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CL-078 Wound Assessment Guideline 2015

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Wound Assessment and

Management Guideline
Wound Assessment and Management Guideline

Document Type Clinical Guideline

Unique Identifier CL-078

Document Purpose To ensure safe practice and maintain core

standards of evidence based practice in
Wound management

Document Author Jackie Stephen-Haynes, Professor and

Consultant Nurse in Tissue Viability

Rosie Callaghan, Tissue Viability Specialist


Target Audience Worcestershire Health and Care Trust

(WHCT) Staff who are involved in any way
in wound assessment and management

Responsible Group(s) Any healthcare professional with

responsibility for wound assessment and

Date Ratified 8th January 2015

Expiry Date 8th January 2018

The validity of this policy is only assured when viewed via the Worcestershire Health
and Care NHS Trust website (hacw.nhs.uk.). If this document is printed into hard
copy or saved to another location, its validity must be checked against the unique
identifier number on the internet version. The internet version is the definitive
If you would like this document in other languages or formats (i.e. large print),
please contact the Communications Team on 01905 760020 or email to
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Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 2 of 35

Version History

Job Title of Person/Name of Group Brief Summary of

Version Circulation
circulated to Change

01 25/11/2014 WHCT Tissue Viability County Team Correction of

members, WHCT Tissue Viability Link grammatical errors.
Nurses, Associate Director of Nursing,
Director of Quality, Consultant Nurse
Infection Prevention and Control,
Paediatric Lead, Clinical Services
Locality Manager, Practice development
and Service Lead- Mental Health,
Community Hospital Matron, Clinical
Services Operational Lead, Head of
Quality Governance
02 16/12/14 Clinical Policies Group Amends in relation to
Childrens Services.
Appendices to be

Interpreting and Translation services are provided for Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
Face to face interpreting;

Instant telephone interpreting;

Document translation; and

British Sign Language interpreting.

Please refer to the intranet page: http://nww.hacw.nhs.uk/a-z/services/translation-services/ for full
details of the service, how to book and associated costs.
Training and Development

Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust recognises the importance of ensuring that its
workforce has every opportunity to access relevant training. The Trust is committed to the
provision of training and development opportunities that are in support of service needs
and meet responsibilities for the provision of mandatory and statutory training.
All staff employed by the Trust are required to attend the mandatory and statutory training that is
relevant to their role and to ensure they meet their own continuous professional development.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 3 of 35

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4
2. Competencies required ........................................................................................... 5
3. Patients covered ..................................................................................................... 5
4. Wound assessment and documentation ................................................................. 5
5. Nutritional assessment & support ........................................................................... 7
6. Psychological and Social Assessment ..................................................................... 7
7. Documentation ....................................................................................................... 8
8. Wound type & aetiology ........................................................................................ 8
9. Wound measurement ............................................................................................. 9
10. Photography ......................................................................................................... 10
11. Type of wound tissue ........................................................................................... 10
12. Debridement ......................................................................................................... 11
13. Exudate ................................................................................................................ 12
14. Wound cleansing .................................................................................................. 13
15. Infection control principles in relation to wound care ............................................ 14
16. Topical antimicrobial agents ................................................................................. 14
17. Potassium permanganate .................................................................................... 15
18 Wound infection ................................................................................................... 15
19 Taking a wound swab for microscopy ................................................................... 16
20 Wound dressing collection ................................................................................... 16
21 Wound re-assessment ......................................................................................... 17
22. Pain assessment .................................................................................................. 17
23. Surgical/ plastics referral ....................................................................................... 18
24. Individual self centered care.................................................................................. 18
25. Transfer of individuals between care settings ...................................................... 18
26. Clinical audit and monitoring ................................................................................ 19
27. References ............................................................................................................ 19
Appendix 1 Wound assessment chart................................................................................ 23
Appendix 2 Wound Assessment Chart for Podiatry ........................................................... 27
Appendix 3 Pain Assessment Chart .................................................................................. 31
Appendix 3 Referral/Transfer form ..................................................................................... 32
Equality Analysis ................................................................................................................ 33

