February 14, 2017

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Broncs finish fifth B-1 Area hit by flooding A-3 Students share thoughts C-1

FEBRUARY 14, 2017
117TH YEAR, NO. 65 75

Charges filed in gunfighter show shooting

Man on probation probable cause prepared by Ronald
Parduba, a Cody Police Depart-
the mans shirt and the girl began
crying. At the same time the man
did not inspect his weapon before
the show. According to the report,
The day of the gunfight Winsor
loaded two of the cylinders with
for previous incident ment detective who investigated
the shooting, three spectators of
told police he heard the whizzing
sound of bullets, then felt some-
Winsor told police he had used the
same firearm the day before while
blanks, but apparently put one of
the loaded cylinders in the gun.
the popular tourist attraction were thing strike his left calf, and then target practicing at Red Lake west After the gunfight, Winsor told
By ROB BREEDING wounded when a member of the his right shortly after. of Cody. He could not explain how police he found one of the cylinders
News editor show fired a gun loaded with live The victim who had been holding live rounds got into the gun before filled with blanks at home.
Charges were filed Friday in con- rounds in the direction of specta- his daughter told police when the the show. Both firearms were seized from
nection with the shooting at The tors. Two of those wounded were a shootout began he felt as if he had The handgun Winsor used in the Winsor and sent to the state crime
Cody Gunfighters Show on July 29. father and his 3-year-old daughter, been hit by a baseball bat in the show is a cap and ball blackpowder lab in Cheyenne, as were lead with
According to documents filed in who drove themselves to West Park shoulder. The man told police he revolver. This type of handgun is round balls that were collected at
Cody Circuit Court by Leda Pojman, Hospital for treatment. found a quarter-sized wound on his somewhat cumbersome to reload, so the scene and at the rafting shop
deputy Park County prosecuting Another man was shot in both shoulder and could see a wound on shooters often have additional cyl- behind where the victims where
attorney, Steve Winsor faces five calves and received treatment at his daughters right arm. inders that allow for quicker reload- standing during the show.
misdemeanor counts of knowingly the scene. He told police that at The victims were only identified ing. Pardubas report states Winsor A raft at Red Canyon River Trips
pointing a firearm at or in the direc- the peak of the show he saw a man by initials in the affidavit. told police he brought four cylinders was also punctured by a bullet in
tion of others. about 10 feet in front of him turn in Parduba spoke with Winsor loaded with round balls to Red the incident and the wooden wall
According to an affidavit of his direction. He could see blood on after the show, and Winsor said he Lake, but only fired two of them. Please see GUNFIGHTERS, page A-3

No changes Cody man doesnt

to ACA at take life for
granted after
this time
surviving Miracle
surgery of the
Staff writer
With the transition to the Trump
administration, there has been ample

talk of repealing and replacing the
Affordable Care Act, also known as By CASSANDRA STUROS
Staff writer

For now, however, little has hen things are going well,
changed. its easy to take life for
Nothings happened, said Jes- granted.
sican Lum, outreach and enrollment Cody resident Dave Neihart
specialist for Heritage Health Center knows what its like when things
in Powell. Nothings changed. A lot arent going so well.
of it is just speculation. A decade ago, Dave had a
Those who signed up for health brush with death. He survived
insurance going ahead in 2017 should risky brain surgery, then nearly
be covered through the year, however, died in its aftermath. His neuro-
she said. surgeon prepared his wife Brenda
As far as I know theyre not for the worst. Yet he somehow
allowed to take any of that away, survived, living for months with
Lum said. One of the things that I a chunk of his skull removed to
want people to understand is that ease the swelling in his brain.
nothings changed yet, theres a lot of He had to relearn the
fear and worry. most simple tasks, the ones
George OHare, of Enroll Wyo- we first learn as small
ming and the Wyoming Institute children. What he didnt
of Population Health in Cheyenne, have to relearn was the
said there was no news on change love he had for Brenda,
yet, either. People were still steadily his high school sweetheart
enrolling in insurance during open who stood by him through
enrollment in January. the ordeal.
In fact, insurance enrollment And he learned to never take
was up from last January. Last year, anything for granted, that every day
21,750 people had enrolled in insur- spent living is a gift. Every morning
ance in Wyoming by the end of Janu- you wake up can be like Christmas.
ary. As of Jan. 26, 2017, 23,860 people
had selected a plan. The heart of the matter
Im not too worried about it, In 2005 doctors told Dave Neihart,
OHare said. We have not received now 64, he had a defective valve in
one bit of info that one thing has his heart, the mitral valve, which lies
changed. between the left atrium and left ven-
For now, contracts for insurance tricle in the heart. The valve, doctors
have remained locked in and should told him, had to be replaced. But they
remain valid until the end of the year. also said he had time, maybe a few
Im hoping thats the case, years.
A few years, however, turned out to growing so severe so quickly.
OHare said.
be just a few months as his symptoms So they sent him to Billings for
The projected timeframe to enact
worsened. further tests on his heart.
a repeal of the Affordable Care Act
Hed have night sweats and Thats when doctors determined
could be anywhere from six months
fevers, Brenda said. They kept test- Dave was born with a bicuspid aortic
to three years, said Doug McMillan,
ing him and testing him. heart valve instead of a tricuspid
chief executive officer for West Park
They tested his swollen ankle. The valve. A tricuspid, or normal aortic
results came back positive for rheuma- valve, has three leaflets that control
Early signs from the Trump dmin-
toid arthritis. blood flow. A bicuspid aortic valve
istration, the Department of Health
The Neiharts were living in only has two leaflets.
and Human Services and Congress
Sheridan at the time and doc- For Dave, this was more than a
indicate that in addition to a repeal
tors there couldnt tell why matter of the heart. The valve defect
and replace strategy, there will be an
early review of existing regulations Daves health problems were Please see SURGERY, page A-2
in an effort to assist rural hospitals,
McMillan said.
If the Affordable Care Act isnt
replaced, but is only repealed rural
hospitals could not afford further
If repeal and replace cannot be
accomplished simultaneously, the
reductions to rural hospitals should
be restored to ensure we have suffi-
cient resources to provide care to the
uninsured, McMillan said.
Wyoming hospitals would receive
349 million less in payments if the
ACA is repealed without replacement
for the period of 2018-2026.
Please see HEALTH, page A-3 Scans of Dave Neiharts brain reveal a life-threatening aneurysm caused by bacteria that had spread from his heart.


West Park Hospital Wound Care Center Complete area forecast page C-6
2017 The Cody Enterprise INDEX open house is Thursday, 5-7 p.m.
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Calendar ..............C-6 People ......C-1, 3 & 6
DEATHS Patricia Brainerd, 79, Cody.
Classifieds ....... C-2-3 Public Notices .. C-4-5
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Obituaries ............A-6 Service Guide ......B-3 Philo Hooper DuVal, Jr., 86, Benton, La.
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Opinion ................A-4 Sports ...............B-1-4 Myra Jenson, Cody. Clear Sunny
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A-2 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SURGERY (from page A-1)

would lead to fatigue, fevers and

repeated strokes, and would
leave him lying on an operat- Couple met at Worland High School
ing table, a portion of his skull Dave and Brenda Nei- Brendas willingness to
removed to save his life. harts love began as high stick by her husbands side
Doctors also found that bac- school sweethearts. during the tumultuous year
teria had grown on his heart In Worland, where they when he nearly died comes
valves, a condition called endo- grew up, both Brenda and from day one of their mar-
carditis. Dave participated in track. riage.
Its very deadly if not caught This is where Dave first It all stems from my mar-
in time, Brenda said. caught Brendas eye. riage vows, she said. I tried
Dave went to Billings on Fri- When Brenda was a sopho- to live by and stand by those
day, Dec. 9. Doctors ran the tests more and Dave a junior, she vowsin sickness and in
and originally scheduled the invited him to be her date for health.
heart surgery for the following a Sadie Hawkins dance. Their relationship was
Wednesday. They grew up a block and built on a strong foundation
They moved up surgery to a half from each other. This of faith in each other and the
Monday, Brenda said, because led to Dave walking by Bren- people that surround them.
they didnt think he would live das house, stopping by or These were goals the Neiharts
until Wednesday. accompanying her to school. had made for their marriage
Doctors had started Dave on a Brenda and Dave dated involving religion and strong
slew of antibiotics. throughout high school, fall- family values.
They were pickling me, ing in love and eventually Youd have to have a
Dave said. were married on June 21, strong marriage to go into
Strokes are a common side 1974. something like that, she said.
effect of endocarditis. Dave had photo by RAYMOND HILLEGAS
likely suffered a mild stroke the
night he was admitted to the hos- Brenda and Dave Neihart say their relationship grew stronger following his a pupil. Youre usually toast. day at a time. She did what need-
pital. At that point doctors were near-death experience. Though this is not the mes- ed to be done for Dave to mend,
more worried about his heart. sage he relayed when 10 minutes and oftentimes with a sense of
Dave had suffered a transient he wasnt getting it yet. if the vessel was compromised In an effort to see what could later he went back to speak with humor about the whole situa-
ischemic attack which are often The brain scan had indicated Dave would be hemiplegic and possibly have caused such an Daves wife. tion.
classified as a mini-stroke or that the aneurysm was a 2x3 cen- aphasic forever. adverse reaction, Dr. Copeland The doctor came and said, Time spent living out of hotel
warning stroke. timeter clot. If Copeland removed the clot, send Dave for an emergency a miracle has just happened, rooms or with friends of friends
On Dec. 12, Daves aortic It wasnt having a huge mass bleeding could start. The clot was scan. Brenda said. in Billings while Dave recuper-
and mitral valves, both in rough effect, it wasnt like a softball tamping the hemorrhage in the That is odd to wake up bet- It takes a special person to ated, Brenda calls this period
shape, were replaced. Not long pushing the brain away, Cope- brain. If the clot was removed it ter and then suddenly [be] really sort through the kind of contra- her gypsy, vagabond days and
after being discharged, Dave had land said. So we thought we could mean more hemorrhaging. bad, Copeland said. dicting news Brenda received, chuckles.
another stroke. could treat him conservatively You cant just let it hemor- The latest development did Copeland said, and not just go It wasnt all doom and
As Brenda raced Dave to the with some swelling medicine and rhage, so you have to take the not look good. In fact, it was a into freak-out mode. gloom, she said.
emergency room his right side keep the antibiotics going. vessel, he said. Then they have doom and gloom speech that A lot of people will either get Because of all this, Dave calls
was becoming weaker. That worked for about a a permanent struggle. Dr. Copeland prepared to give angry or frustrated or start call- Brenda his hero.
She saw me with the deer in week. Dave saw improvements What Dr. Copeland decided on Brenda. ing names, he said. We stayed I called her that for 42 years,
the headlights look, Dave said. in strength and was seemingly on was to give the brain more room. I gave her a very grim out- on the same team. but then I started to speak it
I couldnt say anything. the mend. The next step, possibly look, because if hes blowing a The importance of staying on out loud, he said. She kept me
He was flown to St. Vincents rehabilitation, was discussed. The operation pupil, this probably isnt going to the same team was not lost on going.
in Billings Dec. 21, but was dis- Then Daves condition dete- Dave didnt appear to have end well, he said. Brenda.
charged a week later with a mild riorated again. new hemorrhaging, just swelling, Dr. Copeland gave Brenda She never asked Why did this These Days
aneurysm. While his senses dulled, he so Dr. Copelands solution was two options for her husbands happen to him? Instead dur- Nowadays, Dave is mostly
Near the end of January, Dave grew lethargic. New brain scans to remove a large piece of Daves possible future: Another dose of ing her husbands long road to back to normal, except for a par-
had yet another stroke and was did not detect new hemorrhag- skull. Underneath was the lining anti-swelling medication which recovery, shed made sure every- tial vision loss in both eyes and a
once more rushed to the hospital. ing, but there was significant called the dura, where Dr. Cope- could shut down his kidneys, or body was taken care of: her kids, slower, somewhat more strained
He had a rare aneurism called swelling. land cut slits to allow room for to let him go. extended family, Daves friends. gait. Then theres also his pro-
a mycotic aneurism. A mycotic The swelling was likely infec- the brain to expand. I told the doctor give him the In recovery Dave lost 40 found love for the miracle of
aneurysm is an aneurysm caused tion related. Copeland feared it Once Daves skull was dose of medication, Brenda said. pounds. The chunk of skull each day. Any other change may
by a bacterial infection. was decision-making time, and it removed and the bone flap taken As the family rallied despite remained off for months to allow not be discernible for those who
This kind of bacteria was set- didnt bode well for Daves condi- out to allow for more space, his the seemingly hopeless outlook, for the brain to come back down. dont know him.
ting up little homes, like say in tion. brain immediately started to Copeland went to check on his He had to relearn the alphabet, Dave can no longer drive
his ankle, Brenda said. His wife and I had a pretty expand. patient. how to dress himself, what a because of the vision impair-
Another home the bacteria heady talk, he said. Post operation, Dave was After giving him the medica- toothbrush was. ment, but this doesnt deter him
had set up was in his brain. As a spouse, Brenda was in a more awake and seemingly bet- tion and running a CT scan of his Basically he came out as a from taking walks.
tough position. ter than when hed gone in for brain, Daves pupil had miracu- three year old, Brenda said. On sunnier days, Dave walks
Setting up homes Dr. Copeland discussed the craniotomy. lously gone back down. Dave A few months later, the miss- to the newspaper office with
Daves valve condition made options on how aggressively they Thirty minutes later, Dave opened his eyes. ing piece of his skull was reat- his dog, Tiger. With the ample
his heart more susceptible to could treat the aneurysm. If he was deteriorating dramatically. He couldve been very tached. snowfall of late, Dave had taken
infection. was too aggressive Dave had the He was completely unrespon- dead or very non-function- While the recovery process to shoveling his neighbors drive-
Bacteria were hiding in his potential to lose his speech and sive and had blown a pupil. This al, Copeland said. You just from a stroke can oftentimes be ways. Regardless of how Dave
heart valves where they went motor skills and not get them would suggest that the brain was dont see that dramatic of a very hard on a spouse, Brenda spends his days, to him, Every
undetected by antibiotics. As it back. herniating, Copeland said. response once theyve blown simply took the challenges one day is Christmas.
multiples bacteria then works its If youre aggressive some-
way into the bloodstream, hitch- times you can just save their life
ing a ride anywhere in the body. to [have them] be a non-function-
The bacteria wedged itself al person, which no one wants,
into a small vessel within Daves Copeland said.
brain, where it grew. That weak- Brenda kept her cool. She and
ened the vessel, allowing the the doctor decided to move for-
mycotic aneurysm to form. ward with an operation. The Nei- Friendly Place. Serious Service.
Mycotic aneurysms are rare harts two sons, Rob and Mickey,
and usually hard to treat. The college students in Laramie, t r ust t hi s b ra nd . . .
location of Daves aneurysm were told to come to Billings.
made it particularly troubling.


Dr. Copeland assessed his
The vessel was already too options for Daves life, knowing
thin and to sacrifice the vessel
would mean another stroke, one
Dave likely wouldnt bounce
back from.
The infected vessel feeds the
part of the brain that controls FROM
speech and motor control of the
dominant side of his body.
If mycotic aneurysms respond
to antibiotic treatment they can
usually be resolved, shrinking
and scarring down. If a patient
can get through with just anti-
biotics before they hemorrhage,
you win, said Dr. Michael
Copeland, Daves neurosurgeon.
Dave had returned to the TREATING
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Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - A-3


Melting snow caused flooding near Clark near the corner of 8WC and 8VE by County Road 7RP was closed Friday from the southern intersection with Road
the fish hatchery. Park County Road and Bridge closed County Road 8UC due 7QT west to the residential address of 692 Road 7RP due to a severe and dan-
to a washout at the culvert close to mile post 1.32, just south of the residence gerous washout. Much of the entire length of CR 7RP and CR 7QT is only pass-
at 130. (Photo by Cynthia Jackson) able with high profile 4WD vehicles. (Courtesy photo)

State of emergency declared

after flooding around state
Ice jams and mountain Rapid Action Teams of approx- The Wyoming Department
runoff have caused flooding in imately 20 troops each have of Transportation has been
several parts of the state and been deployed to the area. One providing resource assistance
have residents, first respond- additional Rapid Action Team to the flood fighting efforts and
ers, Smoke Busters, National will be deployed today to Wor- has contributed greatly to the
Guard units and state person- land. effort. The Wyoming Chapter
nel taking protective measures In Hudson, a crew of 12 of the American Red Cross
to stay ahead of the rising Department of Corrections/ has provided sheltering and
waters. Forestry Division Smoke Bust- mass care needs to the affected
The Bighorn River in Wor- ers filled more than 1,100 areas.
land rose to flood levels and sandbags to add to the existing Gov. Matt Mead issued
caused the evacuation of 102 stock of sandbags. Respond- an Executive Order on Fri-
homes. Heavy snowfall fol- ers are focusing on protecting day, Feb. 10, declaring a state
lowed by warmer tempera- the water treatment plant on of emergency in response
tures led to the flooding and River Road. to severe weather and flood
ice jamming. Approximately The state has other resourc- conditions across Wyoming.
300 residents showed their es arriving to assist in the flood Health and safety are para-
community spirit and joined fighting efforts. Army Corps mount considerations. The Flooding occured in Cody resident Jan Hoars backyard off of County Road
the sandbagging efforts and of Engineers personnel will be Order directs the Office of 3DX. Recent warm weather caused ample snow melt and surrounding fields
filled approximately 25,000 arriving in state today to pro- Homeland Security and the and yards flooded near Hoars home. The Cody Canal also overflowed leading
sandbags to rein in the rising vide technical assistance to Wyoming National Guard to to additional flooding in this area. (Photo by Jan Hoar)
waters. Two National Guard state and local officials. take appropriate action.

