This document presents a new algorithm for noninteracting control system design applied to ship propulsion systems with controllable pitch propellers (CPPs). The algorithm aims to simultaneously control the engine speed and CPP pitch angle to achieve minimum fuel consumption while satisfying ship speed demands. It proposes a controller design method based on noninteracting control theory using linear matrix inequalities to satisfy H-infinity constraints despite parameter perturbations and disturbances. The validity of the approach is demonstrated through simulations across all operating ranges of a training ship.
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An Algorithm For Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System
This document presents a new algorithm for noninteracting control system design applied to ship propulsion systems with controllable pitch propellers (CPPs). The algorithm aims to simultaneously control the engine speed and CPP pitch angle to achieve minimum fuel consumption while satisfying ship speed demands. It proposes a controller design method based on noninteracting control theory using linear matrix inequalities to satisfy H-infinity constraints despite parameter perturbations and disturbances. The validity of the approach is demonstrated through simulations across all operating ranges of a training ship.
This document presents a new algorithm for noninteracting control system design applied to ship propulsion systems with controllable pitch propellers (CPPs). The algorithm aims to simultaneously control the engine speed and CPP pitch angle to achieve minimum fuel consumption while satisfying ship speed demands. It proposes a controller design method based on noninteracting control theory using linear matrix inequalities to satisfy H-infinity constraints despite parameter perturbations and disturbances. The validity of the approach is demonstrated through simulations across all operating ranges of a training ship.
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An Algorithm For Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System
This document presents a new algorithm for noninteracting control system design applied to ship propulsion systems with controllable pitch propellers (CPPs). The algorithm aims to simultaneously control the engine speed and CPP pitch angle to achieve minimum fuel consumption while satisfying ship speed demands. It proposes a controller design method based on noninteracting control theory using linear matrix inequalities to satisfy H-infinity constraints despite parameter perturbations and disturbances. The validity of the approach is demonstrated through simulations across all operating ranges of a training ship.
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KSME International Journal, VoL 14, No.4, pp.
393 - 400, 2000
An Algorithm for Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System Young-Bok Kim* Department of Marine Engineering, Gyeongsang National University In this paper, a new algorithm for noninteracting control system design is proposed and applied to ship propulsion system control. For example, if a ship diesel engine is operated by consolidated control with controllable pitch propeller (CPP), the minimum fuel consumption is achieved satisfying the demanded ship speed. For this, it is necessary that the ship is operated on the ideal operating line which satisfies the minimum fuel consumption, and the both pitch angle of CPP and throttle valve angle are controlled simultaneously. In this context of view, this paper gives a controller design method for a ship propulsion system with CPP based on noninteracting control theory. Where, linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach is introduced for the control system design to satisfy the given H ~ constraint in the presence of physical parameter perturbation and disturbance input. To the end, the validity and applicability of this approach are illustrated by the simulation in the all operating ranges. Key Words: Noninteracting Control, Controllable