Research: Moore's Law and What Is Going To Happen After 2021
Research: Moore's Law and What Is Going To Happen After 2021
Research: Moore's Law and What Is Going To Happen After 2021
As an evolving target for industry
Major enabling factors
Consequences and limitations
Other formulations and similar observations
Rock's Law, named for Arthur Rock, says that the cost of a
semiconductor chip fabrication plant doubles every four years. As of
2003, the price had already reached about 3 billion US dollars.
Future trends
Quantum computing
The chip industry has kept Moore’s prediction alive, with Intel
leading the charge. And computing companies have found
plenty to do with the continual supply of extra transistors. But
Intel pushed back its next transistor technology, with features
as small as 10 nanometers, from 2016 to late 2017. The
company has also decided to increase the time between future
generations (see “Intel Puts the Brakes on Moore’s Law”). And
a technology roadmap for Moore’s Law maintained by an
industry group, including the world’s largest chip makers, is
being scrapped. Intel has suggested silicon transistors can only
keep shrinking for another five years.