Ventilation Approaches For Shopping Malls

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Indoor Air 2008, 17-22 August 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark - Paper ID: 1036

HVAC solution for shopping centers

Mustafa Muhaxheri* and Januz Bunjaku

University of Prishtina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kosovo

Corresponding email: [email protected]

Shopping center is a building or set of buildings that contain stores, with interconnecting
walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from store to store and to allow shoppers to be as
close as possible to the exposed products.

Realization of specific IAQ and hygienic conditions of ambient in shopping center has wide
variety and depends from different indoor and outdoor factors, as type of building,
technologies, outdoor temperature and humidity, level of occupancy etc. Each of these factors
has to be treated carefully as a part final solution.

The paper will present impact of architecture and building design on technical solutions for
shopping centers, design elements and criteria’s of HVAC for shopping centers, air
conditioning principles, possibilities for saving of energy and recommendation for design

Shopping centers, Technical solutions, Design elements, Energy saving

Growing of life standard has impact in growing of spending power of people and their lust.
They buy not only the basic products but also different products for decoration, jollity,
amusement, comfortable life, easier homework etc. With the combination of fashion, food,
entertainment and services, shopping centers have greatly expanded their role in the
environments they serve.

Entertainment quickly became an industry buzzword in the late 1990s as technological

advances allowed shopping center developments to foster the same magical experiences that
were once only seen in national amusement parks. Since the start of the entertainment wave,
retailers have focused on keeping their presentations exciting and shopping center owners
have striven to obtain tenant mixes that draw traffic from the widest audience possible. Under
one roof or in an outdoor retail format, consumers enjoy children’s plays capes, virtual reality
games, live shows, movies in multiplex cinemas, a variety of food in either the food court or
themed restaurants, carousel rides, visually stunning merchandising techniques, robotic
animal displays, and interactive demonstrations. Many shopping centers are also focused on
added service-oriented tenants, which offer today’s busy consumer an opportunity to
complete weekly errands or to engage in a variety of other activities.

From the HVAC installation point of view shopping centers are buildings of special
destination and requirements and in that way they have to be treated. Engineers and
Designers, today, constantly face the challenge to conceptualize, design and specify best and
cost-effective solutions for treating HVAC in shopping centers.
It means that from the concept, basic solutions till distribution elements and automatic the
HVAC solution must be integral part of overall building solution.


Shopping centers distinguish based on their architectonic solution and diversity of the
destination of different spaces inside center, and HVAC installation's depends from this
diversity as well. The following design considerations have impact on both the appearance
and the HVAC installation of a shopping center: Compactness (surface area- to- volume
ratio), size and location of windows and the nature of the building materials. Thus, when
architects start to design the appearance of the shopping center, they simultaneously start the
design of HVAC installations. Because of this inseparable relationship between architectural
features and HVAC of buildings, we can say that HVAC installations are formgivers in
architecture of shopping centers.

The equipment required for HVAC is often quite bulky, and because it requires access to
outside air, it’s frequently visible on the exterior. Thus HVAC is interconnected with
Architecture, and as such, must be considered at earliest stage of the design process.

Architecture of today's shopping centers is very modern. In one place we have supermarkets
with a variety of food, shops and garages, restaurants and cinema's with high level of
occupancy etc., all needs large volumes of treated preconditioned air to satisfy needs for
hygiene, energy efficiency and IAQ.

Cities shopping centers are often located close to the building complexes and usually with one
or two free façades, toward the main road. But new bigger power centers are built as
independent buildings outside the city centers with all free façades, big parking area and all
facilities under one roof. Both solutions are challenges for architects because of diversity of
requirements. In first case the building should be adapted to its environment, incorporated
with ambient architecture and as independent building can be completely new attractive
architecture but still in close interaction with HVAC equipment, thinking about users comfort,
needs and behavior.

Ideal HVAC equipment should sanitize cool, heat, humidify, dehumidify, and be part of
interior and exterior of building, evenly distribution air through the area and all cost
effectively. That is the challenge, the designer face today.