Pitch Propeller, Linear Matrix Inequality, Parameter Perturbation, Operating Ranges 393 1. Introduction Due to the recent technical development in the marine industry, diesel engine propulsion system is a subject of renewed interest. Moreover, it is shown that the propulsion system control can have a significant effect on the fuel efficiency (Hendricks et aI., 1986). In this context of view, this paper gives a control system design method for a marine diesel engine propulsion system with controllable pitch propeller (CPP). In the ship propulsion system with CPP, there are many operating points which keep the ship speed constant. In order to achieve the minimum fuel consumption demand, the ship propulsion system needs to operate on the ideal line. That the two controlled outputs, engine-speed and CPP pitch angle are needed to be controlled simultane- E-mail: [email protected] TEL: +82-557-640-3162; FAX: +82-557-640-3128 Dept. of Marine Engineering, College of Marine Sci- ence, Gyeongsang National University, Korea (Manu- script Received June 28, 1999; Revised January 22, 2000) ously, which is difficult, because each input affects the outputs. Therefore the system used to be controlled by the conventional approach in which the one mode of two is controlled and the other is fixed. In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary that the controlled system is divided into two single-input single-output sub- systems. Then each input affects only correspond- ing output. This paper deals with noninteracting control of the controlled system which has two independent inputs and outputs, where the inputs are fuel rack position reference signal and voltage signal of the CPP actuator and the outputs are engine-speed and CPP pitch angle. In this study, LMI approach (Boyd et aI., 1990 ; Gahinet and Apkarian, 1994 ; Iwasaki and Skelton, 1993) is used to achieve H ~ constraint in the all operating ranges. The vessel under consideration is the training ship of Pukyong National Univ. (GfT 653) . This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, a dynamic model is developed for the ship propul- sion system. In Sec. 3, noninteracting control system design method is introduced. Section 4 394 Young-Bok Kim describes the constraints for control system design problem. In Sec. 5, an algorithm is proposed such that the constraints are achieved. In Sec. 6, the validity and applicability of this approach is demonstrated by the simulation. Finally, some conclusions are given in Sec. 7. 2. System Modeling and Control Objectives 2.1 Modeling The block diagram of the controlled system is shown in Fig. 1. The inputs are the engine throttle valve angle R[rad] and the reference input of Cf'P actuator 8cp[V] to adjust CPP pitch angle. The controlled outputs are engine-speed n.[I/s] and CPP pitch angle ecp[radJ. The parameters appeared in Fig. I are summar- ized in the Table. The function e- L is a time delay which is approximated with a first-order rational function. In this paper, we consider T, L aTe/aR, J, etvs; aTdan., T. as the nonlinear terms which are linearized at each operating point. From these, we can obtain the following system representation : x(t) =Ax (t) +Bu (t) : A(nx n), B(nXm) y(t)=Cx(t): C(pXn). (I) L [s] T [s] R [rad] J [kg m"] t: [Nm] To [Nm] n. [ljs] f [kg m 2 / s] Va [m/s] T. [s] K [rad/V] Table 1 Parameters Delay time of engine Time constant Engine throttle valve angle Total inertia Load torque Disturbance Engine-speed Friction Ship speed Time constant of CPP actuator Proportional gain where x (t) (= [ne T; i, ecp) T), U (t) and y (t) are the state. control input and controlled output, respectively. The coefficient matrices of the plant are denoted by -7{ aT L +/) l.. 1 I aT L ] ane J -77 ae ep a 2 4 0 T T A= I st; I -7' ane a T 0 0 a 0 I - T. n. sr, r-----------ian; Fig. 1 Block diagram of controlled system An Algorithm for Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System 395 B= 0 o 0 _I aT. 0 T aR K o T s [ I 00 OJ ' C= 0 0 I . (2) the closed-loop system is stable and RMS gain (H", norm) from w to y does not exceed r( >0). 