All Models Prism Constants and Explanantions

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The document discusses prism constants, how they are defined differently by different manufacturers like Leica, and how to adjust them when using equipment from different sources. It also describes a prism swan neck and its uses in surveying applications.

Prism constants are corrections based on the physical characteristics of a prism that account for the distance between the vertical axis of the prism and the theoretical turning point of the measuring beam. They differ in how they are defined, with some manufacturers defining it as a correction and Leica defining it relative to their standard prism.

If using a non-Leica prism with a Leica system, 34.4mm must be added to the true constant. If using a Leica prism with a non-Leica system, 34.4mm must be subtracted from the Leica constant. A table provides constants for common prisms.

Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Prism constants
In the current generation of total stations one must -34.4 mm. In Leica’s system this prism has a con-
distinguish between two definitions of the prism stant of 0.0 mm by definition.
constant (offset).
Thus if non-Leica prisms are to be used with Leica
The manufacturers Nikon, Pentax, Sokkia. Topcon systems or if Leica prisms are to be used with non-
and Trimble (formerly Geodimeter, Spectra Precision, Leica systems, the following conversion methods
Zeiss) now all define the prism constant as an cor- must be applied:
rection, that is, as a correction of the measured
distance based on the physical and design charac- If a non-Leica prism with a given true prism constant
K teristics of the prism or reflector in the instrument. is to be used with a Leica total station, 34.4 mm
In the case of triple prisms these factors are the must be added to the value.
type and length of the glass body and the mecha- Example of a non-Leica prism with a true constant
nical mounting of the prism on the holder. The of K = -30 mm:
magnitude of the prism constant is determined by -30.0 mm +34.4 mm = +4.4 mm. This is the adjust-
So the distance between the vertical axis of the prism ment that must be made on the Leica total station.
holder (target point) and the theoretical turning
point So of the measuring beam, which is behind If, on the other hand, a Leica prism with a Leica
the glass. If the vertical axis is situated right at system constant is to be used with a non-Leica total
point So (as in the former Geodimeter prisms; see station, 34.4 mm must be subtracted.
vertical axis 1 in the diagram), then the prism con- Example for the Leica 360° prism GRZ121 with a
vertical axis 2 vertical axis 1 stant equals 0. In other commercially available Leica constant of +23.1 mm:
prisms (except for some prism rings) the vertical +23.1 mm -34.4 mm = -11.3 mm. This is the adjust-
axis is always in front of the turning point So. The ment (rounded off, if necessary) that must be made
measured distance will then be too long and the on the non-Leica total station.
corresponding correction (prism constant K) will be
negative. If the vertical axis runs through the centre The following table takes these considerations into
of the prism (vertical axis 2 in the drawing), also cal- account, showing the constants of the most com-
led the centre of symmetry, the prism has the best mon commercially available prisms and reflectors
mounting from the point of view of error correction. for non-Leica systems and for the Leica system. In
In this case, inaccurate prism alignment in the total modern total stations, these constants can be ente-
station will have a minimal effect on measurements red directly and called up via hotkeys. Measured
of angles and distances. distances are thus corrected automatically.

Leica is the only company that uses a different defi- To avoid having to change the settings for constants
nition. Leica’s prism constant is defined with refe- in the total station when a prism is changed, one
rence to its standard round prism (GPH1 + GPR1). should use standard prisms or prisms of other
Following the above method of calculation, this manufacturers with identical constants.
prism has a true prism constant (correction) of

Prism constant K in mm
Prism/reflector type
definition/system definition/system
Nikon, Pentax, Sokkia, Topcon, Leica
Trimble (Geodimeter, Spectra
Precision, Zeiss)
Trimble prism ring for RMT 604/606 +2 +36,4
reflecting foil,
Prism from Nikon, Topcon, Spectra Precision (Geodimeter) 0 +34,4
Bohnenstingl TOP and ONRT (s.p. 10+11)
Bohnenstingl Prism and foil on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Trimble (Zeiss) 360°-Prism -3 +31,4
Leica 360° Mini GRZ101 -4,4 +30
Leica 360°-Prism GRZ4, GRZ121
Bohnenstingl HIP (s.p. 6+7)
Bohnenstingl TOP (s.p. 10+11) -11,3 +23,1
Bohnenstingl Prism on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Bohnenstingl RUNDUM 6x60° (s.p. 12+13)
Bohnenstingl base sewer measuring rod (s.p. 26-35)
Bohnenstingl HIP (s.p.6+7)
Bohnenstingl TOP and ONRT (s.p. 10+11) -16 +18,4
Bohnenstingl Prism on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Bohnenstingl base sewer measuring rod (s.p. 26-35)
Leica Mini GMP111 -16,9 +17,5
Prisms from Sokkia, Pentax, tlw. Topcon
Bohnenstingl HIP (s.p. 6+7)
Bohnenstingl TOP and ONRT (s.p. 10+11) -30 +4,4
Bohnenstingl Prism on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Bohnenstingl base sewer measuring rod (s.p. 26-35)
Leica Standardprism GPH1, GPR121, GPR111
Bohnenstingl HIP (s.p. 6+7 )
Bohnenstingl TOP and ONRT (s.p. 10+11) -34,4 0
Bohnenstingl Prism on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Bohnenstingl base sewer measuring rod (s.p. 26-35)
Trimble (Zeiss ETR, KTR, KTO, KTM)
Bohnenstingl HIP (s.p. 6+7)
Bohnenstingl TOP and ONRT (s.p. 10+11) -35 -0,6
Bohnenstingl Prism on L-holders (s.p. 8+9)
Bohnenstingl base sewer measuring rod (s.p. 26-35)

Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Small prisms with matched prism constants

