E7 Socratic Seminar Packet
E7 Socratic Seminar Packet
S em i n a r
A “Test” of your ability to READ carefully,
THINK deeply, and SPEAK precisely.
Three Kinds of Teaching and Learning
These three columns do not correspond to separate courses or
disciplines, and one kind of teaching or learning is not confined to
any one class.
The Text: Socratic Seminar texts are chosen for their richness in
ideas, issues, and values and their ability to stimulate extended,
thoughtful dialogue. A seminar text can be drawn from readings in
literature, history, science, math, health, and philosophy or from
works of art or music. A good text raises important questions in
the participants' minds, questions for which there are no right or
wrong answers. At the end of a successful Socratic Seminar
participants often leave with more questions than they brought
with them.
Dialogue Debate
is collaborative; multiple sides work is oppositional; two opposing sides try to prove each
toward shared understanding other wrong
respects all the other participants rebuts contrary positions and may belittle or
and seeks not to alienate or offend deprecate other participants
Discussion Leader: This is the person who begins and ends the discussion. Always
allow the discussion leader to end the discussion in his/her own time. Usually this
person will begin the seminar with a brief statement about the article. Choose a
strong-willed and strong-voiced person to be the discussion leader. Also pick
someone who is sympathetic and will validate other people’s opinions. For example,
a discussion leader might have to “get on” a student for interrupting. If he interrupts
repeatedly, he/she should be firm with him/her. Not every ninth grader has the ability
to be firm without being hurtful. However, students can also be too strong with their
voices and opinions, and they don’t appropriately handle the other students. You will
figure it out through trial and error, discussion and de-brief. Not all students
participate as the discussion leader…It is more appropriate to choose the students
who enjoy the role and not force others into it against their will. For some students, it
is scary enough just to participate in the circle itself. It is the discussion leader’s
responsibility to bring the discussion back to the article and keep it on track.
Students come prepared with questions, and the discussion leader allows students
to ask their questions throughout the seminar. He/she must make sure that everyone
speaks at some point in the discussion and that no one person dominates.
Hot Seat: This is an empty seat in the inner circle. Outer circle participants may
“jump in” to make a point, but then “jump out.” They may not stay and debate the
entire point. They comment, and then they leave! The discussion leader must
acknowledge the hot seat as soon as it becomes pertinent to do so. Do not allow
students to jump into the hot seat twice in a row. Another student must occupy the
hot seat before an outer circle participant is allowed back in. You may want to limit
the number of times they can “jump in,” because your gregarious students who are
relegated to the outer circle sometimes will attempt to dominate the discussion. That
is not their role in this!
Student Tips:
Preparation: Students are to read the article for homework. They are to come up
with five “higher level” questions about the article. They need to spend a lot of time
on questioning strategies before attempting Socratic Seminar. In the AVID model,
higher level questioning is a large part of the curriculum. Once the students are
comfortable with questioning strategies and questioning vocabulary, have them
come up with questions. For example, if they read an article from the Austin
American Statesman titled “Perry Praises School Prayer,” they should come
prepared with questions related to the article and to school prayer. Allow the school
prayer questions too, and trust the discussion leader to help them return to the
article. All students must come up with questions--- both inner and outer circles. It is
suggested to determine your circles based on their questions, their personalities,
and prior participation.
Do not allow the outer circle to talk until the discussion is over. Then allow them to
say one thing they wished they could have said, or to ask one of their questions that
was not discussed.
Have the partners conference when they’re done and provide feedback.
Have the entire class do some sort of written reflection on the article and the
Asks a series of questions that give direction to the seminar.
x x
x x
x x
x x
Hot Seat Hot Seat
x x
x x
x Participants x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
Leader- Lead thoughtful exploration of ideas in the text (dual roles in seminar)
Participant- the leader actively engages in the group exploration of the text
Inner Circle- No more than 8 in the circles (post a list of outside the door of the seating order)
Outer Circle- 20 to 25 for ideal participants. Participants sit outside the circle. Each participant
is assigned an inner circle participant to observe throughout the entire discussion.
Hot Seat- This is an empty seat. Anyone from the outer circle may “jump in” to make a point
and then “jump out”. (They may not stay and debate the point) They comment
and then they leave. Limit the number of times a student can use the hot seat.
Preparation- Students will read the article for homework. They are to come with five “higher
level” questions about the article.