GUNFIGHTERS (from page A-1)

of the business appeared to in an incident that involved an apartment at 814 14th dence, also on 14th Street. years probation. In March the 2015 incident and that a
have been chipped where it firearms in Cody. On Jan. 30, Street in Cody at the time. Windsor was originally he successfully petitioned warrant has been issued for
was struck by a stray bullet. 2015, Winsor was accused of The witnesses told police charged with a felony in the to have the court return the his arrest for the Gunfighter
Only one of the revolvers pointing a pair of western Winsor pointed the guns case for threatening to use handguns that had been con- shooting.
was fired in the show. Five style revolvers at Moshe Wil- at Williams head and told a drawn, deadly weapon in fiscated in the case.
rounds had been fired, and liams, a friend of Windsors him Get out or die. Wil- the incident. That charge Bryan Skoric, Park Coun- (R ob Breeding can be
there was a loaded round ball roommate, Benjamin Simons, liams immediately left, and was reduced to misdemeanor ty attorney, confirmed that reached at rob@codyenter-
in the remaining cylinder. according to a Cody police Simons, after talking to Win- reckless endangering in a Winsor was on probation for prise.com.)
This isnt the first time report of the incident. sor, left as well. They called February plea agreement and
Winsor ran afoul of the law Simons and Winsor shared police from Simons resi- Winsor was placed on one
HEALTH (from page A-1)
Presidents Day holiday
Tuesday, February 14th Only 4:30 & 7:30 p.m.
Part of the Northwest Wyoming Film Series
The pre-existing condition
requirement and extended
Efforts need to continue
on improving the health care changes waste schedule NOW SHOWING
coverage for children until system and making care more
age 26 are two key benefits affordable by moving to fee- Due to the Feb. 20 Presi- outs will be picked up on
in the ACA, said McMillan. for-value based payments and dents Day holiday, the City Tuesday, Feb. 21. People are
If repealed, 22 million people away from volume based reim- of Cody sanitation depart- asked to place their contain-
receiving coverage will need to bursement. ment will not collect gar- ers by the curb before 7 a.m.
receive adequate and contin- We need a health care sys- bage from dumpsters and Monday dumpsters will
ued coverage. tem that provides health care roll-out containers on Mon- be emptied between Tues-
If policy makers choose coverage for those that need day. day, Feb. 21 and Wednesday,
to repeal the ACA without a it, he said. 22 million people Instead, Monday roll- Feb. 22.
replacement bill, it is impor- have secured coverage through
tant that the savings from the the ACA and whatever plan
repeal be placed into a reserve replaced the ACA if repealed FEASTING ON MUSIC
fund to be used for future needs to provide coverage to Annual Friday Noon Concert Series Friday, February 17
replacement efforts, or to the 22 million people.
eliminate the ongoing payment Organ Concert
reductions to hospital services (Cassandra Sturos can be James Hager
that were part of the ACA, reached at cassandra@codyen- Each Concert will begin promptly at
McMillan said. terprise.com.) 12:10 and be finished by 1:00pm
The concerts are open to the public
and free of charge.
For Showtimes
Read all about it!!! 825 Simpson Ave., www.bighorncinemas.net

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fax 866-532-7282 [email protected] 307.254.8143 This mseored
spon :
Paid for by 3101 Big Horn Ave. 587-2231 codyenterprise.com
codyenterprise.com David Northrup
John Malmberg
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Page 4 Editor FEBRUARY 14, 2017
Amber Peabody
[email protected] Cody Enterprise

Wyoming Life On the House

Lew Marguerite
Lets make an effort to be kind House

Imagine if for one week, all of your room, saying hi to the person waiting in
social media feeds were flooded with kind- line next to you, encouraging and sup-

Wind helps
ness. porting a friend or picking up groceries
Simpson For many us of that may be hard to pic- for your elderly neighbor, it doesnt take
ture, as the nastiness online right now much effort to be kind.
says, Hang can seem almost overwhelming.
We could all use a little
And kind acts also can improve the
quality of our health.
on tight more kindness in our lives,
and this week is a great time
The issue:
According to research
from Emory University, piles of snow
Al Simpson was a political
to try and make that hap- when you are kind to anoth- I cant believe Im saying this,
pen. Observed the second What it means to you: er person, your brains plea-
savant, not the least being United but Im glad were having the
States Senator from Wyoming for 18 week of February, Random Good for us, others sure and reward centers wind.
years and a member of the Wyoming I have written for years in this
House of Representatives for 13
Acts of Kindness Week is an What we think: light up, as if you were the space about my disdain for the
years. annual opportunity to unite Make an effort to recipient of the good deed Cody Zephyr. A tousled coif and
So when he says, Ive never seen through kindness. Formally be kind not the giver. This phenom- grit in my teeth are simply not
anything like this, he speaks from good looks for me. My contact
the long view.
recognized in 1995, this sev- enon is called the helpers lenses feel like rocks in my blood-
Simpson included the amount of en-day celebration demon- high. shot eyes, and I have quite a time
snow in Cody this winter. But the strates that kindness is contagious. And Stephen Post of Case Western staying upright in the onslaught
main thrust of the comment was of gale force winds.
directed at the early days of the
It all starts with one act one smile, Reserve University School of Medicine Its even worse if Im cart-
Donald Trump presidency. one coffee for a stranger, one favor for a found that when we give of ourselves, ing something around. I have to
Simpsons early-in-the-term friend. Its an opportunity to leave the everything from life satisfaction to self- employ a death grip on the gro-
analysis is Just hang on tight. cery bag or the mail. If I dont, the
Once again Simpson was also
world better than we found it and inspire realization and physical health is signifi- mail and the groceries would blow
wary of the ice lurking under fresh others to do the same. cantly improved. Mortality is delayed, to Greybull.
layers of snow. But he more directly Many of you may have seen the picture depression is reduced and well-being and Then, there are all those
applied the sentiment to the next attempts to keep the car door
four years in the White House.
the Enterprise ran of scarves hanging in good fortune are increased. from walloping my leg as I try
The first few weeks of the Trump a tree in City Park last month that were The spirit of kindness can go a long way to get into my car. With my foot
presidency have been a tweet-o-ra- free for those in need of a little warmth and its contagious. When we are kind, it cramping up as I prop it against
ma, with the new president seeming- the door, I stretch across the con-
ly firing off the first thing that comes
during the winter months. Lets follow inspires others to be kind. sole to unload the aforementioned
to mind in 140 characters or less. that persons lead. So this week, why not make an effort to bags and mail. Only when I finally
Of course, Twitter has never Whether its helping a stranger in need change the way we act toward one anoth- get the door closed do I realize
been confused with a repository of that Ive shut my coat in it.
deep thinking. Thomas Jefferson
on your way to work, instilling the impor- er and show a little kindness? Nevertheless, we have some
wrote the best-selling Declaration tance of kindness in students in a class- Amber Peabody very serious issues these days
of Independence. Donald Trump with quickly melting snow. If we
ramped up for the presidency by didnt have the wind to evaporate
commenting on Kristen Stewarts some of the water, wed be in that
boyfriend problems. proverbial world of hurt.
Some people say Trumps parents There Ive said it: At least for
should seize the phone, but one day today, we need the wind.
there may be a best-selling collection Besides, if it wasnt for the
of his tweets. wind, writers would lose one of
For now the world trembles when their favorite literary and lyrical
he issues his new missives. Mini- devices.
essay requirements used to say 25 After all, wind is the stuff of
words or less. Now it is less. songs, essays, poems and phi-
Simpson, 85, has always been a losophizing. For example, in a
Republican. Trump was elected as story that appeared in the Feb.
a Republican. Simpson is not sure 20, 1946, issue of the Cody Enter-
they really are members of the same prise an issue commemorating
party. Buffalo Bills 100th birthday
I dont know, Simpson said later that same month the great
the other day in a chat. Hes been showman himself had an intrigu-
everything. Hes on our ticket, but ing response to a complaint about
hes many things. the wind in Cody, Wyoming.
The symbol of the Republican Yes, William F. Buffalo Bill
party is an elephant. The symbol of Cody reportedly told a disgruntled
the Democratic party is a donkey man from Denver, Do you know
(and rarely have so many Demo- how that wind is caused? Well,
crats felt like donkeys than after the you see being so near paradise,
November election). it is caused by the angels flapping
Quantifying, classifying and cat- their wings as they fly about.
egorizing, whether Donald Trump The western classic They
or himself, Simpson said, Ive been Call the Wind Mariah says the
called a rhino. wind blows the stars around and
That was chiefly because Simp- sends the clouds a-flying. Mariah
sons outlook may have been conser- makes the mountain sound like
vative on fiscal matters, but he was folks were up there dying. Thats
often seen as too liberal on social rather strong words about the
issues. Essentially, he said, because wind, a.k.a. Mariah.
he supported gay and lesbian rights Peter, Paul and Mary sang that
(as well as others) since he harbors the answers for many of lifes
the belief we are all created equal. questions are blowing in the
Despite all his Washington expe- wind. They asked, How many
rience, and at least on paper being LETTER TO THE EDITOR years must a mountain exist
of the same party as the president, before its washed to the sea? and
Simpson is pretty much a civilian
observer of the current scene.
He and his wife Ann do not
Federal public lands issue far from over How many ears must one man
have before he can hear people
cry? And, there were questions
watch much television, so Simpson To the editor: the National Republican Plat- litical agenda of the GOP. about walking down roads, white
does not regularly follow Saturday Conservationists, outdoor rec- form: In Wyoming, a new poll shows doves sailing, and cannon balls
Night Live, the king of political reationists, sightseers, wildlife ad- Congress shall immediately that 71 percent consider ourselves flying each one with answers in
satire in this era. vocates and all who enjoy Federal pass universal legislation pro- conservationists, 53 percent are that wind.
However, Simpson heard so public lands are breathing a sigh viding for a timely and orderly against public land transfer, and The group Kansas says that
much about the recent SNL parody of relief since a proposed Consti- mechanism requiring the federal outdoor recreation generates $4.5 all we are is dust in the wind.
of White House press secretary Sean tutional amendment to aid trans- government to convey certain fed- billion in consumer spending and Christopher Cross crooned that
Spicers press conference and how fer of national public lands to the erally controlled public lands to provides $300 million in state and he was gonna ride like the wind
funny it was, he might go after it via state has been withdrawn from states. We call upon all national local taxes. before I get old; and Bob Seger
Google. the Wyoming Legislature. and state leaders and representa- We need our open spaces. Most suggests that hes older now and
TV shows aside, Simpson pays Its clear that the State of Wyo- tives to exert their utmost power of us choose to make Wyoming our still runnin against the wind.
attention to the news and called ming does not have the budget, and influence to urge the transfer home on account of federal public Finally, Bette Midler sang the
everyday protests of everything manpower or expertise to take of those lands, identified in the re- lands, and the amenities and jobs moving lyrics, I could fly higher
pronounced by the White House over management of federal pub- view process, to all willing states they provide. Tourists come from than an eagle because youre the
troubling. lic lands. The result, sooner or lat- for the benefit of the states and all over the world to marvel at our wind beneath my wings.
He ponders just what characters er, would be to divest those lands the nation as a whole. wealth of natural landscapes, and For Codyites whove had two
in the streets are up to disguising to private interests, which would This move to effectively steal the ranching culture and wildlife months of snow-covered every-
themselves with masks and wearing inevitably end in diminished pub- public lands from the citizens of they support. thing, the wind is probably the
all black. lic access, as well as loss to devel- all 50 states and transfer it to a Remember your elected of- tool we need right now. As Cath-
Taken together, the Trump ad- opment. handful of Western states, is not ficials special interest agendas erine the Great once said, A great
ministration, angry demonstrators, Do not delude yourselves, fel- just a sign of the disconnect be- next time you go to the polls. wind is blowing, and that gives
(heck, the Cody snow and ice too) low citizens of Wyoming, that this tween Wyoming elected officials (s) LINDA RAYNOLDS you either imagination or a head-
make for a daily roller coaster ride. issue is over. Consider this from and the general public, it is a po- Cody ache.

The Cody Enterprise was founded

in 1899 by Col. William F. Buffalo LETTERS POLICY
Bill Cody. It is published twice
weekly and printed on site: The Enterprise operates as an priateness.
Publisher PO Box 1090 open forum for the free exchange of Management limits a single letter
John Malmberg Reporters Graphic designers
Lew Freedman, Cassie Capellen,
3101 Big Horn Avenue, ideas. We welcome letters to the edi- writer to one letter every 30 days
Cody, WY 82414 tor, provided they meet the following (from publishing date, not submis-
Editor Scott Kolb, Michelle Milner (USPS 120-440)
Amber Peabody Rhonda Schulte, criteria: sion date).
Cassandra Sturos Pressmen Office phone: (307) 587-2231 Word limit: 300.
News Editor Colin Mills, FAX; (307) 587-5208
Tim Petree, No personal attacks. The Enterprise ascribes to the four
Rob Breeding Advertising reps
Brittany Martin, Kent Schuebel Web site: No product advertisements. basic tenets of the Society of Profes-
codyenterprise.com All letters must be signed and sional Journalists:
Advertising Manager Shannon Koltes,
Megan Barton Mike Voss Front office The Cody Enterprise is wholly accompanied by a verifiable phone Seek truth and report it.
Amy Lawless, number and address. Minimize harm.
owned by Sage Publishing Co
Production manager Photographer Paula Rhoads
John Sides Raymond Hillegas Contact Robert Kennedy, All letters are subject to editing for Act independently.
P.O. Box 578, Cody, WY 82414 clarity, factual accuracy and appro- Be accountable and transparent.
Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - A-5


Lundvall presented with Pathfinder Award, hunting trip

By LEW FREEDMAN son who is faced with chal- her honor in November. She
Staff writer lenges in his/her life that was just parking her car in
Cody hunter Ashlee Lun- causes him/her to find new the garage when the phone
dvall was presented with the ways to live and be engaged in rang and she was asked,
Safari Club International outdoor events/projects. How do you feel about going
Pathfinder Award in Las Lundvall, a hunter, moti- to Africa?
Vegas recently at the organi- vational speaker and a Mossy Thrilled was the answer.
zations annual convention. OakPro Staffer, was cho- This will be my first trip
And her steak got cold sen Ms. Wheelchair USA in to Africa, Lundvall said.
while she thanked the hun- 2013 and has one daughter, The prize safari calls for
dreds of people assembled to Addison. Last year Lundvall her to hunt between 10 and
celebrate her. penned an autobiography 12 plains animals such as
Lundvall said she was hon- named A Redefined Life: kudu, ibek, antelope, wart-
ored and grateful to receive Lessons From A Pitchfork. hog, zebra and wildebeest.
the award. She was partially para- All the meat is donated
Oh, it was so amazing, lyzed 18 years ago while to local villagers, Lundvall
Lundvall said of the event at working on a ranch. Lund- said.
the Mandalay Bay Conven- vall, 16, was wielding a pitch- Given their long history,
tion Center she attended with fork to throw hay to livestock the Oelofses figure to have
her husband Russ on Feb. 3. when she took a fall, broke the hunts well-organized.
As part of the recognition her back and damaged her However, transporation
at the dinner Lundvall also spinal cord. around the world on foreign
won a big-game safari trip to Over the years Lundvall airlines which may not be as
Namibia in May. has hunted elk, antelope, disabled-traveler sophisticat-
Were just so appreciative white tail deer and mule deer, ed, looms as a possible issue.
and grateful with how Safari whatever puts meat in the A lot of it is communica-
Club recognizes hunters with freezer, she said. My favor- tion and plenty of prepara-
disabilities, said Lundvall, ite thing is big game. tion, Lundvall said, admit-
34, who has used a wheelchair More recently, she began ting getting to Africa may be
since 1999 following an acci- hunting turkey, ducks and her biggest problem.
dent. pheasants. In addition to the hunt,
The international orga- However, she has not had Lundvall and Russ will be
nization has been recogniz- the opportunity to hunt in afforded chances to take pic-
ing hunters with disabilities Africa on a safari. Her two- tures of elephants, lions and
for more than 20 years. Most week May trip with Russ is other animals.
years the award is presented set for Namibia with Jan Im super excited to see
to two individuals, but Lund- Oelofse Safaris. the animals for photographs,
vall, who had previously been The family outfitter has Lundvall said.
nominated, is the sole recipi- operated a disabled-accessible
ent for 2017. lodge for years and provided (Lew Freedman can be
The criteria for the groups hunts for Pathfinder winners. reached at lew@codyenter- An avid hunter, Ashlee Lundvall recently received the Safari Clubs Pathfinder
Pathfinder award is: A per- Lundvall was notified of prise.com.) Award.

Lannett CEO explains expansion CorreCtion VERITATIS SPLENDOR COUNSELING

A story in the Feb. 9, 2017 THE SPLENDOR OF
By RHONDA SCHULTE edition of the Cody Enterprise
Staff writer incorrectly said the Park County
Our staff in Cody has
Lannett Companys decision commissioners approved a right-
to expand generic prescription of-way permit for the Heart Counseling that gets results and relief

achieved extraordinary successes

drug production in the remote, Mountain Irrigation District to
small rural community of Cody upgrade County Road 2ABW. Christian approach to therapy
was influenced by local and
in product development and process
Lee Livingston, commission
state solicitations along with the chairman, said the commission-
Specializing in EMDR Trauma Therapy
states business-friendly envi-
efficiencies. We look forward
ers did not approve the right of
ronment. Treating: Anxiety, Depression, PTSD,
way permit, but instead recom-
In a Feb. 1 second-quarter Sexual/Physical Abuse, Grief, Loss,
to breaking ground and toward
mended the Irrigation District
report to investors, Arthur Bed- apply for one. Divorce Reaction, Abortion Healing
rosian, Lannett Companys chief
continued growth.
The Irrigation District needs and More
executive officer, explained why to replace 1,900 feet of concrete
the board of directors recently liner in its main canal west of Counseling which seeks the Truth and
committed $50 million to build Cody. The Irrigation District Explores the Dignity of the Human Person
a new Cody Laboratories pre- Arthur Bedrosian, plans to use 2ABW to reach the
scription drug manufacturing
campus in the North Industrial Lannett Company chief executive officer repair site.
Justin McColl MA, LPC

A right-of-way permit will
Park. allow the Irrigation District to Bernadette Schmitt MA, LPC
The report of Lannetts earn- upgrade the road so it can handle
ings covered financial activ- the heavy equipment traffic the
1735 Sheridan Ave., Suite 237, Cody 307-213-4341
ity October-December.Seeking mous potential with the U.S. sian said. Weve done a lot of project requires. [email protected] www.vscounseling.org
Alphas transcript of the confer- market alone exceeding $23 mil- research and were in the opioid
ence call is found at SeekingAl- lion. field in terms of vertically inte-
pha.com. The Lannett board agreed to grating our own products as well
So the community has been expand Cody Labs after a study as outside of the opioids where
extraordinarily cooperative and showed increased pharmaceuti- were looking at products and
actually, I would say, more than cal production at the Cody plant processes that were improving. Applications are now being accepted for the following volunteer county boards:
cooperative, Bedrosian said in would further strengthen Lan- Cody Labs currently oper-
his report. Its solicited us to netts vertical integration. Ver- ates from a 75,000-square-foot PARK COUNTY TRAVEL COUNCIL
expand and has made some gen- tical integration happens when building on 15 acres off West
erous opportunities available to
County At-Large Representative 1 Upcoming Appointment
one company engages in two or Yellowstone.
us, both on a local level by the more stages of production (e.g., Bedrosian further justified 3-Year Term
City of Cody, Wyoming, and of manufacturing, transporting, the five-building Cody Labs
course from the state legisla- Yellowstone National Park Representative 1 Upcoming
marketing and/or retailing). expansion by saying limitations
ture. Investment in pain manage- presented by the current facility Appointment 3-Year Term
The CEO visited Cody for ment facilities is expected to could limit potential opportuni-
the first time when he and his significantly increase Lannett ties to make more money. PARK COUNTY PREDATOR MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD
wife attended the Forward Cody Companys pharmaceutical pro- So theres no sense devel-
annual banquet Jan. 26. Bed- duction and bolster the compa- oping new mobility technolo- County Sportsman/Hunter 1 Upcoming Appointment 3-Year Term
rosian shared information he nys internal supply of prescrip- gies and new products and then
learned while visiting with Gov. tion medication. being stymied by the limitations PARK COUNTY FAIR ADVISORY BOARD
Matt Mead at the event. Our staff in Cody has of the facility, he said. 1 Upcoming Appointment Unexpired 5-Year Term (Expires January 2021)
Theres a lot of anxiety achieved extraordinary success- For competitive reasons, he
about dependence on the oil and es in product development and did not elaborate. Applications may be requested electronically at [email protected], or
gas industry, Bedrosian said. process efficiencies, and contin- Scott Henry, a ROTH Capital applications are available at the County Commissioners office in the ORIGINAL
So they see the opportunity we
bring to them as an enormous
ue with the overwhelming and Partners analyst, asked, How COURTHOUSE, 1002 Sheridan Avenue, Cody, at the PARK COUNTY ANNEX, 109
enthusiastic support of the Cody long will it take to convert the
opportunity for the state. community and the Wyoming project into revenue?
W. 14th Street, Powell. Applications must be submitted by NO LATER THAN 3:00
And for us, we find the atmo- state Legislature, Bedrosian Bedrosian said the company P.M. on Thursday, February 23, 2017. Please include a letter of interest or rsum
sphere out there very friendly said. We look forward to break- will probably start to see some with the application. Interviews will be held in Tuesday, March 7. Applicant must
to business and look forward to ing ground and towards the con- benefits in the second or third appear in person for interview.
expanding that facility to give tinued growth. year.
more opportunities to make Deutsche Bank analyst Gregg
more product. Gilbert asked for more details