A total station is usually purchased together with a quate for the high-performance total stations on the
standard prism. Small prisms or 360° prisms made market today. In addition, the prisms are designed
by the same manufacturer have constants different to achieve an accuracy that is close to the theoreti-
from that of the standard prism, making it necessary cal limit.
to adjust the set-tings for prism constants in the
total station. The table shows all the prisms that are available
from us (with the corresponding prism constants).
Total stations with automatic prism type recognition
are not yet on the market. If one forgets to make A special feature of all prisms used in the HIP series,
the necessary adjustment (even if it only means the L holders and the Vektor System sewer measu-
pressing a button), the measurement results are ring rod is that they turn on the centre of symme-
often seriously thrown off. This source of error can try. That is, the tilting axis and the vertical axis pass
be eliminated only by making sure that the prisms through the optical centre of the prism. Inaccurate
used have constants matching those of the standard adjustment of a prism to the total station thus has
prisms. a minimal effect on measurements of angles and
distances. This is a great advantage when only the
For this reason we have developed small prisms prism centre is available as a target or when auto-
with constants identical to those of all the standard matic targeting is used.
prisms of major manufacturers. Because we use
high-quality glass in combination with high accu- These prisms can be used for precision measure-
racy, the dimensions of these prisms are fully ade- ments.

A prism constant for every

surveying task?
Modern total stations with automatic targeting or stants of the abovementioned large 360° prisms
tracking need 360° prisms as reflectors. These made by Leica.
prisms ensure continuous reflection even with
moving targets (measurement assistant or one-man Because each prism’s centre of symmetry is located
operation). exactly on the vertical axis of the holder, the RUN-
DUM prism 6x60° is also suitable for precision mea-
The two large 360° reflectors made by Leica, GRZ4 surements.
and GRZ121, have a true prism constant of K = -11.3
mm (+23.1 mm according to Leica’s definition). They Thus, for all surveying tasks in which a constant K
are well suited for terrain surveys and profile mea- = -11.3 mm (Leica definition = +23.1 mm) is requi-
surements in one-man measuring mode and are the- red, it is possible to use the following prism family:
refore often found in measuring equipment. Their
disadvantages are their size, weight and price, along • Original Leica 360° reflectors GRZ4 and GRZ121
with lower accuracy in automatic targeting. Owing to • HIP tiltable prism (see catalogue, pp. 6+7)
the design of the reflectors, the optical centres of all • TOP tiltable prism (see catalogue, pp. 10+11)
the 360° prisms available up to now “wander” from • Tiltable prism on L holder (see catalogue, pp.
the vertical axis depending on how far the prism 8+9)
pole has turned. This effect also occurs to a lesser • Universal prism pole (sewer measuring rod),
degree in Leica’s 360° mini prism GRZ101. In additi- Vektor System (see catalogue, pp. 26-35)
on, this prism has a different prism constant, amo- • RUNDUM prism 6x60° (see catalogue, pp. 12+13).
unting to K = -4.4 (+30 mm by Leica’s definition).

For this reason we have developed the new RUN-

DUM prism 6x60°, which is matched to the con-

RUNDUM prism 6x60°

Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Mini prism + holder: series HIP

Prism HIP (Highly Integrated Prism) is characterised as follows:
• a nice holder and a tiltable prism build a compact unity;
Tilting resistance can be defined.
• very low need for space of the cylindrical prism holder (radius only 22 mm)
• Special prisms for all prism constants. Tilting axis and vertical axis are always crossing the visible
m prism center (central symmetric point).
22 • Glass diameter = 18 mm for prism constant K = -11 mm, for all other Ø = 25 mm.
• For measuring in longer distances, the cylindrical holder format provides a secure and exact targeting.
• High grinding accuracy of the prism glass, the range of the distance measuring is from 500 to 1000m
depending on instrument and weather.
• silver coated reflective surfaces; the prism in the casing remains clear also under extreme weather con-
ditions (difference in temperature)
top view • stable aluminium construction of the prism casing and holder.
• highest degree of precision assured by complete CNC-work – no casting mould.
• Good visibility of the holder due to orange-red signal colour
• widely usable due to the connections on both sides, either 5/8" – 5/8" or 5/8" – vertical bolt Leica.
• optimal accessories
• Option: prism center is marked in red
• Option: unscrewable tilting axis stub (2 pieces)
--> better visibility of the holder in larger distances
--> exact measuring of a target point with a cross eccentrum of 50 mm.
• Target with high quality reflecting foil (26 x 40 mm) as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms.
side view
Available with the following prism constants K (Leica in brackets): - see also catalogue page 4 -

Reflector / Prism Prism constant K (Leica in brackets)

Reflecting target (26 x 40 mm) 0 (+34,4) mm

Glass prism ø 18 mm -11 (+23,1) mm = Leica 360°-Prism
Glass prism ø 25 mm -16 (+18,4) mm
Glass prism ø 25 mm -30 (+4,4) mm
Glass prism ø 25 mm -34 (0) mm
50 mm Glass prism ø 25 mm -35 (-0,6) mm

25 mm The prism constant 0 (+34,4) mm in HIP format is not available with a glass prism, as there is no way to
place it in the prism center. In design TOP and ONRT see pages 10 and 11.

Prisms with 5/8" thread

50 mm

Prism HIP 2x5/8"

prism holder in closed format:
• 5/8" female thread on top and bottom with 50 mm tilting axis height each.
50 mm

• circular level optional: see catalogue page 14

Prism centre prism centre

Reflecting target regular format Red marked
Order-Nr. Order-No. Order-No.

without tilting axis stub 1615 123,– € 1610.xx 240,– € 1611.xx 245,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1615.Z 136,– € 1610.xx Z 253,– € 1611.xx Z 258,– €

xx: please specify the prism constant from the table above (in red), without +/- signs.
50 mm Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

Prism HIP-U 5/8"

prism holder in U-format with 50 mm tilting axis height.

