Timely Simple Discharge

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Achieving timely ‘simple’

discharge from hospital

A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team


Policy Estates
HR / Workforce Performance
Management IM & T
Planning Finance
Clinical Partnership Working

Document Purpose Best Practice Guidance

ROCR Ref: Gateway Ref: 3573
Title Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital - a toolkit for the
multi-disciplinary team
Author DH
Publication Date 16.08.2004
Target Audience PCT CEs, NHS Trusts CEs, SHA CEs, Care Trusts CEs, WDC CEs, Medical
Directors, Directors of Nursing, PCT PEC Chairs, NHS Trust Board Chairs,
Directors of HR, Allied Health Professionals, Communications Leads,
Emergency Care Leads

Circulation List

Description The toolkit focuses on the practical steps that health and social care
professionals can take to improve discharge. At least 80% of patients
discharged from hospital can be classified as simple discharges. Changing
the way in which discharge occurs for this large group of patients will have
a major impact on effective use of bed capacity and improve patient

Cross Ref Freedom to Practice - dispelling the myths

Reducing waits for bed guidance
Superceded Docs N/A
Action Required N/A
Timing N/A
Contact Details Julie Pearce
Department of Health
11th Floor
New Kings Beam House
[email protected]

For Recipient’s Use

We are grateful to all the practitioners who have generously provided information about their experiences and
their practice. Their willingness to share means that everyone can benefit and can work to improve hospital
discharge. A special thanks to Liz Lees, Consultant Nurse, Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Teaching Trust
for her contribution to the development of this work.

Achieving timely ‘simple’

discharge from hospital

A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team


Foreword 3

1. Tackling patient discharge: improving simple discharges 4

2. The myths and obstacles holding back timely discharge 8

3. What the multi-disciplinary team can do to improve discharge 9

4. A step guide to making it work 14

5. Case studies 20

6. Practical tools to improve discharge 33


References 48
Web addresses and useful information 48
Abbreviations 48

2 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team

What happens during the discharge process is a key part of patients’ experiences of
hospital care. Whether patients are admitted for elective care or as an emergency,
they want to know how long they are likely to stay in hospital. Information about
their treatment and when they can expect to be discharged helps them to feel
involved in decisions and motivated in achieving goals towards recovery. It also
helps them to make plans for their own discharge.
In the latest Healthcare Commission National Patient Survey (2004) patients identify
delays in the day of discharge home from hospital as a key area where standards
can be improved.
This toolkit, Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital, focuses on the
practical steps that health and social care professionals can take to improve
discharge. It supports members of the multi-disciplinary team by providing practical
advice, factsheets and case studies. The toolkit has been designed and tested with
practitioners in the field and is grounded in the reality of day to day practice.
At least 80% of patients discharged from hospital can be classified as simple
discharges: they are discharged to their own home and have simple ongoing health
care needs which can be met without complex planning. Changing the way in
which discharge occurs for this large group of patients will have a major impact on
patient flow and effective use of the bed capacity. It can mean the difference
between a system where patients experience long delays or one where delays are
minimal, with patients fully informed about when they will be able to leave
The Department of Health has also launched checklists that will contribute to more
effective discharge as part of a total approach to improving bed management and
flow of patients into and out of hospital.
You can use this toolkit in a number of different ways. The 10 Step Guide is central
to improving hospital discharge processes and can be used to make sure that you
cover the essential steps.
The case studies contain information about how others have made changes. They
are pleased to share their experiences and their contact details are included.
The factsheets provide practical tools to check how you are doing and to identify
what else needs to be done. They include examples of key aspects of improved
discharge procedures that you can adapt to your local situation.
We are sure that you will find this toolkit useful. We welcome your feedback and
comments about it so that we can continue to make sure that we are providing you
with appropriate support. You can email the Emergency Care team at
[email protected]

Sarah Mullally
Chief Nursing Officer Professor Sir George Alberti
August 2004 National Director Emergency Care

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 3
1. Tackling patient
discharge: improving
simple discharges

The purpose of this toolkit is to empower The actions in the checklist which deal
members of the multi-disciplinary team to specifically with discharge, together with the
achieve effective and timely discharge for new Making Best Use of Beds programme (more
patients classified as simple discharges. These details at www.modern.nhs.uk/beds) launched
patients make up at least 80% of the patient in July 2004, represent the Department of
population, although there may be local Health and Modernisation Agency
variation depending on the type of hospital and recommended approach to cutting delays in the
case-mix. patient journey through hospital. The principles
and their application apply to all in-patient
Patients’ perceptions of the NHS are influenced
settings, in the community and acute sector.
by experiences of their journey through the
system. Improving and managing the patient The following sections highlight where timely
journey is crucial to improving patient discharge sits in the wider work to reduce
experience and making the best use of beds. delays in the patient journey by:
Freedom to Practise: dispelling the myths (DH ■ demonstrating the impact of moving the peak
and RCN, 2003) identified patient discharge as of discharges from the afternoon to the
one of the areas where multi-disciplinary teams morning on overall bed capacity; and
can make a significant difference to the speed ■ giving the rationale for a focus on simple
and quality of the patient journey. discharges.
Health care professionals, and nurses in
particular, spend a disproportionate amount of Mismatch between demand (admissions)
time managing the mismatch between when a and capacity (available beds)
bed is needed (patient admitted) and when it is
It is important to note that mismatches between
available (patient discharged). This detracts from
demand and capacity are normally temporary.
time that could be spent on meeting the range
At some point discharges at least briefly catch
of health and social care needs of all patients.
up with admissions (if not by the end of the
This leads to frustration for the whole team and
day then usually by the beginning of each
poor quality care for patients and carers.
weekend). If they did not, patients queuing in
The Department of Health and the A&E would never be admitted. However, while
Modernisation Agency have undertaken a range the mismatch lasts, beds are temporarily needed
of work to help hospitals to improve patient both for the new admissions and the patients
flow by reducing delays in the patient journey not yet discharged.
from arrival to discharge. This work was drawn
As the graph opposite shows this puts
together in the two checklists on Waits for a
unnecessary pressure on bed capacity which
bed and Waits for a specialist, launched in June
though temporary can be quite extreme. The
2004. www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/
dotted line shows the extra beds needed in this
hospital during the few hours when admissions

4 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
outpaced discharges. The red line shows that Seven day a week discharge
moving even just 30% of discharges ahead of
Ensuring discharge numbers match admission
admissions would reduce the maximum bed
numbers on each day of the week is also very
requirement from 35 to a very short-term peak
important if temporary, big swings in demands
of just 10 over the average required.
on beds are to be avoided. Many hospitals still
try to manage weekend capacity by discharging
large numbers of patients on a Friday.
Cumulative bed state across Monday
(from zero at midnight Sunday) Discharges then slow to a trickle until Monday
40 morning (or often Monday afternoon). This is
30 not the most effective strategy. It often takes
20 several days for the mismatch between
10 admissions and discharges, built up over the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 weekend, to resolve, with predictable
consequences in terms of pressure on beds. The
hour of day example below shows this.
before Establishing weekend discharge (often through
systems such as proactive discharge) as standard
is key to reducing these violent, though
predictable, swings in numbers of beds
Moving discharges ahead of admissions required. Case study 4 from East Kent Hospitals
The key is to ensure that the beds needed are Trust (page 24) shows how one trust has
available before the demand for them builds up. improved weekend and bank holiday discharge.
This means discharging patients earlier in the Case study 3 from Birmingham Heartlands and
day before the peak demand for admissions. Solihull (page 23) demonstrates weekend
Some hospitals have already moved to morning discharge.
discharge as standard and two case studies, All trusts are encouraged to carry out a simple
numbers 1 and 2 from Nottingham City Hospital hourly flow diagnostic to look at the pattern of
and Royal Devon and Exeter found on pages 21 their admissions and discharges as part of the
and 22 illustrate how this has been achieved core Department of Health/Modernisation
and the impact on capacity. Agency recommended approach to

Implied bed occupancy occupied beds

estimated beds available









Mo Mo Mo Mo Tu Tu Tu Tu We We We We Th Th Th Th Fr Fr Fr Fr Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su
0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18
hour of week

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 5
understanding flows in and out of hospital. Reducing delay through the whole patient
A standard central collection sheet is available. journey
This can be analysed centrally on request (the
The fact that admissions often arrive before
graphs on the previous page are from this
patients have been discharged from beds and
standard set). If you would like further
discharge slows at weekends explains the
information please contact
extreme pinch points that trusts experience on a
[email protected]
daily basis and particularly after weekends and
bank holidays. However, improving timing of
Focus on simple discharges
discharges is only part of wider action needed
From the point of view of improving overall to reduce delay to the whole patient journey.
bed availability focusing on patients with simple
Action to improve patient flow includes:
discharge needs is likely to have the greatest
■ reducing delay at all stages of the patient
immediate impact because, critically:
■ the numbers of patients you can impact are
■ predicting use of beds based on known
very large (at least 80% of discharges are
simple) demand and predicted/planned discharge
■ the actions needed do not usually require any
other agency’s involvement to succeed. Delays in setting treatment plans after
admission, getting tests done in a timely way,
The principles of cutting delay in the patient
infrequent ward rounds and a lack of proactive
journey of course apply to all patients not just
planning for discharge on or even before
those with simple discharge needs. The DH
admission all add up to a longer length of stay.
workbook Discharge from hospital: pathways,
process and practice by the Health and Social
Care Joint Unit and Change Agent team (DH,
2003) addresses the particular additional issues Key points for reducing delay include:
involved in complex discharges. See ■ All patients should have a treatment
plan within 24 hours of arrival.
Learning materials to support the work book ■ An expected date of discharge should be
are available on the web at set within 24 hours of arrival or in many
http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk/ case before admission for elective
Patients with simple discharge needs make up patients and communicated to the
at least 80% of all discharges. patient and all staff in contact with the
They are defined as patients who: patient.
■ will usually be discharged to their own home ■ The expected date of discharge should
■ have simple ongoing care needs which do
be proactively managed against the
treatment plan (usually by ward staff)
not require complex planning and delivery.
on a daily basis and changes
Many of these patients will be discharged from communicated to the patient.
medical assessment units, short stay wards, or ■ Ward rounds should be scheduled in a
even A&E itself as well as medical and surgical way that allows at least daily, a senior
wards. Time in hospital does not determine clinical review of all patients.
whether a patient has simple discharge needs.
The key criterion is the level of ongoing care
required – and therefore the complexity/
simplicity of the discharge arrangements.

6 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Variation in length of stay by day of What are the outcomes of cutting delays?
admission The aim of improving use of beds is to move
Some causes of delay stand out more clearly from a system which reactively responds to
than others. One of these is delay predicted by distress (discharges follow pressure from would
day of arrival. Many hospitals find that currently be admissions), to one where the timing of
length of stay (LOS) for patients with the same admissions and discharges is planned and delay
condition varies simply due to the day of the at all stages of the patient journey is minimised.
week of admission. Ensuring tests and treatment As a result:
continue through 7 days (weekends and bank ■ patients know how long they should expect
holidays) is a key part of reducing longer than to be in hospital and the time of day they will
clinically needed length of stay. be discharged in advance and can plan
■ patients needing admission can have
Typical Trust example
Average length of stay for medical
confidence they will not be cancelled or have
patients by day of admission a long wait in A&E
■ the time professionals have to spend crisis
managing the results of mismatches between
8 demand and capacity will be freed for patient
Average length of stay (days)

7.6 7.8 care.

