History and Development of Accounting
History and Development of Accounting
History and Development of Accounting
For this to work, they needed something to symbolize the exchange of resources; something offering a
common measure of value. Early money came in a variety of formats, from feathers and vodka, to cow dung and
grains. Coins didn’t emerge until between 500 and 700 BC.
Abstract counting
Both currency and accounting began through ‘concrete counting’, which means counting being object-
specific. So five boats would be represented by a different word or object than five apples.
It was only when objects, words and symbols began to be used to represent abstract numbers, such as in
Mesopotamia around 3,000 BC, that more complex forms of accounting could be developed. This also allowed the
birth of arithmetic.
With concrete counting, representations didn’t extend past a certain number of units, and different amounts could
not be added together. Abstract counting introduced the kinds of mathematical flexibility needed for systems like
double entry bookkeeping.
The origins of accounting
Accounting arguably began before the use of abstract counting. Around 7,500 BC, the Mesopotamians
were using small clay objects as counters for keeping account of goods. Each object represented particular quantities
of different types of commodities, such as food, clothing, and even labor.
They became increasingly complex over centuries, bearing intricate markings, and eventually, imprints of
these markings onto parchment replaced the counters themselves. According to many scholars, accounting and
writing evolved side-by-side in this way.
The need to keep a record of both goods and currency was accelerated by a number of factors. One was the
ability to accumulate personal wealth. Affluent members of society wanted to record what they had, what they
owed, and what was owed to them.
More than 5,000 years ago, Egyptian bookkeepers were keeping detailed records of the royal inventory,
using bone labels attached to goods like oil and linen to keep track of things such as owners, suppliers, and amounts.
Another factor was the rise of ruling entities such as royal families and governments.
A particular concern for these sections of society was finding more consistent ways to record and demand
tax. The growth of global trade meant commerce was happening on a much larger scale. Trading with vastly
different societies for diverse resources meant that traders could easily lose track of their activity without detailed
Double entry bookkeeping
Early forms of double entry bookkeeping arose in various locations at different times, such as the ‘four-
element bookkeeping system’ in Korea in the 11th century. However, the double entry bookkeeping system we’re
familiar with today was first properly described by Luca Pacioli in 1494. Referred to as ‘the father of bookkeeping
and accounting’, he defined much modern day thinking about debits, credits, journals, and ledgers.
He set out a comprehensive accounting cycle, which described a clear process for those involved with
accounts to follow. Among other things, he introduced ledgers based on assets receivables and inventories,
liabilities, capital, expenditure, and income accounts.
For double entry to flourish, a number of factors needed to be established and combined. This included
private property, capital, large-scale commerce, credit, systematised writing, money, and arithmetic. In 15th century
Europe, these things we coming together in just the right ways to set the scene for huge advances in accounting.
Source: https://babington.co.uk/blog/accounting/brief-history-of-accounting/
Accounting basics are also mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible in the Book of Matthew as well as in other
religious texts such as the Qur’an.
Source: https://fremont.edu/history-of-accounting/
II. Why Accountants Need Effective Communication
Researched by: Kaye Enriquez
The pen, they say, is mightier than the sword: here’s why it helps when accountants can wield one
Generally speaking, accountants and finance professionals are known to be fairly “left-brained” – that is,
exhibiting a strong head for numbers, good problem-solving skills and high analytical intelligence.
While many accountants are blessed with strong verbal-linguistic intelligence, which entails ease with
reading and writing, others may feel less comfortable with the written word. But even though writing is rarely listed
as a formal job requirement, most accounting or finance positions will require at least some written communication.
And that means you’ll be expected to be able to string together a coherent sentence or two (among other things).
We might think of accountants as dealing mostly with numbers, but their jobs actually require a fair amount
of basic communication with others. As an accountant, you need to answer clients’ queries, as well as pose them
questions of your own. You may have to communicate with the government – preparing notices of objections,
voluntary disclosures, and other special letters – and ensure proper documentation of purpose.
While none of these tasks necessarily require a high degree of eloquence, they do call for writing that’s
clear and concise, and that conveys the desired messages effectively. No one expects prose worthy of a Pulitzer
Prize; they do, however, expect that writing that meets professional standards of intelligibility.
But while writing is rarely listed as a formal job requirement, most accounting or finance positions require
at least some written communication.
Sure, you might find it easy enough to explain this kind of complex financial and tax information to your
clients when you’re able to sit down and chat with them. But your job also requires that you provide lucid and
comprehensible explanations in writing. For example, some financial statements and special reports, as well as
certain tax forms for authorities, demand inclusion of written commentary or opinions from the firm.
In order to make this complex data accessible, you’ll need to strip away the jargon and convert the
information into terms that a layperson can understand. That means honing a writing style that’s simple, succinct,
and coherent.
Whether it’s by e-mail, texting, or instant messaging, your correspondence with clients, co-workers, and
supervisors will throw a spotlight on your ability to compose readable sentences. What’s more, you need to adopt
the appropriate tone for each platform, while maintaining a consistently professional and straightforward idiom –
neither too formal nor overly casual.
People are writing more today than ever before, even if they are doing so in less conventional ways or
through non-traditional mediums.
Promotion and marketing
Now more than ever, building your brand – either your own or that of your company – is an indispensable
component of professional life. It’s a requirement for getting ahead in any industry.
In short, you’ll find that writing is a valuable skill to be able to draw upon, when you’re looking to build your capital
(or that of your company) and generate promotional materials. Whether you’re trying to craft a killer LinkedIn
profile, a pithy Twitter status update, or a thought-provoking blog entry, the ability to write well can make all the
difference for your efforts.
Sure, everyone and their grandmother has a blog or a Tumblr these days. But that’s all the more reason and incentive
for you to separate yourself from the crowd. The cream rises to the top: readers will always favour something that’s
been elegantly and compellingly written, over the woefully inarticulate or grammatically challenged jottings that
dominate the blogosphere.
In the final analysis, clients want accountants who can crunch the numbers and understand tax laws. But while a
facility with the written word won’t clinch their judgments of your expertise, an inability to write competently or to
convey your points clearly will tell against you. Poor writing makes you look unprofessional and unimpressive;
good writing, on the other hand, can command respect and confidence. Make sure that every word counts, then.