Leo and Theodoret, Dioscorus and Eutyches
Leo and Theodoret, Dioscorus and Eutyches
Leo and Theodoret, Dioscorus and Eutyches
This not a paper about the technical question about how one
lifts anathemas, either those of Dioscorus and his followers by the
Chalcedonians, or those of Leo and the Chalcedonians by the
ental Orthodox. What we are here concerned with is the
already presented by this writer as far back as 1959-60 and especially
1964 that both Leo and Dioscorus are Orthodox because they agree
with St Cyril of A1exandria, especially with his Chapters,
though both had been considered heretical by the other side here
represented. We do not intend to present new this matter,
but to aspects we already presented at Aarhus 1964. But we
intend to present the issues at stake such a way as to throw light
the problem before us with the expectation that specialists
canon law may find the way to lift anathemas pronounced by Ecu-
menical or/and local Councils without a
It is unfortunateIy also possible to make a clear distinction be-
tween the Fathers of the 5th and following centuries of both sides and
their nominal followers today. This is so because the modern Ortho-
dox both sides officially agreed with doctrinal statements they
participated producing along with Latin and Protestant scholars jn
the WCC. We will make some this question the
second part of this paper. We will do this the light of the fact that
we are the process of re-uniting , not necessarily with the Fathers
of our traditions, but 1) with what has perhaps
incompIetely of these traditions or 2) with what may be
a distortion of what were to a point our histories Biblical and
and local Councils can be dea1t with as canonical, rather than doc-
trinal problems.
whether this today's Orthodox and Oriental
Orthodox is a separate question. That this is so is due to the fact that
there are -strong indications that today's Orthodox and Oriental
Orthodox doctrinal positions which are not those of the Fathers
of either the first Three, or of the Ecumenical Councils.
The keys to clearing historical misunderstanding between us
are the facts 1) that the one side Dioscorus supported Eutyches,
who was finally realized to be a heretic by Dioscorus himself the
Oriental Orthodox side, and 2) that the other side the fact that
Leo supported Theodoret whose Christology is indeed heretical and at
the time not that of Leo himself which sufficiently agrees with
the Chapters of Cyril.
Leo and Theodoret
Theodoret's heretical Christology is especially clear his attacks
against Cyril's Chapters. These attacks were indeed considered
heretical by all the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council except
by the Jegates Pope Leo Rome. This is cJear from the fact that
the Fathers ChaJcedon accepted Theodoret's condemnation by the
CounciJ Ephesus 449 in spite Leo's refusaJ accept it. The
Fathers the CounciJ ChaJcedon paid no attendon Leo's opin-
ions on the matter and refused to seat Theodoret as a member the
CounciJ since he was stiJJ under the condemnation Ephesus 449.
He was aJJowed to sit onJy as accuser Dioscorus. The Council of
Chalcedon lifted Theodoret's excommunication of 440 when he
finally anathematised Nestorius and accepted the Third Ecumenical
Council and the Chapters of Cyril at session Ibas of
Edessa was also likewise cleared of his condemnation at sessions
Here we are faced with a Pope Leo who knowingly or wilfully or
unknowingly supported a heretical and yet unrepentant Theodoret of
Cyrus. Theodoret was allowed by unknown means to quietly manifest
his «repentance» for the first time, though attending the Council
as an accuser, by becoming a member of the committee which
was appointed to examine the Tome of Leo to see if it indeed agrees
with the Chapters of St. Cyril. The list of the opinions of the
members of this committee are recorded the minutes and they
unanimously found close examination that the Tome of Leo agrees
3 31
482 John S. Romanides
Dorylaeum for not accepting Christ «from two natures one nature»
which was the «Orthodox» tradition of Alexandria, but not that of all
the Churches as Cyril himself explained his letters to his friends
when explaining that by speaking of two natures Christ one may
distinguish them thought alone. any case both Flavian and Euse-
bius were fina11y justified their actions against Eutyches by Diosco-
rus, his bishops and a11 Oriental Orthodox.
