181 sq. km. The landlocked country is located between 26 o 22’N
to 30o 27’ N latitude and 80 o 4’ to 88 o 12’ E longitude. The length of the kingdom is 885 km
East West and the width varies from 115 km to 240 km North South. The country is wedged
between India in the east, south and west and the Tibetan autonomous region of the People’s
Republic of China in the North. Altitudinal variation ranging from 55meters to almost 9000
meters has contributed to the occurrence of sub-tropical, temperate, alpine and artic climate
and vegetation within the country.

Topographically, the country is divided into three distinctive ecological regions namely:

Mountains, with 35% total land area and 7.8 % of the total population.
Hills with 42% of total land area and 45.2 % of the total population and
Plains in the south with 23% of the land area and 47% of total population.

The weather conditions vary from region to region. Summer and winter temperatures range
from about 90oF in the southern plains to about 20o F in the northern mountains. The mean
and annual precipitation ranges from about 250 mm in the northern parts to more than 6000
mm in the southern parts of the country. There are more than 6000 small and big rivers. The
total length of these rivers is about 45,000 km. These rivers are capable of generating more
than 83,000 MW of electricity.
For balanced economic growth and proper attention on regional planning the country is
divided into five development regions namely, the Eastern Region, the Central Region, the
Western Region, the Mid-Western Region and Far Western Region. These regions are further
divided into 14 zones with 75 districts consisting of 3995 Village Development Committees
and 58 officially recognized municipalities including one metropolitan city Kathmandu and
five sub-metropolitan cities. Each VDC are again divided into 9 wards, while the
municipalities are divided into wards ranging from 9 to 36 according to its area. The political
system of Nepal is Federal Democratic Republic. With the people’s movement it was
declared a Republic State in June 2008.

1.3. Socio-economic Condition

The population of Nepal is estimated to bone 27.15 million people stemming from at least 15
major racial groups. More than 85 per cent of the total population still lives in rural areas.
The total population is growing at the rate of 2.3 % annually (CBS, 2008). Nepal’s economy
is based on agriculture and 66 % of the total gainfully employed population is engaged in the
primary sector including agriculture, forestry and fishery. Nepal’s per capita income is about
US$ 470 (CBS, 2008). The socio-economic setting of Nepal, including its energy needs is
deeply influenced by its physical features, particularly the geographic characteristics. One of
the major problems facing the nation today is the situation prevailing in the rural areas of the
country- shortage of food grains, excessive human drudgery, poor development of health,
housing and transport facilities, etc. and lack of scientific knowledge of tapping appropriate
resources for developing useful energy.

Energy needs for agricultural, social and other economic activities are met by manual labor
and draft animals. Walking remains the only means of transport and communication in most
part of the country. Cooking is invariable done by burning firewood, agricultural residues
and animal wastes in traditional stoves.

1.4 Energy and International Cooperation

Nepal has been supported by donor agencies for its economic development since it initiated
five years development plan. The major share of energy investment comes from donors and
international NGOs. Nepal has been receiving international assistance for a long time in
hydro resources development. Also, since early nineties, there has been huge assistance in the
alternative energy sector through various donors, namely the SNV, NORAD, DANIDA,
GTZ, KfW, and World Bank etc. There has been various technical assistance through UN
organizations like UNESCAP, FAO, UNDP and SAARC etc.

1.5 Energy Policy and Plan

The government of Nepal has the sole responsibility for establishing the statutory, legal and
policy framework for the energy sector. A number of government departments and agencies
are involved in the policy formulation, sub-sectoral planning and project implementation.
The Tenth Plan (2002-2007), Hydropower Development Policy (1992), Renewable Energy
Perspective Pan of Nepal (2000-2020), Perspective Energy Plan (1991-2017), Water
Resources Act (1992), Electricity Act (1992), Environment Protection Act (1996), Petroleum
Rules (1984), Forest Act (1993) and Environment Protection Rules (1997) are the main
policy, planning and legislative documents guiding the energy sector in Nepal. These policies
aim to attract local and foreign private developers to the hydropower sector. The government
of Nepal has also introduced subsidy policy for the development and promotion of renewable
energy technology in the name of Renewable Energy Subsidy and Delivery Mechanism in
2008. Micro-hydro, Solar, Biogas etc. programmes are provided different subsidies through
Alternative energy Promotion Centre under the Ministry of Environment. Similarly for the
development and promotion of Hydropower through private sector, the Government has
established Power Development Fund.

1.6 Rural Energy Policy 2006 and Delivery Mechanism

Government of Nepal has promulgated the Rural Energy Policy, 2006 to promote clean,
reliable and appropriate energy sources as a means to reduce rural poverty and protect the
environment. The policy aims to raise awareness on improved cook stoves, biogas as well as
other biomass energy technologies such as briquettes, biofuel, biomass gasification to reduce
indoor air pollution and fuel wood consumption. The policy also seeks to institutionalize the
promotion of rural energy at the district level and mentions the provision for providing
subsidies for promoting renewable energy technologies such as, micro-hydro, solar, biogas,
briquette, biofuel and biomass gasification.

To maximize service delivery efficiency in the application of renewable energy resources

and technologies, and effectively utilize grant assistance provided by donors, Government of
Nepal is providing subsidies on selected RETs to low income rural households. The subsidy
is being disbursed by AEPC through a simple and effective system. In order to encourage
financial institutions to invest in renewable energy and ensure access to affordable credit,
efforts are being made in creating institutional credit mechanism through credit line and
credit guarantee scheme under the Rural Energy Fund.

Recently Nepal has entered the regime for the exchange of carbon credit as per the Kyoto
Protocol linking energy with the environment and climate change. The Government of Nepal
has given the responsibility to Ministry of Environment to act as the Designated National
authority (DNA) for any CDM activities in Nepal. Accordingly, Biogas Support Program has
recently registered two projects comprising of 19, 396 biogas plants. The role of the DNA is
basically to ensure the CDM projects objective of contributing in sustainable development of
the country.

Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) has become the pioneer organization in
developing carbon project in Nepal. Two biogas projects have already been registered as a
first CDM project of Nepal. Micro-hydro CDM project is being developed as third project of
the country, which is yet to get registered.

Institutionalization of Carbon financing

AEPC has institutionalized the concept of carbon financing and designated a Focal Person to
manage all renewable energy related carbon projects.

Carbon Policy

• All renewable energy technologies promoted by AEPC are clean and contribute in
reducing green house gas emission. So the potential carbon projects will be
developed. The revenue from carbon project is taken as one of the sustainable
sources of financing in the promotion of renewable energy technologies in the
• Fund received from carbon revenue will be utilized for the further promotion of the
rural/renewable energy technologies, and enhance the quality of system/plants and the

1.7 Energy Scenario

Energy sources have been categorized under three broad types (i) traditional, (ii) commercial
and (iii) alternate energy sources (alternate energy is synonymous with new, renewable and
non conventional forms of energy). This categorization pertains to the modality of use of the
resources in abstracting the inherent energy contents. Traditional source of energy include
biomass fuels particularly, agricultural residues and animal dung used in the traditional way-
which is direct combustion. Biogas and briquettes are examples of modern interventions
wherein traditional energy sources undergo transformations into modern types of fuels.
Commercial sources of energy are fossils fuels and electricity. Alternative sources of energy
include micro hydro, solar, wind power, biogas and briquettes etc. Biomass, hydropower and
Solar are the three major indigenous energy resource bases in the country. Though Nepal has
a huge potential for hydropower production, its exploitation has been to a very minimal and
therefore it is the biomass sector which dominates the overall energy supply and

The energy sector of Nepal is characterized by excessive reliance on the traditional sources of
energy such as biomass, agricultural residues and animal wastes. Paddy, maize and sugarcane
are the major sources of agricultural residues used for energy purpose. Animal wastes of the
livestock mainly from cattle and buffalo constitute significant sources of energy especially
for cooking and heating purpose in the domestic sector. Nepal relies mainly on biomass fuels
due to the lack of development of other energy alternatives. These sources of energy will
continue to play a dominant role in the Nepalese energy system for years to come.

The overall energy consumption of Nepal is largely dominated by the use of traditional non
commercial forms of energy such as fuel wood, agricultural residues and animal waste. The
total energy consumption in 2008 was 6.542 million ton oil equivalent (MoF, 2008) of which
traditional fuel accounted for 85.0% and the commercial fuels accounted for 14.4% and
renewable 0.60%. The major supplies of energy are fuel wood (75.0%), agricultural residues
(4.0%) animal dung (5.86%), Petroleum fuels (9.8%), coal (2.3%) and electricity (2.6 %).
The country does not have proven and significant deposits of fossil fuel and hence relies
heavily on the traditional energy sources such as fuel wood, agricultural residues and animal
waste. Less than 2 % Nepal’s total energy demand is being met by electricity and 9.8 % by
petroleum products. This has led grave consequences on ecological and environment
degradation as well as difficulties in the balance of payment. The country has to spend about
40% of its total income generated through its overseas exports for importing commercial
energy sources. Due to lack of much industry, Nepal has a very low per capita energy
consumption of only 15 GJ and is one of the least energy consuming countries in the world.
In 2002, Nepal’s total energy demand was 8,883 thousand tons of oil equivalent (1toe =
41.868GJ). Energy consumption increased at an average rate of 2.5% per annum between
1993 and 2002.
The energy demand and supply in 2004/05 is shown in Table.1.1. The energy consumption is
dominated by traditional sources which accounted for about 87.7 % of the total energy
consumption in 2004/05. Of the traditional sources, fuel wood accounted for 78.14
%agricultural residues for 3.8 % and animal dung for 5.77 %. This indicated the pressure on
the traditional sources, primarily on the forests. The share of commercial and alternative
sources has been increasing, although at a slow pace. From 1993/94 to 2002/03, consumption
of commercial energy increased from 7.5% to 12% of the total energy consumed and the
contribution of alternative energy increased from about 0.1% to 0.53 %.

Table 1.1 Nepal Energy Supply Demand Balance in 2004/05 in’ 000 GJ
Fuel Type Primary Impor Total Final Residentia Industrial Commercial Transpor Agricul Total
Producti t Primary Supply l t tural
on supply/sale
Traditional 322105 0 322105 322105 317798 2245 2049 0 0 322105
Fuelwood 286960 0 286960 286960 284138 773 2049 0 0 286960
Agri-residues 13964 0 13964 13964 12478 1473 0 0 0 13964
Animal dung 21181 0 21181 21181 21181 0 0 0 0 21181
Commercial 8828 36941 45727 43334 11815 10516 3286 13894 3085 43195
Petroleum 0 29846 30202 30202 9061 1331 2893 13873 2905 30063
Coal 233 6227 6459 6459 25 6434 0 0 0 6459
Electricity 8596 869 9066 6673 2729 2750 394 21 180 6673
Renewables 1955 0 1955 1955 1955 0 0 0 0 1955
Biogas 1903 0 1903 1903 1903 0 0 0 0 1903
Micro-hydro 50 0 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 50
Solar 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2
Others 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 332888 36941 369787 367394 331568 12761 5335 13894 3085 367255

The characteristic of energy consumption in Nepal is dominated by the traditional energy

sources like fuel-wood, agricultural residue and animal waste. The share of these traditional
energy sources to the overall energy consumption is about 86.64% and the rest is met by the
commercial and renewable sources. The fuel-wood itself accounts for about 77% of the
overall energy consumption. Renewable source accounts for a very nominal amount of about
0.53% only. Fig 1.1 illustrates the pattern of overall energy use by fuel type in 2003/04
(WECS), which is also a general representation of the historical trend. The total overall
energy consumption in the year 2003/04 was about 363 PJ.
Total Energy Consumption by Fuel type, 2004
363 million GJ

animal dung LPG

Agricultural residue 5.70% 0.87%
Motor Spirit

Air Turbine Fuel


High Speed Diesel
Light Diesel Oil
Fuelw ood
Micro Hydro 1.66%
Solar 0.51%

Fig 1.1: Energy Consumption by fuel type of Nepal, 2004

Sector wise, it is the residential sector that takes the mammoth share of overall energy
consumption with about 91%, followed by transport, industrial, commercial and agricultural
sector (Fig 1.2). The fuel type used in these sectors is also different as the residential
consumes mainly the traditional fuels whereas other sector consumes commercial fuels as
main source of energy.

There has been a negligible shift in the residential sector in pattern of energy uses especially
in the urban areas where as in the rural areas fuel-wood is still the main sources of energy
accounting for about 98% of the overall energy consumption. In the urban areas, kerosene,
LPG or electricity in a slow pace substitutes fuel-wood. In others sectors like Industrial and
Commercial, electricity and other fuels also substitute fuel-wood as modern forms of
Industrial or Commercial sectors come into operation. In the Transport and Agriculture sector
the uses of fuel-wood is almost nil and mainly depend on the commercial fuel such as
petroleum or electricity.
Sectoral Energy Consumption of Nepal, 2004
363 million GJ
Commercial 3.81%
1.19% Agriculture


Fig 1.2: Sectoral Energy Consumption in Nepal, 2004

The residential sector mainly consumes traditional fuels, whereas the other sector consumes
commercial fuels. Residential consumption accounts for around 98% of the traditional fuels
consumed in the country. Nepal’s energy supply and consumption patterns are
overwhelmingly dominated by traditional biomass sources and residential uses, respectively.
The increased demand of fuel wood to serve the nation’s energy needs has resulted into the
destruction of Nepal’s forest leading to massive land slides and serious environmental

Considering the above fact, it has become essential to reduce the consumption of the fuel
wood. Substitution of fuel wood wherever possible by indigenous sources of renewable
energy is the only way out for saving the forest. The country however is rich in renewable
energy resources. The hydro energy potential of the nation is very high. Similarly, Solar,
Biomass and Wind energy potentialities are substantial.

1.8 Alternate Energy Resources

The country’s economy does not provide enough economic bases for large scale investment
for the exploitation of hydro potentials and laying transmissions and distribution network in
the rural areas in the immediate future. Alternative energy resources like solar, biomass and
biogas, micro hydro and wind can play a catalyst in rural development by providing modern
form of energy.