Prism centre prism centre

Reflecting target regular format red marked
Order-Nr. Order-No. Order-No.
50 mm

without tilting axis stub 1625 75,– € 1620.xx 192,– € 1621.xx 197,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1625.Z 88,– € 1620.xx Z 205,– € 1621.xx Z 210,– €

xx: please specify the prism constant from the table above (in red), without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .
50 mm

25 mm
Prisms with Leica connection
Prism HIP Leica-5/8"

50 mm
Prism holder in closed format:
• Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12mm (push-button connection) with a tilting axis height = Leica round
prism GPH1.
• On the top, additional 5/8" female thread with 50 mm tilting axis height.
Leica GPH1

• Optional: circular level – see catalogue page 14

Prism centre prism centre

Reflecting target regular format red marked
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.

without tilting axis stub 1635 149,– € 1630.xx 266,– € 1631.xx 271,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1635.Z 162,– € 1630.xx Z 279,– € 1631.xx Z 284,– €

xx: please specify the prism constant from the table above (in red), without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

50 mm

Prisms HIP-U Leica

25 mm
Prism holder in U-format with Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12mm (push-button connection)

Prism centre prism centre

Reflecting target regular format red marked
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.
Leica GPH1

without tilting axis stub 1645 100,– € 1640.xx 217,– € 1641.xx 222,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1645.Z 113,– € 1640.xx Z 230,– € 1641.xx Z 235,– €

xx: please specify the prism constant from the table above (in red), without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

Accessories for series HIP and HIP-U

Distance pin

For holders with glass prisms

HD 50 and HD 100 to measure vertical points, e.g. building fronts. Can be screwed in the M6-thread at
50 mm the back side of the prism casing. Available for every system constant to reach a round distance (= longi-
tudinal eccentricity) to the top of the pin (object point).

Prism constant Longitudinal eccentricity (correction)

defined at the
total station/EDM + 50 mm + 100 mm
(Leica in brackets)
Article Order-No. Article Order-No.

-11 (+23,1) mm HD50/11 1650.39 7,20 € HD100/11 1650.89 7,20 €

-16 (+17,5) mm HD50/16 1415.34 7,20 € HD100/16 1415.84 7,20 €
-30 ( +4,4) mm HD50/30 1650.50 7,20 € HD100/30 1650.100 7,20 €
-34 (0) mm HD50/30 1650.50 7,20 € HD100/30 1650.100 7,20 €
100 mm -35 ( -0,6) mm HD50/30 1650.50 7,20 € HD100/30 1650.100 7,20 €

50 mm

For holders with reflecting foil:

The distance pin will be screwed into the back side of the tiltable target holder. The distance from the
top of the pin to the vertical axis is exactly 50 mm. Therefore, a longitudinal eccentricity (correction) of
+50 mm has to be considered when measuring with a distance pin.

Distance pin RD 50 Order-Nr. 1029.50 7,50 €

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Prisms and reflectors on L-holders

The newly developed holders are characterised as follows:
• Stable L-profile made of aluminium with a protective coating in orange-red signal colour
• Complete program of mini glass prisms is available with every required prism constant
• NEW: with reflecting foil as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms
• Precision fabrication and placing of the prisms/foils in the visible prism centre. Therefore minimised
errors in the angle and distance measurements, also with a prism/reflector not correctly aligned to the
total station/EDM.
• Widely usable because of maintaining general standards:
- Tilting axis height 50 mm with 5/8” thread
- Tilting axis height identical with Leica prism system with Leica vertical bolt

Compatible to accessories (see catalogue page 14-16).

Prisms/Reflectors with 5/8” thread connection

• 5/8" female thread and 50 mm tilting axis height
• The tilting resistance can be done with a fork spanner (13 mm).
HIP Ø 25 mm HIP Ø 18 mm • Available with all prisms of the series HIP (see catalogue page 6+7) and the series TOP (see catalogue
page 10).
• Available also with high quality reflecting foil (40 x 40 mm) as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms
for modern total stations/EDM.
• A simple circular level is integrated in the holders with prisms of the series HIP
50 mm

50 mm

With glass prism With glass prism For mini prism MP24 Reflecting foil on
Prism constant Ø 25 mm Ø 18 mm (s. series TOP catalo- tiltable holder
(Leica in brackets) (s. series HIP (s. series HIP gue p. 10) with tilta-
catalogue p. 6 catalogue p. 6) ble prism connection
TOP Reflecting foil
-with circular level- -with circular level- - without prism -
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.
0 (+34,4) mm –– –– –– –– 1010.0 51,– € 1020.0* 40,– €
-11 (+23,1) mm
–– –– 1000.11* 122,– € 1010.11 51,– € –– ––
50 mm

(=Leica 360° prism)

50 mm

-16 (+18,4) mm 1000.16* 122,– € –– –– 1010.16* 51,– € –– ––

-30 (+4,4) mm 1000.30* 172,– € –– –– 1010.30 51,– € –– ––
-34 (0) mm 1000.34* 172,– € –– –– 1010.34 51,– € –– ––
-35 (-0,6) mm 1000.35* 172,– € –– –– 1010.35 51,– € –– ––

Prisms/reflectors with Leica connection

• Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm and tilting axis height of the Leica prism system.
• After placing on the vertical bolt and aligning to the total station/EDM, the holder will be fixed with a
set screw.
HIP Ø 25 mm • The tilting resistance can be done with a fork spanner (13 mm).
• Available with all prisms of the series HIP (s. cat. p. 6+7) and of the series TOP (s. cat. p. 10)
• Available also with high quality reflecting foil (40 x 40 mm) as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms
for modern total stations/EDM