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 4 of 35

1. Introduction
a. The effective care and management of individuals with wounds is dependent
upon a systematic and holistic approach. It should be based upon the
knowledge of anatomy and physiology, wound healing, holistic assessment,
specific wound management and appropriate selection of wound management
products. For the individual, having a wound may cause them pain,
sleeplessness, immobility, depression and isolation. For the health care
professional it is essential that they understand the fundamentals necessary to
manage the variety of wounds to individuals they care for. Wound care can be
the cause of frustration, whilst also a resource burden for the Health Service in
terms of time and costs incurred (Palmer 1999, Posnett and Franks 2008).
There are reported to be 200,000 individuals in the UK at any one time who are
suffering with a chronic wound. The cost to the NHS of caring for these
individuals is a conservative estimate of 2.3bn to 3.1bn per year, which is
around 3% of total NHS spend. (Posnett and Franks 2008, Posnett et al 2009).

b. This guideline replaces the previous Wound care guidance published in 2007.
National and international guidelines have been considered and reviewed
(EPUAP & NPUAP 2014, NICE 2014, EWMA 2005, EWMA 2004, EWMA 2008,
DH 2010a, DH 2010b, DH2010c, RCN 2006, WUWHS 2008a, DH 2010d, NICE
2004, NICE 2008).

c. This guideline should be used to guide and direct staff on the evidence based
best practice in the management of primary, secondary and tertiary wounds
across a primary care setting.

d. Where individuals are failing to respond to treatment or their needs are beyond
the scope of the clinician, it is advised that a referral is made to the Tissue
Viability Service.

e. The principles upon which this guideline is based include:

i. An individualised holistic patient assessment undertaken and evidence-

based treatment plans commenced. These should take into account the
wound aetiology, the individuals circumstances and wishes, the overall aims
of therapy, the practitioners clinical experience, available resources and
evidenced research findings.

ii. Those who undertake assessment, planning, implementation and

evaluations of care should be trained, educated and competent in wound

iii The individual or their carers, if appropriate, should be informed and

involved in the decision making process and consent to treatment.

iv To ensure continuity, the care should be clearly documented in the

individuals records and made accessible to the individual and, where
appropriate all those involved in their care.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 5 of 35

v A collaborative, multi-disciplinary, inter agency approach should be
adopted to address all the needs of the individual where appropriate.

vi, Individuals, staff and carers should have access to the equipment and
resources necessary to deliver quality care.

iv Monitoring and development of quality initiatives should be undertaken

regularly through a clinical audit process.

2. Competencies required

a. Health professionals must have a sufficient level of knowledge in wound

management. They must have achieved the required level of competency to be
able to assess and treat patients with a wound, develop their skills to enable the
application of new technologies and therapies. Competency based training is
available from Worcestershire Health and care Trust. Educational programmes,
incorporating internal courses and accredited degree level study. This is
available to all staff groups, for further information please contact Tissue

3. Patients covered

a. This guideline outlines the best practice recommendations to prevent, assess

and manage wounds and applies to all individual groups including adults and
children. The guideline is to be used by all staff employed across
Worcestershire Health and Care Trusts, engaged in the prevention assessment
and management of wounds. Whilst not mandatory it is recommended for use
by Care Homes and general practice staff across Worcestershire Health

b. N.B When assessing a child clinicians as well as appropriate consent clinicians

must consider, in the first instance consulting with the community childrens
nursing team and/or the responsible medical practitioner i.e. GP/hospital

4. Wound assessment and documentation

a. Wound management practice can vary greatly, therefore, local guidance is

required to aid clinical decision-making, standardise documentation and
recommend best practice in wound care.

b. This guideline offers practical guidance on the general principles of wound

management, to include; describing tissue type, dressing selection, measuring
wound size, detecting infection and bacterial sampling.

c. A wound assessment must be completed and documented by a registered

practitioner using the approved Worcestershire Health and care trust wound
assessment tool (Appendix 1). This should take place during the first contact
with the individual and within one week of referral to primary care/ Care home.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 6 of 35

d. An individual's ability to heal and the time it takes can vary greatly, and can be
influenced by a number of factors. These should be taken into consideration
during the assessment (DH 2010a):

i. General physical and psychological health and type and level of

concurrent illnesses

ii. Treatment: systemically and locally

iii. Nutritional status

iv. Type of wound, location, depth and extent of damage and type of tissue in

v. Wound temperature, moisture level and pH balance

vi. Levels of bacterial colonisation and infection

vii. Blood supply to the wound, peri wound area and oedema of surrounding

viii. Disruption to normal sleep pattern

ix. History of smoking and alcohol consumption

x. Medications that may include; steroids, immune-suppressants,


xi. Environment

e. The Worcestershire Health and Care Trust Wound assessment tool is based
upon the TIME framework developed by an International Advisory Board
(Falanga 2004). The TIME framework is used to facilitate the assessment of
wounds and incorporates assessment and management (Dowsett & Ayello
2004) in relation to the clinical observations and interventions to the cellular