Planning for a Socratic Seminar
Seminar Activities:
Post-Seminar Activities:
Extension Activities:
[ON BOARD: "I see . . .," "I observe . . .," "I notice . . ."]
30 Minutes: Pre-Seminar
1. Point out phrases on the board and explain how they are to
be used.
30 Minutes: Seminar
30 Minutes: Post-Seminar
1. Distribute paper.
Main Concepts/Issues:
Preliminary Activities:
Post Activities:
MARKING A TEXT: Why? and How?
To become analytical readers, students must mark their text. When
“marking the text” is initially introduced to student, they get puzzled looks
on their faces. Not surprising! While teachers may be familiar with
purchasing and writing in a text, today’s students have been told to return
their text in pristine condition. Truly, marking the text for them is an
anathema; consequently, they must be given instruction on how to mark in
the text.
Even though short selections are usually used for in the beginning, later
on they can apply these strategies to longer works that require
considerable time and organizational skills.
How can students mark their text if they are not allowed to write in them?
Very short selections can be copied for students; however, longer readings
cannot be duplicated. Many teachers overcome this problem with post it
notes. These adhere to the page and allow the student to make comments
and notes. Other students cut slips of paper like bookmarks, placing them
in the text and making notations on them. Once students understand the
concept of marking the text, they find ways to compensate without defacing
their textbooks.
Marking the text requires the reader to underline, highlight, or take notes on
ideas, issues, or themes in the work. The physical act of marking the text
locks information into the student’s memory and allows for retrieval of the
material later on.
Make notations in the margins as you react to passages that are unique
or noteworthy
Place a question mark (?) in the margin if you don’t understand what the
passage means.
Use post it notes for marking major ideas, for cross-referencing ideas,
or for easy access to specific pages in the text. Use a variety of
If the moon is full Aug. 17, July 18, and June 19,
when will it be full in April? (infer)
Level One Questions are often necessary to establish the group’s basic
understanding of facts or situations.
Questioning should not remain in Level One, but should advance to both
Level Two and Level Three
The Three-Story Intellect
High-Level Thinking Skills
Key Words:
Predict Judge
Assess Idealize Forecast
Key Words:
Compare Inspect How is ___ similar to ___?
Apply Develop What might we infer from….?
Solve Infer How would you categorize….?
Classify Analyze What is the function of….?
Reason Explain How would you classify….?
Distinguish What conclusions can you draw?
Examine Why do you think…?
Contrast How is ___ related to ___?
How would you summarize…?
Key Words:
What is….?
Who Label When did….?
What Identify Which one…?
When Match How would you show?
Where Name Who was…?
Which Spell Which is the best answer?
Choose Select What facts…?
Find Restate How would you classify…?
Define Observe What is the definition of…?
How many…..?
Principles of Socratic Questioning
Socratic Questions
Can I talk to you for a moment after class about the assignment?
Observation Form
Inner-Outer Discussion Circle
DIRECTIONS: Each time your partner does one of the following, put a check in the box.
AFTER DISCUSSION: What is the most interesting thing your partner said?
AFTER DISCUSSION: What would you like to have said in the discussion?
Share specific and non-judgmental observations from the
How many times did the facilitator have to stop the seminar?
Discussion Evaluation Form
Other: _______________________
Other: _______________________
How would you rate this discussion on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best)?
Socratic Seminar Student
Grade Sheet
Group Members:
_____ The group was able to take the Socratic Seminar to a high
level of understanding.
Grading Rubric
clarifies for a better understanding
encourages others to participate
relates to another person or idea
asks questions
is an active participant
relates to another person or idea
asks questions
is an active participant
one comment made
takes notes
takes notes
is not participating
Grading Rubric
A = Exemplary
demonstrates patience with others’ opinions
moves the conversation forward
speaks to all participants
thinks before answering
refers directly to the text
makes connections to other speakers
considers all opinions
writes down thoughts and questions
builds on others’ comments
asks for clarification when needed
identifies key words/phrases/details in the text
B = Commanding
comments often
responds to questions
refers to text
offers interesting ideas
pays attention
a few questions
takes notes
C = Competent
emphasizes only own ideas
ideas not always connected
refers to text
loses track of conversation
judges others’ ideas
a few questions
takes some notes
D = Developing
leans toward debate, not dialogue
disruptive, argumentative
mumbles or is silent
repeats same ideas
little to no notes taken
no questions asked
F = Emerging
is not participating
is lost/overwhelmed with the seminar