Ayurveda Mantra
Ayurveda Mantra
Ayurveda Mantra
Light Light muscles, bones, thin body frame, light, scanty sleep
Cold Cold hands, cold feet, poor circulation, hates cold, loves hot
Rough Rough cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet
Subtle Subtle fear, anxiety, insecurity, minute muscle twitching
Mobile Fast walking, talking, doing many things at a time, restless eyes
Clear Clairvoyant, understands immediately and forgets immediately; clear
empty mind
Astringent Dry throat, hiccups, burping, craves sweet, sour and salty, loves mushy
Vata Constitution
Sour Sour acid stomach, acidic pH, sensitive teeth; excess salivation
3. Herbs
4. Purification Techniques followed by rejuvenative therapies
5. Subtle Therapies to correct imbalance and strengthen immunity and
Sound Therapy
Color Therapy
Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation.
Ayurveda Therapy
1. Lifestyle Counseling and Support. Healthy daily routines
2. Diet using food as medicine
3. Herbs:
Shatavari, ashwagandha, triphala,guggulu, digestive