High occupancy in the selling area is a major factor affecting HVAC system and IAQ as well,
dictating the choice of a system for treating fresh air. Therefore is important to design
accesses, entries and interconnecting walkways disabling high concentrations of consumers in
certain area.

Interior of the shopping centers is usually very well organized and utilized as a selling space,
without shelving but still representing a unique space whole. Floors of selling area are
connected with electric mobile stairway or lifts, enabling continuous air intercourse of whole
selling space.

Regarding of the interiors look-out there are significant differences between the centers, but
still, the principals are the same. The cupboards, show cases and clothes press are usually
installed beside the outside walls and inside the selling area as well.
Shopping centers windows and fronts are very often fixed, free standing and used as a shop-
show and for natural iluminance. A summer sun can provide as much as 1000 W/m² of
radiation measured in a plane normal to the sun's direction. In that case thermal and insulation
gains, have to be treated very carefully. The interior temperature must be controlled to avoid
the process of condensation during the winter period. In fully glazed buildings without
efficient solar protection is at very large risk of overheating, and artificial cooling will be
needed in all climates, even in cold ones.

For the external walls the insulating material must be placed on the external side of the
internal wall. If it is placed on the internal side of the external wall it will provide almost no
protection. The external wall structures can be thermally insulated on the external side; in the
core of a double wall; and on the internal side. The method of the ventilated wall structure can
also be implemented.

The protection of the exhibited products and wares against direct solar radiation can be
realized using the different types of, parasols, shadow shading or protection device against
solar radiance .The device is often equipped with solar sensor so can control the radiation.

To reduce solar heat glare, many passive envelopes use internal blinds. The effectiveness of
internal blinds for heat reduction depends on their ability to reflect incoming solar radiation
back through the glass before it can be absorbed and converted into "sensible" heat. Internal
shading therefore has limited effectiveness since it allows heat to enter the room. The heat
absorbed and re-radiated by the internal shade therefore contributes directly to the
instantaneous cooling demand on the HVAC system.

The façade is important part of buildings envelope that protect centers occupant from the
outdoor climate, noise and pollution. A large part of the solar radiation that contributes to the
heating and cooling loads and lighting as well enters building through façade.

Extreme thermal insulation measures reduce the heat demand after working hours but increase
the heat gains during working hours. Therefore, extreme insulation measures don’t mean
always energy savings but reduction in the internal heat is energy saver. Today, shopping
center’s building is airtight, which means that the quality of the indoor air depends by correct
designed ventilation system (Abel and Elmroth, 2007).

Finally energy demands depend on the building envelope quality which is represented with
the thermal characteristics of the energy efficient building envelope:

– UWall < 0,30 W/m2K

– URoof < 0,15 W/m2K
– UFloor < 0,40 W/m2K
– UWind < 1,30 W/m2K

The most important strategy for HVAC optimal design of shopping centers and buildings in
generally is to design and build according to the climate where the center is located.
Geographically, the climatic conditions are diverse and hence the designer is required to
describe and interpret climate in ways that are relevant to HVAC design (Abel and Elmroth,
Functionally, shopping centers are divided in two main wholes- selling space as main and
secondary spaces like administration, storehouse, kitchen, workrooms etc. Each of these
spaces has to be treated independently, because of different thermal and IAQ criteria's and
requirements and should be designed for the health, productivity and comfort of employees
and occupants.

Based on ASHRAE (1992) draught is defined as unwanted local cooling of the human body
caused by air movement. The draught increases when the air temperature decreases and the air
velocity increases. Even, combination of air velocity at 0.15m/s and air temperature at 22-
24°C can cause draught complains. The expected percentage of dissatisfied persons with the
draught, for different combination of mean air velocity, air temperature and turbulent flow
intensity, can be 10, 15 and 20%. Higher air velocity, f.ex. 0.25 m/s cause more draught
complains from slightly dressed saleswomen's. ASHRAE Standard 55 recommends elevated
air speeds at elevated temperatures.

According some international experiences, indoor air temperature in selling areas of shopping
centers should be in the winter period between 19-24°C and in summer 24-27°C. ASHRAE
Standards and personal designing experience recommends 20-22°C for winter and 26°C for
summer period at relative humidity up to 50%, and annotation for avoiding of the
condensation on glass surfaces.

