Yam Ring
Yam Ring
Yam Ring
做法 :
1. 佛钵是用芋泥加入调味料拌勻;熟澄面、芋泥、白油渗在一起搓至光滑有弹性,然后弄成
一条厚度适中的长形面团,并围成一个圆圈如同一个钵。 (P/S : 但搓拿时间也别太久,面
团有弹性即可 )
2. 佛钵放入热油锅内炸不需要太久,金黄色即可捞取,因为芋已经蒸熟弄软了。
芋头 - 200g
澄面粉 - 50g
热水 - 70ml
白油 - 25g(我用食油)
糖 - 半小匙
盐 - 半小匙
胡椒粉 - 半小匙
五香粉 - 半小匙
午饭时,我用 Milestone 多功能营养锅蒸,锅里放一杯水放上网架再放入芋头按
放入冰箱 20 分钟。
4.20 分钟后比较不粘手了撒上玉米粉,把面团搓成长条状,再把两端黏在一起,弄
成圈形,放入冰箱 20 分钟。(我放隔夜,底部放一张硬纸皮要炸时会比较好拿)
芋头 200g(蒸熟压烂成泥)
澄面粉 40g
热水 60g
白油 40g
发粉 1/3 小匙
盐 1/2 小匙
糖 1/2 小匙
五香粉 1/4 小匙
胡椒粉 少许
1. 芋头切片排入盆里,大火蒸 20 分钟或至软。乘热用叉子或放入搅拌机弄成泥状,加入调
2. 将澄面粉加入热水,用筷子快速搅匀成粉团,加入芋泥中,再加入白油,搅拌均匀,
3. 将芋团做成一个圆环状(如果太粘可抹上一些玉米粉),放进冰箱冷藏 20 分钟。
4. 烧热一锅油(油至少要盖到芋圈的一半),从冰箱取出芋圈放入锅内,中大火炸至微
1. To make the yam rings: Steam the yam cubes in a steamer for about 30 minutes until
soft. When cooked, mash the yams until there is no lumps and then add in the salt,
sugar, 5 spice powder and a tablespoon (15ml) of oil. Mix well and then add the wheat
starch flour and knead the ingredients together.
2. Lightly flour hands and flat surface with the wheat starch flour and shape the yam
dough into into a circle about 15 cm in diameter and make a hollow ring.
3. Heat oil for deep frying in a wok until hot. Place yam ring on a flat spatula and lower in
hot oil. Lower heat to medium and fry for 4 minutes until golden brown. Remove and
drain on paper towel before placing on serving plate. Fill with chicken cashew nut dish
or mixed vegetables and serve immediately.
(A) Crispy Yam Ring 佛砵
Adapted from Sinner @ The Waitekere Redneck's Kitchen
Makes 3 yam rings (~280g each) or 2 yam rings (~420g each)
600g yam
10 tbsps wheat starch
10 tbsps boiling water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsps vegetable shortening
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice powder
1 handful dried glass noodle
enough oil for deep frying
1. Peel the yam and cut them into chunks.
2. Bring the yam chunks to steam in a steamer basket for 15 minutes until soft. Remove from heat,
transfer to a bowl and mash the yam using a potato masher
3. Place the wheat starch in a bowl. Bring some water to a rapid boil. Measure and add 10 tbsps of
hot boiling water to the wheat starch. Spend a little time mixing it until the water is well
incorporated. Add this wheat starch mixture, salt, shortening, sugar and the 5-spice powder into
the mashed yam. Mix with the potato masher until they are well combined. 4. Separate the dough
into portions. Again me and my OCD - I'll have the dough weighed and divided into 3 equal
5. With each portion, roll, flatten and shape the dough into a strip using just your hands - thickness
depending on your personal preference and length according to the size of the yam ring you are
aiming for. Stand the strip up (make sure it is stable) and connect the ends
6. To make the deep frying easier, I have the yam ring rested in a handmade basket made out of
the aluminium foils. The idea came from the original recipe in which Sinner had used an aluminium
pie dish with some holes made. I just tweaked it a little making my own basket with layers of foils.
And to make lowering and removal a little more easier, I secured two opposite ends with the
butcher's twine just so I can hold them safe and sound. Place the yam ring into the basket and
leave to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour. This is when you can pack and bring the extra
yam ring(s) to freeze for future consumption.
7. Before serving, fill a pot or wok with enough cooking oil for deep frying and bring to heat. Make
sure that the oil is well heated. As usual, I have it tested with a wooden chopsticks. A steam of mini
bubbles seen and it's ready, let it heat for another minute or two otherwise. Lower the heat to
medium. Carefully lower the basket with the yam ring into the oil. Let deep fry until the yam ring
turns golden brown on the whole. 8. Carefully remove the basket from the oil, drain, and let rest
on a wire rack. Let it cool down lightly before gently and carefully transferring the yam ring out of
the basket.