Oppe Fppe Toolkit
Oppe Fppe Toolkit
Oppe Fppe Toolkit
Physician Performance Toolkit
Contributed by
LifePoint Hospitals
Brentwood, TN
The Joint Commission makes these “leading practices” available to organizations that may wish to
examine their applicability to their particular circumstances. Please understand that The Joint
Commission can make no representations as to the results that any organization can expect from their
use or adaptation of a “leading practice” to their particular circumstances.
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - A documented summary of
ongoing data collected for the purpose of assessing a practitioner's
clinical competence and professional behavior. The information gathered
during this process factors into decisions to maintain, revise or revoke
existing privilege (s).
Core Competencies:
Patient Care
Medical/Clinical Knowledge
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Interpersonal and communication skills
System-Based Practice
* Toolkit adapted from McKenna & Associates Presentation and other resources
April 2008 1
Step One
Complete a worksheet for each department and sometimes subspecialties within
the department based on what is already being measured. Compare the list to
the practitioner’s privilege list for specialties and subspecialties assigned to that
department. You must be collecting data that relates to what they are privileged
to perform.
Step Two
If the list is inadequate, meet with the Department Chair or other appropriate
medical staff member to add appropriate indicators. Develop a matrix of data
source. Again, using privilege list to make sure the data represents what the
members are privileged to do.
Step Three
Seek approval of the criteria by the appropriate medical staff leaders and/or
Step Four
Create the profiles from the indicator worksheet.
Step Five
Define your periodic timeframe for reporting the profile i.e. 3 months or 6 months.
Step Six
Develop a standard report format to and from the Department Chair to the
Quality Department or appropriate Quality group based on your structure.
Step Seven
Set up a process for the feed back to reach the database (file) of the individuals
being considered for reappointment.
April 2008 2
Toolkit Contents
Examples of Evaluation Sheet for Surgical PA– Page 58
April 2008 3
1. To clearly define the process utilized for facilitating the continuous evaluation of each
practitioner's professional practice;
2. To define the type of data (criteria/indicators) to be collected for the ongoing
professional practice evaluation. (Note: The criteria defined for Ongoing Professional
Practice Evaluation, will be utilized as screening triggers for a possible Focused
Professional Practice Evaluation).
3. To ensure the information resulting from the ongoing professional practice
evaluation is used to determine whether to continue, limit or revoke any existing
4. To define the process for collecting, investigating, and addressing clinical practice
concerns, including the process utilized to identify trends that impact Quality of care
and patient safety;
5. To ensure reported concerns regarding a privileged practitioner's professional
practice are uniformly investigated and addressed as defined by hospital
policy and applicable law;
6. To define those circumstances in which an external review or focused review
may be necessary; and
7. To define the medical staff's leadership role in the organization's performance
improvement activities related to practitioner performance and ensure that when
the findings are relevant to an individual's performance, the findings in the ongoing
evaluations of competence are in accordance with recognized standards.
This policy applies to all Medical Staff and Allied Health Professionals privileged through
medical staff mechanisms at the hospital.
Focused Professional Practice Evaluations (Focused Review) - A time-
limited evaluation of practitioner competence in performing a specific
privilege. This process is implemented for:
All newly requested privileges and
Whenever a question arises regarding a practitioner's ability to provide
safe, high quality patient care.
April 2008 4
1. The information used in the ongoing professional practice evaluation
may be acquired through the following:
a. Periodic chart review;
b. Direct observation;
c. Monitoring of diagnostic and treatment techniques; and
d. Feedback from other individuals involved in the care of the
patient, including consulting physicians, assistants at surgery,
nursing and administrative personnel.
2. Reported concerns regarding privileged practitioner's professional
performance will be uniformly investigated and addressed as
defined by the organization and applicable law.
3. Relevant information from the practitioner performance review process
will be integrated into performance improvement initiatives and will be
utilized to determine whether to continue, limit or revoke existing
4. If there is uncertainty regarding the practitioner's professional
performance, the course of action defined in the medical staff bylaws
for further evaluation should be followed. It is not intended that this
policy supersede any provisions of the Medical Staff Bylaws. If the
performance of the practitioner is sufficiently egregious, the Chief of
Staff or CEO shall determine, within his/her sole discretion, whether
the provisions of this policy need not be followed, whereupon the
provisions of the Bylaws, and not this policy, shall govern.
5. The activities of the ongoing professional practice evaluation are
considered privileged and confidential.
A. Screening
B. Criteria/Indicators
1. Criteria/indicators will include triggers and fall generally into the following
six areas of general competence:
April 2008 5
a. Patient care;
b. Medical/clinical knowledge;
c. Practice-based learning and improvement;
d. Interpersonal and communication skills;
e. Professionalism; and
f. System-based practice.