The question is now raised whether there were substantial
grounds for Dioscorus' excommunication of Leo of Rome. It would
seem possible to argue that this excommunication was some-
what like that of Cyril's excommunication of Nestorius when the latter
refused to subscribe to the Twelve Chapters. Cyril did this with the
fu11 support of the Pope Celestine of Rome. But the case before us
451 we have Pope Leo of Rome himself who is being excommuni-
cated by Pope Dioscorus of Alexandria. The reason behind this is the
simple fact that Pope Leo was reality repudiating His predecessor's
support of Cyril's Twelve Chapters by supporting a fanatic enemy of
Cyril and his Twelve Chapters.
The realization of the implications about support for Theo-
doret are interesting indeed view of those who support Franco-
Latin Papal theories about the magisterium of their medieval papacy,
The Criteria
1964 1 pointed out that the fundamental criterion of Orthodox
Christology was the acceptance of the fact the Logos Who is consub-
stantial with His Father became Himself consubstantial with us by His
birth as man from His mother, the Virgin Mary, contrast, the Nes-
torian position was that Christ is a person who is the product of the
of the two natures Christ. For Nestorius and Theodoret
to 451) it is not the Logos Himself Who became by nature man and
consubstantial with His mother and us. For both of them the very
idea that the Logos could be united to His human nature by nature
meant that He was united by a necessity of His divine nature. Thus
for Nestorius and Theodoret the one nature of the Logos is consub-
stantial with the Father and the created nature of the Logos is con-
substantial with us. The Logos did not become man and son of Mary
by nature and the Virgin Mary did not become the mother of the
Logos incarnate. The basic question was not whether one accepted
two natures or one nature Christ, but whether one accepted that
the Logos Himself, Who is consubstantial with His Father, became
Leo of Rome and Dioscorus of Alexandria 485
for him, for Nestorius, for Theodore of Mopsuestia, for Arius, for
Lucian, and for Paul of Samosata (the philosophical great-grandfather
and grandfather of all the former)3 God is united to the creature only
by will and energy and never by nature. For all of those just men-
tioned that which is related or united by nature does so by necessity
and not by the freedom of wi1l 4•
One may conclude that Dioscorus can be defended his actions
against Leo . He is to be fully complimented for his fight against
Theodoret. actions against Flavian and Eusebius can be explained
as primari!y motivated by his desire to defend the faith against Nesto-
rianism to such a point that he came at least very close to abandoning
Cyri!'s reconciliation of 433 with John of Antioch. The use of the
Alexandrian formula «One Nature or Hypostasis Incarnate» by Fla-
vian and Eusebius were technically wrong as such, since they used it
not its correct historical context. However , from the viewpoint of
the 433 reconciliation between Cyril and John, this formula could also
be used as was done by Flavian and Eusebius, but only so long as its
original usage made clear also. either Flavian nor Eusebius
understood this, and this what got Dioscorus hot under the collar.
He was correct when he protests that both contradicted themselves
when using this formula. But he could have let them use it also the
light of 433.
Chalcedonian and Severians at New Rome 531/35
The roots of so-called Neo-Chalcedonianism
At this conference the Severians supported that Eutyches was
indeed a heretic and that Dioscorus accepted him as one repentant
and finally confessing the faith that Christ is consubstantial with His
mother. They seemed not troubled that Eutyches had denied that
Christ is consubstantial with us. They defended Dioscorus' action
against Flavian and Eusebius because they contradicted themselves
when saying «One nature of the Logos Incarnate» and at the same
time insisting «two natures after or their Hypatius, the
spokesman for the Chalcedonians, was exasperated at the logic of the
one of them. like manner there are Orthodox, since Peter the
Great, who reality do not accept the soteriological and Old
Testament presuppositions of these Councils. the other hand those
of the Oriental Orthodox, who have not been Franco-Latinised im-
portant parts of their theology, accept the first three of the Ecumeni-
cal Councils, but reality accept all Seven, a fact which has now
become clear recent agreements.