Leica GPH1

With glass prism With glass prism For mini prism MP24 Reflecting foil on
Prism constant Ø 25 mm Ø 18 mm (s. series TOP catalo- tiltable holder
(Leica in brackets) (s. series HIP (s. series HIP gue p. 10) with tilta-
catalogue p. 6 catalogue p. 6) ble prism connection
- without prism -
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.
TOP Reflecting foil 0 (+34,4) mm –– –– –– –– 1012.0 51,– € 1022.0* 40,– €
-11 (+23,1) mm
–– –– 1002.11* 122,– € 1012.11 51,– € –– ––
(= Leica 360°-Prism)
-16 (+18,4) mm 1002.16* 122,– € –– –– 1012.16* 51,– € –– ––
€ €
Leica GPH1

Leica GPH1

-30 (+4,4) mm 1002.30* 172,– –– –– 1012.30 51,– –– ––

-34 (0) mm 1002.34* 172,– € –– –– 1012.34 51,– € –– ––
-35 (-0,6) mm 1002.35* 172,– € –– –– 1012.35 51,– € –– ––

Note regarding the above tables:

• For all prism holders marked with *, the tilting axis and the vertical axis go through the visible prism
centre. For the holder with reflecting foil, they go exactly through the centre of the printed target.
• Further details regarding prism and addition constants, please see catalogue page 4.

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Prisms/Reflectors with boring for M8 screw

Boring to attach by M8 screw on bolts or plugs with M8 female thread
The ideal prism for the permanent construction surveying:
• Because of the cardanic installation the prism can be aligned on every stand point
• Need of one tool only (fork spanner 13 mm) to a) fix the holder at the building and b) to fix the tilting axis
• Durable, robust attachment at the building by a large set screw and a holder made of full metal
• Available with all prisms of the series HIP (s. catalogue p. 6+7) and of the series TOP (s. catalogue p. 10)
• Available also with high quality reflecting foil (40 x 40 mm) as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms
• Delivery with M8 screw made of stainless steel and wearing part.

With glass prism With glass prism For mini prism MP24 Reflecting foil on
Prism constant Ø 25 mm Ø 18 mm (s. series TOP catalo- tiltable holder
(Leica in brackets) (s. series HIP (s. series HIP gue p. 10) with tilta-
catalogue p. 6 catalogue p. 6) ble prism connection-
without prism -
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.
HIP Ø 25 mm
0 (+34,4) mm –– –– –– –– 1015.0 49,– € 1025.0* 38,– €
-11 (+23,1) mm
–– –– 1005.11* 118,– € 1015.11 49,– € –– ––
(= Leica 360°-Prism)
-16 (+18,4) mm 1005.16* 118,– € –– –– 1015.16* 49,– € –– ––
-30 (+4,4) mm 1005.30* 168,– € –– –– 1015.30 49,– € –– ––
-34 (0) mm 1005.34* 168,– € –– –– 1015.34 49,– € –– ––
-35 (-0,6) mm 1005.35* 168,– € –– –– 1015.35 49,– € –– ––
TOP Reflecting foil
• For all prism holders marked with *, the tilting axis and the vertical axis goes through the visible prism
centre. For the holder with reflecting foil, they go exactly through the centre of the printed target.
• Further details regarding prism and addition constants, please see catalogue page 4.

Distance pins
The use of distance pins is possible for:

Holders with prisms of the series HIP: see catalogue page 7

Holders with prisms of the series TOP: see catalogue page 11

50 mm
Holders with Reflecting foil
Distance pin will be screwed into the rear side of the tiltable target holder. The distance from the top of
the pin to the vertical axis is exactly 50 mm. Therefore, a longitudinal eccentricity (correction) of +50 mm
has to be considered when measuring with a distance pin.

Distance pin RD 50 Order-No. 1029.50 7,50 €

Additional accessories
See catalogue pages 14-16

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Mini prism MP 24
Mini prism MP 24 (construction similar to OMNI- and CST- mini prism)
Mini prism MP 24 (construction similar to OMNI- and CST- mini prism)
Ø Glass prism : 25 mm
Ø Casing : 31 mm
Ø effective light entrance area : 24 mm
Grinding accuracy : 2"
Casing material : Aluminium, anodised in black
Range distance measuring : 500 to 1000 m (depending on EDM instrument and
Prism constant on the top of the distance pin : 0
Thread distance pin : M6
Weight : 30 g
Reflective surface : silver coated

Mini prism MP 24 Order-No. 1410 90,– €

Same as above, however with special position of the prism in the casing. Therefore shock resistant and water-proof.
Mini prism MP 24 S Order-No. 1400 115,– €

Holder for MP 24: series TOP and typ ONRT

Available with the prism constants K (Leica in brackets): - see catalogue page 4 -
Reflector/prism prism constant K (Leica in brackets) comments
26 Reflecting target (26 x 40 mm) 0 (+34,4) mm only available in ONRT 50
mini prism MP 24 0 (+34,4) mm and ONRT L
mini prism MP 24 -11 (+23,1) mm = Leica 360°-Prism only available in design TOP
mini prism MP 24 -16 (+18,4) mm
mini prism MP 24 -30 (+4,4) mm
mini prism MP 24 -34 (0) mm
mini prism MP 24 -35 (-0,6) mm

50 mm Prisms with 5/8"- thread connection

Prism TOP 2x5/8"
Prism holder in closed format:
• 5/8" female thread on top and bottom with 50 mm tilting axis height each.
• Same characteristics and applications as series HIP.
However, in the HIP series, the prism and holder are an unity, whereas in the TOP series the mini prism
50 mm

MP 24 can be unscrewed from the holder and used for a different purpose.
• Optional: Circular level – see catalogue page 14

Holder TOP Halter TOP Halter TOP

without prism MP24 with prism MP24 with prism MP24 S
50 mm

Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.

without tilting axis stub 1515.xx 117,– € 1510.xx 192,– € 1511.xx 217,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1515.xx Z 130,– € 1510.xx Z 205,– € 1511.xx Z 230,– €
xx: please specify here the required prism constant (red) from above table without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

Prism type ONRT 50

Prism holder in U-format with 50 mm tilting axis height:
• holder made of anodised aluminium, MP24 possible to unscrew.
• adjustable tilting resistance
50 mm • integrated target with a bright red target ring and target wedge optimised in vertical and tilting axis.
Therefore minimised target error also in case prism is not aligned.
• 2 tilting axis stubs for measuring with cross eccentricities.
• Optional: circular level – see catalogue page 14
• Target with high quality reflecting foil (52x60mm) available as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms.