4. The applicable Medical Staff Department and the MEC will approve
indicator criteria and trigger (threshold) parameters.
1. Screener
a. Definition - Quality Director, or designee
2. Quality Director/Designee
a. Definition - Individual responsible for coordinating and facilitating
review activities
b. Responsibility -
i. Identifies appropriate peer screeners utilizing the roster
provided by Medical Staff Office and collaborates with the
Department Chairperson to determine appropriate peer screener
if necessary;
April 2008 6
3. Peer Screener
a. Definition - Practitioner from the same discipline and with essentially
equal qualifications as the individual under review (for example,
physician and physician, dentist and dentist, etc).
b. Responsibility-
i. Reviews the medical record for the case and assigns a score of
0-5 on the Professional Practice Review Form and returns the
completed form to the Quality Director; and
4. Department Chairperson
a. Definition - Defined in Medical Staff Bylaws/Rules/Regs.
b. Responsibility
i. Retains final responsibility for practitioner performance within
the Department;
ii. Assigns Peer Review Panels, as appropriate;
iii. Provides summary reports to the MEC, on practitioner
performance activities;
iv. May send any questionable determinations for further review
or may
v. request an external review;
vi. Facilitates and provided oversight of any recommended
actions/interventions; and
vii. Presents cases findings as appropriate at medical staff
committee meetings as part of the performance improvement
April 2008 7
b. Responsibility -
i. Reviews cases (scored a category 3, 4 or 5) or when threshold
parameters are exceeded;
ii. Documents a final score on reviewed cases (unless case
forwarded for external review); and
iii. The Peer Review Panel minutes will reflect findings,
conclusions, recommendations, and actions taken. Minutes will
also reflect if any additional action is indicated.
iv. Recommends a Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
when indicated.
b. Responsibility -
i. Serves as oversight committee for medical staff performance
improvement activities;
ii. Reviews findings of ongoing practice review, specifically as it
pertains to cases scored a 4 or 5 and takes actions as
iii. Considers all documented cases, which meet the criteria for
review, at the time of renewing, revising, limiting or revoking
existing privileges.
iv. Recommends a Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
when indicated.
April 2008 8
b. Responsibility
i. Provides a response to all cases scored 3, 4 or 5, or for any
case requested.
ii. Reviews Ongoing Professional Practice Feedback Reports
when received.
iii. Participates in Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
process when indicated.
1. Assignments
a. The Quality Director will identify a peer screener utilizing the roster
provided by the Medical Staff Office and in collaboration with the
Department Chairperson.
April 2008 9
VI. Interventions
Depending upon the findings of the ongoing professional practice review,
interventions may be implemented. The criteria utilized to determine the type of
intervention includes severity, frequency of occurrence and trigger (thresholds)
level exceeded. Interventions include, but may not be limited to, proctoring,
focused review and corrective action.
2. Timeliness
a. Routine Performance Review - Time review initiated to time case
April 2008 10
4. Balanced - Minority opinions and views of the individual under review are
to be considered and recorded.
6. Ongoing - The review conclusions are tracked over time, and actions
based on review conclusions are monitored for effectiveness by the
Medical Executive Committee.
April 2008 11
Includes, but is not limited to delays in care, treatment and services provided
** Includes, but is not limited to disruptive behavior
Supporting Policies/Procedures
Disruptive Behavior Policy
Patient Complaint/Grievance Policy
Impaired Practitioner Policy
Focused Professional Practice Evaluation Policy
Medical Staff Bylaws
Fair Hearing Plan
Allied Health Grievance Policy
JC CAMH - MS.4.40 and MS.4.45
April 2008 12
Definition of FPPE
Focused professional practice evaluation is defined as a time-limited period
during which the organization evaluates and determines a practitioner’s
professional performance of privileges. FPPE will occur in all requests for new
privileges and when there are concerns regarding the provision of safe, high
quality care by a current medical staff member, as recognized through the peer
review process.
This process includes an assessment for proficiency in the following six areas of
general competencies:
1. Patient care.
2. Medical and clinical knowledge
3. Practice-based learning and improvement
4. Interpersonal and communication skills
5. Professionalism
6. Systems-based practice
The department chair (or division chief) shall be responsible for overseeing the
evaluation process for all applicants or staff members assigned to their
department or division.
April 2008 13
Performance of FPPE
The type of focused professional performance evaluation to be used will be
determined by the department chair based on the individual practitioner’s
circumstance using the following guidelines:
1. New applicant.
a. Peer recommendations from previous institutions will be confirmed by the
department chair.
c. FPPE peer evaluations by the department chair and one other active staff
member will be completed within 3 months of initiation of clinical activity. The
department chair should seek input from colleagues, consultants, nursing
personnel, and administration.
d. Procedure and clinical activity logs will be reviewed from either previous
institutions or training programs.
