Fault - Grade 8 Science
Fault - Grade 8 Science
Fault - Grade 8 Science
Description Stress causing the
The hanging wall moves downward, the Tensional force pulls rocks
Normal Fault
footwall moves upward apart
Dip-Slip Fault
The hanging wall moves upward, the Compression force squeezes
Reverse Fault
footwall moves downward. rocks together
Right – In plain view, when movement of crust
Strike-Slip Fault Lateral Strike occurs, objects on the other side of the
(movement occurs at Slip Fault fault moves to the right. Shear stress causes the rocks
approximately 90 Left-Lateral In plain view, when movement of crust to slide
degrees) Strike Slip occurs, objects on the other side of the
Fault fault moves to the left.
Combination of dip-sip and strike-slip
Oblique-Slip Fault Combination of all stresses