TT S 00227e

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The document outlines specifications for multi-component cold-applied elastomeric joint sealing compounds used for sealing, calking, and glazing in buildings and other structures.

The document establishes specifications for properties, testing, packaging, and application of multi-component elastomeric sealing compounds.

The document covers Type I flow, self-leveling compounds and Type II non-sag compounds in Classes A and B with different levels of resistance to joint movement.

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November 4, 1969
Int. Fed. Spec. TT-S-00227D(COM-NBS)
October 23, 1968 and
Fed. Spec. TT-S-227B,
October 12, 1964




This Interim Federal Specification was developed by the National Bureau of

Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234, based upon currently available technical
information. It is recommended that Federal agencies use it in procurement
and forward recommendations for changes to the preparing activity at the
address shown above.

The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Interim
Federal Specification as a valid exception to Federal Specification TT-S-227B,
dated October 12, 1964.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers the properties of a multi-component

cold-applied elastomeric type joint sealing compound (joint sealant), including
curing agents, for sealing, calking, and glazing operations in buildings,
building area (plazas, decks, pavements, etc.), and other types of

1.2 Classification. The sealing compound shall be furnished in the

following types and classes, as specified (see 6.2).

Type I - Flow, self-leveling.

Type II - Non-sag.

Class A - Compounds resistant to 50 percent total joint movement

(includes Type I and Type II).[1]

Class B - Compounds resistant to 25 percent total movement (includes

Type I and Type II).[1]


2.1 Specification and standards. The following specifications and

standards, of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request
for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein:

Federal Specifications:

SS-R-406 - Road and Paving Materials: Methods of Sampling an Testing.

PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard.
PPP-C-96 - Cans, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter.
PPP-P-704 - Pails, Shipping, Steel ( 1 through 12 gallon).

[1] To clarify the meaning of 50 percent total joint movement, the following
hypothetical examples are given:
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If a building joint is filled on the hottest day of the year the maximum
seasonal movement of 50 percent will occur in extension only and none in
compression, beyond the original nominal joint width. Likewise if a joint is
filled on the coldest day of the year, the maximum seasonal movement of 50
percent will occur in compression only and none in extension, i.e., beyond
the original nominal with. At all other times of sealant installation there
will be combination of extension and compression beyond the nominal width of
the joint. The combinations might be extension, 25 percent - compression, 25
percent; extension, 35 percent - compression, 15 percent and so forth.

For Class B sealants the same explanation as given above applies, except that
the anticipated total movement is 25 percent.

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Federal Standards:

Fed. Std. No. 123 - Marking for Domestic Shipment (Civilian Agencies).
Fed. Test Method Std. No. 141 - Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related
Materials: Methods of Inspection,
Sampling, and Testing.
Fed. Test Method Std. No. 601 - Rubber: Sampling and Testing.

(Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal

Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Information
in the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards, and at the prices
indicated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative monthly
supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the
Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

(Single copies of this specification and other Federal specifications

required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are
available without charge from Business Service Centers at the General Services
Administration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Atlanta,
Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles and
Seattle, Washington.)

(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications,

Standards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards
from the established distribution points in their agencies.)

Military Standards:

MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes.

MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage.

(Copies of Military Specification and Standards required by contractors in

connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the
procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

2.2 Other publications. The following documents from a part of this

specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards:

C-33 - Specifications for Concrete Aggregates.

C-150 - Specifications for Portland Cement.
C-510 - Method of Test for Staining and Color Change of One-or Two
Part Joint Sealants.
D-1191 - Methods of Testing Concrete Joint Sealers.
D-2240 - Test for Indentation Hardness of Rubber and Plastics by Means
of a Durometer.

(Copies of the above publications may be obtained from the American Society
for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)

Uniform Classification Committee:

Uniform Freight Classification.

(Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classification

Committee, 202 Union Station, 516 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. 60606.)
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National Classification Board:

National Motor Freight Classification.

(Application for copies should be addressed to the National Classification

Board, 1616 P Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036.)

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS)


3.1 Material. The sealing compound shall be furnished in two or more

components, a base component with suitable reinforcing agents, liquid or
paste curing agents and suitable extenders for on-the-job mixing. The
resulting mixture shall be homogeneous and of proper consistency suitable for
immediate application by hand or pressure calking gun, or by hand tool. The
compound when completely cured shall form an elastomeric type solid capable
of maintaining a seal against water, wind, and dirt.