Products will encompass not on the expansion and wondered
only opioids, but other non-opi- how much of the decision was
oid products. due to opioids.
But most of those products our goal is to be vertically
would be considered controlled integrated in pain management, Our experienced Team of Primary Care Providers are here to provide complete health care to you and your family.
substances or drugs, he said. and pain management includes
Bedrosian said generic pre- quite a number of products well
scription drugs represent enor- beyond the opioids, Bedro-
New Patients
History of Lannett, Cody Labs and Same Day
Cody Laboratories pro- the Cody North Industrial Appointments.
duces active pharmaceuti- Park.
cal ingredients and finished Construction of the
dosage forms of pain relief Cody Labs plant is expect- Aaron L. Killpack, Cody M. Nielson, H. Brannon Ayres,
medication. ed to begin this spring Se Habla Espaol
L a n n e t t C o m p a n y, and should be finished by
founded in 1942, bought winter of 2018. The plant
Cody Labs eight years ago. will then be qualified and We provide a variety of services including: Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (such as neck
The Philadelphia-based the production processes
company develops, manu- validated to assure reliable pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, strains and sprains), Colds and Sinus, Childrens Health, Sports
factures, packages, mar- production of quality prod- Injuries, Sports Physicals, Healthcare Maintenance, Preventative Health.
kets and distributes generic ucts.
pharmaceutical products. Bernhard Opitz, Cody
The Lannett board of Labs president, expects
directors recently approved Food and Drug Administra-
plans to invest in its pain tion approval by the end of
management facilities, and 2020. Once FDA approval For More Information call (307) 578-1800
has committed $50 mil-
lion toward the Cody Labs
is received, the company
will start commercial oper-
or visit us at 720 Lindsay Lane, Suite A, Cody
expansion on Road 2AB in ations.
A-6 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Grace Purvis McGary Margie Marie Conner
Grace Purvis McGary, 94 from Celo- her family and friends. We will Margie Marie Conner, 78, she became two children: daughter Renee
and 364/365ths, of Cody, Wyo., tex in 2001. always have our memories of of Cody, Wyo., died Feb. 7, friends Conner, of Cody, and son Gary
died at West Park Hospitals She was Mom and Grandma Grace. 2017. with. She Conner and family, also of
Long Term Care Center on a member Grace was preceded in She was born to the late loved to Cody.
Feb. 10, 2017, surrounded by of the Irma death by her husband John, Donald and Marjorie Evans travel, Margie was preceded in
her family. Flat Moth- father, mother, two brothers on July 19, 1938, in Lapeer, and took death by her only grandson,
Grace was born Feb. 11, ers Club. and one grandson. Mich. She married George many trips Colt Conner.
1922, in Cody to Henry and She was She is survived by her Conner Jr. in 1954, and they around the Please, in lieu of flowers,
Frances Purvis. She married GRACE a lifetime four daughters (Purvis-bred lived together in the Lapeer MARGIE U. S . a n d the family requests that dona-
Guy Kalian on Oct. 13, 1945, member of Queens): Sue (Gary) Pack- area before relocating to Cody Canada tions be made to Spirit Moun-
and they traveled to Vancou- McGARY the VFW ard, Vicky Mulholland, Carol in 1972. CONNER with her tain Hospice House.
ver, Wash., where she worked 1922-2017 L a d i e s (Merlin) Hill and Henrietta Margie was a waitress 1938-2017 h u s b a n d A remembrance service will
as a secretary at Fruit Val- Auxiliary. McGary; 10 grandchildren, until she retired in 1993, and and chil- be held at 3 p.m. Feb. 17, 2017,
ley School and Minnehaha She was always a loving 32 great-grandchildren, 23 always enjoyed interactions dren in her lifetime. at The Living Fortress Four-
School. grandma, and her home on great-great-grandchildren, with her co-workers and cus- Margie is survived by her square Church at 725 19th St.
She had three daughters South Fork was always open and countless other family tomers alike; many of whom husband George Conner, and Cremation has taken place.
in Vancouver: Sue, Vicky and to anyone who stopped by. and friends.
Carol. In 1964, they moved
back to Cody where Henri-
She will always be known
as Grandma Grace to many
Visitation will be at Bal-
lard Funeral Home on Feb. Myra Chandel Jenson
etta was born. Guy and Grace kids. Her favorite fruit was 14, 2017, from 5-7 p.m. Grave-
Myra Chandel Jenson died a grand- most favorite meals was pork
divorced in 1966 and she mar- chocolate. She loved going to side services will take place at
peacefully Jan. 29, 2017, in mother chops, mashed potatoes and
ried John McGary in 1967. the Thorofare with her mom Bull Creek Cemetery (up the
her home. She was born May (Aaliyah, gravy. Comfort food was her
She worked at the McGary and dad, always talking about South Fork) on Feb. 15, 2017,
29, 1969, in Cody, Wyo. Haidyn, specialty just as her personal-
Family Ranch, Salt Creek her younger days in hunting at 2 p.m.
Chandel was known for A a y - ity portrayed.
Freight Ways, Credit Bureau camps. An online memorial is
her infectious smile, loving lah and She has joined several
of Cody, and finally retired She will truly be missed by available at ballardfh.com.
nature and kindness to every- Quinn), grandparents, stepfather
one she met. Throughout her and a com- (Roger Simon), aunt Kay and
Philo Hooper DuVal Jr. life, she was always concerned MYRA panion her soulmate (Howard Wood-
about others happiness and (Nathan Woody) in the task of watch-
Philo Hooper DuVal Jr., often times, put her own JENSON Under- ing over friends and family
born June 10, 1930, died needs aside to help others. 1969-2017 w o o d ) a s members who remain here on
peacefully in his home at She was often heard telling well as a this earth. Words cannot
the age of 86 on Feb. 6, 2017, others to just be happy. friend to countless many. express how many lives Chan-
after a lengthy illness in Chandel was a daughter In addition to enjoying del touched and how greatly
Benton, La. to Wray (Karen) Jenson and time spent with her friends she will be missed.
Visitation was Feb. 10, Sue Thomas-Simon; a sister and family, Chandel enjoyed A small, private family ser-
2017, at Osborn Funeral (Jake Jenson, Stacia Jenson, hiking and camping in the vice is planned in the spring
Home. Funeral services were Shannon Jenson and Brian outdoors and playing with her for the celebration of her life.
held Feb. 11, 2017, at St. Moore), a mother (Jas- grandchildren. Chandel also The family asks only for your
Marks Episcopal Cathedral. per N. Jenson, Schylie W. loved cooking for family and prayers and support at this
Officiating was Rev. Alston Wood and Sean W. Smith), friends; one of her childrens time.
B. Johnson of St. Marks
Cathedral. Interment fol-
lowed at Forest Park Cem- Kenneth Ken Howard Wood
Mr. DuVal was born in Kenneth Howard Wood ily to Cody, when Kens mobility declined,
Tyler, Texas, and moved to (Ken), 77, died at Spirit Moun- and dressed he enjoyed playing cards with
Shreveport, La. He has been PHILO DUVAL JR. tain Hospice House in Cody, as Smokey grandkids. Ken could always be
a resident of Benton for 1930-2017 Wyo., on Feb. 9, 2017, after suf- Bear in seen at the baseball fields cheer-
25 years. He was an active fering a stroke. m a n y ing on his grandsons.
member of All Saints Episco- He was born on Aug. 7, 1939, Fo u r t h Ken is survived by his wife
pal Church serving on vari- poem is near and dear to the and numerous step grand- second child of Robert and Ber- of July of 51 years, brothers Wendell
ous vestries. heart of all Aggies and is read children and great-grand- tina (Vale) Wood in Battle Creek, parades. Wood and John Hopper, sis-
Mr. DuVal was a graduate each year as part of the Texas children. Mich. Ken took an ter Stephanie Walker, children
A&M bonfire tradition. It is Pallbearers were Matthew KEN
of Texas A&M where he was He spent his younger years early retire- Pam Wood of Portland, Ore.,
a member of Cadet Corps permanently inscribed on DuVal, Philo Hooper DuVal water skiing and swimming at WOOD ment from Angie (Nathan) Gesner of Cody,
and obtained his bachelor of the Bonfire Memorial Wall at III, Alwyn Luckey, Deuce the family lake, playing sports 1939-2017 the Forest Leslie (Jean Findley) Wood of
science degree in mechanical Texas A&M College Station Kauffman, Joe Robert Love, with brothers Wendell (Woody) Service in Juneau, Alaska, Kevin Wood of
engineering. While attend- campus. Richard Stephanow Jr. and and Johnny, and fishing and 1986 because he wanted to stay Long Beach, Calif., Erin (Loren)
ing Texas A&M, Mr. DuVal Mr. DuVal was preceded Arthur Mann Wallace. hunting with his dad. He played in Cody and became youth direc- Hazel of Cody, grandsons Jer-
served his country obtain- in death by his parents, Honorary pallbearers were football and baseball in high tor at First Presbyterian Church emy Gesner, Dylan, Jaxon and
ing the rank of Second Lieu- Philo Hooper DuVal Sr. and Clifford Bayer, Harry Hobbs school, and earned a football for two years. Leo Hazel, and Malakhi Wood,
tenant in the Air Force/ Pauline Matthews DuVal; and Jerry French. scholarship to Michigan State In 1988, Ken began his sec- granddaughters Alexis Wood,
Reserves. Following gradua- his sister Polly Gene DuVal; The family requests University, where he finished ond career selling real estate Kyra and Rachel Findley-Wood,
tion, he earned an executive his first wife and mother to that memorials be made to with the ROTC program. for Brokerage West. Ken was and Nevaeh and Antonia Gesner.
MBA from Harvard Univer- his children Cornelle Burt or in lieu of flowers to the He served in the Army for active in his church as elder and He was preceded in death by
sity. DuVal; and his second wife Alzheimers Association or two years at Ft. Carson, Colo., as deacon, sang in the choir and his parents, and his grandson Eli
Mr. DuVals professional Joy Smith Lucky. the Texas Aggie Corps of a First Lieutenant Commander, attended mens Bible Study Fel- Hazel.
career began after joining his Mr. DuVal is survived by Cadets Association. then began his first career in the lowship for many years. Viewing and visitation will be
father at City Service. Upon his wife of 11 years, Evelyn Forest Service. Ken was an avid hunter and Feb. 16 from 4-6 p.m. at Ballard
receiving his professional Lee DuVal; his three sons,
Philo Hooper DuVal III and
Patricia While in the Forest Service, fisherman, he spent years as Funeral Home. Funeral services
engineer designation from Ken met his wife Terry Feller a football referee throughout will be on Friday at First Presby-
the State of Texas, he began wife Katherine of McKin- Brainerd under the mistletoe while pick- northern Wyoming, and cheer- terian Church at 10:30 a.m. with
and spent the remaining 38 ney, Texas, Matthew Corbit ing up her roommate for a date. ing for his favorite teams (the burial and luncheon to follow,
years of his career with Mar- DuVal of Houston, Texas, Patricia Brainerd, 79, of They married on June, 20, 1965, Broncos and the Rockies). Ken where video and memories will
athon Oil. and Edward Burt DuVal Cody, died Feb. 10, 2017, at in Colorado Springs, Colo., and and Terry spent time travel- be shared.
His love for Texas A&M of Natchitoches, La.; three her home in Cody. began their family, moving to ing to see kids and grandkids, In lieu of flowers, the family
was well known and inspired grandchildren, Courtney Arrangements are pend- Monte Vista, Colo., and Wood- and played numerous rounds of asks that you make a donation
him to author The Last DuVal, Burt DuVal and Nich- ing under direction of Ballard land Park, Colo. bridge at the Senior Center. They to the Cody Senior Center or the
Corps Trip poem. This ole Dalmau; six stepchildren; Funeral Home. In 1974, Ken moved his fam- enjoyed several cruises, and charity of your choice.
Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - A-7


Airport only cancels three flights due to recent storms

By SCOTT KOLB windows of the Duggleby Wi n t e r w e a t h e r m a y Apparently traveling at after the removal of the Design plans have been
Staff writer Board Room. Ransoms have also had an effect on a high rate of speed, the old Armory building. The submitted to the FAA for
Although this has been crews have been burn- the numbers for passenger vehicle went off the road board has not made any approval of an apron expan-
one of the worst winters in ing up diesel fuel in their boardings and rental cars. and crashed through the decision on what to do with sion. This would allow for
recent memory, not many machines trying to keep There was a 12.2 percent airports fence. The vehicle that parcel of land, which up to four planes at a time
flights have been cancelled things cleared for the decrease in the number of came to rest on the taxiway. encompasses 6.1 acres. to be at the airport.
at Yellowstone R egional planes. car rental days for January. How he missed the With all of the current Final payments were
Airport, the Joint Powers Were one of the few There was also a 13.9 per- hangars and the vehicles hangars now being leased, approved in the Taxiway A
Board said during its meet- Skywest airports not cent decrease in the num- parked there is almost there is a need for more Rehabilitation and Electri-
ing last week. to have many cancelled ber of airplane passengers a miracle, YRA Board storage space at the air- cal Project. The FAA has
Only two flights in Janu- flights, YRA Board mem- last month as compared to Chairman Bob Adrian said. port. No work can be done done its flight check for the
ary and one in early Febru- ber Bucky Hall said. The a year ago. There must have been to address this situation new PAPI lights and the
ary failed to make a sched- crews have done a great Looking ahead to the somebody riding on his unless the airport makes airport will be reimbursed
uled landing in Cody. job. summer tourist season, shoulder to prevent the infrastructure upgrades to for the cost by the federal
Weve had snow on the Keeping snow off the United Airlines will resume crash from being worse. the vacant land. agency.
ground since Dec. 17, so runways isnt the only service to Denver on May A claim has been filed We have no funds avail- Delays continue in
our crews have done a great problem, the white stuff 5. United will also operate with the drivers insurance able, Adrian said. We completing the Approach
job of keeping the runways also drifted in by the han- one flight per week to Chi- company. The airport man- already have projects to pay Analysis Study as support
clear, YRA manager Bob gars where private planes cago starting on June 10. agement will likely wait for going out five years. for using new landing tech-
Hooper said. Especially are stored. With the mag- Skywest is scheduled for until the snow melts to Representatives from nology doesnt appear to be
with the new FAA require- nitude of snow this winter three flights during the week determine the extent of the Choice acknowledged this very strong from Skywest.
ments about ice on the run- there is simply no place to and two additional flights on damage. type of project will take The board agreed to put
ways. put it. Saturdays and Sundays. If people keep driv- time. They just wanted to pressure on the airlines to
YRA Operations Super- We m a d e a d e c i s i o n Keeping the fence ing through the perim - get the process started. get it done.
visor Bruce Ransom added: that it was unsafe on han- around the perimeter of eter fence, board members We have to take steps to A C h o i c e Av i a t i o n
Yo u k n o w w h a t w e r e gar row, so we hired Har- the airport intact has also joked they might have to develop that property, said request to shut down air-
doing. ris Trucking to remove the been a concern. On Jan. build a wall around the air- Doug Johnston, Secretary space for an hour on Aug. 5
While Ransom was snow, Hooper said. With 27, a vehicle failed to stop port. for the Board. There was for its annual Air Fair was
speaking to the board on two trucks and a front-end at the intersection of the Choice Aviation request- no timetable decided on for tabled until next month. A
Feb. 8, one of the plows loader, it took them four Greybull and Meeteetse ed approval to build T-Han- this project. letter of notification will be
went cruising past the hours to clear it out. highways. gars in the area now vacant In other business: sent to airport tenants.


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A-8 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017

State LegiSLature Tipped semi

Senate passes cuts to

public education funding
(AP) Wyoming school districts would see a animal a felony as long as the animal is some-
5 percent reduction in their state block grants where it is allowed to be, like the owners prop-
by the end of the decade under a bill that has erty or a 4-H fair.
passed the Senate. Previously, injuring someone elses animal
Senate File 165, which passed on a 27-3 vote was only a misdemeanor, but Senate File 115
Feb. 7, now goes to the state House for debate. looks to make it so violations of the law could
Under the bill, block grant funding given to send someone away for up to two years in prison.
districts would be cut by 5 percent over the next It is already a felony if someone intentionally
two school years, beginning in 2018. tortures or kills an animal.
Those percentage reductions would only
kick in if legislation hadnt been enacted to Legislative committee passes 2 abor-
either recalibrate or change the funding model tion bills
for K-12 education. So the cuts that would hit (AP) The Senate Agriculture, State and
in the 2019-2020 school year would not happen Public Lands and Water Resources Committee
if schools funding was recalibrated before that has endorsed two abortion related bills.
academic year started. House Bill 116 would make it a felony to sell
Recalibration typically takes place every five tissue from an aborted fetus, and House Bill 182
years, and it last occurred in 2015. The state would require that a physician offer an ultra- photo by RAYMOND HILLEGAS
hires consultants who examine the funding
model for public education here and tell law-
sound to a patient before an abortion, except in The Wyoming Highway Patrol, Park County Sheriffs Office, West Park
times of a medical emergency.
makers how much money districts need for cer- The Casper Star-Tribune reports that each
Hospital EMS and Cody Volunteer Fire Department responded to a semi-
tain areas, like classroom sizes. bill passed the committee Thursday evening by trailer that had blown over on WYO 120 N just pass Skull Creek Pass on
The bill would create a committee of legisla- a 4-1 vote. Thursday afternoon. It was blocking all lanes of traffic.
tors to review overall education funding in Wyo- The measures now proceed to the Senate
ming. floor for further debate. They have already
The bill also would freeze transportation and passed the House.
special education spending at 2011-12 and 2015- The committee votes followed testimony
16 levels, respectively.
The bill represents one of the most wide-
ranging attempts in the Legislature to address
from both sides of the abortion issue.
People who supported the legislation said
fetuses were unborn children with rights to life,
Man who attacked someone
the states education funding crisis caused by a
prolonged downturn in the energy economy.
However, the Casper Star-Tribune reports
while opponents said the measures represented
unnecessary government interference on wom-
ens rights.
with bear spray to change plea
that its not immediately clear how much money The defendant in an officers that the victim, Kasey come over to the residence to
the proposal would save the state. assault case which allegedly Guenther, had been bleeding retrieve some of his property.
Sen. Bill Landen, R-Casper and the bills Legislature rejects bonds to repair prison took place last summer near badly and was taken to West Hoover later doused Guen-
sponsor, told fellow lawmakers this week that (AP) Legislative leaders are proposing to a Cody elementary school has Park Hospital. ther with bear spray and hit
something needed to be done about the educa- create a savings account to eventually rebuild requested a change of plea Officers then learned the him in the head, according to
tion deficit in this session. the state prison at Rawlins rather than spend hearing in Park County Dis- suspect was Hoover, who was the police report.
I dont want to run this thing at 80 mph in money to repair it now. trict Court. later located walking down After allegedly threatening
a couple of years because were not going to be The decision runs against a recommendation Benjamin Eli Hoover is Cougar Avenue. Hoover had to shoot Guenther if he called
able to stop, Landen said. Were going to go by Gov. Matt Mead to use bonds to repair the charged with a felony count multiple weapons on his per- the police, Hoover left the
over the cliff. Weve got to do what is necessary. prison after a task force decided that was the best of Aggravated Assault with son when stopped by police scene. Guenther then went
option. The prison houses about 700 people and a Drawn Deadly Weapon. He officers. looking for Hoover on his
Bill increasing penalty for hurting pets is experiencing significant structural damage. appeared in District Court on Details of the incident bicycle and found him near
advances House Bill 262, which passed the House and is Aug. 23, 2016, and entered a were given to the police from the elementary school.
(AP) A bill that would increase penalties in the Senate, would funnel investment earnings plea of not guilty. Guenther while he was in the The two men engaged in
for anyone who injures someone elses animal into a savings account for a new state prison. This incident dates back hospital. He told officers he a second altercation which
while it is on the owners property is advancing House Speaker Steve Harshman tells the to the night of July 9, 2016, spent the night at Hayden resulted in a gun being
through the Wyoming Legislature. Casper Star-Tribune that his bill would build when Cody police officers Kitchs residence on 32nd drawn.
The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports the a saving account of $250 million. The Casper responded to a report of an Street while she was out of An order setting the
House Judiciary Committee on Thursday unani- Republican says itll be up to a future Legisla- assault near Sunset School on town. change of plea and sentencing
mously passed the bill, which would make mali- ture and governor to decide when and how to Sheridan Avenue. Kitch used to date and hearing for Hoover was set
ciously injuring or destroying someone elses spend it. Police dispatch advised the reside with Hoover, who had forth for March 9 at 11 a.m.

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Cody Enterprise

TUESDAY, February 14, 2017

Sports & Outdoors B
Cody takes
four events
at Gillette
The Cody indoor track team
earned four first place finishes
during the Camel Indoor Track
Meet on Thursday in Gillette.
Three of those top places
came from one person fresh-
man Sydney Holiday.
I felt super happy I won all
three because I know that the
training is paying off and Im
looking forward to more training
before state, she said.
Holiday was busy during the
meet, running the prelims of the
60-meter dash and hurdles with
little rest, and then running the
finals of those races, plus the
400-meter dash almost back-to-
It was super hard to run all
three races in a row but it gave
me a perspective and got me
ready for what state is going to
be like, so I think it was good,
she said. I think the 60 hurdles
was my best race of the day
because I got to race the leader
of the state in this event and
beat her in a head-to-head race.
Holiday ran faster than Maria
Doherty of Gillette in both the
prelims and finals of the hurdle
Codys Colton Curtis (center) is all smiles as he celebrates his first place finish in the 100-yard freestyle during the 3A race.
Absaroka Conference Championships on Saturday at the Rec Center pool. Codys other victory came
from Kelli Holiday in the 1,600.