7.1 7.0
6 6.5 6.2
How can the multi-disciplinary team
make a difference?
The multi-disciplinary team can make
3 significant improvements by:
2 ■ identifying anticipated length of stay
and expected date of discharge on
0 ■ using a discharge predictor as a core
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
tool for effective bed management
■ providing an updated list of expected
Real time bed capacity/demand prediction discharges on a shift basis
Linking demand predictors to real time bed ■ discharging patients in the morning on
management and information about planned the day of discharge
and actual discharges, means that you can have ■ discharging patients over the weekend
an accurate picture of whether your hospital or and bank holidays.
trust will be able to accommodate all the
expected patients by specialty that day
(predicted demand). If not, it will enable you to
see the level of mismatch between demand for
beds and bed capacity, and enable you to take
the relevant action. More information on This toolkit shows how the multi-disciplinary
demand prediction is available at team can make practical changes to improve
http://www.modern.nhs.uk/scripts/default.asp?s simple discharges. It describes a 10 step guide
ite_id=35&id=18111 to achieving timely discharge, provides case
including a simulation of a real time bed studies of how changes are already being made
occupancy system and a tool to create a local and includes factsheets to use to make changes
demand predictor. to your own practice.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 7
2. The myths and obstacles
holding back timely
A number of myths, blocks and obstacles hold include the anticipated length of stay and
back improvements in the discharge process. expected date of discharge.
Some of these include: There are no legal or professional reasons why
■ effective discharge is seen as less important nurses or allied health professionals cannot take
than the admission process – we concentrate on more responsibility for the discharge process
on the front end of the system (admissions) including the decision to discharge. They can
and not on the back end (discharges) assess the patient, liaise with the multi-
■ clinical management plan does not include disciplinary team, and plan timely discharge
expected date of discharge (EDD) based on based on the agreed clinical management plan.
an anticipated length of stay (LOS) resulting They can also write discharge letters, make
in: follow up calls, and give advice to
– discharges mainly happening in the patients/carers and other health and social care
afternoon professionals involved in the person’s care.
– fewer discharges over the weekend and
bank holidays
– patients staying longer in hospital than What have patients said about
clinically necessary discharge?
■ no framework to plan the discharge
‘I was so ill, I thought I was going to die
■ lack of clearly defined roles and and that was why no-one had told me
responsibilities amongst multi-disciplinary when I was going home’
team around management of discharge ‘I can’t hear what’s said on those doctors
■ multi-disciplinary team unclear about rounds and I don’t know what I have to
knowledge, skills and competencies needed do anyway’
to support discharge decisions ‘It all seems very laid back, once they have
■ feelings that nurse and AHP-initiated
got you in, you have to fight to get out’
discharge is too ‘risky’ or concerns about ‘No one seems to know, it’s a mystery’
patient safety ‘When I was due for discharge the
■ patients/carers not involved in decisions and ambulance arrived but medicines were
unable to plan for discharge. not ready. Then by the time the medicines
were ready there were no ambulances’
The way that a multi-disciplinary team is
organised and functions is fundamental to The Healthcare Commission has just published
its latest patient survey which features the
clinical effectiveness and timely decision-
theme of patients’ dissatisfaction with
making. Senior level decision-making by discharge processes. More information is
doctors, nurses and AHPs assessing the patient available on
prior to or early on in their hospital stay is www.healthcare commission.org.uk/
more likely to lead to effective decisions about NationalFindings/fs/en
the clinical management plan. The plan should

8 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
3. What the multi-disciplinary
team can do to improve
Patients and carers are at the centre of care and section 2 notices to social services for patients
should be involved in discharge plans early in likely to need community care services on
the patient’s stay. It is important that they are discharge.
confident they will be in hospital for an See Factsheet 8 for more information about
appropriate length of time. They also need the Community Care Act 2003.
information about how their treatment will be ■ discharge (or transfer to discharge lounge)
managed, when they should be discharged and
happens in the morning on the actual day of
what they can expect after they leave hospital.
discharge (before the queues in A&E begin)
■ bed bureau/bed management staff are
What the multi-disciplinary team
can do? informed immediately that the bed is empty
■ the effectiveness of the discharge process is
The multi-disciplinary team can speed up the
discharge process and manage the care pathway
to an expected or predicted date of discharge.
What is the estimated or predicted date of
They can make sure that:
■ discharge decisions are made following senior
assessment of the patient on admission and The majority of patients in an acute hospital can
patients and carers are informed about the be classified as requiring a period of time in
expected date of discharge early in their stay hospital which can be estimated or predicted.
■ expected date of discharge (including
These are generally patients for whom
discharge planning will be straight-forward and
weekends), based on the anticipated length
simple, and where nurses and AHPs can take
of stay, is documented clearly in the patient
on more responsibility for initiating the
record along with the clinical management
■ diagnostic tests and other interventions are Estimated date of discharge relates to the
planned to avoid delays in treatment, and anticipated length of stay in hospital needed to
local standards are set for response times for ensure that all the neccessary diagnostic tests
referrals to radiology and pathology are completed, and that the patient has
■ patient’s response to treatment and condition
responded to treatment sufficiently to be
clinically stable and fit for discharge. The multi-
is reviewed daily and the likely impact on the
disciplinary team must be confident that the
expected date of discharge documented
length of stay in hospital is determined by
■ nursing teams proactively manage the
clinical need and that the patient is in the right
discharge process 7 days a week and take on
place to meet their level of need.
more responsibility for initiating simple
Simple discharge and complex discharge
■ nursing teams proactively co-ordinate the
Simple discharges relate to at least 80% of
discharge process for patients with more
patients who:
complex needs with the involvement of the
multi-disciplinary team. This includes issuing ■ will usually be discharged to their own home

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 9
or place of residence difficult to predict.
■ have simple ongoing care needs that do not The Department of Health workbook Discharge
require complex planning and delivery planning: pathway, process and practice was
In addition they: revised and reissued last year (DoH, 2003). It is
■ are identified on assessment with LOS aimed particularly at those people whose needs
predicted are more complex and where ward based staff
will need extra help in planning their
■ no longer require acute care
■ can be discharged directly from A&E, ward
areas or assessment units. Learning materials to support the workbook are
available on the web at
However, the remaining patients in hospital www.dischargeplanning.dh.gov.uk
who have more complex needs require referral and on CD Rom.
for assessment by other members of the multi-
disciplinary team. What is timely discharge?
Complex discharges relate to patients: Timely discharge is when the patient is
■ who will be discharged home or to a carer’s discharged home or transferred to an
home, or to intermediate care, or to a nursing appropriate level of care as soon as they are
or residential care home, and clinically stable and fit for discharge.
■ who have complex ongoing health and social
care needs which require detailed assessment,
planning, and delivery by the multi-
professional team and multi-agency working,
■ whose length of stay in hospital is more

Ideal patient journey

Arrival at hospital Admitted to ward Medically/socially ready to go home

Discharged to home or place of care

Assessment Care according to treatment plan

Tests Active discharge plan
Treatment plan
Bed organised

Within 4 hours Predictable length of stay

10 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
How is clinical stability defined?
Key steps in timely discharge
The terms clinical stability and medical stability
■ Expected date of discharge is identified mean the same thing. The patient can be defined
early as part of patient’s assessment and as clinically or medically stable when tests such as
within 24 hours of admission (or in pre- bloods and investigations are considered to be
assessment for elective patients). It is within the normal range for the patient. ‘Fit for
based on the anticipated time needed discharge’ however has a different meaning.
for tests and interventions to be carried
out and for the patient to be clinically Is the patient ‘fit for discharge’?
stable and fit for discharge The patient is ‘fit for discharge’ when
■ the patient and carer are involved and physiological, social, functional, and psychological
informed about the clinical factors or indicators have been taken into account
management plan and the expected following a multi-disciplinary assessment if
date for discharge appropriate. It is safe for the patient to be
discharged or safe to transfer from hospital to
■ in parallel, all the necessary
home or another setting. The patient who is ‘fit for
arrangements are put in place to
discharge’ no longer requires the services of acute
optimise the (simple) discharge
or specialist staff within a secondary care setting,
including GP letter, outpatient
and where:
appointment, hospital sick certification
■ review of the patient’s condition can be shared
completed, any medicine to take out
(TTOs), and patient transport with the GP including adjustments to medication
arrangements confirmed ■ ongoing general, nursing, and rehabilitation
needs can be met in another setting at home or
■ daily review of the patient’s condition
through primary/community/intermediate/social
and response to treatment will
care services
determine if the expected date of
■ additional tests and interventions can be carried
discharge needs to be revised
out in an outpatient or ambulatory care setting.
■ review of planned/actual discharge date.
Did it go according to plan? Complete Further information on the definitions of ‘medical
audit on a regular basis. stability’ and ‘safe to transfer’ can be found on the
Change Agent Team’s website at

Review the purpose and timing of ward

The ward round is seen as the time when the
main decisions about the patient’s care are made
including the decision to discharge the patient.
This will work if ward rounds happen on a regular
basis and patients are reviewed daily. However, in
reality ward rounds in many specialities happen
only once or twice a week.
The ways to avoid delays due to the timing of
ward rounds could include:
■ early identification of patients that could be
discharged (before ward rounds or reviews) so
that these patients can be seen first
■ regular senior reviews outside the ward round
including the prescription of treatment to

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 11
takeouts (TOT) on the day prior to discharge
■ progress chasing and interpretation of test
■ expanding the scope of practice of nurses and
AHPs with the appropriate knowledge, skills
and competencies to review the patient and
initiate discharge including the discharge
letter to the GP. Nurses and AHPs can also
complete the hospital sick certificate. This
may be supported by agreed protocols,
guidelines, or criteria documented within the
patient record
■ expanding the scope of practice of clinical
pharmacists to include the review of
medications and transcribing of TTOs.
The diagram opposite analyses the key steps in
the patient’s journey and identifies how and
where important decisions about discharge are
made. The diagram shows both emergency and
elective routes into hospital and both simple
discharge and more complex multi-disciplinary
team led discharge routes.

The simple discharge decision – questions to ask

1. Has a date of discharge been estimated and documented?
2. Has the patient been involved or informed?
3. Is the patient clinically stable and fit for discharge?
4. Have transport arrangements been made?
5. Clothes for discharge and keys on ward area?
6. Tablets to take out dispensed and purpose, regime explained to patient?
7. GP, district nurses, carers involved/informed?
8. Outpatient appointments made and given to patient?
9. Transfer time to discharge lounge agreed?
10. Patient given information about self-care and who to contact if symptoms return?
11. Has the patient been given a hospital sick certificate if required?

