Aquaponics Manual en

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The document discusses aquaponics systems which integrate aquaculture and hydroponics to cultivate plants and raise fish in a symbiotic environment.

Aquaponics is a system that combines aquaculture and hydroponics. Waste from fish provides nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, and the plants help filter the water for the fish.

The main components of an aquaponic system include the fish tank, sump tank, media beds, plumbing, bell siphons, and grow beds. The fish waste provides nutrients that are taken up by the plants through the water system.

Small Scale Aquaponics

December, 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

This training manual defines aquaponics and provides short brief towards its developmental
history on the introductory part. It discusses the main theoretical concepts of aquaponics, the
aquaponic systems including placement of aquaponic garden, how aquaponics works, the
weaknesses and strengths of the system. The manual then entails about the design and
construction of the system which focuses mainly on the selection of appropriate site, unit design,
the important components of an aquaponic unit, system set up, aquaponic plumbing and system
start. This training manual discusses in detail the three groups of living organisms (bacteria,
plants and fish) that make up the aquaponic ecosystem.

The manual incorporates also briefs on other issues like the possible sources of water for
aquaponics in Ethiopian context, production of plants and animals in an aquaponic system and
nutrients and fertilizers required to cultivate them.

Finally the manual presents the unit management practices necessary to run an aquaponic
system. In this part the necessary calculations in aquaponics, pests and pest control, energy
sources for aquaponics, and solutions for commonly facing problems are discussed.

Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Definition ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Developmental history of aquaponics ........................................................................................... 7
1.3. Aquaponic unit Cycles .................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.1. System cycle .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2. Nitrogen cycle ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.4. Benefits of aquaponics ................................................................................................................ 10
1.5. Limitations of aquaponics ........................................................................................................... 13
2. Aquaponic Systems ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.1. Locating Aquaponic garden ....................................................................................................... 15
2.2. How aquaponics works ............................................................................................................... 17
2.3. Types of Aquaponic Systems ...................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1. Raft Based ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2. Media Based systems .......................................................................................................... 20
2.4. The Grow media (Substrate) ....................................................................................................... 23
2.4.1. Purpose of Grow Media ...................................................................................................... 23
2.4.2. Selection of grow media (substrate) ................................................................................... 24
2.5. Strength and weakness of aquaponic systems ............................................................................. 26
3. Design and Construction of the systems ............................................................................................ 27
3.1. Site selection ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.2. Aquaponics unit design ............................................................................................................... 27
3.2.1. Necessary materials and facilities ....................................................................................... 27
3.2.2. Greenhouse Design ............................................................................................................. 28
3.3. Components of aquaponic systems ............................................................................................. 29
3.4. System Setup ............................................................................................................................... 30
3.5. Aquaponic Plumbing .................................................................................................................. 32
3.5.1. Plumbing fluid dynamics ..................................................................................................... 33
3.5.2. Important Parts in Plumbing ............................................................................................... 34
3.5.3. Fitting pipes through the growbeds.................................................................................... 36
3.6. Aquaponic System Configuration ............................................................................................... 36
3.7. Aquaponic System Starting......................................................................................................... 42
4. Sources of Water and Water Quality .................................................................................................. 44
4.1. Water sources for Aquaponics .................................................................................................... 45

4.1.1. Town or Municipal water .................................................................................................... 45
4.1.2. Rain water ........................................................................................................................... 46
4.1.3. Cistern or aquifer water ...................................................................................................... 46
4.2. Importance of water quality ........................................................................................................ 46
4.3. Tolerable water quality parameter ranges ................................................................................... 47
4.4. Water quality parameters to be considered ................................................................................. 47
4.4.1. Oxygen (DO2) ....................................................................................................................... 47
4.4.2. Water temperature ............................................................................................................. 48
4.4.3. pH (power or potential of Hydrogen) ................................................................................. 49
4.4.4. Nitrogen .............................................................................................................................. 50
4.4.5. Water hardness ................................................................................................................... 52
4.5. Measures to manipulate water quality ........................................................................................ 53
4.6. Threats in water quality............................................................................................................... 54
4.6.1. Algal bloom ......................................................................................................................... 54
4.6.2. Parasites .............................................................................................................................. 55
5. Nutrients and Fertilizers...................................................................................................................... 55
5.1. Nutrients...................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1.1. Macro nutrients .................................................................................................................. 55
5.1.2. Micronutrients .................................................................................................................... 57
5.2. Fertilizers .................................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.1. Nitrogen .............................................................................................................................. 59
5.2.2. Phosphorus ......................................................................................................................... 59
5.2.3. Potassium ............................................................................................................................ 60
6. Fish Production ................................................................................................................................... 61
6.1. Fish suited to aquaponics ............................................................................................................ 62
6.1.1. Tilapia .................................................................................................................................. 62
6.1.2. Carp fishes ........................................................................................................................... 62
6.1.3. Catfish ................................................................................................................................. 63
6.2. How to produce fish .................................................................................................................... 63
6.2.1. Fish feed and nutrition ........................................................................................................ 64
6.2.2. Water quality tolerances for fish ........................................................................................ 68
6.2.3. Stocking fish ........................................................................................................................ 68
6.2.4. Fish health and diseases ..................................................................................................... 68
7. Bacteria ............................................................................................................................................... 72
7.1. Starting up (Cycling) aquaponic system ..................................................................................... 73

7.1.1. Cycling with Fish .................................................................................................................. 75
7.1.2. Fishless Cycling .................................................................................................................... 76
7.2. Bacteria involved ........................................................................................................................ 78
7.2.1. Adding bacteria ................................................................................................................... 79
7.2.2. Sources of bacteria.............................................................................................................. 79
7.3. How bacteria are working ........................................................................................................... 79
7.4. Other organisms; worms ............................................................................................................ 80
7.5. Importance of bacteria and worms .............................................................................................. 81
7.5.1. Roles of Bacteria ................................................................................................................. 81
7.5.2. Roles of worms.................................................................................................................... 82
7.6. Unwanted bacteria ...................................................................................................................... 83
7.6.1. Sulphate reducing bacteria ................................................................................................. 83
7.6.2. Denitrifying bacteria ........................................................................................................... 83
7.6.3. Pathogenic bacteria ............................................................................................................ 84
8. Vegetable Production ......................................................................................................................... 85
8.1. Plants suited to aquaponics ......................................................................................................... 85
8.1.1. Salad varieties ..................................................................................................................... 86
8.1.2. Vegetables........................................................................................................................... 87
8.1.3. Herbs ................................................................................................................................... 87
8.1.4. Companion plants ............................................................................................................... 87
8.2. Growing systems ......................................................................................................................... 88
8.3. Nutrient deficiency and toxicity .................................................................................................. 88
9. Aquaponic Unit Management ............................................................................................................. 91
9.1. Initial stage aquaponic unit management .................................................................................... 91
9.2. Aquaponic calculations ............................................................................................................... 92
9.2.1. Ratios of Fish to Plants ........................................................................................................ 92
9.2.2. Water budgeting ................................................................................................................. 93
9.3. Pests in Aquaponics .................................................................................................................... 94
9.4. Pest control.................................................................................................................................. 94
9.4.1. Beneficial Insects................................................................................................................. 95
9.4.2. Biological Sprays.................................................................................................................. 97
9.4.3. Synthetic Chemical Pesticides ............................................................................................. 98
9.5. Sources of energy for Aquaponics .............................................................................................. 99
9.5.1. Solar energy ........................................................................................................................ 99
9.5.2. Biogas energy ...................................................................................................................... 99

9.5.3. Wind energy ...................................................................................................................... 100
9.6. Regular Follow ups in aquaponics ............................................................................................ 100
9.6.1. Daily management Practices ............................................................................................. 100
9.6.2. Weekly management practices......................................................................................... 100
9.6.3. Monthly Activities ............................................................................................................ 100
9.7. Solutions for commonly facing problems ................................................................................. 101
Annexes .................................................................................................................................................... 103
Annex 1- Summary of selected issues ................................................................................................. 103
Annex 2 - Feed requirement for important fish species ........................................................................ 108
Annex 3 - List and relative amounts of ingredients for 10 kg of fish feed ........................................... 108
Annex 4 - Step-by-step preparation of homemade fish feed................................................................. 109
Annex 5 - Practical system design guide for small-scale aquaponic units............................................ 110
Annex 6 - Ten key guidelines for successful aquaponics ..................................................................... 111
Annex 6 - List of important materials and tools ................................................................................... 112
Annex 7 - Preparing the Intermediate bulk container (IBC) fish tanks ................................................ 118

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition

Aquaponics is a method of food production that combines aquaculture; the cultivation of aquatic
animals such as fish, shrimp, crayfish, or prawns, in tanks and hydroponics; the growing of
plants in water. Ponos is a Greek word meaning growing plants with or without media. Most
people relate growing plants to hydroponics since both use nutrient rich water and both use soil-
less media. The fish and plants are cultivated together in a recirculating ecosystem that utilizes
natural nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert fish/aquatic animal wastes into plant nutrients. The
waste products of the aquaculture system serve as nutrients for the hydroponic system. With such
a combined recirculating system, there is no need to discard any water or filtrate or add any
chemical fertilizers, making it both sustainable and environmentally friendly.

In a traditional aquaculture system, animal waste byproducts (in the form of ammonia) build up
over time and become toxic to the animals being cultivated; as a result, 10 to 20% of the total
volume of water must be discharged and replaced every day. However, in an aquaponic system,
the water produced from the aquaculture portion of the system is fed into the hydroponic portion
of the system, where plants are grown with their roots immersed in the effluent (waste) water.
The ammonia in the effluent water is converted by bacteria into nitrites and then nitrates, which
are used by the plants as nutrients. Basically, aquaponics is an integrated system that utilizes the
best attributes of both aquaculture and hydroponics while eliminating some of the challenges
associated with each of these systems.

1.2. Developmental history of aquaponics

While most people know that Aquaponics is the combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics,
rather fewer know much of how it came about. The notion of using fish wastes to fertilize plants
(the fundamental premise of aquaponics) has its roots in early Asian and South American
civilizations. The ancient Aztecs built ‘chinampas’ (networks of canals and stationary artificial
islands) in which they cultivated crops on the islands using nutrient-rich mud and water from the

The New Alchemists are probably
the people principally responsible
for Aquaponics. In 1969, John and
Nancy Todd and William McLarney
founded the New Alchemy Institute.
The culmination of their efforts was
the construction of a prototype
agricultural “Ark” a solar-powered,
self-sufficient, bio-shelter designed
to accommodate the year-round
needs of a family of four using holistic methods to provide fish, vegetables and shelter.

In the mid 1980’s, Mark McMurtry (graduate student) and Doug Sanders (Professor) at North
Carolina State University (NCSU) created the first known closed loop aquaponic system.
Effluent from fish tanks was used to trickle-irrigate tomatoes and cucumbers in sand grow beds
which also functioned as bio-filters. The water drained from the sand grow beds was re-
circulated back into the fish tanks. McMurtry’s research and findings confirmed much of the
background science that underpins Aquaponics.

In the early 1990’s, Missouri farmers Tom and Paula Speraneo modified the NCSU system and
introduced their Bioponics concept. They grew herbs and vegetables in ebb and flow gravel grow
beds irrigated by the nutrient rich water from a 2200 litre tank in which they raised Tilapia.
While gravel grow beds had been used for decades by hydroponicists, the Speraneos were the
first to make effective use of them in Aquaponics. Their system was practical and productive and
has been widely duplicated by Aquaponics enthusiasts throughout the World.

Americans Rebecca Nelson and John Pade commenced publication of their quarterly Aquaponics
Journal in 1997. In more recent times, Canadian researcher Dr Nick Savidov has undertaken
further research around the productive potential of aquaponics.

1.3. Aquaponic unit Cycles

1.3.1. System cycle

A. Fish are fed food and produce ammonia rich waste. Too much waste substance is toxic for the
fish, but they can withstand high levels of
B. Dissolved Oxygen enters the system
through an air pump. This Oxygen is
essential for plant growth and fish survival.
C. The bacteria, which are cultured in the
grow beds as well as in a fish tank breaks
down the ammonia into nitrites and then

D. Plants take in the converted nitrates as nutrients. The nutrients are fertilizers, feeding the
plants. Also, the plant roots help filter the water for the fish.
E. Water from the fish tank is pumped to the plants. Again water in the system is filtered through
the grow medium in the grow beds to the fish tanks. The water also contains all the nutrients for
the fish.

1.3.2. Nitrogen cycle

Fish excrete waste nitrogen as ammonia into the

water. Nitrifying bacteria then convert the ammonia
compound to nitrite and then nitrate. Both ammonia
and nitrite are toxic to fish, while nitrate is relatively
harmless and is also the preferred compound of
nitrogen for plant uptake. Nitrogen is not the only
element that can be recycled in this manner, Plants
are able to recover other nutrients from the waste water as well. This relieves the environmental
load and increases the water exchange rate, in turn lowering operational costs.

1.4. Benefits of aquaponics

Waste nutrients produced by fish or any aquatic animals are recovered by the plants.
This eliminates the need to discharge
water into the environment and
minimizes the need to exchange
water (other than topping off water
that evaporates and goes into the
plant biomass). Compared to
traditional aquaculture, aquaponic
systems use much less water, which
is especially attractive in arid, water-
scarce regions of the country like
Afar. An aquaponic system uses only 1% of the water required in pond culture to
produce equivalent yields of tilapia.
By minimizing the need to exchange water, overall operational costs are reduced. This is
particularly important in arid climates and in heated greenhouses where water or heated
water can be a major expense.
Because of the daily application of fish feed to the system, the plants receive a steady
stream of nutrients, which eliminates the need to discharge and replace depleted nutrient
solutions, as would be the case in hydroponic systems.
Unlike hydroponic systems or recirculating aquaculture systems, aquaponic systems
require substantially less water quality monitoring.
The same media used to grow the plants also serve as the surfaces on which the nitrogen-
fixing bacteria grow. The plants being grown act as filters by removing the nutrients
from the effluent water. This eliminates the need for separate biofilters in most cases,
which can be expensive.
Plants grown in aquaponic systems receive most of their required nutrients at no cost,
thereby improving the profit potential of the system.
Finally, by producing two crops (vegetables and fish) with the same system, the
operational and infrastructural costs are shared, which increases the savings and profit

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Some aquaponics enthusiasts are primarily interested in the plants they cultivate, and
grow fish or other aquatic animals simply to provide the low-cost nutrients to their
system. Others grow both plants and fish to sell or consume. Some growers culture
edible fish, while others grow ornamental fishes such as goldfish. The plants and animals
produced are locally grown and pesticide-free (aquaponic systems normally operate
without the use of pesticides because of the risk of killing the fish), and plants require
few if any additional fertilizers.
Compared to traditional soil methods of growing plants, significant reduction in the
usage of water as all water is recycled through the system and it is not necessary to
discard or change any water (under normal conditions). It has been reported that water
usage is around 90% lower than traditional soil gardening.
Growth of plants is significantly faster than traditional methods using soil. In aquaponics
the plant roots are watered (flooded) at least once an hour in most system and have
constant access to high levels of nitrates that are in the water.
Aquaponics grown vegetables are bigger and healthier than when grown in soil.
aquaponics systems look remarkably prosperous with big, vibrant and healthy fruit and
There is no need to use artificial fertilizer to feed the plants. In the perfect system this is
probably true though some aquaponics owners add "supplements" such as iron to their
system to compensate for non-ideal environments (e.g. high pH systems). Fertilizer in
the traditional sense is not used and indeed using fertilizer would likely harm or kill the
fish. So there is probably a real cost saving over soil gardening in this area as there is no
need to be improve soil before planting or during plant growth.
There is no need to dispose of fish waste or provide an artificial filtration system. In land
based aquaculture systems either water needs to be replaced or some filtration needs to
be provided to remove ammonia (fish waste) from the water. Filtration needs to be
provided for the same reasons in aquaponics systems - though in a lot of systems the
filtration serves as the medium to grow the plants and the plants remove the nitrates (less
toxic to fish) from the system.

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Significant reduction in land is required to grow the same crops as traditional soil
methods. As water and nutrients are constantly provided it should be possible to grow
plants close together with the main requirements for spacing being access to light.
It's easier to setup for year round use compared to traditional gardening methods as grow
beds are raised of the ground and growing area is compact allowing for economical
"green house" type methods to be employed. It would be true in very cold climates
where the ground freezes in winter though in many climates using ground temperatures
can help to moderate the temperature of water/media in the system.
It is a source of organic vegetables, fruits and fish as the process needs to add any of the
inorganic inputs
Commercial setups have been used as tourist attractors in rural communities to provide
an additional revenue source.
Reduced damage from pests and disease. No more soil pests hence the need for
pesticides is eliminated, which makes it that much easier to have amazing plants and
fruit without toxic chemicals.
No labour requirement as there is no or less weeding. If there be bending down on the
ground is not required as the system uses growing beds.
It grows most plants twice as fast since fish provides most nutrients required by plants.
For example lettuce takes only about 29 days to mature with this system.
Hydroponic component serves as a bio-filter. Hydroponic plants extend water use and
reduce discharge to the environment.
Integrated systems require less water quality monitoring than individual systems.
Profit potential increased due to free nutrients for plants, lower water requirement,
elimination of separate bio-filter, less water quality monitoring and shared costs for
operation and infrastructure.

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1.5. Limitations of aquaponics

 Initially it is expensive to setup a commercial scale aquaponic unit as the system

requires technical knowledge and inputs like pumps, tubing, and tanks or beds.
 It requires a green house if it is going to be established in cold areas so as to provide
heat for the fish and the vegetables. A green house can be advantageous to provide heat
in cold winters, protect the system from heavy rains and keep out pests, albeit this is also
true for soil based gardening.
 Aquaponics requires electric energy input to maintain and recycle water within the
system. Electricity should be provided to run a water pump and possibly aeration pumps
as well to flood and drain our grow bed buckets.
 If one or more components fail this could lead to the loss of fish and or plants hence the
system requires reliable technology
 In this system, it is mostly very difficult to grow root crops.

2. Aquaponic Systems

Production of vegetables without soil is a new science invented to produce plants without soil,
hence called "soilless culture." Soilless culture by definition is the discipline of producing
agricultural crops (including vegetables, cut flowers, bedding plants and herbs) without the use
of ground soil. Various inert and organic grow media (substrate) such as stone wool, coco fiber,
compost, expanded clay (hydroton), perlite and volcanic gravel can be used as a plant support.
Irrigation systems are then integrated into the production area allowing fertilized water to go
through the plants root zone.

Soilless culture is used as it allows the grower to de-contaminate the grow media after every use
and also plants can be grown in their optimal conditions. Additionally, with the rise in demand
for organic produce grown in more sustainable agricultural practices, organic soilless methods
are now being used. There are two soilless culture systems; hydroponics and aquaponics.

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Hydroponics is a form of soilless culture and the term is used to describe different methods of
growing all types of plants (vegetables, herbs, flowers and trees) solely using water as the source
for all plant nutrients. Most hydroponic food production systems irrigate plants with water that
has been treated with complex chemical nutrients; called fertigation. Organic nutrient solutions
can be used, but the vast majority of commercial systems use a balanced chemical solution of all
the essential micro and macro-nutrients for plants.

Hydroponics is far more water efficient than ground grown crop production, as the water is
continuously re-circulating. The major problem regarding the sustainability of hydroponics is the
complete reliance on chemical fertilizers to produce food.


Aquaponics is the integration of aquaculture and hydroponics in one production unit, where the
combination of both agricultural practices removes the unsuitable factor of running recirculating
aquaculture systems and chemical hydroponics independently. Aquaponics relies on the
conversion of fish waste in to an organic nutrient solution for the growing vegetables- through
the process of nitrification. The process of nitrification is aided by nitrifying bacteria living in the
system. As the plant absorb the nutrients from the water, the water s essentially purified before
being re-circulated to the fish tanks.

In this process the nitrifying bacteria convert the ammonia produced from the fish waste in to
nitrates ( a more sustainable form of nitrogen), preventing the water from becoming toxic to the
fish. It is vital that every aquaponic unit has a biological filtration component to house the
nitrifying bacteria, allowing them constantly convert the ammonia into nitrate. Although the
production of fish and vegetable are the most sought after outputs of aquaponic units, it is
essential to understand that aquaponics is the management of an ecosystem of three major
organisms; fish, plants and bacteria.

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Table 1 Aquaponics vs. Hydroponics

Aquaponics Hydroponics
1 Aquaponics combines the culture of aquatic animals Hydroponics is the soilless
in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with the culture of plants in a nutrient
hydroponic cultivation of plants. solution.
2 In aquaponics, by providing a nutritionally complete, In Hydroponics, a chemical
formulated feed to the fish, the required nutrients and nutrient solution is provided
minerals will be supplied to the plants through the for the plants
fish feeding and processing feed. As in all
recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), all the
nutrients must be supplied to the fish in the feed
since there are no pond organisms available as food.

3 Produces fish and vegetables all year round Produces vegetables all year

4 Requirements for aquatic animals; Requirements for plants;

Prevention of light reaching

4.1. Good Water Quality and optimum temperature the solution to prevent algae

4.2 Sufficient Dissolved Oxygen Aeration of the solution

4.3 Proper pH Proper pH balance

4.4 Good Fish Feed Proper nutrients

Support (substrate) for the

4.5 Means to treat animal waste
plant above the solution

2.1. Locating Aquaponic garden

A great deal of thought should go into the placement of backyard aquaponics garden. It is
important to have a place that provides at least six hours of sunlight, permanent water source and
sustainable power.

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It is also important to have enough space in between the system and the living house so that it is
possible to position the exhaust fans facing away from home. The best place to put an
aquaponics garden is right next to the house, ideally along a south wall, or inside a greenhouse.
There are a few advantages. The first is that the
equipment will have access to water and electricity.
Placing it up against the house helps to heat the house
and provides a structure that is considered to be carbon
negative. While looking for place to put the aquaponic
unit, the first thing is the amount of space needed. This
depends on how much is going to be grown and how
close it is from the residential home.

An aquaponics garden is going to need a steady flow of

water and electricity. Make sure these things are
available without having to worry about having unsightly hoses and wires running through the
lawn. This is another reason why it is a good idea to place a fish and plant garden near living
homes. Backyard aquaponics are easy to set up once placed in an appropriate place hence the
location is the most important thing.