3. Noninteracting Control Consider the system illustrated in Fig. 3. It is represented by the following linear state equation. 2.2 Control Objectives 2.2.1 Noninteraction between inputs and outputs As described in Fig. I, the variation of CPP pitch angle disturbs the engine-speed. Therefore, by applying the noninteracting control theory, we can make the system to be decoupled into two single input single-output subsystems. i(t)=Ax(t)+Bu(t) :A(nxn), B(nXm) (5) y(t)=Cx(t) : C(pXn) As shown in Fig. 3, linear state feedback replaces the plant input u (t) by the following expression u(t)=-Fx(t)+Cv(t) : F(mXn), Gt m x n) (6) x (t) =Ax (t) +n (t) +Bww(t), y (t) = ex (t) +Dw (t), (3) where x(t) = [x (t) v (t)T, ii (t), w (t), v (t) are new state, control input, disturbance input and output of integrator in the augmented system, respectively. The system matrices are denoted by 2.2.2 H", Constraint In order to reject the steady-state tracking error for constant reference signals, the integral compensator is introduced. Consider the integral type servosystem of Fig. 2(Fujisaki and Ikeda, 1992). Then the servosystem (augmented system) is represented by where, v (t) is m X I input signal. Then the closed-loop state equation is described by i (t) = (A - BF) x (t) +BGv (t) (7) y(t) =Cx(t) (8) L:=C' (/JA-BF' B G Noninteacting control problem involves using linear state feedback to achieve two input-output objectives. The closed-loop state (7) should be such that for i =1= j the ph-input component us (t) has no effect on the ilh-output component Yi (t). This problem is equivalent to the requirement that the closed-loop impulse response: be a diagonal matrix. A closed-loop state equa- tion with this property can be viewed from the input-output perspective as a collection of m independent, single-input, single-output linear systems. Here, let (4) - [A OJ - [B] - A= -CO ,B= 0' C=[CO], - [0000-1 0JT - [IOJ B w= 0 0 0 -1 ' D= I . It is assumed that the parameters of controlled system are perturbed in the specified ranges. For this system, it is needed to guarantee that w - y for each Fig. 2 An integral type servosystem Fig. 3 Structure of linear state feedback 396 Young-Bok Kim Lemma 2 (Morse and Wenham, 1971) Ifa pair (F, G) is given by F=L1- 1 [A * + FS a ] , G=L1- 1 (12) Lemma 1 (Choi, 1998; Falb and Wolovich., 1967; Freund, 1971; Porter, 1969) Suppose the time-invariant linear state equation (5) with p= m has relative degree Xh ... , Xm' Then there exist constant feedback gains F and G that achieve non interacting control if and only if ( 14) state equation does not equal to that of transfer function, then the matrix Sa is singular. There- fore, the following new matrix is introduced In this paper, it is considered that system parameters are varying in the specified ranges. For this system, robust stability and H.. perfor- mance problems of the servosystem are consid- ered. These problems are given by following Theorem. Theorem For the system described by Eq. (3), the H: norm of T yW which is the closed-loop transfer function of the system (3) via state feed- back (6) is smaller than y (>0), if and only if there exist X (>0) and parameter Y satisfying the following LMI: [ Ax +xAT EY+ yTB T Ew X!T] Bw T -yI D T <0 ex 15 -yI ( 16) 4. H"" Constraint such that !Sbl'*O, where W is a matrix satisfying WBp=O. (15) (9) (II) ( 10) where [
L1= : cmAXm-1B is invertible. Then a pair of (F, G) is given by F'=L1- 1A *, G=L1- 1 r c1A X, 1 A*= cmA Xm Even though the aforementioned condition is satisfied such that the noninteracting control is achieved, the system stability is not guaranteed. For this, the following lemma is considered. Suppose that the noninteracting condition illus- trated in Sec. 3 is satisfied for the controlled system considered in this study. If the degree of then the noninteracting control system is stable. Where F is a feedback gain such that the closed- loop system is asymptotically stable, where Sa is given by the following nonsingular matrix: _ _ _ _ k _ A(a) =Am+oA(a)=A m + i::=l (17) Then the feedback gain K FG is given by K FC =YX- 1 =[F G] Proof See reference (Gahinet and Apkarian, 1994) This result is easily extended to uncertain sys- tems described by polytopic state-space model. Let us denote matrices A, E as A=Am+oA. E=Em+oB, (18) where Am, Em are nominal parts and oA, oE denote uncertain parts. Here, a standard numerical method is consid- ered to check whether (16) holds or not. If the set of uncertain plant is polytopic, that is. the set described as ( 13) (nX n), cm cmA An Algorithm for Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System 397 - - - _..