Cperez Unit Plan Spanish 2

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Name: Claudia Perez Subject/Course: Spanish 2

Grade/s: 2nd-4th grade Unit: Celebrations

Stage 1: Desired Results


Listening and Speaking/Listening:

2.(28) Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings.

Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 2.28(A) listen

attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information; and

2.28(B) follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions.


2.2A(i) decode open syllable (CV) (e.g., la/la-ta; to/to-ma); 2.2A(ii) decode closed syllable

2.2(C) decode words with silent "h" with increasing accuracy;


2.21A(i) regular and irregular verbs (past, present, and future in the indicative mode); 2.21A(ii) nouns

(singular/plural, common/proper);

2.21A(vii) pronouns (e.g., l, su); and 2.21A(iv) articles (e.g., un, una, la, el);

Supporting/Repeating Standards:

114.22.1B) demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as simple

stories, high- frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics;

74.4.(c)(4)(C) Develop basic sight vocabulary, derive meaning of environmental print, and comprehend

Spanish vocabulary and language structures used routinely in written classroom materials.

74.4(c)(5) (A) learn relationships between sounds and letters of the Spanish language to represent sounds

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when writing in Spanish.

114.22(B)Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student's own

culture and the cultures studied

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that

What can I do to clear up what is confusing to me?

There are different kinds of celebrations

What information helped me make this prediction?
around the world and know the vocabulary

to name different holidays and traditional What does this remind me of?

celebrations as well as the foods.

Can I visualize this in my mind?

The subject is the word used for naming

What is being asked?
animals, things, people, and places
How can I answer this question?
The following elements of grammar:
What are the rules for feminine and masculine
The gender of a subject can be masculine or
nouns and articles?
What are the rules for conjugating regular nouns?
The number of subjects can be singular or


Students will know Students will be able to

- The academic vocabulary for celebrations - use the vocabulary from this unit whenever

and their traditional cuisine. necessary.

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- How to create complete sentences using - identify the holidays celebrated in various Latin-

new vocabulary and high frequency words. American countries as well as the traditional

- How to identify the gender and quantity food.

described in nouns. - understand the history and respond to questions

- The rules for the use of the letter m before b - listen and understand high frequency words

and p. - write words with m before p and b with correct

- How to express and describe the true spelling

history of Christopher Columbus. - classify and identify nouns based on gender and


- give concrete examples of social justice and

how indigenous people were subject to so

many terrible things after the discovery of


How do these desired results align with your class vision?

By the end of this unit, students will acquire skills that will enable them to further develop their reading,

listening, and writing skills in Spanish. This aligns with my class vision of them being able to support and

develop their bilingualism. In addition to acquiring new skills in Spanish students will also be exposed to

celebrations that differ from their own thereby creating cultural awareness and tolerance. Finally, students will

also be building social justice consciousness by revisiting the Christopher Columbus story they might have

heard from the viewpoint of Indigenous people. All of these studies of culture and social justice in addition to

the Spanish skills really resonate with a vision that I have for building a class of conscious and aware

bilingual students.

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Stage 2a: Assessment/Evidence

Explain any performance tasks you will use (major projects and core task, i.e., common assessments):

At the conclusion of the unit, learners will take a unit assessment and be able to show mastery in Reading,

Writing, and Culture areas learned. This summative assessment will encompass vocabulary learned as well as

the application of grammar rules for masculine, feminine, singular, and plural nouns. In addition to this

students will independently read a short text and be able to answer questions.

Explain other assessment evidence you will use: (quizzes, tests, prompts, work samples and


The summative assessment however, will not be enough since it does not take into account speaking or

listening skills. In order to supplement this, additional tests will be administered to evaluate student learning

in these areas. The speaking test will individually evaluate a students ability to engage in a guided

conversation about the topic at hand (in this case, Celebrations) with appropriate use of learned vocabulary for

this unit as well as high frequency words. The listening test on the other hand, will be conducted whole group

while the students listen to the teacher and record the appropriate response on a test before them.

How do these assessments measure your students progress toward your classes big goal(s)?

All of these assessments will measure how well students are progressing towards mastery in the areas of

Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Spanish and Hispanic Culture. Students will need to show mastery

with an 85% or more on these assessments to show that they are on track to developing Spanish proficiency in

these areas. Once this is achieved, the students and I both know that they are growing their bilingual abilities

and becoming tolerant, educated world-citizens.

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Stage 2b: Summative Assessment for this Unit
Create and/or copy/paste the summative assessment that accompanies this unit here. Note if you have
created the summative assessment for this unit in another file, you may zip the two files together to submit to
the gradebook.

Explain how you have designed your assessment, so you can easily track mastery by objective. You
may explain this here or if its easiest to track changes in your assessment and explain why you
organized it as you have, please feel free to do so.