3.2 Types and classes. The sealant shall be available in two types and
two classes as follows:

Type I. (Self-leveling or flow) shall be a compound which has sufficient

flow to give a smooth level surface when applied in a horizontal joint at 40
deg. F. (4 deg. C.).

Type II. (Non-sag) shall be a compound which permits application in joints

on vertical surfaces without sagging (slumping) at temperatures between 40 deg.
and 122 deg. F. (4 deg. and 50 deg. C.).

Class A. Compounds capable of resisting compression-extension cycling of

plus and minus 25 percent of the nominal half joint width, as specified in
the durability requirement (see

Class B. Compounds capable of resisting compression-extension cycling of

plus and minus 12-1/2 percent of the nominal half inch joint width, as
specified in the durability requirement (see

3.3 Stability. The base compound and curing agent shall be stable for at
least 12 months from the time of delivery, when stored at a temperature not
exceeding 80 deg. F. (26.7 deg. C.).

3.4 Toxicity. Under normal application conditions and adequate

ventilation, the compound shall not be considered toxic.

3.5 Detail requirements.

3.5.1 Color. The color of the sealant, after curing 14 days at standard
conditions of temperature and relative humidity (see 4.3.1) shall be any
specific color agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier (see 6.2).

3.5.2 Rheological properties. Type I (flow, self-leveling) compound. The flow of a properly

prepared Type I compound shall be such that when tested as prescribed in it shall exhibit a smooth level surface. Type II (non-sag) compound. The flow of a properly prepared Type

II compound shall be such that when tested as prescribed in it shall
not sag or flow more than 3/16 inch in vertical displacement. The compound
shall show no deformation when tested as prescribed in

3.5.3 Application life. A compound, when mixed as specified in

shall have an application life of not less than 3 hours when tested as
prescribed in or

3.5.4 Hardness properties. Hardness at standard conditions. A compound mixed as specified in

Downloaded from after 14 days cure shall show a hardness reading of not less than 15
nor more than 50 when tested with a Durometer, Type A2, instantaneous method,
as prescribed in For sealants specified for joints in horizontal
walkways, pavements, decks, etc., the minimum hardness reading shall not be
less than 35 nor more than 50. Hardness after heat aging. A compound mixed as specified in

after 7 days cure at standard conditions followed by 21 days cure at 158 deg.
+/- 3.6 deg. F. (70 deg. +/- 2 deg. C.), shall show a hardness reading of not
more than 60 for Type I compounds and not more than 50 for Type II compounds
when tested for indentation hardness as prescribed in

3.5.5 Weight loss, cracking, and chalking after heat aging. A properly
mixed compound shall not lose more than 10 percent of its original weight,
nor shall it show any cracks or chalking after heat treatment at 158 deg. +/-
3.6 deg. F. (70 deg. +/- 2 deg. C.) when tested as prescribed in 4.3.5.

3.5.6 Tack-free time. A compound mixed as specified in shall cure

to a tack-free condition in not more than 72 hours from the time of mixing,
when tested as prescribed in 4.3.6.

3.5.7 Stain and color change. A properly mixed compound shall not cause
any visible stain on the top surface of a white cement mortar base when tested
as prescribed in 4.3.7. The compound itself shall not show a degree of color
change that is unacceptable to the purchaser when tested as prescribed in
4.3.7. Back-up material to be used with the sealant shall not cause any
discoloration or staining of the sealant when tested as prescribed in 4.3.8.

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS)

3.5.8 Durability. When tested as prescribed in 4.3.9 with standard mortar,

glass and aluminum, or any other specified substrate, the total loss in bond
area and cohesion area and/or equivalent amount of sealant deformation among
the 3 specimens tested (for each substrate), shall be no more than 1-1/2
square inches. The maximum loss for any single specimen shall be less than
1 square inch.

3.5.9 Adhesion-in-peel. When tested as prescribed in 4.3.10 with standard

mortar, glass and aluminum or any other specified substrate, the peel strength
for each individual test shall be not less than 5 pounds. In addition, the
compound shall show no more than 25 percent adhesion loss for each individual

3.6 Adhesion in peel after ultraviolet radiation through glass. When

tested as prescribed in 4.4 the requirements shall be the same as specified
in 3.5.9.

3.7 Instructions. The proper mixing proportions, mixing equipment, as

well as procedures for application, including the use of primers for specific
substrates shall be included in the manufacturer's instructions.


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance
of all inspection requirements specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified in the suppliers may utilize his own facilities or any commercial
laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right
to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform
to the prescribed requirements.

4.2 Sampling and inspection should be in accordance with methods 1011,

1021, and/or 1031 of Fed. Test Method Std. No. 141, as applicable.