If current competency from previous institution is well-documented
through case logs of activity within recent year, then no additional
monitoring is required.
If current competency and adequate clinical activity is not well-
documented from previous institution, then a higher level of focused
evaluation will be necessary for this type of applicant. Specifically,
concurrent chart review, proctoring, or simulation should occur to fully
evaluate the ability to perform requested privileges. The focused
evaluation plan will be determined by the department chair with
approval of the credentials committee.
April 2008 14
Duration of FPPE
FPPE shall begin with the applicant’s first admission or performance of the newly
requested privilege. Each department/division will determine the number of cases
or charts to be reviewed. FPPE for new applicants should be completed by 3
months. This will allow for further evaluation, if indicated, prior to the end of the
initial appointment cycle. All proctoring activity, summaries, and reports need to
be completed prior to the end of the 12 month initial appointment cycle. If the
FPPE has not been completed, then unrestricted privileges will not be granted.
Supervision of FPPE
Assignment of focused professional practice evaluations will be the responsibility
of the department chair or division chief. The chair/chief may appoint active staff
members to complete the appropriate tasks. Division consultants and medical
directors should be utilized. It is recommended that each department establish a
panel of proctors.
Proctor Qualifications
If proctoring is required, the following guidelines should be used:
1. Proctors must be in good standing of the active medical staff of MHMH.
2. The proctor must have unrestricted privileges to perform any procedure to be
concurrently observed.
3. Proctors will be mutually agreed upon between the department chair and the
physician being proctored.
4. The proctor may be a member of the same practice group as the physician
being proctored.
Responsibilities of Proctors
1. Proctor shall directly observe the procedure being performed, concurrently
observe medical management or retrospectively review the completed medical
record following discharge and will complete appropriate forms.
2. Ensure confidentiality of proctor results and forms. Submit completed forms to
the medical staff office.
3. Submit a summary report at conclusion of proctoring period.
4. If at any time during the proctoring period the proctor has concerns about the
practitioner’s competency to perform specific clinical privileges or care related to
a specific patient, the proctor shall promptly notify the department chair.
April 2008 15
JC CAMH - MS.4.30
April 2008 16
Important Notes
1. The example forms do not include utilization or resource data (LOS, Avg
Charge, variance days, SIMS, etc), but this type of information should be
included on the profiles.
2. The data/numbers in these examples are just that—examples. Your facility
will need to develop your own comparisons and targets.
3. Sample documents should be used as a guideline for developing your own
unique documents that fit your healthcare organization. Make certain that you
use criteria that your hospital has adopted and you follow all of your state and
local laws.
April 2008 17
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Emergency Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pract. Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Dept
Patient Care
Acute MI Mgt
ASA Usage X
Fibrinolytic X
Blood Cultures X X
Antibiotic with 4
hours X
Moderation Sedation
Reversal Rates X
Hospital Based X
New Training or X
Board Cert-Initial
or Renewal X
Interpersonal and
Written Positive X
April 2008 18
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Emergency Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pract. Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Dept
Complaints from
Patients/Family X X
Practice Based
Illegible Orders X
sent for Review
Adherence to X
Protocol X
Emergent Elder
Care Protocols
System Based
Medical Record
Delinquency X
Number of
Suspensions for X
April 2008 19
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Emergency Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pract. Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Dept
*Utilization Data
Report (eg TATs,
proper admission
related to X
from Staff
Case X
Teaching an
Educational X
HIM – Health Information Management IC Pract – Infection Control Practitioner
MSO – Medical Staff Office Adm – Administration/Department
MRR – Medical Record Review Group
UR- Utilization Review
PT Rep = Patient Representative
April 2008 20
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Emergency Medicine.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 0876 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator/Criteria Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Dept Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Data Data
Patient Care
Acute MI Management
Percent receiving ASA
upon arrival (except for Below 96% 97% 100% 97% 98% 99% 95% 92% 93%
acceptable 95%
Fibrinolytic Therapy Below 96% 97% 96% 96% 95% 97% 95% 94% 93%
within 30 minutes or 95%
Pneumonia Below 99% 96% 96% 99% 97% 95% 96% 95% 97%
Blood Cultures 95%
Antibiotic within 4 hours Below 90% 96% 97% 95% 96% 97% 95% 97% 94%
Moderation Sedation Greater
Reversal Rates than 5% 3% 3% 4% 3% 5% 4% 4% 2% Not Available
Hospital CME Hours * 5 0 0 10 0 5 10
New Training or
Experience *
Board Certification
Renewal/Initial Yes 100%
Interpersonal and
Communication Skills
Patient Family/Staff *
April 2008 21
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Emergency Medicine.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 0876 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator/Criteria Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Dept Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Data Data
Written positive Yes Yes Yes
