School Budgeting: Principles and Techniques
School Budgeting: Principles and Techniques
School Budgeting: Principles and Techniques
2. What is budgeting?
3. Advantages of a budget
It ensures that the day to day operations of the school are geared towards
achieving its objectives
It fixes school management to a definite plan and eliminates ad hoc decision
It enables Trustees to fulfil their supervisory role in ensuring the financial well-
being of the school
It encourages communication on key issues between all the parties involved
It enables the objectives of all parties in the school community to be aligned with
the objectives of the school
6. Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure is expenditure of a once off nature rather than recurring. The
purpose is to acquire an asset or advantage of a lasting nature for the enduring
benefit of the school. No extension, improvement or replacement of the school
building may be undertaken without the prior written approval of the Trustees.
The Board of Management may identify necessary or capital expenditure required
for the coming year
Seek quotations based on purchasing and tendering procedures outlined in the
Identify capital receipts which may be available to finance capital expenditure
State grants
Parents’ contributions
Submit proposals to the Board of Management for approval
All capital expenditure plans must be submitted to the Trustees for final approval
or otherwise, in accordance with procedures laid down by them.
7. Budget Template
Download the Budget Template from the JMB website and enter all relevant data
1. Student Enrolment:
Travellers ____________
Fundraising € _________
Other € _________
Cash at Bank:
Total € ________
Total € _________