1.8.1. Hydropower Resources

Nepal is a country with enormous water resources. The theoretical hydropower potential has
been estimated to be 83,000 MW of which 42,000 MW is technically feasible. Hydropower
utilization is currently about 1.5 % of the proven potential. The total installed electricity
generation is about 613.5 MW Of this total generation of electricity , 603 MW are hooked to
the national grid and the remaining are in isolated system comprising of 40 small/mini hydro
plants, about 2000 micro hydro and about 1200 peltric sets serving the remote areas of the
country. At present about 15 companies manufacture and install micro-hydro plants in Nepal.
So far about 13.6 MW of power has been generated from about 2046 micro-hydro plants
including peltric sets. Most of these turbines are installed solely for agro-processing. Some of
the units are also couples with electric generators.
Micro hydro plant consists of civil and electro-mechanical components. Civil structure
consists of intake, canal, desilting basin, forebay tank, supports piers, anchor blocks and
power house. Similarly electrical components consist of generator, control panel, ballast
heater, transmission distribution system, earthing, poles, stay sets, insulators and load limiting
devices. Likewise, mechanical components of a micro-hydro scheme consists of penstock
pipe, turbine, valve, drive system and expansion joints. The government of Nepal is
providing subsidies for the installation of micro hydro plants according to the location and
remoteness of the districts of Nepal. The government provides a subsidy of Rs. 55,000/- per
kilowatt for the plants with capacity up to 3 kilo Watt and for plants above 3 kilo watts
capacity a subsidy of Rs. 70,000/- per kilo watts is provided. Apart from that an additional
subsidy of Rs. 21,000/- per kilo watt is provided for the transportation of construction
materials according to the remoteness of the district where the plant is to be installed.
subsidy for MHP projects/schemes is as follows:

1. A subsidy amount of NPR 8,000 per household will be provided for new MHP project
up to 5 kW capacities. But the subsidy will not be more than NPR 65,000 per installed
2. A subsidy amount of NPR 10,000 per household will be provided for new MHP
project from above 5 kW to 500 kW. But the subsidy will not be more than NPR
85,000 per installed kW.
3. A subsidy amount of NPR 4,000 per household will be provided for to the add-on
MHP project (Improved Water Mill), if it is for electrifying villages. But the subsidy
will not be more than NPR 40,000 per installed kW.
4. In respect of rehabilitation of MHP project of more than 5 kW capacities, a subsidy of
NPR 10,000 will be provided per additional households if it is served by MHP as a
result of rehabilitation But the subsidy will not be more than NPR 85,000 per
incremental kW due to rehabilitation.
5. An additional subsidy will also be provided for the transportation of equipment and
materials of the MHP project. The transportation subsidy will be given based on
distance from the nearest road head to project site. The MHP projects will be
categorized for transport subsidy as shown below:

Rehabilitation projects, as mentioned in 4, will receive 50 per cent of transport subsidy.

1.8.2 Solar Energy

As per an estimate by WECS (1995), 78% of the land area of Nepal lies in high potential
solar insolation areas. The average solar radiation varies from 3.6 – 6.2 kWh/m2/day, and the
sun shines for about 300 days in a year. The development of solar energy technology is thus
reasonably favorable in many parts of the country. Solar energy is traditionally used for
drying crops, clothes, fuel wood crop residues etc. The technological intervention started only
in the sixties with the production of domestic solar water heaters. The use of solar water
heaters are mainly in the urban centers and in the trekking route. Till 2005, there are around
61,000 solar heaters installed in the country.

Open air drying is a traditional drying method in Nepal for storage of agricultural products
such as paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, vegetable and herbal medicines. Besides natural sun
drying, cabinet type, rack type and tunnel type solar dryers are also used in some places in
Nepal. A few manufacturers and NGOs have attempted to promote a few designs of solar
dryers in the country. A modified rack type solar dryer developed by RECAST is also used
for drying fruits and vegetables. The government has been trying to encourage the use of
solar dryers by providing subsidies. A 50% subsidy on the cost of solar dryer was announced
by AEPC in 1998.

Development of solar cookers in Nepal started in 1997 with the parabolic cooker brought in
by RECAST. Later on RECAST developed box type solar cookers locally. A number of
demonstrations and training sessions were conducted on these devices and some cookers
were distributed. The government also provides an amount Rs. 3500/- as subsidy for a
parabolic solar cooker which cost Rs. 10,000/- in the present market price.

The use of solar photovoltaic is increasing rapidly in the country after the provision of
subsidy by the Government of Nepal. This technology for electricity generation has been
widely used for in households, telecommunications, airports etc. There are around 30
registered solar PV companies operating for the dissemination of SHS with hundreds of
branch offices in the various district and rural areas of Nepal. Till 2005, 90,172 units of SHS
have been installed in the country.
The government has formulated comprehensive Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy and
Renewable energy delivery Mechanism in the year 2000. As per the subsidy policy, subsidy
for SHS is Rs. 10,000/- and Rs. 12,000/- per household respectively in remote and very
remote VDCs as categorized by the Ministry of Local Development. The subsidy in
accessible VDCs is Rs. 6,400/- per household for fiscal year 2003/04 which decreased every
fiscal year by 10 per cent of the original amount of Rs. 8,000/- .


• Subsidy will be provided to households for installing SHS of 10-18 Wp, and more
than 18 Wp from now onward as mentioned in following regions.


(NPR) 18 Wp (NPR)
Karnali and adjoining districts* and very remote VDCs# 7,000 10,000
categorized A in other districts
Remote VDC# categorized B in other districts 6,000 8,000
Accessible VDCs 5,000 6,000
Humla, Jumla, Kalikot, Dolpa, Mugu, Rolpa, Rukum, Jajarkot, Bajhang, Bajura, Achham,
Dailekh, Darchula The very remote and remote VDCs of the remote districts are as per
Ministry of Local Development (MOLD)/GON notification in the Nepal Gazette. The
category “A” comprises of very remote VDCs, while category “B” represents remote VDCs
as specified in Annex-1.

• The subsidy for SHS used by public institutions such as the VDC buildings, School,
Club, Health post/ Centre etc. will be up to 75% of the cost.
• In order to provide quick relief from kerosene tuki, jharo etc. in the rural areas a small
solar home system (SSHS) based on White LED known as solar tuki will be
promoted. A solar tuki consisting of 2-5 Wp solar panel along with two sets of solar
lamp will be provided a 50% subsidy on the cost but not exceeding Rupees 1,250 per

Subsidy Delivery Mechanism

The qualified company will have to submit all required document to AEPC/ESAP with a
covering letter and a duly filled up “Summary Form for Submission of Subsidy
Applications”. The willing companies can provide an electronic copy of data in subsidy
application form using prescribed software. On receiving the applications, SSP will process
and appraise applications including data maintenance in the Solar Energy MIS Database
(SEMD), verification for fulfillment of criteria and documentations before recommending
approval of the subsidy to REF. REF further appraises and processes the applications for
subsidy and if everything is found in proper order REF Executive Committee will approve
the subsidy. On approval, 90 percent of the subsidy is paid to the company while the balance
is retained as after sales service (ASS) guarantee, which will be released the evaluation of the
promised ASS after a year. The subsidy will also be available for SSHS of capacity less than
10-Watt peak (Wp), preferably with 2.5 Wp to 5Wp SPV module and 2 sets of White LED
lamps. Subsidy to SSHS of size less than 10 Wp and more than 5 Wp will be same as subsidy
to the "solar tuki" as defined in Subsidy for Renewable (Rural) Energy, 2006. The solar
companies may also claim the advance payment against Advance Payment Bank Guarantee
prior to full appraisal of the subsidy application forms by SSP and REF. The Bank Guarantee
must be as per the REF prescribed format.

Subsidy Criteria

In order to be eligible for subsidy, a Solar Home System must meet following conditions.

1. Solar energy subsidy will only be available to Nepalese Citizens for specified SHS
and SSHS systems installed in the rural areas not electrified by other means.
2. SHS subsidy will be available when an area or cluster has at least 10 SHS installed
from a qualified company or a group of qualified company provided that the ASS
arrangements among the companies has been established (they must submit the
written agreement for ASS). The area or cluster has been defined in general as a VDC
or a group of adjoining VDCs within 3 hours’ walking distance and closeness has to
be certified by one of the involved VDCs or DDC. However, this condition will not
be applicable for SSHS.
3. Installation of SHS or SSHS must be done by qualified companies and its recognized
agents/dealers using certified components. In order to ensure NIPQA compliance the
systems must use components certified by RETS only.
4. Installation of SHS must be done by a technician certified at least as Solar Electric
Technician Level I by the CTEVT.
5. The qualified company must assure that there must be an adequate after sales service
(ASS) in the region. In addition, payment due to RETS for certification and inspection
of components must have been cleared within 6 months as per the rules of RETS.
6. The subsidy request must be made in the REF prescribed request form.
7. The SHS application form must submit along with a copy of the user’s Citizenship
Certificate and two photos. The first photo must clearly show the house in full picture
with the panel installed, preferably with a proper angle to show the front view of the
panel. The second photo should clearly show the user and the installer standing or
sitting together with the house as the background.
8. The SSHS application forms may be submitted jointly for up to 10 households buying
SSHS and local government representative must duly attest it.
9. Household that has received SSHS subsidy may apply for SHS subsidy after one year.

1.8.3 Biomass and Biogas

As in almost all Asian countries, biomass energy plays a major role in satisfying the rural
energy demand of Nepal. According to an estimate of WECS (2004/05), 8616.61ktoe of
energy was consumed in which the major source of supply was traditional energy, 7557.29
ktoe after that commercial energy which was 1013 ktoe and renewable 45.86 ktoe. In
percentage wise the shares of them were 87.71%, 11.76% and 0.53% respectively. Besides
wood fuels, an estimated 333.52 ktoe of agro- residues and 505.89 ktoe of animal dung were
also available as fuel in 2005.

The biological conversion of biomass by anaerobic digestion into gas and a liquid effluent
has been found to be a very suitable conversion technology that is readily available for large
scale implementation as a decentralized source of energy. While the gas provides clean
energy for cooking, heating, lighting and even running engines, the effluent is used as a wet
or sun dried fertilizer.

The potentiality of producing biogas is about 1.9 million plants. The Biogas Sector
Partnership-Nepal (BSP/N) under the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and with
the cooperation from various donors like SNV and KfW is promoting the installation of
biogas plant in various part of the country. There are about 2,000,000 biogas plants installed
in various districts of Nepal. According to BSP-Nepal, 72 private biogas companies and 16
biogas appliances manufacturing workshops have been developed in the country for the
effective dissemination of this technology in Nepal. BSP-N further states that 96% of the
constructed biogas plants are in operation and the biogas programme is developed as the first
CDM project in Nepal. As per the subsidy policy of the government, following are the
financial subsidy provided by the government for the construction of biogas plant depending
upon the remoteness of the district.

Table 1.2. Subsidy Rates in Biogas Plants

S. No. Plant Capacity Terai Region Hill Region Remote Hills
1 4 Cubic meter Rs. 6,500/- Rs. 9,500/- Rs. 12,500/-
2 6 Cubic meter Rs. 6.500/- Rs. 9,500/- Rs. 12,500/-
3 8 Cubic meter Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 9,000/- Rs. 12,000/-
4 10 Cubic meter Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 9,000/- Rs. 12,000/-

Apart from that an additional amount of Rs. 500/- is provided in 16 remote districts of the

1.8.4 Improved Cook Stoves (ICS)

With the support of community Forestry Development Project (CFDP), assisted by FAO in
1981, RECAST carried out research works for the development of designing of improved
cook stoves suitable for Nepal. This is the first undertaking in the country with specified
commitments for the development and dissemination of improved cook stoves in a large
scale. As a result of the project activities, there has been a notable advance in the
identification of suitable stove design and also in the dissemination of the improved types to
the field in a sizable number. The government of Nepal accorded high priority to increase
ICS installation in the country in the 9th plan. The national ICS programme (2002 – 2006)
funded by Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP) of DANIDA and executed by AEPC
has disseminated about 300,000 ICS till June 2008, in 44 mid-hill districts by more than 2500
trained promoters out of which 50% are women. There are more than 90 local NGOs
involved in the program and about 50,000 ICS is being disseminated every year. This has
been perceived as a strong platform for the commercialization of ICS in the rural household
of Nepal. Within the 10th plan period (2002-2007), the government of Nepal disseminated
additional 250,000 numbers of ICS in the rural areas of the country. Government of Nepal is
promoting ICS in the mid-hills without direct subsidies. However, in the high mountain
districts, 50 per cent subsidy, not exceeding Rs. 2500/- is being provided on metal stoves.

ICS promotion in Nepal is on the cross-roads of prospective future characterized by the

following opportunities:
• The use of ICS is estimated to save 25-40% of fuel wood, plays great role to reduced
smoke. Create hazards free health and sanitation situations at individual, family,
community levels.
• The existence of the Network among ICS promoting organizations has helped in the
process of institutionalization of the affiliated NGOs, which is also encouraged by the
• The Programme is primarily focused to the rural women with the appropriate
strategies to build capacity at local level.

The promoters are paid by the end-user in cash or kind & the promoter acts as self-
entrepreneur and therefore can be tuned with poverty reduction activities/Programme with

1.8.5 Biomass Briquetting

Biomass Briquetting is the densification of loose biomass materials (agricultural residues,

forestry wastes, etc.) to produce compact solid composites of different sizes called briquettes.
Densification is the general process of compressing the raw materials to a certain form using
a mould and pressure. In 1982, two different briquetting technologies were introduced in
Nepal, namely pyrolysing and extrusion technology. Nearly 20 enterprises registered with the
Ministry of Industry for the installation of briquetting plants. However, about 65% of them
have not yet started operating due to poor profitability and marketing problems, as well as
shortage of rice husk. Only one manufacturer has continued to produce rice husk briquettes in
Nepal. Many other plant owners have closed the plants due to technical and marketing
problems. This briquette is not used in household cooking. It is mostly used in institutional
cooking. It is quite successfully used for space heating in urban areas. High initial
investment, increase price of raw material and frequent repair of extruder are problems
associated with it.

A technique for producing beehive shaped charcoal briquettes from leaves, twigs and
forestry/agricultural residues has been developed in Nepal. It is claimed that the briquettes are
easy to ignite, burn quite cleanly and could be appropriate for rural areas of Nepal. This
technology has gained wide scale popularity through the Community Forestry Users Group
(FECOFUN) and has been disseminated throughout the country.

1.8.6 Wind Energy

Wind is still unharnessed energy resource in Nepal. Due to its diverse topography and the
consequent variation in the meteorological conditions, it is difficult to generalize wind
conditions in the country. Although there are some indications of some potential of wind
energy and geothermal energy, their magnitude as well as feasibility is not yet established. A
30 kW wind power generator was installed by the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in
Kagbeni, Mustang, but the unit was heavily damaged by high winds during operation. At
present, NEA is implementing a wind power development project and a few private
workshops are involved in the fabrication of wind pumps for irrigation purposes.

2. Leading R&D institutions and national/ international agencies in the country working
in the field of Renewable Energy.

There is no strong institutional mechanism for technology transfer in the renewable energy
sector in Nepal. Nevertheless, many organizations are found involved, in some way or the
other, in the field of renewable energy in general. Such organizations can be found in the
government, non-government and private sectors. Based on the human resources and physical
infrastructures available, a few of them (such as the Nepal Academy of Science and
Technology, Research Centre for applied Science and Technology) seem to be capable to
have significant contribution in this field. But these organizations are reported to be modestly
functioning due to financial constraints. It is observed that national priority areas for science
and technological research and development (R&D) have not yet been adequately
determined. On the other hand, the science and technology related organizations are not in a
position to contribute significantly even in areas indicated by the state policies due to lack of
adequate budgetary support from the Government. Their yearly budget reveals that the fixed
cost is far more than that of programme budget. As a result, even the capable public sector
organizations appear to have involved in donor-supported small projects (international non-
governmental organizations’ aid projects) as and when asked for, rather than working on a
long-term basis on the national priority areas. Despite the non-existence of strong technology
transfer mechanism within the country, there are many examples of technology transfer and
foreign investment in public as well as private sector companies. Technology development
and transfer/diffusion in the alternative energy sector in Nepal appears to be remarkable.
These technologies particularly include the bio-gas, solar power and micro-hydro power
plants, spread to several districts in Nepal. Spread of these technologies has been made
possible from various foreign assistance projects. Short description of the activities of some
national level technology related institutions/organizations is given in the following.

