SidhGost GRE
SidhGost GRE
SidhGost GRE
nwnk sMqu imlY scu pweIAY shj Bwie jsu lyau ]1]
naanak sant milai sach paa-ee-ai sahj bhaa-ay jas lay-o. ||1||
O Nanak, meeting with the Saints, Truth is obtained, and one is spontaneously blessed with distinction. ||1||
Aklpq mudRw gur igAwnu bIcwrIAly Git Git swcw srb jIAw ]
akalpat mudraa gur gi-aan beechaaree-alay ghat ghat saachaa sarab jee-aa.
Consider freedom from desire to be the ear-rings of the Guru's spiritual wisdom. The True Lord, the Soul of all,
dwells within each and every heart.
Awpu myit inrwlmu hovY AMqir swcu jogI khIAY soeI ]23]
aap mayt niraalam hovai antar saach jogee kahee-ai so-ee. ||23||
One who eradicates his self-conceit becomes free of desire; he alone is a Yogi, who enshrines the True Lord
deep within. ||23||
ndir kry qw siqguru myly qw inj Gir vwsw iehu mnu pwey ]
nadar karay taa satgur maylay taa nij ghar vaasaa ih man paa-ay.
When the Lord blesses one with His Glance of Grace, he leads him to the True Guru. Then, this mind dwells in
its own home within.
ikau mUlu pCwxY Awqmu jwxY ikau sis Gir sUru smwvY ]
ki-o mool pachhaanai aatam jaanai ki-o sas ghar soor samaavai.
"How can the root, the source of all be realized? How can the soul know itself? How can the sun enter into the
house of the moon?"
nwnku AwKY scu suBwKY sic rpY rMgu kbhU n jwvY ]65]
naanak aakhai sach subhaakhai sach rapai rang kabhoo na jaavai. ||65||
Says Nanak, one who speaks the Truth is dyed in the color of Truth, which will never fade away. ||65||
ikqu ikqu ibiD jgu aupjY purKw ikqu ikqu duiK ibnis jweI ]
kit kit biDh jag upjai purkhaa kit kit dukh binas jaa-ee.
"How, in what way, was the world formed, O man? And what disaster will end it?"
nwnk ibnu nwvY jogu kdy n hovY dyKhu irdY bIcwry ]68]
naanak bin naavai jog kaday na hovai daykhhu ridai beechaaray. ||68||
O Nanak, without the Name, Yoga is never attained; reflect upon this in your heart, and see. ||68||
kir bIcwru min dyKhu nwnk ibnu nwvY mukiq n hoeI ]72]
kar beechaar man daykhhu naanak bin naavai mukat na ho-ee. ||72||
Reflect upon this in your mind, and see; O Nanak, without the Name, there is no liberation. ||72||