Holder ONRT 50 Holder ONRT50 Holder ONRT 50 Holder ONRT 50

With reflecting target without prism MP24 with prism MP24 with prism MP24 S
Order-Nr. Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.
50 mm

628 65,– € 625.xx 71,– € 620.xx 161,– € 621.xx 176,– €

xx: please specify here the required prism constant (red) from above table without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .
50 mm

Prisms with Leica connection

Prism TOP Leica-5/8"
Prism holder in closed format:
• Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm (push-button connection) with a tilting axis height = Leica round
prism GPH1.
50 mm

• At the top, additional 5/8" female thread with 50 mm tilting axis height.
• Same characteristics and applications as series HIP.
However, in the HIP series, the prism and holder are an unity, whereas in the TOP series the mini prism
MP 24 can be unscrewed from the holder and used for a different purpose.
• Optional: Circular level – see catalogue page 14
Leica GPH1

Holder TOP Holder TOP Holder TOP

without prism MP24 with prism MP24 with prism MP24 S
Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.

without tilting axis stub 1525.xx 143,– € 1520.xx 218,– € 1521.xx 243,– €
with 2 tilting axis stubs 1525.xx Z 156,– € 1520.xx Z 231,– € 1521.xx Z 256,– €
xx: please specify here the required prism constant (red) from above table without +/- signs.
Holders, that are ordered without tilting axis stubs, can be refit in a limited way only.

Prism type ONRT L

Prism holder in U-format with Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm (push-button connection):
• holder made of anodised aluminium, MP24 can be unscrewed.
• Adjustable tilting resistance
50 mm
• integrated target with a bright red target ring and target wedge optimised in vertical and tilting axis.
Therefore minimised target error also in case prism is not aligned.
• 2 tilting axis stubs for measuring with cross eccentricities.
• Optional: circular level – see catalogue page 14
• Target with high quality reflecting foil (52x60mm) available as inexpensive alternative to glass prisms..

Holder ONRT L Holder ONRT L Holder ONRT L Holder ONRTL

With reflecting target without prism MP 24 with prism MP 24 with prism MP 24 S
Leica GPH1

Order-No. Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.

658 91,– € 655.xx 97,– € 650.xx 196,– € 651.xx 207,– €

Accessories for series TOP and type ONRT

Pin extensions MPV 50 and MPV 100
To measure vertical points, e.g. building fronts. Can be screwed into the M6-distance pin at the rear of
the MP24. Available for each system constant to reach a round distance (= longitudinal eccentricity) to
the top of the pin (object point).

Prism constant Longitudinal eccentricity (correction)

defined at the
50 mm
total station/EDM + 50 mm + 100 mm
(Leica in brackets)
Article Order-No. Article Order-No.

0 (+34,4) mm MPV50/0 1415.50 7,20 € MPV100/0 1415.100 7,20 €

-11 (+23,1) mm MPV50/11 1415.39 7,20 € MPV100/11 1415.89 7,20 €
-16 (+18,4) mm MPV50/16 1415.34 7,20 € MPV100/16 1415.84 7,20 €
-30 ( +4,4) mm MPV50/30 1415.20 7,20 € MPV100/30 1415.70 7,20 €
-34 (0) mm MPV50/34 1415.16 7,20 € MPV100/34 1415.66 7,20 €
-35 ( -0,6) mm MPV50/35 1415.15 7,20 € MPV100/35 1415.65 7,20 €
100 mm
Note: To measure points directly with the top of the pin of the MP 24 (without extension) you have to
50 mm
consider as longitudinal eccentricity for the measured distance the prism constant defined at the total
station/EDM (not the values in bracket) with positive sign.

For holders with reflecting foil

Distance pin will be screwed at the rear side into the tiltable target holder. Then, the distance from the
top of the pin to the vertical axis is exactly 50 mm. Therefore you have to consider a longitudinal eccen-
tricity (correction) of +50 mm.

Distance pin RD 50 Order-Nr. 1029.50 7,50 €

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Rundum prism 6x60°

An “all-around” (Rundum) prism – also called 360° prism – always has a reflection surface for the electro-
optical distance measurement with the total station/EDM, independent of its alignment. It also allows the
reliable and therefore economic use of special function as automatic targeting (ATR), target pursuance
(Lock mode) and target search (power search).

Our newly developed RUNDUM prism allows all these applications. It consists of 6 triple prisms, which
are staggered by 60° and inserted in a thin aluminium cylinder. In this way, there are always 2 prism cen-
tres that point in the direction of the total station/EDM. The prisms are installed in a vertical staggered
position; so, each of the 6 prisms could be installed in the central symmetric point, that means the axis
of the cylindrical prism holder goes for all prisms through the visible prism centre.

In this way, it is for the first time, that with the 6x60° prism there is a RUNDUM prism also for precision
measurements, for which the positioning of the total station/EDM should be done automatically.

Construction and characteristics of the 6x60° prism in detail:

Leica GPH1

• Prism constant K = -11,3 mm (Leica system: +23,1 mm), therefore identical with the Leica-360° reflectors
(86 mm)

(100 mm)

GRZ4 and GRZ121.