The area to be chosen also needs to be in an area that receives enough sunlight. So aquaponic
unit should be located in an area that receives at least six hours of sunlight every day. If all the
various options are considered, such as light, electricity, water, and a large enough space, there
are usually only a few areas that provide this kind of location. Once the right location is found, it
is ready to begin building. The points to be considered while placing an aquaponic garden.
 Avoid heavily shaded, windy and extremely sunny places
 Keep the garden protected from domestic animals and pets
 The planting space must receive a minimum of six hours sunlight
 Must be close to a source of water and the place where nutrients are kept
 It must be kept far from contaminated water
 It must be kept far from trees and other plants that are affected by pests and diseases

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2.2. How aquaponics works

Aquaponics systems are an interesting way of doing organic gardening. The aquaponics systems
work on a very simple concept. Provide feed to fish organic food and their waste water is
channeled into the plants, so they can get
the required nutrients to grow and thrive.
Hydroponics also uses a lot of water to
grow plants, but not with the fish added to
the process.

Aquaponics is a self-contained system

unlike hydroponics. All the required inputs
to grow aquaponic plants are included
between the equipment, fish, water and
plants that are used in the process. As feed
is given for the fish, they deposit waste
products into the water that feed nutrients to
the plants. Hydroponics on the other hand needs a more elaborate set up and the plants still need
to be fed fertilizer to grow correctly. This makes hydroponics more expensive at least in this

It is always tricky too to get the nutrients at the right level when doing hydroponics. This is one
thing that is so easy when gardening is done aquaponically. Because the plants receive all the
nutrients, they need naturally from the waste left by the fish on a daily basis. There is no need to
add any other nutrients.

Aquaponics systems take fewer resources to operate than a system done hydroponically. This
makes it cheaper to grow plants using this method than one that is hydroponically based. This
later method takes a lot more equipment, fertilizer and organization than using one that is based
aquaponically for doing gardening.

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While raising fresh vegetables for the family to eat, it is possible to raise fresh fish for food.
Since only organic methods is used in this endeavor, fishes are perfectly fine for consumption. It
is possible to raise fish species like Tilapia, Carp and Catfish for the family or ornamental fishes
like Gold fish and Koi for income generation. Commercial fishes like Tilapia species, Catfish
and Carp as well as ornamental fishes like god fish can thrive best for aquaponic systems in

Aquaponics can produce more harvest than traditional or in-soil organic gardening methods.
Aquaponics can even out produce the hydroponics with plants such as tomatoes, lettuce and
many other types of leafy green vegetables because the system naturally provides the plants with
more nitrogen.

Neither system has a negative issue as far as what time of the year the method can be performed.
With the use of special heaters and possibly other equipment, both methods can be used
throughout the year to produce food. They both can be used commercially, but the system that is
based aquaponically, is easier to set up near the intended market.

2.3. Types of Aquaponic Systems

Aquaponics systems use several common components, the grow bed (the hydroponic part of the
system); the fish tank (the aquaculture part of the system); the plumbing; and the grow bed media
are some of the main ones. The growbed (the hydroponic part of the system) is obviously the
most crucial one. The choice of growbed depends on what is going to be used in their backyard
aquaponics systems. There are two main types of aquaponics systems that are generally used;
The raft based and the media based systems.

2.3.1. Raft Based

Raft-based systems consist of Styrofoam rafts floating in troughs filled with fish effluent that has
a filter to remove solid wastes. Plants are placed in holes in the raft with their roots hanging
down in the water. There are two main techniques in raft based growing methods; The nutrient
film technique or channels ( NFT) and the deep water culture (DWC).

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A. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT Channel)

Nutrient Film Technique is a commonly used hydroponic method. In NFT systems, nutrient rich
water is pumped down to small enclosed gutters, the water flowing down the gutter is only a very
thin film. Plants sit in small plastic cups allowing their roots to access the water and absorb the
nutrients. This is the system where flexible plastic tube supported by tray. Tube made of black
plastic with holes punched at specified intervals can be used. Plants are placed in troughs where
they are bathed in continuous flow of nutrient solution. Plant roots are extended in to the water
and nutrient solution. As there exists a continuous flow of water, aeration continues and
sustainable supply of dissolved oxygen occurs.

NFT is only really suitable for certain types of plants such

as leafy greens and herbs because larger plants will have
root systems that are too big and invasive, or they become
too heavy for the lightweight growing gutters. NFT is more
commonly used in commercial aquaponic systems but can
be successfully used in a hobby system provided that the water is filtered before it is used in the
NFT channels. Unfiltered water from the fish tanks will contain many particulates which will
attach to the plant roots and will ultimately stop their ability to take up nutrients and oxygen.

B. Deep Water Culture

Deep Water Culture (DWC) is a type of raft system

which works on the idea of floating or suspending plants
on top of the water allowing the roots to hang down into
the nutrient-rich water. This can be done in a number of
ways and this method is one of the commonly practiced
commercial methods. DWC can be done by floating a
foam raft on top of the fish tank, however a more
common method is to grow the fish in a fish tank and pump the water through a filtration system
and then into long channels where floating rafts filled with plants float on the water surface and
extract the nutrients.

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The water must be filtered before it reaches the channels as particulates and solids in the water
will clog up the root systems of the plants and will inhibit their ability to take up oxygen and
nutrients. DWC is the most commonly used method in commercial aquaponic systems as it
provides the versatility to grow a relatively wide variety of leafy plants and herbs and can be set
up relatively inexpensively in areas where water is plenty.

2.3.2. Media Based systems

In media-based systems, plants are grown in inert planting media, such as gravel, rock wool,
sand, or clay pellets, held in containers that are flooded with water from the aquaculture portion
of the system.

Media Filled Growbeds (MFG) are the simplest form

of media based systems. They use containers filled
with a suitable growing media such as expanded clay
balls, pumice stone, gravel or something similar.
Water from a fish tank is pumped over the media
filled beds and plants grow in the rock media. This
style of system can be run in two different ways, with
a continuous flow of water over the rocks, or by
flooding and draining the grow bed in a 'flood and
drain' or 'ebb and flow' cycle. The growbeds should be
about 12" in depth as this has been proven to be the
most effective depth for plant growth and the
cultivation of a beneficial ecosystem in the beds.

Once the water reaches the appropriate level then it will be drained from the growbed (usually
quickly) which will draw oxygen back down into the growbed for the benefit of the plants and
microbes. This cycle then continues regularly and provides the plants with all of the nutrients
that they need to grow extremely abundantly and naturally without any added pesticides,
herbicides or fertilizers.

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Growbed Materials

A growbed can be made out of a wide variety of materials

but care should be taken to make sure it fulfills certain
criteria. A growbed should be safe to use first and foremost,
and should be made of materials that will not leak unwanted
chemicals into the water, or that will affect the pH of the
water. A growbed should ideally be made of a material that
blocks out the sun, as direct sunlight can promote algae
growth and can be detrimental to plant roots. If the growbed
is being used outside then it will also need to be UV
stabilized to ensure that it will not degrade in the sunlight and
leach chemicals into the system. Commonly used materials
would be certain plastics, wood, fibreglass and anything with
suitable waterproof liners. Concrete can also be used but care needs to be taken to seal the
concrete first as concrete can negatively affect the water chemistry of the system. Aggregates or
pebbles that can help to support the roots of plants can be added. Ebb and flood so that the roots
get aeration. Gravels or smooth river bottom rocks of size ¼- ⅜ inch diameter can also be used.
The system can have anaerobic pockets due to lack of flow and circulation, hence care should be

Growbed Depth and Size

An aquaponic growbed needs to be the right size to fit your fish tank volume. It needs to be able
to provide adequate mechanical filtration and biological filtration for the nutrient-rich water, and
it should be always important to consider the growbed and the fish tank together and use
appropriately corresponding sizes. A common rule of thumb is to use a 1:1 ratio. The growbed
volume should be equal to the fish tank volume. This is by no means a hard-and-fast rule but
serves as an outline guide. The plants in this system are also part of your filtration process and
it is a must to ensure that adequate surface growing area relative to the same of your fish tank. As
a rule of thumb, if 1000 litres of water needs approximately 1 meter cubed of growbed media

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volume for filtration, then if a growbed is 25cms deep, a surface area of approximately 1m x 4m
will be needed to ensure that there is approximately 1 meter cubed of media volume. There are
three depth ranges (zones) in growbed system

The surface layer (3-5cms) - this is above the

waterline and should not be wet - this reduces loss of
water through evaporation. This zone is called the dry
zone and functions as light barrier, preventing the light
from hitting the water directly. This prevents the
growth of fungus which can cause collar rot and other
The root layer (10-20cms) - this is where the plant roots will be growing and where most plant
activity will take place. This layer is normally regularly flooded and drained (Zone 2 in the
figure). This zone is also known as Dry and wet zone. All the root development, the beneficial
bacteria colonies and beneficial micro organisms thrive in this zone.
The solids layer (25-30cms) - this is where the solid waste will collect in a system and which
will usually be constantly flooded with water (zone 3 from the figure).

From these layers, a kind of 'ideal depth' of 30cms or 12 inches can be done. Aquaponics systems
work equally well with growbed depths of as little as 10cms or so - but care needs to be taken to
always ensure that you have sufficient volume to provide adequate filtration for the system.

An aquaponics media filled growbed is simply a suitable container that is filled with a growing
media such as gravel, hydroton or lava rock, and is the most commonly used type of growbed as
it neatly performs four separate functions in an aquaponics set-up. Firstly and most obviously it
provides support for the plants up and provides somewhere for the roots to take hold. In addition
to this, the media provides three separate filtering functions:
o Mechanical Filtration - the media helps to filter the solid waste in the water and to trap it
in the bottom of the growbed.
o Mineralization - this is the process whereby the solid waste breaks down and is returned to
the water so that the plants can use it.

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o Biological filtration - the media provides extensive surface area for the beneficial bacteria
to colonize. As the media filled growbed performs all of these functions in one single
place, it is one of the easiest, most space-efficient and also one of the most cost-effective
ways to set up a new system. This is of particular concern to newcomers to aquaponics
who may not feel comfortable with more complicated filtration systems, or who want the
most hassle-free way to start supplementing their diets with fresh, nutritious produce
grown via aquaponics.

2.4. The Grow media (Substrate)

In aquaponics the term substrate is used for the soil-less an organic medium, used to anchor the
roots of growing plants and to give them access to water, nutrients and oxygen. The Substrate
itself ideally contains no nutrients. These are only dissolved and transported by water that is
pumped through the system.

The most common materials used as medium are gravel and Expanded clay, but there are many
alternative materials that can be used according to specific needs or budget. A medium has to be
an organic and water resistant, it must not dissolve. Certain plastics do dissolve components in
water without showing visible decay. Ideally it has somewhat porous surface to help nitrifying
bacteria and other microorganisms colonizing the substrate.

Lots of necessary cares in an aquaponics system revolves around the fish tank, but a good grow
bed is just as important for cultivating reliable crops. There are a number of options available for
the aquaponic grow bed. There are costs and benefits of each, and one may be better for your
aquaponic set-up than another.

2.4.1. Purpose of Grow Media

Grow media in an aquaponic system has to meet several requirements. The media must provide a
solid structure for plants to grow on, but leave enough open space for the roots to grow without
clogging up the water flow. It has to provide a large surface area for bacteria growth, oxygen
transfer and water retention. The grow media also needs to give the worms used in aquaponics a

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home and act as a mechanical trap for the solid waste made by the fish. It cannot decompose
over time like coir or silica, and it should not change the pH of the water.

2.4.2. Selection of grow media (substrate)

Which medium is right for aquaponics?

How the ups and downs of each medium equal out for a system depends significantly upon the
environment in which the plants are going to be grown. As is often the case with aquaponics, a
little trial and error is necessary before striking an ideal balance. If possible, buy a few difference
grow media and try them out in separate growing tanks. Does the lettuce grown in clay look
leafier than your lettuce in aquarium gravel? Which grow media is easily available and cheaper?
Then an important lesson can be learned for future aquaponic endeavors.

Aquaponics is a system that grows plants and fish together to minimize wasted water and the
need for fertilizers. The water soluble waste from fish tanks is pumped through grow media in
plant beds and provides nutrients to the plants. The plants clean and filter the water as they
absorb what they need to grow and return clean water to the fish tank. No soil is required, only
the inert and stable grow media of your choice.

Although there are lots of alternatives for grow media, the most important one in terms of
availability for Ethiopian aquaponics are the gravel media, expanded shale, and lava rock.

1. Gravel Media

Gravel is the cheapest and most readily available grow media used in aquaponic systems. Round
gravel between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch in size is a good aquaponics media, but it has to be rinsed
before use and you need to test it to make sure it is not limestone. Limestone raises the pH of
water, making the pH of the entire system hard to control. Test gravel for limestone by soaking a
sample in vinegar to see if it reacts with the stone (it must not) and watching for bubbles, which
indicate calcium in the rock. The gravel should also be soaked in water and measure the pH after
a few days to test for any other pH problems.

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River gravel or Pea gravel:- While not as easy to work with as other alternatives, river gravel
(gravel from rivers is generally more rounded and friendly on the hands) is a cheap and readily
available grow bed media. In addition, its higher density enables gravel to support taller plants
than clay pebbles would be able to. Aquaponics gardeners who cultivate corn and other stalked
plants tend to prefer the density of gravel, as well as backyard aquaponics enthusiast who are on
a budget.

Gravel does not hold water well, is very heavy, and has a much lower surface area than hydroton
so it is not able to support bacterial colonies to the same degree - thus lowering its bio-filtration
capacity. Take several random samples of different types of stones and add vinegar to see if it
reacts with the stone (it must not).

Aquarium Gravel:- Epoxy-coated aquarium gravel is an affordable and simple solution for an
aquaponic system. While it does not have the oxygenating properties of hydroton or the
expanding properties of vemiculite, aquarium gravel is generally a safe solution for a standard
aquaponic set-up. If, like many aquaponics enthusiasts, you are interested in using recycled
materials to make your system especially eco-friendly, you may opt for aquarium gravel because
its wide availability means it is easy to obtain used from aquarium owners. While it's not your
primary concern, it is worth noting that the colorful pieces in aquarium gravel can make for some
artistically engaging aquaponics set-ups.

2. Expanded Shale

Expanded shale is another aquaponic grow media that has some of the good properties of
expanded clay without being as expensive. Its weight is between that of LECA and gravel, it is
highly porous and though not round, it is polished and smooth so it is easy to handle. Shale is
made from ancient lakebed sediments, so the cost is less than that of some expanded clay
products. Expanded shale also needs to be rinsed of dust before use.
3. Lava Rock - (Pumice Stone )
Lava rock is widely used in many areas due to its availability and cost. In many ways it is natural
version of hydroton as it is a lightweight, porous material that exhibits all of the characteristics of
hydroton. It is not quite as easy to work with as hydroton as it is usually irregular in shape, and

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you also have to be careful to ensure that there are no impurities or chemicals present. Lava rock
can be up to 90% porous and so initially it may float in your aquaponics system. This is
common, but if you let the lava rock soak in the water it should eventually stop floating.

In each case you need to be confident that none of these media types
will leach anything into your system and so sold pay close attention to
where the media comes from. Perlite, vermiculite and sand are
relatively small in size and so could cause clogging in your system and
may also impede the free flow of water in your growbed. Coir can also cause discolouration of
the water and as an organic media will break down over time and may introduce unwanted
organisms into the system. Be sure that any of these media is pH neutral and that it will not affect
the water chemistry of aquaponic system.

2.5. Strength and weakness of aquaponic systems

The two main systems; The growbed and raft systems have their own strengths and weaknesses.
For small scale aquaponic unit the growbed systems are preferable and more convenient ones.
Table 2 Comparison between Grow bed units and Raft (NFT) units
System type Strengths Weaknesses
Growbed  Very simple and forgiving  Possibly very heavy
design specially when gravel is
 Alternative materials are use
easy to substitute with  Not applicable for
locally available ones commercial units
 Excellent for aeration  Increased evaporation of
when using bell siphons water
 Larger fruiting plants can  Labor intensive to start up
be grown with relative
 Low electrical energy

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Raft (NFT unit)  Light weight system  More complex design
 Most efficient unit  Requires constant aeration
regarding water use  Requires constant
 Minimal evaporation electricity
 Simple harvesting methods
 Excellent method for
commercial size units

3. Design and Construction of the systems

3.1. Site selection

The minimum site requirements for an aquaponics system include access to water, electricity,
and heat (e.g. natural gas, oil, or propane), and enough space to establish all the structures. The
water source does not have to be high volume. Potential incoming water sources include springs,
wells, and public water supplies. In some cases, public water supplies will have to be
dechlorinated before use. A water supply should be tested for the following and other parameters
before a site is finally selected: pH, oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, suspended/dissolved organics,
inorganics (particularly iron and manganese), and pesticides. If a site has a risk of potential
ground/surface water contamination, then it should not be selected.

3.2. Aquaponics unit design

3.2.1. Necessary materials and facilities


 Land to establish the aquaponics unit

 Water to produce fish and grow vegetables
 Fish, mostly grow outs of Tilapia or Catfish
 Vegetables, mostly seedlings of different vegetables

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Structures: major ones
 Green house
 Grow beds
 Nursery
 Stores

 Rearing tanks
 Filter tanks
 Hydroponic beds
 Degassing tank
 Pump
 Base addition tank

3.2.2. Greenhouse Design

The aquaponics system should be housed inside with enough area having gutter-connected
greenhouse with a gravel floor and metal frames. The roof will be constructed using double
layered plastic with different thicknesses of south and north. The wall of the greenhouse should
be built with hollow blocks and glass above to it.

Use of micro-screens to prevent the introduction of insects is recommendable, as a natural insect

control strategies, because most pesticides cannot be used in an integrated plant-fish system
without adverse effects on fish health.

To minimize capital costs and facilitate construction of the aquaponics system, gravel can be
used for the greenhouse floor. A 4 inch thick layer of small ½ to ¾ inch gravel can be placed on
a geo-textile (geo-membrane) liner (to prevent mud from coming up through the gravel). Use of
a gravel floor allows the incoming water line and the plumbing associated with the root zone
heating system to be buried.

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3.3. Components of aquaponic systems

Aquaponic systems come in all shapes and sizes, from simple, low-tech backyard operations to
large-scale, more sophisticated commercial operations. Regardless of the size, materials used, or
level of complexity, all systems share the same basic design that consists of the same

1. Rearing tank: The tank or container where the fish/aquatic animals are raised and
2. Settling basin: Some sort of unit to capture all uneaten food and detached biofilm
(the film or coating that nitrifying bacteria form on inert material or organic
particles), and where fine particulates can settle out.
3. Biofilter: A place where the bacteria can grow and convert ammonia to nitrates and
organic wastes to carbon dioxide, which are used as nutrients for plants. Biofilters are
designed to supply a large amount of surface area where the culture water can easily
flow through and remain well oxygenated.

Biofiltration is the process where harmful ammonia (NH3) is converted to nitrate (NO3) by
bacteria. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria need a good supply of oxygen, balanced pH,
moderate temperature and no sudden water chemistry changes to maintain optimum

Types of Biofilters

 Submerged Biofilters
 Trickling biofilters
 Rotating Biological Contractors
 Fluidized sand biofilters
 Moving bed biofilters
 Low space bioreactors

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4. Hydroponics portion of the system: This is where the plants are grown by taking up the
excess nutrients from the effluent water.
5. Sump: This is the lowest point in the system and is where the water flows, after which it
gets pumped back into the rearing tanks.

3.4. System Setup

System design is critical as water will be moving throughout the system. It is possible to set it up
wrong to where all of the system water is in the grow beds at the same time, which leaves no
water for the fish. Setup grow beds so the maximum water flood level is at least 25mm (1 inch)
below the top of the grow bed media. This helps prevent algae as most algae needs water and
light to grow.

A separate
sump container
is sometimes
used which
allows for a
constant water
height in the
fish tank. If
water is going
to be pumped directly into the grow beds, put a ball valve on each grow bed inlet to control the
speed of fill time. This will produce back pressure on the water pump so provide a water return
back into the fish tank from the water pump to eliminate undue stress on the water pump and to
allow it to pump at full speed as it was designed for. This will also introduce more oxygenation
into the tank water which is good.

 Direct grow bed drainage back into the fish tank ensures good circulation and returns
oxygen back to the tank quicker. This also allows for grow bed modification if it is
decided to change the system.

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 Ensure that the water pump will not completely drain fish tank should another part of the
system fail to return water back to the fish tank due to mischievous animals, people, or
an unforeseen leak.

 Raise the water pump off the bottom of the fish tank and make sure it is secure and will
not move around. Also provide good support for grow beds as they will contain grow
media and water.

 Shade fish tanks to prevent algae growth and to reduce stress to the fish. Fish prefer dark
hiding places and have less stress if they have them. Include at least one object in the
water for this event in addition to shading the top.

 Do not seal off the fish tank as the fish still need oxygenation to happen, whether it
occurs from air bubbles, returning falling water, or fish “piping” at the surface of the

 If spawning is needed: give them a green “spawning mop” or create a dark “pot cave” as
many fishes need it. Place a terracotta pot upside down with a notch cut out at the bottom
or on its side with sand in it. Different fish will use this setup differently. Some will use
the sand and some will use the hard under-surface while others will use the crevice
created on the outside touching the bottom. Some fish require a certain speed of water
 Separate fry to protect them from being eaten by the bigger fish (including the mother).
Feed fry small pieces of flakes, brine shrimp, small worms, and soaked oatmeal.

 Setup the biological filter with filter media. Some people combine this with the grow
media. Route water from the tank into your biological filter and then routed to the grow
beds and finally back to the fish tank. For initial system material cleansing, route the
water through a clean towel/sock (that has no fabric softener or fragrances, additives,
etc) to catch any silt. This also makes an easy exchange filter for particles of bigger

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waste and if debris should be decided to leave it in the system permanently. Some people
prefer bigger fish waste to be deposited in the grow beds to feed beneficial worms living

 Fill the grow beds with grow media. The grow media will anchor plants and also be
home to beneficial bacteria and possibly worms. Some people add worms and sometimes
they show up on their own to feed and break down accumulated solids and sediment,
providing mineralization. So long as enough bacteria exists to clean the water and
provide worm food, develop surplus worms to feed to the fish as a bonus for those
raising carnivorous fish.