12 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Emergency Elective

Assessment and initial Pre-admission surgical assessment

intervention/treatment • clinical
• functional
• social
LOS discussed with patient
bed management position
Further assessment and diagnosis reviewed
Timely • clinical
discharge • functional
• social Referral to MDT for assessment
LOS discussed with patient of complex needs if necessary

Decision to admit & initial Patient admitted for elective

clinical management plan surgical procedure

Expected date of discharge based on anticipated length

of stay

Nurse-initiated MDT-led
Consultant- Simple discharge Complex discharge Nurse facilitated

Referral to MDT and social

care including Section 2
Clinical management plan notice
including EDD based on LOS Clinical management plan
and/or ICP implemented including EDD based on
Patient/carer involved LOS and/or ICP
Discharge planned
Patient/carer involved Feedback loop
Daily review EDD

Care package designed and

agreed including Section 5

Anticipated LOS/EDD reviewed

by MDT on regular basis

24 hours 24 hours
Discharge checklist Discharge checklist before EDD
before EDD

By morning Patient meets clinical criteria for Patient meets clinical criteria for By morning on
on EDD discharge discharge EDD
Discharge lounge or home/place Discharge lounge or home/place
of residence of residence

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 13
4. A step guide to
making it work

Multi-disciplinary teams have made many Successful team working depends on a number
changes to their practices in recent years and of elements including:
have challenged old ways of working. However, ■ strong executive leadership supporting the
myths about practice are not easy to break discharge process
through. Changing practice needs a combination ■ respecting each other’s roles in the discharge
of a clear vision of what is required, self
planning process
confidence and a willingness to take informed
■ taking responsibility
risks. We have to engage with those who are
most sceptical, while fostering allies for change, ■ working in partnership with the patient,

and being prepared to explain many times what family and multi-disciplinary team.
it is we are trying to achieve. Often, resistance
to change comes from lack of understanding 10 steps to effective and timely discharge
rather than an inherent unwillingness to change To move forward, the multi-disciplinary team
the status quo. needs to start talking about how they want to
To understand an organisation and the cultural work differently and planning how to take this
change needed, we have to probe below what forward. The 10 Step Guide outlines how you
is visible such as policies and procedures and can successfully break through the barriers.
look at the less visible world of people’s beliefs,
perceptions, attitudes and behaviours. Only
then can we understand the culture and how to
plan our approach to change. Achieving change
depends on winning hearts and minds as much
as convincing with rational arguments!
For further information, see the Leader Guide
on Human Dimensions of Change at
The key to success is to tackle both cultural
change and changes to processes and
organisational systems. Services will be more
effective if everyone has a better understanding
of the whole health and social care system and
of how actions and changes in one area can
influence the whole system.

14 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
10 Capture/monitor/audit impact on:
• patient experience
• patterns of admissions and discharges by
time of day and day of week
• comparison with estimated date of discharge

Refine policy and guidelines/criteria in

9 response to:
• feedback from patients and carers
• incident reports
• audit

Develop policy framework across the trust:

10 Step Guide to timely
8 • include guidelines/criteria
• agree range of clinical conditions

What you need to have in

place to achieve: Try a more proactive approach:
■ nurse-initiated discharge for
7 • use Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle
• agree to test new approach
simple discharges • monitor impact of changes
■ multi-disciplinary
Identify skills needed:
co-ordinated complex
6 • identify nurses and AHPs to be involved
• use competency framework
• identify training needs

Review systems and processes:

5 • process mapping
• review purpose and frequency of ward round
• anticipated LOS/EDD
• document in patient record/notes

Clarify roles and responsibilities of members

4 of MDT:
• simple
• complex discharge

Agree range of patient groups:

3 • high volume
• may link to ICP/guidelines
• agree discharge criteria
• integrated care pathway (ICP)

Executive level support for timely discharge

2 including nurse-initiated discharge:
• director of operations, director of nursing,
medical director
• identify allies and champions

Willingness of MDT to want to take a proactive

1 approach to timely discharge. Use data and
information to illustrate importance of timely
discharge, e.g. 7 day analysis recommended in
the DH waits for bed checklist

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 15
The steps you need to take
Step 4
Step 1 Clarify roles and responsibilities of the multi-
Multi-disciplinary team take a proactive disciplinary team
Clarify the responsibilities of the multi-
The multi-disciplinary team including the disciplinary team in taking a more proactive
clinical director for the service must be approach to simple discharges. You will need to
committed to a change in process. Timely and agree responsibilities around who, how, and
effective discharge will only happen if the team when the EDD based on anticipated length of
are willing to take a more proactive approach. stay is assessed and documented,
You may find that data and information can communicated to the patient and carer, and
support you in the decisions you make. For reviewed on a daily basis. Clarify and agree any
example, regular information about the profile protocols or criteria that nurses who are
of admissions and discharges by time of day competent to make discharge decisions can use
and day of week may help to illustrate the root to support decisions about clinical stability and
causes of queues in A&E or cancelled fitness for discharge. The knowledge, skills and
operations. competency framework identified in step 6 may
See Factsheet 3 on Benefits of improving help to guide you. You will need to decide:
discharge process ■ who can identify and document EDD

■ who can review the patient

Step 2
■ how multi-disciplinary decisions are made
Executive level support
about when the patient is clinically stable and
All trusts now have an executive lead who will fit for discharge or safe to transfer.
support the work around timely discharge.
There may be inter-professional and/or inter- Step 5
departmental barriers to achieving effective Review systems and processes
change and it is a good idea to have others on
You need to review and revise the systems and
board to support the change. You need to
processes you use to manage the decisions
identify your allies and champions who will
around discharge. This is likely to include a
help you to make it a success, and equally you
review and clarification of the purpose and
need to identify the obstacles that are likely to
frequency of ward rounds, the documentation
get in the way or the people who may try to
used by the multi-disciplinary team, and how
resist a more proactive approach.
decisions about EDD are made and
documented. Ensure that diagnostic tests can be
Step 3
planned and organised to support timely
Agree range of patient groups
decisions and discharge. Mapping the
Agree which patient groups you are going to assessment to discharge will identify elements of
start with. It is a good idea to try to identify the patient pathway that create delays or
high volume patient groups so that you can include extra steps that do not add any value to
demonstrate the impact and benefit from the patient care or experience.
bed capacity it releases. Many trusts have
started with elective patients. More trusts are Step 6
now also successfully implementing this Identify the skills needed by team members
approach for patients admitted as an
Identify nurses and AHPs who can take on
emergency. You may also want to start with
more responsibility for initiating timely
patients where you have clearly defined ICPs or
discharge including at weekends and bank
guidelines, or where you can agree discharge
holidays. Use the competency framework to
criteria. You can expand the range of patient
confirm competence and if needed to identify
groups as the multi-disciplinary team becomes
training needs for the team involved. Agree
more confident in the system and process.

16 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
supervision arrangements and use the
competency framework across the whole multi- These steps are a guide and although they are
disciplinary team to ensure that people are represented as sequential steps some of the
working to consistent standards. elements can be worked through in parallel.
See Factsheet 6 Matrix of training competencies You may need to adapt the wording to suit
your local team and hospital.
Step 7 While the emphasis is on the acute hospital
Try a more proactive approach sector, the principles can be applied to primary
Agree to pilot or run Plan, Do, Study, Act care, community hospitals and working as a
(PDSA) on nurse-initiated discharge and monitor whole system as services become more
the impact of any changes made. Initiate buy-in integrated, for example:
and prove that the revised discharge process ■ primary care taking more responsibility for
will work. Gain acceptance ahead of new ways pre-assessment of elective patients
of working. ■ primary care led managed care approaches
for frail older patients and patients with
Step 8 chronic conditions to reduce repeated
Develop a policy framework hospital admissions.
Develop a policy framework for the whole trust
including elective and emergency pathways
with emphasis on timely simple discharge.
Agree more specific guidance and criteria for
different patient groups.

Step 9
Refine policy and guidelines
Refine policy and guidelines/criteria in response
to audit and/or incident reporting. As the multi-
disciplinary team become more competent and
confident in achieving timely discharge, then
the policy and guidelines can be refined and

Step 10
Capture, monitor and audit the impact
Audit and evaluation are important steps.
Routine collection of data and information that
includes discharges by time of day and day of
week and LOS for elective and emergency
patients will confirm that timely discharge is
working more effectively. You will be able to
demonstrate the benefits for patients, staff, and
the hospital bed management system. Other
longer term quality indicators could include re-
admission rates and impact on primary and
community services. Comparison with planned
and actual discharge date. Identify common
causes for non-compliance. This should provide
evidence for continuous improvement.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 17
Clinical governance and risk
The consultant/lead clinician should always
The framework of clinical governance ensures
make sure that the person taking on the
that clinical professionals can demonstrate
responsibility has the appropriate knowledge
professional accountability within their practice
and skills. Where nurses and allied health
when addressing the issue of timely hospital
professionals are taking on responsibility, clear
discharge. It acts to underpin minimising the
competencies and training should be developed
risks associated within clinical practice and
for staff.
supports the development of policy/guidelines.
See Factsheet 6 for a Matrix on training
The following key areas need to be considered
to ensure that all staff are competent in
recognising the abnormal rather than the The person to whom responsibility is delegated
normal. should be aware that they are accountable for
■ Patient and carer involvement within the all their actions. There should be clear lines of
process communication between the consultant/lead
clinician and the health professional discharging
■ clinical as well as environmental risk is
the patient so that they are accessible for advice
identified and addressed
when necessary.
■ auditing of the process and ensuring that the
findings are embedded into clinical practice It is recommended that the parameters of
clinical/medical stability for each individual
■ use of patient/carer information to
patient are agreed with the consultant or lead
expedite/amend the process
clinician and recorded on a locally developed
■ ensuring that education and training are part
form or documented in the patient’s healthcare
of the individual’s personal development record. This form should be completed on
programmes to ensure staff have the right admission (or as soon as is reasonably practical,
competencies. although written reasons should be given for
It helps to ensure that the right systems and any delay) and be subject to ongoing review.
processes are in place for monitoring and Each review should also be documented on the
improving the delivery of quality patient care. form within the patient’s notes. The patient
should be told about the content of this form
For further information refer to the Clinical
and kept up-to-date in line with the principles
Governance Support Unit pages at
of informed consent.
Only when the person responsible for discharge
Professional and legal implications of is confident that the patients’ condition falls
nurses and AHPs taking on more within these agreed parameters should the
responsibility for initiating discharge nurse or AHP initiated discharge begin. There
should be provision on the form for
Overall legal responsibility for a patient's care confirmation that parameters have been met.
remains with the named consultant during
admission, stay and discharge. However, the It is vital that each step of the process is
consultant can delegate responsibility to an documented fully and precisely. Every decision
appropriately qualified health professional. must be capable of scrutiny. Everyone involved
When a task is delegated the consultant/lead in the discharge process must be prepared to
clinician assumes responsibility for delegating explain not just what they did, but why they
appropriately. The person to whom the did it. In this regard the law which governs
responsibility is delegated takes on discharge is extremely helpful. It provides a
committment and responsibility for carrying out framework within which health care
the task in a responsible, accountable, professionals can be confident that they are
reasonable and logical manner in keeping with
their own professional code of conduct.

18 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
making and documenting appropriate decisions. What knowledge, skills and competencies
Accordingly competencies should include (but are needed to support discharge
not be limited to) knowledge of: decisions?
■ the principles of informed consent
Clarity of roles and responsibilities for timely
■ the human rights act discharge can be more easily discussed when
■ the data protection act the multi-disciplinary team is informed about
■ the community care act
the knowledge, skills and competencies needed
to support effective discharge decisions and to
■ professional codes of conduct.
co-ordinate and manage timely discharge.
Audit of the new regime should include critique The competency framework has been designed
of the quality of record keeping. Accurate and so that any member of the multi-disciplinary
full health records are vital, not just to defend team can assess their own knowledge and
against legal action, but to ensure continuity of skills. These can be discussed with the team
care and to assist in audit and so improve the leader, and training needs can be identified for
service afforded to patients. both individuals and the team as a whole.
See Factsheet 6 for the Matrix of training
Accountability for timely discharge and
nurses and AHPs taking on more
responsibility for initiating discharge
The new Changing Workforce document The
Question of Accountability – a guide to answer
your questions will be published in Autumn
2004. This sets out to consider the issues
■ personal accountability

■ supervisor accountability and delegation

■ employer accountability and vicarious liability

■ accountability to the regulator

■ transparency

■ record keeping.