2.1 Ministry of Science and Technology

The Ministry of Science and Technology is the apex body within the Government in the field
of science and technology (S&T) development in Nepal. It is learnt that the Ministry is in the
process of formulating S&T policy. There are some foreign assistance projects which are
affiliated with this Ministry. However, there is no technological infrastructure established yet
within it.

2.2 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)

This academy was established in 1982 for contributing to the development of the nation from
the S&T sector. However, its contribution to industrial development is not noticeable.
Although, the human resources of NAST consist of a number of scientists and technical
experts in different scientific disciplines, it is reported that the academy is not able to
contribute significantly in the field of technology development and transfer due to budgetary
constraints. The academy is occasionally involved in small donor supported projects in the
field of alternative energy and other technology development.
Some of NAST's technological projects include:
- Solar photo-voltaic pump and lighting system;
- Biomass brequetting technology from solid fuel;
- River boat (used in Ghatbesi, Trisuli River).
2.3 Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST)

RECAST was established in 1976 under Tribhuvan University with an objective of

undertaking research and development in the field of S&T. It has human resources as well as
fairly developed physical facilities (laboratories) for some specific scientific work. Despite
the availability of physical as well as human resources, it is learnt that the Centre could have
made significant contribution in technology transfer and development,
particularly in the renewable energy sector.

The Centre has been actively involved in the research and development of renewable energy
technologies since its establishment. Design and development of efficient and improved
cooking stoves, training materials for their effective dissemination, heat values of fire wood
species and their pyrolysis are also being studied. In The area of biomass energy, RECAST
has developed a Biomass gasification plant in 1986 based on a Swedish model. The gasifier
was tested successfully by operating 3.5 kW engine generators as well as a HONDA water
pump. It was a down draft gasifier using charcoal as fuel. The technology was demonstrated
successfully by RECAST at different technological exhibitions organized at that time by
RONAST as well as Agricultural Development Bank (ADB/N). The technology was further
demonstrated by the Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP) of UNDP at Chaubas
VDC of Kavre District in 1997/98 for generating electricity. The electricity thus generated
from the biomass gasification plant was supplied to the local community for lighting in 26
houses. Research and Development work on Solar dryers, Solar Cookers, Solar distillation
units, Solar Pump, Solar street lamps, Solar photovoltaic of different models and sizes has
been carried out successfully in RECAST. It also has improved traditional water mills and the
diversification of their used. Under the framework of Renewable Energy Technologies in
Asia: A Regional Research and Dissemination Programme funded by the Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and coordinated by Asian Institute
of Technology (AIT), RECAST has carried out extensive research and development work on
different types of solar dryers suitable for Nepal and a played an active role in the promotion
and dissemination of this technology throughout the country. Similarly with the funding
support from the University College Northampton, Oxford Brookes university, U.K and the
British Council in Nepal, RECAST has undertaken the project entitled “Exploration and
Utilization of the Indigenous Renewable Oil Resources in Nepal”. Under this project,
RECAST has successfully developed a process of extracting bio-diesel from the plant
Jatropha curcus and utilizing this plant oil for operating a diesel engine as a substitute for
diesel fuel.
Recently, RECAST has developed and successfully tested Rocket Stove dryer for the drying
of large cardamom in Ektin VDC of Phidim, Panchthar District. The project was supported
by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV).

2.4 Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS)

The Water and Energy Commission was established in 1975 with the objective of developing
the water and energy resources in an integrated and accelerated manner. Consequently, a
permanent secretariat of WEC was established in 1981 and was given the name, Water and
Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS). The primary responsibility of WECS is to assist the
Government, the Ministry of water resources and other concerned agencies in the formulation
of policies relating to rational utilization, control, protection, management and development
of water resources and energy and also in the field of implementation of project. Now,
WECS, functions under the Ministry of Energy, Government of Nepal.

The main objectives of WECS are:

• To formulate and assist in developing policies and strategies in the water resources
and energy sector.
• To provide suggestions, recommendations and guidance in the development of
irrigation, hydropower, and drinking water projects. WECS is also mandated to
formulate and develop policies and plans related to industrial use of water, flood
management, in-land navigation, fisheries and other sectors related with water
resources, along with the protection of the environment relating to the above sectors.
• To provide assistance to the concerned ministries in formulating policies and
objectives to be included in the perspective/periodic plan relating to the water
resources and energy sector.
• To render opinion, advice and recommendations on bilateral and multilateral issues
relating to water resources and energy.
• To act as a documentation center for all regional water resources and energy related

2.5 Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)

Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) is an organization devoted to the development

and promotion of renewable and alternative energy technologies in Nepal. The Alternative
Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) was established according to a Cabinet Order, Alternative
Energy Promotion Development Board Formation Order under the Development Board Act.
The institution has an autonomous status under the purview of Ministry of Environment
Science and Technology (MoEST). All administrative and functional powers lies with the
board of AEPC which comprises of 9 members and is composed of 7 Government
representatives and 2 private sector (industry/NGO) representatives. On this background,
AEPC was established in November 3, 1996 under the control of Alternative Energy
Promotion Development Board (AEPDB). AEPC is now under the Ministry of Environment
(MoE). The Minister for Environment is the chairman of the board while Executive Director,
AEPC is the Member Secretary.

The overall objective of AEPC is to popularize and promote the use of renewable energy
technology to raise the living standard of the rural people, to protect the environment and to
develop the commercially viable alternative energy industries in the country.

AEPC was set up to promote the use of renewable energy technologies to meet the energy
needs in rural areas of Nepal. Acting as an intermediary institution between the operational
level NGOs/ private promoters of renewable energy and the policy decision levels in relevant
ministries, AEPC’s activities include renewable energy policy formulation, planning and
facilitating the implementation of the policies/plans.

The main role and responsibilities of AEPC are:

• Promotion of RET development programmes;
• Standardization, quality assurance and monitoring;
• Technical service and support;
• Subsidy and financial assistance delivery;
• Co-ordination of various government organization, donors, NGOs/INGOs and private
• Monitoring and evaluation; and
• Strengthening of AEPC and other partners.

AEPC is involved in the following alternative/ renewable energy programmes:

1. Biogas
2. Micro-hydro power
3. Solar Energy
4. Improved Cook Stove
5. Improved Water Mill
6. Wind Energy
7. Geothermal and other alternative energy

2.6 Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP)

On the 26th of March 1999 an agreement on an Energy Sector Assistance Programme

(ESAP) was signed between Government of Nepal and GKD with a total budget of 154
million DKK. The total ESAP period is expected to be 15-20 years. The Alternative Energy
Promotion Centre (AEPC) and Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) are the national agencies
for the programme. Physical outputs of Phase I including successive bridging periods and no-
cost extensions has reached more than 1.5 millions people benefited from improved cooking
stoves, electric lights (solar home system and micro hydro). In addition, the project has made
a substantial investment in capacity building at field, manufacturing, financial sector and at
the central policy level which is expected to have a long time bearing in the development of
rural energy in Nepal. The activities in the Phase I were executed by private commercial
sector operators and by NGOs.

ESAP is launching Phase II for next five years (2007-11) with realigned development
objective of:

• Improving the living conditions of the rural population by enhancing their access and
affordability to rural energy solutions that are environment-friendly and that address
social justice.

The immediate objective is to see that Regulatory and institutional arrangements are in place,
technological solutions are available with quality assurance according to income strata, and
credit facilities are available to promote investments.

For the next five years phase, the ESAP will have five components:

1. Institutional Support to Rural Energy Sector.

2. Biomass Energy.
3. Mini Grid (Micro Hydro) Development.
4. Solar Energy.
5. Financial Assistance to Rural Energy Investments: Rural Energy Fund.
The Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is the executing agency of the programme
and implemented by the ESAP Programme Office. The components are implemented at field
level by communities, private commercial sector and by NGOs/INGOs.

2.7 Renewable Energy Project (REP)

The Renewable Energy Project (REP) is a joint effort of the European Union and the
Government of Nepal to create renewable energy infrastructure and services for the benefit of
rural people in remote districts of Nepal. The REP focuses on provision of solar energy
systems for public services (schools, hospitals, safe water provision, communications, etc) of
remote districts, as well as for income generating activities.

The energy service is provided to the end-users through community based and owned energy
service providers. These Community Energy Service Providers (CESPs) will be one of the
key players in decentralized energy service of Nepal. The CESP provides electricity services
to the end users and operates and maintains the stand-alone PV systems against service fee.
The REP will cover the entire cost required for the installation of the solar energy systems,
and the end use appliances and necessary infrastructure will be provided by the communities.

The project embraces highly participatory approach in its implementation, which begins with
the identification of COs through the social mobilization. The REP provides extensive
capacity strengthening support at central, district and community levels as well as the
continuous technical assistance to ensure the sustainability of the schemes. In addition, REP
addresses the question of financing of the renewable energy technologies with emphasis on
the financing of the CESP, and provides extensive support to the quality assurance of both the
large PV systems and solar thermal equipment.

The European Commission and the Government of Nepal signed an addendum to extend the
implementation period of the REP till 17 August 2011 due to importance of the REP for
development and peace process in Nepal. The project extension open the way for
procurement of solar energy equipment to rural communities, and is boosting the confidence
of the communities, who ar working together with the PTF for the establishment of
community-based energy utilities in rural areas. The total funds available for its
implementation are EUR 15 million as contribution from the European Commission and EUR
0.675 million as the contribution from the Government of Nepal.

Rural Energy Fund (REF) has been established as stipulated by the "Renewable (Rural)
Energy Subsidy Delivery Mechanism, 2006 of the Government of Nepal as follows:

In order to arrange the Government of Nepal and donor's fund involved in ESAP's for subsidy
to the Biomass Energy Technologies, solar energy (SHS and SSHS), micro hydro and other
programmes, the existing Interim Rural Energy Fund (IREF) is expanded into Rural Energy
Fund (REF).

The REF will remain under the supervision of the Alternative Energy Promotion
Development Board. The REF may consist of one or more funding mechanism as required by
various ongoing and future programmes. If the Government of Nepal allocates the fund for
Renewable (Rural) Energy particularly for Electrification (MHP, SHS etc.) other than
matching fund, this fund will be put in REF and disbursed as per procedure of REF.
2.8 Rural Energy Development Programme(REDP)

The REDP was initiated on 16th August 1996 as a joint programme between Government of
Nepal (GoN) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank.
It complements the rural electrification objective of the Tenth Five Year Plan Government of
Nepal by promoting micro hydro schemes, solar, wind energy and biogas technologies. It
adopts holistic approach by linking rural electrification with rural economic activities and
ultimately impact positively on livelihood of the rural people. Decentralized and participatory
planning, decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities are basic
pillars for the success of the program. It was recognized with many internationally prestigious
targeted to cover 150 VDCs in the 25 programme districts.


REDP-I is a joint initiative of His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMGN) and the UNDP.
It was initiated in 1996 as a pilot project in five hill districts. It was implemented in 15 hill
districts of Nepal namely, Dadeldhura, Baitadi, Achham, Bajura, Dailekh, Pyuthan, Baglung,
Myagdi, Parbat, Tanahu, Kavre, Sindhupalchok, Dolakha, Okhadhunga and Tehrathum. By
December 2003, REDP-I had supported the communities of 100 VDCs of 15 districts to
install 120 micro hydro schemes, 1524 solar home systems, 2953 toilet attached biogas plants
and 7200 improved cooking stoves, resulting in more than 10,000 new rural households
having access to electricity. It has successfully demonstrated that rural energy is an effective
entry point for sustainable development for poverty reduction and need of holistic
development approach. REDP-I was recognized as one of the most effective delivery model
in the rural hills of Nepal.


REDP-II is built on the successes and achievements of REDP-I and envisages to replicate the
successes in more districts with an additional support of the World Bank. In addition to 15
districts of REDP –I, the programme is implemented in 10 new hills districts namely,
Darchula, Bajhang, Doti, Humla, Mugu, Dhading, Solukhumbu, Sankhuwasabha, Panchthar
and Taplejung. Altogether, REDP is functional in 25 districts all over Nepal. The targeted
beneficiaries of the programme are foremost men and women of several VDCs of selected
hills districts. Government agencies, the local elected bodies (DDCs and VDCs), local NGOs
and private sectors all are benefited. Decentralized and participatory decision making process
and holistic development approach are two basic pillars of the programme.

Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC), under Ministry of Environment, Science and
Technology (MoEST) is the executing agency for the programme. Programme Management
Committeee (PMC) is formulated that comprise of the representatives from National
Planning Commission (NPC), Ministry of Local Development (MoLD), District Energy
Network (DENET), ADDCN (Association of District Development Committee of Nepal) and
National Association of VDCs in Nepal (NAVIN).
Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP) has entered into the Phase Three effective
from 1 September 2007 upon the successful completion of its Second Phase. Initiated as a
pilot programme with the financial and technical assistance of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) in five districts on 16 August 1996, the REDP was
expanded to 10 districts in 1998 and to 15 districts in 2000. The main objective was to
enhance the rural livelihoods through the promotion of rural energy technologies; primarily
the community managed micro hydro system as the entry point for the holistic development
and poverty reduction. Based on the impressive achievements and impacts, when the REDP
was extended as the Second Phase, the World Bank has joined as a partner organization to
provide the financial assistance for expanding REDP activities to additional 10 districts
making a total of 25 districts in 2003.

In this third phase, among others, the REDP is supporting the Government of Nepal (GoN) to
implement the Rural Energy Policy 2006 in all 75 districts. The Alternative Energy
Promotion Center (AEPC) of Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MoEST) is
the government executing agency.

The main objective of the REDP-III is to contribute to "the peace process by building local
capacity for sustainable, community-managed, and equitable rural energy service delivery for
poverty alleviation, livelihood promotion and environmental protection". This objective
supports the goals and targets of the GoN and the UNDP in line with the existing United
Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF, 2002-2007) as well as the new
UNDAF (2008-2010). The intended outputs are: i) lessons and best practices of REDP and
other experiences are used for design of new model and continuous learning in rural energy
and poverty alleviation in Nepal; ii) local level has capacity built to increase energy access
through community management model in 40 districts iii) local level has capacity built to link
energy services to poverty alleviation through productive and other end uses, including for
women and socially excluded, in 40 districts; iv) Support to AEPC for energy planning in line
with the key elements of an operational/functional Rural Energy Policy and local level
environment mainstreaming started in 75 districts and national levels; and v) innovative
approaches for long-term micro-/mini hydro and RETs sustainability are piloted, including
developing micro-hydro projects as a Clean Development Mechanism project.

2.9 The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) Nepal

SNV began its operations in Nepal in 1980. Over the years, SNV Nepal has been able to
expand its reach, acquire in-depth technical knowledge, and deepen our understanding of
Nepal's cultural and social underpinnings.