3.5. Aquaponic Plumbing

Aquaponics plumbing requires several individual guides in order to cover an appropriate amount
of material. This guide describes some general considerations for aquaponics plumbing.
Plumbing aquaponics system also requires a careful consideration of many different factors and
will depend on own design and situation. Plumbing is an integral part of aquaponics system and
should be considered right from the very beginning. Connect all plumbs together with the fish
tank and the growbeds while placing them, so think what plumbs will be required for the system

Before thinking about how to put the plumbing together, better to look what material is most
commonly used for the plumbing. The most handy materials used for aquaponic plumbing are
the PVC or UPVC Pipe. PVC is almost universally accepted and used material for aquaponics
as it has several beneficial features:

 PVC Pipe is almost universally available

 PVC Pipe is usually extremely cost effective
 PVC Pipe comes in standard sizes worldwide
 PVC Pipe has wide range of adapters and connectors
 PVC Pipe is easy to use, cut and adapt
 PVC Pipe is light, durable and long lasting

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For the purpose of this guide we will be assuming the use of standard PVC piping in your
aquaponics system. It is worth noting that whilst other piping could be used (such as agricultural
pipe, flexi-pipe, bamboo, hosepipe etc.), it is very important to make certain that it is safe for use
in a system that grows produce for human consumption and also consider whether it will be toxic
for the fish or plants. For instance using copper pipe can be highly toxic to the fish and not safe,
instead better to look for standard PVC pipe.

3.5.1. Plumbing fluid dynamics

Just briefly it is worth noting how a fluid actually flows through a pipe - there are a couple of
small things to consider that will influence how to plumb a system.

Flow rate:- The pipe itself provides friction to the smooth movement of the water, and actually
the water flow through the pipe, the water in the very middle of the pipe goes just a little faster
than the water that is touching the sides of the pipe. Similarly the flow rate through a straight
length of PVC pipe and through a pipe with a series of bends differs and the water flows more
quickly through the straight pipe. There are some complicated equations to work out exact flow
rates - but for the purpose of this guide it is enough to just recognize that there will be some
factors that will determine the flow rate through the aquaponics plumbing, and which will
influence the decision to what size diameter piping to use. Simply put, in a given amount of time
a greater volume of water can move through a big pipe than in a small pipe - and this fact can be
exploited while plumbing a system.

Gravity:- Gravity will exert a constant downward pressure on the water in aquaponics systems -
if a pump is being used to move water up, then be aware that gravity will be fighting against that
movement. This means that when it is been working out how to move the water and the rate that
the water is flowing through the system, the difference in height between the different
components of the system need to be taken into consideration, i.e. basically how high the water
need to be pumped. It is possible also to use gravity to our advantage and use it to move water
around with the minimal of mechanical intervention. If the fish tank is higher than a growbed
then it is possible to have the water overflow out of the tank and flow down to the growbed
purely by gravity and that is a very well designed system.

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3.5.2. Important Parts in Plumbing

1. Pumps

Pump is the beating heart of aquaponics system and hence it is well

worth paying for a high quality pump as it will pay the farm back in
the long run. A quality pump will not break, it will not leak any
chemicals into the system, and it will often uses less electricity than
a cheaper, less well designed and manufactured pump. There should
not be any compromise or scrimp on this component of the system.

It is critically important to make checks on two things with a pump; its flow rate and its head
pressure. The flow rate tells how much water the pump can move in litres per minute or per hour.
The head pressure then adjusts this measurement based on how high the water is being pumped.

Every pump will have a chart and check this carefully to see if it is capable of moving the
amount of water needed. It is better to UP-size a pump as can as always adjust the flow if it is
too high. But it is not possible to increase the flow if it is too small. A slightly bigger pump will
also allows to increase the size of a system if further expansion is planned later in the future.

2. Pipes

There are two pipes to be considered – those delivering water to the growbeds and those
removing it from the growbeds, and as a general rule of thumb the pipes removing water from
the growbeds may be larger than those taking the
water to them in order to ensure that the beds can
drain properly and not overflow, or at least able to
adequately handle the volume of water being
delivered to the growbeds. Which size pipe
diameter to use will depend on the circumstances
but always aim to use a larger diameter than
strictly necessary. If there exists a 1000 litre
aquaponics system then better to use 20mm piping as a minimum, and anything up to 40mm or
50mm would work fine. There are a number of engineering type calculators that can help to
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work out the ideal pipe diameter to use and as a general rule flow rate decreases as the length of
pipe increases.

Caution should be taken in that over time debris may build up on the inside of the pipes and this
will affect the rate of flow in the pipes. Pipes may need to be cleaned every few months in order
to ensure a constant and unimpeded flow of water. The necessity to clean some sections of the
plumbing should also influence to decide whether to make glue the pipes together. In most cases
PVC glue might not be necessary in the aqu aponics systems as the water pressure is not so high
and the piping can be pushed together firmly enough. Also note that joints, and bends in
plumbing will decrease the flow rate of the water.

If there exists lots of right angle connections in the design then it is important to confirm the final
flow rate once everything is laid out. Every bend is the equivalent to an additional length of pipe
(and consequent reduction in water flow). For example, in a 20mm diameter pipe a 90-degree
elbow fitting is the equivalent of an additional 0.5m of pipe; a 90-degree Tee fitting is the
equivalent of an additional 1.4m of pipe. In a large system this may have a significant impact on
overall flow rate.

3. Connectors

There are several commonly used types of connectors in aquaponics and most common ones are
threaded connectors and slip connectors. Threaded connectors are
ones that screw into one another and are designated as male and
female. Slip connectors as the name suggests, just slip into one
another. In order to preserve pipe diameter it is most common to
find female connectors, and the male pipe simply fits directly into
it. Examples of connectors are:
 45° elbows and 90° elbows
 90° Tee fittings
 Ball Valves
 Bulkheads
 Reducers
 Couplings

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3.5.3. Fitting pipes through the growbeds

In most cases to put a pipe through a growbed or a fish tank, Bulkhead fitting or something like a
Uniseal is needed.

The bulkhead can either be a purposely designed adapter or it could be a

fairly standard male and female adapter with some rubber washers.
Bulkheads come in a very wide variety of sizes and shapes, but can be
easily assembled from parts readily available in any homestore. The
bulkhead is a good, sturdy option for plumbing through the bottom of the
growbed when a standpipe is used.

Uniseals are rubber rings that fit into the holes that have been drilled into
the tank. They clamp around the hole making a watertight connection
and then the PVC pipe can be slotted into the seal. The seals usually
allow the pipe to be installed in only one direction, thus providing a
watertight seal between the pipe and the connector.

Uniseals are a cheap and easy method of putting a pipe through a tank, and they can also be used
with rounded surfaces thus making them particularly useful for plumbing into barrels and other
such rounded containers.

3.6. Aquaponic System Configuration

Aquaponics plumbing and Aquaponics system design are of course inseparable, but this manual
will try to focus more specifically on how to put all the plumbing components together. The
choice of how the system is going to be configured will depend on personal circumstances, space
available, growing objectives and so forth. configuring the plumbing of the growbed media
system will depend on how it is decided to set up the aquaponics system, and several
considerations and common ways to set everything up can be outlined.

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1. Component configuration

The typical component configurations samples are given below;

Component sample I

• Fish Tank at the lowest point.

• Water Pump in the fish tank to pump up to the
• Growbeds at the highest point.
• Simple gravity drain back to the Fish Tank.
• No Sump.

Component sample II

• Fish Tank at the low point.

• Water Pump in the fish tank; pump up to
the Growbed.
• Growbeds at the highest point.
• Simple gravity drain to a Sump Tank.
• Float Pump in the sump tank pumps water
back to the Fish Tank.

Component sample III

 Fish Tank at highest

 Water flows via gravity to
the growbeds.
 Growbeds drain into the
Sump Tank.
 Water Pump pumps the
water back to the Fish Tank.

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2. Water flow methods (Flood and drain)

Another issue in aquaponic system configuration is how to flood and drain the growbeds as this
will affect how to plumb the system. Guidelines to be considered to use the model where the
fish tank is the highest point in the system and water gravity flows down to the growbeds and
then on to a sump from where it is returned to the fish tank is given in table 3.

Table 3 General guidelines in water flow system configuration and their importance

No. Guidelines Expected benefits/advantages

1 Keep it Simple The more complicated it is – the more likely it is to break!
2 Keep it Short Shorter pipe work reduces temperature variations, reduces
friction and is easier to maintain.
3 Cleaning At some point cleaning out the pipes will be needed so
think about this in advance.
4 Keep it Accessible It will be difficult to fix or clean pipes if they are hidden
away, or blocked in.
5 Build in Redundancy Make sure whether a plan is made for overflow pipes and
fail-safes for when the worst happens. Put Fish first!
6 Ensure easy water flow Complicated joints and connections, or under-sized piping
will slow the water down.
7 Solid waste management Think about how solids move and how it is going to deal
with them. It is gently removed from the tank – waste is not
chopped up by a water pump
8 Room to expand Enable to upgrade the aquaponic system or possible to add
new growbeds and so forth in the future.
9 Safety The Fish Tank will never be drained if there is a plumbing
10 Efficient This set-up uses only one pump and can be arranged very
11 Flexible More growbeds can be added relatively easily. Sump adds
water capacity to the system.

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There are some incredibly creative and complicated systems to flood and drain water but the
most commonly used methods that are commonly used by probably 90% of backyard aquaponics
growers are:
I. Constant Flood.
II. Timed flood and drain.
III. Flood and drain with siphons or some similar mechanical way to drain the growbed.

It is also possible to mix and match any of the main component configurations with any of the
water flow methods noted above. But the best thing is to take general observations about the
plumbing for our aquaponics systems.

3. Pumping from the Fish Tank to the Growbeds

The water pump works best when it is working at its full capacity and is not being throttled
somewhere within the system. If the pump can work without impediment then it puts less strain
on the motor. This means it will last longer. So what could throttle the pump? If we add a ball
valve to the section of pipe where the water enters the growbed then this may throttle the water
flow and affect the pump – probably shortening its lifespan.

If the pump is being used to draw solid waste from the Fish Tank up to the growbeds then it is
worth checking that it can do this easily. Some pumps draw water from the sides, but not from
underneath. This is a helpful ability and so a few carefully drilled holes under the grill for the
pump can make it easier for solid waste to be drawn up into the growbed.

If we are pumping from the Fish Tank up to the

Growbeds then there are a couple of things
recommended to do.
 Regulate the water flow from the pump and so one
very good way of doing this is to incorporate a ball-
valve bypass into your system.
 Add a T-connector to the pipe coming from the
pump and onto that add a ball valve. This will

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regulate how much water flows out of this connection.
 The bypass does not impede the water flow from the pump and also has the added benefit
of potentially adding circulation and aeration to your fish tank if it is set up properly.
 The bypass should be above the water level and allow the water to splash into the tank –
this will create bubbles, and therefore food oxygenation. If the pipe is angled properly it
will help to promote good water flow and circulation.
 Alternatively possible to add a ‘spray bar’ (aeration bar) from the ball valve. This is simply
a length of piping that is capped at the far end, and has small holes drilled all along the
length of the bar.
 The spray bar causes the water to spray out, causing greater splashing and therefore
oxygenation. Some people may extend this spray bar all the way around the fish tank for
even more aeration and water movement.

4. Gravity flow from the Fish Tank to the Growbeds

When the fish tank positioned above the growbeds then it is possible to use gravity to move the
water. There are ways of moving the water and solids most efficiently though. If an outflow is
put simply on the side of the fish tank the water would indeed flow out of the tank and into the
growbeds. But the solid waste is heavy and generally sinks to the bottom of the tank - so a hole
high up on the side of the tank is not going to move the solid waste to where it is needed and

In this case, use what is known as a Solids Lift Overflow (SLO). This draws the water and the
solid waste from the bottom of the tank. The beauty of this system is that it is simple to
implement using commonly available materials, it is effective, and it requires no power

The SLO is a wide diameter pipe that sits upright, usually

in the centre of the tank. It is fitted with a T connector at
the top and the piping then goes through the side of the
tank and on to the growbed. A Tee-connector is used
instead of a 90 degree elbow so that there is no need of a siphon and drain the tank.

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5. Water entry and exit

There are a number of ways to arrange the inflow

of water into the growbeds, and the relationship
between this, and the outflow from the growbed.
Try to ensure that any solids are spread throughout
the growbed so as to not end up with a huge build
up of solid waste on just one particular spot. This build up would lead to an anaerobic spot
forming which will prohibit plant growth. Good relative placement of the inflow and outflow
plumbing will allow for good water movement within the growbed, and an equal spread of

6. The Overflow

When designing a system it is best to add in fail-safes right at the very beginning, something may
go wrong and that either the fish tank, or the growbed
might overflow. In such a case it is important to have an
overflow built into a system. This will simply be a hole
strategically placed into the side of the growbed and the
fish tank, that will allow water to flow out of those
containers if the water should rise too high.

o If the growbed is placed above the fish tank then the water should flow back either to the
sump or to the fish tank.
o If the fish tank is at one of the highest points, then the water should flow either to the
growbed or to the sump.
o Ideally the water should be kept in the system rather than wasting it.
o The overflow should be screened so that neither fish nor media can get into the pipes.

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7. The Media Guard

No matter which type of system set up is needed to get the water out of the growbed once we
have put it in there. There are a variety of
methods of doing this but almost all will also
require what is called a Media Guard. The
media guard has the yellow cap on it. The
Media Guard is usually a piece of wide diameter
piping (often 100mm pipe) with small holes or
gaps drilled or cut into its sides. Its purpose is to allow the water to flow - but to block the media
from getting into the plumbing. This Media Guard is very important as it performs a couple of
functions. Firstly, it allows to access the outflow plumbing in case there is a need to change
anything. Secondly, it helps to stop roots getting into the plumbing.

But it is very important to make sure that the Media Guard is securely in place at the bottom of
the growbed and that it extends beyond the level of the growbed media. It should allow air to
enter at the top so that it does not form a siphon.

The media guard does not necessarily have to be glued or stuck to the bottom of the growbed, a
simple silicon sealant can be used to secure it. If the media guard is not secured then it could
make it easier to rotate at a later date, thus helping to dislodge any roots that might have grown
into the guard.

3.7. Aquaponic System Starting

Do not expect a system to be running smooth in less than 4 weeks. Get comfortable to testing
the water with a water test kit. Good practice is to test your tap water immediately out of the tap
and test it again after it has sat a couple days. There might be a change in pH reading levels you
need to be aware of.
Some city tap water has chlorine added. Let this water dechlorinate and evaporate before adding
it to a system by letting it sit in another container for a day or so. If municipal tap water contains

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chloramines, this will not evaporate so use a chemical neutralizer available from the local fish
shop, and continue to do so for topping up the system at regular intervals.
 Put all the systems together (pipes, water containers, media) and fill it with water. Add
some quick growing seeds (beans) or young plants.
 Run the system (pumps and drainage) for a day or two without fish. This step will let to
find and repair any leaks and should also be enough time to let chlorine dissipate from
the system. It will also let us to evaluate if we need to rearrange the system for more
optimum plant growth in the sunlight or to give the fish tank more shade (fish like that).

 Ensure any timers and drainages are functioning and timed properly. Once you are
satisfied with the system flow, add any bacteria boost if available locally from lake,
river, or an established aquarium.

 For fishless cycling, add 1 teaspoon of urea or pure Ammonia (10% pure ammonia of
1ml per 1 gallon, i.e. 4ppm) about twice per week to build the bacteria colonies, but only
if water test results show the ammonia level below 1.
Important note on pure Ammonia: The only acceptable ingredients are
ammonium hydroxide and water. Any other ingredients are bad.

 Do not add fish until the reading level for nitrite return back down to zero. Stop adding
ammonia at least three days before adding fish so the readings can return to normal. For
trying to get the system is going with fish (expect to kill some if you are a newbie), start
with a couple small fish and check pH, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate levels once per

 Run the system like this for a few weeks until ammonia and nitrite levels are zero or near
zero. Signs of algae growth indicate that aquatic life can be supported and naturally
multiply the beneficial bacteria on the grow medium/filters and will convert any initial
ammonia in the water, including what might have added to build up the bacteria. A
higher pH level is good for this activity only. Lower the pH once the system is “cycling”

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properly. If you place too many fish or too few plants in your system before this happens,
expect the fish to die (known as New Tank Syndrome).

 Do not use prize fish, use feeder fish (like gold fish) for testing initial setup. Check
temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Keep a log of date and reading
levels and any changes made to the system, including adding/removing fish/plants/grow
beds/air pumps, caves, and amount of salt and feed put into the system so as to trace
issues later.

 Each aquaponics system will level out at a different pH reading. This is determined by
the water source and components and media in the system. If nitrite level is not zero, then
run the system another week and recheck. If the readings are off the charts for over a
week or two straight with no changes to the system or addition of ammonia check
whether or not surface area is provided for bacteria.

 If reading levels are good, add plants if not already done so within the past week. Add
fish last at a slow rate, maybe a couple every week. Be sure to temperature match the
water before releasing fish into the tank.

 Add plants and fish at a slow rate to make sure that the water nutrient levels are stable
and to give the system time to adjust. Once the system has “cycled”, the water should be
clear. Larger systems can adapt and absorb changes easier than a smaller system. Expand

4. Sources of Water and Water Quality

Aquaponic system use on average between 1-3% of the total water volume daily, depending on
the type of vegetable to be grown. Water will be consumed by the plants and lost through
evaporation, splashing and leakage. Hence it is important to top-up or replenish the system
periodically. Water levels reading with pH 7.0 is neutral. Some systems have found a slightly
different pH level to be optimum. A pH crash will read low levels and commonly, fish will be

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franticly breathing at the surface of the water as a side effect. This activity known as “piping” is
due to lack of enough dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water and requires immediate action.
Measure pH levels of any water after it has set out a day to be sure of how it will affect the
system. Proper pH must be maintained for fish, bacteria and plants to live.

4.1. Water sources for Aquaponics

There are different sources of water for the aquaponics. The type of water that will be used in the
aquaponic unit has an impact on the water chemistry. The major water sources include Well
water, Municipal water, Rain water, and Surface water.

4.1.1. Town or Municipal water

Municipal water should not need testing. Chemical analysis of local municipal water is usually
available from municipal water supply authority. Municipal water contains chlorine or
chloramine. These are added to kill bacteria and other living organisms that may be present in
the water supply. Chlorine is easily gassed off by putting it into a holding tank, applying
vigorous aeration for 24 hours. Chloramine (NH2Cl) is commonly used in municipal water as an
alternative to chlorine. Chloramine is much more stable and does not dissipate as rapidly as free
chlorine. Chloramine is formed by ammonia and chlorine being combined. Some chloramines
could readily form in Aquaponics system water if chlorinated water is added straight from the
tap to an Aquaponics system tank that already carried some free ammonia. If it is impossible to
get a report from urban water supply authority and the presence of chloramines is strongly
suspected, try to remove it by,
 Boiling and degassing (not very practical for large quantities)
 Using Ultraviolet light.
 Activated carbon filter (passing the water through slowly)
 Commercially available de-chloramination products (some simply remove the chlorine, while
others ‘lock up’ or detoxify remaining ammonia).

Generally, it is best to treat any suspect water in a holding tank before using for top up in the
Aquaponics systems.

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4.1.2. Rain water

Using water collected from precipitation is an excellent and clean water source for aquaponic
systems. The water will normally have a neutral pH and it will also have very low concentrations
of both types of hardness (general and carbonated) and almost zero salinity, which is optimal to
replenish the system and avoid long-term salinity buildups. However, in some areas affected by
acid rain, rainwater will have an acidic pH. Generally, it is good practice to buffer rainwater and
increase the KH. Rain water harvesting is a great practice to do as it will reduce the overhead
costs of running a unit.

4.1.3. Cistern or aquifer water

The quality of water taken from wells or cisterns will largely depend on the material of the
cistern and bedrock of the aquifer. If the bedrock is limestone, then the water will probably have
quite high concentrations of hardness, which may have an impact on the pH of the water. Water
hardness is not a major problem in aquaponics, because the alkalinity is naturally consumed by
the nitric acid produced by the nitrifying bacteria. However, if the hardness levels are very high
and the nitrification is minimal because of small fish biomass, then the water may remain slightly
basic (pH 7–8) and resist the natural tendency of aquaponic systems to become acidic through
the nitrification cycle and fish respiration. In this case, it may be necessary to use very small
amounts of acid to reduce the alkalinity before adding the water to the system in order to prevent
pH swings within the system. Aquifers on coral islands often have saltwater intrusion into the
freshwater lens, and can have salinity levels too high for aquaponics, so monitoring is necessary
and rainwater collection or reverse osmosis filtration may be better options.

4.2. Importance of water quality

 Water is the life blood of an aquatic organism(be it plant, animal or any other life). It is
the medium through which all essential macro and micro nutrients are transported to the
plants, and the medium through which the fish receive their oxygen.
 Water quality parameters are important things to be considered as it is crucial for all the
important organisms (fish, vegetable and bacteria) in aquaponics.

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 Water testing is an essential activity to be done regularly (at least every week) to keep the
system working as intended and keep the health growth of organisms.

4.3. Tolerable water quality parameter ranges

Aquaponics is balancing an ecosystem of the major involving organisms; fish, vegetable and
bacteria. Each organism in aquaponics unit has its own tolerance range for each parameter of
water quality. The tolerance ranges are relatively very similar for these organisms except the
compromises to be made occasionally.

Table 4 Water quality parameters

No. Organism pH range Temperature Remarks

ranges (0C)
1 Bacteria 7.3 - 8.0 25 - 30 pH and temperature
2 Fish 7.0 - 8.0 25 - 30 are key parameters
3 Vegetables 5.8 - 7.0 18 - 23
Compromise for aquaponics 6.8 - 7.2 23 - 25

By keeping these ranges, it is important to maintain water quality parameters that satisfy the
successful growth of the fish, vegetables and bacteria simultaneously. In some cases it will be
very necessary to manipulate these quality parameters so that these organisms can function at
most to give the intended production.

4.4. Water quality parameters to be considered

The five key water quality parameters are the Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Temperature, Nitrogen and
Total hardness.

4.4.1. Oxygen (DO2)

 Dissolved Oxygen (Oxygen present in the water) in aquaponics is essential for all
the three organisms to live. Oxygen brings the greatest threat to fish mortality, as

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fish dies within short period of time when there exists an extreme drop in aquaponics
 The optimum level for each of the three organisms to thrive are between 5-8 parts
per million (ppm) of Dissolved Oxygen. Some species of fish can tolerate levels as
low as 1-3 ppm.
 The source of oxygen for aquaponics is dependent on the type of aquaponic methods
used (Grow bed method, Nutrient Film Technique or deep water culture method).
 In Grow Bed or Flood and Drain method, oxygen is integrated in to water
automatically using auto siphons installed in each grow bed. The water flowing in to
the bed is rapidly flushed out by bell siphon and in to sump tank creating dynamic
aeration allowing oxygen to diffuse into the water body. During hot season it is
advised to place additional oxygen source (air pump) in the tank to stabilize oxygen.
 In nutrient film technique, the unit must rely on electric or solar powered air pumps
to integrate dissolved oxygen into the water body. Air stones connected to the air
pump are placed in the fish tanks and biofilter to make sure that the fish and bacteria
have consistently high dissolved oxygen level.