Curtis captures two titles

Kelli is from Ten Sleep but com-
petes for the Fillies. She also
was fifth in the 200.
Eve Johnson also had a good
day for the Fillies, finishing sec-
ond in the pole vault and fifth in
the 60-meter hurdles.
By LEW FREEDMAN is the 50 freestyle, an event he has swimmers trimmed time from I got faster in all of my events. Eve was right at her PR and
Staff writer also qualified in, these develop- their personal bests and notched Although Cody has no addi- had some good jumps at 10 feet,
When he turned around to ments will likely change his entry several personal records Saturday. tional team meets scheduled, coach Bret Engdahl said. Shes
stare at the Rec Center score- outlook for state. Anbo Yao only began swimming Allred said she is going to try to finally healthy again after the
board, Colton Curtis was shocked. Im pretty sure Im doing the the 500 freestyle a few weeks ago find a meet next weekend where influenza wrecked her for days.
He knew he won the 3A 100 free and the 100 back, Curtis and cut seconds every time he Campbell can take one last shot at Jenna Slikker finished fourth
Absoraka Conference 100-yard said. I crushed my 100 back. raced, including Saturday. Yao qualifying. in the 60, while Haleigh Deleon
backstroke, but didnt have a clue That previous best was 1:04- was in the consolation final, but Allred was so excited about finished seventh. Deleon also
about his time. point something. produced the sixth-fastest time Curtis victory in the 100 she took fifth in the long jump.
The number startled him. It This was the first time in six of the day in 6:41.32. That was a jumped up and down on the pool For the Broncs, Gavin Holiday
read 1:01.99, a personal best by years Cody has hosted the confer- five-second drop for him. deck. She also gave him a big hug earned a second place in the pole
more than two seconds. ence championships. The atmo- Im just a freshman, Yao as he stood on the podium accept- vault.
I looked at it and thought it sphere was raucous, with teams said. Theres lots of room for ing his first-place award. He jumped 13-6 and finished
couldnt be right, Curtis said. leading their own cheers poolside improvement. He swam beautifully, Allred second in a jump off, Engdahl
Everything went right for as spectators sat above in a glass Junior Ethan Walton finished said. He had a great meet. It was said. It was a good competi-
Codys top swimmer Saturday. enclosure, and loud music urged ninth in the 200-yard individual a great day. tion.
Curtis also captured the 100-yard participants on. Rawlins swim- medley in 3:13.31, but knocked off Curtis is the one swimmer who Daniel Geohagen finished
freestyle in 53.33 seconds, his mers formed a human archway, seven seconds from his previous can relax and perfect strategy for fifth in the event, while Josh
fastest time of the season and arms high, for each events group best. state. The idea is to peak for the Wilson took seventh.
about as fast as he has ever cov- of entries to pass under and the I was really pleased with my championships, but he is pretty Jared Grenz placed fourth in
ered the distance. idea caught on, with some civil- individual medley, Walton said. certain about what the first days the high jump and fifth in the
Curtis, who shared the Athlete ians joining to lengthen the path- Coach Buffy Allred raved about of training will be like. long jump.
of the Meet award with Worlands way. freshman T.C. Hansens 1:29.92 in I think I will take it easy this Anyone in more than one
Tristan Warren, was the Broncs After Fridays prelims, Satur- the 100 breaststroke. week, he said. event had a harder time because
only individual qualifier for the day was about the consolation and That was huge, she said. Nobody will argue he doesnt the events were right on top of
3A state championships in Gil- championship finals, and fighting Sophomore Luke Campbell was deserve it. each other and they werent able
lette on Feb. 24-25, although the a chance to stand on the podium going after a qualifying time in to rest, Engdahl said.
team will have relay entries. during the awards ceremonies. the 100 butterfly, but missed. The 3A Absoraka Conference Codys next meet will be the
Rawlins outscored Worland Cody fielded a small, nine-man standard is 1:14 and he was eighth Championships biggest of the season, the Sim-
313.5 to 254 to take the team title. team this season, consisting most- in 1:15.46. plot Games on Feb. 16-18 in
ly of freshmen and sophomores. I was disappointed in the Teams
Cody was fifth with 144.5 points. Pocatello, Idaho.
Although Curtis favorite event No other individual medaled, but butterfly, Campbell said. But Please see SWIM, page B-2
Please see TRACK, page B-4

Fillies stun No. 2

Lyman in road game
By AMBER PEABODY If feels great to beat such a
Editor strong team, senior Hannah Bai-
In the opening minutes of Fri- ley said. We played so hard and
days game against Lyman, the everyone was playing with such
Cody girls basketball team was an intensity that it took them off
faced with something it hasnt guard.
really seen this season. It was Bailey who would get
In the Lady Eagles defensive things going offensively for the
scheme, top player Mckinley Brad- Fillies. She was the first person
shaw falls off the person shes Bradshaw would guard in the
guarding into the paint, basically game. Bailey had two field goals
daring the other team to shoot from and a three in the first quarter.
outside. So the Fillies did making She went on to lead the team with
their outside shots on the way to an 21 points.
upset of No. 2 Lyman 60-46. Please see FILLIES, page B-4

Broncs dont celebrate

until Mountain View win
By LEW FREEDMAN tain View 58-43 Saturday. And David Henrich skis around a gate Friday during the Cody Invite at Red Lodge Mountain.
Staff writer yes, Capron said, the goodies
tasted about as sweet as the vic- (Photo by Taylor Hensen)
After the Cody boys basketball
team lost to Lyman 63-59 Friday tory. The weekend split gave the
night, the players were ready to
break out cupcakes and cookies
sent along on the bus to acknowl-
Broncs a 10-7 record and made
the bus ride home more palatable.
Capron fired in 16 points
Skiers yield decent results at home
edge guard Hunter Caprons 18th against Lyman in a game that By ROB BREEDING iar position. For the Cody girls, it pleasant surprise, coach Rick
birthday. was close most of the night and News Editor was the teams best day of racing Stonehouse said.
Only Capron vetoed the idea. that included the closing min- The results were promising for this season. Four Cody girls racked up 25
No, he said, were going to utes. the Cody High School alpine ski After four racers earned points points. The Fillies were again led
eat these when we beat Mountain I think if we had hit one or team Friday after day ones slalom in the slalom the Fillies were tied by seniors Effie Clark and Ashley
View. Its supposed to be for a cel- two more threes and had one or event. Both girls and boys squads for second with Pinedale. Codys Christensen, who finished the day
ebration, right? two less turnovers we could have sat in second place, behind the best finish so far this season is in 11th and 12th place. Sophomores
They broke out the eats on the won, Capron said. Jackson Hole juggernaut. fourth place. Natalie Call, who finished 13th,
way home after topping Moun- Please see BRONCS, page B-4 For the boys second was a famil- That was kind of a fun and Please see ALPINE, page B-2
B-2 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SWIM (from page B-1)

1) Rawlins, 313.5; 2) Worland, 100 butterfly: 8) L. Campbell,

254; 3) Douglas 22; 4) Newcastle, 1:15.46; 9) Ethan Walton, 1:26.46.
154; 5) Cody, 144.5; 6) Buffalo, 127. 100 freestyle: 1) Colton Curtis,
55.33; 9) Laing, 1:09.98.
Cody Individuals 500 freestyle: 7) Anbo Yao,
200-yard medley relay: 6) Cody, 6:41.32; 10) W. Campbell, 7:03.80.
2:22.36. 200 freestyle relay: 4) Cody,
200 freestyle: 9) Wyatt Campbell, 1:51.79.
2:33.12. 100 backstroke: 1) Curtis,
200 individual medley: 7) Luke 1:01.99.
Campbell, 300:22. 100 breaststroke: 9) Hansen,
50 freestyle: 9) Porter Laing, 1:29.92.
31.30; 10) Max Peters, 32.13; 11) 400 freestyle relay: 4) Cody,
T.C. Hansen, 34.12. 4:15.27.

Head boys
Buffy Allred
Curtis first
place fin-
ish in the


Codys Porter Laing (second from left) dives into the pool as he swims the first leg of the 400-yard freestyle
relay during the 3A Absaroka Conference Championships on Saturday at the Rec Center pool.

swims the
fly in the
tion race.

FILLIES (from page B-1)

When Bradshaw backed Cody also played solid and Erika Larsen 9. Larsen it but it slipped away. give Mountain View the lead. Larsen also finished with 17
off I was actually pretty defense. Bradshaw leads the also pulled down 18 rebounds. The Fillies led 6-2 after the It wasnt over though as rebounds, six offensive.
confused,she said. I usu- conference in scoring. She put Lymans been playing first quarter and 19-15 at the the Fillies still had time to set After the game I told them
ally look to drive to the bas- up 27 in the game, with 12 in very well all year, Vannoy half. They scored 13 points in another play. Bailey took the that one was on me, Vannoy
ket, so she forced me to make the second half but the rest of said. So to go play that well the third to lead 32-24 before shot but a Lady Bison got a said. I should have been clos-
a play. It definitely helped the team only scored six in the and come away with a victory the Lady Bison got back into hand on it to deflect the ball er to the official and didnt get
my confidence with shooting half. says a lot for our program. the game. The Fillies were with under two seconds to go it done soon enough.
because I have never really The Fillies led 47-36 in the Before the game against outscored 16-7 in the fourth and hold onto the victory. Cody travels to Lander and
been a shooter, but this week- third quarter and outscored Mountain View on Saturday, and had trouble stopping Mar- It was definitely hard to Riverton this weekend. The
end helped me discover that I the Lady Eagles 14-10 in the Vannoy talked to the Fillies ley Newton, who scored eight lose by one point because the Fillies swept the two teams
could handle the pressure and fourth. about the importance of win- in the quarter. win felt so close and we all def- when they came to Cody last
make my shots. It felt really good because ning back-to-back games in Cody still had the lead and initely wanted to come away month.
Cody led 15-10 after the we havent won the few games preparation for the region- the ball with less than a min- with two wins instead of a When we play Lander and
first quarter. In the second before Lyman and we worked al tournament. The girls ute left, when Vannoy called split, Jules Novakovich said. Riverton we need to focus on
Bradshaw switched to guard really well as a team, Wilson responded and held the lead timeout to set up a play. When We played really well over the just playing with the inten-
Ashley Wilson, who had two said. I think it was one of our until the final minute. They the Fillies couldnt inbound weekend I think. We played sity and consistency we played
threes. Cody led 33-28 at the better games of the season ended up falling 40-39. the ball Vannoy attempted as a team and came together with last weekend, Bailey
half. but I think we can still clean We played a strong seven to call timeout, but the ref- with a common goal to win. said.
They kept moving her up some simple errors and be quarters and seven min- eree didnt hear him over the We all worked hard and our
around and we responded even better. utes and in the last minute noise of the crowd and the effort was definitely there. (Amber Peabody can be
well, coach Tim Vannoy said Along with Baileys 21 Mountain View got it, Van- Fillies turned the ball over. Bower finished with 16 reached at amber@codyenter-
of Bradshaw. points, Ashlyn Bower had 12 noy said. I thought wed do Newton then took the shot to points and Larsen had 11. prise.com)

ALPINE (from page B-1)

and Mackenzie Gunn, 15th,

rounded out the scoring for
Cody. Wild winter changes ski conditions
It was a great day for the Its been a wild winter day due to unstable snow
Fillies on Lower Limited, the for ski areas in the region. and flooding.
black diamond run at Red Most started the year Red Lodge was hit by
Lodge Mountain that may be with plenty of snow and warmer weather as well.
the toughest on the Wyoming good conditions. All that The result was icier condi-
high school Alpine circuit. changed last week. tions than in past years,
We love it, Stonehouse A storm blew through but at least the course was
said. We love having it as our the region on Tuesday, firm and consistent, said
home venue. knocking down the power Cody coach Rick Stone-
But Lower Limited came lines that feed Teton Vil- house.
back to bite the Fillies on Sat- lage. The resulting outage Course conditions were
urday morning. As she neared closed Jackson Hole Moun- the same from morning
the finish line, Clarks bind- tain Resort for the rest of to afternoon both days,
ing exploded. And Chris- the week. Power was suc- Stonehouse said.
tensen crashed, also near the cessfully restored during The Red Lodge course is
end of the run. Since neither the weekend and the ski the most challenging of the
racer finished their first runs area was slated to reopen Wyoming high school cir-
they were out of the points, Monday. cuit, but Stonehouse point-
and it also meant they were At Sleeping Giant up ed to the high percentage
done for the day. Neither the North Fork warm of racers who finished each
senior got to ski her final weather was the problem. day as a sign the course
run at the final home meet of The ski area closed on Fri- was just about right.
their Cody careers.
It was really sad, Clark
said. It was hard for a lot of Mackenzie Gunn skis through a gate during the Cody Invite at Red Lodge Jackson 160, Pinedale 59, Lara- Jackson 04:44.00.
people that day. Mountain last weekend. (Photo by Joe Baugher) mie 41, Cody 34, Natrona County
Since Cody had finished so 30, Kelly Walsh 18 Saturday Giant
well on Friday it made Sat- Slalom
urdays disappointment even days slalom, but Jackson ski- used to icy conditions and the Top 10. Cody wont beat Individual results
tougher, Clark said. After los- ers took the top three places, steeper terrain, Ward said. Jacksons top skiers, but if Boys varsity
Friday Slalom 7. Kai Sroczynski 01:57.00; 8.
ing many of the programs with another racer in the top Jackson also gets a lot more the team can finish stronger
top skiers a couple years ago, 10. As they hit the slopes on on snow training time. as a group, it can still rack up
Boys varsity Casey Wagler 01:57.00; 10. Silas
4. David Henrich 02:04.00; 5. Ward 01:58.00; 13. David Henrich
this years seniors are focused Saturday there was a sizable Jackson Hole High School more points. Casey Wagler 02:08.00; 7. Silas 01:59.00.
on helping rebuild the team gap of nine points for Cody to is just 12 miles from Jackson If all of our guys are fin- Ward 02:10.00; 9. Laythan War-
for the future. That first- overcome and win its home Hole Mountain Resort. ishing were going to be pret- ner 02:15.00; 11. Kai Sroczynski Boys JV
day second place finish was meet. The warm weather this ty competitive with them, 02:17.00. 1.Garrett Gross 02:06.00; 2.
beyond what theyd expected It wasnt to be. Cody lost week also challenged the prep Stonehouse said. Matthew Montgomery 02:07.00;
from the season. Laythan Warner in the first- skiers. Cody races at the Natrona Boys JV 3. Tanner Rosenbaum 02:08.00; 7.
run, while Jackson had four The skiing was difficult Invite on Friday and Satur- 2. Matthew Montgomery Thomas Bower 02:15.
Cody hung on for fourth,
02:07.00; 3. Garrett Gross
but the usual 10-15 points skiers place in the top five. this past weekend, Ward day at Hogadon, then has a 02:20.00; 4. Tanner Rosenbaum
Clark and Christensen post Even with skier Cole Pampe said. It was really warm dur- bye week before the State Girls varsity
02:21.00; 7. Jakoby Vipperman 13. Natalie Call 02:13.00; 16.
when they finish would have failing to finish his second ing the week and then froze, Championship at Jackson on 02:37.00. Mackenzie Gunn 02:16.00; 27.
moved the Fillies to third. run, Jackson still managed to making the course more icy March 3-4. Grace Mahieu 03:12.00.
The Pinedale girls had a solid place four in the top six and then usual, but as long as Girls varsity
final day so second place may beat Cody going away. skiers used proper technique (R ob Breeding can be 11. Effie Clark 02:26.00; 12. Ash- Girls JV
have been out of reach any- Lets just talk about Fri- and skied smart it ended reached at rob@codyenter- ley Christensen 02:30.00; 13. Natalie 7. M.E. Dominick 02:31.00; 10.
day, Stonehouse joked after well. prise.com.) Call 02:32.00; 15. Mackenzie Gunn Alexa Prosceno 02:37.00; 11. Ellie
01:19.00. Schwab 02:40.00; 13.Julia Peterson
For the second week in a the meet. Cody has finished second
Bronc senior Silas Ward behind Jackson at every meet Cody Invite 01:27.00; 19. Kate Beardall 03:09.00.
row the Jackson girls finished
in the top five spots both said some of it just comes this season, except at Lara-
Girls JV
Team totals 5. M.E. Dominick 02:44.00; 6. Other Cody skiers
days, racking up another down to the challenge of mie in January when the Julia Peterson 03:00.00; 7. Ellie
maximum haul of 160 points being a high school ski team Broncs won. Boys Schwab 03:01.00; 8. Alexa Prosce-
Nathan Whalen 02:24.00;
Jackson 131, Cody 97, Kelly Ellie Wooden 02:56.00; Guinness
for the meet. with a home hill 70 miles, and The Laramie results dem- Walsh 69, Pinedale 24, Laramie 13, no 03:12.00. Ruesch 03:00.00; Duncan Mcleod
The Broncs had a similar another state, away. onstrate Cody can beat Jack- Natrona County 8 03:13.00; Alyssa Christensen
up, then down weekend. All Jackson got the win on son. The Broncs need to place Other Cody skiers 03:27.00; Kya Jackson 03:53.00;
five Cody boys scored on Fri- Saturday because theyre as many skiers as possible in Girls Duncan McLeod 03:18.00; Kya David Reed 01:04.00.
Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - B-3

Broncs dominant in Extreme thaw melts ice cover
dual against Greybull Ice fishing might be coming to a
close on Buffalo Bill Reservoir in the
days to come.
Streamside above. Water quality in the Wind/Big-
horn and lower Shoshone was already
improving by the end of the weekend.
By AMBER PEABODY was just practice for regionals. The extreme thaw witnessed last The week ahead should provide the
Editor David Plummer (138) then pinned week melted a lot of the ice cover Tim chance to get out and enjoy the nice
The Cody wrestling team ended the Caleb Bottom in 1:20, followed by Liam at the reservoir, with some anglers Wade temperatures and vastly improved
season with a resounding 72-12 victory OHara pinning Corbin Slattery in 1:04, standing in several inches of water moving water fishing conditions.
over Greybull/Riverside on Thursday. Josh Jones (152) pinning Jovani Garay before deciding discretion is the better As you know, trout really go on the
Only seven Broncs wrestled during in 2:27, Orin Oilar (160) pinning Bryant part of valor. While the ice melted on reservoirs bite after a melt episode like the one
the dual, as Greybull gave up six for- Davis in 1:47 and Eric Flores pinning Even though Buffalo Bill has had a last week, so did the ample amounts we just had. Fly fishermen should tie
feits. Austin Paxton in 1:11. setback in regard to ice quality, there of snow in the surrounding towns and on the reliable San Juan Worm, or
Greybull had some injured and sick Greybulls points came from a Cody are still plenty of lakes and small res- foothills, thanks to a steady, warm similar derivative, and enjoy the bend
kids so their lineup was a little light, forfeit at 195 pounds and a pin for Daw- ervoirs that weathered the heat spell Chinook. Flood alerts were issued and in your rod and the tug at the end of
coach Trev Wood said. But our boys son McEwent in 2:24 over the Broncs within a 60 minute drive. Lower and ice jams were occurring on some rivers your line. Sowbugs and scuds are also
looked good and it was a nice perfor- Nathan Hunt (182). Upper Sunshine have had depths of 15 like the lower South Fork, North Fork, good bets for wet flies used after a
mance to finish the season. I believe everyone went out there inches through last Friday. There was Owl Creek, Greybull and Clarks Fork. flash food event. All of the above get
Collecting forfeits for Cody were and did what needed to be done, San- no information available before press Anglers wanting to fish moving moved around more in a flash flood
Michael Caudle (106), Ethan Thomas- chez said. I felt that everyone was time to find out how the Ice Derby water during this respite from winter than do most aquatic insects. Trout
son (113), Ryan Christianson (120), ready going into our final dual and they went, nor how the ice held up during temperatures were completely sty- know this and react accordingly for
Nathan Gifford (126), Ira Mickelson are also ready to rock state and region- the event. mied as the snowmelt drained into the several days after a quick flush of
(170) and Jackson Morris (285). als. Bighorn and Boysen Reservoirs are lower Shoshone River from Sulphur nutrients.
Of the Broncs that wrestled, six of Cody hosts the 3A West Regional this still reporting great ice and colder con- Creek to Whistle Creek. Even reliable See? There is some good news. All
the seven won their matches. Jon San- weekend. Action is scheduled to begin ditions overnight than we have been rivers like the Wind/Bighorn near of us have suffered Cabin Fever and
chez (132) pinned Phil Gaytan in 3:50. Friday at 4 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m. seeing recently. Trout, smallmouth Thermopolis and the North Platte have tired of moving snow from one
I pinned him in a reverse half, we I feel like we as a team will do great bass, burbot, catfish, walleye and near Casper were running chocolate location to another. More snow and
were in a scramble at the edge of the no matter where we are, but since crappie have been biting on a variety over the weekend. The only relatively cold will come, but at least the sun-
mat and I was able to put him on his regionals is in Cody there will be a home of ice jigs, lures, or using converted close clear water was on the Bighorn shine has brightened our spirits and
back, Sanchez said. I felt like I did advantage, Sanchez said. We all want trout nymphs and leech patterns as River at Ft. Smith, Montana. Lets given us the desire and motivation to
good, there were some missed oppor- to show our school how tough we are. In jigged enticements. Most of these are just say there was much wailing and leap into our chest waders and wade
tunities that could have ended the doing so I feel like we will give a really tipped with a delicious grub worm, the gnashing of teeth. into the rivers. It has definitely been a
match quicker, but to me that match good performance. ice fishermans ultimate weapon! There is good news in all the gloom long winter.