• Cylindrical prism holder (Ø 28 mm) made of anodized aluminium
• 6 precision prisms (not tiltable), Ø 18 mm, silver coated reflective surfaces, each prism staggered by 60°
(as the prisms are not tiltable, it might be necessary to use a tiltable single prism in case of very
upright measuring)
• the vertical axis of the prism cylinder goes through the visible prism centre (central symmetric point) of
all 6 prisms
• 2 possibilities for connection: 1x Leica vertical bolt connection, 1x 5/8” thread connection
• Lock of the Leica vertical bolt by newly designed push spring lock.
• Vertical coordination of certain prisms for an exact altitude measurement:
- On the side of the Leica connection, the 3rd prism is exactly on the level of the Leica standard prism GPH1
- On the side of the 5/8” connection, the 2nd prism is exactly on the level of 50 mm
Remark: if you need to do not only an exact position measurement but also a correct altitude measure-
ment, the corresponding prism has to be turned in direction of the total station/EDM. This is marked on
the cylindrical prism holder.
• It is very suitable also for the sighting frame stake out with automatic targeting; in the one-man-opera-
tion mode very recommendable in connection with the pendulum holder (see picture next page):
- Takes up little space on the sighting frame due to the slim construction of the prism cylinde
- Because of the special position of the prisms no errors in the horizontal angle measurement as with
other 360° prisms.
- In case of local vertical obstacles on the sighting frame (crossbeam, etc.), a prism can be aligned to
the total station/EDM simply by turning (because of the different prism levels).

The RUNDUM prism 6x60° is available in the following formats:

With Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm (for vertical bolts length 27 and 40 mm) and 5/8” female
thread, total length 179 mm, weight: 220 g.

RUNDUM prism 6x60°, Leica St27 – 5/8” I Order-No. 5660.27 630,- €

With Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm (only for vertical bolts length 40 mm) and 5/8” female
thread, total length 193 mm, weight: 250 g
(50 mm)

RUNDUM prism 6x60°, Leica St40 – 5/8” I Order-No. 5660.40 630,-€

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Our full assortment of accessories can be used on the two universal connections, Leica vertical bolt
connection and 5/8” thread.


RUNDUM prism (all around), 6x60 with the stake out pin Leica (see catalogue page 16) and circular level
Zentral (see catalogue page 14)

Stake out pin Leica, height 200 mm Order-No. 1858.140 38,- €

Circular level Zentral, accuracy 50’ Order-No. 1585.50 23,- €

200 mm

Examples of use:

With pendulum holder on

the Sighting frame

close to ground

With prism pole With rail angle

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Accessories prism series HIP, HIP-U,

TOP, ONRT and RUNDUM 6x60°
Circular level Integral (only series HIP and TOP)
Can be screwed at the top 5/8" connection at the side of the prism holder. Therefore free availability of
the 5/8"-connection for other purposes. (Cannot replace the circular level of the prism pole!)
• Level Ø 14 mm in a metal casing
• Grinding accuracy 50’
• tightly fixed in the stainless steel casing (no adjusting screws)
• horizontal boring as support for screwing off and on
• dimensions: Ø 16,5mm, height 13 mm, M5-male thread

Circular level integral Order-No. 1580 22,– €

Circular level Zentral (only series HIP, TOP and RUNDUM 6x60°)
If the top 5/8" connection is not needed for other purposes, a large circular level can here centrally be
screwed in. It is already adjusted on the screwing surface. Not further adjustable. Different accuracies
available upon request.
• Glass level Ø 20 or Ø 22,5 mm in a metal casing
• tightly fixed in a casing of anodised aluminium
• large horizontal boring as support for screwing off and on (e.g. with screw driver)
• dimensions: Ø 27mm, height (without thread): 25mm, 5/8"-male thread

Ø glass level grinding accuracy Order-No.

20 mm 30’ 1585.30 24,50 €

20 mm 15’ 1585.15 26,–– €
22,5 mm 10’ 1585.10 27,50 €

Level made of synthetic material Ø 15 mm, accuracy 50’ Order-No. 1585.50 23,– €

Circular level for prism type ONRT

Can be screwed on prism type ONRT 50 and ONRT L.

• adjustable
• sensitivity 25’
• level diameter: 14 mm

Circular level JDL 14 Order-No. 1850 34,– €

Extension 50 mm
extends the 5/8" connection of the holders of the prism series HIP, HIP-U, L-holder, TOP, ONRT 50 and
100 mm

RUNDUM 6x60° to the common tilting axis height of 100 mm.

• Diameter (27 mm) and signal coloured in orange-red, adapted to series HIP and TOP.
• waisted for exact targeting
50 mm

• large horizontal hole to help with screwing on and off (e.g. with a screwdriver)

Extension HV 50 Order-No. 301.50 24,50 €

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Accessories prism series HIP, HIP-U,

TOP, ONRT and RUNDUM 6x60°
Adapter Leica 5/8"
Transition from Leica vertical bolt (Ø 12mm) to 5/8"- male thread.
Available in design PRO with quick connection or as single adapter with security screw.

If you screw the adapter Leica 5/8" into the 5/8"-thread of a holder with 50 mm tilting axis height (e.g.
our series HIP, HIP-U, TOP and ONRT 50), you obtain the same tilting axis height as with the Leica
Reflector GPH1. Therefore, it is best suited for an application with Leica prism poles as well as with our
wall adapter WA Leica (see catalogue page 24/25).

1. PRO-Leica Adapter
The practical adapter is characterised by the push-button which enables you to fix the prism on the Leica
vertical bolt in a very short time (single handed). Then, the prism can be turned with a slight resistance
around the vertical bolt preventing it from falling off.

For all Leica vertical bolts Ø 12 mm

Thread connection Tilting axis height of the description Order-No.

reflector holder

5/8’’ 50 mm PLA 5/8’’ 690 45,50 €

5/8’’ 60 mm PLAK 5/8’’ 695 45,50 €
M8 50 mm PLA M8 680 45,50 €
M10 50 mm PLA M10 685 45,50 €

2. Single adapter Leica 5/8"

Same function as the PRO-Leica adapter, but a set screw has to be fixed after aligning the adapter on the
Leica vertical bolt. As all other dimensions are identical, you would have the same possibilities regarding
the adjustment of the tilting axis as with the PRO-Leica adapter PLA 5/8".

