Summary of The God Delusion
Summary of The God Delusion
Summary of The God Delusion
Dawkins finishes the chapter with a summary of his points, then presents the argument for the next chapter in a manner that suggests it, too, will be
easily trounced. Science Dawkins now moves on to the issue of Creationism versus Evolution. Dawkins relates the results of a NOMA-defying
Templeton Foundation -funded experiment involving patients of heart surgery who would be receiving prayers from an anonymous congregation. I
am a fan of your site. Other possible "moth to the flame" corollaries could be due to psychological hardwiring to do other things, such as finding
correlations, joining groups, discriminating against " others " in favor of the familiar, etc. This article is intended not to replace the book, but to serve
as a home base for the many articles and subjects already addressed on RationalWiki. He finds similar authoritarian dictates in other religions
equally unacceptable. He also points to doctors who can relieve pressure and worry in the same manner with a few kind words. For concerns on
copyright infringement please see: Dawkins remarks that scientists will admit they are wrong and change their point of view if new evidence renders
an old theory obsoletesomething no fundamentalist would admit to doing about their own beliefs. Dawkins briefly talks about the Lewis
Trilemma and goes into depth regarding various Biblical contradictions and mistranslations. This something else , Dawkins offers, appears to be the
concept that children are taught to listen to and trust what their parents tell them. He calls out Answers in Genesis as a force in America working
against atheist scientists. Interestingly, Dawkins praises the story of Jesus as one Jew who chose to break from the ancient traditions proscribed by
those that came before him be nice to the unfortunate, turn the other cheek, etc. Community Saloon bar To do list What is going on? He posits that
perhaps the invisible deities are simply manifestations of these friends that were retained by certain adults out of childhood and puberty. Dawkins
also mentions the "gaps" left by so-called transitional fossils , pointing out all the bullshit that creationists love to shovel around that topic of debate
without realizing what a fossil actually is. Summary Hits since Obviously, we do not agree with Dawkins on most, if not all, of the primary points of
his book. All are bunk in Dawkins' eyes, some are ridiculous and some had already been long since refuted by Darwin and others. Word Play
Solve this clue: All are observed in non-human species. Agnostics, by definition, wish to reserve judgement until all the evidence is in one way or
another , while recognizing the likelihood that it will never happen. The former is to be enjoyed while the latter is to be rejected. He concludes this
chapter with an interesting take on the anthropic principle. My browser is Opera 7 btw. Unless explicitly noted otherwise, all content licensed as
indicated by RationalWiki: Theologists and apologists will accept arguments like an anti-God , or an aloof God, or the Old Testament God, or a
God that has cursed humanity with suffering as the cost of free will before they accept a null hypothesis. This chapter is a long diatribe pointing out
examples of inconsistent or immoral behaviors, ranging from Old Testament atrocities to religious wars in Ireland. In comparison to other animal
behaviors, he mentions that religion consumes enormous resources without any perceived real-world end benefit to the creature that practices
itparticularly, a religion that goes against the main principle of evolution: But the Pope's personal convictions in opposing the use of condoms to
prevent the spread of Aids in Africa is a different matter. He provides several quotes from Jefferson, Washington, and John Adams in support of
this claim.
The Eye as Accident When Haggard suggests that the ear and the eye came about by accident, Dawkins pounces, snapping out peremptory
questions enquiring what the Pastor means and on the basis of whose authority he is speaking. Faith, in particular, which requires a belief in
superiority over other forms of faith, denies a belief in equality can any teaching be more horrible for a young child? Very remarkable article to
hang on.. Understandably, the results were panned by theologians, but Dawkins presses the reader to question whether theologians, who were
treading into the other magisteria with this study, would have panned the study should the results have gone the other way. The Age of Genius. He
also mentions that NOMA is a two-way street; if theologians expect scientists to stay out of the non-sciency bits, then such a division is null and
void should the theologians try to discuss anything related to science. The Oscars Shepherd Project Ministries. Dawkins quotes Thomas Huxley in
the definition. He refers to the studies of Paul Bloom that show dualism and teleology as inherent; the concept of separating the mind from the body
and the concept of purpose, predispose religiosity. Anselm of Canterbury, which he considers infantile. Here he makes his famed "I just go one
God further" statement about how all people are atheists about most deities. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses
children, buttressing his points with historical and contemporary evidence. I will bookmark it for future reference. He also quickly talks about The
Da Vinci Code , noting that the major difference between the novel and the Gospels is that the Gospels are ancient fiction and The Da Vinci Code
is modern fiction. Dawkins asserts that if religions were not responsible for any other atrocities in history, indoctrination of the concepts of "us vs.