4.3 Laboratory tests.

4.3.1 Standard conditions for laboratory tests. The standard conditions

of temperature and relative humidity referred to in the following sections
are defined as 73.4 deg. +/- 3.6 deg. F. (23 deg. +/- 2 deg. C.) and 50 +/- 5
percent, respectively. The sealant sample shall be held in the unopened
container for at least 24 hours at standard conditions before the laboratory
tests are started.

4.3.2 Rheological properties. Type I (flow, self-leveling compound). Apparatus and accessory

materials required are: (1) Controlled temperature box 40 deg. +/- 3 deg. F.
(4 deg. +/- 1.7 deg. C.) (2) Stainless steel channel (type 304, No. 2-B
finish, approximately No. 16 gage) with inside dimensions 3/4 inch wide, 1/2
inch deep, 6 inches long and closed at both ends (fig. 1a). Clean the
channel with methyl ethyl ketone or similar solvent followed by a thorough
cleaning with a detergent solution, a final rinse with distilled or deionized
water and air dried.[1] Before preparing the test assembly expose the
compound under test in the unopened container (base and curing agent) for at
least 24 hours at standard conditions. Using at least 100 grams of base
compound and appropriate amount of curing agent (unmixed), condition for 16
to 24 hours and the channel for at least 2 hours in the cold box. Remove the
compound and hand mix for 5 minutes. Return the mixed compound to the cold
box for an additional 30 minutes. After the 30 minute period pour the
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compound into the channel held horizontally in the cold box and maintain the
specimen at this temperature for 4 hours. At the end of this period examine
for flow properties. Type II (non-sag) compound, Vertical slump. Apparatus and

accessory materials required for this test for: (1) Oven, convention type,
controlled at 122 deg. +/- 3 deg. F. (50 deg. +/- 2 deg. C.); (2) Cold box,
controlled at 40 deg. +/- 3 deg. F. (4 deg. +/- 1.7 deg. C.); (3) Two
stainless steel channels (type 304, 2-B finish, approximately No. 16 gage)
with inside dimensions 3/4 inch wide, 1/2 inch deep, and 6 inches long with
the top and open and the back surface extended 2 inches (fig. 1b). Before
preparing the test assemblies clean channels as described in
Condition base compound at standard conditions as described in
Expose the channels with open ends for 2 hours, one in the cold box and oven.
Immediately before removing the conditioned channels from the cold box and
oven, hand mix at least 200 grams of base compound and appropriate amount of
curing agent for 5 minutes. Remove channels from the respective chambers and
fill them compound within 10 minutes. The channels shall be filled with a
spatula and trimmed so that the sealant is flush with the face and ends of
the channels. Return the filled channels to their respective chambers and
set in a vertical position for 4 hours with the 2 inch extension at the base
position. At the end of this period remove channels from the chambers and
measure the sag at the lower ends to the nearest 1/16 inch. This is the
distance that the bottom edge of the compound moves downward along the 2 inch
extended back surface.

[1] Methyl ethyl ketone and similar solvents are both toxic and flammable and
should be handled with caution in a well-ventilated hood.

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS) Type II (non-sag) compound, horizontal slump. Repeat the

procedure described in with the following change: after filling the
2 channels return them to their respective chambers and set them in a
horizontal position with the channels lying on the 1/2 inch side. At the end
of the exposure period remove channels from the chambers and record any
change in the configuration of compound in the channels.

4.3.3 Application life. Type I (flow, self-leveling) compound. Accessory materials

required are: (1) 6-ounce capacity air powered calking gun; (2) standard 6-
ounce polyethylene cartridge with standard front opening (0.54 +/- .002 inch
inside diameter); 50 psi air supply; (4) pint container; (5) timer with
second hand. Place the unopened sample at standard conditions for at least
24 hours. At the end of the conditioning period mix about 400 grams of base
compound and appropriate amount of curing agent for about 5 minutes. After
mixing completely fill the 6 ounce cartridge with plunger in place. Set
aside the filled cartridge in a vertical position at standard conditions for
3 hours. At the end of 3 hours with no nozzle added to the cartridge, gun
out the compound at 50 psi into an empty pint container (fig. 2). Determine
the time in seconds it takes to empty the cartridge. The compound meets the
requirement for application life if the time required to empty the cartridge
does not exceed 20 seconds. Type II (non-sag compound). The test procedure is the same as

that described in The compound meets the requirement for 3 hours
application life if the time required to empty the cartridge does not exceed
45 seconds.