Complaints from 3 or More
Patients/Families 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Practice Based
Learning Improvements
Illegible Orders sent for 5 or More 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 4 Not Available
Adherence to National
Patient Safety Goals:
Abbreviations 3 or More 0 2 3 2 3 4 5 3 Not Available
Universal Protocol, as Less than N/A 100% N/A N/A 90% 100% N/A 90% Not Available
applicable 90%
Emergent Elder Care Less than
Protocols (% patients 5% 2% 3% 5% 5% 9% 10% 10% 6% Not Available
System Based
Medical Record 3 or More 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 Not Available
Number of Suspensions 1 or More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available
for Delinquency
* Utilization Data Report X
April 2008 22
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Emergency Medicine.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 0876 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator/Criteria Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Dept Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Data Data
Meetings Attended * 2 0 1 0 3 0 1
Information only
April 2008 23
Form 3000
Periodic Report
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Department of Emergency Medicine
Reporting Period October, November, December 2008
Number of Members 52
The profile for each member exceeding the Trigger for Evaluation is attached for
your review. Also, attached are any additional documents that relate to the
specific findings. Please review the findings and indicate the action taken on the
attached form for inclusion in the practitioner’s Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation File kept in the Quality Department.
Thank you for your help with this important Medical Staff Process.
Sue Smith
Director of Medial Staff Affairs
April 2008 24
Form 4000
As the Department Chair for Emergency Medicine, I have reviewed the results of
the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation for the above named physician. I
have taken the following action:
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the Practitioner. The
practitioner has been informed that if the threshold is exceeded for two Quarters
or more during this reappointment cycle, a focus review will be initiated based on
the Peer Review Policy.
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the practitioner. As a result, I
am recommending a focus professional practice review by the Peer Review
Committee for April, May, and June 2007. The results should be forwarded to me
as a part of the practitioner’s Quarterly review.
The physician was receptive to our discussion
April 2008 25
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Anesthesia Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Educatio UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. n Rep Pract. Dept
Review Dept.
Patient Care
Re-intubation in X
Anesthesia X
incidents (broken
MI within 48 X
hours post
Pneumothorax X
from Cen-line
Hospital Based X X
New Training or X
Board Cert-Initial X
or Renewal
Interpersonal and
April 2008 26
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Anesthesia Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Educatio UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. n Rep Pract. Dept
Review Dept.
Pt/Family/Staff X
Written Positive
Complaints from X X
Practice Based
Illegible Orders X
sent for Review
Adherence to
NPSG: labeled
Abbreviations X
Universal X
System Based
Med Record X
Number of X
Suspensions for
April 2008 27
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Anesthesia Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Educatio UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. n Rep Pract. Dept
Review Dept.
*Utilization data X
*Provided as an attachment with the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation.
Complaints X
related to
from Staff
Case X
Teaching an
Educational X
HIM – Health Information Management IC Pract – Infection Control Practitioner
MSO – Medical Staff Office Adm - Administration
MRR – Medical Record Review Group
UR- Utilization Review
PT Rep = Patient Representative
April 2008 28
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Anesthesia.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 9288 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Re-intubation in OR or 1 or More 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Not Available
Anesthesia Incidents 1 or More 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Not Available
(Broken Teeth)
MI within 48 hours post 1 or More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available
Pneumothorax from 1 or More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available
Hospital CME Hours * 0 2 3 0 0 5 5
New Training or *
Board Certification Yes
Interpersonal and
Communication Skills
Patient/Family/Staff * Yes Yes N/A Not Available
Written positive
Complaints from 3 or more 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Not Available
April 2008 29
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Anesthesia.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 9288 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Practice Based
Learning Improvements
Illegible Orders sent for 5 or more 0 0 2 3 3 5 5 3 Not Available
Adherence to National
Patient Safety Labeled 3 or more 3 4 9 10 8 9 14 5 Not Available
Abbreviations 3 or more 3 0 2 0 2 0 4 3 Not Available
Universal Protocol, as Less than 100% 100% 100% 95% 95% 85% 90% 92% Not Available
applicable 90%
System Based Practice
Documentation of Below 95% 90% 100% 100% 95% 90% 100% 92% Not Available
appropriate pre-and 90%
post anesthesia
Medical Record 3 or more 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Not Available
Number of Suspensions 1 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available
for Delinquency
*Utilization Data Report X
April 2008 30
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Anesthesia.