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B-4 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Nordic skiers have breakthrough during Laramie Invite

By AMBER PEABODY who took 25th in 28:04. Simona Wambeke was the snow fell for two hours before the fish scales I could ski like I had platform shoes on.
Editor Friday the snow in the top finisher, taking 33rd in the race. right up the hills, he said. Townsend finished fourth
The Cody Nordic ski team shade was slick and fast but 37:40. Nicki Hansen was next The Broncs had two finish The skis I was on were awe- in JV (29:49).
got its final tune-up in Lara- the snow in the sunlight in 41st (40:04) and Georgia in the top 15 during the 5K some on the hills and gave Next up for Cody is the
mie last weekend in prepara- was like skiing through mud Hitchcock 45th (41:51). classic race. me confidence. Saturday felt state meet on Feb. 24-25 in
tion for the state champion- transitions, Wambeke said. I think the girls handled Graves crossed the line in like my best race this sea- Jackson. In preparation the
ships. Between the two it made the slick and icy course con- ninth (19:16) and Wambeke son and also one of the most team will be doing dry land
On Friday in the 7.5K it quite difficult not to land ditions very well on Friday, finished 14th (19:42). fun. work as the snow has finally
skate race, 56 degree tem- on your face every time the Hitchcock said. There was The whole season Hunter Jackson finished 36th melted in town.
peratures made for sloppy course went from shade an uphill finish that we were hasnt been able to come back (22:47), Stowell 41st (23:43), With the winter weve
conditions. High winds the to sun. These conditions all dreading and I think that from his injury in the fall but Edwards 44th (24:39), Bron- had weve been able to ski in
day before also caused some killed any momentum built we conquered that hill like he got back there Saturday, nenberg 51st (26:11) and town and improve our tech-
debris on the course. and made the race feel very champs. Quick said. It was Evans Campbell 54th (27:00). nique, but when we did dry
Its been that way in lethargic. In JV, Ian Townsend took goal to have a top-20 finish. Buss was the first finisher land every day we were in
Laramie for three years in a Next across the line for the fifth in 34:14. He had a good race. for the Fillies in the clas- better aerobic shape, Quick
row, coach Andy Quick said. Broncs was Finn Jackson in After the race we had a Wambeke said the condi- sic race, taking 30th (29:58). said. Were looking forward
It makes it icy in the shade 36th (30:34). He was followed talk about where I thought tions Saturday were also hard Wambeke was right behind to putting in some big work-
and slushy in the sun. Youre by Hayden Bronnenberg in they ought to be at this point to deal with. While most ski- in 31st (30:38) and Hitchcock outs on Cedar Mountain and
always on edge. Its challeng- 41st (32.16), Stephen Stowell in the season, Quick said. A ers were putting on Klister (a 44th (33:56). getting into the weight room
ing. in 42nd (32:27), Alex Edwards lot of them stepped up on Sat- kick wax that resembles pine My race Saturday felt these next two weeks.
Hunter Graves led the in 46th (34.43) and Jesse urday and you could tell with tar) he skied on a pair of wax- good, Hitchcock said. What
Broncs with a 23rd place Campbell in 56th (36:25). the results. less fish scale skis. effected my time the most was (Amber Peabody can be
finish in 27:45. Not far The Fillies top skier Tatum Saturday conditions were A lot of skiers had slip- having to stop and scrape off reached at amber@codyenter-
behind was Evan Wambeke, Buss was ill on Friday, so much cooler, and a heavy, wet pery skis or no kick, but with all the ice of my skis. It was prise.com)

BRONCS (from page B-1) TRACK (from page B-1)

The Broncs committed 18 ers) providing a threat. The less than 24 hours later. 4 rebounds, 3 blocked shots Camel Indoor Track Boys
turnovers. Broncs came close in the last That helped a lot, Todd and 5 assists. Kraft spread 60 meter dash - 46. Gus
Cody led 35-32 at half- minute. said. It was really cool how the playing time around in a
Meet Mahieu 8.21, 47. Marco Garcia
time, but despite Zech Todd We had some good looks we came together. game Cody led by 21 points Girls 8.23, 53. Reese Romero 8.43,
in the second half. 60 meter dash - 1. Sydney 65. Brenner Holt 9.65.
(12 points, 9 rebounds), with 30 seconds to go, Todd Kraft said he was pleased
Holiday 7.89, 4. Jenna Slikker 400 meter dash - 13. Marco
Dawson Ritt (11 points), said. with how the team bounced Everything was rolling, 9.30, 7. Haleigh DeLeon 8.59. Garcia 1:00.62, 20. Reese
Zach Ross (8) and Austin The 6-foot-8 center looked back and quickly put the Capron said. It wasnt just 200 meter dash - 5. Kelli Romero 1:05.32, 22. Josh Wilson
Alexander (6), the Broncs good all weekend, notably Lyman defeat behind it. Ross one person. We were a unit. Holiday 28.79, 10. Eve John- 1:05.39, 27. Tao Cook 1:11.72,
could not pull out the win. in pumping in a career-high said the chat helped provide Caprons birthday was son 29.57, 14. Haleigh DeLeon 28. Brenner Holt 1:12.47.
Coach Jacob Kraft said it 23 points against Mountain a fresh outlook for the next actually Sunday, so he had an 30.19, 24. Jenna Slikker 31.55, 800 meter run - 10. Carson
additional family party. He 34. Kaitlyn Polley 36.33. Shirley 2:14.59.
was pretty much a one pos- View, while shooting 8-for- game.
400 meter dash - 1. Sydney 1,600 meter run - 4. Jeron
session game as the seconds 11 from the field and 5-for-6 We decided, Hey, the loss was rewarded with a fudge Holiday 1:01.70. Waltari 5:04.60.
were ticking off, but the from the free-throw line. didnt make or break our chocolate cake with frosting, 800 meter run - 26. Felicity 800 meter relay - 6. Cody A
Broncs could not recover Zech was definitely a season, he said. coated with M&Ms and Kit Loveland 3:03.47. 1:42.54, 8. Cody B 1:51.12.
from Lymans 25-point third handful for both teams, The overnight mood Kat bars. It was so rich, even 1,600 meter run - 1. Kelli Hol- High jump - 4. Jared Grenz
quarter. Kraft said. They had no swing for the better was for a chocoholic like Capron iday 5:27.43, 16. Felicity Love- 5-09, 8. Rigg Harrison 5-05.
he said, I might only be able land 6:38.94. Pole vault - 2. Gavin Hole-
Wed like to play a team answer for him. critical. The Broncs definite-
60 meter hurdles - 1. Sydney man 13-06, 5. Daniel Geohagen
that doesnt shoot its best When Lyman and Moun- ly did not want to return to to eat a piece a week. Holiday 9.44, 5. Eve Johnson 10-00, 7. Josh Wilson 8-06.
when we play them, Kraft tain View sought to double- Cody empty-handed from the No mention was made of 10.38. Long jump - 5. Jared Grenz
said. team Todd in the low post, road trip. the cake joining the Broncs Pole vault - 2. Eve Johnson 19-01.75, 6. Connor McLeod
Ross said that has been a he kicked the ball out to the That was a big game their next road trip, how- 9-06. 18-11.50, 22. Josh Wil-
noticeable trend. guards who made key jump- after Friday, Todd said of ever. Long jump - 5. Haleigh son 17-04, 25. Rigg Harrison
DeLeon 14-07.50, 16. Jenna 16-05.75.
They hit some really big ers. This is how the Broncs the Rocky Mountain contest.
Slikker 11-09.75, 21. Autumn Shot put - 24. Gus Mahieu
shots, Ross said. A lot of have sought to execute the It was awesome. (Lew Freedman can be Wesolowski 11-01.75. 31-00.50, 32. Josh Wilson
our losses the other team offense all year. Capron (10 points), Alex- reached at lew@codyenter- Shot put - 12. Macy McClure 29-06.25, 37. Bryce Engdahl
shoots super, super good. And that was exactly the ander (8), Ross (8) provided prise.com.) 28-02.50. 23-06.
Cody has been in an out- way it was, Todd said. ample offensive support for
side shooting slump in recent Unhappy with the result Todd. Peter Klessens scored
games, but recovered its versus Lyman, the players his first varsity basket and
perimeter stroke with Cap- gathered for a pep talk prior Reece Andre was a pesky
ron and Ritt (three 3-point- to playing Rocky Mountain mosquito on the court with


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Cody Enterprise
TUESDAY, February 14, 2017
P eople C
What does love mean?
Mr. and Mrs. Brunell were
two of three killed in a 1907
avalanche in the mining town
of Kirwin, west of Meeteetse.
Meeteetse Museums will host
a lecture by avalanche expert
Adam Babcock on Thursday.
(Courtesy photo)

Val Payne Brooke Gomez Olivia Satterthwaite Jacob Tucker Museums

The Meeteetse Museums will
host an informative avalanche clinic
on Thursday, Feb. 16.
The clinic will be conducted by
avalanche expert Adam Babcock,
Outdoor Recreation Planner for the
BLM who is assigned to the Wor-
land Field Office. In his presenta-
tion, Babcock will focus on historic
avalanche incidents including the
Kassi Hanson Rachel Williams Dakota Baerg Reed Deming deadly ones that occurred around
1907 at Kirwin, the former mining
town near Meeteetse; more recent
fatal avalanches and the basic sci-
ence behind snow avalanches.
Babcock will discuss risk mitiga-
tion in avalanche prone areas and
will demonstrate the tools used
by rescue personnel and others
charged with lessening the risk of
slides. He also will tell where one
can receive additional informa-
tion on the subject and specialized
avalanche training. A question and
answer period will follow the pre-
Babcock has 20 years of experi-
ence in snow and avalanche work
and has served as U.S. Forest Ser-
vice avalanche forecaster, ski patrol-
ler, ski guide and climbing guide.
While his background is mostly
associated with skiing and climbing
Arden Payne Kelsie Wiles Reagan Harris Brenden Boswell in avalanche areas, he will also offer
information on snowmobiling in

Cody students answer the eternal question

slide zones.
In addition to his position as
Outdoor Recreation Planner with
the BLM, Babcock teaches AIARE
By CASSANDRA STUROS makes you smile even when you Jacob Tucker: To me love is to like someone very much. Level 1 courses for Apex Mountain
Staff writer dont want to. Also its some- a deep feeling of like. Love=like. School in Colorado and avalanche
For Valentines Day the Cody thing so special that everyone Kassi Hanson: To me love is Kelsie Wiles: Love means awareness clinics for the Bridger-
Enterprise asked Cody elemen- wants to be loved and knows the feeling you get when you love you would never forget them, Teton Avalanche Center, Teton
tary students in the Gifted and that theyre loved. Love is some- something a lot. It makes you [like] my parents and family County Search and Rescue, and the
Talented Program what love thing that when you have it you happy and just great inside. Its members. Washakie Museum and Cultural
means to them. Their answers should never let it go. amazing. Reagan Harris: Love means Center.
ranged from Shakespeare to Olivia Satterthwaite: Love Rachel Williams: I think coming together and showing The free avalanche clinic begins
venison. means that somebody cares love means more than happiness you care. Love means having at 7 p.m. at the Meeteetse Muse-
about you and is nice to you and and it is a feeling of joy when I family and friends. Love means ums, located at 1947 State Street
Fifth Grade is there for you. [Love is] when am with my family I feel loved. giving thanks and love. It means in Meeteetse. Refreshments will
Val Payne: Love is a strong you are friends with somebody. friends. It means family. be available during the meet-and-
word. I cannot really say what it Love is all Shakespeare plays, Third Grade greet following the presentation.
means, but if I had to I would say like, Romeo and Juliet. When Dakota Baerg: [Love is] First Grade Children, as well as adults, are
it means someone cares for that you love somebody so much you Cats, family, Legos, chicken, Brenden Boswell: My pet encouraged to attend, as is anyone
person. That is how I would say cant tell them, its a secret. Love steak and deer meat. makes me happy. Yes, happy who spends time in avalanche-prone
[what] it means. You might have is knowing somebody very well. Reed Deming: Love means equals love. areas.
a different meaning. Love is when you try to always enjoyment for something. For details, call the museum,
Brooke Gomez: Love means be there for them. (Cassandra Sturos can be (307) 868-2423, visit meeteetsemu-
that the person you love is Second Grade reached at cassandra@codyen- seums.org, or email info@meeteetse-
always there for you and always Fourth Grade Arden Payne: Love means terprise.com.) museums.org.

Sons of the American Revolution honor Cody man for work at VFW Hall
By ABBE BREEDING is really important work, to help
Staff writer families transition and work out
The Wyoming Society of the Sons their lives.
of the American Revolution has pre- Buntyn said his most moving
sented Bill Buntyn with its annual memories as a volunteer are of Bill Buntyn,
Community Service Award for his attending funerals for soldiers and former com-
volunteer work with the Veterans of veterans. As post commander of the mander of
Foreign Wars in 2016. Cody VFW, his job is to hand the
American flag to widows or other Cody VFW
Ill never explain how important
this piece of paper is to me and my family members. Post 2673,
family, Buntyn said. Everything I It took me a long time to be received the
do comes from the heart. able to give the flag to a widow Commu-
Last year Buntyn helped the without tearing up, Buntyn said. nity Service
VFW with parades, fundraisers and Each time I handed them the flag
I became overwhelmed because I
Award from
funerals. He said he is dedicated to
helping the VFW pay for everyday knew what they were about to go the Big Horn
costs to keep the Cody Hall in place. through. That is what makes my Basin Chap-
Keeping the VFW in Cody is work and the VFW so important. ter of the
the hardest thing weve ever done, Buntyn was recently diagnosed Society of
Buntyn said. We are always try- with cancer, but he is optimistic
about recovery. He said he is grate-
the Sons of
ing to do things to keep our post.
The veterans are always looking for ful for the community, his wife, and the American
help. the Big Horn Basin Cancer Center Revolution on
The main focus of the VFW is for the support he has received. Jan. 19.
helping families transition after the Our community is very blessed,
loss of a loved one who was a service Buntyn said. I dont want all of
member. the credit. I couldnt do it without
We work to support families everyone that is so supportive of
experiencing loss, Buntyn said. It me. photo by RAYMOND HILLEGAS
C-2 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017

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3101 Big Horn Ave. P.O. Box 1090 Cody, WY 82414
(307) 587-2231 codyenterprise.com
180 240 440 500
Commercial For Rent Garage Sales Personals General Employment
Place your classified Busy Big Horn Avenue strip
mall at 2706 Big Horn Ave
Have you been affected by
loss? A free support group,
Apprentice Electric Lineman I
position with the City of Cody.

ad your way! has a 1300 sq ft unit avail-

able for office/business. Join
three other successful busi-
Don't forget to get your ad
into the Cody Enterprise
"Hope and Healing," is held
Thursday's at YBHC, 2538 Big
Horn Ave in Cody from Noon to
The primary duties include as-
sisting in the installation, opera-
tion and maintenance of the
by 5 p.m. Mondays 1:00 pm and Wednesday's at City of Cody electrical power,
Call us Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. nesses. Good Parking.
YBHC 627 Wyoming Ave, Pow- transmission and distribution
(307)587-3755 or (307)272- for the upcoming weekend.

3755 Make Your Sale a Success ell from Noon to 1:00p.m. Call system. Answers emergency
with a Garage Sale Kit; (307)587-2197. calls and is on-call to repair sys-
200 includes Ad, Signs, Price tem breakdowns. High School
If you are a SONE and live in Diploma or GED and one year
Stickers and More.
Miscellaneous zip 82414, Contact: related work experience re-
Or you can place an ad online anytime at: For Sale Only $15. [email protected] quired. Valid Commercial

You don't want to be missed. Drivers License Class A is re-
Pregnant...Now What? Free,
SAVE Confidential Support. Serenity quired and must be maintained