SNV Nepal works to realise sustainable, locally owned and relevant impacts in two areas:

• Improving the access, coverage and quality of basic services

• Increasing the production, income and employment opportunities for the poor

In order to achieve the above mentioned impacts, SNV Nepal works in five sectors:
• Renewable energy
• Water Sanitation and Hygiene
• Smallholder Cash crops
• Pro-Poor Sustainable Tourism

With 85% of Nepal's population living in rural areas of which 90% still use fuel wood to
generate energy, it is increasingly important to pursue off-grid energy solutions for the future.
SNV has been working in the renewable energy sector in Nepal since 1992, promoting
market-orientated initiatives among government, private and NGO stakeholders. With over
20 years of experience in the renewable energy sector in Nepal, SNV has been able to
develop a deep understanding of the benefits to local populations from renewable energy
technologies (RETs) and the importance of maintaining performance of these technologies on
the ground by engaging the private sector at the local level.

Objectives of SNV Nepal are as follows:

• Improve access to energy services
• Improve income generation and employement
• Bring reliability and stability to energy supply

Across all Renewable Energy applications, SNV's practical approach emphasises the delivery
of essential benefits at the local level, including improved health and sanitation,
environmental protection, good governance and social inclusion, and poverty reduction
through income generation and employment opportunities.


• Next Generation Biogas: One of the defining features of our work - developing
Nepal's domestic biogas scheme into a viable and vital part of the economy - is a
model throughout Asia and Africa. Up till now, 200,000 families in Nepal have
gained access to domestic biogas schemes and there is the potential for
a further 100,000 to be installed in the coming five years.
• Improved Water Mills (IWM): In order to accomodate the new surge in demand for
IWMs, SNV will continue to support the Centre for Rural Technology Nepal upscale
its programme to 40 districts (from its current 16). Till date, SNV has helped install
5,000 IWMs across Nepal
• Inclusive Biofuels: SNV is exploring possibilities to promote Jatropa (a non-edible
oil bearing plant) sourced Biofuel as an alternative to petroleum. The programme will
demonstrate the full value chain of Jatropha, from planting, cultivation to processing a
final user-product that will include biodiesel.

Innovative Microfinance: In order to enhance the access of Nepal's rural population -

particularly the poor and marginalised - to energy solutions, it is essential that credit support
be made available. Accordingly, SNV is working to pilot microfinance mechanisms by (1)
building the capacity of promising microfinance institutions and (2) will explore possibilities
for Carbon Bundling and Microfinance whereby income from Nepal's emergent carbon
trading market will be used as collateral for new Renewable Energy lending my microfinance
Biogas Support Programme (BSP)

The Biogas Support Programme was initiated in July 1992 to develop and promote the use of
biogas in Nepal.

For the first two phases of the programme, BSP I and II, programme support was provided by
Government of Nepal, the Netherlands Development Cooperation in Nepal (SNV/N) and the
Netherlands Development Agency (NEDA). With the start of the third phase of the
programme (BSP III: 1997 - 2002), the German Government, through KFW, enforced the
programme's support with financial assistance to the subsidy and credit component.

Implementation of BSP III is done jointly with three banks (Agricultural Development Bank
of Nepal, Rastriya Banijya Bank, and Nepal Bank Limited), and 50 recognized private biogas
companies.It has completed first and second phases and has been operating in the third phase
since March 1997. The third phase is scheduled to end in December 2002.

Goals of the Third Phase

To promote and develop biogas as a sustainable source of energy throughout rural areas of

1. To develop a market oriented and commercially viable biogas industry in the country.
2. To construct 100,000 biogas plants.
3. To ensure the continued operation of all biogas plants constructed under the program.
4. To research biogas related topics and to develop improved methods and techniques.
5. To assure that the slurry, a by-product of biogas plants, is brought to proper use.

To develop the biogas sector and give it an institutional outlook.

Program Facilities:

1. Government Subsidy.
2. Easily available loans from banks.
3. Operation and maintenance training.
4. Guarantees accompanying the plant and maintenance services.

Program Activities:
Promotion of biogas technologies
The programme aims to disseminate information on biogas technologies and its advantages
through the use of radio, television, posters, newspapers and magazines, video shows, and
promotional campaigns.

Quality Control
In order to assure the construction of good biogas plants by companies providing services to
farmers, the programme regularly inspects the service provided to farmers and encourages
companies to construct durable and efficient plants by giving them technical know-how and
Provision of subsides
Subsides are available to those who wish to install biogas plants that meet the criteria set by
the programme and its quality standards. The amount is determined by the remoteness of the
area that the plant is to be built and the size of the plant.

Training courses
Staff of biogas plant construction companies, bank employees, biogas users, non-government
agency workers, etc. receive technique, management, and skill-based training courses.

Monitoring and evaluation

Activities of the programme are reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis and changes and
improvements are made on the basis of reported findings.

Setting of standards and research

Research on biogas related topics is initiated and supported and appliances used on biogas
plants are standardized and approved.

Slurry utilization
In order to assure the proper use of the slurry resulting from biogas production, activities are
underway in cooperation with Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, comp. branch
organizations and Department of Agriculture.

Institutional support
Organizations that are involved in the biogas pro-grammes are assisted in their institutional

From the inception of the programme in July 1992 to December 2005, the programme has
achieved the following:

BSP has successfully achieved the following results by the end of Dec 2005:

• Installed 156,575 biogas plants.

• 60 private biogas companies have been strengthened.
• 15 biogas appliances manufacturing workshops are developed.
• Comprehensive quality standards and quality control system is developed.
• 96% of constructed plants are in operation.
• 93,251 toilets are constructed (motivated for construction) and connected with biogas
• 80% of bio-slurry is utilized as an organic compost fertilizer.
• Biogas programme is being developed as a first CDM project in Nepal.
• BSP is an ISO 9001-2000 certification holder for its strong quality management
system and subsidy administration.
• 118 micro finance institutes are mobilized on biogas lending.
• 980,000 persons are directly benefited.
• 11,000 persons got employment.

Receipt of International Awards to Nepal’s Biogas Program

Biogas program of Nepal has become a most successful program as it has been recognized
not only at the national level but also has been success to win the internationally recognized
awards. The program has won the two international awards: Ashden Award - 2005
amounted 30,000 Starling Pound and Global 100 Eco-Tech Award – 2005 amounted
100,000 Japanese Yen, for its outstanding contribution on improving health and welfare for
rural Nepalese communities
Implementation Process:

Figure 2.1. Schematic Diagram of a Biogas Plant

Contact a biogas company in close vicinity.

• Contact a local bank if loan is necessary.

• Select material required to build a biogas plant.
• Place dung and water in proper ration on a regular basis after the plant is installed.

Farmers who want to install biogas plants have to have adequate number of cattle in their
farm. Since dung needs to be mixed in plentiful of water for proper processing, regular water
supply has to be maintained and the water needs to be near the biogas plant. Further
information can be obtained from a bank, biogas company, or BSP.

Biogas related Organizations:

All Nepal Biogas Company Pvt. Ltd. Banepa-9, Kavre
Tel: 011-63677
Mob: 9851055209
[email protected]
Biogas Bistar Company Pvt. Ltd. Bharatpur-10, Hakimchowk, Chitwan
Tel: 056-523878/523515
Mob: 9845023743
Butwal Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Butwal-12, Basecamp, Rupandehi
Tel: 071-541973 /545848
Bageshori Gobar Gas Pvt. Ltd. (Previous Baral Gobar Pokhara Nagarpalika-8, Newroad
Gas) Mob: 9846023112
Bhairabi Gobar Gas Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. Chaughada Bazar-7, Nuwakot
Tel: 010-69257 PCO
Baikalpik Urja Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Bharatpur-12, Chitwan
Tel: 056-525331
Gobar Gas Tatha Krishi Yantra Bikash Pvt. Ltd. New Baneswor, Kathmandu
Tel: 01-4462582
Gramin Gobar Gas Tatha Urja Bikash Pvt. Ltd. Dumre, Tanahun
Tel: 065- 80016
Gorakhkali Gobar Gas Tatha Urja Bikash Prithivi Narayan-3, Shaktichowk, Gorkha
Tel: 064-420618
Himalayan Gobar Gas Tatha Gramin Sewa Pvt. Ltd. Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Tel: 056-530667
Integrated Energy Development Company Pvt. Ltd. Kumroj, Chitawan
Tel: 056-20224
Jansewa Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Chaubiskoti, Bharatpur, Chitwan
Tel: 056-28471
Janta Gobar Gas Nirman Tatha Baikalpik Urja Bikash Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Anusandhan Kendra Tel: 056-524987
Janabhavana Gobar Gas Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Bidur-1, Dhunge, Nuwakot
Tel: 010-560123
Janapriya Gobar GasCompany Pvt. Ltd. Barakalpur-2, Imiliya, Kapilvastu
Kamana Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Bhoteodar, Lamjung
Tel: 066-29444 / 29304
Khanal Gobar Gas Sewa Kendra Pvt. Ltd. Damauli, Vyas Nagarpalika, Chapaghat,
Tel: 065-60421
Kishan Gobar Gas Udyog Pvt. Ltd. Dhunge, Bidur, Nuwakot
Tel: 010-60435, 4360130 (KTM)
Kamala Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Anarmuni-4, Birtamod, Jhapa
Tel: 023-541094, 542461 (shop), 42308 (Res)
Krishi Bikash Gobar gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Biratnagar, Morang
Tel: 021- 528799
Laligurans Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Makar-4, Bardaghat, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-580181
Lamjung Gobar Gas Nirman Tatha Gramin Batabaran Besisahar-2, Lamjung
Samrachhyan Pvt. Ltd. Tel: 061-539550
Mob: 9841206315
Lokpriya Gobar Gas Tatha Saurya Shakti Bikash Pvt. Mainroad, Itahari-1, Sunsari
Ltd. Tel: 025-581876/26-520060
Manaslu Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Damak, Jhapa
Tel: 023-80397
Maheshmati Gobar Gas Uddhyog Pvt. Ltd. Dharke Bazar, Dhading
Tel: 010-529119, 4284609
Mankamana Gobar Gas Sewa Kendra Pvt. Ltd. Pokhara-8, Kaski
Tel: 061-535432
Mechi Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Biratchowk, Indrapur-3, Morang
Tel: 021- 545007
Mob: 9842024372
Nepal Biogas Company Pvt. Ltd. New Baneswor, Kathmandu
Tel: 01-4470062
Nepal Gobar Gas Bistar Tatha Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Dumre, Tanahun
Tel: 065- 80016
Nil Kamal Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Tel: 056- 523688/520786
Panchthar Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Phidim-1, Panchthar
Tel: 024- 20212
Paschimanchal DhaulagiriGobar Gas Tatha Sewa Pvt. Aanandaban-3, Manigram, Rupandehi
Ltd. Tel: 071-560691
Public Gobar Gas & Rural Development Company Pvt. Sukranagar-10, Butwal, Rupandehi
Ltd. Tel: 071-43122
Mob: 987021237
Pragati Gobar Gas Sewa Kendra Pvt. Ltd. Main Road, Vayas-11, Tanahun
Tel: 065-560573/560873
Rapti Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Hetauda-4, Makawanpur
Tel: 057-521825
Rastriya Gobar Gas Nirman Tatha Sewa Pvt. Ltd. Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Tel: 056-521563, 524275
[email protected]
Shiva Shakti Gobar Gas Pvt. Ltd. Fikkal Bazar, Ilam
Tel: 027-540250
Sital Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Tam Nagar, Butwal-14, Rupandehi
Tel: 071-545766
Sana Krishak Samudaik Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Indrapur, Morang
Tel: 021-545359
Tribeni Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Kawasoti-5, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078- 540313
Bhrikuti Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Jeetpur-4, Kapilvastu
Tel: 071-562238 (R), 071-549478
Biogas Construction & Energy Development Pvt. Ltd. DDC Road, Guleriya, Bardiya, Banke
Tel: 084-420524
Dipshikha Urja Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. LNP-7, Talchowk, Kaski District
Tel: 061-560406
Gandaki Gobar Gas Sewa Kendra Pvt. Ltd. Prithvichowk, Pokhara-8, Kaski District
Tel: 061-523145
Gharelu Gobar Gas Tatha Prabidhi Mahendra Rajmarga, Chauraha, Butwal-10,
Tel: 071-540827
Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Achham
Tel: 987020852
Gorakha Urja Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Prithivi Narayan-3, Harmatari, Gorkha
Tel: 064-420552
Mob: 9841319627
Hamro Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. 9841278899 Pourahi-5, Rutahat
Hetauda Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Hetauda-4, Makwanpur
Tel: 057-522824
Mob: 985067246
Himal Energy Development Company Pvt. Ltd. Kumroj-1, Harnari, Chitwan
Tel: 056-560659/5554616
Kantipur Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Kamalamai Nagarpalika-6, Sindhuli
Tel: 047-520405
Kamadhenu Baikalpik Urja Company Pvt. Ltd. Shurunga-5, Jhapa
Tel: 023-550046
Lekbeshi Saurya Urja Tatha Gobargas Sewa Company Tamghas-1, Naya Bazar, Gulmi
Pvt. Ltd. Tel: 079-520207/520166
Makalu Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Tamthok-8, Sankhuwasabha
Tel: 026-520513
Mahila Samuhik Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Rautahat-1, Chandranigahapur, Chitwan
Tel: 046-570058/055-540393
Motherland Energy Group Pvt. Ltd. Gangabu, Kathmandu
Mob: 9841271677
Machapuchre Bio Biogas Tatha Gramin Bikash Vyas-2, Damuli, Tanahun Urja, Tanahu
Company Pvt. Ltd. Mob: 9846021700
Munal Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Damak-11, Jhapa
Tel: 023-582170/540042
Nipurn Gobar Gas Company Bhoteodar, Lamjung
Tel: 064-520754/061-561144
New Deep Public Gobar Gas and Urja Company Pvt. Ghorahi, Dang
Pathibhara Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Ilam-3, Ilam (ILA)
Tel: 027-521107
Mob: 9852680057
Public Urja Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Itahari-4, Sunsari
Tel: 025-581639/582250
Ramechhap Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Manthali-6, Ramechhap
Tel: 2111117
Ratna Joti Gobar Gas Tatha Urja Bikash company Pvt. Bandipur-1, Tanahun
Ltd. Tel: 065-580011
Rastriya Baikalpik Urja Prabardhan Tatha Bistar Dhumbharahi, Kathmandu-4
Company Pvt. Ltd. Tel: 4481166/2071124
Sulav Biogas and Alternative Energy Development Vyas-7, Chapaghat, Tanahun
Service Centre Tel: 065-60421 (R)
Sudurpaschimanchal Gobar Gas tatha Urja Bikas Mahendranager-18, Kanchanpur
Company Pvt. Ltd. Tel: 099-525096/524064
Sarbodaya Urja Tatha Gobargas Company Pvt. Ltd. Besisahar-2, Lamjung
Tel: 61-539167
Suryodaya Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Ramilo, Morang
Mob: 9842021937
Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Kamalamai NP-11, Biman, Sindhuli
Taplejung Gobar Gas Company Pvt. Ltd. Phuling-4, Taplejung
Tel: 024-460031
Gorakha Urja Bikash Company Pvt. Ltd. Prithivi Narayan-3, Harmatari, Gorkha
Tel: 064-420552
Mob: 9841319627

2.10. Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal)

Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal) is the implementing agency of Biogas Support
Programme (BSP) Phase-IV. BSP-Nepal was established as an NGO in 2003 to take over the
implementation responsibility of BSP, which formerly was managed directly by the
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV). The Executive Committee (Board) of BSP-
Nepal has 6 Nepalese professionals directly involved in the promotion of biogas or other
reputed professionals willing to contribute to further the development and promotion of
Since, BSP-Nepal took over the responsibilty of implementing BSP Phase-IV, it very much
considers itself responsible for development of the biogas sector, further strengthening and
expanding the sector while at the sametime interlinking it with the issues of other
development sectors. Further, since last few years it has also embarked on promotion of rain
waterharvesting systems and linking it with biogas promotion in areas where water is
scarce.In that background, BSP-Nepal is broadening its vision and scope and has recently
established a New Project Wing to handle project activitiesother than those under BSP. Thus,
BSP-Nepal has also articulated its vision, mission objectives and strategy as given below.
An organisation that is capable and successful in improving livelihood of communities
through promotion of different environment-friendly solutions.
To promote environment- friendly and sustainable solutions to people in partnership with
other players in the sector(s) for improved livelihood and environment protection.
1. To further develop and disseminate biogas plants as a mainstream renewable energy
solution in rural Nepal, while better addressing poverty, social inclusion and regional
balance issues and at the same time ensuring enhanced commercialisation and
sustainability of the sector (Objective of BSP Phase-IV).
2. To develop and strengthen innovative fund raising measures such as CDM for continued
service delivery.
3. To initiate and implement projects in biogas plants for institutional and community uses.
4. To facilitate the process of developing new solutions that complement the promotion of
biogas and integrate it with solutions on water, sanitation, etc.
1. Partnership with relevant organisations.
2. Promotion and marketing of environment-friendly solutions.
3. Maintaining and replicating best practices.
4. Institutional strengthening and capacity building for sustainedservice delivery.
5. Institutional good governance.

