PI in Indian Mathematics
PI in Indian Mathematics
PI in Indian Mathematics
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Western Cultures
pp 1826-1828
PI in Indian Mathematics
R. C. Gupta
After knowing the perimeter, the area of the circle was often found by using the
sophisticated relation
But the earliest rules for determining area were of the form ,
where k is a constant prescribed variously. Both these methods imply that the
area of a circle is proportional to the square of its diameter (or radius r), or
We know that 2 is the same as 1, but this was not always known. Similarly,
3 may be defined from the volume of a sphere. In this article, the symbol is
used to denote all the above three values, as well as for their common value,
which is now known to be not only an irrational, but also a transcendental
Since the Indus Valley script has not been deciphered successfully, we cannot
say any final thing about the scientific knowledge of India of that time (about the
third millennium BCE). Some conjectures about the value of used in the
gveda (about the second millennium BCE) have been made. Definite literary
evidence is available from texts related to Vedgas, especially the ulbastras
which contain much older traditional material. In the Baudhyana ulbastra,
the oldest of them, the perimeter of a pit is mentioned to be three times its
diameter, thereby implying 1 = 3. This simplest approximation is found in
almost all ancient cultures of the world. In India, it is found also in classical
religious works such as Mahbhrata (Bhmaparva, XII: 44), and certain
Puras, as well as in some Buddhist and Jain canonical works.
With ryabhaa I (born AD 476), a new era of science began in India. In the
ryabhaya, he gave a fine approximation of 1, surpassing all older values. It
contains the rule that the perimeter of a circle of diameter 20,000 is close to
62,832, so that nearly, which is
correct to four decimal places, and he still calls it close and not exact.
This value had a respectful place in Indian mathematics and exerted greater
influence. How ryabhaa obtained it is not known. It was known in China, but
evidence of borrowing lacks documentary support. On the other hand, the two
typically Indian values and 62,832/20,000 appear in many subsequent
Arabic works.
In India, the Archimedean value 22/7 for first appeared in the lost part of
rdhara's P (ca. AD 750). A Jain writer, Vrasena, quotes a peculiar rule in
his commentary Dhaval (AD 816). It is equivalent to
. If we leave out the redundant
dimensionless number +16 in the brackets, this rule will imply a knowledge of
the value which was known in China to Zu Chongzhi (AD
429500). In explicit form, this value is found in India much later, e.g., in the
works of Naryaa II, Nlakaha, and others. The simplified or reduced form
3,927/1,250 of ryabhaa's value of occurs in the works of Paulia, Lalla,
Bhaotpala, and the great Bhskara II.
Copyright information
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2008
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PI in Indian Mathematics
Reference Work Title
Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in
Non-Western Cultures
pp 1826-1828
Print ISBN
Online ISBN
Springer Netherlands
Copyright Holder
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
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Editor Affiliations
1. Hampshire College
R. C. Gupta