4.3.4 Hardness property: Hardness at standard conditions. Apparatus and materials required

are: (1) Durometer, Model A2: (2) brass frame with inside dimensions 5 by 1-
1/2 by 1/4 inch thick; (3) 2 aluminum plates 3 by 6 inch (16 to 24 gage); (4)
thin knife blade; (5) metal straight edge. The instrument used to measure
hardness is a Durometer model A2 described in Federal Test Method Standard
No. 601, method 302 or ASTM D2240. All readings shall be taken by the
instantaneous method, using a force of about 1300 grams (2.8 lbs). (To
obtain precise readings, the use of a stand fitted with a Durometer to which
a 822 gram weight is attached, is recommended. This results in an
approximate total force of 1300 grams or 2.8 lbs on the indentor, see Fig.
3a). Procedure shall be carried out at standard conditions. After
conditioning at least 250 grams of base compound and appropriate amount of
curing agent for at least 24 hours at standard conditions, mix the components
thoroughly for 5 minutes. Fill the frame, after centering it on the aluminum
plate, with a portion of the sample and strike off flat with a metal
straight-edge. Lift the frame from the sealant after running a thin blade
along the inside of the frame (fig. 3a-A,B). Prepare two such specimens and
cure them for 14 days at standard conditions. At the end of the 14 days take
3 hardness readings on each specimen at standard conditions. The average of
6 readings is the accepted value. Hardness after heat aging. Apparatus and materials required: (1)
forced draft oven controlled at 158 deg. +/- 3.6 deg. F. (70 deg. +/- 2 deg.
C.); (2) Durometer, Model A2; (3) brass frame with inside dimensions, 5 by 1-
1.2 by 3.8 inch thick; (4) 2 aluminum plates 3 by 6 inch (16 to 24 gage); (5)
thin knife blade; (6) metal straightedge. Prepare 2 specimens as described
in except to make the thickness of the sealant layer 3/8 inch instead
of 1/4 inch. Cure the specimens for 7 days at standard conditions followed
by 21 days in the oven. At the end of the oven curing period allow the
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specimens to cool at standard conditions for at least 1 hour. Cut 1/8 inch
layer of sealant from half of the top surface of the specimen (fig. 3B-C).
Take 3 hardness readings on the newly exposed surface of each specimen. The
average of 6 readings is the accepted value.

4.3.5 Weight loss, cracking, and chalking after heat aging. Apparatus and
materials required are: (1) forced draft oven controlled at 158 deg. +/- 3.6
deg. F (70 deg. + 2 deg. C.); (2) balance sensitive to 0.01 g.; (3) materials
listed in After weighing the aluminum plates to the nearest 0.01
gram, prepare 2 specimens as described in and weigh specimens again.
Expose specimens for 7 days at standard conditions. Following this exposure
period, place specimens in the oven for an additional 21 days. At the end of
the heat treatment allow the specimens to cool for 1 hour and weigh to the
nearest 0.01 gram. Calculate the percentage weight loss of the compound
based on the original net weight of the compound. The average weight loss,
in percent, of the specimens in the accepted value. Examine the specimens
for chalking and cracking.

4.3.6 Tack-free time. Accessory materials required are: (1) brass

weight, 30 grams, approximately 1-5/8 by 1 by 1/8 inch; (2) 2 polyethylene
strips (clear), approximately 4 by 0.004 +/- 0.002 inch; (3) materials listed
in Prepare 2 specimens as described in After exposing the
specimens at standard conditions for 72 hours, press the polyethylene film on
the top surface with the brass weight (30 grams) for 30 seconds. Withdraw
the film progressively at right angles to the compound (fig. 4). The sample
meets the requirement if the film pulls off from each of the two specimens
without any sealant adhering to it.

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS)

4.3.7 Stain and color change. Perform the test in accordance with ASTM
Standard C-510. Figure 5 illustrates the steps in the preparation of the
stain test specimens.

4.3.8 Stain and discoloration effects of back-up material on sealing

compound. Apparatus and materials required are: (1) accelerated weathering
machine as specified in ASTM Standard C-510; (2) three specimens prepared on
aluminum plates (no mortar) as described in Immediately after
preparing the specimens press a 5-inch strip of the back-up material lengthwise
into the center of the sealant of one of the specimens. Using a small spatula,
cover completely any exposed back-up material with a thin layer of additional
sealant. Allow the 3 specimens to cure for 7 days at standard conditions.
At the end of the curing period place the specimen with the back-up material
and one specimen without back-up material in the weathering machine for 100
hours (ASTM Standard C-510). Leave the third specimen at standard conditions.
Remove specimens from weathering machine after the specified time and examine
them for stain and discoloration and record results.