4.4.2. Water temperature

Water temperature is crucial for the full functioning of bacteria healthy growing plants and fish.
Bacteria and fish enjoy a higher water temperature relative to the plants. For better aquaponic
management constant water temperature during night and day is necessary. Therefore, fish tanks
and bio-filters should be protected from the sun. This also removes the threats of algae growing
in the unit. The optimum temperature level (0C) for fish is in between 20-30 (depending on the
species), for bacteria (25-30) and for plants (20-23).

Relationship between temperature and oxygen

 Temperature and dissolved oxygen has relations. As water temperature rises above the
optimum levels for aquaponics (23-250C), the capacity for water to hold DO2 begins to
 At 00C , the maximum or saturation level of DO2 is 14.6 ppm but at 300C, the maximum
level drops to 7.5 ppm and at 400C, the level is further reduced to 6.4 ppm.

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 During the warmer season (Ethiopian winter) of a year DO2 drops as the water
temperature rises, hence further aeration using air pumps is important.

4.4.3. pH (power or potential of Hydrogen)

Power or potential of Hydrogen (pH) defined as the amount of hydrogen ion in a body of water.
pH is another massively important water quality parameter for aquaponic food production as it
determines the availability of nutrients for plants. The pH of a solution or a substance is said to
be either acidic or alkaline. pH is measured on a scale which ranges from1-14 and the point on
the pH scale at which both terms meet is called neutral (pH of 7). Anything below 7 is called
acidic and above 7 is called alkaline. Pure water (H2O ) is made up of one Oxygen and two
Hydrogen molecules bonded together.

Importance of pH in aquaponics
1. For Vegetables: water pH controls the plants access to micro and macro nutrients. The
availability of nutrients is determine by pH. At a pH of 6 - 6.5 all of the nutrients are readily
available but as the pH level increases up to and beyond 7.5, nutrients such as iron,
phosphorous and manganese become difficult for plants to access, leading to nutrient
deficiencies. If the pH is too high( above 8), plants cannot take up essential nutrients like iron
or phosphorous.
2. For bacteria: the pH level of the water has a major impact on the productivity (ability to
convert ammonia) of the bacteria. Out of the tolerable range, the capacity of bacteria to
convert ammonia into nitrate reduces. The optimum range for Nitrosomonas species is in
between 7.5 and 8 while for that of Nitrobacter species the range is in between 7.3 and 7.5.
At a pH of 6 and lower the bacteria will stop functioning altogether and the ammonia level
increases as the bacteria stops converting it into nitrate which finally leads to death of fish.
The optimum pH range in aquaponics is in between 6.8 and 7.2. This range will keep the
bacteria functioning at a higher capacity, allowing the plants full access to all the essential
micro and macro nutrients.

Processes affecting pH in aquaponics

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Weak concentration of nitric acid (NO2) from the Nitrifying process.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) released from fish as CO2 is slightly acidic, especially when the
stocking density of fish is higher.
Higher water temperature in the tank. At higher temperature, fishes become more
active hence more CO2 is released to the water.

4.4.4. Nitrogen

All forms of nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate)

can be used or absorbed by plants, but nitrate is by far
the most accessible form. In a fully functioning
aquaponic unit, ammonia and nitrite levels will always
be zero ppm as the bacteria present will convert all
ammonia and nitrite into nitrate.


Ammonia is the first product in the nitrogen cycle. In water it exists in two forms and together is
known as Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) and measured in units of mg/L or ppm. The two
forms of ammonia are unionized ammonia (NH3 or UIA) and ionized ammonia (NH4+ ). You
should learn the differences between the two forms of ammonia because it is the unionized
ammonia (UIA) that is most toxic to fish. Which form of ammonia is present in water is highly
dependent on both temperature and pH.

Impacts of Ammonia

 Ammonia (NH3) is toxic to fish at levels as low as 0.05 ppm. At this level and above, fish
gills will suffer damage resulting in impaired respiration. This damage will restrict other
processes to function correctly, leading to suppressed immune system and eventually to
death. At higher levels of NH3, effects are immediate and numerous deaths can occur rapidly.

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However lower levels, over a long period of time, can still result in increased incidence of
disease and more fish loss.
 Root systems of some vegetables (tomato, cucumbers) will also suffer damage in excessive
concentration of ammonia.
 Bacteria will suffer dramatically at higher level of ammonia. Ammonia is essentially a
cleaning agent and levels of 4 ppm and higher, it will harm and kill all of the nitrifying


Nitrite is the second product in the nitrogen cycle. Nitrite is a highly toxic substance that is
produced by the oxidation of ammonia by bacteria. It is converted to the nontoxic form nitrate
with biological filtration and measured as total nitrite or nitrite-nitrogen, dependent on the water
chemistry test kit, in units of mg/Liter or parts per million (ppm).

Impacts of Nitrite

 High nitrite (NO2) levels are mainly problematic for fish. Problems of fish health can
arise with concentration as low as 0.5 ppm. High levels of NO2 can immediately lead to
fish deaths. Also at lower levels, over a long period of time, can still result in increased
incidence of disease and more losses.
 Toxic level of NO2 prevents the transport of oxygen in the fish, which causes the blood to
turn to a chocolate -brown color. This can be seen in fish gills as well. Affected fish
frequently appear to be oxygen deprived, even in water with high oxygen concentration.

Nitrate, the final product in the nitrogen cycle, is usually not measured in an aquaculture setting
as it is generally not toxic to freshwater fish and aquaculture test kits often do not carry the
reagents to measure it.

Impact of Nitrate

Nitrate (NO3) is a far safer nutrient for all organisms in aquaponics than other nitrogen forms and
obviously the most accessible form of nitrogen for vegetables. Fish can easily tolerate levels of

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up to 100 or more ppm with some fish tolerating levels even as high as 400 ppm. Extremely high
levels will have a negative impact on plant roots. So it is advisable to keep the nitrate level below
160 ppm.

4.4.5. Water hardness

Water hardness is the measure of the amount of different carbon based nutrients in water. The
two major water hardness types are the General hardness and the Carbonated hardness or

General Hardness
This is the measure of the amount of calcium (Ca+2) and Magnesium (Mg+2) ions present in the
aquaponic water. It is measured in ppm of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). High general hardness
concentrations are found in water sources such as limestone based aquifers and/or riverbeds, as
limestone is basically composed of CaCO3. Both ions Ca+2 and Mg+2 are essential plant nutrients
and they are taken up as the water flows through the hydroponic components.

Carbonate Hardness
Carbonate hardness measures the concentration of carbonates and bi-carbonates that buffer the
pH (creates resistance to pH change). It is the total amount of carbonates (CO3) and bicarbonates
(HCO3), which are other carbon based compounds, dissolved in the water. It is also measured in
mg/L. In general water is considered to have high carbonate hardness at levels between 121-180
mg/L. Water sourced from limestone bedrock wells/aquifers will normally have high carbonate
hardness (alkalinity) of roughly 150-180 mg/L.

Hardness can be classified along the water hardness scale measured in ppm. The range of soft
water is in between 0 - 60 ppm, medium one is in between 60 and 120 ppm and hard water is in
between 120 - 180 ppm beyond which is very hard water. The optimum level of both hardness
types in aquaponics is roughly between 60-140 ppm. Therefore, the water used to replenish the
aquaponic unit needs to have similar concentrations of carbonate hardness to continue
neutralizing acid created from the aquaponic process and buffering the pH at its optimum level.

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Relationships between Carbonated hardness and pH
 Carbonated hardness affects the pH level, acts as a buffer (or a resistance) to the lowering
of pH, caused by the introduction of acid in the water.
 Carbonates have an effect on the pH of water as they impact on the number of freely
associated H+ ions in the water, since pH is simply the amount of H+ ion in water.
 Carbonates bound to the freely associated H+ ions and hence remove them from their free
state in water.
 If there are no carbonates present in the water, the pH will freely decrease as acid is
 The pH will stay constant as the new H+ ions from the acid are bound to the carbonates.
 The higher the concentration of the carbonate hardness in the water, the longer it will act
as a buffer for pH.
 In a functioning aquaponic unit, there are biological and chemical processes that take
place constantly and some produce acid, which by definition contains H+ ions. Nitric acid
(HNO3), a by-product from the bacteria involved in the nitrification process, is made up
of one H+ ion and one NO3 compound. Hence the constant creation of this acid in
aquaponic unit will increase the number of H+ ions in the water body, naturally lowering
the pH.
 HNO3 + HCO3- ==> H2CO3 + NO3. Here, the bicarbonate (HCO3) accepts the H+ ions
and forms new compounds of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and nitrate (NO3) hence the pH of
the water stays neutral. If all the carbonates in the water are gone because they reacted
with nitric acid (HNO3), the pH will start to lower as there are no carbonates (buffer) to
remove the free H+ ion.

4.5. Measures to manipulate water quality

In order to lower the pH in the system within the ideal range for aquaponics, the carbonate
hardness level should be lowered by adding acid. Care should be taken in that small amount of
chemical is enough if acid from chemical source is to be used.
Procedures to add acid

 Check the pH of the water and record the result.

 Take a 20 lit bucket and fill it with water from the aquaponic unit
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 Add 1 ml of acid (phosphoric or sulfuric acid) to the bucket and check the pH again
 Continue adding 1 ml of acid every one hour until you reach the ideal range.
 Once the ideal range is achieved, calculate the amount of acid used, multiply this with the
total amount of liters and divide by 20 to retrieve the amount of acid you need to use in
reducing the pH.
 Spread the amount of acid to be used over a few days to remove the threat of fish stress
caused by large change in the pH.
 The maximum amount of acid that can be used for a 1000liter unit in one day is 20-30ml.
 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is preferable than sulfuric acid (H2S) as it is a relatively mild
acid and phosphorous is a macro nutrient for vegetables as well.
 Sulfuric acid (H2S) is recommended only when the hardness levels are extremely high. It
will also prevent phosphorous toxicities that will occur while using H3PO4.
 If the pH drops below 6.5, add calcium or potassium carbonate i.e. sea shells (as a base)
so as to increase the carbonate hardness and pH together.

4.6. Threats in water quality

4.6.1. Algal bloom

The growth of algae and other photosynthetic activity in aquaponic units and their significance
regarding dissolved oxygen is important component. Algae are microscopic plants that grow in
any water body rich in nutrient (mainly nitrate) and is exposed to sunlight. Algae acts as both a
source and sink of dissolved oxygen since they produce it during the day, through the process of
photosynthesis, and consumes it during night.

The threat of algae in aquaponics should be removed for different reasons

a) they will consume the nitrate in the water
b) they will destabilize the level of dissolved oxygen particularly during night
c) they will clog the smaller pipes within the unit and impairs the circulation of water
d) they will bring changes on the pH of the water.

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To prevent the threats of algae, cover the fish tank and Biofilter with UV protective material so
that water in the system has no direct contact with sunlight. This will inhibit the algae from
blooming in the aquaponic unit.

4.6.2. Parasites

It is completely impossible to remove all waterborne bio-threats in the unit, as nasty parasites
and bacteria will be present at some stage in the aquaponic unit water. The most applicable
management practice to prevent bio threats is to grow stress free fish and plants with access to all
their essential nutrients. Therefore, each organism can stave off infection or disease using their
immune systems.

5. Nutrients and Fertilizers

5.1. Nutrients

Sixteen chemical elements are known to be important to plant growth and survival. The three
non-mineral nutrients; hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and carbon (C) are absorbed from the air and
water in a process known as photosynthesis. Plants absorb the other 13 nutrients through their
roots. These nutrients and trace minerals consist of: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium
(K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Chloride
(Cl), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn). These mineral nutrients are divided
into two major groups: macronutrients and micronutrients.

5.1.1. Macro nutrients

These are essential nutrients for plant growth and required in large quantities. The macro
nutrients again can be classified as those utilized in largest amounts or called primary nutrients
(includes N,P,K) and those required in smaller amounts than the primary nutrients and called
secondary nutrients (includes Ca, Mg and S).

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Roles of the Primary nutrients

1. Nitrogen: Nitrogen promotes rapid growth, increases leaf size and quality, hastens crop
maturity, and promotes fruit and seed development. Because nitrogen is part of all living
cells and a necessary component of all proteins and a constituent of amino acids, which are
required to synthesize proteins and other related compounds, it plays a role in almost all plant
metabolic processes.

2. Phosphorus: Normal plant growth cannot be achieved without phosphorus. It is a constituent

of nucleic acids, phospholipids, the coenzymes DNA and NADP, and most importantly ATP.
It activates coenzymes for amino acid production used in protein synthesis; it decomposes
carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis; and it is involved in many other metabolic
processes required for normal growth, such as photosynthesis, glycolysis, respiration, and
fatty acid synthesis. Phosphorus is an essential part of the process of photosynthesis and in
the formation of all oils, sugars and starches.

3. Potassium: Although not an integral part of cell structure, potassium regulates many
metabolic processes required for growth, fruit and seed development. It helps in the building
of protein, photosynthesis, fruit quality and reduction of diseases. Many vegetable and fruit
crops are high in potassium, which is vital for animal and human nutrition. Indeed, the health
and survival of man is dependent on potassium. Potassium has many functions in plant
growth. It
o is essential for photosynthesis,
o activates enzymes to metabolize carbohydrates for the manufacture of amino acids
and proteins,
o facilitates cell division and growth by helping to move starches and sugars between
plant parts,
o adds stalk and stem stiffness,
o increases disease resistance and drought tolerance,
o regulates opening and closing of stomata,
o gives plumpness to grain and seed,

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o improves firmness, texture, size and color of fruit crops and
o increases the oil content of oil crops.

Roles of the secondary nutrients

1. Calcium: Ca is a constituent of cell walls and is involved in production of new growing

points and root tips. It provides elasticity and expansion of cell walls, which keeps growing
points from becoming rigid and brittle. It is immobile within plants and remains in the older
tissue throughout the growing season. It acts as a base for neutralizing organic acids
generated during the growing process and aids in carbohydrate translocation and nitrogen
absorption. Indeed, calcium might be considered the bricks in plant assembly, without which
cell manufacture and development would not occur.

2. Magnesium: Mg is a constituent of the chlorophyll molecule, which is the driving force of

photosynthesis. It is also essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates (sugars). It is an
enzyme activator in the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). It regulates uptake of the
other essential elements, serves as a carrier of phosphate compounds throughout the plant,
facilitates the translocation of carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and enhances the
production of oils and fats.

3. Sulfur: S is an essential component in the synthesis of amino acids required to manufacture

proteins. Sulfur is also required for production of chlorophyll and utilization of phosphorus
and other essential nutrients. Sulfur ranks equal to nitrogen for optimizing crop yield and
quality. It increases the size and weight of grain crops and enhances the efficiency of
nitrogen for protein manufacture. Crops that have a high nitrogen requirement must have
adequate sulfur to optimize nitrogen utilization.

5.1.2. Micronutrients

Micro nutrients are also essential for plant growth but needed in a very small (micro) quantities.

1. Boron (B) - aids in the production of sugar and carbohydrates.

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2. Copper (Cu) - important for reproductive growth in plants.
3. Iron (Fe) - essential for formation of chlorophyll.
4. Chloride (Cl) - aids in plant metabolism.
5. Manganese (Mn) - functions with enzyme systems involved in breakdown of carbohydrates,
and nitrogen metabolism.
6. Molybdenum (Mo) - helps in the use of nitrogen.
7. Zinc (Zn) - essential for the transformation of carbohydrates.

There are not always enough of these minerals in a plant’s environment to ensure maximum
growth and crop yields, hence the widespread use of chemical fertilizers by many farmers and

The 13 mineral nutrients, which normally come from the soil, are dissolved in water and
absorbed through plant’s roots. Not all of the mineral nutrients are routinely measured but are
being presented to raise awareness of the essential elements necessary for plant growth. In an
aquaponic setting, the majority of these mineral nutrients result from byproducts excreted by the

In hydroponics or soil growing, providing these essential mineral elements is relatively

straightforward. Just add the proper amount of hydroponic fertilizer based on your system’s
water volume. With aquaponics, however, the addition of most synthetic plant fertilizers would
result in dead fish. Fortunately, there are safe alternative sources of these vital minerals. When
addressing nutrient deficiencies in aquaponics like when combating pests in Aquaponic gardens;
the bottom-line question is whether the substance is toxic to fish.

5.2. Fertilizers

Natural and Non-Toxic primary plant nutrients (fertilizers) includes nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)
and potassium (K). These nutrients are utilized in the largest amounts by crops, and therefore, are
applied at higher rates than secondary nutrients and micronutrients.

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5.2.1. Nitrogen

Fish Poop

Obviously, fish waste is the primary source of nitrogen in any aquaponic system. It is still worth
mentioning here to put its
significance in
perspective. Nitrogen is the first
element listed in the makeup of
modern-day synthetic
fertilizers. Nitrogen is a part of all
living cells and is the necessary
part of all proteins, enzymes and
metabolic processes involved in
the synthesis and transfer of
energy. It is a part of chlorophyll,
the green pigment of the plant that is responsible for photosynthesis.

The nitrogen cycle is the same in soil as it is in water, it is simply a different medium that the
bacteria process in. Soil farmers have been using manure to fertilize crops for millennia. Adding
more fish to the system will generally help your plants grow more rapidly and produce more
seeds, foliage, blooms, and fruits.

5.2.2. Phosphorus

Even though nitrogen is by far the most important element for the growth of leaves, stems, and
roots of the vegetables phosphorous and potassium is important during the setting of flowers,
seeds, and fruits. One reason tomatoes and peppers maybe producing small amounts of produce
is a lack of phosphorous in the water. For aquaponics gardeners that want to grow tomatoes,
peppers, and cucumbers phosphorous may have to be supplemented. There are least expensive
ways to supplement phosphorus like using natural rock phosphate and bone meal.

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a) Rock phosphate

Rock phosphate in the form of granules or dust can simply be sprinkled on the top of grow beds
when the vegetable and fruit plants begin to flower. It will release very slowly phosphate into
the water solution. When the granules are added correctly most of the phosphate is consumed
immediately by the plants. Only a small amount will bleed into the water supply.

When you supplement phosphorous into the fish tanks, it is important to keep the fish tanks in
the shade. Phosphorous can cause algae blooms when the fish tanks are unshaded. The higher the
levels the more algae blooms will be produced.

b) Bone meal

Bones from animal bones will supply calcium and phosphorus to plants growing in aquaponic
units. Like nitrogen, phosphorus is an essential part of the process of photosynthesis. It helps
with the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy and is essential for plant
maturation, root growth, blooming, and withstanding stress. Calcium, an essential part of plant
cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as well as
strength in the plant.

Animal bones can sit in the system for days, and they also help buffer the water in your system.
Neither plants nor fish react favorably to violent pH swings. Note that it is also possible to use
powder versions of these elements, which is likely cleaner and more natural.

5.2.3. Potassium

After phosphorus, potassium is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than any other mineral
element except nitrogen and, in some cases, calcium. It aids in the building of protein and
photosynthesis. Potassium is a very important nutrient for overall plant health. It is involved in
protein synthesis and in the flow of nutrients and water up and down the plant. Potassium
strengthens plants against cold, heat, disease, and pests.

There are many ways to supplement aquaponic garden with potassium without using chemical
fertilizers. Here are the most common sources of organic potassium:

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a) Compost: Compost is full of nutrients, including potassium and. The potassium
compounds in compost are water-soluble, which makes them readily available to
aquaponic plants.

b) Wood Ash: The original source of “potash” fertilizers, hardwood ashes can be used
directly as a fertilizer (about a 5-
gallon bucket per 1000 square feet)
or added to your compost pile to
increase the potassium content.
Wood ash also raises pH, so be sure
to do regular testing to make sure it stays balanced.

c) Greensand: Mined from ancient former sea beds and is rich in a number of minerals
including potassium. It’s used both as a fertilizer and a soil conditioner, or it can be
mixed with compost.
d) Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride): Mined from ancient deposits and can be used as
natural sources of potassium in aquaponics.

6. Fish Production

The decision towards which fish would be best suited to a particular environment, weather
conditions, culture systems and peoples' preferences can have a real effect on the success of an
aquaponic system. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right fish, the correct feed and
stocking density and the types of plants that can be cultivated as well as the water temperature
and quality best suited for the species to be grown.

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6.1. Fish suited to aquaponics

There are several species of both warm water and coldwater fish that are well adapted to growing
in recirculating aquaponic systems. These include tilapia, catfish, rainbow trout, perch, carp,
Arctic char, goldfish, and largemouth and striped bass. Non native aquaculture fish species can
be imported and used for the system. Before importing or beginning to culture any non-native
species, an application for importation of exotic species should be made ahead and accepted by
the respective organization. The most popular commercial and aquaculturally important fish
species in Ethiopia are the Tilapia, catfish and carp species.

6.1.1. Tilapia

The near hundred species of cichlid fishes are more commonly known as tilapia. Shallow
streams, ponds, rivers and lakes are their habitat.
Tilapia is the most common species grown in both
home and commercial aquaponic systems . It is a
warm water species that grows well in recirculating
systems, and can tolerate crowding and fluctuating
water conditions.

Tilapia can feed on algae or any plant-based food,

which makes them important in aquaculture. Tilapia
is easy to breed, grows fast, withstand very poor
water conditions and require greenhouse (warm) water.

Their large size, rapid growth and palatability means that they’re farmed extensively as food fish,
particularly. They’re a good source of protein and are popular among artisanal and commercial

6.1.2. Carp fishes

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Carps are various species of oily freshwater fish. They are very popular in recreational fishing
and aquaculture. Various species are domesticated and raised as food fish. They have good
reproductive capabilities and can adapt various environments easily. Among the most common
species of carps for eating are the bighead carp, grass carp, mud carp and crucian carp. They feed
on algae, plants, molluscs, insects and many other soft bodied aquatic invertebrates.

6.1.3. Catfish

Catfishes are assorted group of ray-finned fish that vary greatly in size. They are found in
freshwater environments and live inland or in the
coastal waters of every continent in the world except
the Antarctica.