If the shop windows and show cases are built as a separated area, they have to be heated by
detached system nor supplying conditioned air or installing the heaters. But, there are applied
technical solutions with complete independent air conditioning system for such zones.

Largeness of shopping center and location as well, has significant impact on thermal loads
through the occupancy, visitor’s frequency and the fluctuations of loads. If the shopping
center is located in the city's center or is the only shopping mall in the certain periphery
settlement, the level of occupancy will be higher and approximately constant during the day,
opposite to the periphery shopping centers with vastly variation of the occupancy, during
working hours. Recently, 190,000 visitors come to the Istanbul Cevahir Shopping centre
daily. The internal heat generated from occupants is often greater than the heat loss through
the building envelope, even when the outdoor temperature falls far below 0°C.

As its mention above, architectural solution of the building, prerogatively of the façade, show
cases and windows, their number, dimensions, type and orientation has significant impact on
heating and cooling loads. Type of the window, shape of the show case and largeness of the
glass surface are in the direct proportion with the heat load from the solar radiation. The
outdoor conditions influencing the buildings indoor air can be divided in following groups:
heat transmission, ventilation loss, infiltration and exfiltration, solar radiation, humidity
transport and air pollution.

The interaction between the building structure and the IAQ is a complicated dynamic process
that is today usually handled by using calculation or simulation programs commercially

The role of the HVAC system will be to supply or to remove as much heat as required, and to
remove as much of the airborne pollutants as required, to achieve the desired indoor climate
in shopping center (Novak, 2002). Based on this there are established HVAC principles and
design criteria’s as follows:

a. Heating principles
ƒ floor heating (~ 50-70 W/m2)
ƒ four pipe fan coil system (with primary air for retail stores)
ƒ AHU with 50 - 70% heat recovery
ƒ air curtain without heating (using warm air from the top of the entry
ƒ radiant or cooling panels (in same cases)
ƒ radiators for auxiliary rooms

b. Cooling principles
ƒ floor cooling (~ 50 W/m2 )
ƒ four pipe fan coils system (tv1 > 12°C)
ƒ AHU with adiabatic cooling and/or build in auxiliary cooling system
(heat pump heat recovery system)
ƒ free cooling, using fire shafts or fire openings

c. Air conditioning principles

Š Indoor temperature: 22-24°C (according to ISO 7730 and EN CR 1752)

Š indoor humidity: 35-55%- recommended 50%
Š air velocity: 0.2 – 0.3 m/s
Š lighting load 10 - 15 W/m2 or less
Š Maximum pressure difference cca. 800 Pa
Š Thermal insulation of distribution ducts
Š Waste air from the space with intensive odour- directly outside
Š Ventilation rate: CO2 controlled; “The solution to air pollution is dilution”
Š Fresh - outdoor air rate:
o according to EN CR 1759, class B or C
o according to VDI 2082 : 6-9 m3/h,m2 of floor area for general stores,
2 m3/h,m2 of floor area for less occupied regions and 12 m3/h,m2 of
floor area for self-service market
o according to general experience : 25-36 m3/h, person (7 - 10 l/s, person)
Š air cleaning : pre-filter G3-G4 ( EN 779) and fine-filter F7 - F8 (EN 779)

Air distribution systems, like other parts of HVAC systems, are intended to achieve required
thermal comfort and ventilation for space occupants and shopping activities. ASHRAE (2007)
defines four air distribution methods, but partially mixed systems (provide limited air mixing)
and task/ambient air distribution (personally controlled desk outlets, spot air conditioning
systems) are not treated here. Two extreme air distribution strategies for shopping centres area
Š mixed air supply with low height, variable air volume diffusers
Š displacement air distribution

• Mixed air distribution system

In mixed air systems, high-velocity supply jets from air outlets maintain comfort by mixing
room air with supply air (dilution ventilation).
Figure 1. Mixed air distribution system.

• Over floor displacement air distribution system

Displacement System discharge cool air at low locations with very little entrainment of room
air create thermal stratification throughout the space.