Pregnancy Resource Center, or able to obtain within six
Pets Cody (307)213-5025. months of hire date. Must be-
Important details come a certified Journeyman
450 Lineman from an accredited ap-
Abbreviations: We try not to use them. Ads with Services prenticeship program within 4
abbreviations are often hard to read and understand.
Using normal language is better for both buyers and ON A Successful Diet Program that
helps keep weight off for life. In-
years of hire. Minimum starting
wage $18.71/hour plus City be-
Deadlines: For ads published Monday, we need them
Wine dividual Appointments only. Call
nefit package. Applications and
job descriptions available at City
by 5 pm the previous Thursday and for ads published of (307)-254-0037. Office in Cody
is at 1725 Sheridan Ave. Office
Hall, 1338 Rumsey Avenue,
Wednesday, we need them by 5 pm Monday.
the 142 and Powell Office is at 903
307-527-7511 or by emailing
[email protected]. Sub-
RD 11. www.health4life.center
Month mit applications and 5 year driv-
130 165 Health 4 Life Long Diet Pro- ing record to City of Cody, Attn:
gram. Appointments: (307)254- Personnel, P.O. Box 2200,
Acreage - Lots Apartments Tammys Wine Cody, WY 82414 by Friday,
0037, www.health4life.center
MOBILE HOME SPACES for 2111 p i o n e e r av e n u e , c o d y February 24, 2017 by 4:00 p.m.
Rent! At Green Acres Mobile
Shoshone Court Mnage a Trois Rose
1360 Tutoring for grammar and The City of Cody is an Equal
Home Park. 3 Months FREE This wine is very approachable high school subjects and Opportunity Employer.
RENT or HELP WITH MOVING a p a r t m e n t s and very easy drinking. On some college. Free assess-
EXPENSES! Largest Lots in
s u b s i d y ava i l a b l e
the nose this wine is dominated ment, call (307)587-6070. Bright Futures Mentoring, non-
Cody! (307)587-3738. 2 Bedroom Available first and foremost by strawberry profit, seeking Part-time Pro-
aromas, but there are also Portuguese Water Dogs. Pup- 500 gram Director, experience in
On-Site Laundry & Playground
160 some citrus notes around the pies, AKC. Shots, wormed, Mi-
General Employment human services or teaching,
Rent and Security Deposit
Houses For Rent Income Based
edges. The flavors are composed crochipped. Champion Lines. 1 working with youth and families,
primarily of red berries and black with white. Good home minimum education associate
Nice 3 bedroom, valley view, to cherries. Pairs well with sushi. only. Obedience started.
share, garage, newer appli- Contact Shoshone Court at 307.527.7639 degree. Salary DOE 20 hr.
TTY 800.877.9965 Served well chilled. (406)490-4371. week. Resume to Bright Fu-
ances, fenced yard, dog negoti- Storage and Distribution
310 Manager opening. Mon-Fri, tures Mentoring, P.O. Box 265,
able. No smoking. $800/deposit, KIER MANAGEMENT
Pay DOE. Successful candid- Cody, WY 82414, brightfutures-
$800/mo. [email protected] or equal housing opportunity
Trucks [email protected], Ques-
(303)910-1319. Cute 1 bedroom; appliances, ate will have 3-5 years exp in
1995 Dodge 2500 Cummins, shipping/receiving, supervis- tions call (307)527-6688.
EQUAL HOUSING carpet, blinds, ceiling fans, laun- 100,000 miles, runs great,
dry on-site. Near park and town.
1801 17th 587-3380 ory and Hazardous goods FARMWORKER 3/15/17-
OPPORTUNITY w/snowplow. Asking $10,000 shipments. Procurement exp
All real estate advertising in this $625/month includes utilities. NEED RAIN GUTTERS? Call OBO. Questions or offers Call 11/1/17, Handy Industries,
No Pets. (307)272-7085 preferred. Excellent benefit Scobey, MT. 2 temp jobs. As-
newspaper is subject to the Simmons' Ironworks (307)587- or text Jon at 307-272-2546 package available. Applica-
Federal Fair Housing Act, which 8259 or (307)899-8259. 5"or 6" sist with livestock operation, i.e.
Cute 2-bedroom, Appliances, tions available 1825 Big Horn
makes it illegal to advertise any W/D, dishwasher, blinds, car- seamless. 400 Ave Cody or send resume to
maintain fence, hay, monitor
preference, limitation, or dis- pet, carport, $625, No Pets. Announcements [email protected] . EOE
health. Maintain equip, feeding
crimination based on race, col- Silent bids now being accepted areas, maintain water system.
(307)272-7085. for 3 units. Units may be viewed If someone else's drinking A part of the community for Remove/spread manure, clean
or, religion, sex, handicap, fa- troubles you, attend Al-Anon 50 years!
milial status or national origin, Large, real nice, 2-bedroom. Monday thru Friday. Bids must lots. Mow grass, bale hay, move
be received by 2/17/17. AA meeting at West Park Hospital hay to storage. Operate truck,
or intention to make any such Appliances, carpet, blinds, laun- Accounting Technician. Per-
Storage, 1901 Sheridan Aven- in the Admin/HR conference tractor, loader, spreader.
preferences, limitation, or dis- dry on site. $700 utilities in- forms the Utility Billing func-
ue (307)587-4550. room. Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:00 Drivers license, clean MVR,
crimination. Familial status in- cluded, No pets. (307)272-7085 tions; Prepares periodic or
p.m. Use the monument en- employment ref, 3 mo exp re-
cludes children under the age of This newspaper is not respons- trance. routine utility, financial, statistic-
Northfork Rentals: 1 room fur- quired. $11.75/hr, 3/4 work
18 living with parents or legal ible or liable whatsoever for any al or operational reports; and
nished sleeping rooms with guarantee, tools/equip/housing
custodians, and pregnant wo-
private bath, microwave and claim made by an ad in this 440 performs routine and special-
provided, trans & subsistence
men and people securing cus-
mini refrigerator. $550/mo and newspaper or for any of the ser- Personals ized clerical, accounting, analyt-
exp reimbursed. Apply at Work-
tody of children under 18. This vices, products or opportunities ical and administrative work in a
$150 security deposit. Also 2 br AA meets at 1220-12th Street force Center, 307.587.4241 Job
newspaper will not knowingly offered by advertisers. The con- variety of areas including utility
upstairs furnished apt. with bal- every night at 6 p.m. AA also # 10260466.
accept any advertising for real tent of any advertisement is the billing, cash receipting, and oth-
cony/deck $700/mo. and $250 meets Monday through Sat-
estate which is in violation of sole responsibility of the advert- er general functions in the Ad- Summit Marble is hiring any-
security deposit. All rooms in- urday at noon and Sunday at
the law. Our readers are hereby iser. ministrative Services Depart- one with tile or granite fabrica-
clude: all utilities, free wifi and 9:00 a.m. Open meeting
informed that all dwellings ad- We reserve the right to refuse ment. High School diploma plus tion experience. Will train.
95 channels of Directv. Avail- Monday 6:00 pm, and Friday
vertised in this newspaper are advertising we deem inappropri- two (2) years of specialized Please call (307)455-3821 for
able month to month until mid 6:00 pm. For more information,
available on an equal opportun- ate or unacceptable. training in accounting, finance, more information.
May 2017. No pets or smoking. call (307)587-3024.
ity basis. To report discrimina- business administration or re-
Call or text Ron at 307-899-
tion call Wyoming Fair Housing
210 ARE YOU A WOMAN FACED lated and Two (2) years of re- Looking for Truss Builders:
at 1-866-255-6362. Wyoming Furniture WITH A DRINKING PROB- sponsible experience related to Come to Diamond Truss, where
Relay: (Voice) 1-800-877-9975 170 6.5' to 9' re-purposed oak din- LEM? Perhaps an Alcoholics above duties; or an equivalent the employees are great, the
or TTY at 1-800-877-9965 or Mobile Homes ing table with 6 hickory cain Anonymous Women's Meeting combination of education or ex- work day changes and the qual-
call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669- perience. $16.23/hr plus City ity product speaks for itself!
For Rent chairs. $500 Call Thermopolis can help. Saturday 10:00 am.
benefit pkg. Job description and Must have high school diploma
(307)921-1435. 1220 12th Street, Cody.
One and two bedroom mobile application are available at City or equivalent, valid driver's li-
Powell - 1 bedroom, 1 bath homes. $550, $575 and $660. Hall or by emailing aavery@
CODY Narcotics Anonymous cense, and drug testing re-
home, washer/dryer, quiet $400 security. $300 off first PLANNING cityofcody.com or on the web-
MEETINGS- Mondays at 7 quired. Stop by 237 Main St,
neighborhood. No pets/
smoking. $550/mo. Call Patrick
months rent with 12 month A GARAGE SALE? p.m., Church of Christ Epis- site www.cityofcody-wy.gov. Ap- Ralston, WY for an application,
lease. Wooded, riverfront park Don't forget to get your ad copal Church, 825 Simpson plication deadline is Friday, call (307)754-3696 or email re-
at (307)202-0400. in Cody with attentive onsite February 17, 2017 by 4 p.m.
into the Cody Enterprise Ave. All open meetings. Mailing sume to [email protected]
Powell - 3 bed, 1 bath house, manager. RiversBendMHP.com by 5 p.m. Mondays address: P.O. Box 1164 Cody, The City of Cody is an EOE.
(307)587-9089. for the upcoming weekend. It's Your Right to Know!
washer/dryer, fenced yard, quiet WY 82414.
Advertise your way! (307) 587- Read Public Notices in
neighborhood, no pets/smoking. Make Your Sale a Success
$850/mo. Call Patrick at (307)
175 with a Garage Sale Kit; Immunization clinics for chil- 2231 codyenterprise.com the Cody Enterprise.
202-0400. Storage includes Ad, Signs, Price dren and adults are held at the
11 x 11 storage unit in gated Stickers and More. Public Health Office every
Roommate wanted. 1-1/2 bath. Tuesday from 1-4pm. For ap- FULL TIME management/maintenance team for a 100+ unit mobile
area, $70/mo. (307)587-3738. Only $15.
$400/mo. Pets negotiable. Call pointment call (307)527-8570. home community in Cody, Wyoming. Prefer experience in manager/
(970)227-1959 or (307)699- Easy access, spacious storage You don't want to be missed. maintenance field, however, will train the right team.
3809. units. Available in a secure/ Place your classified!
We are seeking persons with the following skills/experience:
monitored facility. (307)899- codyenterprise.com (307)587-2231.
Small 1 bedroom house, close Office Manager: computer; telephone; public relations; accounts receivable;
to downtown, $700/ month, util- CLEARANCE SALE secretarial; and management.

AA Storage
ities included (307)272-7468. Maintenance Person: public relations; ground keeping; heavy equipment

atThe Lodge Boutique
operations; general maintenance/repair knowledge; and general plumbing
Apartments 1901 Sheridan Ave. MOUNTAIN HIGH HEALTH FOODS G i f t i d e a s Both positions require the ability to trouble shoot problems; to follow instructions;

587-4550 all Winter Clothing 40% off

1-bedroom, downtown fur- and to enforce rules equally.
This is a non-smoking work environment.
nished, utilities paid. Nice, Sale Now thru Saturday, February 18th Wages: DOE
clean, No Smoking/No pets. Rent & pay online at: codyaastorage.com
Housing provided.
$650/month and $600 deposit.
Place your classified ad online Send Resume & Cover Letter to:
6-month lease. Available Febru-
at your convenience! codyenter- GREEN ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK
ary 1st. Call (307)578-7674.
prise.com BOX 2926
1902 17th St. (Top of the hill) Cody, Wyoming 307 .587 .1700 NORRIS, MT 59745
codyenterprise.com Advertise here (307)587-2231 M-F: 9:30-6 Sat: 9:30-5 Find us on Facebook
Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - C-3


Thankfully, no 9 year olds were injured during first ski lesson

Wild Life

I have always been ada-
mantly resistant to downhill
skiing. My first skiing excur-
sion as a teen on the gradual
slopes of Lower Michigan left
something to be desired.
It involved these things:
Skiing straight toward a
fence in pure terror only to
flip at the base and land in a
ski-splayed pile. While riding
the chairlift one of my skis
got tangled in my other ski
and fell off midair. And lastly I
accidentally skied down a hill
rife with moguls (this is where
I may have started screaming
and covered my eyes).
It was at this point that I
racked my skis and proceeded
to stew in the ski lodge. I con-
soled myself with hot cocoa
and vehement vows to never
again put on skis.
Fast forward to present day
where I had begrudgingly put
on skis again, not once but
After a series of unfor-
tunate events with a recent
Nordic skiing expedition, I was
convinced. Skis were clearly
some sort of sinister con-
traption made purely for my
I was informed the prob-
lem, however wasnt me. It photo by CASSANDRA STUROS
was my instructors.
Without truly being
Participants in the Ski Like a Girl program at Sleeping Giant Ski Area head for the parking lot after a morning on the hill recently. The
instructed on all skiing program is for women of all ages and abilities who either ski or snowboard.
entailed, how was I to enjoy it?
I was deeply skeptical, her directives. Slow and con- hill all day. I felt euphoric. Susie had been effusing
but as a lover of adventure trolled would be my favorite Then Susie suggested try- compliments about my apti-
plus putting myself out of my phrase of the day. ing the big hill: Big Horn. This tude and how well Id been
comfort zone, I accepted the When she would offer up would involve the chairlift. skiing. She told me that was it.
proposition of learning from a advice on how to accelerate Looking at it earlier in the I no longer needed the bunny
professional. my speed, I internally shook day, I had thought to myself, hill. I was ready for the big
Skiing has been my Everest my head. No thank you, Susie. Theres no way on Gods time.
after all. So it was with great I adored slow and I revered green earth I am going up She turned her head in
reservations and near vomit- controlled. there. acknowledgement of the chair-
inducing fear, that I arrived The magic carpet trans- Yet suddenly, bravely, I felt lift.
at Sleeping Giant for its Ski porting skiers (mostly 4-9 year myself compelled to attempt My legs, which were trem-
Like a Girl event. olds) wasnt the only thing all that I had learned. bling, wouldve surely snapped
The day was bordering on that offered up magic that day. I rode up while my nerves off on another run that slow
balmy and apparently the Susie Smith had a way of fluttered about, though my and controlled.
powder was plentiful. instructing while subtly bol- skis stayed put. I felt I hadnt graduated
I overheard a ski patrolman stering my confidence. Some- I took each rolling wave of away from the bunny hill quite
say of the crowd, Theyve got how I moved on to each new the substantial hill, one seg- yet. Though I appreciated
the pow-pow fever. task with ease. Before fear ment at a time. I made large Susies belief in me.
I dont know about fever, could resurface I was suddenly and sweeping turns, wedging Where Id felt foot loose and
but I definitely felt ill. on to the steeper version of the my legs together so tightly fancy free swishing there, the
I met my girl guide for the bunny hill. they began to turn to Jello. Big Horn had left me breath-
day: Susie Smith. Her smile I was swishing back and At one point I gathered less and a bit on edge. Espe-
and apparent patience for forth. I was wedging and stop- too much speed near a rather cially when 9 year olds flew
how many times I uttered the ping and turning. And most steep ledge, but managed to past me with their expert ski
phrase, Im very scared, was importantly, I hadnt ran over stop myself with what Id and snowboarding maneuvers.
a good omen. any of the 4-9 year olds who learned. I politely declined, opting
Starting at the bunny hill were more adept than me. Another time, I again tee- for water and a rest.
with the basics didnt console I even had to simulate a tered on losing my slow and Susie, ever the gracious
me much, especially when I fall, in practicing how to get controlled movements and instructor told me one last
looked at the downward trajec- up, as I hadnt fallen once of went flying forward head- time how great Id done and
my own accord. ing towards some tall pines. left me to ski back to the lodge Part-time Library Assistant: The
And then the most unusual However, that is when I hit on my own. McCracken Research Library in
I had visions of a mania-
thing happened. I started to ample powder, which slowed I did so with some measure the Buffalo Bill Center of the
cal descent. Assessing where
like skiing. me down. of grace and confidence. West seeks candidates for a
Id land in the event of an
Then in trying to get my part-time (24 hours per week)
unstoppable slide, the gaggle I liked the moderate speed, By the time I reached the
library assistant position. This
of children waiting in line for the powder and my patient base of the hill, I had to resist skis off, I fell into a rack of ski
individual will provide reference
the magic carpet, seemed girl guide. fainting for lack of breath in poles, got tangled and finally
and research services accord-
perilous. I was perfectly content my attempts to remain the ran into that 9 year old Id Cassandra Sturos took her ing firstto ski lesson
modern, during lib-
Smith repeatedly advised to ride the magic carpet and slowest, most controlled little been avoiding all day.
me, slow and controlled, in swish down the steep bunny tortoise of the day. But hey, no ones perfect. the event. (Courtesy photo)rary standards to staff, visitors,

researchers and patrons. Can-
didates for the position should
have a minimum of a bachelor's
degree in an appropriate discip-
Part-time Library Assistant: The line. A MLS from an ALA ac-
McCracken Research Library in credited institution is preferred.
the Buffalo Bill Center of the Interested candidates should
West seeks candidates for a send their cover letter, resume,
To sell your item call (307) 587-2231 or online at codyenterprise.com part-time (24 hours per week) references and salary history to:
library assistant position. This Buffalo Bill Center of the West
individual will provide reference Human Resource Department,
500 500 520 540 and research540 services accord- by e-mail to540 chriss@center-

PubliC NotiCes
ing to modern, professional lib- ofthewest.org. For a job de-
General Employment General Employment Motels/Restaurants Professional Professional
rary standards to staff, visitors, scriptionProfessional
and additional informa-
1 temp position: Ag. Equipment Americinn is currently accept- Auto Salesman/Sales Man- researchers and patrons. Can- tion about the center refer to: ht-
Opr., 3/19/17 to 12/31/2017. We ing applications for all positions ager- full-time. Are you a hard didates for the position should tp://centerofthewest.org/about-
offer $11.66 p/hr at time work is for our Spring/Summer employ- working, customer-service ori- have a minimum of a bachelor's us/employment/. The closing
Now accepting applications
performed. Wage rate may in- ment, starting April 15th. Please ented salesman? Join our grow- degree in an appropriate discip- date on this position is Feb. 24,
for Laser(print)Operator. 2:30-
crease w/ verifiable exper. w/ apply in person at 508 Yellow- ing team at Dorm's Auto in Pow- line. A MLS from an ALA ac- 2017. The Center is an Equal
11pm, Mon-Fri, $10.15/hr.
the company. 48 hrs p/wk. stone Ave., Cody, Wyoming. ell. Competitive pay based on credited institution is preferred. Opportunity Employer.
Must be available all shifts for
training and shift coverage.
guarantee, transp. & subsist-
It's your right to know
experience with benefits. Previ- Interested candidates should
ence expenses to worksite pd The King's Inn is currently ac- ous sales experience a plus but send their cover letter, resume,
Ideal candidate will be profi- cepting applications for all posi-
after 50% completion of con- not necessary. Call Patrick references and salary history to: It's Your Right to Know!
cient in Word/Excel, able to lift
tract, or earlier if appropriate. tions for our Spring/Summer (307)202-0400. Buffalo Bill Center of the West Read Public Notices in
70lbs and work independ-
Housing, tools, equip. provided employment, starting April 15th.

Real estate
Human Resource Department, the Cody Enterprise.
ently. Pick up an application
at no cost. Duties: operate farm Please apply in person at 508 Part-time Library Assistant: The by e-mail to chriss@center-
at 1825 Big Horn Ave Cody or
equip. to plant, cultivate & har- Yellowstone Ave., Cody, Wyom- McCracken Research Library in ofthewest.org. For a job de- Place your classified!
contact Connie at
vest; attach implements such as ing. the Buffalo Bill Center of the scription and additional informa- (307)587-2231.
[email protected] or
plow, disc, drill; tow harv. Western Six Gun is currently West seeks candidates for a tion about the center refer to: ht-
equip.; operate self-propelled accepting applications for all po- part-time (24 hours per week) tp://centerofthewest.org/about-
Now hiring team players for all combine; lubricate, repair farm sitions for our Spring/Summer library assistant position. This us/employment/. The closing
positions. Contact Catherine at machinery; transp crops to employment, starting April 15th. individual will provide reference date on this position is Feb. 24,
(307)899-4074 for application To sellex-your
bins/elevators. Min. 1 month property
Please apply call in person (307)at587-2231 508 and or onlineservices
research at codyenterprise.com
accord- 2017. The Center is an Equal
and to schedule an interview. per. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Yellowstone Ave., Cody, Wyom- ing to modern, professional lib- Opportunity Employer.
Must be able to obtain a drivers ing. rary standards to staff, visitors,
We'll publish your classified ad

HelP WaNted
license w/in 30-90 days of hire. researchers and patrons. Can-
message in 97% of Wyoming's No min ed. required. Jim Olson, didates for the position should
newspapers that reach more Culbertson, MT. Apply at Job have a minimum Long ofTerm Care
a bachelor's
than 163,000 households in the
state. The cost? Just $135 for a
Service Sidney, MT, 406-433- degree
777 Avenue H, Powell, Wyoming | 307-754-2267 | pvhc.org in an appropriate discip- PARK COUNTY
1204, job order #10262084. line. A MLS from an ALA ac-
25-word message; additional
credited institution is preferred.
has an opening for an
words at $5 each. Call the Cody We'll publish your classified ad LONG TERM CARE CENTER
Enterprise, (307)587-2231, for message in 97% of Wyoming's
newspapers that reach more
Wound Care RN 1
Interested candidates should
send their position,
cover 40 Office Associate III in Cody
details. To find a new employee call (307) 587-2231
(8am-4:30pm) occasional weekends and on call required.
references or online
and at
salary codyenterprise.com
history to:
Place your classified ad online
than 163,000 households in the
Buffalo Bill Center of the West Please visit our website for full job description
state. Just $135 for a 25-word
at your convenience! codyenter- message; Call the Cody Enter- Human Resource Department,
Powell Valley Healthcare offers a full benefit package for full-time and part-time employees. and application instructions:
prise.com prise, (307)587-2231. by dental,
These benefits include health insurance (medical, e-mail toa pension
and vision), chriss@center-
long-term disability insurance, and life insurance
(equal to your annual salary).
For a job de-
Equal Opportunity http://wyoextension.org/parkcounty/
codyenterprise.com codyenterprise.com QUALITY CARE scription and additional E M P L Oinforma-
tion about the center refer to: ht-
Laramie County Clerks Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Lincoln

PubliC NotiCes
C-4 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 County Clerks Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming; Natrona County
Clerks Office, Casper, Wyoming; Niobrara County Clerks Office,
Lusk, Wyoming; Park County Clerks Office, Cody, Wyoming; Platte
County Clerks Office, Wheatland, Wyoming; Sheridan County
Clerks Office, Sheridan Wyoming; Sublette County Clerks Office,
Pinedale, Wyoming; Sweetwater County Clerks Office, Green
River, Wyoming; Teton County Clerks Office, Jackson, Wyoming;
Uinta County Clerks Office, Evanston, Wyoming; Washakie County
It's your right to know Clerks Office, Worland, Wyoming; Weston County Clerks Office,
Newcastle, Wyoming. In accordance with the Americans with Dis-
abilities Act, special assistance or alternate formats will be made
available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

Real estate
Park County School District # 6 NOTICE OF APPLICATION Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator,
Request for Professional Services Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John Mitchell Redd, Trust-
The Board of Trustees for Park County School District # 6 is re- West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-
ee of the John W. Redd II Revocable Trust, Kathleen R. Fox, Cher-
questing bids for the following project: 1784. Please reference A0003894 in your comment. Comments
ry R. Circelli and Maris R. Bischoff have made application to the
Re-sealing roof sections on the Cody High School and East- submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.
above Court as provided in W.S. 2-1-205 for decree in the estate
side Elementary School buildings to take place over the 2017 All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 20, 2017 will
of Helen Mae Peterson Redd, deceased, District Court of Big Horn
summer break. be considered in the final determination on this application. A pub-
County, Wyoming, Fifth Judicial District, Probate No. 2017-02, es-
Bid packets may be picked up from the Central Business office at lic hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrat-
919 Cody Ave. or by contacting Terry Gardenhire, Director of Facil- sell your property
tablishing theircall
right(307) 587-2231
and title or online
to the mineral at the
rights on codyenterprise.com
or sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so re-
described real property located in Park County, Wyoming.
ities at (307) 899-5457 (e-mail [email protected]). quests.
Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 13, S2NWSW,
Publish: February 7, 9, 14 and 16, 2017 Publish: February 14, 2017 only