For all Leica vertical bolts Ø 12 mm:

Adapter Leica St 27 – 5/8" Order-No. 302.27 24,50 €

Only for Leica vertical bolts Ø 12 x 40 mm:

Adapter Leica St 40 – 5/8" Order-No. 302.40 24,50 €

Adapter 5/8" – Leica

Transition from 5/8" female or male thread to Leica vertical bolt.
• precisely manufactured stainless steel construction
• 2 supports to screw on and off: moulding area for fork spanner 24 mm
large horizontal boring for screw driver etc. (only order-No. 378.27)
Bottom Top effective
5/8"-thread Leica-vertical bolt total length Order-No.

Female Ø 12 x 40 mm (St 40) 60 mm 377.40 24,50 €

Female (without picture) Ø 12 x 27 mm (St 27) 47 mm 377.27 24,50 €
Male Ø 12 x 40 mm (St 40) 60 mm 376.40 24,50 €
Male Ø 12 x 27 mm (St 27) 40 mm 378.27 24,50 €

Carrying pouch for mini prism

Padded pouch made of durable fabric, high-quality finish and equipped with:
• belt loop
• shoulder strap
• 2 side pockets
• size: 11 x 15 x 5 cm

Pouch TMP Order-No. 1600 19,50 €

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Accessories prisms HIP, HIP-U,

TOP, ONRT and RUNDUM 6x60°
Stake out pins
For all reflector holders with 5/8" female thread or Leica vertical bolt connection. Because of the low
distance from the center of the prism to the stake out pin, targets (in connection with a circular level)

can be exactly staked out. Longer models (b = 200 and 250 mm) with a long pin made of stainless
steel. Therefore very suitable for exact staking in ground. The stake out pins are available in several
lengths L.

Staking out pins 5/8"

Additional 5/8" male thread at the top of the pin to screw the pin into extensions or prism poles with

5/8"- female thread (pin protected and always there). When using it with 5/8" reflector holders with til-

ting axis height = 50 mm (e.g. series HIP, HIP-U, TOP and ONRT 50) the following distances b from the

center of the prism to the pin can be achieved:

Length L Extension V Distance b with with additional Order-No.


tilting axis height 50 mm male thread

20 mm –– 70 mm M6 1852 20,–– €
30 mm 5 mm 80 mm 5/8’’ 1853.2 21,50 €
40 mm 15 mm 90 mm 5/8’’ 1854.2 21,50 €
50 mm 25 mm 100 mm 5/8’’ 1855.2 21,50 €
75 mm 50 mm 125 mm 5/8’’ 1856.75 30,–– €
150 mm 50 mm 200 mm 5/8’’ 1856.150 38,–– €
200 mm 50 mm 250 mm 5/8’’ 1856.200 40,50 €

Stake out pins Leica

When using reflector holders with tilting axis height of the Leica GPH1 (e.g. our reflector holder of the
series HIP, HIP-U, TOP, ONRT L and RUNDUM 6x60°), the following distances b from the center of the
prism to the pin can be achieved:

Length L Distance b with tilting axis height = GPH 1 Order-No.

40 mm 100 mm 1857.2 20,–– €

140 mm 200 mm 1858.140 38,–– €
190 mm 250 mm 1858.190 40,50 €

Handle (only for series HIP, TOP and RUNDUM 6x60°)

with 5/8" male thread, length approx. 130 mm.
To use at the top 5/8" side of the prism holder of the series HIP, TOP and RUNDUM 6x60°.

Handle 5/8" Order-No. 700 29,65 €

ns can
5/8 ” extensio prism. For
Dif feren n ha ndle and ge 59.
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ns plea

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Rail angle SW PRO

Rail angles for exact surveying of the rail position. The reference point P (driving side) is situated at the
inner side of the rail, 14 mm below the top of the rail SOK (driving area). This point will be realised exac-
tly by setting the rail angle SW PRO.

Structure and advantages:

• metal construction with hardened, 14 mm long cylinder pin for exact set up at the reference point P.
• cylindrical set up of the SW PRO on the rail. Therefore, also on rails with a slope, a plumbed use with
the same distance to the top of the rail is assured.
• Screwing axis of the prism connection (M8-thread) is exactly situated above the reference point P.
• Possible use of the wall adapter WA50 (see catalogue page 24) for prisms with 5/8" threads or of the
wall adapter WA Leica (see catalogue page 24) for prisms with Leica vertical bolt connections Ø 12 mm.
For both systems and with a fix rail angle, the prism can be turned around the prism axis and aligned
to the total station/EDM.
• Adjustable rubber stop. After setting the rail angle, this stop takes care that the cylinder pin will always
be pressed with light pressure on the reference point P. It is adjustable for all rail width, whereas the
set-up per rail form has to be done only once. In case you use a prism with upwards extension (e.g.
prism pole), the rubber stop provides a secure and reliable positioning of the rail angle on the referen-
ce point. The setting can be done in a standing position, which facilitates the work especially with a
large number of surveying points. If needed, a marking on the side of the rail can easily be fixed with
the small cylinder pin.
• The plumbing of the rail angle including the prism will be accomplished by using a circular level, which
can either be fixed at the prism holder or at the prism pole.

Our prisms in closed format of the series HIP and TOP as well as the RUNDUM prism 6x60° are very sui-
table for use with the rail angle. In the series HIP and TOP the distance rail driving area - prism centre is
exactly 120 mm. The same as for the 6x60° prism: When using the 5/8” thread on the 2nd prism from
the bottom, for the Leica connection on the 3rd prism from the bottom. But also all other prisms and
reflectors can basically be used together with the SW PRO.