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 9288 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Complaints related to 2 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Not Available
Professionalism from
Case Presentation * 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Teaching an Education * 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
April 2008 31
Form 3000
Periodic Report
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Department of Surgery / Anesthesia
Reporting Period October, November, December 2008
Number of Members 15
The profile for each member exceeding the Trigger for Evaluation is attached for
your review. Also, attached are any additional documents that relate to the
specific findings. Please review the findings and indicate the action taken on the
attached form for inclusion in the practitioner’s Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation File kept in the Quality Department.
Thank you for your help with this important Medical Staff Process.
Sue Smith
Director of Medial Staff Affairs
April 2008 32
Form 4000
As the Department Chair for Surgery and Chair of Anesthesia, we have reviewed
the results of the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation for the above named
physician. I have taken the following action:
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the Practitioner. The
practitioner has been informed that if the threshold is exceeded for two Quarters
or more during this reappointment cycle, a focus review will be initiated based on
the Peer Review Policy.
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the practitioner. As a result, I
am recommending a focus professional practice review by the Peer Review
Committee for March, April, and May 2007. The results should be forwarded to
me as a part of the practitioner’s Quarterly review.
The Physician was receptive to our discussion. We also noted the willingness to
participate in the education of the staff and to participate in case presentation
and extended our thanks .
April 2008 33
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Surgery Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Patient Care
Organ Injury X
Prophyladic X X
antibiotic with one
hour to incision
discontinued within
24 hrs
Compliance with
DVT prevention
Post – wound X X
Post- op ventilator X X
Hospital Based X X
New Training or X
Board Cert-Initial or X
April 2008 34
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Surgery Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Interpersonal and
Pt/Family/Staff X
Written Positive
Complaints from X X
Practice Based
Illegible Orders X
sent for Review
Adherence to
Abbreviations X
Universal Protocol X
System Based
History & Physical X X
Informed Consent X
April 2008 35
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Surgery Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
to ICP monthly
*Utilization Data X
*Provided as an attachment with the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation,
Meetings attended X
Complaints related X
to Professionalism
from Staff
Case Presentation X
Teaching an
Educational X
HIM – Health Information Management IC Pract – Infection Control Practitioner
MSO – Medical Staff Office Adm - Administration
MRR – Medical Record Review Group
UR- Utilization Review
PT Rep = Patient Representative
April 2008 36
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Surgery .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2207 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Patient Care
Organ Injury 1 or More 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Not Available
Prophyladic antibiotic Less than 95% 97% 100% 98% 96% 95% 98% 97% 98%
within 1hr prior to 95%
surgical incision
Prophyladic antibiotic Less than 95% 94% 90% 80% 85% 78% 75% 90%
discontinued within 24 95%
Compliance with DVT Less than 93% 99% 84% 82% 88% 43% 22% 88%
prevention 90%
Post-op wound Infection Less than .5% 0 1% 1% 0 0 0 1.0% 1.0%
2% of total
Post-op ventilator 2 or More 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 Not Available
associated pneumonia
Hospital CME Hours * 0 4 5 0 0 3 4
New Training or *
Board Certification Yes 100%
Renewal/Initial due 8/07
Interpersonal and
Communication Skills
Patient Family/Staff * Yes Yes
April 2008 37
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Surgery .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2207 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Written positive
Complaints from 3 or more 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 4
Practice Based
Learning Improvements
Illegible Orders sent for 5 or more 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 6 Not Available
Adherence to National
Patient Safety Goals:
Abbreviations 3 or more 0 0 2 3 4 4 6 3 Not Available
Universal Protocol, as Less than 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 96% 95% 96% Not Available
applicable 90%
System Based Practice
History & Physical Less than 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% Not Available
Current 100%
Informed Consent Less than 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100% 95% Not Available
Submits SSI report to <3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2.4 Not Available
ICP monthly
*Utilization Data Report X
April 2008 38
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Surgery .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2207 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Meeting Attended * 3 3 2 3 1 3 3
Complaints related to 1 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Professionalism from
Case Presentation * 1 1 1
Teaching an Education *
April 2008 39
Form 3000
Periodic Report
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Department of Surgery
Reporting Period October, November, December 2008
Number of Members 75
The profile for each member exceeding the Trigger for Evaluation is attached for
your review. Also, attached are any additional documents that relate to the
specific findings. Please review the findings and indicate the action taken on the
attached form for inclusion in the practitioner’s Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation File kept in the Quality Department.
Thank you for your help with this important Medical Staff Process.