Commercially, catfishes are of great importance and

many of the larger species are farmed or fished for
food, especially in warm climates. They have good food
conversion ratio and are fast growing fishes. This fish withstand poor water quality and even
lower dissolved oxygen levels.

The catfish can feed on plant based food, insects as well as other fishes, but certain catfish
species will have specific diets. Catfish is high in vitamin D and among the most common eaten
species of are the channel catfish and blue catfish.

6.2. How to produce fish

Fish should be in the system a month before any plants are put in. This is for the biofilter to
become established to break down ammonia to nitrate. On average, 11.5 to 1 ratio of plant bed to
fish tank surface area in high density fish system of 120 kg/m2 is required. Six 1,200 gallon fish
tanks each one linked to six hydroponic grow beds can produce 45-70 pounds of produce for
every pound of tilapia. Tilapia can be cultured for 24 weeks but with staggered harvest every six

Aquaponic systems supporting dense fish production means are those systems usually made up
of the following components similar to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS);

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a) fish culture tank (s)
b) clarifier for solids removal
c) biofilter for transformation of toxic ammonia to less toxic nitrite and nitrate
d) sumps
e) air blowers for aeration (dissolved oxygen)
f) plant culture units (floating beds, NFT etc.)
g) Solids Removal structures, like
 bottom drawing center drain
 settling basins
 swirl separators/hydrocyclones
 filters

6.2.1. Fish feed and nutrition

Feeding rate for aquaponics is the amount of feed fed to fish daily per square meter of plant
surface area. Size of plant beds and number of plants are directly related to the amount of feed
input into the system. For floating rafts, fish feed in between 60-100 g/day/m2 of plant growing
area for the staggered production of leaf lettuce should be added to the unit. Meaning, every 60
to 100 g of feed supports 1m2 of floating bed surface area.

Fish feed consists of all the nutrients that are required for growth, energy and reproduction.
Dietary requirements are identified for proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, energy,
minerals and vitamins (Table A5.1). A brief summary of major feed components, compositional
tables and formulations is presented as a guide for the feed preparation process.
Dietary proteins play a fundamental role for the growth and metabolism of animals. They are
made of 20 different amino acids, reassembled in innumerable combinations to provide all the
indispensable proteins for life and growth. Only some amino acids can be synthesized by animals
while others cannot; these must be supplied in the diet. For aquatic animals, there are 10 essential
amino acids (EAAs): arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan and valine. Therefore, feed formulation must find an optimal balance of

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EAAs to meet the specific requirements of each fish species. Non-compliance with this
requirement would prevent fish from synthesizing their own proteins, and also waste the amino
acids that are present. The ideal feed formulation should thus take into account the EAA levels of
each ingredient and match the quantities required by fish. Recommended protein intake of fish
depends on the species and age. While for tilapia and herbivorous fish the optimal ranges are 28–
35 percent, carnivorous species require 38–45 percent. Juvenile fish require higher-protein diets
than adults owing to their intense body growth.
Besides any optimal amino acid content in the feed, it is worth stating the importance of an
optimal dietary balance between proteins and energy (supplied by carbohydrates and lipids) to
obtain the best growth performance and reduce costs and wastes from using proteins for energy.
Although proteins can be used as a source of energy, they are much more expensive than
carbohydrates and lipids, which are preferred.

In aquaponics, any increase in dietary proteins directly affects the amount of nitrogen in the
water. This should be balanced either by an increase in plants grown in the system or the
selection of vegetables with higher nitrogen demands. In general, the total amount of crude
protein (CP) or a specific EAA from a formulated feed can be simply obtained by multiplying
the CP (or the percentage of the specific EAA being investigated) of each ingredient by the
percentage of its inclusion, and by finally summing all the subtotals obtained. For example, a diet
with 60 percent of soybean with 44 percent CP and 40 percent of wheat grain with 18.8 percent
CP would be equal to → (0.6 × 44) + (0.4 × 18.8) = 26.4 + 7.52 = 33.9 percent CP. If the CP
obtained by the calculation (or the amount of the specific EAA) meets the CP requirements of
the fish (or the specific EAA percent) the diet is considered optimal.

The identification of the cheapest protein sources can be made by simply dividing the cost of
each ingredient by the percentage of its crude protein. The results will give the cost of a unit of
protein (1 percent) and can help find the most cost-effective feed formula. Fish food need not be
expensive. Two simple systems exist for creating fish food.
1. Raising duckweed using barrel halves or old fiber glasses suspended on a water body.
2. Cultivation of earth worms (vermiculture - the ancient art of raising worms). Thankfully,
like duckweed, they raise themselves in the proper conditions. Worms like some

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moisture, something to eat and darkness. Worms can be eaten by fish freely. Nutritional
content of worm food is; 19% Protein, 14 % Fat, 4 % Carbohydrate, 2% Fiber and 63%

Carbohydrates are the most important and cheapest energy source for animals. They are mainly
composed of simple sugars and starch, while other complex structures such as cellulose and
hemicellulose are not digestible by fish. In general, the maximum tolerated amount of
carbohydrates should be included in the diet in order to lower the feed costs. Omnivorous and
warm-water fish can easily digest quantities up to 40 percent, but the percentage falls to about 25
percent in carnivorous fish. Carbohydrates are also used as a binding agent to ensure the feed
pellet keeps its structure in water. In general, one of the most used products in extruded or
pelleted feed is starch (from potato, corn, cassava or gluten wheat), which undergoes a
gelatinization process at 60–85 °C that prevents pellets from easily dissolving in water.

Lipids provide energy and essential fatty acids (EFAs) indispensable for the growth and other
biological functions of fish. Fats also play the important role in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins
and securing the production of hormones. Fish, as other animals, cannot synthesize EFAs, which
have to be supplied with the diet according to the species’ needs. Deficiency in the supplement
of fatty acids results in reduced growth and limited reproductive efficiency.

In general, freshwater fish require a combination of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Tilapias mostly require omega-6 in order to secure optimal growth and high feed conversion
efficiency. Most diets are comprised of 5–10 percent lipids and lipid inclusion in the feed needs
to follow optimal protein/energy ratios to secure good growth, to avoid misuse of protein for
energy purposes (lack of fat/carbohydrates for energy purposes) and to avoid fat accumulation in
the muscle (diet too rich in lipids).


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Energy is mainly obtained by the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and, to a certain extent,
proteins. The energy requirements of fish are much lower than warm-blooded animals owing to
the reduced needs to heat the body and to perform metabolic activities. However, each species
requires an optimum amount of protein and energy to secure best growth conditions and to
prevent animals from using expensive protein for energy. It is thus important that feed
ingredients be carefully selected to meet the desired level of digestible energy (DE) required by
each aquatic species. A brief reference on optimal protein and energy balance in most common
fish for aquaponics is provided in this manual (Annex 2).

In general, the value of DE from a formulated feed can be simply obtained by multiplying the
DE of each ingredient by the percentage of its inclusion and by summing all the subtotals
obtained (e.g. a diet with 60 percent of soybean with DE 2,888 kcal/kg and 40 percent of wheat
grain with DE 2 930 kcal/kg would be equal to→ [0.6 × 2 888] + [0.4 × 2 930] = 1 732 + 1 172 =
2 904 kcal/kg). If the energy obtained by the calculation meets the energy (and protein)
requirements of the fish cultured, the diet is optimal.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins are organic compounds necessary to sustain growth and to perform all the
physiological processes needed to support life. Vitamins must be supplied with the diet because
animals do not produce them. Vitamin deficiencies are most likely to occur in intensively
cultured cages and tank systems, where animals cannot rely on natural food. Degenerative
syndromes are often ascribed to an insufficient supply of these vitamins and minerals.

Minerals are important elements in animal life. They support skeletal growth, and are also
involved in osmotic balance, energy transport, neural and endocrinal system functioning. They
are the core part of many enzymes as well as blood cells. Minerals can be supplied by diet, but
can also be directly absorbed from the water through the skin and gills. Supplementing of
vitamins and minerals can be done according to the requirements of each species (Annex 2).

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6.2.2. Water quality tolerances for fish

Water quality parameters important to Aquatic animal growth and health includes the Dissolved
oxygen, Temperature, ammonia, nitrite, pH, alkalinity/hardness, Carbon Dioxide/Carbonate
Cycle and Solids (Total Suspended Solids). Different fish has different tolerance ranges for water
quality parameters.

6.2.3. Stocking fish

Starting a system with the right number of fish will still mean a very empty tank when they are
all very small. That can also mean to add extra nutrients to water anyway. Don't make the
mistake of starting with too many fish at the beginning. Plan the numbers out to work as the fish
get bigger down the road.
If a larger harvest in fish than the plants can be an intention, it is very important to use additional
mechanical filtering to keep the water clean. Having lots of fish can be nice but the underlying
purpose of aquaponics is to create a balance between plant and animal populations.

In Floating Raft System with clarifier, filter, degasser, base addition and rafts, the stocking
density for Nile tilapia is 77 fish/ m3 and for Red tilapia it is 154 fish/ m3. On average, having
500 litres of growing medium would roughly allow for about 25 fishes. Fewer fish are easier to
care for but can end up with nutrient poor water.

6.2.4. Fish health and diseases

Aquaponic fish can be subjected to various problems and diseases that will cause them to be in a
less-than-ideal situation leading to sickness and death. Most fish problems are human induced. If
fingerlings are from a hatchery that can issue a health certificate for the fish, then buy from that
hatchery solves most problems. It is well worth the little extra it may cost to buy fingerlings from
a certified source. If the aquaponic system has good water quality and loads of aeration, there is a
very good chance that your fish will not get sick.

Fish can easily become stressed by a number of factors. Stress is detrimental to fish health just as
it is for humans and any other animal. Prolonged stress sets the fish up for bad health outcomes.
Stress is identified if fish are skittish and easily disturbed, gasping at the surface, showing
strange swimming patterns and loss of appetite. Stress can be caused by
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 Poor water quality, pH , excessive nitrate, nitrite, ammonia.
 Excess of dissolved solids.
 Low dissolved oxygen, Power outages, Pump failure.
 Bullying by other fish.
 Excessive handling by humans.
 White spot (Ichthyophthirius multifilis).

Treat and avoid stress by;

 Cleaning up the water quality in the system. This may require the cleaning of the filter if
the filter is fitted to the system.
 Fit a filter, a simple settlement tank or swirl filter will make a world of difference if the
system has visible solids in the water column.
 Feed at the correct rate. Overfeeding brings on a raft of difficulties.
 Ensure the system is within parameters for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.
 Add extra, additional aeration from a different source. There cannot be too much
dissolved oxygen in the water.
 If there is an identifiable bully in the tank, remove the offending fish.
 Reduce the frequency of opening and closing the lid on the tank. Minimize scooping fish
out to inspect them. Only do this if really necessary.
 Once a disease problem is identified, treat earlier rather than later.

Prevention and treatment

With plants, it is necessary to watch for insects or mildew. In a fish tank, the possibility is to
look for diseases and even injuries. A closed system that doesn't have contact with wild fish is
going to be fairly protected from many diseases as far as the tanks are kept clean. Overcrowded
tanks are more prone to diseases, and they will spread very quickly through the water from fish
to fish once it starts. Diseases like ich or fin rot are very common in fish tanks, and are the most
likely problems that come across with the fishes, regardless of the species. Ich looks like white
spots growing all over the scales of a fish, and fin rot is exactly like it sounds. Both will develop
in dirty water, so the best approach is to keep a clean tank in the first place.

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A popular treatment for many health problems may seem strange to the novice, but a dose of salt
to the water can actually cure many ills. A little salt can be quite toxic to the various fungi that
might exist in a fish tank, yet it's not enough to harm the fish. It has to be sea salt or salt intended
for aquariums. Never use table salt. A standard recipe is to use 1/2 ounce of salt per gallon of
fish tank volume, and add it slowly over the course of several days. It even helps with oxygen
absorption and gill health.

Of course, it can affect your plants if you keep salt in the main tanks. Many plants will be fine
with this low level of salinity though. If salt is chosen to use a regular basis (and many
aquaponicists actually do this), get a salinity meter to monitor the levels. This type of salt
treatment is the most common way of dealing with ich.

Many other potential problems are not diseases at all. Water quality can be behind several other
fish illnesses. Too much ammonia and nitrites will poison fishes, and too little oxygen will also
make them sick to the point of death. If the fish are seen gulping air at the surface, that is a sure
problem sign. Remove some of the water and refresh the tanks. Add an extra aerator to boost up
that oxygen content.

Treating fish for disease or parasites can be tricky because the chemicals end up in the water and
that can lead to problems with the plants. For easier fish care, better to keep an extra tank handy
to use as a hospital tank. Using a separate tank that is not connected to the plant beds can use to
treat the water with antibiotics or salt without worrying about the plants.

Another way some aquaponic gardeners choose to help prevent and treat fish diseases using
methods that won’t negatively affect plants or the all important nitrifying bacteria in an
aquaponics fish farm is to add plant tannins to their aquaponics fish tank. These can be found in
the form of dried Indian almond leaf, Indian Oak leaves or dried banana leaves. Add the
specified amount of leaves required per gallon of water and make a tea from them in a large
bucket or container, let the tea cool then add it to the system around once every three weeks.

Despite the beneficial nature of these particular plant materials, it must be kept in mind that other
plant debris from produce being grown or from overhead plants or trees be kept out of the
aquaponics fish tank as it could harm and possibly kill fishes.
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A little sea or aquarium salt can be used to aid oxygen absorption and help keep away brown
blood disease by competing with nitrite take up through the gills. Salt is also useful for the
treatment of certain infections such as ulcers, velvet and fungals. However, salt can’t be used
with salt sensitive fish or salt intolerant plants as it can kill them. Also, when adding salt, the
ratio needs to be around half an ounce per gallon of tank water and should be added gradually
after being mixed in a bucket of water with a little of the solution being poured into the system
every few hours.

Deep water culture type aquaponics systems are better than using an NFT in your aquaponics
setup which is more suited to regular hydroponic gardening. The reason for this is because NFT
systems only allow a small portion of root systems to come in contact with the water and is
inadequate for the amount of fish waste/nutrients that need to be taken up by roots in an
aquaponics system.
With the correct amount of nitrifying bacteria and oxygen provided in a properly set up
aquaponics system, root rot (caused by pythium) isn’t usually a problem like it often is in
hydroponic systems. In aquaponics, the greater amount of oxygen needed to maintain the fish
tanks acts as a preventative and the beneficial bacteria and other organisms eat up any dead plant
matter so root systems stay healthy.

Plants in an aquaponics system can suffer from other issues however, such as slugs, aphids,
molds, fungus and other parasite and disease problems. However, to keep fish healthy and
aquaponics systems organic, the typical chemical sprays and pesticide solutions must be avoided,
even some natural cures have to be used with caution. For example, neem oil and insecticidal
soap can’t be allowed to come in contact with the aquaponics fish tank. Sap suckers can be dealt
with using strips of coloured bug tape or garlic or chilli spray. Caterpillars can be gotten rid of
with bacillus thuringiensis and moulds and fungus can be treated safely with potassium
bicarbonate which is also used to remedy incorrect ph levels and potassium deficiencies.

Plants in the aquaponics setup often need iron added to the fish tank to supplement the nutrient
content as fish waste doesn’t supply plants with the amount of iron they need. If plants are
showing iron deficiencies (yellowing of the leaves while leaf veins remain green) you want to

71 | P a g e
gradually add a little chelated iron to the system (chelated iron is a form of iron that plants can
absorb). Over time, aquaponics tank can become acidic, so potassium bicarbonate and calcium
hydroxide can be used to aid in correcting the pH level and treat any calcium and potassium
deficiencies in the plants.


In aquaponics it’s critical to manage the pH for optimum growth and health of fish and
Feed a formulating, nutritionally complete floating feed to ensure animal health and
provide nutrients for the plants
Observe fish while feeding to catch any water quality or disease problems early
Maintain dissolved oxygen levels for the fish, biofilter and plants for the best growth
Monitor and learn about the water quality of your system.

7. Bacteria

Many people look at aquaponic systems and all they see

is fish and plants. Much is written about this and many
people define aquaponics as the “combination of fish
and plants”. The fact is that there is a third, and equally
important, group whose management is often completely
ignored: bacteria!
Bacteria are probably the hardest little workers never be
seen or meet or touched by hand. They are the little
microscopic creatures that do all the work in an Aquaponics system converting fish waste into
food so that the plants can absorb. Hundreds and billions of them chugging along, multiplying,
eating and dancing away, unseen in aquaponics water, in the growbed, adhering to the underside
of old pump, the slime coating of your fish and onto the fingers hands when the gravel media
that make up the aquaponic system is touched.

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Bacteria are in fact everywhere. Without them, the system would fail. The plants wouldn’t grow.
The fish would all die and the whole thing would
come to a grinding, crashing halt. Bacteria are the
living engine that process fish waste, breaking down
and mineralization the elements and converting
poisonous ammonia into something that the plant
roots can readily absorb.
While most people acknowledge bacteria, usually the
nitrifying genera, as being necessary to aquaponics
systems there is often little acknowledgement of the true importance of many other species of
bacteria and almost no methods are deployed for their management.

While there are literally hundreds of types of bacteria that will home into aquaponics systems,
Aquaponicists will often talk about very important ones as they do the job of converting the toxic
ammonia from the fish into benign nitrate: Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. They are of a family
of autotrophic bacteria called “nitrifying bacteria”. When an Aquaponics system is constructed
and ready to be used for the first time there will be virtually no beneficial bacteria present,
colonies of Nitrosomanas and Nitrobacter must be established before the system will work
correctly. They always oxidise Ammonia to Nitrite and Nitrite to Nitrate.

7.1. Starting up (Cycling) aquaponic system

The process of establishing the bacteria colonies in your Aquaponics system is referred to as
cycling your system. The primary purpose of cycling process during start up of an Aquaponics is
to attract these two naturally occurring bacteria to the system. The amount of time that it takes
for your bacteria colonies to become established depends on many variable factors such as water
temperature, ambient temperature, the depth of the grow bed and many other things . In a warm
temperate or tropical climate you may have colonies starting to establish themselves in as little as
two to three weeks. It may take substantially longer if conditions are less than optimal.

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Starting a system from scratch requires to add a little source of pure ammonia, a natural form of
ammonia, to get the system moving. Give the bacteria a source of food so they can start
multiplying and building a stable colony. The best way to get a system quickly established is to
use water from another aquaponics system where the bacterial colony is already established.
Some people add a little Urea or even a dead fish into the tank to start the decomposition
process. A little urine can also be used to start the system cycling, but it is not peeing too often
into the fish tank.

The best time to start an

aquaponics system is in the
months of warmer season.
The bacteria are more
inclined to rapidly grow as
water temperatures are in
their mid 20 0C. During
colder periods the system
cycled but it will take many days and possibly even weeks before the system is fully cycled as
the bacteria are more dormant due to the cooler temperatures.
The first few days of the cycling process, during the start, will not happen a lot. But after a week
ammonia will start to rise in the tank and changed to nitrite. The Nitrite will then begin to rise
and in turn attract another group of bacteria to feed on the Nitrites and finally after a number of
days, from two to three weeks in warm season, the first signs of Nitrate readings will appear. The
Nitrates are the thing that plants use and grow. In aquaponics, keep things in balance. Too high
Nitrite is an indication for a system either to put too many fish for the growbed or need to add
more growbeds to the system.
As their system matures, the Nitrate readings become very low and at times disappear. This is
generally not a bad thing. It means the plants are consuming the Nitrates at the same rate that the
fish are producing the waste. It is a right system in balance that is now purring along growing
fish and plants with ease.

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Why Cycling? Bacteria are the magic in an aquaponics system that convert the fish waste to a
near perfect plant fertilizer. The process of establishing a beneficial bacteria colony in
aquaponics system is often called system cycling.

Cycling starts when ammonia is added to a system either through fish or artificially. Ammonia is
a compound made of nitrogen and hydrogen. It can come either from the fish or from other
source. Ammonia is toxic to fish and will soon kill them unless it is either diluted to a non-toxic
level or converted into a less toxic form of nitrogen. Unfortunately, nitrogen as found in
ammonia is not readily taken up by plants, so no matter how high the ammonia levels get in a
fish tank, the plants will not be getting much nutrition from it.

The good news is that ammonia attracts nitrosomonas, the first of the two nitrifying bacteria that
colonizes the system. The nitrosomonas convert the ammonia into nitrites (NO2). This is a
necessary step in the cycling process; however, nitrites are even more toxic than ammonia! But
again the presence of nitrites attracts the second required bacteria: Nitrospira/Nitrobacter.
Nitrospira convert the nitrites into nitrates, which are generally harmless to the fish and excellent
food for the growing plants. Once the nitrates are detected in the water and the ammonia and
nitrite concentrations have both dropped to 0.5 ppm or lower, the system will be fully cycled and
aquaponics will have officially begun.

Ammonia is the catalyst that starts the cycling process. There should be some means to feed
ammonia into the system so that the bacteria get attracted and that is why cycling is needed.
There are two ways to introduce ammonia into a system with fish and without.

7.1.1. Cycling with Fish

The idea is to add fish on day one and hope that they live through the cycling process. Fish are
the obvious source of ammonia since their waste is the eventual fuel that feeds any
aquaponics system. Fish excrete ammonia through their gills during their respiratory process,
which if left unchecked, will increase in concentration and will eventually poison the fish. The
challenge is to get the system cycled fast enough that the ammonia concentration from the fish
waste drops to a non-toxic level before the fish succumb to exposure to their own waste. It is
recommendable not to stock fish to fish tank’s with mature capacity (having a capacity of 10g

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fish/ l) but to less than half that. It is better to use goldfish as they are fairly tolerant of ammonia,
rather than the tilapia with are going to be stocked in the tank. Also, do not feed these fish more
than once a day and only feed them a small amount even then.

Fish excrete ammonia through their gills as a bi-product of their respiratory process. Without
dilution, removal or conversion to a less toxic form of nitrogen, the ammonia will build up in the
fish tank and eventually kill the fish. In addition, ammonia (NH3) continually changes to
ammonium (NH4+) and vice versa, with the relative concentrations of each depending on the
water’s temperature and pH. Ammonia is extremely toxic to fish but ammonium is relatively
harmless. At higher temperatures and pH, more of the nitrogen is in the toxic ammonia form than
at lower pH.