Figure 2. Displacement air distribution system.

Benefits and limitations

Š Mixed Systems
Benefits include the following:
ƒ Complete mixing of Supply and Room Air
ƒ Temperature and Contaminant Levels Similar Throughout Room (Vent.
ƒ Return Air Temperature ~ Room Air Temperature
ƒ Overhead Heat Gains Mixed with Room Air
ƒ Supply air with lower moisture content
ƒ Most common for designers and installers
Limitations include the following:
ƒ Partial load operation can reduce air velocities, reducing room air mixing and
compromising thermal comfort.
ƒ Use of the same diffusers may cause inadequate performance in heating mode
and/or excessive velocity in cooling mode.
ƒ Shopping centers ceilings more than 4m high requires special design
considerations to provide acceptable IAQ
ƒ Because of use of high velocity jets, obstructions in the shopping centers space
(e.g. shelving’s, wall partitions, furniture) can reduce comfort.
ƒ Lighter than air contaminants are uniformly mixed in the space and typically
result in higher contaminant concentrations, which may compromise IAQ.

Š Displacement Systems
Benefits include the following:
ƒ Minimal mixing of Supply and Room Air
ƒ Removal of airborne contaminants more effective (Ez=1.2)
ƒ Return Air Temperature > Room Air Temperature
ƒ Overhead Heat Gains isolated from Room Air
ƒ Diffuser noise level is lower
ƒ Lower turbulence intensity can reduce draft-related complaints
Limitations include the following:
ƒ Not applicable in spaces with ceiling heights less than 2.7 m
ƒ Poor results in spaces with exceptionally high occupied zone heat loads
ƒ Not recommended for applications where contaminants are heavier and/or
colder than ambient air

Analyzing all benefits and limitations for both distribution systems, thermal displacement
ventilation system is recommended for shopping centres HVAC systems with following
application considerations:

• Use displacement ventilation in combination with heated floors and radiant panels
• Outlets should supply ventilation air about 2K lower than the desired room
• Avoid using thermal displacement and mixing air systems in the same spaces


The resources that can be allocated to energy-saving measures must be used efficiently. The
energy-saving solutions that are chosen must not require more energy than proposed savings.
There are two recommended criteria’s for energy efficiency and both should be fulfilled.

• Measures taken to reduce energy demands must maintain or improve the function,
indoor climate and technical quality of the shopping centers.
• The resources used for technical solutions or for measures taken to reduce energy
demands must, at least, be balanced by the actual total energy savings.

Derived from recent experience of building, maintenance and use of HVAC installations for
shopping centers there are following useful steps for energy savings:

Š Installation of Building Management Control System (BMCS) to control both HVAC

and Lighting. BMCS allows time schedules and control strategies to be programmed
providing control to large chillers and boilers.
Š Installation of energy efficient lighting using lower wattage lamps.

Š Installation of energy efficient devices such as electronic expansion valves and

variable speed devices for regulation of motor speeds according to the amount of work
required. Reducing motor speed by 10% can cut consumption by 27%.

Š High efficiency motors are good investment and they save energy from 2% to 8%.

Š Shopping centres HVAC design needs an integrated approach and close collaboration
with Architects and Building engineers in early faze of defining building construction,
envelope and interior.
Š Reducing of solar radiation that contributes to the heating and cooling loads and
lighting as well enters building through façade and protection of centers occupant
from the outdoor climate, noise and pollution.
Š Respecting International norms and standards in designing HVAC systems in
combination with energy efficiency. Energy efficient design can save up to 2/3 of
energy used in standard design.
Š Using of displacement ventilation, floor heating and cooling are energy saving
technologies for Shopping centres.
Š Using of all energy saving opportunities without compromising occupants comfort or
HVAC equipment performance

Abel. E. and Elmroth. A. 2007. Building and Energy- a systematic approach, Formas 2007
ASHRAE. 1992. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992, Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy. Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ASHRAE. 2007. Fundamentals, Room Air Distribution, Atlanta: American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Novak P. 2002. Contemporary concept of Supermarket HVAC, KGH, Belgrade 2002

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