Sue Smith
Director of Medial Staff Affairs
April 2008 40
Form 4000
As the Department Chair for Surgery, I have reviewed the results of the Ongoing
Professional Practice Evaluation for the above named physician. I have taken the
following action:
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the Practitioner. The
practitioner has been informed that if the threshold is exceeded for two Quarters
or more during this reappointment cycle, a focus review will be initiated based on
the Peer Review Policy.
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the practitioner. As a result, I
am recommending a focus professional practice review by the Peer Review
Committee for March, April, and May 2007. The results should be forwarded to
me as a part of the practitioner’s Quarterly review.
Comments :
We reviewed the current ventilator management pathway and discussed areas
for improvement .
April 2008 41
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Radiology Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Patient Care
Percent of X
Agreement for
Procedural X
Moderate X
reversal rates
Hospital Based X X
New Training or X
Board Cert-Initial X
or Renewal
Interpersonal and
Pt/Family/Staff X
Written Positive
April 2008 42
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Radiology Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Complaints from X
Practice Based
Critical Values X
Abbreviations X
Universal X
System Based
History & X
Physical for
Documentation X
of appropriate
assessment for
*Utilization Data X
April 2008 43
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Radiology Department
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
*Provided as an attachment with the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Meetings Attended X
Complaints X
related to
from Staff
Case X
Teaching an
Educational X
HIM – Health Information Management IC Pract – Infection Control Practitioner
MSO – Medical Staff Office Adm - Administration
MRR – Medical Record Review Group
UR- Utilization Review
PT Rep = Patient Representative
April 2008 44
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Radiology .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2244 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Patient Care
Percent of Agreement 95% or 98% 99% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 97%
for Over-reads less
Procedural 2 or more 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Moderate Sedation Greater 2% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 2.5%
Reversal Rate than 5%
Hospital CME Hours * 4 2 2 0 0 3 3
New Training or *
Board Certification Yes 100%
Renewal/Initial due
Interpersonal and
Communication Skills
Patient Family/Staff * Yes Yes Yes
Written positive
Complaints from 3 or more 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Practice Based
Learning Improvements
April 2008 45
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Radiology .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2244 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Critical Value 1 or more 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
Timeliness exceeding
Adherence to National
Patient Safety Goals:
Abbreviations 3 or more 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2
Universal Protocol, as Less than 100% 100% 96% 95% 92% 90% 90% 95%
applicable 90%
Meetings attended * 2 2 2 2 0 1 2
Complaints related to 1 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Professionalism from
Case Presentation * 1
April 2008 46
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Radiology .
Subspecialty if applicable N/A .
Practitioner ID # 2244 Last Appointment Date July 07 .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Teaching an Education * 1
April 2008 47
Form 3000
Periodic Report
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Department of Radiology
Reporting Period October, November, December 2008
Number of Members 10
The profile for each member exceeding the Trigger for Evaluation is attached for
your review. Also, attached are any additional documents that relate to the
specific findings. Please review the findings and indicate the action taken on the
attached form for inclusion in the practitioner’s Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation File kept in the Quality Department.
Thank you for your help with this important Medical Staff Process.
Sue Smith
Director of Medial Staff Affairs
April 2008 48
Form 4000
As the Department Chair for Radiology, I have reviewed the results of the
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation for the above named physician. I have
taken the following action:
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the Practitioner. The
practitioner has been informed that if the threshold is exceeded for two Quarters
or more during this reappointment cycle, a focus review will be initiated based on
the Peer Review Policy.
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the practitioner. As a result, I
am recommending a focus professional practice review by the Peer Review
Committee for March, April, and May 2007. The results should be forwarded to
me as a part of the practitioner’s Quarterly review.
April 2008 49
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Allied Health – PA
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Corrections to
Feedback on X X
Feedback on X X
surgical skills
CE Hours X X
New Training or X
Interpersonal and
Feedback X
related to
April 2008 50
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Allied Health – PA
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Complaints from
Patients/Family X
Practice Based
Illegible Orders X
sent for Review
Adherence to
Abbreviations X
Universal X X X
System Based
Timeliness of X
Dating and X
Timing of entries
*Utilization Data X
April 2008 51
Form 1000
Indicator/Criteria List and Data Source Matrix
Allied Health – PA
Indicator/Criteria Case HIM MSO Quality MRR CME Education UR PT. IC Pharm Adm/
Mgt. Dept. Group Comm. Dept. Rep Pract. Dept
Feedback X X
related to
from Staff
*Provided as an attachment with the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation.
HIM – Health Information Management IC Pract – Infection Control Practitioner
MSO – Medical Staff Office Adm – Administration/Department
MRR – Medical Record Review Group
UR- Utilization Review
PT Rep = Patient Representative
April 2008 52
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Surgery .
Subspecialty if applicable Allied Health/PA.