It aims to assist all health care staff in

identifying issues around accountability, but in
particular focuses on those who through new
ways of working have extended their practice
or moved into new roles which are outside of
their original remit.
The document will be available through
The RCN have recently published a helpful
guide on interpreting accountability to support
new ways of working. It is available at

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 19
5. Case studies
Case studies

These case studies are from practitioners throughout

the country who have been working to change and
improve discharge practice. Their work demonstrates
the variety of ways in which health and social care
professionals are improving the patient experience
and achieving better outcomes for patients, staff and
the service.
The examples are intended to help others to
challenge aspects of practice and to make changes.
Contact details are provided so readers can contact
colleagues to find out more about their work. We
hope that practitioners will be able to build up
networks to share expertise and experience and to
support each other as they improve the discharge

20 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Case study 1

Discharge earlier in the day

Case studies
Nottingham City Hospital NHS Trust recently worked to ensure patients were discharged earlier
in the day resulting in fewer cancellations of elective procedures because more beds were
available for elective patients to come in for their procedures. The Trust also attached a
consultant acute physician to serve the emergency care units and introduced GP streaming for
emergency patients to help avoid inappropriate admission to an acute hospital bed.

Making it Happen
Prior to the change, discharges peaked at the end of the Emergency care redesign has improved the patient
day, rather than being spread evenly throughout the day experience and increased the number of discharges
(see Figure 1) without admission to an acute hospital bed. To support
Avg. admissions/discharges by time of day ■ the Medical Assessment Unit was expanded to form
45 an emergency admissions unit and an emergency
42 Discharges
peak in early short-stay unit
35 evening
■ the two admissions wards have been re-designated as
25 specialist medical wards
■ both emergency care areas have access to a
10 consultant acute physician Monday to Friday, from
5 9am to 6pm
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 ■ GPs stream over 60% of patients before admission to
am pm
ensure patients are admitted to the right unit.
Average Emergency
Average Electives Implementation advice
Average Discharges
Figure 1 Attaching a consultant acute physician to serve the
Before improvements, a large number of patients emergency care units, at the same time as introducing
were being discharged between 6pm and 9pm. GP streaming for emergency patients made the
difference to patient care. Rather than patients waiting
until the early evening when the consultant would visit
the medical assessment unit on a post take ward round,
The trust ran a small Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, during care can now be completed by acute physicians during
which four wards were encouraged to discharge the day and the patient discharged.
medically fit patients by midday. As a result, about 40%
of patients were discharged before 1pm (up from 14% Impact
prior to the PDSA) and the number of discharges
became more evenly distributed throughout the day (see The benefits from redesign have been enjoyed across
Figure 2). the trust:
■ 36% patients are discharged from the emergency
care areas following assessment and treatment – an
Figure 2 improvement of 19%
After a PDSA cycle, improvements to the discharge process, in four
base medical wards in Nottingham City Hospital, levelled out the ■ the numbers of medical outliers and cancelled
discharge rate throughout the day. operations have been reduced
■ patients who are assessed by their GPs before
% of patients Pre PDSA During pilot PDSA Post PDSA
entering the hospital are now directed towards the
60 57 correct unit for their needs: short stay or longer
48 admissions.
40 40 42
30 Contact:
14 12 Anna Burns, Redesign Manager, Emergency Pathway
Tel: 0115 9691169 ext.46421
8am - 12 noon 1pm - 5pm 6pm - 10pm Email: [email protected]
Time of discharge

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 21
Case study 2
Case studies

Focusing on discharge
The gastroenterology ward at Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust has recently shifted
the bulk of its discharges to midday. Staff are now working to discharge most patients even
earlier in the day. At present, the ward staff have a goal of starting patients on their way home
by 10 am.

Making it happen Next steps

The changes that Okement Ward made were quite The use of discharge boards has provided a valuable
simple, and had the powerful effect of organising basis for further work in improving patient discharges.
everyone’s efforts toward making the discharge process The trust is currently working on a number of other
a transparent and visible process. schemes.
The ward developed boards to be posted above each
patient’s bed, predicting the discharge date and setting
a deadline, so that everyone involved in that patient’s
care could be aware of the anticipated timing. Each Jo Churchill, Ward Manager
patient’s discharge board had a discharge checklist, and Okement Ward
everyone could see whether that patient was likely to be Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
ready for discharge on the planned date. If a scope was Telephone: 01392 402800
needed and had not been done then a nurse or
consultant could follow it up and begin the process.
Where appropriate Senior House Officers began
dictating take-home drugs (TTOs) on ward rounds in
advance of the day of discharge.

Implementation advice
It was important to have the support of the Matrons
and multi-disciplinary team for the discharge board
system to be effective.
Information on the process was widely available. Staff
put up posters around the ward informing patients and
their relatives of the time when patients would need to
vacate beds, which meant that relatives/carers could
make arrangements for transport home

The culture of the ward changed completely from
reactionary to forward-planning and proactive culture.
Staff have felt a marked benefit from the change, said
Jo Churchill, Ward Manager:
‘In particular, consultants engaged with the change
almost immediately because they now knew what was
expected of them – they could aim for the discharge
deadline. They were tired of being nagged without
knowing when the patient needed to be discharged.
Throughout the ward, the KanBan [discharge] boards
united and organised staff efforts.’

22 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Case study 3

Nurse-facilitated weekend discharge

Case studies
Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust has worked to ensure weekend discharge for
clinically fit patients. This has allowed patients to be discharged home or to an appropriate
facility rather than unnecessarily staying in hospital over the weekend. This has also reduced
length of stay and created capacity for the organisation.

Starting point Impact of this change

Traditionally the Trust has experienced a significant During the initial project 372 patients were discharged
reduction in discharges over the weekend period, which by this process over three months. However, what
subsequently caused problems with bed availability by became evident was instead of discharging on the
late Sunday and Monday morning. Therefore discharges Saturday and Sunday in fact these discharges were
that were happening on Mondays needed to be brought being brought forward to the Friday. Compared to
forward to Saturdays and Sundays using nursing skills. baseline discharge activity this project doubled discharge
figures over weekends. Current performance has
Making it happen increased and shows an average of 350-400 weekend
discharges per month.
Two discharge co-ordinators were identified for each
hospital site. Their role was to visit participating wards The visit to the ward by the discharge co-ordinator
on a Friday and collate the names and identification enabled some development of staff skills to take place
numbers of patients who nursing staff felt could as the co-ordinator coached on the type of patients
potentially leave on Saturday or Sunday, particularly if suitable for weekend discharge.
medical protocols had been identified in patients'
records (e.g. if blood pressure below 110/70, if no Next steps
further vomiting). Following the initial period and a report to the Executive
On the Saturday and Sunday mornings the discharge co- Directors it was agreed to continue the project
ordinator then visited the wards to ensure that if the permanently. This was on the basis that the impetus the
protocols had been met that discharge did take place. project provided meant that this work would no longer
During the initial project sixteen general medical and need to be supported by a co-ordinator and each ward
surgical wards participated and this was then rolled out and directorate would take responsibility for nurse
into other in patient areas. facilitated discharge activity. Matrons for each individual
ward area have agreed to take the responsibility for
Implementation advice ensuring nurse-facilitated discharge continued.
The critical success factors to the project are the Discharge data was reviewed and weekend discharge
following: targets were set for the organisation. The total nurse-
■ A Matron was responsible for the overall
facilitated discharge target for the organisation is 100
nurse-facilitated discharges per weekend. Although
implementation of the project and this gave clarity
performance fluctuates this target is achieved 80% of
and focus
the time.
■ leadership qualities and expertise of the discharge co-
ordinators. The discharge co-ordinator needed to feel
comfortable with using facilitative techniques with Contact
ward staff and challenging why patients could not go
home over the weekend. The discharge co-ordinator Cheryl Etches
role was shared between a small group of F Grade Deputy Director of Nursing
nurses from different specialties who had volunteered Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust
for this project Email: [email protected]
■ support of the Medical Director was imperative to
ensure buy-in from consultant colleagues. The
Medical Director offered support to the project
through the engagement of the on-call consultant.
However, in reality the use of this consultant was
minimal and within the first few weeks the on-call
consultant was not used at all in the project.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 23
Case study 4

Nurse discharge using discharge criteria

Case studies

In the Trauma and Orthopaedics Directorate at East Kent Hospitals Trust a nurse can discharge
patients when they have met the criteria set by the consultant. This has reduced delays to
patient’s discharge and saved bed days. Over a period of six months, none of the 61 patients
discharged by nurses were re-admitted.

Making it happen Implementation advice

A working group from all three DGH sites within the The trust have found that:
trust was formed. A literature search was undertaken ■ nurses have to understand the need to formalise a
and the trust was benchmarked against other trusts. process that they perceived to be in place already
Separate criteria for elective and emergency patients ■ consultants need to agree to one set of criteria
were drafted (this has since been combined into one set
■ time must be made available to train nurses in a very
of criteria). A training package was developed and
cascaded to consultants for approval and practice busy operational environment.
development and then an implementation plan was
written. Finally once the changes were in place an audit Impact
was undertaken. The benefits identified include a more appropriate timely
It was decided that in order for nurses to discharge planned discharge for the patient, improved bed
patients they had to be an E grade or above, identified management which allows the directorate to meet
by the ward manager as suitable and to have targets set for A&E and waiting lists, patient, nurse and
undertaken five supervised discharges and been multi-disciplinary team satisfaction as well as recognising
declared competent. the competence and knowledge of nurses.
In the first six months, 61 patients were discharged by
The criteria nurses using this criteria. Previously these patients would
■ The consultant management plan was recorded in the have waited for the next consultant ward round to be
notes. This would include any range of movements to discharged. An audit was done of 15 of these patients
be achieved who were under one of two consultants – one who

does a weekly ward round and one who does a twice
if a patient is considered not suitable for nurse-led
weekly ward round. It was estimated that for the 15
discharge, this must be recorded in the management
patients under these consultants 41 bed days were
■ check x-ray seen and documented satisfactorily,
including post-op x-ray Next steps
■ all patients to be apyrexial on the day of discharge As a result of the success of the scheme nurse-led
and previous days temperature assessed. discharge will be shared and rolled out to all directorates
■ wound and drain site is dry or District Nurse wound across the trust. The process will continue to be
care agreed and organised developed to include the transcription of the discharge
■ physiotherapy to have recorded that the patient is summary by the nurse.
safe for discharge
■ occupational therapist to have recorded no further
input and that the patient is safe for discharge Contact:
■ care management input completed and informed of Pat Johnson, Matron
expected date of discharge East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust
■ Email: [email protected]
any input from other disciplines completed:
- documented in-patient notes by nurse possessing
appropriate training that the patient is suitable for
nurse discharge
- Make out-patient appointment if necessary and
clinic plan is clearly documented (e.g. plaster
removal / x-ray on arrival).
■ patient comfortable and pain controlled.

24 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Case study 5

Redesigning EAU (combined assessment and discharge unit)

Case studies
The EAU at West Suffolk Hospital has been redesigned leading to a reduction in bed
numbers and the creation of an assessment bay and discharge unit in their place.