- B(a) =Bm+oB(a) =Bm+l},aBi' i=1 .. l},ai= I. a20. i= I ..... k (19) i=1 then we can easily find the minimum r- a positive definite matrix X and a matrix Y satisfying the condition (12) and (16) at all extreme points. simultaneously. <.iL. Bi). i = 1. 2, ... k denote the extreme points. 5. Algorithm The controller design problem considered in this paper is equivalent to finding a state feedback gain K FC (F, e) which satisfies the following specifications simultaneously. AI) Find K FG satisfying the noninteracting control constraints (Lemma 1. Lemma 2) for a nominal system. A2) The inequality (16) of the Theorem holds. Also, this problem can be described by the following algorithm. [Algorithm] Consider the system (I). For given sufficiently large positive number Yn' set the numerical toler- ance e>O and n=O. Step O. Find a feedback gain F and G satis- fying Lemmas I and 2. Step I. Using the relation Kn=[F n en] = YnX;l, Y n = [F n en] x; and solve the inequality (16) in Theorem, to get (Xl!' Yn+I)' Step 2. If IYn-Yn+ll>e, then let n=n+I. and go to step O. Otherwise, output (Xl!' Y n , Yn+1)' Step 3. The controller gain is K FC =YnX;I=[Fn en]. This problem is easily solved by LMI approach. 6. Simulations In this section. we present simulation results to illustrate the validity and applicability of the approach studied in this paper. First, a type of controller gain for noninteract- ing control is calculated based on Lemmas I and 2. Next, check the H ~ constraint for the servosys- tern with noninteracting controller in the presence of parameter perturbation. For this, consider that the parameters are varying in the following ranges: 39.49:::;:0 T e/i1R:::;: I 14.39, 0.03:::;: T:::;:O.IO 0.05:::;:L:::;:0.20,147.33:::;:J:::;:199.55. 167.35:::;:0 T e/ane:::;:262.04, 0.05:::;: T.:::;:O.23. (20) 12585.13:::;:a tu0 8et>:::;:62931Al 32.62:::;:0 TL!an e:::;:944.67, The nominal part Am, s:of (19) are described by -3.289 0.006 -0.006 25.080 00 0 - 25.000 50.000 0 00 Am= -5204.085 0 -21.665 0 00 0 0 0 -12.17500 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 - _[002103.760 0 0 or (21) B m - 00 0 12.175 . These are mean values of the system matrices set. Then, A, jj of (3), the system matrices with uncertainties are represented by _ _ 32 _ A(a) =A m +I:aAi (22) i=l _ _ 32 _ B(a) =B m +I:aBi (23) i=l k I:ai= I, a;20 (i= I, "', 32). (24) i=1 Based on Lemmas I and 2, a gain F illustrated in (12) is obtained by F = [ ~ ~ ~ ~ J . (25) where W=[O -I OOJ(in Eqs. (14) and (15)), such that the noninteracting control system is stable. Here, A of equation (9) and Ll of equa- tion (II) are calculated from nominal val ues. Even though the gain (F. e) is obtained so that the noninteracting control system is stable, the system stability may not be guaranteed for the 398 Young-Bok Kim (26) (a) (b) Fig. 4 Step responses without noninteracting con- trol[ (a) i!e[rpsJ, (b) 8 cP[radJ)J uncertainty. Therefore the robust stability condi- tion represented in the Theorem for the uncertain system is considered. If we use the LMI approach, we can obtain a gain (F, G) based on the Algorithm proposed in Section 5. A state feedback gain F and an integral compensator gain G are calculated as follows: =[-0.08020.0004 -0.0015 0.1369 J F 0 0 0 -0.0416 G = [ 3.2111 -2.6163J (26) o 0.5310 where 11=1.300, 12=10.000, 13=3.000 of F in (25) and the bound r=21.3. Using the gain illustrated in (26), the simula- tion results, which are obtained in the 16 extreme points when the parameter perturbation is consid- ered, are given in the Figs. 4-7. Especially, in the cases of Figs. 4 and 5, engine-speed and Cf'P pitch angle reference signals are changing at the same time as shown in the simulation results. Figure 4 shows the controlled output to the step type reference signals when only the robust con- (a) (b) Fig. 5 Step responses with noninteracting controll [(a) n.