HelP WaNted
Legal No. 2954 Legal No. 2961
Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 13, S2SW
Township 56 N, Range 98W: Section 14, E2NWSE,
NESWSE, E2SE Town of Meeteetse
Notice of Final Payment to Contractor Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 23, E2NENE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF
Park County School District No. 16 Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 24, SWNW, NE- RETAIL AND RESTAURANT
Meeteetse Ag Barn Concrete & Plumbing NWSW, NESW, N2SWSE, SESWSE, SESE, W2NENE, LIQUOR LICENSES
Meeteetse, WY SENENE Notice is hereby given that the applicants whose names are set
Notice is hereby given that Park County School District No. 16, forth below have filed application each for Retail Liquor Licenses
Meeteetse, WY has accepted the work as complete, according To find to a new employee call (307) 587-2231 or online at codyenterprise.com
Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 24, W2NE, SENE,
and Restaurant Liquor License in the office of the Meeteetse Clerk
the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the contract Township 56 N, Range 98 W: Section 25, NENE of the Town of Meeteetse, Park County, Wyoming, the date of fil-
between the Park County School District No. 16, Meeteetse, WY Said application is filed in the office of the Clerk of the District ing, the names of said applicants, and the addresses of the place
and Heart Mountain Construction, Powell, WY for construction of Court of the Fifth Judicial District at the Big Horn County, Wyoming or premises which the applicant desires to use as the place of sale
the New Meeteetse Ag Barn Concrete & Plumbing Project. Courthouse, and any dispute as to the facts as presented in that are set forth below as follows:
The above-mentioned contractor is entitled to final settlement. application should be filed within one week of the date of last publi- RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE
Therefore, on the 20th day of March, 2017, being the (41st) day cation hereof, at which time the real property of decedent described APPLICANT LOCATION DATE OF FILING
after the first date of advertisement, Park County School District above and located in Park County, Wyoming, will be set over to The Elkwood Company, LLC 1916 State Street 02/10/2017
No. 16, Meeteetse, WY will pay the above-mentioned contractor the John Mitchell Redd, Trustee of the John W. Redd II Revocable Members: Magnum & Rachel Faust-DBA- Elkhorn Bar & Grill
full amount due under said contract; provided all punch list and Trust, Kathleen R. Fox, Cherry R. Circelli and Maris R. Bischoff as Cowboy Bar 1936 State Street 02/10/2017
project close-out requirements have been met. their sole and separate property. Owner: Dorothy A. Rapp
Publish: February 7, 9 and 14, 2017 DATED this 30th day of January, 2017. Protest, if any there be, against the renewal of any of these licens-
Legal No. 2955 es, willCity
be heard at a Public Hearing before the Governing Body of
/s/Michael S. Messenger of Cody
Michael S. Messenger, WSB #5-1438 the Town
Council of Meeteetse
Proceedings on March 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Notice of Probate Estate Messenger & Overfield, P.C. Tuesday, January 17,Angela 2017 R. Johnson
Attorney for Petitioner Clerk
Blake A. Klinkner [#7-5070] A pre-meeting was held at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the agenda for the Regular Meeting. No action was
P. O. Box 111 Publish: February 14 and 21, 2017
Danette R. Baldacci [#6-3248] taken.
Thermopolis, Legal No. 2948
CROWLEY FLECK PLLP A regular meeting of WY 82443City Council
the Cody was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall in Cody,
Wyoming on (307)
Tuesday, 864-5541
January 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
237 Storey Blvd. Suite #110
Publish: February 7 and 14, 2017 Present: Mayor Hall, Council Members Donny Anderson, Landon Greer Glenn Nielson and Stan
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Telephone: 307-772-4852
Legal No. 2952 Wolz, City Administrator, Barry Cook, Park County
City Attorney Board
Scott Kolpitcke of County Commissioners
and Administrative Services Of-
ficer, Cindy Baker Regular Meeting
Attorneys for Petitioner
STATE OF WYOMING ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT Absent: Council Member Karen Ballinger and Jerry Fritz. January 17, 2017
) Department of Environmental Hall called the meeting toChairman
Council MayorQuality order at 7:00Livingston
p.m. called to order a regular meeting of the
COUNTY OF PARK ) FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Department of Environmental Quality, Council Member
Division of AirWolz made
Quality PUB-a motion seconded by Council MemberofGreer
Board of County Commissioners Park County, Wyoming,
to approve on Tues-
the agenda.
LIC NOTICE: In accordance with Vote
Chapterwas 6,unanimous.
Section 2(m) of the day, January 17, 2017. Present were Chairman Livingston, Vice
Wyoming Air Quality Standards andCouncil Regulations,
hereby Chairman
a motion secondedLorenbyGrosskopf, Commissioners
Council Member AndersonJoe Tilden, Tim
to approve theFrench,
IN THE MATTER OF THE ) Probate No. 9508
given that the State of Wyoming, consent Department of Environmental
calendar Jake Fulkerson, and Deputy Clerk Teecee Barrett.
which includes approval of Minutes Regular Minutes from January 3, 2017; ap-
Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve
prove Vouchers anda Payroll Teecee Barrett
requestinbythe amount led the audience
of $1,458,250.80; in Council
appoint the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Nielson as the
Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C. to conductZoning
Planning, well completion
& Adjustment Approve-Vouchers.
andBoard Liaison for a three-year appointment, (1/1/2017-12/31/2019);
Deceased. )
re-completion activities in the Statewide, appoint Upper
Fritz as River Basin
Council Vice PresidentThe following
for a 1-year vouchers were presented to the appoint
term (1/17/2017-12/31/2017); Board for
and Jonah/Pinedale Anticline Development
Staff, Areas
Eric AsayintoWyoming.
the Cody The
Tree proval.
Board for Commissioner
a 2-year French(1/1/2017-12/31/2018);
appointment moved to approve the appoint
vouchers as
proposed permit includes requirements to conduct
City Staff, well comple-
Steve Payne and Rob Kramer presented to theseconded by Commissioner
Urban Systems Board for aGrosskopf and unanimously
3-year appointment
You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of January 2017,
tions or re-completions using best management practices to re- carried:
(1/17/2017-12/31/2019) and appoint the following to the Cody City Rabies Board for a 2-year term
the Will of the above-named decedent, Thomas W. Dyk, was ad-
duce emissions of regulated pollutants associated with suchDr.
(1/1/2017-12/31/2018), activit-
Jamieson, Payee Dr. Blessing, Chief Chuck Baker and Jennifer Morris.Amount Vote
mitted to probate by the above-named Court, and that Mary L. Dyk
ies to the extent practicable and to monitor, maintain
was unanimous. records and YELLOWSTONE REGIONAL AIRPORT $32,229.00
was appointed Personal Representative thereof. Any action to set
aside the Will shall be filed with the Court within three (3) months report emissions from the completions or re-completion
Council Member Anderson made aYELLOWSTONE
activities. motion secondedCOUNTRY by CouncilASSISTANCE
Member Wolz to approve $293.50a request
For the duration of the public comment period,
for a new copiesPermit
Fireworks of the to per- NETWORK
Chris and Miria Good, dba Fireworks Factory Outlet, contingent upon
from the date of the first publication of this Notice, or thereafter be
forever barred. mit application, the agencys analysis, andsale
the final theofpublic notice are
said business fromYELLOWSTONE
current owners (currentBEHAVIORAL
permit holder). Vote$9,849.60
was unani-
available for public inspection online
mous.at http://deq.wyoming.gov/ YANKEE CAR WASH $13.00
Notice is further given that all persons indebted to said dece-
aqd/new-source-review/resources/applications-on-notice/ and at WYOMING WATER WORKS
Council Member Wolz made a motion seconded by Council Member Anderson to approve the $138.00
dent or to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment
the Albany County Clerks Office,preliminary Laramie, Wyoming; Big ofHorn WYOMING TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION $195.00
to the undersigned at CROWLEY FLECK PLLP, 237 Storey Blvd. and final plats the Cook Minor Subdivision, subject to conditions. Voting in favor were
County Clerks Office, Basin, Wyoming; Campbell County Clerks WYOMING STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER $1,200.00
Suite #110, Cheyenne, WY 82009. Council Members Greer, Anderson, Wolz and Mayor Hall. Opposed was Council Member Nielson.
Creditors having claims against the decedent or the Estate Office, Gillette, Wyoming; Carbon County Clerks Office, Rawlins, WYOMING DEPT OF AGRICULTURE*
Motion passed.
Wyoming; Converse County Clerks Office, Douglas, Wyoming; WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF $88.00
are required to file them in duplicate with the necessary vouchers, RESOLUTION 2017-02
Crook County Clerks Office, Sundance, Wyoming; Fremont County HEALTH/PBL HLTH LB
in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial A RESOLUTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION AND UTIL-
Clerks Office, Lander, Wyoming; Goshen CountyAND Clerks Office, ON WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH $336.00
District, on or before three (3) months after the date of the first ITY SYSTEMS FACILITIES FEDERAL LAND. Council Member Nielson made a motion
Torrington, Wyoming; Hot Springs County Clerks Office, Thermo- WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT $210.87
publication of this notice, and if such claims are not so filed, unless seconded by Council Member Greer to approve Resolution 2017-02. Vote was unanimous.
polis, Wyoming; Johnson County Clerks WPCI CONSULTANTS, INC. $130.50
otherwise allowed or paid, they will be forever barred. There Office,
being no Buffalo,
action Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Laramie County Clerks Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Lincoln WHITLOCK MOTORS $141.39
DATED this 7th day of February, 2017. /s/Matt Hall /s/Cindy Baker
County Clerks Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming; Natrona County WHITE INK, LLC $260.15
MARY L. DYK, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Mayor Administrative Services Officer
Clerks Office, Casper, Wyoming; Niobrara County Clerks Office, VISION WEST, INC. $38.00
By: /s/ Blake A. Klinkner Name Description Amount
Lusk, Wyoming; Park County Clerks Office, Cody, Wyoming; Platte VISA - #9721 - M. GARZA $1,179.42
Blake A. Klinkner [#7-5070] ACKER ELECTRIC INC BALER REPAIRS 100.00
Danette R. Baldacci [#6-3248] County Clerks Office, Wheatland, Wyoming; Sheridan County VISA - #9689 - M. CONNERS $2,470.71
CROWLEY FLECK PLLP Clerks Office, Sheridan Wyoming; Sublette County Clerks Office, VISA - #9630 - T. POWER $24.09
Pinedale, Wyoming; Sweetwater County Clerks Office, Green VISA - #9614 - SCOTT STEWARD $2,550.12
237 Storey Blvd. Suite #110 BLACK HILLS ENERGY UTILITIES 16721.19
River, Wyoming; Teton County Clerks Office, Jackson, Wyoming; VISA - #9572 - E. RENNER $1,874.90
Uinta County Clerks Office, Evanston, Wyoming; Washakie County VISA - #9408 - B. EDWARDS $90.00
Phone: 307-772-4852 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS credit repair parts - Vehicle Maintenance 779.26
Clerks Office, Worland, Wyoming; Weston County Clerks Office, VISA - #9358 - T. WADDELL $443.48
Email: [email protected] CHURCH, JODY DEPOSIT REFUND 66.39
Newcastle, Wyoming. In accordance with the Americans with Dis- VISA - #0225 - W.E. CRAMPTON $73.46
Publish: February 14, 21 and 28, 2017 CITY OF CODY Utilities 595.23
abilities Act, special assistance or alternate formats will be made VISA - #0191 - T. HALL $793.99
available upon request for individuals with disabilities. VISA - #0118 - P. TAXI
Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, KATH LEGAL SERVICES 6907.92
Division of Air Quality, DepartmentKITCHEN KOLPITCKE
of Environmental LLC200
City of Cody CUSTOM
West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635- GARAGE DOOR LLC DOOR REPAIR 461.00
Council Proceedings DENNY
1784. Please reference A0003894 in your comment. CommentsMENHOLT CHEVROLET BID BOND RETURN 2016-10 1612.00
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 submitted by email will not be included DENNYin theMENHOLT CHEVROLET
administrative record. SANITATION PICKUP 29776.00
A pre-meeting was held at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the agenda for the Regular Meeting. No action was EASTMAN, RINDA
All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 20, 2017 will PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES 211.15
be considered in the final determination on this application. A pub- PEST CONTROL - CITY HALL 130.41
A regular meeting of the Cody City Council was held in the Council Chambers lic hearingat will
in Cody, only if in
conducted the opinion of theASSOCIATES
Wyoming on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. FARLOW, IRENE
or sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so re- & EARL TIPSY TAXI PROGRAM 322.00
Present: Mayor Hall, Council Members Donny Anderson, Landon Greer Glenn Nielson and Stan
quests. FED-EX SHIPPING 64.94
Wolz, City Administrator, Barry Cook, City Attorney Scott Kolpitcke and Administrative
Publish: FebruaryServices
ficer, Cindy Baker Legal No. 2961 HAMILTON, SHAUN Refund of over payment on MC-1611-007 30.00
Absent: Council Member Karen Ballinger and Jerry Fritz. HARRIS TRUCKING AND HAUL RECYCLING TRAILER TO BILLINGS 475.00
Council Mayor Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CONSTRUCTION
Council Member Wolz made a motion seconded by Council Member ToGreer
sell toyour item
approve thecall (307) 587-2231
agenda. HARRISor online atAND
TRUCKING codyenterprise.com SNOW PLOW - HAULING 6926.05
Vote was unanimous. CONSTRUCTION CO.
Council Member Greer made a motion seconded by Council Member Anderson to approve the J & S CORPORATION REPAIR DOOR AT AUDITORIUM 75.20
consent calendar which includes approval of Minutes Regular Minutes from January 3, 2017; ap- JONES, AMY PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES 73.33
prove Vouchers and Payroll in the amount of $1,458,250.80; appoint Council Member Nielson as the KITCHEN, SCOTT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 38.82
Planning, Zoning & Adjustment Board Liaison for a three-year appointment, (1/1/2017-12/31/2019); KRUBECK, LUCAS PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES 81.25
appoint Jerry Fritz as Council Vice President for a 1-year term (1/17/2017-12/31/2017); appoint City LONG BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES INC HEATER MAINTENANCE 453.63
Staff, Eric Asay to the Cody Tree Board for a 2-year appointment (1/1/2017-12/31/2018); appoint MAYFIELD, AMELIA DEPOSIT REFUND 50.92
City Staff, Steve Payne and Rob Kramer to the Urban Systems Board for a 3-year appointment MOERIKE, DAVID C REPLACE REAR HATCH ON 2300.00
(1/17/2017-12/31/2019) and appoint the following to the Cody City Rabies Board for a 2-year term GARBAGE TRUCK
(1/1/2017-12/31/2018), Dr. Jamieson, Dr. Blessing, Chief Chuck Baker and Jennifer Morris. Vote MOUNTAIN STATES LIGHTING FREIGHT CHARGES 13585.00
was unanimous. NORCO, INC. SUPLIES 11.84
Council Member Anderson made a motion seconded by Council Member Wolz to approve a request NORTHWEST PIPE PARTS 2012.16
for a new Fireworks Permit to Chris and Miria Good, dba Fireworks Factory Outlet, contingent upon OLSON, AMBER DEPOSIT REFUND 18.82
the final sale of said business from current owners (current fireworks permit holder). Vote was unani- PALMER, SUZANNE REFUND OVERPAYMENT ON PREMIUM 12.96
Council Member Wolz made a motion seconded by Council Member Anderson to approve the PARK COUNTY CLERK ELECTION COST 7620.11
preliminary and final plats of the Cook Minor Subdivision, subject to conditions. Voting in favor were PARK COUNTY LANDFILL LANDFILL CHARGES 50031.54
Council Members Greer, Anderson, Wolz and Mayor Hall. Opposed was Council Member Nielson. PARK COUNTY SHERIFF INCARCERATION - DEC 2016 810.00
Motion passed. PELIS, RYAN RESTITUTION 100.00
seconded by Council Member Greer to approve Resolution 2017-02. Vote was unanimous. SHOSHONE MUNICIPAL PIPELINE SMP WATER PURCHASES - DEC 2016 107115.44
There being no further action Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. SYSTEMS GRAPHICS INC CYCLE 4 OUTSOURCE BILLS 644.84
Mayor Administrative Services Officer THE OFFICE SHOP INC COPIER TONER 153.77
CARQUEST AUTO PARTS credit repair parts - Vehicle Maintenance 779.26 OF AGRICULTURE
CITY OF CODY Utilities 595.23 AGENCY
COPENHAVER KATH LEGAL SERVICES 6907.92 Publish: February 14, 2017 only
PubliC NotiCes
Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - C-5

It's your right to know

Real estate
VERIZON WIRELESS $27.27 BEAR CO., INC. $1,646.50 Road. Linda Gillett, County Planner, presented the staff report. This
VERIZON WIRELESS $70.96 BAILEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $114.29 project was done on the Till property. The County Engineers of-
UPS STORE, THE $16.23 BAILEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $212.26 fice completed the work before the permit was granted as this was
TRUENORTH STEEL $7,148.76 BAILEY ENTERPRISES, INC. $4,089.74 threatening a County road that has a high volume of use. Brian Ed-
TRIPLE L SALES $41.50 AT&T MOBILITY $109.34 wards, County Engineer, commented that this is not a permanent fix,
SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF MONTANA $2,647.39 AT CONFERENCE $121.36 but should work for now and when the spring runoff comes will be the
STROUPE PEST CONTROL, CO. $135.00 ALPINE SERVICES LLC $3,750.00 test if the fill and barbs hold. His office will continue to keep an eye
$242.00 property call (307) 587-2231 or online at codyenterprise.com
OFFICE SOLUTIONS $673.55 on the specific area, but with a fiber optic cable being exposed it was
SMITH FUNERAL CHAPELS $750.00 TOTAL $1,254,625.87 an emergency situation to get something done quickly. Commission-
SHOSHONE OFFICE SUPPLY, INC. $590.18 Approve-Minutes. er Tilden moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commis-