Table 5 Level of ammonia (ppm) at different pH and water temperatures

pH 20 0C 250C
6.5 15.4 11.1
7.0 5.0 3.6
7.5 1.6 1.2
8.0 0.5 0.4
8.5 0.2 0.1

The tank water needs to be monitored daily during cycling for elevated ammonia levels. If those
levels exceed the levels on the chart above (Table 2), it should be diluted through a water
exchange by pumping out up to 1/3 of the tank’s water and replacing it with fresh, de-chlorinated
water. While cycling with fish is the most widespread and straightforward of the cycling
techniques, it is stressful for the fish and therefore somewhat stressful for the manager. But it
certainly works

7.1.2. Fishless Cycling

Fishless cycling is getting an aquaponics system ready for the fish. It means switching on the
pump and oxygenating the water in the fish tank and running the system normally without
adding any fish at this stage. Prepare a suitable test kit at this stage that you will test for four
main things.
 The pH of your water. Is it alkaline or acid?
 The Ammonia in your system.

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 Nitrite Readings and finally the thing you most want to happen –
 Nitrate reading, the most wanted, which tells that the system has cycled and the bacteria
are converting the fish waste into plant food.
Starting up your aquaponics system (cycling) is a straightforward process if there exists a
procedure to follow. It is adding ammonia to your aquaponic environment, and over time
naturally occurring nitrifying bacteria find the system and establish themselves, and proceed to
convert the toxic ammonia first to nitrites and then to harmless nitrates.

Fishless cycling is getting ammonia into the aquaponic system by some means other than from
fish. This technique has a few major advantages:

1. There is much less stress involved as there is no need to keep anybody alive during the
process. Less attention is given to control the pH as it must only be kept in a range that
facilitates cycling without consideration for the safety of the fish.
2. The ammonia concentration can be elevated to a much higher level using fishless
cycling than would be safe for fish, possible to cycle the system in much less time
(generally 10 to 20 days which would take 30 to 40 days to cycle with fish)
3. Once it is cycled, then there exists a more robust bacteria base.
4. Possible to control how much ammonia is added to your system precisely For example, if
the ammonia level is creeping up to 10 ppm, but no nitrites have shown up yet, just stop
adding ammonia for a few days and let the bacteria catch up which can’t be done with

The practical result of fishless cycle is that it is possible to stock the tank fully once cycling is
complete, instead of increasing the stocking levels gradually as is recommended when cycling
with fish. This is especially beneficial to those systems who are growing aggressive or
carnivorous fish because they are less likely to attack each other if everyone is introduced to the
tank at the same time.

There are several ways to add ammonia to the aquaponic system, ranging from the obvious to the
slightly bizarre. Each method has its own pros and cons. The major sources of ammonia are;

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1. Liquid Ammonia - (AKA Clear Ammonia, Pure Ammonia, 100% Ammonia, or Pure
Ammonium Hydroxide)
2. Ammonium Chloride (crystallized ammonia)
3. Human Urine
4. Other sources of ammonia (animal flesh decays like dead fish)

Instructions for Fishless Cycling

Once you have identified your source of ammonia you are ready to start the fishless
cycling process. Just follow these simple instructions.

1. Add the ammonia to the tank a little at a time until a reading of 5 ppm ammonia is obtained
2. Record the amount of ammonia that this took, and then add that amount daily until the nitrite
appears (0.5 ppm)
3. Once nitrites appear, cut back the daily dose of ammonia to half the original volume.
4. Once nitrates appear (5 – 10 ppm), and the nitrites have dropped to zero, then it is time to
add the aquaponic fish.

Finally, you can more precisely control how much ammonia is added to your system during
fishless cycling. For example, if you see that your ammonia level is creeping up to 10 ppm, but
no nitrites have shown up yet, just stop adding ammonia for a few days and let the bacteria catch
up. You can’t do this with fish!

7.2. Bacteria involved

The ammonia excreted from the fish-waste and leftover fish-feed is toxic to fish in high
quantities. Luckily Nature has provided with a natural method for converting ammonia into plant
food. This can only occur due to two types of the bacteria (nitrosomonas and nitrospira) that are
essential to the nitrogen cycle. These bacteria are otherwise referred to as the bio-filter, and this
is where the magic in an aquaponic system takes place. Like any organism nitrifying bacteria
thrive in optimum conditions. Therefore, it is essential to understand what these conditions are
and how they affect the health of the bio-filter.

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7.2.1. Adding bacteria

While there are many ways to do this, the principle relies on two basic strategies: using bacteria
from an existing aquaculture or aquaponics operation or from a near-by pond or instead,
purchase bacteria from a commercial source.

7.2.2. Sources of bacteria

Good sources of beneficial bacteria from existing systems are ranked here, leading with the best:

Media from an existing aquaponics system

Commercial products like Microbe-Lift Nitrifying Bacteria
Filter material (floss, sponge, biowheel, etc.) from an established, disease-free
Gravel from an established, disease-free tank (from any pet and aquarium stores)
Other ornaments (driftwood, rocks, etc.) from an established aquarium.
Squeezings from a filter sponge (from any pet and aquarium store)
Rocks from a backyard pond with fish in it.

Adding positive bacteria

o Good and Bad Bacteria - On both the fish intestine and plant roots there are normally
good and bad bacteria

o Introduce Positive Bacteria - With the introduction of positive bacteria the balance is
tipped toward the good bacteria

o Bad Bacteria have to go - The good bacteria promote the health of the intestines or roots
and are actively antagonistic toward the bad bacteria

o Good bacteria repel the bad - Good bacteria help promote the health of the fish gut or
plant root and actively prevent bad bacteria getting a hold again.

7.3. How bacteria are working

A new aquaponics system with fresh water added will have very little bacteria in the system
especially if its town water that’s been chlorinated. Adding a large number of fish at this early
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stage can create serious problems if the system hasn’t developed properly because there are too
few bacteria to handle the sudden load, fish waste, uneaten fish food and other waste that can
send the aquaponics system into a spiraling crisis and result in mass fish deaths as the fish
succumb to toxic levels of Ammonia.

The early stages of building an Aquaponics system and preventing all the fish from dying
requires some careful pre-planning so that a system can gently grow with the right population of
bacteria and take off naturally without any problem. After all, it is a matter of building a living
eco-system that encourage microscopic bacteria to do a majority share of the work.

7.4. Other organisms; worms

Worms are an incredible asset to any media based Aquaponics

system. They break down the solid waste from the fish, and
excess roots and other biodegradable materials and make them
more bio-available to the plants through their waste called
worm casting or vermicompost. Worms are one of the nature’s great garbage disposal. They are
valuable waste conversion machine, freeing up precious nutrients for aquaponic plants. Worms
mitigate the need for frequently cleaning growbeds. They help manage plant disease and harmful
insects and nematodes, and they work to help render pathogens harmless.

Growing good food at home that is nutritionally dense with the full complement of nutrients and
minerals for health and vitality should be number one on everyone’s list. Adding a compost
worm farm to aquaponics system is a smart move and worth looking into. Worms tend to also
hang around the water inlet pipes near the surface and dive around in the plant roots feeding on
fish poop and bacteria, remineralising the fish waste. Two products can be formed from worms;
Worm tea and juice.

Worm tea:- Worm casting soaked in a highly oxygenated water is called worm tea. Worm tea
increases seed germination and plant growth. Worm tea is used because it contains a myriad of
soluble nutrients (K, Mg), growth enhancers (auxins, humic acids, and fulvic acids), enzymes

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(cellulose, chitinase), and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and pseudomonads). Best of all,
worm tea is neither difficult nor expensive to produce.

Worm juice:- Worm juice is a light brown liquid that many gardeners use to boost growth in
their vegetable gardens. Worm juice is said to provide a wealth of nutrients and minerals with
over 60 different elements in aquaponics grow bed processed naturally. It is the enzyme in the
worm’s digestive systems that allows all the nutrients and trace elements to become water
soluble. Putting a diverse mixture of waste as a bathtub where composting worms are in so that
they can reprocess all the complex number of minerals added to pass through their gut and
collected in a bucket and that is worm juice. In a standard bathtub system, it will allow to collect
about a litre of worm juice every couple of days.

7.5. Importance of bacteria and worms

Bacteria and worms play a significant role in your Aquaponics system. They are responsible in
converting ammonia, liquid waste, and solid waste from the fish to plant food. Without them, the
aquaponic systems will surely fail.

7.5.1. Roles of Bacteria

Positive bacteria have four main benefits for areas like fish intestine lining and plant root tissue.
They can be tip the balance of a system by:

1. Changing or improving the quality of water and providing readily available nutrient for
the aquaponic plant
2. Preventing bad bacteria from taking hold. If the site is already occupied by a good
bacteria then the bad bacteria cannot take hold.
3. Promoting surface health. They can aid in breakdown of organic material that may get on
the surface as well as actively assisting tissue health.
4. Being antagonistic to bad bacteria. Many positive bacteria do not only prevent bad
bacteria taking hold but actively antagonize bad bacteria so they are removed from the

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5. Improving nutrient uptake and health. Many positive bacteria are major contributors to
break down of nutrients that can be readily absorbed by their tissue.

7.5.2. Roles of worms

Worms are valuable waste conversion machine, freeing up precious nutrients for aquaponic
vegetables/ plants. They mitigate the need for frequently cleaning your beds. They help manage
plant disease and harmful insects and nematodes, and they work to help render pathogens
harmless. They do play different roles;

a) They break down the solid waste from the fish, and excess roots and other materials that
plants slough off, and make them more bio-available to the plants through their excrement:
vermicompost. This additional metabolic layer in media based systems is what allow media
growers to avoid both the requirement to filter out solid waste and the requirement to
frequently clean out their grow beds. A 12″ (300 mm) deep grow bed with a healthy
population of worms will probably only need to be cleaned out every five years or so, if
b) Vermicompost, and the worm tea are tremendously beneficial because they:
 Suppress plant disease including Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Plectosporium, and Verticillium
 Suppress plant parasitic nematode
 Suppress plant insect pests, including tomato hornworms, mealy bugs, spider mites and
c) Besides helping battle plant diseases, worms have also been shown to mitigate and remove
human affecting pathogens, faecal coliforms (E. coli), Salmonella spp., enteric viruses and
helminth ova from sewage and sludge appear to be much more rapid when they are
processed using earthworms ( Eisenia fetida).
d) Because fish are cold blooded creatures, their waste cannot contain E. coli – that is reserved
for warm-blooded creatures only. In fact, the only way that these pathogens can be present
in the aquaponics system is if they are introduced from an external source.
e) Suppress plant disease including Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Plectosporium, and Verticillium.
f) Suppress plant parasitic nematode.
g) Suppress plant insect pests, including tomato hornworms, mealy bugs, spider mite & aphids.

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7.6. Unwanted bacteria

7.6.1. Sulphate reducing bacteria

Nitrifying and mineralizing bacteria are useful to aquaponic systems, but some other types of
bacteria are harmful. One of these harmful groups of bacteria is the sulphate reducing group.
These bacteria are found in anaerobic conditions (no oxygen), where they obtain energy through
a redox reaction using sulphur. The problem is that this process produces hydrogen sulphide
(H2S), which is extremely toxic to fish. These bacteria are common, found in lakes, saltmarshes
and estuaries around the world, and are part of the natural sulphur cycle. These bacteria are
responsible for the odour of rotten eggs, and also the grey-black colour of sediments.

The problem in aquaponics is when solid wastes accumulate at a faster pace than the
heterotrophic bacteria and associated community can effectively process and mineralize them,
which can in turn lead to anoxic festering conditions that support these sulphate-reducing
bacteria. In high fish density systems, the fish produce so much solid waste that the mechanical
filters cannot be cleaned fast enough, which encourages these bacteria to multiply and produce
their noxious metabolites. Large aquaponic systems often contain a degassing tank where the
hydrogen sulphide can be released safely back to the atmosphere.

Degassing is unnecessary in small-scale systems. However, even in small-scale systems, if a foul

odor is detected, reminiscent of rotten eggs or raw sewage, it is necessary to take appropriate
management action. These bacteria only grow in anoxic conditions, so to prevent them, be sure
to supply adequate aeration and increase mechanical filtration to prevent sludge accumulation.

7.6.2. Denitrifying bacteria

A second group of unwanted bacteria are those responsible for denitrification. These bacteria
also live in anaerobic conditions. They convert nitrate, which is the coveted fertilizer for plants,
back into atmospheric nitrogen that is unavailable for plants. These bacteria are also common
throughout the world, and are important in their own right. However, within aquaponic systems,
these bacteria can decrease efficiency by effectively removing the nitrogen fertilizer. This is

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often a problem with large DWC beds that are inadequately oxygenated. A problem could be
suspected when plants show signs of nitrogen deficiencies despite the system being in balance,
and when there is a very low nitrate concentration in the water. Investigate possible areas within
the DWC canals that are not circulating properly, and further increase
aeration with air stones.
Some large aquaponic systems deliberately use denitrification. The feed rate ratio balances the
nutrients for the plants but usually results in high nitrate levels. This nitrate can be diluted during
water exchanges (suggested in this publication for small-scale systems). Alternatively, controlled
denitrification can be encouraged in the mechanical filter. This technique requires careful
attention and off-gassing, and is not recommended for small-systems.

7.6.3. Pathogenic bacteria

A final group of unwanted bacteria are those that cause diseases in plants, fish and humans.
Overall, it is important that there are good agricultural practices (GAPs) that mitigate and
minimize the risk of bacterial diseases within aquaponic systems. Prevent pathogens from
entering the system by: ensuring good worker hygiene; preventing rodents from defecating in the
system; keeping wild mammals (and dogs and cats) away from aquaponic systems; avoiding
using water that is contaminated; and being aware that any live feed can be a vector for
introducing alien micro-organisms into the system.

It is especially important not to use rainwater collection from roofs with bird faeces unless the
water is treated first. The major risk from warm-blooded animals is the introduction of
Escherichia coli, and birds often carry Salmonella spp.; dangerous bacteria can enter the system
with animal faeces. Second, after prevention, never let the aquaponic water come into contact
with the leaves of the plants. This prevents many plant diseases as well as potential
contamination of fish water to human produce, especially if the produce is to be eaten raw.
Always wash vegetables before consumption, aquaponic or otherwise. Generally, common sense
and cleanliness are the best guards against diseases from aquaponics.

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8. Vegetable Production

The fish supply needed nutrients to the plants and help to

keep the water clean to create a healthy growing
environment. Through the use of grow beds, which can
be filled with clay pebbles or gravel the water
continuously flows through and provides a nutrient rich
environment for plants.

8.1. Plants suited to aquaponics

Many plants can be grown in aquaponic systems, and the choice of plants will depend on the
stocking density of the fish being grown because this will influence the concentration of nutrients
in the fish effluent.

Over 300 varieties of aquaponics plants have been tested to see which ones would thrive best in
the system. The huge list of successful plants are basically anything that grows well above soil
and love to have their roots wet. Plants that have low to medium nutrient requirements that are
well adapted to aquaponic systems include lettuce, basil, spinach,
chives, herbs, watercress and other leafy green vegetables. Other
plants, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, have higher
nutrient requirements and will only do well in aquaponic systems
that have high stocking densities of fish. The biggest group that did
not seem to grow well in the system is any type of root vegetable.
Basically root vegetables are any plants that are produced under the soil such as potatoes.

Leafy green vegetables and herbs are the most productive and are the
easiest to plant in your system. The climate that the system is
established and the weather are determining factors for the choices of
plants. Based on the choices for the type of bed that will be used, and
the environment that it will be in such as open climate versus greenhouse, are all determining
factors in planting choices. If system is open, it is the mercy of the elements where the system

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lives. If the set up is in a greenhouse it is possible to create a totally different climate. Based on
the climate where the system is in, determines what best plant can be produced.

8.1.1. Salad varieties

Salads such as cucumbers, shallots,

lettuce, tomatoes, chiles, capsicum, red
salad onions, and snow peas usually have
the greatest success.

Producing melon
To produce melon, place 2 plants/sheet, use one side only and allow plants to run on ground.
Plant the other side with companion crop or construct narrow hydroponic tanks. Harvest a three
month crop while the plants die; this is the time when the melons ripen.

Growing Lettuce

High nitrogen levels in aquaponics promotes leafy growth. Lettuce are good aquaponic
candidates as they have short production cycle and strong market demand that enables to
generate steady cash flow for a system.

Lettuce Harvest Procedures

 Move sheets with mature plants to one end of the
 Lift sheets to harvesting stand or harvest in place
 Cut off lettuce stalk with a sharp knife and remove
lower poor quality leaves
 Discard any poor quality lettuce
 Weigh the collection boxes to calculate the total
harvest weight and average weight per head of
 Count box to determine total lettuce number and percentage of marketable yield

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 Lettuce that is not distributed immediately should be stored in a moist refrigerated room
 Surface of the sheets should be washed with dechlorinated water to remove any dead leaves
and quickly returned to hydroponic tanks
 Plants roots and growing media should be removed from net pots and discarded
 Cleaned net pots should be disinfected by soaking them in water containing bleach, rinsed
and then dried before they are used again.

8.1.2. Vegetables

Vegetables such as beans, cauliflower, cabbage,

broccoli, and eggplant as well as the choys that are
used for stir fries are also pretty successful and
easy to grow.

8.1.3. Herbs

Herbs including watercress, basil, coriander, parsley,

lemongrass, and sage, all work well also. This is
only a small part of the list of herbs that continues
on and on.

To produce basil,
 use staggered production and complete harvest
 cut and come again at 4 week intervals as it reduces survival and increases pythium
 . grow the plant for 3 months, harvest (cut) three times and then remove.

8.1.4. Companion plants

Flowering plants such as roses can be used as a companion planting

strategy that adds flowering plants in the mix. The roses spread and
grow quickly, and have incredible color.

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8.2. Growing systems

There are different methods of growing plants in

aquaponic systems. The two primary growing
methods used to culture plants in aquaponic
systems are the raft and the media-based (refer
section for more detail explanation) growing
systems. The advantages of raft based method
over the media based system is that there is no
tank size limitation, no root clogging, maximum
exposure of roots to water, sheets shade and cool
water, plants not affected when water pump stops
and easiness to harvest the vegetables.

8.3. Nutrient deficiency and toxicity

There are several symptoms of nutrient deficiency associated with more than one element such
as tip burn, chlorosis and necrosis. Symptoms of stress caused by salinity, pathogens or air
pollution are often similar to symptoms of nutrient deficiency. Under condition like these it is
common that plants grown in the same environment develop similar symptoms at the same time.
Tip burn is indicated by the discoloration of the tip of the leaf, and is a very common symptom.
Chlorosis is a general term for the yellowing of leaves through the loss of chlorophyll, while
necrosis is a general term for brown, dead tissue (grey/brown areas).

Macronutrients become depleted by rapidly growing plants and must be supplied continuously to
prevent acute deficiency. For optimal growth the nutrient status of both macro- and
micronutrients has to be balanced. However, only one nutrient at a time can limit the overall
growth even though the plant may lack several nutrients. If the plant is supplied with the limiting
nutrient growth will resume, but another nutrient may become limiting.

During nutrient stress the plant is able to mobilize nutrients from the older leaves to the younger
leaves near the growing regions of the plant. This is true for N and K and other very mobile

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nutrients and results in a depletion of mobile nutrients in old and mature leaves. Uptake and
distribution of weakly mobile nutrients such as Ca, B and Mn are dependent on transpiration.
Deficiency will appear in the younger leaves and is usually a result of dehydration. Low
concentration of moderately mobile nutrients such as S and Mg will normally cause symptoms
over the entire plant. Competition among nutrients and from toxic metals is another cause of
deficiency. Excessive amounts of Mg will compete with K and Ca uptake. An excess of metals
such as Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni competes with Fe.

A number of different mechanisms can limit the availability of a nutrient, and the fact that they
often work in concert will complicate the work of finding the actual reasons for nutrient
deficiencies. The uptake mechanisms of nutrients in plants are selective, but not all plants are
able to regulate their uptake according to metabolic need.

Plants are able to accumulate toxic concentrations of essential microelements, but they can also
absorb high amounts of non-essential elements such as Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb). Non-
essential elements are taken up by plants by the same transport mechanisms as essential
elements. The use of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment (soil, water or air)
or to render them harmless is termed as phytoremediation. The ability to absorb heavy metals is
highly dependent on species and cultivars within species. High accumulation of heavy metals or
nutrients in edible plants can also pose a threat to human health. It is therefore important to
assure that the metal uptake by plants does not exceed the maximum tolerance of humans. This is
not a problem when cultivating ornamental plants.

Feed a nutritionally complete feed to fish. This feed contains almost all of the minerals and
nutrients required by plants. Iron (Fe) deficiency will most often occur and the deficiency is
indicated by plants with yellow leaves. Chelated Iron (Fe) should be added at a rate of 2mg/L.
When one nutrient is in toxic concentrations it causes other nutrients to be deficient due to
antagonistic actions of the nutrients. Flouride and Chloride toxicity causes wilting of marginal
plant parts and leaf tip necrosis. Sodium toxicity- causes calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
deficiencies. Supplementing for plant deficiencies is not necessary when using good
quality aquaculture feed, perhaps once or twice a year it might be important to dose systems with
seaweed extract if some deficiencies are observed.

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Deficiencies can be difficult to diagnose, hence good to add some seaweed crushed extract.
Seaweed has very high levels of most micronutrients and minerals. Some other things wanted to
be added, if the relevant deficiencies are showing in your plant growth, are chelated Iron
and Potassium bicarbonate as long as the pH is not high. Iron (Fe ) deficiency is the most often
occurring deficiency.
If noticed very well, the plants in the aquaponic system are struggling to flower or fruit properly;
may be with shriveled, yellowing, and/or stunted growth, it is likely a sign of mineral deficiency
as detailed in the figure below. Nutrient deficient, weak plants are more susceptible to disease
and pest infestations.
A. Nitrogen (N) :- Plant leaves
uses this nutrient. Plants use
nitrate and ammonium. The
deficiency of nitrogen
causes reduced leaf size,
stunted growth and
yellowing of leaves with
leaf dropping or
B. Phosphorus (P):- P is used
for roots. Deficiency of this
nutrient changes the plant
color to bronze, red or
pumpkin and the plant
growth becomes stunted.
C. Potassium (K):- It is important for flowers and fruits. K causes yellowing of plant leaves at
the tip and edges.
D. Iron (Fe):- plant leaves changed in to yellowish color and eventual bleaching. Chelated
Iron (Fe) should be added at 2mg/L.

