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Design and implementation of PID controller using relay feedback on TRMS

(Twin rotor MIMO system)

Article · December 2011

DOI: 10.1063/1.3669941

1 219

1 author:

Dipesh Shah
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology


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Design And Implementation Of PID Controller
Using Relay Feedback On
TRMS (Twin Rotor MIMO System)
Dipesh H. Shah
Assistant Prof., Instrumentation & Control Dept.,
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology,Vasad.
[email protected]
 The state of the beam is described by four process variables.
Abstract— Today, many process control problems can be Horizontal and vertical angles measured by optical encoders
adequately and routinely solved by conventional PID control
fitted at the pivot, and another two additional state variables
strategies. The overriding reason that the PID controller is so
widely accepted is its simple structure which has proved to be are the angular velocities of the rotors, measured by tacho-
very robust with regard to many commonly met process control generators coupled to the driving DC motors.
problems as for instance disturbances and nonlinearities. Relay Since Astrom and Hagglund (1984) introduced the auto
feedback methods have been widely used in tuning proportional-
integral-derivative controllers due to its closed loop nature. In tuning method, which used the relay feedback test, many
this work, Relay based PID controller is designed and variations have been proposed for auto tuning of PID
successfully implemented on TRMS (Twin Rotor MIMO System) controllers (Astrom and Hagglund, 1995; Hang et al., 2002;
in SISO and MIMO configurations. The performance of a Relay
Yu, 2006). Several methods such as a saturation relay (Yu,
based PID controller for control of TRMS (Twin Rotor MIMO
System) is investigated and performed satisfactorily. The system 2006), relay with a P control preload (Tan et al., 2006) and a
shares some features with a helicopter, such as important two level relay (Sung et al., 1995) were introduced to obtain
interactions between the vertical and horizontal motions. The more accurate ultimate information of the process by
RTWT toolbox in the MATLAB environment is used to perform
real-time experiments.
suppressing the effects of the high order harmonic terms. To
obtain a Nyquist point other than the critical point, a relay
Index Terms— Relay feedback, Twin Rotor, TRMS system, PID with hysteresis or a dynamic element such as time delay has
controller, Robust Control. been used (Astrom and Hagglund, 1995; Kim, 1995; Tan et
al., 1996; Chiang and Yu, 1993). A biased relay has been used
I. INTRODUCTION to obtain the process steady state gain as well as the ultimate

T he twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS) is

an aero-dynamical system similar to a helicopter as shown
information (Shen et al., 1996a) from only one relay test.
For a certain class of process plants, the so-called \auto
in Figure 1. It consists of a beam pivoted on its base in such a tuning" procedure for the automatic tuning of PID controllers
way that it can rotate freely both in its horizontal and vertical can be used. Such a procedure is based on the idea of using an
planes. This TRMS system has two degrees of freedom on/off controller (called a relay controller) whose dynamic
(DOF). Either the horizontal or the vertical degree of freedom behaviour resembles to that shown in Figure 2(a). Starting
can be restricted to 1 degree of freedom using the screws. At from its nominal bias value denoted as 0 in the Figure) the
both end of a beam, there are two propellers driven by DC control action is increased by an amount denoted by h and
motors. The aerodynamic force is controlled by varying the later on decreased until a value denoted by -h.
speed of the motors. Therefore, the control inputs are the
supply voltages of the DC motors. The TRMS system has
main and tail rotors for generating vertical and horizontal
propeller thrust. The main rotor produces a lifting force
allowing the beam to rise vertically making a rotation around
the pitch axis. While, the tail rotor is used to make the beam
turn left or right around the yaw axis.

Fig.1 TRMS Model

b) Cross-coupling, Angular momentum and reaction turning
moment are the two main effects from cross-coupling.

Where Gm(s) represents the transfer function of main rotor and

Gt (s) represents the transfer function of tail rotor. These
transfer functions will be utilized throughout this work.
A. Implementation Of PID Controller
In order to evaluate the features of different algorithms,
Fig.2 Waveforms of relay output in closed loop and to check the proposed extensions of the basic algorithm, a
computer simulation was performed. It allows simple and
The closed-loop response of the plant, subject to the above quick testing of the algorithm behaviour for a wide class of
described actions of the relay controller, will be similar to that model processes. The MATLAB/SIMULINK package was
depicted in Figure2 (b).Initially, the plant oscillates without a chosen as the programming environment for the computer
definite pattern around the nominal output value (denoted as 0 simulation.
in the Figure) until a definite and repeated output response can Problem Formulation:
be easily identified. When we reach this closed-loop plant The helicopter model is studied and realised by using a twin
response pattern the oscillation period (Pu) and the amplitude rotor system, where the propellers are driven by two motors.
(A) of the plant response can be measured and used for PID In Fig. 1, a simplified sketch of the system to be realised is
controller tuning. In fact, the ultimate gain can be computed given. On the model, a lot of forces and torques are
as: influencing, which are described below. The torques are
always described with the Greek letter τ. The subscript R
K (u) = (4 ∗ a)/ (π ∗ M) stands for main rotor and the subscript S for side rotor. The
elevation angle is always given by φH, whereas the azimuth
Having determined the ultimate gain Kcu and the oscillation angle is indicated by φV .In a first subsection, the different
period Pu the PID controller tuning parameters can be obtained torques on a working motor with propeller are described,
from the following table: which is followed by a description of the pitch (elevation)
dynamics. Finally, the description of the yaw (azimuth)
TABLE I dynamics is given.
Zeigler Nicholas Tuning Rules


The block diagram of Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS)

can be shown in Fig. [3], it contains two main features:
Figure 3.Block Diagram Of TRMS System
a) Nonlinear, there are two non-linear inputs which are DC-
B. Experimental Reading
The following section shows the simulation and
experimental results for SISO and MIMO system. The
following table describes the PID parameters for SISO and
MIMO system using Zeigler Nicholas tuning rule.