HelP WaNted
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS STORE - CODY $67.31 The minutes from January 3 and 10 were presented to the sioner Grosskopf and unanimously carried. Commissioner Tilden
SECRETARY OF STATE $30.00 Board for approval. Commissioner Tilden moved to approve the moved to approve the floodplain permit, seconded by Commissioner
SANOFI PASTEUR, INC $182.55 minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Grosskopf and French and unanimously carried RESOLUTION NO. 2017-02.
ROGERS SPORT CENTER $709.87 unanimously carried. Approve-Letter of Support Yellowstone Behavioral Health.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER $125.85 Approve-Payroll. Mark Russler, Executive Director, Yellowstone Behavioral
RIMROCK TIRE CO - CODY $280.85 Payroll was presented to the Board for approval. Commission- Health, joined the meeting by phone. Russler requested a letter of
PRODUCTION MACHINE CORP. $100.69 er Grosskopf moved to approve payroll, seconded by Commissioner support from the Board to the Wyoming Department of Health sup-
PRO-BUILD - CODY $14.35 Tilden and unanimously carried. porting the funding request for the outpatient mental health service
$1,751.04 employee call
Approve-Monthly (307) 587-2231
Earnings or online at codyenterprise.com
and Collections. they provide. Commissioner Tilden moved to approve the letter of
POWELL TRIBUNE, INC. $100.00 The monthly earnings and collection statements for the Clerk, support and allow the Chairman to sign, seconded by Commissioner
POWELL TRIBUNE, INC. $122.50 Clerk of District Court, and Sheriff were presented for approval. Grosskopf and unanimously carried.
POWELL SENIOR CITIZENS AGO-GO, INC $11,856.00 Commissioner French moved to approve them as presented, sec- Public Health Update.
POWELL ELECTRIC $343.60 onded by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimously carried. Bill Crampton, Public Health Nurse Manager, updated the
POWELL ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP, INC. $3,501.94 Designation-Official Newspaper Pursuant to Wyoming State Board on the last month in Public Health. Kate Murphy, Public Health
POWELL ACE HARDWARE, LLC $84.94 Statute 18-2-115. Nurse, is celebrating her 27th year of service today. Dr. Billin and
PILCH ENGINEERING INC., PC $2,640.00 Commissioner Grosskopf moved to designate the Cody En- Crampton were on Speak Your Piece yesterday discussing immuni-
PENWELL, STEVE $54.95 terprise, Powell Tribune, and the Meeteetse Bulletin as the official zations and vaccine waivers. Crampton commented in the last two
PARK COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION BOARD $71,274.46 newspapers for 2017, seconded by Commissioner French and unan- years Dr. Billin has seen an increase of waiver requests for children
PARK COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD $99,701.50 imously carried. not getting vaccinated. There are two reasons for the request, med-
PARK COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD $770,357.23 Approve-Sign Financial Disclosure Statements Pursuant to Wy- ical or religious. Crampton plans on being on the radio more to dis-
PARK COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER $2,626.56 oming State Statute 16-5-118 (a). cuss public health issues. The department recently had a training on
PARK COUNTY 4-H COUNCIL $2,736.00 All required Elected Officials will complete the disclosure state- what to look for during home visits as far as potential harmful things
PARK CO COURT SUPERVISED $9,147.74 ments and have them filed in the County Clerks office. to a child such as drug use or the making of illegal drugs. They also
TREATMENT PROG Approve-24 Hour Permit. spoke about safety issues that lie in the Park County Annex and
OFFICE SHOP, THE $229.80 Colleen Renner, County Clerk, presented the request for Heart the design of the building if they had an emergency. Commissioner
OREILLY AUTO PARTS $333.65 Mountain Pub to stay open 24 hours on January 28, 2017. Commis- French said he would visit the annex in the near future and talk to the
NORTHWEST WY FAMILY PLANNING $391.38 sioner French moved to approve the request from Heart Mountain building tenants on potential solutions.
NORTHWEST SPECIALTY SALES CO., LLC $366.74 Pub that would allow all liquor license holding agencies in the County Interview-Planning and Zoning Board.
NORTH PARK TRANSPORTATION, INC $55.90 to remain open for 24 hours on January 28, 2017, seconded by Com- The Board interviewed two individuals for the Planning and
NORCO, INC. $23.68 missioner Tilden and unanimously carried. Zoning Board. After the interviews and general discussion Commis-
NEMONT $46.98 Approve-Mitigation Plan. sioner Tilden moved to appoint Deb Bush to the Planning and Zoning
NAPA AUTO PARTS $14.98 Martin Knapp, Homeland Security Coordinator, presented the Board, seconded by Commissioner Fulkerson and unanimously car-
MURPHY, KATHERINE $434.95 regional mitigation plan to the Board for approval. After general dis- ried.
MURDOCH OIL, INC. $8,602.40 cussion, Commissioner Tilden moved to approve the plan, seconded Executive Session.
MOTOR PARTS, INC. $393.41 by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimously carried. Commissioner Tilden moved to go into executive session pur-
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO. $3,482.63 Approve-Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI) Committee. suant to Wyoming State Statue 16-4-405(a)ii, seconded by Com-
MICKELSON, JOSEPH D $138.24 Commissioner Tilden moved to allow past Commissioner Hall missioner Grosskopf and unanimously carried. No decisions were
MERCK SHARP & DOHME CORP $1,489.49 to continue serving as Chairman of WPLI, and Shaunna Romero and made in this session. Commissioner Grosskopf moved to come
MEETEETSE, TOWN OF $218.88 Tara Kuipers to continue in their current capacities on the Commit- out of executive session, seconded by Commissioner Fulkerson
MEETEETSE VISITOR CENTER $2,188.80 tee, seconded by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimously car- and unanimously carried. Commissioner Fulkerson moved to offer
MEETEETSE SENIOR CENTER $2,508.00 ried. Kuipers will be getting reimbursed for her services with State the position of Executive Assistant to applicant #1 with a salary of
McKESSON MEDICAL SURGICAL $619.16 funding. $36,129.60, seconded by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimous-
McINTOSH OIL, INC. $6,153.96 Approve-Q1 FFY17 Temporary Assistance for Needy Family ly carried. Commissioner Fulkerson moved to offer the Events Coor-
MCCARTY, REED, & EARHART, ATTYS L.C. $220.00 (TANF) Funding Request. dinator position to applicant #4 with a salary of $47,964.00, second-
MCBROOM, MATTHEW A. $47.48 Teecee Barrett, Grants Coordinator, presented quarter one ed by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimously carried.
MARQUIS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES, INC $58.04 funding reimbursement request in the amount of $14,425.57 for ap- Adjourn.
MANNAHOUSE $2,123.14 proval. Commissioner Grosskopf moved to approve the request and Commissioner French made a motion to adjourn, Commission-
LITTLE FALLS MACHINE, INC $927.32 allow the Chairman to sign, seconded by Commissioner Tilden and er Tilden seconded and the motion carried.
LINTONS BIG R, INC. $185.71 unanimously carried. /s/Lee Livingston, Chairman /s/Loren Grosskopf, Vice Chairman
KENCO SECURITY AND TECHNOLOGY $359.03 Approve-Lease Renewal. /s/Joseph E. Tilden, Commissioner /s/Tim A. French, Commissioner
KEELE SANITATION $925.00 Patti Umphlett, Assistant, presented the lease renewal for High /s/Jake Fulkerson, Commissioner
KEEGAN, KRISJANSONS & MILES, PC $8,273.77 Country Mercantile. Commissioner Grosskopf moved to approve the Attest:
JPATS/USMS $2,184.00 lease agreement as presented, seconded by Commissioner Fulker- /s/Teecee Barrett on behalf of
JACKS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT, INC. $162.81 son and unanimously carried. Colleen Renner, County Clerk
J.C. REPAIR, INC. $292.00 Approve-Dissolution of the Big Horn Basin Transportation Publish: February 14, 2017 only
INTERSTATE TIRE SERV. INC $65.00 Committee. Legal No. 2964
HOTSY EQUIPMENT OF WYOMING, INC. $51.50 This will be discussed at a later date when more information is
HONNEN EQUIPMENT CO. $33,376.00 available.
HEARTLAND PAPER COMPANY $9,207.85 Approve-Change to Tidwell Flood Permit #4-16, Resolution No.
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUB-
HANSON CHEMICAL INC. $206.72 2017-01.
LIC NOTICE: In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the
GUERTIN, ANDREW $29.11 Linda Gillett, Planning Director, presented the updated version
Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby
GOODYEAR PRINTING $68.00 of the Tidwell flood permit after adding the verbiage requested at
given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental
GARLAND LIGHT & POWER CO. $1,778.30 the last meeting. Commissioner Grosskopf moved to approve the
Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by
FREMONT MOTOR CODY, INC. $876.53 permit with the changes, seconded by Commissioner Fulkerson and
Vanguard Operating, LLC to conduct blowdown and venting activit-
FORWARD CODY WYOMING, INC. $4,377.60 unanimously carried.
ies in the Statewide, Upper Green River Basin and Jonah/Pinedale
ESRI (ENVIRONMENTAL SYS. RESEARCH INST) $14,300.00 Approve-Permit Application for the Park County Regional Land-
Anticline Development Areas in Wyoming. The proposed permit in-
ELECTRICAL ALLY, INC. $110.00 fill.
cludes requirements to conduct well blowdown and venting activit-
ECOLAB, INC. $208.87 Tim Waddell, Landfill Manager, presented the State solid waste
ies using Best Management Practices (BMP) associated with
DEES ALTERATIONS $60.00 application permit to the Board for approval. Commissioner French
manual and automated blowdown/venting episodes associated with
D&G ELECTRIC, LLC $384.47 moved to approve the application, seconded by Commissioner Fulk-
liquids unloading, wellbore depressurization in preparation for main-
CUSTOM DELIVERY SERVICE, INC. $21.29 erson and unanimously carried.
tenance or repair, hydrate clearing, emergency operations and
CROFT, KIMBALL $255.28 Consider-Fee Waiver Requests Fairgrounds.
equipment depressurization, and to monitor, maintain records, and
CRISIS INTERVENTION SERVICES $2,784.09 The Wyoming Sagebrush Hoppers requested a fee waiver for
report emissions from the well blowdown and venting activities.
CRISIS INTERVENTION SERVICES $3,064.32 Bicentennial Hall for January 15 and 29, March 12 and 26. The fee
For the duration of the public comment period, copies of the per-
COULTER CAR CARE CENTER $48.50 is $150/per day for the requested area. After general discussion
mit application, the agencys analysis, and the public notice are
CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE $18,403.73 Commissioner Grosskopf moved to allow the Wyoming Sagebrush
available for public inspection online at http://deq.wyoming.gov/
COMPANIES, INC. Hoppers to pay $125/day, seconded by Commissioner Fulkerson.
aqd/new-source-review/resources/applications-on-notice/ and at
COPENHAVER KATH KITCHEN & KOLPITCKE LLC $400.00 Commissioners Grosskopf and French voted yes while Commission-
the Albany County Clerks Office, Laramie, Wyoming; Big Horn
CODY, CITY OF $1,094.40 ers Fulkerson and Tilden voted opposed. Chairman Livingston also
County Clerks Office, Basin, Wyoming; Campbell County Clerks
CODY, CITY OF $2,550.40 voted opposed so the motion failed. Office, Gillette, Wyoming; Carbon County Clerks Office, Rawlins,
CODY YELLOWSTONE AIR $6,566.40 Consider-Fee Waiver Request Fairgrounds. Wyoming; Converse County Clerks Office, Douglas, Wyoming;
CODY SHOOTING COMPLEX $4,000.00 There has been a fee waiver request for Bicentennial Hall for a Crook County Clerks Office, Sundance, Wyoming; Fremont County
CODY PAINT & BODY, INC. $205.00 benefit dinner on January 21, 2017. Commissioner French moved Clerks Office, Lander, Wyoming; Goshen County Clerks Office,
CODY ENTERPRISE $30.00 to approve the request to wave the fee, seconded by Commissioner Torrington, Wyoming; Hot Springs County Clerks Office, Thermo-
CODY ENTERPRISE $2,946.83 ToGrosskopf
sell yourand item call (307)
unanimously 587-2231 or online at codyenterprise.com
carried. polis, Wyoming; Johnson County Clerks Office, Buffalo, Wyoming;
CODY COUNCIL ON AGING $11,856.00 Approve-Letter of Support West Park Hospital Cedar Mountain Laramie County Clerks Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Lincoln
CODY ACE HARDWARE $207.37 Center. County Clerks Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming; Natrona County
CHRISTIE, LOGAN $112.32 The Clinical Supervisor for Cedar Mountain Center requested Clerks Office, Casper, Wyoming; Niobrara County Clerks Office,
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS $101.99 that the Board write a letter of support for the annual funding that Lusk, Wyoming; Park County Clerks Office, Cody, Wyoming; Platte
CENTURYLINK BUSINES SERVICES $28.09 they apply for from the State. This is a letter that has been written County Clerks Office, Wheatland, Wyoming; Sheridan County
CENTURYLINK $72.94 for the past several years. Commissioner Tilden moved to approve Clerks Office, Sheridan Wyoming; Sublette County Clerks Office,
CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. $302.73 the letter of support for the Cedar Mountain Center, seconded by Pinedale, Wyoming; Sweetwater County Clerks Office, Green
CARQUEST AUTO PARTS - #274890 $504.93 Commissioner French and unanimously carried. River, Wyoming; Teton County Clerks Office, Jackson, Wyoming;
CARQUEST AUTO PARTS - #064250 $1,523.19 Approve-Consensus Funding Reimbursement Requests. Uinta County Clerks Office, Evanston, Wyoming; Washakie County
CAROLINA SOFTWARE $500.00 Teecee Barrett, Grants Coordinator, submitted three reim- Clerks Office, Worland, Wyoming; Weston County Clerks Office,
CARING FOR POWELL ANIMALS $875.52 bursement requests. The first is for the Employee Parking Lot proj- Newcastle, Wyoming. In accordance with the Americans with Dis-

BRUCO, INC. $221.76 ect request number two in the amount of $896.15. Commissioner abilities Act, special assistance or alternate formats will be made
BRADFORD SUPPLY CO. $192.85 French moved to approve the request and allow the Chairman to available upon request for individuals with disabilities.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF PARK CO. $7,553.99 sign, seconded by Commissioner Grosskopf and unanimously car- Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator,
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF PARK CO. $3,283.20 ried. Second request for the Andy Martin Hill project, request num- Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200
BOB BARKER COMPANY $470.84 ber two in the amount of $108,431.42. Commissioner French moved West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-
BLAIRS MARKET $23.94 to approve the request and allow the Chairman to sign, seconded by 1784. Please reference A0003919 in your comment. Comments
BLACK HILLS ENERGY $10,568.99 Commissioner Tilden and unanimously carried. The last request for submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.
BLACK BOX RESALE SERVICES $2,160.00 the ArcaSeach (digitalization of Clerk documents) request number All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 20, 2017 will
BIG HORN WHOLESALE, INC. $1,954.49 one in the amount of $201,524.50. Commissioner Grosskopf moved be considered in the final determination on this application. A pub-
BIG HORN GLASS To sell your
$542.00 item callFulkerson
(307) 587-2231 or online at codyenterprise.com
to approve the request and allow the Chairman to sign, seconded by lic hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrat-
Commissioner and unanimously carried. or sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so re-
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF NW WY $2,032.78 Public Hearing-Park County Floodplain Permit. quests.
BENNETT, M.D., THOMAS L. $3,200.00 Chairman Livingston opened the public hearing to consider an Publish: February 14, 2017 only
BEARTOOTH ELECTRIC COOP $73.53 after the-fact floodplain permit for Park County on the Southfork Legal No. 2960

PubliC NotiCes
'That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.'
It's your right to know Sponsored by

Public notices...your right...your duty to know what your government is doing.

Park County School District No. 6 City of Cody Park County School District No. 6
C-6 - Cody Enterprise - Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Bernice Long
recently cel-
ebrated her 101st Clear Sunny
Times of clouds
and sun
Times of clouds
and sun
Cloudy with a bit
of snow
On-and-off snow Snow at times
birthday at Absa-
roka Assisted 27 49 31 50 34 48 29 45 30 40 27 43 28
RealFeel: 23 51 24 51 31 49 26 45 28 40 22 43 24
Living with her
The patented AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity,
granddaughters cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day.
(holding the cake) Bozeman
Livingston 34/57
Billings Hardin
Cody for the 7-day period ending Sunday
and Shea Long of 15/41 33/51 TEMPERATURES
High/low 55/1
Boise, Idaho. Red Lodge
26/53 Normal high/low 39/17
(Courtesy photo) Bridger Lodge Grass Average temperature 30.3
35/56 23/57 Normal average temperature 28.0
PRECIPITATION *estimated data
Mammoth Lovell Sheridan Total for the week 0.09
10/39 23/47 21/54 Month to date 0.14
West Yellowstone Powell Normal month to date 0.13
4/38 30/50 Percent of normal month to date 106%
Cody Year to date 0.35
Greybull Snowfall for the week 7.0
27/49 8/37
Manderson Snowfall month to date 11.5
12/44 Snowfall season to date 62.0
Worland Ten Sleep SUN AND MOON

your entertainment

Wednesday 7:16 a.m. 5:45 p.m.
Dubois Thermopolis Thursday 7:15 a.m. 5:46 p.m.
Jackson 3/37 14/44 Friday 7:13 a.m. 5:48 p.m.
1/34 Saturday 7:12 a.m. 5:49 p.m.
Shown is Wednesdays weather. Temperatures are Tuesday nights lows and Wednesdays highs. Sunday 7:10 a.m. 5:51 p.m.
Wound Care Center, 5-7 p.m., opening
Wednesday FEBRUARY 15 of West Park Hospitals new Wound Care REGIONAL CITIES MOON RISE SET
Wednesday 10:57 p.m. 9:43 a.m.
Cody Center. Wed. Thu. Fri. Wed. Thu. Fri.
Thursday 11:56 p.m. 10:11 a.m.
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Indian Art Exhibit at Biblio Bis- Cody Culture Club: Art in Cody: Billings, MT 54/33/s 56/33/pc 48/28/pc Kirby 43/16/s 43/21/pc 43/22/pc Friday none 10:42 a.m.
tro, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Contemporary Wyo- The Whitney Legacy, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Bozeman, MT 41/19/pc 43/24/pc 40/18/sf Laramie 47/26/s 49/27/s 47/28/pc Saturday 12:53 a.m. 11:14 a.m.
Sunday 1:50 a.m. 11:51 a.m.
ming Indians Challenges art and media Director emeritus and senior scholar Bridger, MT
56/33/s 57/35/pc 51/31/pc
57/35/s 58/36/pc 49/34/pc
Lodge Grass
57/30/s 59/32/pc 53/28/pc
47/22/s 48/26/pc 48/25/pc
exhibit, Biblio Bistro of the Park County Peter Hassrick shares the story of the Casper 51/33/s 55/36/s 54/35/s Manderson 44/14/s 42/21/pc 44/21/pc
Last New First Full
Library. Whitney family and their role in the for- Cheyenne
Columbus, MT
59/35/s 64/31/s 59/34/pc
57/33/s 57/35/pc 52/31/pc
50/25/s 49/29/pc 47/27/pc
41/27/s 43/30/s 44/32/pc
Dinner at the VFW, 6 p.m., 808 12th mation of the Buffalo Bill Center of the Dubois 37/11/s 36/23/pc 37/20/sf Rexburg, ID 37/18/pc 40/30/c 39/26/sf
St. West. Space is limited, to reserve your Gillette 59/35/s 61/36/s 53/35/pc Rock Springs 35/18/s 38/26/s 40/31/c
Green River 43/20/s 42/26/s 43/30/c Sheridan 54/21/s 52/29/pc 45/23/pc
Crisis Intervention Services sup- spot call Rachel Lee at (307) 578-4009. Greybull 37/12/s 39/19/pc 40/19/pc Shoshoni 42/17/s 42/23/s 41/24/pc Feb 18 Feb 26 Mar 5 Mar 12
port group, 6-7 p.m. For details call Yellowstone Quake Hockey, 7:30 Jackson 34/8/s 35/21/pc 37/20/sf W. Yellowstone 38/6/s 37/21/c 34/14/sf
Jeffrey City 44/21/s 45/26/s 43/25/pc Worland 43/15/s 43/21/pc 43/21/pc Forecasts and graphics provided by
(307) 587-3545 or (307) 754-7959. p.m., Riley Arena. Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice AccuWeather, Inc. 2017
Smart Recovery meeting, 7 p.m., Powell
Park County Library. TOPS Chapter 169, 5:30 p.m., St.
Cub Pack 50, 7-8 p.m., Elks Lodge Johns Episcopal Church.
basement. For details (307) 587-5220. Weather sponsored by:
Cody Childrens Resource Center offers
Cody Middle School Spring Book free developmental screenings and free
Fair, 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Cody Middle School services to all families and children. Call
Media Center. (307) 527-7060 for more information or
Indian Art Exhibit at Biblio Bis- to schedule an appointment.
tro, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Contemporary Wyo- Park County Public Library in Cody
ming Indians Challenges art and media offers story times with activities for chil-
exhibit, Biblio Bistro of the Park County dren every week. Visit parkcountyli-
Library. brary.org/cody/kids for the calendar or
Live After 5 - West Park Hospital call (307) 527-1884.

Your Funds At Work

he Cody Medical Foundation Board of Trustees is pleased to
announce the following students who are majoring in a health
related field received $1,000 grants for the 2016/2017 school year:
Glen Clinton Caleb Rivera
Amanda Golden Mathew James
Drew McMillan Taylor Thompson
Benjamin Taylor Ross Sophia Rose Warner
Sherri M. Vaughn Julie White
Allison Winkler Bethany Shotts - $3000
Kimberly Ziehl Coe Memorial Scholarship


Sharon David
Many Of The Recipients Have Returned To The Cody Area Or The
State Of Wyoming To Practice Medicine.

The Cody Medical Foundation has
a long tradition of giving!
The Cody Medical Foundation Would Like To Recognized The Following
Generous Donors That Annually Make It Possible To Award Scholarship Grants.
We would also like to honor Mr. Bruce Bennion in memoriam. Mr. Bruce
Bennion was a CMF trustee and started our scholarship program in 1983.
In House
2016 Scholarship Donors
$500 Pinnacle Lifetime Members: Ted and Kate Williams; Richard and
of all
Maggie Scarlett, in memory of Mr. Bruce Bennion; Northern Wyoming Digital
Surgical Center, Dr. Kathleen Divincenzo, Anne Coe Hayes
$250 Donation: Dale and Bethany Myers, Al and Ann Simpson, Dr. Tom and Services.
Rita Anderson, Dr. James and Deborah Johnson, Robert Snyder, Theo Riley,
Ed and Nancy Webster Social Media
$200 Donation: William Webster, in memory of Mr. Bruce Bennion, Marty Coe Management
in memory of Jim Hayes Google Ad words
$150 Donation: Glenn and Nina Ross, Bruce McCormack
$120 Donation: Lelani Snyder Video Production
$100 Donation: Theresa Donley, Travis and Joan Graham, Peggy Rohrbach, Web Banners
Keven Buss, Joe Tilden, Todd Currier, Fred Bronnenberg, H.R. Coe, Victor
Riley, Joyce Boyer Detailed Analytics
$50 Donation: Jerry and Debra Bank, John Housel, Bruce and Jan Eldredge, No More Large Corporations
Darlene Manning, Big Horn Federal or Long Distance Trouble Shooting!
$25 Donation: Edie Phillips

If you are excited about making a difference in the life

of a local student, the Cody Medical Scholarship Club
might interest you! $50 $100 $250

$500 $1000 Other: $ ________ facebook.com/ cody.enterprise @enterprise1899 codyenterprise.com

Pinnacle Life Member
$100 / year for ve consecutive years
Pinnacle Life Member funds are matched
Phone: (307) 250-0454 by the Cody Medical Foundation.
www.codymedicalfoundation.com Thank You for Your
Generous Support! 3101 Big Horn Ave., Cody | P.O. Box 1090
1108 14th Street, #422 Cody, Wyoming 82414
Phone: (307) 587-2231 | codyenterprise.com

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