E. Flouride (F) and Chloride (Cl) toxicity causes wilting of marginal plant parts and leaf tip
F. Sodium (Na) toxicity- causes Calcium, Magnesium and K deficiencies

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9. Aquaponic Unit Management

9.1. Initial stage aquaponic unit management

 Manage the pH to be around 7.0 using Calcium hydroxide (CaOH) or potassium hydroxide
(KOH) for plants and 7.5 for fish.
 Dissolved oxygen should be at least 5 mg/L in water for fish and for plant roots
 Ensure adequate oxygen for fish, bacteria and plant roots.
 In ebb and flow valve should be set to open water flow for 5-8 minutes twice every hour
 Use ladybugs and other beneficial insects as a biological control for the plants as it is
impossible to use insecticides in the system as fishes are being cultured.
 Don’t bring in different plant materials together.
 Manage the system with the amount of feed compared to plants. Amount of feed is also
based on stocking density and size of the fish being stocked
 Feeding rate ratio for aquaponics is the amount of feed fed to fish daily per square meter of
plant surface area. For floating rafts, feeding rate can be 60 -100 g/m2/day. For nutrient
film technique feeding ration should be 25% or less.

In conclusion
 Fish optimum pH is 7.5 and the plant optimum is 7.0 and better to aim the optimum pH for plants
 In aquaponics, alternate calcium hydroxide (CaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) should be used
as plants need calcium and potassium for growth
 In aquaponics it’s critical to manage the pH for optimum growth and health of fish and plants
 Feed a formulating, nutritionally complete floating feed to ensure animal health and provide
nutrients for the plants
 Observe fish while feeding to catch any water quality or disease problems early
 Maintain dissolved oxygen levels for the fish, biofilter and plants for the best growth
 Monitor and learn about the water quality of your system.

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9.2. Aquaponic calculations

9.2.1. Ratios of Fish to Plants

Each system will have fish: plant ratios based on the efficiency of the filters and the amount of
media per volume area. Component ratios: matched the volume of fish tank water to the volume
of hydroponic media. Aquaponic systems need to be balanced. The fish (and thus, fish feed) need
to supply adequate nutrients to the plants; the number of plants should be adequate to use all the
nutrients released, but not in excess to prevent any risk of deficiencies. The biofilter needs to be
large enough to process all of the fish wastes, and enough water volume is needed to circulate
this system. This balance can be tricky to achieve in a new system, but this section provides
helpful calculations to estimate the sizes of each of the components.

The ratio estimates how much fish feed should be added each day to the system, and it is
calculated based on the area available for plant growth. This ratio depends on the type of plant
being grown; fruiting vegetables require about one-third more nutrients than leafy greens to
support flowers and fruit development. The type of feed also influences the feed rate ratio, and
all calculations provided here assume an industry standard fish feed with 32 percent protein.
Lower-protein feeds can be fed at higher rates. For instance; to produce leafy green plants add
40-50g of fish feed/m2, but 50-80g fish feed/m2 is required to produce fruit vegetables.

The recommended first step in the calculation is to determine how many plants are needed.
Plants are most likely the most profitable part in small-scale aquaponics because of the high
turnover rate. On average, plants can be grown at the following planting density. These figures
are only averages, and many variables exist depending on plant type and harvest size, and
therefore should only be used as guidelines. For leafy green plants, it is possible to have 20-25
plants/m2 and 4 plants only are enough for fruiting vegetables.

Choose the amount of growing area needed using the above metric (leafy vs. fruiting). The
surface area needs to be chosen by the farmer to meet market or food production targets. This
also depends on the crop, because some plants require more space and grow more slowly than
others. Once the desired number of plants has been chosen, it is then possible to determine the

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amount of growing area needed and, consequently, the amount of fish feed that should be added
to the system every day.

Once the amount of fish feed has been calculated, it is possible to determine the biomass of the
fish needed to eat this fish feed. Different-sized fish have different feed requirements and
regimes, this means that many small fish eat as much as a few large fish. In terms of balancing
an aquaponic unit, the actual number of fish is not as important as the total biomass of fish in the
tank. On average, the fish will consume 1–2 percent of their body weight per day during the
grow-out stage, which correspond to a body mass above 50g. On the contrary small/young fish
eat more than large ones, as a percentage of body weight.

The most successful way to balance an aquaponic system is to use fish to plant ratio of 1: 2 or 1:
4. This ratio is the most important calculation for aquaponics so that the fish and plants can
thrive symbiotically within the aquaponic ecosystem.

9.2.2. Water budgeting

Start working out with how much water is going to be used in the system in total - how many
growbeds do we have and what is their volume? What will be the volume of a fish tank and / or
sump tank? Put it all together and have an idea of the amount of water that needs to be moved
around the aquaponics system. As a general rule of thumb the entire fish tank volume of water
need to be moved each and every hour in order to maintain good water quality for the fish. the
'head' of the system, i.e. how high the water need to be pumped? Finally, it would be interesting
to know whether the pump have to run continuously, or whether there need to exist a timed flood
and drain system. All of these factors together will give an idea of how much water needs to be
moved around; for how much time need to move it, and therefore how our plumbing needs to be

a1000 litre fish tank, with 2, 500 litre growbeds positioned above the fish tank. Water will be
pumped from the fish tank 50cms up to the growbeds, and will then directly return to the fish
tank via the outflow pipes in the growbeds. Assuming that the pump is running constantly, then it

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needs to be powerful enough to move at least a 1000 litres of water 50cms high in 1 hour.
However, if a timed flood and drain system is planned, then the pump may only be on for 15
minutes every hour. If this is the case then the pump needs to still move the entire volume of the
fish tank - but it needs to do it in only 15 minutes and a much more powerful pump should be
used to allow for this. In this case the pump would need to be able to move at least 4000 litres of
water to a height of 50cms in 1 hour. The pipes need to be big enough to handle this volume of
water and various controls and safety measures need to be in place just in case there is any

9.3. Pests in Aquaponics

There are a few different methods of dealing with any pests and/or diseases in aquaponic system,
of course most of these require no petrochemical based sprays as these are generally very toxic to
fish and also possibly the beneficial bacteria within the system.

Caterpillars are easily controlled by applications of Bacillus thuringiensis, this is a natural

soil borne bacteria which is available around the world under a number of different brand names.
Often organically certified the spray is safe for aquaponic systems. For sap sucking insects you
can use chilli and garlic sprays, these are often available commercially now a day, however they
should always be used in moderation, as excess and overspray is never good. For moulds and
fungus on plants you can use potassium bicarbonate sprayed onto the effected plants. Potassium
bicarbonate is available under a number of different brand names around the world. It also can
help a system by adding potassium, something often lacking in a system and the bicarbonate
helps to keep the pH up, as most of the time pH goes down in mature systems.

If slugs are a problem, a small saucer filled with beer will attract them and they easily drown,
making disposal simple and effective. Coloured sticky traps work well for thrips, aphids and
whiteflies and are a good way to monitor visitors to your aquaponic system.

9.4. Pest control

Unfortunately, pests are an inevitable problem facing all gardeners and farmers. Combating
pesky bugs has always presented an extra difficult dilemma for aquaponic growers. There are so
few pesticides that are known to be non-toxic or safe for fish. But when dealing with closed

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looped systems, especially when those systems are enclosed in a greenhouse, it is common to
face an out of control infestation unless there exists a reliable system of pest control in place
using combination of methods.

Organic methods of combating and preventing future pest infestations (in ways that will not
harm fishes and the environment). The most commonly used fish friendly organic methods
includes use of beneficial insects,

9.4.1. Beneficial Insects

This form of “bio-control” consists of adding and raising populations of beneficial insects (lady
bugs, aphidius wasps, etc) to feed on bugs that eat the plants.

 A packet of beneficial Nematodes, tiny microscopic organisms which are effective in

killing bugs but completely safe for people, pets, and the environment can be used.
 Lady bugs can devour up to 50 aphids, mealy bugs, scale, leaf hoppers, or other
destructive pests per day.

Having just a few pests, putting such beneficial organisms to work in your system will help
prevent many pest outbreaks and big infestations.

Aphids control methods in Aquaponics

Aphids are one of the most difficult plant pests to deal with in an Aquaponics fish garden.
Evidently there are around 4000 different types of aphids.

How do aphids get into the garden?

Usually they are brought in on plants, seedlings purchased from a nursery, or carried there by
ants from some nearby garden. Controlling them is a little bit difficult in aquaponics since it is
impossible to use chemicals on the system as the fish and the beneficial insects will get killed.

Aphids can be seen on the leaf and in the middle the predatory wasp. The best way to control
aphids is by the use of Integrated Pest Management

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(IPM). Integrated Pest Management aims to suppress pest populations below the economic injury
level. Typical beneficial insects controlling the infestation of aphids include wasps, lacewings
and beetles.

1. Parasitic wasps
Parasitic wasps Aphidius ervi are beneficial insects attacking aphids. These wasps are
multiplying rapidly to cope with the aphid infestation.

2. Lacewings
The most “all purpose” beneficial insect is the
Green Lacewing. As the common name implies,
adult green lacewings are green, with four clear
wings. Adult female lacewings live for
approximately three or four weeks and lay up to
600 eggs.

The eggs hatch and the insect goes about its task of dealing
with a variety of garden pests such as, Aphids (various
species), Two spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae), Greenhouse
whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), Scales (various
species), Mealybugs (various species), moth eggs and small
caterpillars. So they are pretty handy to have around the greenhouse.

3. Ladybird Beetle

The Striped Ladybird Beetle (Micraspis frenata) have 27

main groups that are a very important part of Integrated
Pest Management approach in Aquaponics gardening
either for home or in a commercial farm setting.

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9.4.2. Biological Sprays

Another type of “bio-control” (as in not synthetically-produced) method for dealing with more
stubborn bug populations involves making homemade remedies or buying commercial pesticide
sprays made out of organic plant materials or animal byproducts. Examples include garlic,
pepper, onion sprays; neem extracts; worm casting tea, fungi spore sprays, and sweet orange
essential oil (just mix a few drops of this in a milk jug filled with water and a teaspoon of dish
soap sprays).

a) Neem Oil Spray:- an oil extracted from the neem tree. It is considered to be a non toxic
solution and is used as one insect control mechanism on some organic farms. Neem Oil
Sprays are handy for use as an “on-the-spot” treatment for when a few pests are seen to
combat small infestations. The Neem oil spray product is an all purpose insecticide,
miticide, and fungicide for organic gardening. Neem oil can be used on virtually any
plant, including roses, flowers, vegetables, herbs, spices, houseplants, trees, turf, and
shrubs. Kills all stages of insects, eggs, larvae, and adults. Makes a great dormant spray.
Imparts healthy shine to leaf surfaces.

Although the product is organic, it is not very fish friendly. So if it is intended to spray
this material on aphid infected plants then great care must be taken to prevent the oil
spray drift getting into contact with the water. It is harmful also to bees and should be
sprayed small amounts of it on plant foliage and only during night when flowers close up.

b) Soap Sprays:- used in moderation, diluted glycerin based soaps applied to plant foliage
are the least toxic “synthetic chemical” substance that can be used to control pests in
aquaponic gardens. The preparation is very simple; fill a spray bottle with a bit of
glycerin-based soap and spray onto infested area. Note that even excessive soap scum can
clog fish gills and potentially kill your fish. So like everything else moderation is key. If a
few sprays of soap does not keep the pesky creatures at bay, it may need to pursue
smaller doses of more toxic alternatives.

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c) Other organic insecticide and fungicide, with pure Rosemary and Almond oil can be
prepared also indoor. This preparation

 should be made with certified organic glycerin-based soap, almond oil, and rosemary oils
 controls insects and prevents fungal spores from traveling and maturing to disease
 will prevent powdery mildew
 is safe for use on herbs and edibles
 controls fungus gnats, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and scale.

9.4.3. Synthetic Chemical Pesticides

It is commendable to implement a system that incorporates several of the biocontrols indicated

above, but also keeping on hand the chemical pesticides to use them at the first sign of
infestation. But with caution when doing so!

1. Protect Fish. Using sparingly, and in no circumstances should allow more than the lethal
dosage for fish to rain into your pond. Arrange the system so that the pond is not directly
below the grow bed to prevent most toxic runoff and/or use an empty reservoir and flush the
system of toxins after each pesticide application.
2. Protect Beneficial Insects. Only apply at dusk or right after the sun goes down and most
flowers close. Open flowers left on the plant may catch the substance and later poison
beneficial insects like bees! To avoid this unintended result, pull off any open flowers before
3. Protect humans. let an applicant to Wear a mask, eyewear, gloves, pants, long sleeves or
even a protective outfit to keep synthetic substances off your skin and clothes and outside
your respiratory system.
4. Prevent Resistance. Rotate using different types of pesticides (biocontrol and synthetic,
alike) to avoid resistance build-up in pests.
5. Protect Plants. For the cultivable crops, the best line of defense is maintaining a strong root
and plant structure from the outset. If it is possible to keep up the health and vitality of the
plants, it will be easier for a system to ward off a pest attack on its own and to recover from
any attempted takedowns it may have experienced.
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9.5. Sources of energy for Aquaponics

Operating the units electric pump (air and water) requires an energy source. Usually the normal
power mains are used, but it is not mandatory. The system can definitely be operated 365 days a
year using renewable energy sources like solar, biogas and wind energy.

9.5.1. Solar energy

Solar energy is an alternative and renewable energy that comes from sunlight. Solar energy
facilities convert the electromagnetic radiation from the sun to thermal energy or electricity. The
aquaponic system can be operated using solar energy using photovoltaic solar cells. But be sure
in having an AC/DC voltage convertor as well as large batteries to ensure 24 hrs power supply
on cloudy days.

9.5.2. Biogas energy

Biogas is formed from the digestion of organic matter mainly wastes in anaerobic environment
by obligatory anaerobic microbes. This gas contains mostly methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas
is used for cooking and for energy by waste treatment facilities. Biogas can be used to heat the
aquaponic system water in several ways.
a) Burning the methane in a special biogas electric generator and using an electric
water heater
b) Run tubes through the biogas digester and conduct the heat that is generated thereby
the microbe activity to the fish tanks
c) Burn the gas and use it directly to heat the water, if necessary.

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9.5.3. Wind energy

Wind energy can be used in several ways. It can be used by a wind turbine to make electricity or
to pump and aerate aquaponic system water. But it will be more costly than using biogas and
soar energy.

9.6. Regular Follow ups in aquaponics

9.6.1. Daily management Practices

 Check whether the water and air pump are working well and the water is flowing
throughout the entire system
 Check the fish: make sure they are swimming in patterns and looking healthy
 Check the plants: look for a deficiencies and act accordingly
 Feed the fish 2-3 times a day if possible
 Remove dead fish, if any.

9.6.2. Weekly management practices

 Perform water quality tests for pH, nitrate and water temperature and record the results
 Clear fish waste from the bottom of the fish tanks or in the bio-filter (this parameter can
be done on a monthly basis depending on the amount of fish)
 Plant and harvest vegetables as required
 Harvest fish if required
 Replenish the water in the unit(1-3% of the total water volume will be needed daily)

9.6.3. Monthly Activities

 Stock (and properly acclimatize) new fish in the tanks

 Clean out the biofilter (NFT unit) and the pump filter
 Change or clean out the perlon(filter screen in the biofilter, NFT)

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 Clean the bottom of the fish ponds using fish nets (very important activity as solid fish
waste build up in the tanks can be harmful for fish and may clog the pipes)
 Check plant roots in growbeds are not obstructing any pipes or water flow
 Weigh a sample of fish to measure growth rates and check thoroughly for any disease

9.7. Solutions for commonly facing problems

Problems that may happen most likely in running an aquaponics unit and possible solutions to
the problems are listed in table 6.

Table 6 possible solutions for commonly happening obstacles

Situation Reason Problem/consequence Solution

1. Electricity/pump and system problem

The electricity is No electric power Oxygen level will Growbed units: take water
cutoff decrease and fish will from the sump tank and pour
die in to the main fish tank
making sure the bell siphon
flushes; repeat this process
every 1-2 hours until power
is back.

NFT: pour and fill buckets of

water back in to the fish tank
The power is on Pump is either Oxygen level will Replace the pump
but pump is not broken or faulty or decrease and fish will immediately if it is faulty
fully working the connecting die and/or clean out and unblock
pipes are blocked any pipes connecting to the
with fish waste pump
Pool of water Leaks of cracks All water will drain Fix any leaks or holes you
underneath somewhere in the out stressing the fish can find immediately
system system plumbing and plants
Water in the Alage bloom in the Oxygen levels will Shade your system: make
system and sides system which uses decrease which may sure fish and sup tank are
of fish tank look up the oxygen kill fish both covered
2. Water quality problems
Ammonia and/or • The bacteria are Fish will get highly • First; change 1/3rd of
nitrite is not functioning stressed and die, these system water with new
absorbed 4 ppm • too many fish levels are also toxic water
for the amount • Make sure pH and

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of gravel in the temperature are optimum
system for bacteria.
• An eaten fish • Reduce the amount of
food is left in fish and stop feeding
the fish tank untill the levels decrease.
• Dead fish are • Take out all uneated food
floating in the or dead fish in the tank
 System is not This level is toxic both 1. Change one-third of the
balanced to fish and plants water with new one
 Too many fish 2. Plant more vegetables
or too much fish kin to the growbeds
food per day immediately
3. Reduce fish food
amount per day
Carbonate All of the carbonate The pH of the water Add more municipal water or
hardness (KH) is is used up by the will change quickly calcium carbonate (limestone
Zero ppm acid created in the stressing the fish and gravel or egg shells
aquaponic unit plant
3. Fish Problems
Fish are piping at Oxygen levels are Fish will become 1. Make sure electricity is
water surface too low for the fish highly stressed and on and pump is fully
will eventually die working
2. Make sure the bell
siphon creating oxygen
is fully flushing every
half hour in GB units
3. Make sure system tanks
are fully covered to
reduce temperature
Fish are not Temperature is too Water is too cold for 1. Identify why fish are
eating low (below 15 0C) fish to eat properly or stressed and fix the
or fish are stressed fish are stressed and problem
because; will develop disease or
 Oxygen is too die 2. Try heating the water
low, using electrical or soar
 Ammonia and/or powered water heaters
nitrite are too
high, or
 pH is too high or
too low
Water Climate: Higher If temp. is too high, During higher temp. season;
temperature is temp. or lower fish will stop eating make sure system tanks are
too high (>33 C) temp. season and plants will wilt shaded so water stays
or too low (<15 and die relatively cool
0C) If temp. is too low, In Lower temp. season, either

102 | P a g e
the bacteria will stop use a water heater or reduce
working and the fish the amount of vegetables
will stop eating as well growing in the growbeds and


Annex 1- Summary of selected issues

Technical introduction
 Aquaponics is a production system that combines fish farming with soil-less vegetable
production in one recirculating system.
 Nitrifying bacteria convert fish waste (ammonia) into plant food (nitrate).
 The same nitrification process that happens in soil also happens in the aquaponic system.
 The most important part of aquaponics, the bacteria, is invisible to the naked eye.
 The key factors for maintaining healthy bacteria are water temperature, pH, dissolved
oxygen and adequate surface area on which the bacteria can grow.
 Successful aquaponic systems are balanced. The feed rate ratio is the main guideline to
balance the amount of fish feed to plant growing area, which is measured in grams of
daily feed per square meter of plant growing space.
 The feed rate ratio for leafy vegetables is 20–50 g/m2/day; fruiting vegetables require
50–80 g/m2/day.
 Daily health monitoring of the fish and the plants will provide feedback on the balance of
the system. Disease, nutritional deficiencies and death are mainly symptoms of an
unbalanced system.
 Weekly nitrogen testing will provide information on the balance of the system. High
ammonia or nitrite indicates insufficient biofiltration; low nitrate indicates too many
plants or not enough fish/feed; increasing nitrate is desirable and indicates adequate
nutrients for the plants, though water needs to be exchanged when nitrate is greater than
150 mg/litre.

Aquaponic unit design

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o The main factors when deciding where to place a unit are: stability of ground; access to
sunlight and shading; exposure to wind and rain; availability of utilities; and availability
of a greenhouse or shading structure.
o There are two main types of aquaponics: the media bed method and raft (NFT and DWC)
o The essential components for all aquaponic units are: the fish tank, the mechanical and
biological filtration, the plant growing units (media beds, NFT pipes or DWC canals),
and the water/air pumps.
o The media beds must: (i) be made of strong inert material; (ii) have a depth of about 30
cm; (iii) be filled with media containing a high surface area; (iv) provide adequate
mechanical and biological filtration; (v) provide separate zones for different organisms to
grow; and (vi) be sufficiently wetted through flood-and drain or other irrigation
techniques to ensure good filtration.
o For raft units, mechanical and biofiltration components are necessary in order to
respectively remove the suspended solids and oxidize the dissolved wastes (ammonia to
o For NFT units, the flow rate for each grow pipe should be 1–2 litres/minute to ensure
good plant growth.
o For DWC units each canal should have a retention time of 1–4 hours.
o High DO concentration is essential to secure good fish, plant and bacteria growth. In the
fish tank DO is supplied by means of air stones.
o Media bed units have an interface between the wet zone and dry zone that provides a high
availability of atmospheric oxygen. In NFT units, additional aeration is provided into the
biofilter, while in DWC air stones are positioned in the biofilter and plant canals.

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Bacteria in aquaponics
 In aquaponics, ammonia must be oxidized into nitrate to prevent toxicity to fish.
 The nitrification process is a two-step bacterial process where ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria convert ammonia (NH3) into nitrite (NO2-), and then nitrite-oxidizing bacteria
convert nitrite into nitrate (NO3-).
 The five most important factors for good nitrification are: high surface area media for
bacteria to grow and colonize; pH (6–7); water temperature (17–34 °C); DO (4–8
mg/litre); cover from direct exposure to sunlight
 System cycling is the initial process of building a nitrifying bacteria colony in a new
aquaponic unit. This 3–5 week process involves adding an ammonia source into the
system (fish feed, ammonia-based fertilizer, up to a concentration in water of 1-2
mg/litre) in order to stimulate nitrifying bacteria growth. This should be done slowly and
consistently. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are monitored to determine the status of the
biofilter: the peak and subsequent drop of ammonia is followed by a similar pattern of
nitrite before nitrate starts to accumulate. Fish and plants are only added when ammonia
and nitrite levels are low and the nitrate level begins to rise.
 Ammonia and nitrite tests are used to monitor the function of the nitrifying bacteria and
the performance of the biofilter. In a functioning system, ammonia and nitrite should be
close to 0 mg/litre. High levels of either ammonia or nitrite require a water change and
management action. Usually, poor nitrification is due to a change in water temperature,
DO or pH levels.