Table II Classic Ziegler-Nicholas Tuning Rule

Tuning Rule Kc Ki Kd
Figure 6: Simulation closed-loop response with PID controller
Ziegler-Nicholas 0.6K(u) 0.5T (u) 0.125T (u) tuned using Ziegler Nicholas tuning rule for pitch axis.

SISO pitch axis 1.2 1 5 Figure 6 represents the horizontal movement by applying
directly multi-step input wit PID Tuning. The parameters of
SISO yaw axis 1.2 1.2 5
PID are Kp=1.2,Ki=1,Kd=5

SISO Simulation Results

Figure 7: Simulation closed-loop response with PID controller tuned

using Ziegler Nicholas tuning rule for yaw axis.

Figure 7 represents the vertical movement by applying

directly multi-step input with PID Tuning. The parameters of
Figure 4: Response of relay feedback test simulation for pitch axis PID are Kp=1.2,Ki=1.2, Kd=5.

Figure 4 shows the graph of horizontal (pitch) movement by SISO Implementation Results
applying relay to its input. The maximum amplitude of the
relay is A= 1.8.The ultimate period is Pu=6 sec

Figure 8: Response of relay feedback test simulation for pitch axis

Figure 8 shows the implementation result of horizontal

Figure 5: Response of relay feedback test simulation for yaw axis (pitch) movement by applying relay to its input. The
maximum amplitude of the relay is A= 1.8.The ultimate period
Figure 5 shows the graph of horizontal (pitch) movement by is Pu=6 sec
applying relay to its input. The maximum amplitude of the
relay is A= 2.The ultimate period is Pu=5 sec

Figure 9: Response of relay feedback test simulation for yaw axis

Table III: Performance comparison of different tuning rules
Figure 9 shows the graph of vertical (yaw) movement by
Performance Parameters Classic Zeigler-Nicholas
applying relay to its input. The maximum amplitude of the Pitch Yaw
relay is A= 2.The ultimate period is Pu=5 sec Settling Time (sec) 5 4
Peak Overshoot (%) 0 0
Offset Error (%) 0 0
Disturbance Rejection Very Good Very Good

MIMO Results

Figure 10: Implementation closed-loop response with PID

controller tuned using Ziegler Nicholas tuning rule for pitch axis.

Figure 10 represents the horizontal movement by applying

directly multi-step input wit PID Tuning. The parameters of
PID are Kp=1.2,Ki=1,Kd=5.

Figure 13: Response of MIMO PID controller using SISO Ziegler

and Nicholas Rule
Figure 13 represents the horizontal (pitch) and vertical
(yaw) movement by applying directly multi-step input wit PID
Tuning. The parameters of PID are Kp=0.63, Ki=0.52, Kd=2.5
and Kp=0.6, Ki=0.55, Kd=2.57.
Figure 11: Implementation closed-loop response with PID controller
tuned using Ziegler Nicholas tuning rule for yaw axis.

Figure 11 represents the vertical(yaw) movement by

applying directly multi-step input wit PID Tuning. The
parameters of PID are Kp=1.2, Ki=1,Kd=5.

Figure 12: Introduction of Disturbances

Figure 12 represents introduction of Disturbances in

Experimental closed-loop responses with PID controller tuned using
Zeigler-Nicholas tuning rule for yaw axis.
Figure 14: Control efforts of MIMO PID controller using SISO
Ziegler and Nichols Rule
II. FUTURE WORK Different control scheme also can be implemented. In order to
apply into real platform using other tuning method should be
In general, tasks of a TRMS control system can be listed as an interesting work for the future.

 Stabilisation. Design a controller so that the state vector The further work can be done on improving the system on
of the closed-loop system is stabilised around a desired improving the transfer function. As long as decrease the
point of the state space. inaccuracy of transfer function, the control scheme can accept
 Tracking. Design a controller so that the closed-loop
more disturbances or any other influence that we overlook.
system output follows a given trajectory. System identification is a well established technique for
modelling of complex systems whose dynamics is not well
PID control systems are widely used as a basic control understood. During identification the parameter of the
technology in today’s industrial control systems. However, the mathematical model are tuned to obtain a satisfactory degree
tuning of PID control systems is not always easy. In order to of conformity of the model with the real system.
improve several advanced PID control technologies can apply
into this project. When obtain an excellent 1-DOF model on
software simulation, this system could be tested with different ACKNOWLEDGMENT
to tune the parameters of the model in such a way, that the
outputs of the model fit the experimental data in the sense of a We express our personal appreciation of the valuable
criterion function. Figure 10 illustrates the idea of tuning the assistance given by the Mr. Dipesh Makawana, A senior
coefficients of the model using relate algorithm by trial and Faculty of Department. Without their co-operation, the
error. By changing model parameters, using an appropriate extensive work involved in compiling background information
minimisation method, we find the minimum value of the and preparing the paper for publication would not be possible.
We would also like to place on record our appreciation of he
objective function Q and the corresponding values of model
assistance rendered to each of us by members of our
parameters. respective staffs.


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height measurement system, hence avoiding a necessary
contact with the ground level kind of control algorithms.

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