Major projects under the New Project Wing

1.Rainwater Harvesting Capacity building Centre with funding from RAIN Foundation, the
Netherlands. This also includes construction of institutional size rainwater harvesting tanks.
2.Construction of household size rainwater harvesting tanks for biogas plants with use of the
cash prize from the Ashden Award 2005
3.Construction of Institutional Biogas plants with funding from UN-Habitat and ICRC.
4.Implementation of Gold Standard CDM Biogas Projects with funding from WWF.


The Biogas Support Programme (BSP) started in July 1992 with funding from the Directorate
General for International Cooperation of the Netherlands (DGIS) of the Netherlands
government through the Netherlands Development Organization in Nepal (SNV/N).
Government of Nepal (GoN) through Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and
Government of Germany through the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau of Germany (KfW) also
started funding the BSP from the Phase-lll, which started in March 1997 and lasted till June
2003. Until the Phase-III, BSP was directly implemented by SNV/N.

The BSP, Phase-IV (July 2003-June 2009) is being implemented after successful completion
of the first 3 phases. Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal) is the implementing

The Programme had originally aimed to install 200, 000 biogas plants during the Phase IV
period. This is also a target envisaged in the tenth plan (mid July 2002 to mid July 2007) of
the GoN.The programme has reached 67 districts till December 2007, out of 75 Districts in
Nepal. The total number of plants constructed under the programme till December 2007 was

2.11 Practical Action Nepal Office

Practical Action Nepal Office works to improve the livelihoods of the poor and
disadvantaged by implementing sustainable development. We aim to achieve this by building
technical skills and undertaking the research, application and dissemination of appropriate

Practical Action Nepal Office currently undertakes work through its government, non-
government and private sector partners under four main areas:

• Reducing vulnerability
• Making markets work
• Promoting infrastructure for the poor
• Responding to new technologies


Practical Action Nepal Office

PO Box 15135, Pandol Marg, Lazimpat
Kathmandu, Nepal

Telephone: +00 977 1 444 6015 and 443 4482

Fax: +00 977 1 444 5995

e-mail: [email protected]

2.12 Winrock International

Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States
and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and
sustain natural resources.

Winrock matches innovative approaches in agriculture, natural resources management, clean

energy, and leadership development with the unique needs of its partners.

By linking local individuals and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is
increasing long-term productivity, equity, and responsible resource management to benefit
the poor and disadvantaged of the world.
Winrock International is committed to: building human capacity, creating long-term
relationships, managing effectively, communicating openly, and promoting teamwork.

Winrock supports establishment and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises to create
jobs, promote private sector growth and increase incomes in rural areas.

Market development

• Value chain analysis

• Marketing and trade initiatives
• Policy reform
• Public - private partnerships

Capacity building
• Entrepreneurial, management and business planning training
• Leadership development
• Development and strengthening of SMEs and the organizations that support them

Supporting mechanisms

• Technical assistance in production and value-added processing

• Investment and financing strategies
• Information and communication technologies
• Information dissemination

2.13 Centre for Rural Technology Nepal

Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N) is a professional non-government organization

engaged in developing and promoting appropriate/rural technologies effective in meeting the
basic needs of the rural communities and improving their life support system. Initially it was
established in 1989 under the Company Act, CRT/N is now registered with His Majesty's
Government of Nepal under the Social Registration Act since 1998. Since its establishment,
the organization has been dedicated and actively engaged in upgrading traditional
technologies and developing new technologies and effectively promoting and disseminating
these technologies to technologies that strengthen the capability of rural poor communities to
respond to their needs and creating better options and opportunities for sustaining the rural


• Promote and disseminate appropriate technologies to respond to basic needs of the people
and create opportunities to improve quality of life and upgrade the economic condition of
the people

• Conduct adoptive and action-oriented research on indigenous and improved technologies;

• Train and transfer technical information and know-how on the production, installation and
management of appropriate technologies;
• Assist in development of technical and institutional capabilities for application of science
and technology for sustainable development; and
• Provide technical support and consulting services in the field of energy and environment

Areas of Operation:

Renewable Energy Technology Development

Environment and Natural Resource Management
Small Scale Irrigation Management
Technology for Women and Micro-enterprise Development
Local Water Harvesting Systems and Rural Transport System

The Operational Mechanism

Assistance/Partnership in Action Programs
CRT/N works in partnership with technology manufacturers, promoters and users to
implement and evaluate action programs effectively. It provides support services and
motivates local community members to participate in technology need assessment,
development and its utilization.

Trainings and Workshops

CRT/N provides assistance in conducting trainings and workshops for project staffs and
grass-root community leaders and promoters to develop and enhance their technical
capability especially on the application of rural technologies suited to the village and
community development.
Technical Support Services

CRT/N provides technical services to governmental organizations (GOs), non-governmental

organizations (NGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), community-
based organizations (CBOs) as well as the users for promotion and dissemination of
appropriate technologies.

Dissemination of Rural/Appropriate Technologies

CRT/N disseminates rural technologies on an independent basis and in collaboration with

other NGOs, INGOs, CBOs, GOs and other technology related organizations.

Study Visits and Demonstration

CRT/N organizes study visits to familiarize with specific technologies that are being used
successfully in various parts of the country. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and
experiences to planners, researchers, promoters and community members engaged in the
development, promotion and use of appropriate technologies.

Collaboration and Networking

CRT/N has established collaboration and networking with various stakeholders in national,
regional and international level involving technology researchers, developers, promoters,
users and agencies and professional involved in this field in order to facilitate information
exchange and experience sharing.

Technology Information and Documentation Unit

CRT/N collects, processes and disseminates information on rural technologies in conjunction

with its documentation unit. As a part of Documentation unit, various collections are also
available in our resource center. Any individuals, organizations or institutions can benefit
from our resource centre as and when required.

2.14 Centre for Renewable Energy

Establishes in 1992, the Center for Renewable Energy (CRE) is a non-governmental and non-
profit making organization (NGO) which brings together professionals and people who
believe in the generation and optimum utilization of renewable energy and appropriate
technology. The Centre believes that harnessing renewable energy and utilizing appropriate
technology hold promise for achieving sustainable development and economic prosperity of
the common people. Clean energy is the future of mankind and CRE is the forum setup to
exchange the ideas, debate, research and analyze the possibilities of harnessing this clean
energy. CRE studies, plans, designs and promotes efficient generation and utilization of
renewable energy and appropriate technology as well as innovative means for conserving
energy. In doing so, the Centre encourages the use of existing resources (expertise and
materials) and liaises with regional and international agencies/organization to share
information on available appropriate RETs and on the possibilities of adaptation and transfer
to specific local conditions. The long term goal of CRE is to assist the nation to maximize the
use of sustainable appropriate renewable energy technology and environmentally friendly
energies such as solar PV, solar thermal, wind, pico-hydro, bio-mass, bio-gas etc.

To become National Information Bank on Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology.

..:: Conduct awareness programs, for utilization and conservation of renewable energy.

..:: Undertake adaptive research, impact study and development of existing or new and
innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy.

..:: Form a "clearing house" to collect and disseminate information on the status of renewable
energy and appropriate technology.

..:: Initiate and/or participate in discussions among government, industry and NGOs on
legislations and economic interventions to promote renewable energy.
This chapter deals with the case studies on selected renewable energy technologies taken up
by different organizations.
3.1 Success Stories

3.2 Model Energy VDC: A Dream Comes True

The Bhoksing VDC has been declared as the Model Energy VDC by the Eight District
Council of the Parbat District Development Committee. One of the 55 VDCs of the Parbat
district, the Bhoking has become the first VDC that has electricity access to its all 234
households. This has become possible due to the installation of two micro hydro plants, two
plethoric sets and 17 solar home systems. Besides, all the households have constructed the
improved cook stoves, which have helped reduced the fuelwood consumption by about 30

The process got rolled with the implementation of the REDP activities in the VDC in 1997.
Following the REDP community mobilization process, the people have organized into 22
community organizations (COs), of which 11 are female COs. Under the weekly saving
scheme, the CO members have saved a total of Rs. 188, 965 and made the cumulative
investment of Rs. 437,880 to the members for carrying out various income generating
activities. Among others, the popular enterprises include the poultry farming, battery
charging, potato chip production, agro-processing mill, photo studio and video theatre.
People do no have to travel 37 km to the district headquarter and spend lots of money for
taking photos now. Similarly, they have easy access to information and entertainment through
radio, TV and video.

The credit goes to the people, both men and women, who have demonstrated the strong social
capital, dedication and determination for these impressive achievements and results. The
DDC: REDS has been successful in supporting the villagers through the provision of
guidance, technical backstopping and financial assistance.

The concept of developing an energy village has been discussed for a long time at the
national and international arenas. Many approaches and modalities and technology mix have
been devised and implemented but without producing successes. The Energy Village is still a
dream concept for many intellectuals and planners and is thus a matter of discussion and
debate. Thanks to the people of Bhoksing VDC, who made Nepal proud to be able to present
a model Energy Village that is functional as well as sustainable. Days are not far to have
more energy villages, as people of adjoining VDCs and nearby districts have shown similar
commitment and efforts to provide electricity to all households in their respective VDCs. The
REDP has been supporting them through DDC: REDSs of the respective districts. Along with
other stakeholders, the REDP is happy to support this initiative which has helped to make the
long cherished dream come true in Nepal.

3.3 Bringing the World Closer: Micro Hydro Operated Cable TV Network

It might sound quite astounding, but the community people of a remote village called
Dudilabhati are finding themselves very close to the rest of the world through connection of
their TVs with the cable network of the disc antenna. This has become possible due to the
micro hydro system, which is installed for generating electricity for household lighting and
end-use applications. The Dudilabhati village is situated at 30 Km from the nearest motorable
road at Baglung Bazar. It takes one day to walk from Baglung to
the village.

Mr. Moha Dutta Subedi, an enterprising CO member had

conceived the idea of establishing and providing the services of
cable network to the TV possessing households when all villagers
were discussing and making plan for the installation of a micro hydro plant in the village
through the assistance of the REDP supported DDC: REDS Baglung. So he was quick to
establish the cable TV network enterprise, once the micro hydro plant started distributing
electricity in the village. He made the total investment of Rs. 250,000 of which the Rs.
80,000 was obtained as loan from the MHFG managed Community Energy Fund (CEF) at
annual interest rate of 12 percent. Mr. Subedi pays the monthly tariff of Rs 500 to the MHFG
for the supply of electricity to operate the cable network. At present, there are 18 households
connected to the cable TV network. He charges Rs 50 per month from each household for
services provided. The cable TV network is operational from 6 PM to 11 PM. The timing will
be increased at the later stage.

The VDC was selected for the programme implementation in the very beginning of 1999.
The villagers have completed the Gaundi Khola Micro Hydro Demonstration Scheme in
2002, which generates 20 kW of electric power benefiting 231 households. The programme
facilitated the CO members to carry out various IG activities for which different training were
conducted and the credit linkage facilitated. As the results, majority of the households has
engaged in one or the other initiatives that have started to generate additional income. The
increases in the income and the exposure to the markets have fascinated the villagers to
possess TVs. At present some 50 households in the VDC have TVs and more are in the
process to buy TVs in the near future because of the varieties of national and international
entertainment serials and news aired from the cable network.

The impact of the cable network has been unbelievable. Among others, the men and women
of the village feel themselves no less developed or privileged than the people of the most of
the nearby bazaars which are yet to be electrified either through the national grid extension or
though the installation of decentralized micro hydro. Because of the visible impact observed
in the lives of the people of the Dudhilabhati village, the people of the adjoining villages of
the VDC have started the installation of micro hydro systems in their respective communities.
As of now, there are five peltric-sets operational in the VDC, which were established through
the support of the DDC: REDS, Baglung. These peltric-sets with the cumulative power
outputs of 17 kW are benefiting 195 households. Besides, a 20 kW Lower Gaundi Khola
MHDS is under implementation through the technical and financial support of REDP, which
would benefit additional 220 households in the near future. With these development, it is not
far way when all of households in the VDCs will have electricity access from the
decentralized micro hydro systems. Then the VDC will have the privilege of becoming the
first URJA GAON (Energy Village) of the Baglung district.

3.4 Making of an Urja Arc

The development of various types of

decentralized rural energy systems is
taking place in various nooks and
corners of the country. However, the
way the development is taking place
varies from one place to another and
from one promoter to another. Among
these developments, the pragmatic and
innovative approach of the REDP is being discussed as the 'talk of the time' in the recent
years. The REDP supports to develop rural energy systems to electrify a VDC completely but
in a phased manner. This is incorporated in the decentralized rural energy planning and
management practice followed by the DDC in order to fulfill the demands of the people
through the capitalization of their aspirations and commitment for the development of rural
energy systems. Experiences have shown that people are sensitized and familiarized more
through the successful demonstration in of the programme activities in the neighboring VDCs
thereby generating multiplying effects of the initiatives undertaken for the forwarding
looking socio-economic transformation of the community people of the entire area.

