Test No. Safety and Health: Publishing
Test No. Safety and Health: Publishing
Test No. Safety and Health: Publishing
• Print your name and the Test No. in the spaces provided at
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information in the spaces at the top of the Report (right side).
• Read all the answers. Then choose the best answer, even if you do
not think it is the perfect answer.
• Make sure you mark each answer on the right line. Getting out of
sequence will make almost all your answers wrong.
• If you do not know the answer to a question, do not guess. Leave the
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When you are finished answering all the questions, return this test with your
Answer Sheet to the instructor or examiner.
Test 719 AD
Safety and Health
1. An unexpected event that results in injury, 6. If you find yourself in a workplace situation
illness, or property damage is called a(n) that you think probably will cause you harm
or even death, your first step should be to
a accident
b hazard a ask your employer to eliminate the
c incentive b call OSHA to report the problem
d violation c inform your union steward of the problem
d walk off the job to avoid the problem
3. The four main types of hazards to which you 8. OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard requires
might be exposed in the plant are: electrical, chemical manufacturers and distributors to
chemical, mechanical, and
a identify all hazardous chemicals
a environmental b locate disposal sites for hazardous
b flammable chemicals
c static c stop producing hazardous chemicals
d toxic d train all workers who will handle hazardous
4. A chemical splash is an example of what type 9. To find out what kind of PPE you must use
of accident? when handling a chemical, check the
section of the MSDS.
a Caught between
b Contacted by a control measures
c Exposure b health hazard data
d Struck by c physical properties
d safety precautions
Test 719 AD
Safety and Health