Practitioner ID # 2143 Last Appointment Date .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Patient Care
Corrections to H&P 2 or more 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.2 Not Available
H&P’s with
Feedback on aseptic 1 or more 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
technique breaks
Feedback on surgical Below 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3.5 Not Available
skills rating on
CE Hours * 10 4 6 0 8 16 0
New Training or * Yes new
Experience ortho
Interpersonal and
Communication Skills
Feedback related to Score of 2 or 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Not Available
communication skills less
Complaints from 2 or more 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 Not Available
Practice Based
Learning Improvements
Illegible Orders sent for 2 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Not Available
April 2008 53
Form 2000
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation - Evidence Based Data
Department of Surgery .
Subspecialty if applicable Allied Health/PA.
Practitioner ID # 2143 Last Appointment Date .
Status Active Reporting Period: 4th Qarter 2008
Indicator Trigger Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Ytd Ytd Nat’l
2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Dept Data
Adherence to National 3 or more 0 0 2 3 4 5 4 3 Not Available
Patient Safety Goals:
Universal Protocol, Less than 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 95% 95% Not Available
as applicable 90%
* Information only
Reviewed and approved by Dept. of Surgery 1/15/07
Reviewed and approved by Medical Executive Committee 2/11/07
April 2008 54
Form 3000
Periodic Report
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Department of Surgery – Subspecialty PA
Reporting Period October, November, December 2008
Number of Members 12
The profile for each member exceeding the Trigger for Evaluation is attached for
your review. Also, attached are any additional documents that relate to the
specific findings. Please review the findings and indicate the action taken on the
attached form for inclusion in the practitioner’s Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation File kept in the Quality Department.
Thank you for your help with this important Medical Staff Process.
Sue Smith
Director of Medial Staff Affairs
April 2008 55
Form 4000
As the Department Chair for Surgery, and the Director of the Physician’s
Assistants we have reviewed the results of the Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluation for the above named allied health member. We have taken the
following action:
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the Practitioner. The
practitioner has been informed that if the threshold is exceeded for two Quarters
or more during this reappointment cycle, a focus review will be initiated based on
the Peer Review Policy.
I reviewed the findings and discussed them with the practitioner. As a result, I
am recommending a focus professional practice review by the Peer Review
Committee for March, April, and May 2007. The results should be forwarded to
me as a part of the practitioner’s Quarterly review.
April 2008 56
April 2008 57
Evaluation of Surgical PA – 4th Qarter 2008
Please rate the following individual
________________________________________ in the areas listed below:
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
2). Professionalism
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
Has the individual had any reported breaks in sterile technique for this
reporting period? If so, please provide details and any actions taken.
April 2008 58
Operative Performance Rating Form
Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each area,
irrespective of training level.
1 2 3 4 5
Unfamiliar with the steps of the operation;
Unable to recall or describe many operative steps
Instrument Handling
1 2 3 4 5
Makes tentative or awkward moves by
inappropriate used of instruments
Knowledge of Instruments
1 2 3 4 5
FreQently asks for wrong instruments or
used inappropriate instruments
1 2 3 4 5
FreQently stopped operating and
seemed unsure of next move
1 2 3 4 5
FreQently used unnecessary force on tissue or
caused damage by inappropriate use of instruments
April 2008 59
Core Measure compliance (as pertinent to practice)
Readmissions within 31 days for related condition
Unscheduled return to ED within 48 hours
Discharge summary
Unexpected transfer or return to ICU
Pharmacy interventions and reasons (i.e. duplicative therapy, incomplete or
unclear orders, dosing errors, ordering medications to which a patient has a
known allergy, etc.)