The Taman VDC in Baglung district was selected for programme implementation in the late
1997 with a view to provide access to electricity to its two main settlements, viz. Taman and
Lamela. The implementation of the 20 kW Taman MHDS was completed in 1999 which is
benefiting 230 households of six wards of the VDC. The Thul Khola MHDS (18 kW) is
under implementation. Once completed, it will benefit nearly 300 households in Lamela
(Ward # 7,8,9). The people from the adjoining VDCs were very much impressed with the
excellent results in Taman VDC. They have put strong demand to DDC: REDS for
programme expansion as they meet REDP criteria of VDC selection. Accordingly, the
Gwalichaur and Bhimgithe VDCs were selected in the second phase of programme
expansion. The installation of the Labdi Khola MHDS of 56 kW in Gwalichaur VDC, and the
Bhimghat Khola MHDS of 42 kW in Bhimgithe VDC have been carried out successfully.
Works are underway for the Labdi Khola II MHDS of 30 kW in Gwalichaur and the Upper
Bhimghat Khola of 18 kW in Bhimgithe VDC. The successful implementation of these
schemes has encouraged in selecting two more VDCs in the locality viz. Dagatundanda and
Khunga for the further expansion. Now, it is quite interesting to observe that all these VDCs
which stretch from Dagatundanda to Taman form the shape of an arc in the map of the
district. The formation of this arc has been admired not only by the community people and
local authorities, but also by the national level stakeholders. The beauty of the arc does not lie
only on its geographical positioning; it is more relevant as the people residing in these VDCs
share common way of life and maintains similar social relations. The development of the
rural energy systems through the arc will foster the strong social capital and asset bases
leading to higher level of development of the entire areas.

It is encouraging to note that these VDCs are being linked through the Kharbang –Burtibang
district road. This road is considered as the backbone of the western part of the district and
the development of series of micro hydro systems along the roads have been compared to the
'blood veins' of these entire locations. The demonstrative effective would not be limited to the
Baglung district alone; it would get spread over to the neighboring districts viz., Gulmi,
Rukum and Myagdi.


SUNSARI—Farmer Jit Narayan Chaudhary and his wife Jagita relax in their kitchen and start
calculating their household expenses. They managed to save more this month. They are
jubilant with the news.
“We’re glad that we took the initiative for installing the biogas plant in our village,” says
Chaudhary, who was the first villager in his Dumartoka village of Khanar Village
Development Committee (VDC) in Sunsari district to invest in the biogas technology when
representatives from biogas companies were visiting each household to educate and promote
the villagers about the biogas technology and how it could change their lives.
For poor farmers in his village, the initial cost of Rs 30,000 to install a biogas plant system,
including a cooking stove is quite a huge amount. However, the Biogas Support Programme
(BSP), a national programme implemented by Biogas Sector Partnership –Nepal (BSP-
Nepal) gave him such a good financial plan that he decided to try it out.
BSP is currently funded by Directorate General for International cooperation of the
Netherlands (DGIS) of Netherlands government through Netherlands Development
Organisation in Nepal (SNV/Nepal), government of Nepal through Alternative Energy
Promotion Centre (AEPC) and government of Germany through the Kreditanstalt fur
Wiederaufbau (KfW) of Germany. The programme, which provides technical as well as
subsidy for families to build biogas plants in rural areas, has helped a large number of low-
income rural households to make biogas technology affordable and accessible to a great
A poor farmer himself, Chaudhary managed to build his own plant with subsidy of Rs 6,500
provided by BSP. All he needed was an additional Rs 12,000, which he managed to get a
low-interest loan from a Grameen Bank to whom he would repay in 50 weeks.
In addition, he also received an additional subsidy of Rs 1,500 from BSP. In 2006, ‘additional
subsidy programme’ was initiated in collaboration between BSP and relevant development
organizations especially with Grameen Banks to provide extra subsidy to help the poor who
had at least one cattle and small plot of land. Those living in the remote hill districts would
receive the highest subsidy of Rs 3,500, and the families in the Terai would receive Rs 1,500
and those in the hills would get Rs 2,500. Over 400 households have already received the
Today, many farmers like Chaudhary are glad they made the decision of building their own
plants, as they are able to reap more benefits than they had imagined.

Saving from biogas

“The biogas technology has made so much difference to us. Surely, all families who own
biogas plants will feel the same way,” says Chaudhary. Over the past one year, Chaudhary
has been able to reduce his household expenditure by switching from wood to biogas for fuel
ever since he installed his own biogas plant in his house at his Dumartoka village of Sunsari
Chaudhary used to spend over Rs 60 everyday to buy firewood. Now, due to biogas, his
family does not have to spend anymore money to buy any firewood as fuel from biogas
suffices to cook food for the family. Within few months of installing his biogas plant, he was
not only able to save enough money but he also sparked interest among other villagers who
saw that the investment on the biogas plant was really worthwhile.
“The neighbors often come to us and ask for advice as they have seen how easy it is to save
money with the help of biogas plant,” explains Chaudhary’s wife smiling with pride. They
were the same people who had cautioned her not to risk their savings by investing in a biogas
technology about which they were sceptical. They believed that biogas would not benefit the
Today, more houses in the village and other areas in the district are fast building biogas
plants with help of biogas companies who help them in the construction. Now even these
companies are competing with each other to market their technical services to the poor

Old stories but never stale

Such stories about biogas are already old in the country but its consistent success among the
users continues to inspire more people to build their own plants everyday from the terai to the
hills and the mountain areas.
Until this year, the number of biogas plant users has reached 172,505, according to BSP-
Nepal. With over 98 percent of plants operating, BSP has been a world model for successful
biogas programmes.
“All we did was to provide guidance and boost the motivation of the villagers so that they
could decide how best to use their cattle dung to clean gas and improved manure,” says Saroj
Rai, executive director of BSP-Nepal.
In this district alone, around 9,000 families have already built gobar gas plants under BSP
with technical help from biogas companies like Public Energy Development Company and
Gobar Gas Tatha Krisi Yantra Bikas.
“Demand is even increasing as people have started to realise the immediate positive impact
the biogas has made in the lives of many farming villagers,” explains Dilip Kumar Bhandari,
a biogas expert involved in the sector for over three decades (Are you sure …. for so long?).
Pro-poor programmes
Despite the success of the biogas programme,
there are many challenges to make this
technology accessible for especially those who
need it the most, namely the poor, who are the
ones using most of the forest resources as they
have no alternative.
The cost for complete plant construction and
cooker costs over Rs 30,000 but the farmers
have to pay only half of it due to the
government subsidy through additional
financial aid of German and Dutch
governments through KFW and DGIS/SNV respectively.

“The provision of subsidy has helped many families to own their own plants,” says Tilak
Shrestha, manager of Kantipur Gobar Gas in Mohattari district, where his company has built
over 500 plants in the last three years.

The poor families still have to find a huge amount of cash and most of them get low-interest
loans from a Grameen Bank at the rate of 12 percent but they still need to show enough
property to guarantee the timely payback in 50 weeks. If the client was poor, the loan from a
Grameen bank would be provided with a group collateral and asset would not be required. He
or she would also be provided with an additional subsidy.

But not all hope is lost, say biogas managers who believe that there are a lot of good options.
One, the biogas users have formed their own groups and are already helping their poor
neighbors to guarantee Grameen Bank for their sake. In addition, the Community Forest
Users Groups (CFUGs) are also helping to build toilets to be attached to biogas plants. For
instance, Parsahi Arne Bhulke CFUG in Parsahi village of Mohattari has already helped to
build plants for nearly 60 families.

The poorest families in the context of biogas include those who have insufficient land to farm
and do not own any cattle. This means that they would not even have the most important and
basic raw material, namely cattle dung. In addition, they lack access to water and most of all
enough land to build the plant.

Our ultimate objective is to ensure that our programme reaches the poor but it is quite
difficult to reach the poorest now,” says Rai. Besides direct approaches like providing
additional subsidy for the poor, in cooperation with the Grameen Banks, BSP-Nepal is also
linking up its programme with other rural development and poverty-related initiatives for
better pro-poor orientation.

3.6 Less Hardship for Women

SUNSARI—Manita Chaudhary sits comfortably in her house waiting for her children to
return from school as she has already finished all her work before noon.
Her life was quite different a few months ago. She had to wake up very early to reach the
forest on time to fetch wood for house fuel, sit five hours in the kitchen cooking and then
spend additional four hours to clean up huge heap of cow dung in her house compound.
“There is no more hardship like before,” says Chaudhary, explaining how her life has
changed ever since she installed her own biogas plant.

Although she had a small land, it was quite enough to build a tank to fill up with 50 kg of
cow dung. It took barely a few weeks to build up her biogas plant and a new kitchen with
guidance from Biogas Sector Partnership-Nepal (BSP-Nepal).

BSP-Nepal helped to provide a subsidy of Rs 6,500 from Biogas Support Programme (BSP),
currently funded by Dutch, German and Nepal governments through Dutch development
organization SNV, German Development Bank KfW and Nepal government organization
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC).
“This technology has helped to change the lives of women. I have personally reaped so many
benefits as a woman,” explains Chaudhary, who has been encouraging her female neighbors
in Khanar Village Development Committee (VDC) to build their plants so that they can also
benefit in many ways, especially in reducing their drudgery.

Chaudhary’s change in her lifestyle has been inspiring other female villagers, who also want
to have their own plants and are now requesting the local biogas companies for help.
She no longer has to worry about fetching wood and spends less than an hour in her kitchen
cooking food, as it is quicker on her biogas stove. There is also no need to clean the cow
dung since all of it is used completely to fill the tank. Most importantly, she and her children
do not have to inhale any smoke from the fuel wood filling up in her kitchen.
“Biogas has really helped to raise more awareness about the drudgery that we women went
through. Now, we often talk about how to improve its use,” explains Chaudhary. Over the
last several months, she has learnt so much about biogas technology and its benefits. She also
leads her local gobar gas users group, consisting of mostly women, and teaches them on how
to get loans, fund assistance and making best use of biogas to improve their own lives.

“Now we don’t have to worry about waking early in the morning or walking for hours to find
wood to store for months,” explains her neighbour Sharmila Chaudhary. She explained that
many women were the ones enduring the most hardship, as they had to make dry dung for
fuel when they ran out of wood.

Reducing hours of drudgery

Studies have shown that biogas technology has played a significant role in making a
difference in gender sector. In a country where 95 percent of the rural population burns
traditional biomass fuels indoors for cooking, heating and light, it is the female populace who
spend most of their time in the smoke-filled kitchen for hours. The current trend of cooking
through the use of fuel wood could have a direct chronic impact on the health of the women
and children.

To a larger extent, biogas programme has helped to reduce the health risk especially in
relation to reducing indoor pollution with tens and thousands of household shifting to biogas
from biomass.

“Our long term goal has always been to also improve hygiene and health of the rural
population, especially the women,” says Saroj Rai, executive director of BSP-Nepal.
There are of course criticisms also that the biogas technology has not altogether reduced the
work burden of the women, since they continue to do more work than their male counterparts
in maintaining the biogas plants. Women are the ones who carry the cow dung to fill in the
tanks. In addition, they still have to carry water, which is needed to process the gobar gas. In
places where water is scarce, the women and girls still have to walk a long way and could
consume a lot of their time.

“We are aware of these issues and this is the reason why we are spreading gender equality
issues through our biogas user groups,” said Manita. She explained that in her village, the
local men and women share their work equally to ensure that neither the male or female
members are burdened with work. The local biogas users groups have already increased huge
membership with an equal number of men and women.
According to BSP, every plant reduces the workload of women by nearly three hours
everyday in each household. Over the last 15 years, BSP has reached 172,505 households in
2,675 VDCs of 67 districts. Although there is no accurate data on the number of female
populace benefiting from the programme, it can be easily gauged how it has directly affected
a large number of them.

“Surely, my wife already works less than before but now I am also getting more involved in
household work,” explains Kesablal Chaudhary, who carries the cow dung in his wooden
basket. The best part is that he does not see his wife coughing so much and rubbing her eyes
like she did when they didn’t own a biogas plant.

Definitely, the gender aspect of the biogas programme has turned out to be one of its best
achievements. The noticeable difference can be gauged even now if one goes to the villagers
who own the biogas plants.

With BSP aiming to reach more households in Nepal’s rural areas, biogas technology would
certainly prove to be one of the most effective gender development programmes by helping to
reduce the household burden on women. “We could have the chance to use our saved time for
education, income generation and leisure activities,” says Chaudhary.

4.1 Renewable Energy Market and Industries Scenario

In Nepal, though the economic structure is a free market economy, the market of the
commercial energy sector is monopolistic in nature. The market and prices of the energy
fuels have a unique characteristic in Nepal. The he energy consumed comes from the biomass
sources and majority of it is non-monetized. The electricity, fossil fuels and some alternative
sources of energy pass through the monetized market. With the 14 per cent of commercial
energy and 0.6 per cent of the alternative energy, in the total energy consumption share, it is
about 40 per cent of the total energy that is monetized.

This chapter deals with the types of RETs which later developed into SMEs or cottage
industries in Nepal. For example, the “Solar Tuki” or the Solar PV powered light developed
by Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE). Solar Tuki consists of two units of WLED based
lamp set 94 units of WLED each 100 mW) with rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride batteries
(3.6 bolt/1300 mAh), Solar PV Panel (2.5 to 3 Watts peak) with mounting clamp set, a 3 volt
power supply connector- accessory for powering a small FM/AM radio (2x AA batteries
powered), and a guarantee and warrantee card with warrantee information. The whole system
retails at Rs. 3,500/-. Solar PV Panel is the most expensive component in the solar Tuki but
when installed with appropriate orientation, solar Panel operates without constraints for
numerous years at least five years guaranteed).

For Solar Tuki, Service Centres are an alternative to agents and dealers. Entrepreneurs/
manufacturers are able to provide their warrantee and guarantee services in any area where
their product is in use through local partnership without incurring high investment or
operating cost. A typical rural household spends Rs. 135/- to Rs. 160/- on kerosene per
month. A comparison of lifetime costs shows that the WLED lamp breaks-even against
kerosene in around two years when monthly kerosene expenditure is NRs. 150/- and the
remaining years are savings for the consumer.