4.3.9 Durability (bond-cohesion). Apparatus required. (1) Extension-compression machine, (b) cold

box or chamber maintained at -15 deg. +/- 3 deg. F. (-26.1 deg. +/- 1.7 deg.
C.); (c) forced draft over controlled at 158 deg. +/- 3.6 deg. F. (70 +/- 2
deg. C.). The machine used in this test shall be so designed that the test
specimen can be automatically compressed or extended at a continuous rate of
1/8 inch per hour. For Class A sealants the compression shall be 25 percent
of the nominal 1/2 inch joint width to 3/8 inch, and extension shall be 25
percent of the nominal 1/2 inch width to 5/8 inch. For Class B sealants the
compression shall be 12-1/2 percent, to 7/16 inch and the extension to 9/16
inch. The machine may be similar to the one shown in fig. 6a, b, or the one
described in SS-R-406 method 223.11, or in ASTM Standard D-1191, as shown in
Fig. 6c. The machine should be equipped with grips of sufficient thickness
to resist elastomeric sealants with high tensile strength. Accessory materials. The standard accessory blocks and plates

(substrates) used in the test are: (1) Portland cement mortar; (2) plate
glass; (3) aluminum alloy.[1] Mortar blocks. Cement mortar blocks, 1-by 1-by 3 inches shall
be prepared as described in ASTM D-1191. The cement shall conform to Type
III of the Specifications for Portland Cement (ASTM C-150). The sand (file
aggregate) shall conform to the requirements of Specifications for Concrete
Aggregate (ASTM C-33, Fine Aggregate). The exceptions to the requirements in
ASTM D-119 are: (1) the blocks shall be 1-by 1-by 3 inches; (2) the blocks
shall be surfaced by wet grinding on an iron lap with No. 60 silicon carbide
or aluminum oxide grain. Plate glass. Glass accessory plates shall be 1/4 by 1 by 3 inch

water-white polished plate glass. Prior to use, the glass shall be cleaned
as specified in for steel channel.[2] Aluminum. The aluminum plates shall be 1/4 by 1 by 3 inch

aluminum alloy, 6063-T5 or 6061-T6 clear anodized a minimum of 20 minutes
over a scale free finish. Prior to use the aluminum shall be cleaned as
specified for the steel channel in[3] Preparation of test specimens. Prepare three test specimens for

each accessory material that is used with the sample under test. After
conditioning the unopened sample for at least 24 hours at standard
conditions, mix for 5 minutes 250 grams of base compound with appropriate
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amount of curing agent. Apply a bead of sealant 1/2 by 1/2 by 2 inches,
between 7b, and 7c. Wood or metal spacer bars are used to form the proper
size of bead. Polyethylene tape, paraffin, or any other suitable mold
release agent is applied to the inside surfaces of the spacers to prevent
adhesion of the spacers to the sealant, after cure. Adhesive tape, rubber
bands, or clamps are used to hold the test assembly together before and after
filling with the compound. In the case of a flow type compound, masking or
any other suitable tape shall be used to retain the compound.

[1] Other substrates such as brick, cast stone, marble, stainless steel, etc.
may be specified either in place of the standard materials, or in addition to
them at the request of the purchaser.

[2] At the request of the sealant manufacturer the detergent cleaning step
shall be omitted from the specified cleaning procedure.

[3] All non-porous substrate materials shall be cleaned as specified for the
steel channel in, except as indicated in 2. Porous accessory
blocks, other than standard mortar, shall be dried and cleaned as specified
for mortar in

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS) Primers. Substrate materials shall be primed with the

manufacturer's recommended primer only when such primer is specified by the
seller and agreed upon by the purchaser. Use of such primers including
manufacturer's designation shall be included in the test report. When a
primer shows staining or discoloration of the substrate beyond the primed
area, such effects shall also be noted in the report. Cycling procedure. Class A sealants. Cure the test assemblies at standard

conditions for 14 days. Following this curing period remove the spacers from
the specimens and proceed as follows:

1. Immerse the specimens in distilled or deionized water for 7 days.[1]

2. Following the immersion period, remove specimens from water and hand-
flex twice about 60 deg. to check bond and cohesion. If no failure occurs,
compress the specimens 25 percent of the nominal half inch (to 3/8 inch)
using a "C" clamp and 3/8 inch blocks to hold specimens in place. Place
compressed specimens in the draft oven.