The determining element in the above fluctuations is the fact that
the Carolingian Franks learned to interpret the first two Ecumenical
Councils through the eyes of Augustine. Then the rest of the Seven
became wagons of the same train drawn by the same locomotive. The
bishop of had neither the slightest understanding of the Arian,
Eunomian and Macedonian positions about the Holy Trinity and the
Incarnation, nor of the Fathers who opposed them. Neither he nor
the Franco-Latins ever realized that each heresy condemned by the
Seven or Nine EcumenicaI Councils was an attack the Biblical
experience of i1Iumination and gIorification. each case fallen man
was imagined to be instructed and saved by a creature: a) either by a
created Logos, or b) by a created Spirit's created energies, or c) by a
created Spirit/AngeI. But Augustine's salvation by created grace, i.e.
by his created gIorifications the Old and New Testaments or by his
created Pentecostal tongues of fire, or by his fires of hell and outer
darkness or by created heavenly glory, are all the same pagan reaI-
ities. Indeed all these Augustinian creatures which reveaI and save
both the Old and New Testaments come into and pass out of exis-
tence after each of their specific tasks has come to pass. The CounciI
of 1341 condemned these teachings the person of Barlaam the
Calabrian not knowing that this tradition was initiated by Augustine
and was accepted by the Franco-Latin tradition. It was conHnued by
the Reformers and is to be found Bible Commentaries today.
The reality of the matter is that the difference between Augustine
and Ambrose, who baptised the former, became the difference be-
tween the Franco-Latin and the Roman tradition, both East and West.
The basic difference between the Franco-Latin and Orthodox tra-
ditions is that not illumination or justification takes place this
life, but that glorification or theosis does also. Today's Orthodox must
retum to the Fathers who see both these stages of cure already the
Old Testament and completed Christ and Pentecost. This wouId be
the essential patristic basis for our going forward our coming into
organic since this is a fundamental presupposition the Bible
Leo of Rome and Dioscorus of Alexandria 491
Augustinian tradition? Who are and what are the so-called Orthodox
who longer identify Christ with Who Who appeared to
Moses the burning bush, and the «Angel of Great Council» Who
appeared to Isaiah?
have not once come across a document of the WCC which
the Orthodox have made known Who Christ is the Old Testament.
tried to do this at the Rhodes meeting «Confessing the Crucified
and Risen Christ Social, Cultural and Ethical Context today»
4-11/1/88. explained that one has the right to explain and
comment the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed without reference
to the reasons why the Fathers composed the Creed and how they
explain the Creed. insisted that both the Arians and Eunomians
agreed with the Fathers that Christ the Old Testament is the Angel
of the Lord, the Angel of Great Council, etc. who appeared to the
prophets; that the difference was that for the Fathers the Logos/Angel
is uncreated and that for these heretics he was created. Augustine
rejected this identity of this Angel of the Lord with the Logos,
thinking that the Arians believed that the Logos was seen by the
prophets and that His visibility was the main argument by which they
proved that .the Logos is created. presented the meeting with pa-
tristic texts. The paticipants voted the approval of my suggestions. But
subsequently nothing appeared the New Revised Version . But that
the Lord of Glory of the Old Testament was born as man from the
Theotokos6 and was crucified is the foundation of all the doctrinal
descisions of all our Ecumenical Councils . Who God 's name are
running the Orthodox show the World Council of Churches?
If we believe as our Fathers that Christ is the Lord of Glory Who
appeared to the prophets and made them His friends, and if we are
supposed to also see His Glory and become his friends, as clearly
prayed for by Christ John 17, then do the lifting of anathemas
have some meaning.
6. Here page 53 «Mary is Theotokos, the mother of him who is also God ...»
For thc Mary is the mother of God.