This assessment was created in sections depending on the objective to be mastered. This way, the skill being

assessed is clear to both student and teacher.

I.- Clasifica los sustantivos segn su gnero, masculino y femenino y segn el numero singular o plural.
(Valor punto c/u)
sustantivos masculino femenino singular plural

III.- Escoge la respuesta correcta del vocabulario. (Valor 1pto c/u)

1- Una de las comidas ms deliciosas de Accin de Gracias es el ___________

a) menorah b) Ao Nuevo
c) pavo d) kinara

2- Quines celebran Hannukah?

a) Judos b) cubanos
c) mexicanos d) africanos

3- Esperamos a papa Noel durante la________________

a) Fiesta del 5 de mayo b) Navidad
c) Da de Accin de Gracias d) el Da del trabajo

4-Durante la Navidad comemos_______________________.

a) aceite b) camote
c) lechn d) ejotes


IV.- Lee el siguiente pasaje y responde las preguntas. (1 punto cada respuesta)

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Era invierno, haca mucho fro y todos los caminos estaban helados. El
venado que estaba cansado, no tena ganas de caminar hasta su casa.

Aqu me quedo, ya no quiero andar ms se dijo, dejndose caer al suelo.

Una hambrienta ardilla se acerc y le dijo; Buen amigo, ten cuidado; no
ests en el camino, sino en un lago helado.

Djame, tengo sueo! Y se qued dormido.

Poco a poco, el calor de su cuerpo comenz a derretir el hielo hasta que, de
pronto, se rompi!
El venado despert al caer al agua y
empez a pedir socorro, pero nadie
pudo ayudarlo, aunque la ardilla quiso,
no pudo.

1.- En qu poca del ao ocurri esta historia?

a) verano
b) otoo
c) invierno

2.- Por qu todos los caminos estaban helados?

a) Haca calor
b) Haca mucho frio
c) Estaba lloviendo

3.- Por qu el venado no quiso ir a dormir a su casa?

a) Porque tena calor
b) Porque estaba triste
c) Porque estaba cansado

4.- Dnde se qued dormido?

a) En el camino
b) En un lago helado
c) En su casa.

5.- La ardilla se preocupa porque

a) pensaba que el venado era dormiln
b) pensaba que el venado estaba en peligro
c) pensaba que no le pasara nada al venado.

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Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Plan (Activities and Resources):

Day 1: Speaking/Listening Vocabulary

Daily Objective: Students will be able to use vocabulary to carry out a conversation with a partner.

Suggested activity: Students will take turns with a partner to explain how traditional holidays are celebrated in

their homes using the newly acquired vocabulary.

Day 2: Reading Vocabulary

Daily Objective: Students will be able to use and learn words related to vocabulary.

-They will use high frequency words to work on reading fluency. They will read level appropriate text.

Review words that have the letters r/rr, v/b, c,s,z, k/c, h, mp, mb.

Suggested Activity: Teacher will use flashcards with drawings on them and words. Students will be able to

understand the meaning of each of the words.

-Students will complete a listening dictation activity with these words .

Day 3: Grammar/Writing

Daily Objective: Students will learn that nouns can express a quantity: singular or plural.

Singular when we are speaking of one and plural when we speak of more than one.

Students will learn that nouns will be identified with yellow.

Students will learn that the gender of a noun can be either masculine or feminine.

Generally, the gender of feminine nouns is formed like so: gato gata, perro - perra, that is to say, by

changing the o for an a.

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Students will form habit that nouns within sentences will be marked with yellow.

Suggested Activity: The teacher will write several sentences on the board and will work with students to

identify nouns by gender and quantity. Ex. El gato (singular), los gatos (plural)

They will identify the noun with a yellow color and the accompanying article with a red color.

The teacher will write several nouns on the board and students will then practice changing its gender.

They will circle the noun with a yellow color and the article in red.

Ex: El gato , masculine La gata, feminine

El gallo La gallina

Day 4: Culture

Daily Objective: Students will be able to learn about Christopher Columbus. They will learn about the myths

surrounding the discovery of America.

Suggested Activity: The teacher will present information about the long perpetuated myth about Christopher

Columbus discovering America and contrast that with the true history and origins of America.

Day 5:

Daily Objective: Students will be able to read words with open and closed syllables with increasing accuracy.

Suggested Activity: After explaining the difference between open and close syllables, students will work with

a partner and practice decoding and classifying syllables within given words as open or closed and explain


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Day 6:

Daily Objective: Students will be able to connect what they have learned about social justice with what they

have learned about Christopher Columbus.

Suggested activity: Students will work in groups to apply their learning in a project based activity where they

will read articles and present an argument as to why it is important to teach the correct version of history and

their thoughts on replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.

Other Notes/Handouts/Rubrics:

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