ALOS (overall and/or by pertinent targeted DRGs)
Average charge or cost per pertinent targeted DRG
Variance days
Assignment of patients to correct status (IP vs Observation vs OP)
Resource overutilization (lab, imaging, etc)
Antibiotic usage
Blood usage (CT ratio, inappropriate units, etc)
Non-compliance with hospital protocols and care paths (eg DVT prevention)
Patient Complaints
Incident reports
Disruptive behavior
Responsiveness to ER call
Delays in responding to calls from nursing regarding critical values and/or a
change in the patient’s condition
Mortality rates
Meeting attendance
CME’s as required
H&P in 24 hours and updated preop
Documentation issues (eg MS-DRGs)
April 2008 60
Volume of procedures by type of procedure
Post-operative mortality
Organ injury
Excessive bleeding/hemorrhage
Retained foreign body
Readmissions within 30 days
Returns to OR
Admission from Ambulatory Surgery
Discrepancies (tissue: non-tissue)
Normal tissue/organ removed
Submits monthly SSI log to ICP
Documentation of timely post-op note
Compliance with Universal Protocol
Delays in OR start times due to physician being late
April 2008 61
C-Section Rates (Primary, repeat, total)
Induction rates
% of inductions meeting critieria
Rates of operative Vaginal Deliveries (forceps or vacuum)
Shoulder Dystocia rates/outcomes
Neonatal Birth Injuries
Rates of 3rd & 4th degree laceration
Cases of severe Neonatal Depression: Apgar < 3@ 5 minutes or ongoing
resuscitation @ 5 minutes
Neonatal Transfers to higher level of care
Deliveries at less than 36 weeks gestation
Intrapartum Fetal Death ≥ 24 weeks
Readmissions related to an obstetric complication
PP infection
Maternal hemorrhage
Wait times (to see ER Physician)
Door to door time (overall)
Returns within 72 hours
Medical Record completion
EEC initiative (patients not discharged when adm/obs criteria met)
Compliance with AMP protocols
Misinterpretation of diagnostic test (imaging, EKG)
April 2008 62
Volume of invasive procedures (lumbar puncture, umbilical artery catheter,
Medication safety issues (dosing errors, etc)
Outcomes for certain diagnosis (examples: asthma, pneumonia, RSV)
Reversal agents
Post-op Bleeding (T&A)
Discrepancy between Frozen section and final report
Reversed Cytology
Reversed Bone Marrow
April 2008 63
April 2008 64
Education: MD, DO, DDS, DMD or DPM. Minimum formal training: Completion
of an ACGME/AOA/ADA-accredited advanced/ABPM residency program, and/or
approved fellowship that included the use of procedural sedation for pediatric
patients in their practice.
Required previous experience: The applicant must be able to demonstrate that
he or she has provided procedural sedation for at least 12 pediatric patients in
the past 24 months.
Reappointment – Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have
maintained competence by showing evidence that he/she has administered
procedural sedation for at least 5 pediatric patients in the past 24 months. If the
physician has not performed 5 pediatric procedures in the past 24 months
April 2008 65
Education: MD, DO, DDS, DMD or DPM. Minimum formal training: Successful
completion of XYZ Hospital MEC approved Procedural Sedation Self-Teaching
Module. The applicant must be concurrently observed for the first 3 pediatric
cases. Reappointment: Successful completion of XYZ Hospital MEC approved
Procedural Sedation Self-Teaching Module. The applicant must be able to
demonstrate he/she has maintained competency by showing evidence that
he/she has administered procedural sedation for at least 5 pediatric patients in
the past 24 months. If the physician has not performed 5 pediatric procedures the
physician must be
concurrently observed for the first 2 pediatric procedures.
April 2008 66
Patient Name________________________________
CONFIDENTIAL MR #______________________
There were technical issues during the procedure (describe in comment section
April 2008 67
Hosp/ MR # Indicator and Description
Source of Referral
_ __ Quality Indicator __ _ Nursing/other clinical staff concern
____Pattern of clinical or behavioral issues __ _ Other Medical Staff Member
____Patient/Family complaint ____QCC/Incident Report
____Potential litigation (attorney requests record) ____Formal notice of litigation
Evaluation of Case
1) Does the case represent a deviation from the standard of care for this patient population? No Yes*
2) Were the H&P, OP notes, and Progress notes adequate and timely? No* Yes
3) Were there any identifiable breakdowns in communication? No Yes*
4) Was judgment/decision making sound in this case? No* Yes
5) Were there any clinical process problems that contributed to the patient outcome? No Yes*
6) Could this incident have been readily prevented? No Yes*
7) Is there an educational opportunity? No Yes*
8) Was the management/documentation of the case a problem after the complication occurred? No Yes*
9) Is there a strong probability that this case will lead to litigation? No Yes*
April 2008 68
Action by Committee
1 No action other than documentation in minutes and record for profile
2 Trend
3 Telephone or verbal discussion
4 Letter to practitioner with no request for response
5 Letter to practitioner with request for response
6 Counseling conversation between Chair & practitioner
7 Request practitioner to attend MSPR meeting to discuss case
8 Intensive review of _____ additional cases
9 Referred for review by outside reviewer
10 Referred for Root Cause Analysis
11 Classified as a Sentinel Event
12 Refer to Medical Staff Executive Committee—to assess potential disciplinary action
13 Refer to Hospital Patient Safety Team or IQC for concerns about hospital processes
14 Consider medical staff education session on topic:
Additional Actions
A Mandatory consultation for specific type of cases as noted______________
B Suspension of privileges-type/timeframe specified_____________________
C Report to Data Bank ____________________________________________
D Other:___________________________________________________________
April 2008 69