3. After the oven treatment, allow the specimens to cool to standard

temperature and place them in a machine which automatically compresses the
joints from the nominal 1/2 inch width to 3/8 inch and extends to joints to
5/8 inch in a continuous movement at the rate of 1/8 inch per hour (fig. 6a).
A total number of 10 cycles shall be completed. One cycle is defined as
follows: Compression from the nominal 1/2 inch width to 3/8 inch, followed
by extension to 5/8 inch and then compression to 1/2 inch. At the completion
of the 10 cycles extend the specimens (by hand crank) to 5/8 inch, insert
blocks, remove specimens, and examine for bond and cohesion breaks (fig. 7e).
If the specimens are rated as failure at this stage the Durability test is

4. The final portion of the Durability test consists of compressing the

specimens to 3/8 inch (with "C" clamp) and while in compression are held in
the oven for 16 to 20 hours. They are then removed from the oven, cooled to
standard temperature, clamps and spacers removed, and placed in the extension
machine located in the cold box or chamber. The specimens shall be extended
to 5/8 inch while they are being cooled down to -15 deg. F.[2]. The rate of
extension is 1/8 inch per hour. On completion of the extension the specimens
are blocked at 5/8 inch, removed from freezer, and allowed to warm up to
standard temperature. They are examined for bond and cohesion breaks as well
as permanent deformation. The daily compression-extension cycles described
in part 4 above are performed a minimum of 10 times or stopped at any time of
failure as defined in 3.5. Class B sealants. The test procedure is the same as that

described in with the following exceptions:

(a) All compression movements consist of 12 1/2 percent of the nominal

half inch width, i.e., to 7/16 inch instead of 3/8 inch.

(b) All extension movements consist of 12 1/2 percent of the nominal half
inch width, i.e., to 9/16 inch instead of 5/8 inch.

(c) Footnote 1 also applies to Class B sealants except that the joints
shall be blocked at 9.16 inch during the water immersion period.

4.3.10 Adhesion in peel. This test is made on plate glass, anodized

aluminum, and portland cement mortar[3] after the test specimens have been
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cured for 21 days as specified herein. It is performed in a testing machine
in which the sealant (sealed to cloth) is peeled back at an angle of 180 deg.
at a separation rate of 2 inches per minute.

[1] If the sealant under test is specified for horizontal joints in a

pavement, walkway, deck, mall, and so forth, the specimens shall be extended
with 5/8 inch blocks and kept immersed for 7 days while in extension.

[2] Regardless of the amount of recovery of the sealant after the "C" clamps
are removed, the jaws of the extension machine are set at 3/8 inch before
extension is stared in the freezer. For Class B sealants the jaws shall be
set at 7/16 inch.

[3] Other substrates such as precast stone, brick, marble, steel, etc. shall
be used in the test in place of or in addition to the standard materials when
requested by the purchaser.

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TT-S-00227E (COM-NBS) Apparatus and accessory materials required are: (1) testing

machine with tension grips capable of pulling at a rate of separation of 2
inches per minute with a dial or chart indicator calibrated in 1-pound units;
(2) two 6 by 3 inch pieces of anodized aluminum (same type as described in
section; (3) two pieces of 1/4 inch plate glass, about 6 by 3; (4)
two 6 by 3 by 3/8 inch mortar slabs prepared as described in except
for size; (5) desized grade A airplane fabric, 4.38 ounces per yard, 80/84
count, or any suitable cloth that will adhere to the sealant (six 6 by 3 inch
pieces); (6) paper masking tape, 1 inch wide. Before constructing the test
assemblies, clean the aluminum and glass substrate as specified for the steel
channel in[3]. Clean mortar substrates as specified in[4].
Place a strip of 1 inch paper masking tape across the width of the plate so
that the lower edge of the tape is parallel to the lower edge of the plate
and 2 inches above it (fig. 8A). After conditioning not less than 250 g. of
compound and curing agent for at least 24 hours at standard conditions,
spread a properly mixed portion on the surface of the plate to a thickness of
1/8 inch over an area from the top edge of the tape to the bottom of the
plate and the entire width of the plate (fig. 8B). The cloth, approximately
6 by 3 inches is smeared with the compound at one end over an area of 3 by 3
inches and forced into the cloth using a spatula. The impregnated cloth is
laid over the 1/8 inch layer of compound without entrapping air. Then the
assembly is placed between 1/16 inch spacer bars and the surfaces of the
cloth rolled with a glass rod so that the thickness of the compound between
the cloth and the surface is 1/16 inch (fig. 8C). Prepare two aluminum,
glass and mortar specimens as described above for each sample of sealant.
Apply primer to the dry surfaces only when specified and supplied by the
manufacturer and agreed upon by the purchaser. After preparation, allow the
test specimen to cure in air for 14 days at standard conditions followed by
an additional 7 days curing while completely immersed in distilled or
deionized water at standard temperature. After the specimen has cured about
7 days, coat the cloth with a thin layer (1/32 inch or less) of the mixed
sample to protect the cloth from moisture and to minimize cloth adhesion
failure after water immersion (fig. 8D). After 14 days curing in air and
immediately before immersing the specimen in water for 7 days, cut the
surface of the fabric through to the base surface with a sharp razor blade
leaving two strips of sealant and fabric 1 inch wide, separated by a space
approximately 3.8 inch wide (fig. 8E). Immediately following the 21 days
cure, prepare the specimen for testing by wiping it dry, and releasing 1 inch
of the cloth and masking tape from the base. Then place the specimen in the
testing machine and peel the cloth back at an angle of 180 deg. (fig. 9).
The rate of separation of the jaws of the machine shall be 2 inches per
minute. Pull the sealant for 1 minute, and note the average value in pounds
indicated by a dial or recording chart on the machine. If the cloth peels
from the sealant during testing, disregard the values. In such instance cut
the compound across with a sharp razor blade in order to get separation at
the interface to the test surface. Test four strips for each base material
(aluminum, glass, etc.) and record the peel value in pounds for each strip as
well as the average peel value for each substrate.