Making it happen team and full shift medical specialist registrar cover.
The EAU was reconfigured to create an “assessment These have also had a significant impact on patient flow
bay” and discharge unit in areas previously occupied by and emergency care performance.
beds (33 in total). GP referred medical patients are now
assessed and treated in the assessment bay which Impact
consists of a combination of chairs and two assessment ■ Improved patient care (secondary to a better patient:
beds. The area is staffed by a senior, skilled nurse who staff ratio)
starts treatment immediately and “sieves” out potential ■ earlier discharges (from assessment bay)
discharges. ■ earlier commencement of diagnostics/treatment
The discharge unit helps maintain patient flow from ■ reduced waiting in A&E for emergency medical GP
EAU and across the Trust by helping to create beds admissions
earlier in the day and is essential in making the whole
■ improvement in performance against the 4-hour
unit work effectively.
emergency care target
The remainder of EAU now has 17 beds but due to the ■ reduction in median EAU journey time from
increased staff/skill mix has increased activity and
20 hours 15 minutes (Sept 2003) to 8 hours 45
minutes (April 2004) (see run chart below).
Implementation advice
Next steps
A significant cultural change was required as well as the
The concept is sustainable, subject to recruitment and
need to win senior management and executive support
retention of nursing staff on the unit. The model will be
to test the proposal that reducing bed numbers would
further improved by the development of senior medical
improve patient flow. The change was initially tested
staff based in the unit, criteria based discharge and
with a small scale (2 day - 1 of which was deliberately
protocol based care.
chosen as a busy Monday) PDSA of the assessment bay
The main problem was “protecting” the sustained
Chris Doyle, Clinical Service Manager, Acute Medicine
change - ensuring that the assessment bay and
Tel: 01284 713605
discharge lounge were used for the purpose they were
intended for and not converted back to beds at times of Andre Davies and Sue Jones: EAU Ward Mangers
increased pressure. Tel: 01284 713972
These changes were achieved as part of redesign work Gary Morgan: Service Improvement Manager
that also included the development of the patient flow Emaill: [email protected]

EAU Median Journey Times

10:00 Data
9:00 Mean
8:00 UCL
7:00 LCL
6:00 Special Cause Flag
Sep 03 Oct 03 Nov 03 Dec 03 Jan 04 Feb 04 Mar 04 Apr 04 May 04

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 25
Case study 6
Case studies

Early senior review boosts speedier discharge and bed availability

At Airedale General Hospital’s Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) discharge now begins on admission
with liaison between the consultant and patient.

Making it happen
Clerical support was provided for rapid discharge ■ monitoring of bed availability for acute admissions
communication with GPs and discharge liaison nurses in has demonstrated that this is the most valuable
the CDU review team were included in planning for outcome and meant that a way had to be found to
discharge. A consultant physician is released from sustain the change.
elective commitments for periods of one week each and
based on the CDU from 10am to 6pm to review all Impact
patients for admission on arrival. The case mix is Measurable results show a decreased length of stay,
predominantly medicine, older people and surgery and reduced number of patients placed on inappropriate
all patients for initial assessment except paediatrics and wards and significantly increased bed availability. Staff
mental health. The rota for consultant of the week was morale was greatly improved for both nursing and
drawn from volunteers from both medicine and specialty medical staff – the consultants report enjoying their
medicine, e.g. for the elderly and gastroenterology. It week of clinical work.
included volunteers who did not initially support the
scheme but having completed a week became converts! Next steps
Implementation advice Expressions of interest in the vacant consultant post
have already been made and it looks likely that final
■ This has been sustainable on a rotational basis for sustainability will be achieved in late 2004. The existing
two months – with the impact on outpatient waiting physicians have agreed to provide annual leave and
lists of small medical specialities becoming evident study leave cover.
quickly. However, a reorganisation of consultants has
resulted in the establishment of an emergency
physician post that has made the change sustainable Contact
without additional funding

Mr Melvin Birks
early concerns regarding the loss of learning
Divisional Manager – Acute Services
opportunity for junior medical staff have been
Airedale General Hospital, Skipton Road, Steeton
resolved by altering methods of working to
Keighley, West Yorks, BD20 6TD
incorporate their needs
Tel: 01535 294021
Email: [email protected]

Operational changes evaluation

Details Jan 03 Jan 04 Change

Patients admitted 813 850 +37
Number of patients sent home from CDU 168 242 +74
Percentage of patients sent home from CDU 21% 28% +7
Self discharges from CDU 10 6 -4
Outliers 59 29 -30

26 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Case study 7

Nurse-led discharge improves patient experience

Case studies
Nurse-led discharge has led to a reduction in the time patients wait to go home
once they are fit for discharge.

Making it happen Nurse feedback:

A nurse-led discharge pro-forma was developed in
consultation with consultants and other staff. This was Increases autonomy of
distributed along with a letter of guidance and the pro-
nursing staff and improves
forma was then tested and changes were made as
needed. An information letter was made available to communication between
Enables more time
relatives and staff. nurses and patients.
for doctors to
Nurses began to liaise with relatives and book transport spend with poorly
earlier in the patients stay as well as liaising with other patients.
departments, for example pharmacy to transcribe drugs.
Some patients that were seen in the morning by the
medical team were set criteria for going home later in Enables more rapid
the day so that the consultant did not need to come discharge when a
back and review the patient before discharge. clear plan has been
Implementation advice
Inter-departmental co-ordination was the most difficult
challenge and this has only been achieved by the
nursing staff being very proactive and reminding staff of Patient centred as they
the new process. In order to remind medical staff of the can agree or disagree
new process case notes were stamped with the if they are ready to go
reminder to Proceed to Nurse Led Discharge. home.
Nurses have encouraged the medics to sign the consent
form that leads to the patient being put on the nurse
led discharge plan.
Senior management support was important and they
supported this initiative from the beginning.
Next steps
Patients who are social delays are now included onto
the plan once they have been assessed as medically
Patient feedback: stable.
The process will be continued and will slowly include
other surgical procedures onto the plan with the
Didn’t know any
Felt the nurses knew me medical staff’s support e.g. stoma formation,
difference. orthopaedic surgery and other areas that may benefit
much better and therefore
from this process are being investigated.
knew my needs.
The discharge form is being revised to include the
Very thorough. patient’s signature.

Dawn Brannan, Matron, Calderdale Royal Hospital
Doesn’t matter who is Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust
doing it as long as I can Email: [email protected]
go home sooner. Nice to get
information from a
familiar person.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 27
Professional/patient led discharge proforma for all surgical services

Demographic details (attach ID label) Ward Specialty

Case studies

Hospital Consultant

Circle correct answer and insert details where indicated

TPR and B/P within patient’s normal limits Yes/No
Urine output satisfactory(within patient’s normal limits) Define
Bowels opened Yes/No Date
Surgical wound clean and healing Yes/No
(if no state Community Nurse requirements)

Drainage amount from surgical wound mls. colour

Type of drain
Care of surgical drainage accepted by Yes/No Name of Community Nurse
Community Nurse

P.V. loss Yes/No or N/A

Pain Score 0/1/2/3 CRH or 1 to 10 HRI state
or pt states ‘painfree’
Analgesia prescribed for score of 1/2/3 or 1 to 10 Yes/No
Eating and drinking Yes/No
Free of atypical chest or calf pain Yes/No
Anti-embolic stockings required Yes/No or N/A
Anti-embolic stockings supplied with advice Yes or N/A
Verbal information given re surgical procedure
and post op advice Yes/No
Patient’s standard of independence with steps attained Yes/No or No steps
Patient’s standard of independence with mobility attained Yes/No or normally dependant
Patients standard of activities of daily living attained Yes/No or normally dependant
Blood results within acceptable limits
(as per specialty care pathway) Yes/No
Multi-disciplinary team aware of discharge and in agreement Yes/No or N/A
Discharge medication reviewed by Doctor Yes/No
Discharge medication reviewed by Pharmacist Yes/No or Checked by 2 Nurses
Discharge checklist completed Yes/No

Please note that nurse-led discharge cannot be progressed outside the specialty; this process will then revert back to a
medical-led discharge. If any of the above answers state ‘No’ then nurse-led discharge must revert back to a medical-led
Completing nurse must have at least 6 months experience within the specialty. Please note that the following must be
stated/stamped in the patient’s notes/record by the Consultant responsible or their deputy – ‘proceed to nurse led discharge’ and
it is dated and signed

Signature………......……………… Printed name……...………………..........……… Grade…………… Date …………………

Time saved by professional/patient led discharge = ……….. Mins/Hrs/Days
Nurse led working group/L S Thornton/ 14th May 2004. – Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust

28 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Discharge plan and checklist – to be commenced on the day of admission

On admission – State date ...................................... Circle multiple choice answer

Case studies
Patient Name Provisional Name of Relative/carer phone no
Hospital number discharge date Carer/relative
Address (addressograph label)
‘Dosette Box’ used

Home Care

Does patient have Which services? Have they been cancelled Section 2 form done Yes or N/A
existing services Yes/No or N/A Date sent
Yes/No Frequency? Date

Other Community Services

District Nurse Reason? District Nurse cancelled?

Yes/No Frequency? Yes/No Date
Aids/Adaptations to Which aids - include Date requested + Date planned for
be put in place for discharge oxygen + nebuliser contact name aids to be in place
Yes/No or N/A
Other relevant information

Home circumstances
Type of accommodation? Lives alone/carer Digital Door Code Name of Nursing House key kept with
Bungalow/ (if with carer – relationship and name) Yes/No Home/Residential
Flat/House/Care Home Number Care or N/A
Or N/A
Access to home

Steps - Yes/No Distance to door Type of route to door

How many? Approx Path/Field/Unadopted road/Other – please state

Multi-disciplinary referrals
Date referred By who Date seen Seen by who Outcome
Occupational Therapy
Medical Social Worker
Specialist Nurse
Other please state
Prior to discharge
Plans discussed and Comments Plans discussed and Comments Equipment/Aids ‘Dosette box’
agreed with patient/carer agreed with MDT delivered to patient’s required for
Yes/No team members home inc. oxygen/ discharge Yes/No
Yes/No nebuliser Yes/No If yes, pharmacy
aware Yes/No
District Nurse informed Comments Outpatient Outpatient Location of key/ Section 5 form
Yes/No appointment booked transport arranged digilock code/ sent Yes or N/A
Date ………….. Yes/No or own GP Yes/No or N/A clothes Date sent
Essential food, heating, If No what arrangements have been made? Referred to other professional or services Yes/No
water in situ in own home State service + reason
Yes/No or N/A
Transport Arranged Relative/carer WYMAS - Car 1/ Discharging address - as addressograph or state alternative address
Yes/No collecting Yes/No Car 2 / stretcher/
Who tailift or N/A

On day of discharge

Medically fit for discharge Discharge Sutures remove Dressings Venfon/lines removed House key/
Yes/No information Yes/No or N/A removed/changed Yes/No or N/A valuables returned
confirmed with Yes/No or N/A to pt/carer
patient/carer Yes/No Yes/No or N/A

Medications given + Discharge education/ Nurse transfer Social services GP letter sent Yes/No District nurse start
explained to patient/carer Advice/ post-op letter + property support confirmed Date
Yes/No medication or N/A information given list done start date Yes/No Or N/A
– as in Care Home to patient/carer Yes/No Yes/No or N/A Date
Hospital Medical certificate Dressings/aids supplied for District Nurses Yes/No Other community support arranged - state
Yes/No or N/A State type + amount of supply

Date ………..……. Signature of person completing…........…………………… Printed Name…......…………………………… Grade………….