[rpsJ, (b) 8cp[radJ)J trol constraint is considered without noninteract- ing control. In this case, following gains are used as the feedback gain. _ [0.0045 X 10- 5 -0.0047 X 10- 5 0.2448 X 10- 5 F= -0.0268 X10- 5 0.OO12x 10- 5 -0.4899 X10- 5 -0.0345 X 10- 5 ] 0.0086 X 10- 5 - = [3.3606 2.2650J G -0.01260.2250 And, Fig. 5 shows the controlled output when both the nointeracting and robust control are considered. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the controlled output and control input. In the cases of Figs. 6 and 7, the engine- speed is fixed and the CPP pitch angle is varied. From these results, it is clear that we can achieve good suppression of the interaction between inputs and outputs, and satis- fy H ~ constraint simultaneously. 7. Concluding Remarks In this paper, a controller design method for a An Algorithm for Robust Noninteracting Control of Ship Propulsion System 399 &. _. - - - - - -- - - -- -----.- - - - ---t-1-------+------- i -------f------- , . , . . . , , .... _------.. ------- ..---_ ------- -_._ .. - ---- j l : :------T------r-------r-------j__---- ... ---- (a) (a) . r:::::::t.l:::::::1::::::::)::::::::;::::::: : : : : ' r .-- -.. -:--- _. --- -_. ..... - [_-E:EJ:t:; j ; i ; (b) (b) . , . ,
r: .. ..::::::;::::::: [g!-if -_ ..--- .i--. ----- -. _...- ...-- --. J. --_._ ..i...- .. !-l_fJ-:: (e) Fig. 6 Time responses without noninteraeting con- trol when the engine-speed is fixed and the pitch angle is changing [(a) ne[rps], (b) Bcp[rad]. (c) control inputs] (e) Fig. 7 Time responses with noninteracting control when the engine-speed is fixed and the pitch angle is changing [(a) ne[rps]. (b) Bcp[rad], (e) control inputs] noninteracting control system design has been presented and it is applied to ship propulsion system control problem. In order to reject the interaction between inputs and outputs. the noninteracting control theory is used. Linear matrix inequality(LMI) approach is introduced so that the control system satisfies the given H; constraint in the presence of physical parameter perturbation. We have shown the validity and applicability of this approach by acheving two given objectives simultaneously in the simulation. References Boyd, S. , et aI., Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory. SIAM Book, 1990. Chi a J. W., Left Eigenstructure Assignment via Sylvester Equation, KSME International Jour- 400 Young -Bok Kim nal, Vol. 12, No.6, pp. 1034-1040, 1998. Falb, P. L. and Wolovich W. A., Noninteract- ing in the Design and Synthesis of Multivariable Control Systems, IEEE Trans. on AC, Vol. 12, No.6, pp. 651-659, 1967. Freund E., Design of time-variable rnultivaria- ble systems by noninteracting and by the inverse, IEEE Trans. on AC, Vol. 16, No.2, pp. 183 -185, 1971. Fujisaki, Y. and Ikeda M., Synthesis of Two- Degree-of-Freedom Design of Optimal Ser- vosystems, Proc. 31st IEEE CDC, pp. 3588 -3589, 1992. Gahinet, P. and Apkarian P., A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach to H"" Control, Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 4, pp. 421 -448, 1994. Hendricks, E., J. Holst, N. K. Poulson and H. Joensen, Adaptive minimum Energy Control of Ship Diesel Engines, IMSOR, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 1986. Iwasaki, T. and Skelton R. E., A Complete Solution to the General H"" Control Problem LMI Existence Conditions and State Space For- mulas. ACC, pp. 605-609, 1993. Morse, A. S. and Wonham W. M., Status of noninteracting Control. IEEE Trans. on AC, Vol. 16, No.6, pp. 568-581, 1971. Porter W. A., Noninteracting of and inverse for time-varying linear systems. IEEE Trans. on AC, Vol. 14, No.4, pp. 378-380, 1969.