4.4 Adhesion in peel after ultra-violet radiation exposure through

glass[4]. Prepare and cure two plate glass peel strength specimens as
specified in At the end of the 14th day cure period, place the
test specimens with the sealant surface facing away from the light source on
the drum of an accelerated weathering machine as specified in 4.3.7. Expose
the specimens to the UV radiation for 200 hours without water spray.
Following the exposure, immerse the specimens in distilled or deionized water
for 7 days and obtain peel strength and record data as prescribed in

4.5 Inspection of preparation for delivery. An inspection shall be made

to determine that the preservation, packaging, packing, and marking comply
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with the requirements in section 5 of this specification. Defects shall be
scored in accordance with table I. For examination of interior packaging the
sample unit shall be one shipping container fully prepared for delivery,
selected at random just prior to the closing operations. Sampling shall be
in accordance with MIL-STD-105. Defects of closure listed shall be examined
on shipping containers fully prepared for delivery. The lot size shall be
the number of shipping containers in the end item inspection lot. The
inspection level shall be S-2 with an AQL of 4.0 defect per hundred units.

[3] Other substrates such as precast stone, brick, marble, steel, etc. shall
be used in the test in place of or in addition to the standard materials when
requested by the purchaser.

[4] The test shall be performed when the sealant bonding area to glass may be
adversely affected by the sun's rays passing through the glass and should be
requested by the purchaser.

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TABLE I. Classification of preparation for delivery defects

Examine Defects

Markings (exterior and interior) Omitted; incorrect; illegible;

improper size, location, sequence,
or method of application.

Materials Any component missing or damaged.

Workmanship Inadequate application of component
such as incomplete closure of
container flaps, loose strapping,
inadequate stapling, or distortion
of container.

Contents (exterior container) Number per container is more or
less than required. Net weight
exceeds requirements.


5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be level A, B, or C, as specified, (see


5.1.1 Level A. The compound shall be furnished in quantities as follows:

3/4 pint in a 1 pint can; 3/4 quart in a 1 quart can; 3/4 gallon in a 1 gallon
can; 1 gallon in an imperial gallon can or 4 gallon in a 5 gallon pail. The
activator portion of the compound shall be segregated from the base material by
a tray type compartment at the top of the container, a glass or plastic jar
within the container, or a polyethylene bag within the container. The cans
shall conform to PPP-C-96 and the pails shall conform to PPP-P-704.

5.1.2 Level B. The level B packaging shall comply with paragraph 5.1.1,
except commercial exterior coatings are acceptable.

5.1.3 Level C. The compound shall be furnished in quantities specified in

paragraph 5.1.1 in containers of the type normally furnished for commercial

5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level in A, B, or C, as specified (see 6.2).

5.2.1 Level A. The filled 1 pint and 1 quart cans shall be packed in
quantities of 12 in a close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-636, class
weather-resistant. The filled 1 gallon and imperial gallon cans shall be
packed in quantities of 4 to a close-fitting box conforming to PPP-B-636,
class weather-resistant. The filled 5 gallon pails require no overpacking.