But despite their passion for secularism, they all believed that the religious opinions of politicians, in particularly the President , was a personal
matter and no one else's damned business. With the understanding that humans are products of Darwinian evolution, which regularly weeds out
excesses, frivolities, inefficiencies and vestigialities over time, then how did religion come about and how is it still here? Dawkins starts by quoting
some prominent atheists about their beliefs, such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking , with particular attention paid to Albert Einstein. Dawkins
suggests that appealing to God for being the answer, having created everything and being able to communicate with everyone, is not only lazy, it is
irresponsible. As was the case with irreducible complexity, the "worship of gaps" is also an example of argument from ignorance. The visit to
Colorado Springs ends with Dawkins talking very briefly to a tiny local freethinker group. Dawkins highlights a variety of tales, such as the stories
of Noah , Lot at Sodom and Gomorrah , Abraham and even Moses , and how from a purely moral standpoint they are really quite horrible tales,
hardly Aesop's fables. The Oxford professor indicates his intention of examining how the suspension of disbelief involved in that kind of faith may
predispose believers to much more dangerous notions. I am really impressed with this post. Views Read Edit Fossil record. Dawkins states that
just because a gene or meme or religion propagates from generation to generation, it doesn't mean it's because it confers a benefit to the
speciesif this were true, humans would have lost their appendixes long ago. There is no RationalWiki without you. He mentions the terms
domination theology and dominion Christianity; Dawkins himself suggests Christian fascism. Not to be confused with that stupid movie , with which
this book has literally nothing to do. Creationists like to employ the "" argument [4] as to the reason why abiogenesis and evolution cannot be true.
Historicism 1 The Virus of Faith: This would appear stupid to humans, if it weren't for the number of recent stories of GPS devices navigating
location-blind drivers into ditches and lakes. This summary is not an endorsement, it is a tool, provided to Christians so that they may be familiar
with the basic thrust of this book and prepare themselves to respond intelligently. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates
the supreme improbability of a supreme being. Dawkins begins his final chapter by wondering about the necessity of a deity to fill "a much-needed
gap" [16] if, for example, there isn't something that would be more worthwhile to fill that gap. In a final segment, Dawkins returns to science.
Dawkins elicits from two Irish women pilgrims replies to the effect that the pilgrimage is an expression of faith and that it reinforces faith. In his
preface, Dawkins outlines some of his reasons for writing the book. Here, Dawkins notes that he eschews confrontation, refusing to get into
debates with creationists on the grounds that it would only serve to uplift their credentials and degrade his own. He also links to a list of comical
"proofs" that he found hilarious. Dawkins explains religion as a by-product of some other evolutionary process. They are, however, very bright,
and the moth maintains its angle of flight relative to that fixed light, until it eventually circles into the flame. As far as practicable, the summary
reflects the amount of space devoted to each point in the original. Or, more to the point, what is currently preventing life from being formed on
other planets if they were also designed? Claims of knowing God must come through other ways of knowing , and none of those other ways are
The God Delusion Summary and Analysis (like SparkNotes) | Free Book Notes
He notes that it is a shame that humans are not afforded the same comforts of terminally ill cats or dogsand questions as to why individuals so
anxious to get into heaven are willing to put it off as long as possible, while the opposite happens to be true for the majority of atheists. Reviews,
previews, interviews and more! The Pastor argues that American evangelicals summary of the god delusion indeed use the scientific method to
increase their understanding of God's creation. Or, more to the point, what is currently preventing life from being formed on other planets if they
were also designed? This chapter is a long diatribe pointing out examples of inconsistent or immoral behaviors, ranging from Old Testament
atrocities to religious wars in Ireland. Comment 1 The God Delusion: Dawkins further aggravates the arguments against intelligent design as a
scientific theory, saying that no work in summary of the god delusion would ever be achieved if the scientists gave up trying to resolve what they
couldn't explain and simply say " Goddidit ". This segment of the programme is basically a series of interview moments between Dawkins and the
Pastor, shown against a background of Haggard addressing his congregation and interspersed with comments from Summary of the god
delusion made after the event. With the understanding that humans are products of Darwinian evolution, which regularly weeds out excesses,
frivolities, inefficiencies and vestigialities over time, then how did religion come about and how is it still here? He reinterates his contention that all
religions are implicated in extremism because of their encouragement of unreason. The Age of Genius by A. In addition to the original sin of the
Old Testament where individuals pay for the sins of their forebears, the New Testament brings in a character who, in a fit of sadomasochismpays
for the sins of every individual's descendants. He apparently later ordered Dawkins and his crew off the site, threatening jail and seizure of the film.