Lesley S Thornton/Nurse led discharge working group/23.1.04 – Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 29
Case study 8
Case studies

Patient involvement to improve the discharge process

Staff at Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital, accelerated discharge by making sure
patients received their take-home medicines earlier in the day. The Trust actively involved
patients in making these changes and took all comments on board and tried to alter working
practices to improve the quality of the patient journey. This has helped improve the patient
experience and sped up discharge.

Getting patients involved Next steps

From October 2003 alongside discovery interviews, We aim to continue to involve, and act on all comments
patients were invited to be part of a focus group. made from the patients and carers who utilise our
From their experience of delays in the discharge process services, through the patient and liaison service at the
changes were made. Following on from the success of trust.
this a patient representative from the patient forum
now participates in the project team meeting. The
representative feeds back to the patient forum on a Contact
regular basis and is currently undertaking more discovery Sam Johnson
interviews to get additional feedback on the discharge Project Co-ordinator
lounge from patients who have used it as part of their Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital
discharge process. Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01246 513443
Making it happen
The ward round was changed so that patients intended
for discharge were seen first. Prescriptions for take-
home medicines (TTOs) for soon-to-be-discharged
patients were written during the ward rounds.
A discharge lounge was opened and patients were then
collected from the ward by staff from the discharge
lounge. TTOs were checked and dispensed in the
discharge lounge by a pharmacy technician.
Patients are counselled and given all the necessary
discharge information and wait in the discharge lounge
for transport home.

Implementation advice
The trust actively involved patients in these changes.
Diagnostic work and discovery interviews were
undertaken to determine how patients believed care
could and should be improved. The interviews were
either done at the hospital or in the patients’ homes.
From these interviews, both negative and positive issues
were raised.

A number of benefits have resulted from these changes,
including pulling patients through the system more
quickly, which frees up acute medical beds earlier in the
day. Patients felt more informed and educated about
their condition, especially as the system provided two
checkpoints for ensuring that the patients had all they
needed for discharge.

30 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Case study 9

Improving discharge by improving transport co-ordination

Case studies
The Royal West Sussex Hospital addressed problems with transport for in-patients and
outpatients by introducing the role of a transport co-ordinator. The aim was to promote
education, communication and improve flow of patients into and out of hospital.

Starting point ■ encourage ownership at ward level of the opportunity

The processes in place for ordering transport for in- to make a positive impact by changing practice
patient discharges, outpatients and other hospital ■ make most of diverse opportunities available in
attendances meant that it was booked by staff from community as alternatives to ambulance service
across all hospital departments in a random manner. ■ work with staff across primary and secondary care to
There were no strategies in place that either prioritised develop a comprehensive transport strategy.
transport requests based on need, or took account of
any balance of emergency and elective flows. Pathways Impact of this change
to alternatives for NHS ambulance trusts were not clear ■ Earlier discharge from the ward freeing up beds
and were hard to access. There was difficulty for the earlier in the day
ambulance service in managing its capacity to meet
■ flow of elective and non-elective patients improved.
demand as requests were uncoordinated. Transport
problems impacted across all patient streams and ■ fewer cancelled discharges due to lack of transport or
resulted in cancelled discharges, cancelled operations last minute cancellations
and DNAs at outpatients. ■ decrease in outpatient delays and DNA rate in
Making it happen ■ demonstrable financial savings as a result of robust
An education programme to inform all staff (AHPs contract management with service providers
nurses, clinicians, administration and clinical support) of ■ key contact for patients with transport queries
impact of current practice regarding transport was resulting in improved patient experience.
launched. The processes and systems for arranging
transport were subsequently changed so that: Next steps
■ Requests involving stretchers for patients are ■ Further work to smooth discharge across time of day
monitored for appropriateness.This has reduced and day of week
requests for transport on stretchers by 75%. ■ direct access to ambulance computer information to
■ Where needed, case management of discharges on further minimise telephone communications
day of discharge to bring all elements of discharge ■ the post was funded 9-5 Monday to Friday, outside of
these hours the role is carried out by the bed
■ Close links with alternatives to ambulance service managers, further work is needed to investigate the
such as community transport, private ambulance impact that this service would have if its hours were
services, contracts with taxi companies, voluntary extended.
■ Peaks in demand managed through close liaison with
bed management team and use of alternatives to Contact
NHS ambulance service when needed. Janet Johnson
■ Across both primary and secondary care an awareness Tel: 01243 788122 ext 5952
of opportunities, alternative and impact of transport Email: [email protected]
on whole service delivery. Royal West Sussex NHS Trust, Spitalfields Lane
■ Linking of transport arrangement of patients Chichester, West Sussex PO19 6SE
attending the hospital for OPA and discharge of Jay Agostinelli
patients from hospital. Tel: 01243 788122 ext 5942
■ Improved communication and working with Email: [email protected]
ambulance service.

Implementation advice
■ Turnover of staff from all professions in primary and
secondary care requires a rolling education

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 31
Case study 10
Case studies

Improving discharge: intensive care at home

An Intensive Care at Home (ICaH) scheme was developed by Western Sussex PCT to assist in the
local health economy’s response to increased demand on services. This whole systems approach
has helped facilitate earlier discharges, reduced the number of repeat admissions, shortened the
length of stay as well as providing an alternative to admission. The scheme receives some
funding from West Sussex County Council social and caring services and complements and works
alongside the social and caring services’ hospital discharge service.

Starting point ■ the scheme enables some acute episodes of chronic

Following an increase in emergency admissions and disease management to be catered for at home,
delayed transfers of care, there was a need to develop either without admission or preventing a long stay
health provision in the community to enable early admission
discharge and enhance capacity management for the ■ nursing skills within the community have improved to
local acute unit. match demand such as IV therapy, parental feeding,
mid and PICC lines etc
Implementation advice ■ the impact of the scheme meant it was rolled out
The major redesign in service provision means all across the PCT after 6 months rather than a year as
partners need to support the service development from previously planned.
the beginning. They need to accept different ways of
working and have realistic expectations of what the
project will achieve. The development of good Next steps
interpersonal relationships with secondary and primary ■ There are plans to extend the service provision to
care organisations is key and when initially presenting
include blood transfusions in the community and
the project/concept doing it face to face is preferable to
palliative care for other end stage diseases e.g. heart
gain confidence. Recruitment to the new service with
extended hours needs to be carefully considered.
■ links will be developed with evolving community
It is important to ensure that referrals to the service are
based specialist services e.g. COPD to enhance its
appropriate and that all patients referred will benefit
contribution to chronic disease management
from the intensive care within their home environment.
Improved cohesive discharge using close links with ■ further work to be done with referral agencies to
community nursing, primary care and other community ensure appropriate referrals are made to the service
based specialist services was needed. ■ work with discharge facilitators to ensure all potential
Referrals were received direct from OTs in A&E ICaH patients are identified
department, deferring admission to acute unit. ■ integrate ICaH service with West Sussex County
Time needs to be allowed to pilot the service, and fully Council social and caring services hospital discharge
evaluate the pilot period. Successes should be shared as teams
and when they become apparent. ■ look at extending qualified nursing cover to 24 hours
in line with PCT’s out of hours developments.
Impact information
■ Shorter length of stay in acute hospital, especially for
elective surgery and intravenous therapy e.g. cellulitis Contact:
treated with IV therapy once a day reduces stay from Deborah Hassell, Intensive Care at Home Manager
10 days to 24 hours. Email: [email protected]
■ there has been a high level of satisfaction with the Tel: 01243 871935
service from patients - who have more choice in their Karen Titchener
care journey and are able to remain at home or get Senior Community RGN
home sooner - and referral sources - who have more Intensive Care at Home
options available for discharge planning Email: [email protected]
■ the provision of palliative care for some conditions Tel: 07984 918663
makes it possible for people to choose whether to die
at home

32 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
6. Practical tools to

improve discharge

The series of factsheets in this section are intended to support the stages of the
discharge process. They can be used and adapted to your practice to continue
to improve the discharge process. The factsheets include:

Factsheet 1
Organisational barometer
Use this to identify where you are in relation to the key steps to implement
timely patient discharge.

Factsheet 2
Development ‘health check’ progress tool
Use this checklist to establish how close are you to implementing timely patient
discharge and to identify the steps you still need to take.

Factsheet 3
Benefits of improving discharge processes
Use these points to support the rationale for working to achieve effective and
timely discharge for simple discharges.

Factsheet 4
Developing a nurse/allied health professional-initiated discharge policy
Includes the elements that a policy should address. Use this to develop your

Factsheet 5
Example of discharge checklist
An example developed for an emergency assessment which demonstrates
patient involvement. Use this to develop your local checklist.

Factsheet 6
Matrix of training competencies for timely discharge
Use this matrix to identify training needs among members of the multi-
disciplinary team.

Factsheet 7
Key steps towards auditing discharge processes
Use this list of points to develop your audit of the discharge system.

Factsheet 8
The Community Care Act (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003
Summarises the main points that members of the multi-disciplinary team
should consider.

Factsheet 9
Medicines management and role of the clinical pharmacist
Summarises the Hospital Medicines Management Collaborative work to
optimise medicines management systems.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 33
Factsheet 1

Organisational barometer
Factsheet 1

Use this barometer to identify where you are in relation to the key
steps to implement timely patient discharge. When you have read the
toolkit, reflect on your current practice in the clinical team and see
where you are.
Where is your organisation positioned on the line?

Unpredictable, Predictable, discharge

discharge not managed to EDD,
managed to EDD, leading to effective,
discharge may not timely discharge
be timely

What have you achieved so far?

What will you need to do to make it happen in your organisation?

What do you think is stopping you?

Who are your allies and champions who will support you in making this happen?

Who are the stakeholders/people you need to influence/persuade that this is a positive
direction to take?

What are your next steps?

34 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Factsheet 2

Developmental ‘health check’ progress tool

Factsheet 2
Use this check list to establish how close you are to implementing timely
patient discharge and to identify the steps you still need to take.