The Centre for Renewable energy (CRE) promoted Solar Tuki as “Light for All” campaign
with the objective of eradicating the use of kerosene based tuki (oil-wick lamp) from Nepal in
shortest period possible. CRE is promoting the solar Tuki in its bid to develop decentralized
and cost effective renewable energy systems to provide ustainable light and energy sources to
the rural people. More than a decade earlier CRE had piloted Nepal’s first Solar Village in
Pulimarang VDC in Tanahun District using the stand alone solar Home System (SHS).
Although the SHS costs RS 20,000/- to 35,000/-, the government started offering subsidy in
1997. Since then more than 100,000 such Solar Home systems have been installed in Villages
around the country. Considering its reliability, affordability, portability, easy maintenance
and non-polluting qualities, the solar tuki system is on the threshold of eliminating the
kerosene tuki from Nepal. The list of qualified Companies for SHS installation is given

4.2 List of qualified Solar PV Companies:

1 Alternative Raj Kumar [email protected] Gairidhara 19404 4416701,
Energy Pandey Chowk, 4418893
Resources (9851020873) Kathmandu
Nepal Pvt.
2 Bio Energy Deepak Bd. [email protected] Balaju Chowk, 9802 01-
pvt. Ltd. Shahi Kathmandu 6225310,
(9858021150) 081-26837,
3 Bionic Bhuminanda [email protected] Goushala, 9813 01-2003356
Energy Pvt. Baral Kathmandu
Ltd. (98510
4 Dhaulagiri Kiran [email protected] Balaju, 1815 01-
Solar and Gautam Kathmandu 4365376,
Electronics (9851089480) 012093109
5 Energy and Bhuwan [email protected] Kalanki, 16220189
Construction Karki Kathmandu
Company (9851018063)
Pvt. Ltd.
6 Energy Nabin – Jawal, Lalitpur 5543482
International Prakash Dhar
Pvt. Ltd. (9851027061)
7 Everest Solar Sing Raj [email protected] Gogabu, 8974 4360086
Energy pvt. Ghale Tokha Road,
Ltd. (9851013280) Kathmandu
8 Kathmandu Shailesh K.C [email protected] Shanti Nagar, 21533 4373572,
Power (9851076627) Baneshowar, 01-2111162
Company kathmandu
Pvt. Ltd.
9 Krishna Grill L.M [email protected] Bhumiparsasan 150 021-
and Rajbhandari Chowk, 525492,
Engineering Biratnagar 021-535904
Works Pvt.
10 Lasersun Pushkar Nath [email protected] Pulchowk 9952 5536171,
Energy Pvt. Bhattarai Lalitpur 5549607
Ltd. (9851007786)
11 Lek Bensi Dhurba – Rupandhei, 071-
Sourya Urja Bhandari Butwal 540074,
Tatha Gobar (9841835388) 4384725
Gas Sewa
12 Lotus Puran Rai [email protected] Bhatbhateni, 9219 4418203
Energy Pvt. (9851036736) Kathmandu
13 Nabajyoti Deepak [email protected] Maharajung, 19655 4721741
Urja Pvt. Humagai Chakrapath,
Ltd. (9851047869) Kathmandu
14 Nepal Praksh [email protected] Bharatpur-10, 26 56521563
Energy Chandra Chitawan Chitwan
Development Shrestha
Pvt. Ltd.
15 Perennial Anup [email protected] Thribam 4395 4414363
Energy Bajracharya sadak, Naxal,
Nepal Pvt. (9851059600) Kathmandu
16 Rural and Prakesh [email protected] Tanahu, Vyas 065-
Alternative Chandra Municipalaty- 560573,
Energy Pvt. Subedi 11 5010516
Ltd. (9851045892)
17 Scientific Gyanu [email protected] Tangal, 8975 4423638,
Technology Mahoto Kathmandu 4419179
Pvt. Ltd. (9851035809)
18 Solar Yug Ratna [email protected] Bagbazar, 12515 4225253
Electricity Tamrakar Kathmandu
Company (9851022649)
Pvt. Ltd.
19 Sprint Prachanda [email protected] Baluwatar, 23163 4430417
International Man Shrestha Kathmandu
Pvt. Ltd. (9851075736)
20 Sun Power Chandreswar [email protected] Baluwatar, 8975 4440354,
Pvt. Ltd. Chaudhary Kathmandu 4426658
21 Sunshine Uttam Sitaula [email protected] Samakhushi, 23238 4353538
Energy Pvt. (9851047868) Kathmandu
22 Suryodaya Nabin Bhujel [email protected] Bhapasi VDC- 10233 4379000
Urja Pvt. (9851040404) 2, Lilanagar
23 Suryojyoti Kalpana [email protected] Newroad, 13779 01-
Company Acharya Guccha tole, 4249255,
Pvt. Ltd. (9841241862) Kathmandu 4249719
24 Swabhiman Hira Bahadur [email protected] Mahandra path 068-
Urja Bikash K.C. Baglung 520818,
Company (9851087947) 068-520718
Pvt. Ltd.
25 Swogun Gokul [email protected] Samakhushi, 10167 4362505
Energy pvt. Khadka kathmandu
Ltd. (9841390797)
26 Urja Ghar Indra Khanal [email protected] Balaju, 6761 4384725
Pvt. Ltd. (9851093223) Devakota

4.3 List of qualified manufacturing, supply & Installation companies for MHP

MH Consultancy Firms - 100 KW

Organization Name Contact Person Contact Details
Appropriate Engineering Mr. Prem Bahadur Prakashan Marga, Ward No. 11,
Tamrakar Butwal,
Balaju Yantra Shala Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Rajesh Mani P.O. Box 209
Ghimire Balaju Industrial District, Ward No. 16, Kathmandu
Dhaulagiri Civil Electrical & Mr. Bal Bahadur K.C. Baglung Municipality-3, Shreenagar Tole, Baglung
Mechanical Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Gautam Energy Engineering Mr. Hari Bhakta Butwal Industrial Area, Ward No. 12, Butwal,
Gautam Rupandehi
Himalayan Power Industry Mr. Tirtha Man P.O. Box No. 4889
Nakarmi Bhaktapur Industrial Estate,
Byasi Ward No. 3, Factory No. 30
Housing Services Company Pvt. Dr. Hari Sharan P.O. Box 176
Ltd. Chakhun Gabahal, Ward No. 21, Lalitpur
Kathmandu Metal Industries & Mr. Akkal Man P.O. Box No. 4889
Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. Nakarmi 83/19 Naghal, Ward No. 17, Kathmandu
Krishna Grill & Engineering Mr. Laba Mani P.O. Box 150
Works Pvt. Ltd. Rajbhandari Main Road South, Bhumiprasasan Chowk, 321, Ward
No. 13, Biratnagar, Morang
Machhapuchhre Metal & Mr. C.D. Joshi Pokhara Industrial Estate, Ward No. 10,
Machinery Works Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal Hydro & Electric Limited Mr. Nawa Raj Kumaripati, Lalitpur
Nepal Machine & Steel Structure Mr. Bharat Pathak
Nepal Yantra Shala Energy Mr. Shyam Raj
Power Tech Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Surendra P.O. Box No. 3418
Mathema Patan Industrial Estate, Block No.
12, Kathmandu
Radha Structure & Engineering Mr. Ghanashyam P.O. Box 20989
Works Pvt. Ltd. Paudyal Subidhanagar, Tinkune, Kathmandu
Structo Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Urgen Sherpa Patan Industrial Estate,
Ward No. 15, Lalitpur
Thapa Engineering Industries Mr. Dewan Singh P.O. Box 29
Pvt. Ltd. Thapa Kalikanagar, Ward No. 12, Butwal, Rupandehi

MH Consultancy Firms - 60 KW
Organization Name Contact Person Contact Details
Alternative Energy Consultancy Service Mr. Bhumi Nanda P.O. Box 9813
Centre Pvt. Ltd. Baral Kathmandu, Opposite of NTV, Singha Durbar
BDA Nepal Pvt. Ltd. and Scientific Centre Mr. R.K. Sharma P.O. Box 1353
for Environment Consulting Pvt. Ltd and C- Chakupat, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur
WID Nepal
Bojini Company Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Shailendra P.O. Box 14165
Guragain Bansbari, Kathmandu
Butwal Hydro Power and Engineering Mr. Arjun Milan Chowk, Butwal-11, Rupandehi, Nepal
Consultant Pvt. Ltd. Marasini
Centre for Appropriate Technology Nepal Mr. Bhawany S. P.O. Box 2883
Pvt. Ltd. (CATN) Upadhaya Ward No. 14, Kuleshwor Awash Chetra,
D.A.T. Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Baburam P.O. Box 5794
Paudel Ja-2/165, Samakhusi, kathmandu
DE Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and Epson Mr. Dinesh N. P.O. Box 6553
Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Chalise Lazimpat, Kathmandu
DETA Consult Mr. Hari Prasad P.O. Box 6914
Pandit Balkhu, Ring Road #1, House #58/584, KMC-
14, Kathmandu
Development Network Pvt. Ltd. (D-Net) and Mr. Guna Raj P.O. Box 1062
GREAT Nepal Shrestha New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
DIP Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Kamal P.O. Box 4903
Gurung Kalikasthan, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu
Energy and Environment Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Kumar P.O. Box 724
Pandey Ward No 29, Tahachal, Kathmandu
Energy Systems My Bhola P.O. Box 8975
Shrestha EPC 4069, Sallaghari, Bansbari, Kathmandu
Group of Water Engineers Mr. Pradeep P.O. Box 3040
Gangol Sankhamul, Naya Baneshwor, Kathmandu
HEET Consult Pvt. Ltd. and Swet Bhairab Mr. Kumud Raj BP.O. Box 9669
Power Supply Pvt. Ltd. Kafle Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Himalaya Energy Development Company Mr. Purushottam P.O. Box 10429
Pvt. Ltd. (Himal Energy) Shrestha Danfe Galli, Koteshwor-35, Kathmandu
Housing Services Company Pvt. Ltd. Dr Hari Sharan P.O. Box 176
(HOSECO) Chakhun Lalitpur, Gabahal, Lalitpur-21
INtegrated Rural Development Service Pvt. Mr. Khesab K.C. P.O. Box 1346
Ltd. (IRDS) Balkhu, Kathmandu
Masina Continental Associates Pvt. Ltd. Mr. C.K. Acharya P.O. Box 2995
Baneshwor, Kathmandu
MEC Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Ms Shovita P.O. Box 21480
Parajuli Gongabu, 4-Kha, Kathmandu
Neha Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Rana Pratap P.O. Box 475, NI.A.Ka-138, Kupondole,
Singh Lalitpur
Nepal Engineering Consultancy Services Mr. Dhana Raj P.O. Box 4672
Centre Ltd. Sapkota Buddhanagar, Pabitrachowk, Kathmandu
North Engineering Consult Pvt. Ltd. Er Tanka Kandel P.O. Box 54
Butwal-11, Garbuja Colony, Prakashan Marga,
Kalikanagar, Nepal
Oshin Power Services Mr. Thankur Prsd. P.O. Box 30
Adhikari Barbarline, Butwal Municipality-5, Jyoti Nagar
Perennial Energy Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Rajesh P.O. Box 4395
Chaudhary Laxmi Niwas, Naxal, Kathmandu
Pioneer Architects & Consulting Engineers Mr. Bishnu Dev P.O. Box 20263
Pvt. Ltd. Yadav Kathmandu, Kupondole, lalitpur
Universal Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Govinda P. P.O. Box 20506
Devkota Banasthali, Balaju, Kathmandu

Micro-Hydro Support Organizations

Organization Name Contact Person Contact Details
Annapurna Conservation Area Project P.O. Box 183
(ACAP) Pokhara
Canadian Cooperation Office P.O. Box 4574
Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) P.O. Box 589
Centre for Rural Technology (CRT) P.O. Box 3628
Centre for Self-help Development (CSD) P.O. Box 8852
Community Awareness Development Centre P.O. Box 11241
(CADEC) Kathmandu
Community Based Economic Development Baluwatar
Project (CBED)/CECI-Nepal
Dhaulagiri Community Resource P.O. Box 5733
Development Centre (DCRDC) Baglung
Energy Development Centre (EDC) Birendra Nagar – 3Surkhet, Nepal

Himalayan Light Foundation P.O. Box 12191

Intermediate Technology Development P.O. Box 15135
Group (ITDG) Kathmandu
International Centre for Integrated Mountain P.O. Box 3226
Development (ICIMOD) Kathmandu
Jumla Service Centre (JSC) Jumla, Nepal

National Trust for Nature Conservation P.O. Box 3712

(NTNC) Kathmandu
Namsaling Community Development Centre Ilam, Nepal
Nepal Micro-Hydropower Development P.O. Box No. 8975
Association (NMHDA) Association of EPC 5155
Manufacturers Kathmandu
Nepal Trust P.O. Box 8975
Kathmandu EPC 4131
Participatory District Development P.O. Box 107
Programme (PDDP) Kathmandu
Rural Energy Development Programme P.O. Box 107
(REDP) Kathmandu
Rural Reconstruction Nepal P.O. Box 8130
USC Canada – Nepal P.O. Box 2223
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International P.O. Box 7660
Conservation Agency Kathmandu
Youth Campaign for Social Progress P.O. Box 12030
(YOUCASP) Kathmandu

4.4 List of Organisations involved in the development of Wind Energy in Nepal


1 Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Renewable Energy Technologies
(AEPC) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Khumaltar, Lalitpur Solar PV
Tel: 5539391 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Fax 5542497 Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Email: [email protected] Wind Power
Geo thermal
Government Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Programme/Project execution/Implementation
Financing (Loan)
Support to community (Financial/material/technical)
Social Mobilization
Capacity building/Training
2 APETEC Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Renewable Energy Technologies
(APETEC) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Bio-Fuel
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 5548096 Solar PV
Fax: 5548096 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Wind Power
Consultancy Geo thermal
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
technical backup support
Social Mobilizing
Capacity building/Training
3 Association of District Development Renewable Energy Technologies
Committees of Nepal (ADDCN) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Bio-Fuel
Sanepa, Lalitpur Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 5529202, 5554081 Solar PV
Fax: 5548469 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: [email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Web: Wind Power
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Technical backup support
Capacity building/Training
4 Centre for Energy Studies Renewable Energy Technologies
Pulchowk, Lalitpur Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 5532235 Solar PV
Fax 5532234 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: [email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Web: Wind Power
Geo thermal
Research Institute Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
Technical backup support
Capacity building/Training
5 Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) Renewable Energy Technologies
Jwagal, Lalitpur Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 5011010 Solar PV
Fax 5550452 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: [email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Web: Wind Power
Geo thermal
Non-Government Organization Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Capacity Building/Training
Academic Course
6 Community Awareness Development Renewable Energy Technologies
Centre (CADEC) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Naya Baneswor, Kathmandu Solar PV
Tel: 4472264 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
[email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Wind Power
Non-Government Organization Scope of work
Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
Support to Community (Financial/Material/Technical)
Social mobilizing
Capacity building/Training
Energy data management
7 Energy Systems/EC Renewable Energy Technologies
Bansbari, Kathmandu Biomass (Biogas)
Tel: 4372171 Solar PV
Email: [email protected] Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater)
Hydropower/Micro Hydro
Consultancy Wind Power
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Survey design
Technical backup support
Capacity building/Training
8 Environment Camps for Conservation Renewable Energy Technologies
Awareness Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Jwagal, Kopundol Solar PV
Tel: 5553870 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater)
Fax: 5011006 Wind Power
Email: [email protected] Scope of work
Web: Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
Financing (Loan)
Non-Government Organization Support to community (financial/material/Technical)
Social mobilizing
Capacity building/Training
9 Flensberg Association for Energy Renewable Energy Technologies
Management (FAEM-NEPAL) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Pulchowk, Lalitpur Solar PV
Tel: 5009154 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: [email protected] Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Web: Wind Power
Scope of work
Consultancy Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
Technical backup support
Capacity building/Training
10 Group of Engineers & Architects for Renewable Energy Technologies
Kathmandu Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette)
Tel: 5011006 Solar PV
Email: [email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Appropriate Technology Nepal, GREAT Wind Power
Nepal Scope of work
Consultancy Installation/construction
Technical backup support
11 Institute of Engineering (TU, IoE) Renewable Energy Technologies
Pulchowk, Lalitpur Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 552111531 Solar PV
Email: [email protected] Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Research Institute Wind Power
Geo thermal
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
Academic course
12 Integrated Technology Department Nepal Renewable Energy Technologies
(P) Ltd, ITD Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette)
Kathmandu, Nepal Solar PV
Tel: 5553870 Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Fax: 5011006 Wind Power
Email: [email protected] Scope of work
Private Company Survey/Design
13 National Planning Commission (NPC) Renewable Energy Technologies
Singh Durbar, Kathmandu Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 4226873 Solar PV
Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Government Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Wind Power
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
14 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Renewable Energy Technologies
(NAST) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Khumaltar, Lalitpur Solar PV
Tel: 5547717 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Government Wind Power
Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Programmed/Project execution/Implementation
15 Nepal Oldenburg Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Technologies
Centre (NOREC) Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Asan, Kathamndu Solar PV
Tel: 9851094963 Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Email: [email protected] Wind Power
Scope of work
Non-Government Organization Social Mobilizing
Capacity building/Training
16 Practical Action Nepal Renewable Energy Technologies
Lazimpat, Kathmandu Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 4446015 Solar PV
Fax: 4445995 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
[email protected] Wind Power
Scope of work
International Non-Government Organization Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Social mobilization
Capacity building/Training
17 Solar Energy Foundation Renewable Energy Technologies
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 4277404 Solar PV
Fax: 4445523 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Email: [email protected] Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Wind Power
Consultancy Scope of work
Inputs to policy Formulation/Planning
Social mobilization
Capacity building/Training
18 Swet Bhairab Power Supply (P) Ltd. Renewable Energy Technology
Kathmandu, Nepal Hydropower
Tel: 4425793 Wind Power
Fax: 4440332 Scope of work
Email: [email protected] Survey/Design