Rail Angle SW PRO Order-No. 800 95,–– €

Depending on the prism, the following accessories are necessary for the use of the rail angle:

For prisms with 5/8" thread:

Wall adapter WA 50 Order-No. 810 33,50 €

For prisms with Leica vertical bolt connection Ø 12 mm:

Wall adapter WA Leica Order-No. 830 17,–– €

The following prisms and extensions are very suitable for the use with the SW PRO:

Prism series HIP s. catalogue pages 6+7

Prism series TOP s. catalogue pages 10+11

Rundum prism 6x60 s. catalogue pages 12 + 13

prism poles s. catalogue page 36

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Ranging Pole Level for Mini Reflectors

Combining a small or a Mini prism with a circular rod level that is fixed on a ranging pole, creates a
valuable and robust prism pole.

Characteristics and advantages:

• suitable for ranging poles with different diameters
• adjustable circular level
• possible to attach 1 or 2 mini prisms
• simple installation and removal from the ranging pole
• quick moving on the total ranging pole length
• by fixing the ranging pole level at the bottom of a not exactly plumbed ranging pole, the error of the
distance measurement can be minimised
• light weight and takes up little space
• variable possibilities for use

The Ranging Pole Level is available in various designs:

The Ranging Pole Level FRG is fixed on the ranging pole with a high-quality piece of elastic. It is made in
a way that conventional use (plumbing of the ranging pole by manual stopping) is assured.

For Mini prisms with M6- male thread (e.g. MP 24, CST, OMNI, TOPCON).

FRG 6 Order-No. 930 32,– €

For Mini prisms with M10- male thread (e.g. Zeiss P1)

FRG 10 Order-No. 935 32,– €

A spring steel clamp is fixed at the Ranging Pole Level FRK to fasten it to the Ranging Pole.

For Mini prisms with a M6- male thread (e.g.: MP 24, CST, OMNI, TOPCON)

FRK 6 Order-No. 940 27,– €

For Mini prisms with a M10- male thread (e.g. Zeiss P1)
FRK 10 Order-No. 945 27,– €

Ranging Pole Clamp for Mini Reflectors

To adapt small / Mini prisms on Ranging Poles, Plumbing Rods and Target Poles.
Characteristics and fixing at the pole same as with the FRK, however without a circular level.
For Mini prisms with M6- male thread (e.g. MP 24, CST, OMNI, TOPCON).

FK 6 Order-No. 910 14,– €

For Mini prisms with M10 male thread (e.g. Zeiss P1)

FK 10 Order-No. 915 14,– €

For all models of ranging pole levels and clamps, you have to consider the same distance addition up to
the vertical axis of the pole. The longitudinal eccentricity is dependent on the prism constant defined on
the total station/EDM.
When using regular ranging poles (Ø 26-28 mm), the following correction has to be set on the measured
horizontal distance:

Prism constant defined Longitudinal eccentricity

on the total station/EDM (Leica in brackets) (correction)

0 (+34,4) mm +15 mm
-11 (+23,1) mm +26 mm
-16 (+18,4) mm +31 mm
-30 (+4,4) mm +45 mm
-34/35 (0) mm +50 mm

All prices excluding VAT.
Bohnenstingl S p e c i a l S u r v e y i n g A c c e s s o r i e s .

Prism Swan Neck

• Use of regular mini prisms with round prism casings and defined prism constant at the end of the
• direct measuring of points on the surface of the wall and the inside and outside corners of buildings
• Possible to reach points hard to get to by using the flexible swan neck
• the visibility of the reflector is not impeded as it would be when holding the prism by hand
• secure holding of the prism; it will not slip out of the hand
• surveying without application of cross eccentricities
• simple way to extend:
with the grip PSGZ – all poles with 5/8" thread (e.g. prism poles),
with the grip PSW all regular telescopic extensions of WOLF garden tools.
• when using with extension: direct measuring of high situated or inaccessible building fronts, ridge
heights, etc.
• quick and exact definition of control points for photogrammetric application

Prism Swan Neck

consists of swan neck (length 40cm), ring clamp for connection to the prism and grip with possibility to
extend (without prism)

Ring clamp for prisms with casing Ø

Grip extension possible of 25-40mm of 32-50 mm

using poles with e.g. MP24/OMNI/CST e.g. Zeiss P1
Order-No. Order-No.

PSGZ 5/8" thread 741 74,50 € 743 74,50 €

PSW WOLF tool adapters 751 74,50 € 753 74,50 €

for grip PSGZ (5/8"-thread) and grip PSW (WOLF-tools):
telescopic poles made of high quality, tread aluminium up to a length of 10 m

Characteristics: • low weight with relatively high solidity

• anodised protection effective against corrosion
• simple handling of rotary locks
• smooth adjustment between minimum and maximum length
• the poles can be dismantled into the telescopic parts and can be used separately

The big advantage of the flexible prism swan neck, i.e. the possibility to define or arrange the prism
according to the electro-optical total station/EDM, is also given when the telescopic pole is fully extended
– by pressing it against the wall.

The telescopic poles are available with 5/8"- threads or with the quick lock of WOLF- tools:

connection for grip max. length min. length description Order-No:

5/8’’ PSGZ 3 m: 2 x 1,5 m 1,60 m T3Z* 260.3 69,– €

5/8’’ PSGZ 10 m: 5 x 2,0 m 2,40 m T10Z 780 138,– €
WOLF PSW 10 m: 5 x 2,0 m 2,60 m T10W 790 138,– €

* Material of the T3Z: fibre glass (GFK) with Ø 23/27 mm and yellow protective finish.

Further extensions for grip PSW:

Original WOLF- tools telescopic extensions

WOLF ZMV1 (175-280 cm) Order-No. 762 23,– €

WOLF ZMV4 (220-400 cm) Order-No. 764 31,– €

also available in Garden centres, or "Do It Yourself" stores.

The reachable heights or distances S can be calculated as follows:

S = 0,5 m (swan neck) + 2 m (body height) + max. length of the telescopic pole

All prices excluding VAT.

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