1. Willingness to try
• Have you started to review the discharge process through process mapping? Yes No
• Have you started to discuss timely discharge within the multi-disciplinary team? Yes No
• Have you approached the information manager to look at current pattern of discharges? Yes No

2. Support
• Do you have support from the lead consultant, clinical director, and senior manager? Yes No
• Have you started to discuss timely discharge with the director of operations executive lead? Yes No
• Have you gained support and agreement with the director of nursing and medical director to
begin nurse-initiated discharges earlier in day and at weekends? Yes No
• Have you identified your allies and champions who will support you? Yes No
• Have you reffered to the DH workbook ‘Discharge Planning - pathway process and practice’? Yes No

3. Discharge pathway
Have you agreed the elective or emergency pathway and patient group? Yes No
Referral routes established (access to pathway) Yes No
Scope of pathway decided: Yes No
– Pre-operative or pre admission Yes No
– From point of admission Yes No
– At point of medical stability (clinical stability) Yes No
– On day of discharge Yes No
– Post discharge Yes No
– Exit route(s) established Yes No

Discharge checklist developed? Yes No
Nurse or AHP led discharge checklist? Yes No
Decision when checklist is to be used (48hr/24hr/ON DAY) Yes No
Patient focus (involvement) considered? Yes No

4. Clarify roles and responsibilities

• Have you identified the members of the team who are involved in the discharge process? Yes No
• Have you mapped the discharge process with the roles and responsibilities of members
of the clinical team? Yes No
• Could you clarify the roles and responsibilities? Yes No
• Could you change the roles and responsibilities so that it improves the discharge process? Yes No

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 35
5. Estimated date of discharge (acute)
Factsheet 2

Estimated date of discharge (EDD) process in place? Yes No

Endorsed by consultant teams and junior doctors? Yes No
Agreements with labs and X-ray for turn around times of tests etc? Yes No
Implemented consistently at post take ward rounds or MDT meetings? Yes No

Estimated date of discharge (rehab)

Supported by regular multi-disciplinary team input Yes No
Links from EDD and nurse initiated discharge established? Yes No
Wider consideration of ‘number of contacts’ required by AHP Yes No

Estimated date of discharge (primary/intermediate)

Considers primary care perspectives (e.g. district nursing input) Yes No
Considers intermediate care service input/assessment/availability Yes No

6. Training(knowledge, skills and competencies

Skills/competencies required, are clearly identified (matrix)? Yes No
Supporting nurse initiated assessments are developed? Yes No
Training and work-based learning needs identified Yes No
Supervision and assessment in carrying out nurse-initiated discharge in place Yes No

7. Agree to pilot or run a PDSA

Have you run a PDSA around timely discharge for a specific group of patients? Yes No
Have you identified the criteria you will use to monitor the impact of change on the
patient pathway and timely discharge? Yes No

8. Policy
Have you reviewed your hospital discharge policy? Yes No
Nurse initiated discharge as part of policy? Yes No
Nurse initiated discharge policy links with Trust discharge policy? Yes No
Written in collaboration with multi-disciplinary team including social services? Yes No
Written in collaboration with primary and intermediate care services Yes No
Signed off by legal team / clinical governance approval? Yes No
Policy indicates scope of nurse initiated discharge from secondary care, primary care, intermediate care and nursing /
residential settings

9. Protocols/guidelines
Individual condition based protocols developed with lead consultants? Yes No
Exclusion/inclusion criteria decided (to assess suitability for NID)? Yes No
Screening tools written in conjunction with physician or surgeons? Yes No
Protocol clear about when transfer of care from medical profession to nurse or AHP protocols is to happen?
– Protocols signed off by relevant professionals with implementation and review date
– Clinical governance aspects of protocols are agreed by trust clinical risk departments, legal advisers

10. Outcome measures

Agreed measures before and after new process in place? Yes No
Audit mechanism in place? Yes No
Established as a pilot project? Yes No
Agreement about how to disseminate best practice or lessons learned? Yes No

36 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Factsheet 3

Benefits of improving discharge processes

Factsheet 3
Improving discharge processes has distinct benefits for patients, the service and for health
professionals. Use these points to make the case to stakeholders about the benefits to be gained
from improving the discharge process.

Benefits for patients

• Identifying expected date of discharge can help patients to plan for when they go home
• Patients’ own responsibility for elements such as transport and arrangements at home can be
clarified, discussed, and agreed in advance
• Patients’ experiences can be improved when they have more information about their care and
they feel included in the decisions
• Patients have more realistic expectations of the care they will receive
• Patients only stay in hospital for the optimum amount of time for their recovery and are less
likely to pick up hospital acquired infection

Benefits for the service

• Health and social care can work as a whole system, supported by a managed care approach,
resulting in improved quality, better match between demand and capacity, and better use of
resources such as staffed hospital beds
• Improved discharge processes contribute to improving patient flow and the effectiveness and
efficiency of the system: right patient, right place, right time
• Increased bed days will be available for the organisation, reducing queues and cancellations
• More effective communication between hospital and community will mean more streamlined
services for all
• Consistency in approach to single assessment and services based on need – joint assessment
processes mean an integrated approach and less time wasted on duplicating the assessment
process by different teams

Benefits for health professionals

• Improved discharge processes make professionals’ working lives easier and clearer
• seeing their role as part of the whole system with each part impacting on the effectiveness of
every other part
• The development of proactive processes and taking a more managed care approach to their
work, leading to greater job satisfaction
• Professionals have an increased sense of responsibility, recognition and support for the work
they contribute
• Clinical team members will be directly contributing to improving the patient’s experience of

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 37
Factsheet 4

Developing a nurse/allied health professional-initiated

Factsheet 4

discharge policy
The following elements can be included in a nurse/allied health professional-initiated discharge
policy. Examples are included under each heading.

Statement of philosophy
• Patients and carers are involved in making decisions and kept informed of their discharge plans
• Plans allow for flexibility, accessibility and individual choice
• Early planning for discharge through multi-disciplinary working
• Non-discriminatory practice
• Includes directives for the safe and effective provision of nurse/allied health professional

Strategic intention or aim

The aim will determine the key drivers underpinning the policy, such as:
• Percentage of discharges aimed for
• explicit links to reducing the length of in-patient stay
• links to preoperative assessment and suitable patient groups
• To extend or formalise current practice
• To assist in delivering the working hours directive
• To promote confidence in the discharge process
• To assist with the development of new roles

• To ensure more timely discharges occurs and reduces the discharge delays
• To promote independence for the professional carrying the discharge
• To ensure practice is safe and does not put the patient at risk
• To provide continuity of care, through effective communication across all professionals and teams
irrespective of setting

Definition of a nurse/allied health professional-initiated discharge

• Interfaces with other professional roles to support discharge planning
• Part of a process, to secure safe timely discharge
• Can be supported by condition specific protocols

Scope of the policy

• Medicine
• Surgery
• Where does it start? Where does it finish? Pre-admission to post discharge
• Agreements with intermediate care and outreach teams
• Primary care provision to support the policy?
• Integration with PCT commissioning processes?

Areas of special concern

Highlight the categories of patient who need particular attention and who should not be excluded
on an age or condition related basis, provided they are medically stable:
• People who live alone
• People who are elderly
• People who are frail irrespective of age

38 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
• Terminally ill patients

Factsheet 4
• People with chronic conditions who may return to Hospital for further treatment.
• People living in sheltered accommodation

Authorised responsibilities
• Level of health professional
• Core team to support health professional
• Length of time need to be qualified.
• Role of MDT and support provided by named team members

Education and training

• Core discharge skills analysis to determine areas of training required
• Competency assessment
• Competency based training and declaration of competence

Legal liability
• Undergone preparation and training for the role
• Deemed competent to undertake the role
• Authorised framework has been developed
• Supporting protocols, criteria where appropriate

Professional accountability process

• Suitability of patient selection
• Links with appraisal process
• Recorded onto a local database for named nurses competent to initiate discharge
• Job descriptions need to reflect the additional role dimension

Patient responsibility in the process

• Giving consent
• Learning self-care (if required to facilitate discharge planning)
• Involving their family/carers

Policy links
• NMC Code of Professional Conduct
• The Scope of Professional Practice
• Equivalent codes for AHPs
• Royal College policy statements
• Any other Trust specific documents

Audit and evaluation framework

• What framework will be employed? What are the key measures?
• How will you measure patient’s satisfaction?
• Who is signing this document off?
• Has it been presented at a clinical risk or governance group?

Legitimising the policy

• Trust policy reference number
• Date
• Review date
• Key signatures: e.g. executive nurse, medical director and head of allied health

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 39
Factsheet 5

Example of discharge checklist

Factsheet 5

This example of a discharge checklist is used in partnership by the patient, who fills in the first
section, the nurse and the ward clerk. It is an example of patient involvement in the discharge
process in action.

Patient section
Please complete these questions and the nurse will collect the form from you.

Your Name:

Is this the first time you have attended the Department? ■ Yes ■ No
Do you understand your diagnosis? ■ Yes ■ No
Has a clinic appointment been made for you? ■ Yes ■ No ■ Not sure

Have further investigations been arranged for you? ■ Yes ■ No ■ Not sure
Do you understand your medications? ■ Yes ■ No ■ Not sure

Have you been prescribed any medications? ■ Yes ■ No

Thank you for completing this, please hand to the nurse looking after you.

Nurses to complete

Medically fit for discharge (in notes) ■

Venflon removed ■
Discharge discussed with patient ■
GP discharge letter given to patient ■
Drugs to take home supplied and explained ■
Any patient’s own drugs returned ■
Dressings and equipment supplied ■
District Nurses contacted ■
Follow up call indicated ■ Yes ■ No
Notified patient about follow up call ■ (time) ……………………….

Clerical staff
Transport arranged ■ (time) ………… (how) ……….
Appointments and relevant documentation ■ (with)…………………………...
Other follow up arranged ■ ………………………………….

Discharging signature …………………...……………… (time) ……………...................

40 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Factsheet 6

Matrix of training competencies for timely

Factsheet 6

The competency framework has been designed so that any member of the
multi-disciplinary team can assess their own knowledge and skills, these can be
discussed with the team leader, and training needs can be identified for
individual staff and for the team as a whole.
You and your team will need to agree the level of practice, supervision and
assessment needed by each member of the team. You will also need to agree
roles, responsibilities, and contributions individual team members will make to
discharge decisions and the co-ordination of the discharge process. This may
help you to identify training needs and support you in designing local
education and training. For example, the team may include:
• ward clerks and administrative assistants
• health care assistants
• newly qualified professional staff
• more experienced staff including staff nurses, allied health professionals,
junior doctors and social workers
• expert practitioners including consultants practitioners including doctors,
nurses and allied health professionals, specialist registrars, ward sisters,
matrons, nurses, social services managers and allied health professionals with
specialist interest.
It will also help you to plan the rotas to ensure that staff with the appropriate
knowledge, skills and competencies are available to follow through clinical
management plans and discharge criteria so that patients continue to be
discharged over the weekend.
We suggest that individuals must achieve an expert level of competence before
taking full accountability for initiating discharge.
The competency framework will allow self-assessment and peer review of the
range of knowledge and skills required. It is suggested that you identify your
level of competence for each section or elements within each section. You may
be fully competent in some areas, but only partially competent and need
further training and supervision in other areas.
The competency framework is a suggested guide and can be adapted to ensure
it is consistent with your usual approach to education, training and assessment
of competence.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 41
Use the boxes to assess your competence:
C = Competent P = Partially competent N = Not yet had experience
Factsheet 6

Multi-disciplinary team Estimating expected date Development,

working of discharge implementation and review
of clinical management plan

Advanced Able to: Able to: Able to:

(Expert) • Lead a team effectively • Undertake full assessment • Develop clinical
of the patient including management plan based
Able to make • Demonstrate collaborative physical, physiological, on full assessment
decisions working and has trust of social and functional
independently senior colleagues • Implement and review CMP
• Demonstrate excellent developed by another
• Communicate effectively knowledge of the clinical member of MDT
with team/other condition and the
HCP/patients and carers investigations/ interventions • Review patient progress and
required adjust the plan in response
• Develop/implement clinical to assessment and test
management plan • Estimate the length of stay results
needed to complete
• Identify and achieve shared treatment to a level where • Identify EDD within the plan
goals the patient is clinically fit
for discharge • Demonstrate ability to
make effective discharge
• Review and revise EDD decisions
based on further

Practitioners Able to: Able to: Able to:

(Completed • Demonstrate good • Undertake partial • Implement aspects of the
foundation understanding of individual assessment of the patient CMP and co-ordinate care
years) roles within MDT and their including physical, around the patient
contribution to discharge physiological, social and
Able to present functional • Assess the patient (clinical
all information • Communicate effectively condition specific) for
needed for with members of • Use protocols/guidelines/ discharge using criteria or
decision making MDT/patients/carers ICPs to support planning protocols developed by
but requires and implementation of care MDT
support in • Anticipate information
making decision needed by MDT in order to • Prompt MDT to estimate • Identify when patient’s
make decisions EDD and document in condition has deteriorated
patient record and are no longer suitable
• Demonstrate high level of for discharge
knowledge of discharge • Prompt review of EDD
process based on assessment of

Newly qualified Able to: Able to: Able to:

(Novice) • Demonstrate an awareness • Carry out basic components • Demonstrate understanding
(During of individual roles within of assessment of elements of CMP
foundation MDT
years) • Follow instructions and • Implement aspects of the
• Understand the importance report any variances to plan under supervision
Able to of effective and timely team leaders
demonstrate an communication • Demonstrate understanding
understanding • Demonstrate awareness of of importance of effective
of discharge importance in discharge documentation and
process model communication

42 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Factsheet 6
Making referrals Interpretation of test results Patient decides to self
and investigations discharge against healthcare
professional advice

Able to: Able to: Able to:

• Demonstrate excellent ability • Refer and interpret test results • Attempt to persuade patient
to identify when a referral is to remain in hospital if this is
needed • Adjust CMP in response to in the clinical interest of the
the results of tests and patient
• Initiate referral to other investigations
members of MDT • Explain the risks and potential
• Identify when future consequences of self
• Follow up actions and results discussion and review by discharge to the patient and
from referrals medical colleagues and other carers
members of MDT
• Co-ordinate and run MDT • Rapidly co-ordinate care
review of patient • Take responsibility for package if accepted by the
discharge decision based on patient
• Use outcome of MDT review clinical assessment and best
to adopt CMP and EDD results • Document events accurately
within patient record

• Communicate with GP
including discharge letter

Able to: Able to: Able to:

• Recognise when referral to • Proactively chase test results • Explore reasons for self
MDT may be needed discharge
• Understand the significance
• Make referrals based on of test results • Inform patient’s consultant or
guidance from others senior medical team of
• Communicate abnormal test patient’s intention
• Co-ordinate actions and results effectively and in
results from referrals timely manner to appropriate • Ensure all relevant
member of MDT documentation is completed
• Demonstrate understanding
of MDT review and
implications for CMP and

Able to: Able to: Able to:

• Follow instructions and plans • Accurately record and • Demonstrate awareness of

developed by other members document test results the risks and potential
of MDT consequences of self
• Demonstrate an awareness of discharge for patient
• Document when referrals normal and abnormal test
have been made in patient results • Demonstrate awareness of
record the policy and

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 43
Factsheet 7

Key steps towards auditing discharge processes

Factsheet 7

A number of key questions have been included for consideration. These questions
are not designed to be comprehensive and may need to be adapted. However,
audit of the efficiency and effectiveness of the discharge process should be
considered as part of the audit programme for the hospital or specialty.

1. Use standard statistical data sets to include

• Patient identification number
• Age or age range/date of birth
• Sex
• Address
• Condition group (clinical codes)
• Discharge destination
• Date of discharge
• Time of discharge

2. Address focused questions, such as:

• Are patients being discharged earlier in the day?
To answer this you will need to establish data demonstrating the time patients
were/are normally discharged before the implementation of the changed
discharge process and compare with the times recorded on the audit sheets.
• Are patients being discharged over the weekend (and bank holidays)
Retrospective audit of the number of discharges by day of the week will reveal
the trend and pattern of discharges occurring across the 7 day period.
Implementation of nurse-initiated discharge at weekends should demonstrate
that there is an increase in the number of patients discharged on a Saturday
and Sunday.
• What proportion of patients have an expected date of discharge
written in the notes as part of the initial assessment?
Retrospective audit of patient records will identify the proportion of patients
who have an expected date of discharge recorded as part of the management
plan. You may want to focus on medical or surgical patients or other defined
groups of patients. The audit can also identify when the EDD was recorded
during the patient’s stay in hospital.
• What proportion of patients are discharged on the expected date of
Retrospective audit of patient records will identify what proportion of patients
have an expected date of discharge (EDD) and what proportion of these that
are actually discharged on the EDD. In addition, the audit could include the
proportion of patients discharged before or after the EDD and the reasons
given for this variance.

3. Involve clinical governance, service development or audit support staff

They will help you to design the audit form so that it is easy to complete, does
not ask ambiguous questions, and uses objective measures. They will also ensure
that data is easy to interpret and analyse the results.

44 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
4. Other specific areas for audit consideration

Factsheet 7
• Types of staff (by professional group) who initiate discharge
• volume of patients being discharged in EDD (of total ward or specific
patient group) before and after implementation
• baseline audit data, comparison of duration of length of stay (LOS)
episodes of relevant groups and difference in LOS after the nurse initiated
discharge implemented
• number of bed days saved for each specialty with the introduction of
identification of EDD and/or nurse-initiated discharge for simple discharge
• compliance with discharge criteria documented in the patient record for
example vital signs, eating and drinking normally, blood results; and
specialist condition factors, e.g. peak flow measurement , blood glucose
• re-admission rates within 48 hours (or specified period of time): and
reasons for re-admission
• compliance with standards of documentation within the healthcare record
demonstrating an audit trail for the key stages of the discharge process
• patient/doctor/nurses/APH/other professionals satisfaction surveys.

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 45
Factsheet 8

The Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc)

Factsheet 8

Act 2003

• The Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003 introduces a system of
reimbursement for acute beds occupied by people who no longer need to be there, where
social services is solely responsible for the delay. It places duties upon the NHS and local
authorities in England relating to communication between health and social care systems
concerning the discharge of patients and communication with patients and carers.
• The NHS is required to notify the local authority of any patients likely to need community
care services on discharge (a Section 2 notice), and of their proposed discharge date (a
Section 5 notice).
• Reimbursement for delayed transfers of care relates initially to adult patients receiving
acute care. Delays in mental health, learning disability and intermediate care services and
other non acute services such as community hospitals are currently excluded from the
arrangements, although the scheme may be extended to these areas in the future. If a
patient remains in hospital because the local authority is solely responsible for the delay
(be it assessment or provision of a social care package), then the Local Authority must pay
the NHS organisation £100 per day of delay (£120 in London and certain other parts of
the country). This came into force on 5 January 2004 following a shadow period from the
previous October.
• The Act is therefore intended to promote the independence of older people. Additional
funding was provided to local authorities to enable them to invest in services for older
people in partnership with their health colleagues to reduce the likelihood of delays. The
aim is to improve services, and hence ensure that more people will be cared for in the
most appropriate setting for their needs, thus avoiding the need to pay reimbursement
• As the commissioners for health, PCTs are key to working with NHS bodies and local
authorities in order to identify the main causes of delays and focus investments into those
areas to reduce the delays, and the need for reimbursement. Many localities have entered
into joint agreements on how any reimbursement monies paid will be reinvested into
services for older people.
• The regulations require that patients be screened for possible continuing health care at the
beginning of the process.
• Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) have a specific duty under the Act to establish Dispute
Resolution Panels, and appoint members to them.
• A training package on reimbursement is available at www.dischargetraining.doh.gov.uk

Responsibilities of the nursing team

The nursing team co-ordinates the discharge process for patients with more complex needs
and ensures referrals to the multi-disciplinary team are made and co-ordinated. This includes
issuing section 2 notices to social services for patients likely to need community care services
on discharge. The nursing team is responsible for initiating timely complex discharges once
the care package has been agreed and put in place. They should ensure a section 5 notice is
issued to social services giving the proposed date of discharge, with 24 hours notice, for
those patients already notified under section 2. People whose transfers of care are delayed
should be jointly discussed with social services and their status jointly agreed, including who
is responsible for the delay, before they are included in the weekly Sitrep. They are subject to
the reimbursement charges if social services are solely responsible for the delay. It is worth
remembering that nationally about 67% of delays are for NHS reasons, not social services.

Based on work within the South Devon health community

46 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team
Factsheet 9

Medicines management and the role of the

Factsheet 9
clinical pharmacist

Managing medicines effectively is central to the quality of health care. The

Hospital Medicines Management Collaborative (HMMC) has established a
programme which aims to optimise medicines management systems in the
hospital service.
The HMMC programme has highlighted a number of key factors that can
improve medicines management systems.
• Appropriate use of technology so pharmacy services can be concentrated on
patient-centred clinical activities.
• increased review processes for managing the use of non-formulary items,
unlicensed medicines and ‘off-label’ usage.
• develop partnerships between primary and secondary care that support
improved medicines management services, including development of
initiatives such as joint formularies; admission and discharge planning;
improved information flow; and sharing information where medicines are
• develop the skills of the whole pharmacy team, so the potential for the clinical
skills of pharmacists can be realised – involve medical, ward and department
staff in the development of, and increasing strategic involvement with, the
improvement of medicines management services.
• optimise the impact of drug and therapeutic committee decision, within and
beyond the hospital system while promoting safe medication practices.

The HMMC will work with project teams in hospital trusts. Participating trusts
will have help in creating learning culture within their organisation, better links
between medicines management and other local health priorities and
sustainable improvement to the range of medicines management services they
Participating trusts will develop their own local objectives and tools for
measuring and assessing progress. This information will give rapid feedback on
improvement activities and will help to spot ideas that work.
Further information about the development of the programme can be found at

Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team 47
References Abbreviations

Department of Health and Royal College of Nursing (2003) CDU Clinical Decision Unit
Freedom to practise: dispelling the myths, Department of
CMP Clinical management plan
Health: London.
DNA Did not attend
Health and Social Care Joint Unit and Change Agent Team
EAU Emergency Assessment Unit
(2003) Discharge from hospital pathways, process and
practice, Department of Health: London. EDD Expected date of discharge
www.dischargeplanning.doh.gov.uk ICaH Intensive Care at Home
Healthcare Commission (2004) Patient Survey Report, ICP Integrated care pathway
Healthcare Commission: London. IPH Improving Partnerships with Hospitals
LOS Length of Stay
Web addresses and useful information
MAU Medical Assessment Unit
Care pathways: Link to the National Electronic Library for MDT Multi-disciplinary team
Health NID Nurse-initiated discharge
OPA Out patient appointment
Change Agent Team website provides further information and PDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act
learning materials to support proactive and timely discharge
SAP Single assessment process
TTO Treatments to take out
The Changing Workforce Programme

Department of Health, Modernisation Agency and National

Primary and Care Trust Development Programme (2002)
Liberating the Talents: helping primary care trusts and nurses
to deliver the NHS Plan,. Department of Health: London.

Department of Health. (2001) Reforming Emergency Care,

London: Department of Health.

Emergency Care Collaborative


National Audit Office (2003) Ensuring the effective discharge

of older patients from NHS Acute Hospitals, National Audit
Office: London.
Health and Social Care Joint Unit and Change Agent Team
(2003) Discharge from hospital: pathways, process and
practice, Department of Health: London.

Health and Social Care Joint Unit and Change Agent Team
(2002) Discharge from hospital: a good practice checklist.
Department of Health: London.

National Clinical Governance Support Team


Nurse Prescribing

Modernisation Agency
PDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act - Model for improvement

48 Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team

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First published 2004

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