Private Company
19 Water and Energy Commission Renewable Energy Technologies
Singh Durbar, Kathmandu Solar PV
Tel: 4211415 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Fax: 4211425 Hydropower/Micro hydro/improved water mill
Emil: [email protected] Wind Power
Government Scope of work
Inputs to policy formulation/Planning
20 Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Scope of work
Ratnapark, Kathmandu Sole buyer of electricity generated by wind farms
Tel: 4252835 Inputs to policy formulation/Planning
Fax: 4256091

21 Nepal Agriculture Research Council NA
Khumaltar, Lalitpur
Tel: 5535981


22 Department of Hydrology and Renewable Energy Technologies

Meteorology (DHM) Solar Radiation
Babarmahal, Kathmandu Wind
Tel: 4255920, 4426348 Hydropower
Email: [email protected] Scope of work
Data Collection
Government Data Publication
23 National Trust for Nature Conservation NA
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
tel: 5526971
Email: [email protected]


24 Research Centre for Academy of Science Renewable Energy Technologies

and Technology Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Kirtipur, Kathamandu Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Research Institute Wind Power
Scope of work
Experience in wind turbine installation for pumping water
R & D in wind energy
Inputs to policy formulation/Planning
25 Kathmandu University, (KU) Renewable Energy Technologies
Dhulikhel, Kavre District Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: 6661399 Solar PV
Fax: 6661443 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Research Institute Wind Power
Scope of work
Experience in wind turbine installation for pumping water
R & D in wind and other alternative energy
26 Krishna Grill Engineering P. Ltd. Renewable Energy Technologies
Biratnagar, Jhapa District Biomass (ICS/Biogas/Briquette/Biomass/Gasification)
Tel: (21)525492 Solar Thermal (Dryer/Cooker/Water Heater/Passive)
Fax: (21) 531162 Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Email: [email protected] Wind Power
Scope of work
Private Manufacturer Experience in manufacturing wind pumps and wind turbine for
electricity generation
27 Lotus Energy P. Ltd. (in the past it was Renewable Energy Technologies
involved in manufacturing) Solar PV
Bhatbhateni, Kathmandu Hydropower/Micro Hydro/Improved Water mill
Tel: 4418203 Wind Power
Fax: 4412924 Scope of work
Email: [email protected] Supply of SHS and other RETs including wind turbine and
Private Supplier

4.5 Other Organizations related to Wind energy


Integrated Rural Development Keshab K.C Balkhu-14, Ringroad, Kathmandu,
Services (IRDS) KMC-14
Tel: 977-01-4279111
[email protected]
Universal Consultancy Services Pvt. Govinda Banasthali, Balaju, Kathmandu,16
Ltd. (UCS) P.Devkota Tel: +977-01-4350580
[email protected]
Technology and Rural Upliftment Pramila Jawalakhel, Manbhawan, Lalitpur,22
Service Team (TRUST) Pvt. Ltd. Shrestha Tel: 977-01-5527068
[email protected]
C-ZONE HVAC Incorporate Pvt. Ltd N. R Karki 352 Panchakumari Marg, New
Baneswor, Kathmandu-34
Tel: +977-01-4496522
[email protected]
EastConsult (P) Ltd. Susil K. Hotel Marg, Lazimpat, Kathmandu-2
Shrestha Tel: +977-1-4413267, 4412062
[email protected]
BISCONS Development and Ramesh M. Adwait Marg, Bagbazar, Kathmandu
Management Consultants Singh Tel: +977-1-4227470
[email protected]
Balaju Technical Training Centre Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal
(BTTC) Tel: +977-1-4350213, 4350228
[email protected]
Centre of Energy Studies Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal
CES)/Institute of Tel: +977-1-5532235
Engineering/Tribhuvan University [email protected]

4.6 Service Providers in ICS Technology


1. Dhaulagiri Community Tel.: 068 520249 / 520665 Baglung
Resource Development Centre Tel. / Fax: 068 520665 Parbat
(DCRDC) E-mail: [email protected] Mygdi
Baglung Municipality, Ward No. Kaski
PO Box No. 1, Upallachour
Baglung, Nepal

2. Namsaling Community Tel.: 027 520792 / 027 520411 Ilam

Development Centre (NCDC) Tel. / Fax: 027 521622 Taplejung
Ilam Bazar, Ilam, Nepal E-mail: [email protected] Panchthar
Website: Dhankuta
3. Rural Economic Development Tel. / Fax.: 075 521610 / 075 Palpa
Association (REDA) 520365 Arghakhanchi
Tansen-4, Bishal Bazar, Palpa, E-mail: [email protected] GulmiSyanja

4. Sundar Nepal Sanstha (Beautiful Tel. / Fax.: 083 520926 Surkhet

Nepal Association) E-mail: [email protected] Dailekh
Birendranagar 9, Aabas Area, Jajarkot
Surkhet, Nepal

5. Rural Empowerment Society Telephone: 065-560539E- Tanahun

Damauli, Tanahun Nepal mail: [email protected] Gorkha
(RESDTN) Lamjung
Vyas Municipality, Damauli,
Tanahun, Nepal

6. Resource Management and Tel.: 011-490021 Kavre

Rural Empowerment Center Fax: 011-490545E Sindhupalchowk
(REMREC) mail: [email protected] Ramechhap
PO Box 019, Dolakha

7. Rural Development Service Tel. / Fax: 5542040 Doti

Centre (RDSC) E-mail: [email protected], Dadeldhura
Main Office: Latamandu VDC- [email protected] Baitadi
9,Ward No. 6, Tiltali, Doti, Nepal Bajura
Contact Office: Jawalakhel, Accham
Lalitpur, G.P.O. Box 21241, Darchula
Kathmandu, Nepal Bajhang

8. Rural Environmental Tel.: 035-420291 Udayapur

Development Centre (REDC) Fax: 035-420206 Sindhuli
Triyuga Municipality-2, Gaighat, Khotang

9. Centre for Rural Technology, Tel: 4260165/4256819 Dang

Nepal (CRT/N) Fax: 4257922E Rukum
Tripureshwor, Kathmandu mail: [email protected], Rolpa
[email protected] Salyan
Website: Pyuthan
10. Center for Self Help Tel: 4425597, 4424787
Development (CSD) Fax: 4430363
Dillibazar, Kathmandu Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Sabin zoowa

5.1 Identification and analysis of barriers to the promotion of renewable energy


5.2 Technical barriers:

Technical immaturity. Most traditional Nepalese renewable energy technologies have been
focused on small scale projects and only in recent years have medium and large-scale energy
projects begun to emerge. This evolving nature of these technologies creates significant risk
for the suppliers and users.

Technology transfer. Prevailing practices of technology transfer often do not sufficiently take
into account the local conditions under which imported technology has to be operated and
managed, the training required for its use, maintenance requirements and capabilities, and
backstopping arrangements. Promoters need to consider both hardware and software aspects
of technology transfer.

Limited adaptive R&D and Demonstration. The adapted renewable energy technologies are
not standardized and local artisans are not trained to the extent at which they are capable of
perform necessary repair and maintenance job. The lack of national standards and
specifications of end use devices is the main hindrance on the promotion and
commercialization of RETs. There exist not sufficient expertise, manufacturers, agents and
researchers to promote renewable energy technologies. Limited site demonstration on
biomass energy technologies by promoters is not sufficient to convince the users to invest on
these technologies.

5.3 Institutional barriers:

ƒ No priority in policy regarding biomass energy (forest management, production

and utilization).
ƒ No integrated/comprehensive energy policy.
ƒ Lack of co-ordination amongst relevant institutions involved in RETs
ƒ No incentives on RETs except in Biogas.
ƒ Adoptive Technology for policy to support need base R & D.
ƒ Need for demonstration/ pilot units for boosting the use of technologies.
ƒ Inventory of locally available technologies

5.4 Policy Barrier:

ƒ Adoption of unified classification of biomass resources/ RETs

ƒ Identify technologies by purpose.
ƒ Program to embrace the needs of the poorest of the poor.
ƒ Institutional support for dissemination & regulation of RETs.
ƒ Policy to raise the awareness of the technology.
ƒ Need for centralized data on available RETs.
ƒ Need for incentives for energy switching.
ƒ Policy to be revisited for rationalizing incentives for RETs development.
5.5 Information barriers:

There exists limited information on national renewable energy resources and renewable
energy technologies in Nepal. Even this information is not accessible by all stakeholders.
Lack of information about efficient and reliable technologies, on biomass energy resources,
market potential etc are the primary barriers for commercialization of renewable energy

5.6 Financial barriers:

Investment in bio-energy is minimal in Nepal. The reason may be perceived high risks of
investment on renewable energy technologies. That is, investors lack confidence in
technology to finance. And fund available from donors is also limited.

5.7 Market barriers:

Biomass energy technologies are expensive against those technologies run on subsidized
fossil fuels. Subsidy for fossil fuel distorts market in biomass energy; technology push
policies need to be substituted or augmented by market pull polices as mentioned by Shukla
(1997). Lack of renewable energy market has been the barrier to the penetration of renewable
energy technologies. Technology push policy will not create market. It should be other way
round – market pull policy for renewable energy technologies by providing lucrative

5.8 Social barriers:

Unacceptance of technology. Some technologies are difficult to accept by the communities.

For example, beehive briquettes stove was promoted to Phakdin village (2653m) of Khumbu
Region in Nepal. After the training period the conclusion was that the making of the
briquettes was a dusty affair and disliked by the women because of the high emission of black
charcoal dust (Nienhuys, 2003).

6 Conclusions and Recommendations

Nepal’s energy scenario is dominated by traditional energy sources as it supplies more

than 85 per cent of the total energy demand. Improved cooking stoves are being used in
the places where access to fuel wood is limited. Micro-hydro and biogas technologies
have been proved to be viable alternative energy technologies in Nepal. These
technologies have created awareness among the rural people, made the life of rural people
more comfortable, improved the educational status of rural children and has promoted
some industrial activities which has to some extent generated opportunities. Solar energy
technologies, both Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal technologies have been promoted
gradually in the country while the Wind energy and Geothermal energy technologies have
yet to be harnessed.

Several government agencies, NGOs, INGOs, CBOs, International agencies, as well as

private organizations have been involved in the development and promotion of renewable
energy technologies in the country. However, RETs have not been massively
disseminated as compared to their technical potentialities in Nepal. For
commercialization of RETs, various promotional and marketing activities should be done.
Integration of RETs with industry, agriculture, livestock, irrigation and health sector
might create a good market for RETS in the country.


• AEPC as an apex organization in the promotion of RETs can undertake its

monitoring and evaluation role. Involvement of private sectors, NGO, INGOS and
other service providers should be increased to meet the objective.
• Research institutions like NAST and RECAST should be strengthened and should
be provided with adequate funding to carry out R&D work on RETs.
• Interdisciplinary coordination between different organizations directly or
indirectly involved in energy sector to be enhanced.
• Institutional strengthening is necessary in multifold to ensure dissemination of
targeted technology.
• Capacity building through formal/informal trainings, vocational education to be
carried out.
• The rural-urban divide in access to energy can also beaddressed through
appropriate energy pricing policy.
• Micro Financing Institutes (MFIs) and cooperatives should be linked with energy
program effectively so that energy access can be maintained to pro-poor.

7. References:

1. AEPC. 2005. Annual Progress Report.

2. BSP. 2006. BSP Year Book.
3. CBS. 2008. Statistical Year Book of Nepal, Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal.
4. CRE 2008. Light For All. Delivery Mechanism for Solar Tuki (Lamp).Supported by
5. CRT/N 2009. 20 Years of CRT/N (1989-2009).
6. Holdren J. P. and Smith, K. R., 2000, Energy, the environment and Health, Chapter 3 in
UNDP World Energy Assessment : Energy and the challenges of sustainability, UNDP,
New York (
7. NEA. 2003. Fiscal Year 2002/03 – A year review, Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepal.
8. Economic Survey, Fiscal Year 2008, Ministry of Finance/GoN, Nepal.
9. ESMAP, 1993, Energy efficiency and fuel substitution in industries: An agenda for
Action Report No 158/93.
10. Tuladhar, B., and Raut, A., 2002, Final report on environment & health impacts of
Kathmandu’s Brick Kilns, CEN, Kathmandu, Nepal
11. Shrestha, K.R.,2009. Country Paper Presented at the Expert Group Meeting on
Supporting the Development of an Institutional Cooperation Mechanism to Promote
Renewable Energy in Asia and the Pacific., 20-21, July, 2009. Bangkok, Thailand.
12. Shukla, P. R., 1997, Biomass Energy in India: Transition from traditional to modern, The
Social Engineer, vol.6, No.2 (
13. Naki’cenovic, N., 2000, UNDP, Chapter 9: Energy Scenarios, World Energy Assessment
14. Goldenberg, J., 2000, UNDP, Chapter 10: Rural Energy in Developing Countries, World
Energy Assessment (
15. Budds, J., Biran, A. & Rouse, J. (2001) What’s Cooking: a review of the health impacts of
indoor air ollution and technical interventions for its reduction WELL (www.
16. Nienhuys, S., 2003, The beehive charcoal briquette in the Khumbu Region, SNV-Nepal.
17. Simkhada, K.P., 2005, MSc. Thesis in Renewable Energy Engineering, Pulchowk
Campus, Institute of Engineering.
18. Basnyat, M.S., 2004, Cardomom drying gasifier , MSc. Thesis in Renewable Energy
Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Nepal
19. WECS. 2006. Energy Synopsis Report. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat,
Ministry of Water Resources, Nepal.

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