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 Another class of micro-organisms naturally occurring in aquaponics is that of
heterotrophic bacteria. They decompose the solid fish waste, releasing some of the
nutrients into the water in a process called mineralization.

Plants in aquaponics
The major advantages of aquaponics over soil agriculture are: (i) no wasted fertilizer; (ii)
lower water use; (iii) higher productivity/quality; (iv) ability to utilize non-arable land;
and (v) offset of tillage, weeding and other traditional agricultural tasks.
Plants require sunlight, air, water and nutrients to grow. Essential macronutrients include:
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur; Micronutrients
include iron, zinc, boron, copper, manganese and molybdenum. Deficiencies need to be
addressed by supplying the limiting nutrients with supplemental fertilizer.
The most important water quality parameter for plants is pH because it affects the
availability of essential nutrients.
The suitable temperature range for most vegetables is 18–26 °C, although many
vegetables are seasonal. Winter vegetables require temperatures of 8–20 °C, and summer
vegetables require temperatures of 17–30 °C.
Leafy green herbs and vegetables do extremely well in aquaponics. Large fruiting
vegetables are also applicable, including tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and cucumbers,
peas and beans. Root crops and tubers are less commonly grown and require special
Integrated production and pest/disease management uses physical, mechanical and
cultural practices to minimize pests/pathogens, and then uses fish-safe chemical and
biological treatment in targeted applications, when necessary.
Intelligent planting design can maximize space, encourage beneficial insects and improve
Staggered planting provides continual harvest as well as a constant nutrient uptake and
more consistent water quality.

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Fish in aquaponics
o Standard manufactured fish feed pellets are recommended for use in aquaponics because
they are a whole feed containing the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
vitamins and minerals needed for fish.
o Protein is the most important component for building fish body mass. Omnivorous fish
such as tilapia and common carp need about 32 percent protein in their diet, carnivorous
fish need more.
o Never overfeed the fish, and remove uneaten food after 30 minutes to reduce risks of
ammonia or hydrogen sulphide toxicity.
o Water quality needs to be maintained for fish. Ammonia and nitrite must be close to 0
mg/litre as they are toxic at any detectable levels. Nitrate should be less than 400
mg/litre. DO should be 4–8 mg/litre.
o Tilapia, carp, and catfish are highly suitable for aquaponics in tropical or arid conditions
as they grow quickly and can survive in poor quality water and at lower DO levels.
o Fish health should be monitored daily, and stress should be minimized. Poor and/or
changing water quality, overcrowding, and physical disturbance can cause stress, which
may lead to disease outbreaks.
o Abnormalities or changes in physical behaviour can indicate stress, bad water quality,
parasites or disease. Take the time to observe and monitor the fish in order to recognize
symptoms early and provide treatment.

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Annex 2 - Feed requirement for important fish species

Species Essential amino acids

Digestible energy

protein (DP), %)

(DE), (kcal/kg)






Nile 30 2 900 103 1.2 0.5 0.9 0.9 1.4 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.8
Common 32 2 900 108 1.5 .8 0.9 1.3 2.2 1.2 2.5 1.5 0.3 1.4
Catfish 27 3 100 86 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.7

Annex 3 - List and relative amounts of ingredients for 10 kg of fish feed

Feed Weight (kg) Percentage of Proximate %
ingredients total feed (%) analysis
1. vegetable-based protein
Corn meal 1.0 10 Dry matter 91.2
Wheat flour 1.0 0 10 Crude protein 30
Soybean meal 6.7 67.2 Crude fat 14.2
Soybean oil 0.2 2 Crude fibre 4.8
Wheat bran 0.7 7.8 Ash 4.6
Vitamin and 0.3 3 Nitrogen-free 28.3
mineral premix extract (NFE)
Total amount 10 100
2. Animal based protein
Corn meal 1.0 10 Dry matter 90.9
Wheat flour 4.0 40 Crude protein 30
Soybean meal 1.5 15 Crude fat 10.5
Soybean oil 0.2 2 Crude fibre 2.1

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Fishmeal 3.0 30 Ash 8.3
Vitamin and 0.3 3 Nitrogen-free 34.5
mineral premix extract (NFE)
Total amount 10 100

Annex 4 - Step-by-step preparation of homemade fish feed

1. Gather the ingredients shown in Table Annex 3. Purchase previously dried and defatted
soybean meal, corn meal and wheat flour. If these meals are unavailable, obtain whole
soybeans, corn kernels, and wheat berries. These would need to be dried, de-hulled and
ground. Moreover, whole soybeans need to be toasted at 120 °C for 1–2 minutes.
2. Weigh each ingredient following the quantities shown in the recipes above.
3. Add the dry ingredients (flours and meals) and mix thoroughly for 5–10 minutes until the
mix becomes homogeneous.
4. Add the vitamin and mineral premix to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly for
another 5 minutes. Make sure that the vitamins and minerals are evenly distributed
throughout the whole mixture.
5. Add the soybean oil and continue to mix for 3–5 minutes.
6. Add water to the mixture to obtain a soft, but not sticky, dough.
7. Steam-cook the dough to cause gelatinization.
8. Extrude the dough. First divide the dough into manageable pieces, and pass them through
the meat mincer/pasta maker to obtain spaghetti-like strips. The mincer disc should be
chosen according to the desired pellet size.
9. Dry the extruded dough by spreading the strips out on aluminium trays. If available, dry
the feed strips in an electric oven at a temperature of 60–85 °C for 10–30 minutes to
gelatinize starch. Check the strips regularly to avoid any burn.
10. Crumble the dry strips. Break or cut the feed on the tray with the fingers into smaller
pieces. Try to make the pellets the same size. Avoid excessive pellet manipulation to
prevent crumbling. Pellets can be sieved and separated in batches of homogeneous size
with proper mesh sizes.

109 | P a g e
11. Store the feed. Place the fully-dried feed pellets into airtight plastic containers soon after
they have been broken into pieces to prevent them absorbing humidity.

Annex 5 - Practical system design guide for small-scale aquaponic units

Fish tank Max. fish Feed rate2 Pump Filters Min. vol. of biofilter Plant
1 3
volume biomass , (g/day) flow volume media4 (litre) growing
(litre) kg rate (litre) Volcanic Bioballs® area
(litre/h) tuff (m²)

200 5 50 800 20 50 25 1
500 10 100 1 200 20 –50 100 50 2
1 000 20 200 2 000 100 –200 200 100 4
1 500 30 300 2 500 200 –300 300 150 6
2 000 40 400 3200 300–400 400 200 8
3 000 60 600 4 500 400–500 600 300 12

1. The recommended fish density is based on a maximum stocking density of 20 kg/1 000 litres.
Higher densities are possible with further aeration and mechanical filtration, but this is not
recommended for beginners.

2. The recommended feeding rate is 1% of body weight (BW)/ day for fish of more than 100g of
BW. The feeding rate ratio is 40 - 50 g/m2 for leafy greens; 50–80 g/m2 for fruiting vegetables.

3. The volumes for mechanical separator and biofilter should be 10–30 percent of total fish tank
volume. In reality, the choice of containers depends on their size, cost and availability. Biofilters
are only needed for NFT and DWC units; mechanical separators are applicable for NFT, DWC
units and media bed units with a fish density of more than 20 kg/1 000 litres.

4. These figures assume the bacteria are in optimal conditions all the time. If not, for a certain
period (winter), extra filtration media may need to be added as a buffer. Different values are

110 | P a g e
provided for the two most common biofilter media based on their respective specific surface

5. Figures for plant growing space include only leafy greens. Fruiting vegetables would have a
slightly lower area

Annex 6 - Ten key guidelines for successful aquaponics

 Observe and monitor the system every day.

 Ensure adequate aeration and water circulation with water pumps and air pumps.
 Maintain good water quality: pH 6–7; DO > 5 mg/litre; TAN < 1 mg/litre; NO2-
< 1 mg/litre; NO3- = 5–150 mg/litre; temperature 18–30 °C.
 Choose fish and plants according to seasonal climate.
 Do not overcrowd the fish tanks (< 20 kg/1 000 litres).
 Avoid overfeeding, and remove any uneaten food after 30 minutes.
 Remove solid wastes, and keep tanks clean and shaded.
 Balance the number of plants, fish and size of biofilter.
 Stagger harvesting and restocking/replanting to maintain balance.
 Do not let pathogens enter the system from people or animals, and do not
contaminate produce by letting system water wet the leaves.

111 | P a g e
Annex 6 - List of important materials and tools
IBC tank Shade material

Blue barrel (200 litre) Concrete block

Plastic netting Ecological soap or


Lumber (8×1 cm) Polystyrene sheet

7 Submersible water pump(min. 2 000 Teflon (plumber’s) tape


PVC pipe (110 Cable ties


112 | P a g e
Water proof Electric box PVC pipe(50 mm)

PVC endcap(75 mm) + rubber washer(75 PVC adaptor (20 mm × 3/4 in) male

PVC pipe (25 mm) PVC elbow (25 mm ×1 in) female

Polyethylene pipe (25, 20 mm) PVC elbow (25 mm ×3/4 in) male

18 UnisealR(50, 110 PVC adaptor

mm) (25 mm ×3/4 in)

113 | P a g e
19 Sealing rubber washer (50, 110 mm) PVC tap " push on"(20 mm)

PVC enlarger (40–25 mm) PVC or metal tap (3/4 in) male to female

PVC(25x1 in) Bucket (20 litre)


Air Pump (10 Net pot

watt/h) with 2 exits

Air tubing PVC elbow(50


Plastic bottle PVC coupler,


114 | P a g e
Air stone PVC connector, T
(50 mm)

Fish net or scoop net PVC endcap/

(50 mm)

B iofilter medium PVC elbow(110

(Bioball® or bottle mm)

Gravel, volcanic (8–20 mm) PVC connector, T (110 mm)

PVC coupler, PVC connector,

straight (110 mm) T “push-on”(20

PVC reducer (110– PVC barrel

50 m connector, B-type
m) (1 in)

115 | P a g e
PVC connector, PVC adaptor
T (25 mm ×1 in) (25 mm × 3/4 in)

PVC or metal PVC elbow

tap (1 in) (25 mm)
male to female

PVC elbow PVC connector, T

“push-on” (20 (25 × 3/4 in)
mm) female

Safety tools Pipe wrench

1. Ear protection

Spirit level

2. Gloves

3. Goggles Pliers

116 | P a g e
Saw Hammer

Measuring Tape Screw Driver

Electric drill Circular drill bit

(hole saw)

Conical drill (0–1 Angle grinder


Jigsaw Star-headed Key

117 | P a g e
Annex 7 - Preparing the Intermediate bulk container (IBC) fish tanks

1. Remove the two horizontal steel lengths attached to the top surface of the IBC tank holding
the inner plastic container in place. The steel lengths are fixed with 4 starheaded screws.
Remove these four screws (Picture 1) using a star headed screwdriver (Picture 2) or star-
headed key (Picture 3). Once the steel lengths are removed, pull out the inner plastic tank If
there is no star key, cut the screws with an angle grinder.

2. After pulling out the tank, draw a rough square shape on the top surface of the tank 5 cm
from the 4 sides of the tank (Picture 4). Then, using the angle grinder (Picture 5), cut along
the square shape and remove the cut piece from the top (Picture 6). Once removed, wash the
inside of the container thoroughly with soap and warm water and leave to dry for 24 hours
(Picture 7).The cut piece removed can be used as the fish tank cover.

3. Installing the fish tank exit pipe

 On one side of the IBC tank, mark a point 12 cm from the top and 12 cm from the side of
the tank (Picture 8), and drill a hole at that point using the 57 mm circular drill bit
(Picture 9). Insert a 50 mm uniseal (Picture 10) inside this hole. Attention: the circular
drill bit size should be 57 mm and not 50 mm (see Picture 8).

118 | P a g e
 The fish tank exit pipe is made of 2 lengths of PVC pipe (50 mm) combined using a PVC
elbow (50 mm) and PVC coupler/straight connector (50 mm) (Picture 11). The length of
PVC (50 mm) along the bottom surface of the tank is cut with horizontal slits 2–3 mm
wide by using the angle grinder (Picture 12) to allow solid waste to enter the pipe but to
prevent fish from doing so. The open end of the PVC length along the bottom surface of
the fish tank is sealed with a PVC endcap/stopper (50 mm). Slot a short length of PVC
(50 mm) through the uniseal (50 mm) and attach to a PVC elbow (50 mm) on the inside
end (Picture 11) and then attach the other (vertical) pipe length to the elbow that is now
connected to the uniseal (50 mm). Finally, drill a 2–3 cm diameter hole into the PVC
elbow (50 mm) attached to the uniseal (50 mm) (Picture 13). This small hole prevents
any air seal forming inside the pipe, which would drain all the water out of the fish tank
in the event of power cut or if the pump stopped working. This is also called an
accidental siphon. This step is not optional.

4. Preparing the media beds and sump tank

To make the 3 media beds and 1 sump tank, the 2 other IBC tanks are needed: the first to make
the sump tank and 1 media bed, and the second to make the two remaining media beds. Take the
2 IBC tanks and remove the 4 steel profiles and pull out the plastic containers as shown before in
Pictures 1–3.

119 | P a g e
5. Making two media beds from one IBC
First, stand the plastic inner container upright (Picture 14) and mark, using a metre stick and
pencil, two bisecting lines 30 cm from both sides of the tank (as seen in Picture 15). Make sure
to mark the exact lines (shown in the Picture 15). Take the angle grinder and carefully cut along
both bisecting lines marked out to create two uniform containers with a depth of 30 cm (Picture
16). Then, take both containers and wash them thoroughly using natural soap and warm water
and leave them out to dry in the sun for 24 hours.

6. Metal supports for both media beds

 Take the IBC metal support frame and cut out two support frames by following the same
bisecting lines shown in Picture 14 using the angle grinder (Picture 17). When cutting the
two 30 cm sides of
the support frame,
make sure to keep the
two horizontal steel
profiles intact as they
will provide excellent
support to the sides of the beds once they are full of water and medium (Picture 18).

 Then, take both support frames and lay them out on the floor. Take the wood lengths (4
lengths of 104 cm, 1 length of 42 cm and 1 length of 48 cm) and place them on top of the
support frame as shown in Picture 19. These wood lengths keep the media bed horizontal,
which is vital for the functioning of the bell siphons. Next, take the washed media beds
and place them on top of the support frame and wood lengths (Picture 20).

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 Finally slot in the remaining wood lengths in between the plastic media bed and support
frame on both sides of each bed to provide further support (Picture 21).

7. Making a sump tank and one media bed from an IBC

 Take the remaining IBC, place it upright and mark out, using a metre stick and pencil,
only one 30 cm bisecting line as seen in Picture 22. Then, take the angle grinder and cut
the inner plastic container and metal support frame at once by following the bisecting line
(Picture 22). Remove the 30 cm container (third media bed) from the remaining 70 cm
container (sump tank) (Picture 23). Wash out both containers thoroughly with natural
soap and warm water and leave in the sun for 24 hours.

 For the third media bed, follow the same steps regarding the wood lengths as detailed
above for the first two. Finally, take the sump tank container and drill two holes (25 mm
diameter) using the conical drill bit as shown in (Picture 25) (25 mm pipes will be
inserted into both of these holes later, the pipes will drain water from each media bed).

121 | P a g e
8. Preparing the bell siphons
Bell siphons are simple mechanisms used to automatically flood and drain each media bed. The
following materials are needed to make one siphon, so 3 of each are needed in total:
 35 cm media guard (110 mm PVC pipe)
 27 cm bell [PVC pipe (75 mm) with flaired end + endcap/stopper (75 mm) +
rubber washer (75 mm)]
 16 cm standpipe (25 mm PVC pipe)
 Barrel connector (25 mm)
 PVC reducer (40–25 mm)
 PVC female adaptor (25 mm × 1 inch)
 PVC elbow (25 mm × 1 inch female)

Steps to be followed
a) Create the bell. Take a 27 cm section of PVC (75 mm) and cut out 2 pieces as shown in
Picture 26 using the angle grinder. Then, drill a hole (10 mm in diameter) using a drill bit
about 1.5 cm from the two cut pieces as shown in Picture 26. Finally, seal one end of the bell
using the PVC endcap/stopper (75 mm) and rubber washer (75 mm).
b) Make the media guards from the 35 cm length of PVC pipe (110 mm) and cut 5 mm slots
along their entire length using the angle grinder (Picture 27).
c) Take each media bed
and mark their centre
points in-between the
two wooden lengths
below as shown in
Picture 28. Drill a hole
(25 mm in diameter) at
each centre point
(Picture 29) and insert
the barrel connector
(25 mm) with the rubber washer placed inside the media bed. Tighten both sides of the barrel
connector using a wrench (Picture 30).

122 | P a g e
d) Screw the PVC adaptor (1 inch – 25 mm) onto the barrel connector (25 mm) inside the
media bed and then slot the standpipe into the PVC adaptor (1 inch – 25 mm). After, attach
the second PVC adaptor (25–40 mm) to the top of the standpipe (Pictures 31–33). The
purpose of this adapter is to allow a larger volume of water to initially flow down the
standpipe when the water has reached the top. This helps the siphon mechanism to begin
draining the water out into the sump tank.

e) Place the bell siphons and the media guards over the standpipes (Pictures 34–36).
f) Finally, connect the PVC elbow (1 inch–25 mm) to the other end of the barrel connector
underneath the media bed, which allows the water to flow out of the media bed (Pictures 37–

123 | P a g e
9. Assembling the media beds and sump tank

a) Place the sump tank and brace it with six concrete blocks from each side (12 blocks in
total) as shown in pictures 40 and 41. Make sure the blocks do not cover the holes already
drilled into the sump tank (Picture 42).

b) Place the remaining blocks and the fish tank according to the distances described in
picture 43. The fish tank should be raised up about 15 cm from the ground. This can be
done by using concrete blocks as shown in picture 43. Place the three media beds
(including the metal support frames and wood lengths) on top of the blocks (as shown in
Picture 44). Make sure the grow beds are secured on top of the blocks and horizontal by
verifying with a spirit level. If not, slightly adjust the layout of the blocks underneath.

10. Plumbing the fish tank to the media beds

a) The plumbing parts needed for this section are as follows:
 Barrel connector, B-type (1 inch) × 3
 PVC tap (1 inch) × 3
 PVC endcap/stopper (50 mm) × 3
 PVC elbow (50 mm) × 2
 PVC connector, T (50 mm) × 2

124 | P a g e
 PVC coupler (50 mm) × 3
 150 cm of PVC pipe (50 mm) × 1
 85 cm of PVC pipe (50 mm) × 1

b) Go back to the “preparing the fish tank” (3b) instructions. The last instruction shows a
length of PVC (50 mm) slotted through the uniseal (50 mm) and exiting the fish tank.
Take another PVC elbow (50 mm) and connect it to the pipe slotted through the uniseal
(Picture 45). Then, using a PVC straight coupler (50 mm) and another PVC elbow (50
mm), connect the fish exit pipe to the distribution pipe (50 mm) at the same height as the
top of the media bed (Picture 46).

c) On each media bed, a valve is used to control the water flow entering the bed. To include
a valve, first take a PVC endcap/stopper (50 mm) and drill a hole (25 mm diameter).
Insert a barrel connector (25 mm) into the hole and tighten both ends using a wrench.
Then, wrap Teflon tape around the threads of the male end of the barrel connector and
screw the tap valve (1 inch) onto the barrel connector (Pictures 47–50).There is one valve
for each media bed for a total of three valves.

d) From the PVC elbow (50 mm) attached to the fish exit pipe, follow the pipe layout shown
in Figure 51 that allows water to flow into each media bed. Materials include: PVC pipe

125 | P a g e
(50 mm), PVC elbow (50 mm) and PVC T-connector (50 mm). Next, attach the pipe caps
fitted with the valves to the PVC T connectors and PVC elbow connectors from the
distribution pipe as in Picture 51, using one for each media bed. Use a PVC straight
coupler (50 mm) if necessary.

11. Plumbing the media beds to the sump tank (drain pipe)
a) Pictures 52 and 53 show the media beds marked as A, B and C. For media bed A, attach
a drain pipe of 60 cm length of PVC pipe (25 mm) to the elbow connection underneath
the media bed (Picture 54), which exits from the bottom of the bell siphon standpipe.
Next, slot the 60 cm length of pipe into the closest drilled hole on the side of the sump
tank allowing the water to flow directly into the sump.

b) Attaching media beds B and C (Picture 53): Under media bed C: attach a PVC elbow
connector (25 mm to 1 inch) to the end of the barrel connector (Picture 54). Then, take a

126 | P a g e
2 metre length of polyethylene pipe (25 mm) and attach it to the drilled holes at the side
of the sump tank (Picture 53 and 55).

c) Do the same with media bed B using 1 metre of polyethylene pipe (25 mm)(Picture 55).
Now, the water exiting media beds B and C will flow through separate polyethylene
pipes (25 mm) into the sump tank. Finally, it is advisable to fix the pipes underneath the
beds to the metal frame using cable ties to relieve any pressure on the pipe fittings
(Picture 54).

12. Plumbing the sump tank to the fish tank

a) Take the submersible pump and attach a polyethylene pipe (25 mm) using a PVC
straight connector (1 inch – 25 mm), or any other connector that can attach the specific
pump to the 25 mm pipe (Picture 56). Take a length of the polyethylene pipe (25 mm)
that is long enough to reach the inside of the fish tank from the submersible pump
(Picture 57). Attach one end to the submersible pump and the other into the top of the
fish tank (see Picture 57–60). It is recommended to use the fewest connectors,
especially elbows, between the pump and fish tank which will decrease pumping

b) Place the electric box in a safe place higher than the water level and shaded from direct
sunlight. Make sure it is still waterproof after plugging in the water and air pump plugs
(Picture 61).

127 | P a g e
13. Adding the medium and running the unit
a) All parts of the system are now in place except for the growing medium (volcanic gravel)
in the beds. Yet before the media is added, it is recommended to fill the fish tank and
sump tank with water and run the pump to check for any leaks in the system. While
checking for leaks, remove the standpipe and bell siphon so the water flows straight into
the sump tank. If leaks appear, fix them immediately where they arise by tightening the
plumbing connections, re-applying Teflon to the treaded connections and making sure all
taps are in their ideal position (Pictures 62–67).

128 | P a g e
b) Once all the leaks are fixed and the water is flowing smoothly through all components of
the unit, re-assemble the siphon bell and standpipes fill the beds with medium to a depth
of 30 cm (Pictures 68–69).

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