Hitler, in particular, was praised by German cardinals and tacitly supported by the Vatican. Somewhat answering his own last question in the
previous summary of the god delusion, he states that his "hostility" as others call it is limited to words, and he isn't going to kill or bomb anyone
for not agreeing with him. Dawkins summary of the god delusion anecdotal evidencewhich is neither scientific nor reliable. Dawkins asserts,
citing psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, that children have a right not summary of the god delusion be force fed bullshit by anyoneeven parents
who summary of the god delusion they have the right to teach them whatever they want. In his preface, Dawkins outlines some of his reasons
for writing the book. According to Dawkins, this is a non-Biblical idea to the effect that upon her death, Christ's mother, Mary, ascended bodily
into heaven. The programme works as a lecture partially illustrated by slides. Strangely, the most common argument against Dawkins' world view,
received at both the conference and elsewhere, was that it was antiquated. Your email is never shared with anyone; opt out any time. Some
memeplexes provide a fundamental group of ideas. He concludes this chapter with an interesting take on the anthropic principle. Thus, even though
evolution is compatible with religion, with evolution in the picture, what does God need to do but start it up? He later reconverted persuaded by
the argument that a designer had been necessary to create the universe. He turns this argument around by pointing out the billions of planets in the
sample of the universe, making life statistically bound to happen somewhere. Life could not have ascended the sheer face representing chance or
divine designit must have ascended the gentle gradient representing evolution by natural selection. Summary of the god delusion this philosophy is
defeatist: Dawkins waves this off as evidence that creationists don't know what the hell they're talking about. Dawkins notes that while the Taliban
executed homosexuals, even in his own country homosexuality was a crime until as recent assummary of the god delusion too late for Alan
Turingwhom Dawkins asserts did more for the effort against the Germans in World War II than either Dwight D. Dawkins notes that the reason
that so many different forms of life flourish on Earth is because life has adapted to live on Earth, summary of the god delusion because Earth was
designed to sustain life: But the opposite is obviously not true with complex inanimate objectsbricks do not come from houses; pieces of metal
don't come from cars. They are well written and informative. In addition to describing and debunking the fallacy, Dawkins goes on to mention that
pro-life actually means "pro-human-life", desiring to afford special rights to a mass of cells that pro-lifers recognize as human without understanding
what that mass of cells actually is or, indeed, what classifies a being as human to begin with. The commonality between the physical and mental
abuses perpetrated by religious officials is the abuse of trust. If Mommy or Daddy says something is true, the child believes it. While some can take
comfort in an invisible friend that things will be better, Dawkins states that science offers more effective consolations, such as medicine. Dawkins
rejoices in this last: External links Twitter Facebook Discord. Dawkins ends the chapter stating that the next chapter would address the argument
from improbabilitywhich is the argument that is the most popular for arguing in favor of a God, is actually the one that comes closest to proving that
God does not exist. Fighting pseudoscience isn't free. Join today for full access. Yet another study of random Americans by Michael Shermer and
Frank Sulloway found a high negative correlation between religiosity and education, religiosity and interest in science, religiosity and political
liberalism You articles are worth a read. He visits Lourdes, pointing to the religious theatre there and supposing it is the group experience that
validates the religious delusion. He starts his interview by remarking on the amount of money spent on the church, with Haggard responding that the
aim was to bring him close to his congregation. The Eye as Accident When Haggard suggests that the ear and the eye came about by accident,
Dawkins pounces, snapping out peremptory questions enquiring what the Pastor means and on the basis of whose authority he is speaking. Home
Search Contact Sitemap About. Dawkins remarks that morality is relative to the spirit of the times, noting that even Abraham Lincoln 's views on
black peoplewhile progressive in his time, would be considered reprehensible today. It makes the case for the lack of a deity. The tract uses
language that basically states "these things are perfect, complex, beautiful and amazing; and we don't know why, but it can't have been by chance.
He wants to alert people especially not very religious people, or people unhappy with their religion to the fact that atheism is an option. He then
elaborates a little on his initial opposition between science and religion. Summary of the god delusion like to employ the "" argument [4] as to the
reason why abiogenesis and evolution cannot be true. The second programme, also summarised summary of the god delusion commented on on
this site, was The Virus of Faith. He also links to a list of comical "proofs" that he found hilarious. These days, people no longer believe in ancient
gods such as Thor. Write your own review! Dawkins's first target is Catholicism. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates
the supreme improbability of a supreme being. A moving exploration of growing up and growing old, and the ties that bind parents and children.
This chapter concludes with probably the most summary of the god delusion concept in the book: He likens the combined skills to
memeplexeswhich are the meme versions of gene cartels that is, groups of genes that express themselves together, like the traits of carnivores
versus traits of herbivores. All are observed in non-human species. Summary The Virus of Faith: In a final segment, Dawkins returns to science.