5.2.2 Level B. The level B packing shall comply with paragraph 5.2.1,
except that the fiberboard boxes shall conform to PPP-B-636, class Domestic.

5.2.3 Level C. The compound shall be packed in a manner which will insure
arrival at destination in satisfactory condition and which will be acceptable
to the carrier at the lowest rates. Containers and packing shall comply with
the Uniform Freight classification or National Motor Freight Classification.
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5.3 Marking.

5.3.1 Civil agencies. In addition to any special markings required by the

contract or order, the interior and shipping containers shall be marked in
accordance with Fed. Std. 123 and shall include date of manufacture by month
and year.

5.3.2 Military agencies. In addition to any special markings required by

the contract or order, the interior and shipping containers shall be marked
in accordance with MIL-STD-129.


6.1 Intended uses.

6.1.1 The joint sealing compound covered by this specification is intended

to seal joints in all types of structures including plazas, decks, and
pavements where some movement is expected and where tightness against dust,
dirt, wind, and water is required. Some of the uses of the compound include
channel glazing, bedding and sealing around panels and lights of curtain wall
structures, sealing window and door perimeters, sealing the joints between
precase concrete panels, sealing flashings and expansion joints, and pointing
brick and natural stone masonry. Producers of two-part elastomeric joint
sealants list many other and varied uses for this type of sealing compound.

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6.1.2 The compound is supplied in two or more components, usually referred

to as base and curing agents or accelerators. Small quantities may be mixed
on a board or plate instead of using the base container. On large jobs the
compound may be mixed in specially designed power mixers.

6.1.3 The mixed compound should be installed with either a calking gun
(hand or power), putty knife, or trowel in strict accordance with the
producer's instructions.

6.1.4 The compound shall not be applied to surfaces coated with lacquer or
paint. Such coatings shall be removed before sealant is applied. Before
applying the compound to masonry joints previously treated with water
repellent solutions, a laboratory test for bond shall be made with the
specified type of masonry and repellent solution. It is recommended that the
sealant producer be consulted before applying a compound to concrete
previously treated with retardant, surface curing, or mold release agents.

6.1.5 Unless specifically agreed upon by supplier and purchaser, the

compound shall not be applied in contact with joint fillers such as asphaltic
materials, oil base calkings, or any other sealants in which the bonding
properties and adverse effects resulting from the combination are not known.

6.16 Producers often recommend the use of a specific primer or surface

conditioner for specific surface. The primer or conditioner is designed to
assure adhesion of the compound to a specific surface. Substitute primers or
conditioners other than those recommended by the producer shall not be used.
In all cases where primers or conditioners are recommended with a compound,
it is advisable to have the durability and peel strength test made with the
primer in question.

6.1.7 Whenever possible the compound shall not be applied to a joint at

temperatures under 40 deg. F. At such temperatures a film of moisture is
likely to form on the surfaces of the joint as a result of condensation.
This moisture film which can be entirely invisible under certain atmospheric
conditions may prevent the formation of a strong bond between the compound
and the substrate.

6.1.8 Whenever possible a back-up material should be used with sealant in

a moving joint to insure good bond to sides of the joint as well as to
control the depth of the sealant. The back-up material should be completely
inert, non-rigid, and also shall not form a strong bond to the sealant
itself. The sealant producer should recommend the proper back-up material
for his product for a particular substrate and joint design.

6.1.9 Although the compounds are generally available in several colors, a

freshly cured compound may be painted any desired color provided the producer
approves such procedure.

6.1.10 Modification of a compound by the addition of liquids or powders to

alter the flow properties shall not be permitted. Other suitable flow
characteristics than those specified herein may be agreed upon by the
supplier and purchaser. Special non-sag properties may be required in
unusually large joints and lesser flow characteristics may be required in
sloping joints where perfect leveling is not desired.

6.1.11 A compound shall not be used on any job if the date of manufacture
indicates that the compound is more than 12 months old.

6.1.12 This specification covers joint sealants which are capable of

resisting joint movements not exceeding a total of 50 percent of the nominal
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joint width for Class A sealants, and a total of 25 percent for Class B
sealants (see 1.2, footnote[1]).

6.1.13 A sealing compound meeting the requirements of this specification

may have a life expectancy of 20 years provided there are proper application
and joint design.

6.2 Ordering data. Purchasers should select the preferred options permitted
herein and include the following information in procurement documents:

(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.

(b) Type of produce required (see 1.2).

(c) Color required (see 3.5.1).

(d) Selection of applicable levels of packaging and packing required.

(see 5.1 and 5.2).

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