Syllabus 44100 Fall 2017

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CE 44100

Fall 2017

Instructor: Ardavan Yazdanbakhsh

Office: Steinman Hall T-110
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Wednesday: A period of one hour after the end of class
Class time/location: MoWe 9:30AM 10:20AM – NAC 4/130
Mo 2:00PM – 4:50PM - Marshak 1307 (or the Concrete Lab at Steinman)
Text Book
Design of Concrete Structures, Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin, and Charles Dolan,
McGraw-Hill, 14th Edition.
You also need to have a copy (hard or pdf) of:
• ACI 318 (2011 or 2014): Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete &
Commentary, American Concrete Institute.
To get a discounted price from ACI you need to become an ACI student member (free).
Optional Reference
• Concrete, Sidney Mindess and Francis Young, Prentice Hall.

Prerequisites: CE 264 (Civil Engineering Data Analysis), CE 340 (Structural Analysis).

Course Objectives
• Understand the basic properties and behavior of concrete, reinforcing steel, and aggregates.
• Learn the fundamentals of analyzing and designing beams, columns, one-way slabs, and
footings for ultimate limit state (flexure, shear, and axial loads).
• Learn the fundamentals of proportioning concrete mixes.
• Learn how to make concrete and measure some of its fresh and hardened properties.

Grading Policy
Mid-term exam 1 25%
Mid-term exam 2 25%
Final exam 30%
Homework and quizzes 5%
Lab work 10%
Project 5%

Four Lab Reports:

1. Course aggregates
2. Fine aggregates
3. Concrete specimens with desired slump
4. Set measurement
It is anticipated that approximately 10 homework will be assigned during the semester. The
homework assignments are due 1 week after they are assigned (unless noted) and are due at the
beginning of the class. There is a 30% penalty if a homework assignment is submitted within one
week late. Any homework late more than a week will not be accepted. Homework assignments can
be done in groups of two students. In that case, each group must turn in one assignment with the
name of both students on it.

Class/Lab Participation
Please arrive before the beginning of the class. Attending lab sessions that will be held in
concrete/soils lab is compulsory.

Students will be formed into up to groups to perform the lab assignments. Each group will submit
four lab reports during the semester. Students must submit all lab reports by the due date and must
receive scores for each report in order to receive a passing grade for the course. There is a 30%
penalty if a lab report is submitted within one week late. Any lab report late more than a week will
not be accepted.

Submission of Work/Exam
All assignments (homework and lab report) and exams must be legible, well-organized, clear, and
easy to follow. For each homework assignment, write on single side of letter size paper sheets (8.5”
x 11”) and staple them at the top left-hand corner. There is a minimum of 30% penalty for
assignments and exams that do not meet the mentioned criteria.

Grading Review
After an assignment (or exam) has been graded and returned, the student will have 1 week to
resubmit the assignment for re-grading if the student feels there has been an error in the grading
process. The assignment (or exam) shall not be changed in any way from the original submitted
work (i.e. additional writing, erasures, etc.)

Unethical Conduct
Cheating and copying of homework, quiz, examination and project will result in zero credit for that
work and a disciplinary action by the department.
Outline of Lectures
1. Introduction - concrete materials and reinforcing steel, concrete mix design.
2. Ultimate strength design method, load factors, flexural analysis.
3. Design of flexural reinforcement for beams and slabs.
4. Behavior of beams under shear force, failure types, design of shear reinforcement.
5. Bonding and development length.
6. Behavior of columns, analysis and design of compressive members.
7. Design of footings.

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