T = Tissue non viable or deficient

I = Infection and/or inflammation, incorporating the infection
continuum (Kingsley et al 2004).
M = Moisture imbalance
E = Edge of wound, non-advancing or undermined

The following information should be documented at the initial assessment:

4.1 Medical history

a. Individuals past and current medical condition and general health

b. Drug history and current prescribed medications, over the counter medicines
and alternative therapies

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 7 of 35

c. Smoking and alcohol history

d. Allergies: including any previous reactions to dressings, topical applications

and natural rubber latex

e. Nutrition and hydration level. Weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI)

f. Mobility

g. Temperature, Pulse and Blood Pressure, blood glucose level, blood results,

h. Previous/planned investigations/procedures. For example: venous/arterial

duplex, X-rays, surgery

5. Nutritional assessment and support

a. The prevention and treatment of malnutrition requires assessment and the

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) should be utilised taking
guidance from the MUST guidelines. (BAPEN 2013)

i. All individuals should have a nutritional screen, which proceeds to full

assessment if deficit is suspected (NICE 2006, DH 2010e, Elia 2003, Elia
and Russell 2009)

ii. Individuals considered as 'malnourished', or 'at risk' of malnutrition should be

managed according to local and national guidance (NICE 2006, DH 2010e,
Elia 2003, Elia and Russell 2009)

iii. Nutritionally compromised patients who have wounds may have an

increased dietary need and a referral to a Dietician should be considered for
further assessment, advice and supplementation (NICE 2006, DH 2010e,
Elia 2003, Elia & Russell 2009)

iv. Individuals weight, height and body mass index (BMI) should be recorded at
initial assessment and then weekly for community hospital inpatients and a
minimum of monthly for individuals in the community

6. Psychological and Social Assessment

a. The following aspects should be considered during the individuals assessment

(DH 2010a)

i. Stress level, depression, ability to sleep and where the patient sleeps e.g.
bed or chair

ii. Ability to understand cause of wound and ability to participate in care

iii. Factors that may affect concordance with treatment. For example: dementia,
cognitive impairment, learning difficulties, behavior, lifestyle choices etc.

iv. Drug/Alcohol dependency

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 8 of 35
v. Occupation, family structure, carers and their ability to assist with care

vi. Detail attitudes and any avoidance of social activities due to general
condition and wound

7 Documentation

a. The following information should be documented on the wound assessment


i. Biographical data, date and time of assessment

ii. Type of wound and any underlying aetiology

iii. Location of the wound on the body

iv. Allergies

V. Wound measurements including depth of damage

vi. Type of tissue in wound bed

vii Colour of tissue in the wound bed

viii. Method and type of debridement, if appropriate

ix. Amount and colour of exudate

x. Presence of any odour.

xi. Condition of surrounding skin and edge of wound

xi. Presence of oedema/lymphoedema.

xiii Wound cleaning fluid (if used)

xiv Presence/signs of infection

xv Dressing selection and regime

xvi Forms should be supported with photographs

xvii Care plans should be individualised and address the factors identified in
the holistic assessment

8. Wound Type and Aetiology

a. Wound type and cause should be identified e.g. venous leg ulcer caused by
venous hypertension or pressure ulcer caused by pressure/shear/friction etc.
Reference should always be made to the appropriate Worcestershire Health
and Care Trust guideline. For assessment and management of the diabetic foot
please refer to separate trust guidance.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 9 of 35

b. Leg ulcers should be assessed using leg ulcer assessment and management

c. Pressure ulcers should be assessed and treated in accordance with the

guidelines for the prevention and management of pressure ulcers

9. Wound Measurements

a. Wound measurements should be recorded on the first assessment and

thereafter every four weeks as a minimum. Accurate measurement is an
important part of wound assessment and can assist with:

i. Detailing progress or deterioration by comparing dimensions over time

ii. Communication between health professionals

iii. Encourage the individual that healing is progressing

iv. Evidence of skin condition when admitted to, or discharged from the
Community Nurse caseload

b. Describe wound depth in terms of the anatomy of the skin and related
structures. Use millimeters (mm) or centimeters (cms) to measure undermined
tissue with a sterile measure as found in a standard wound dressing pack. The
following terms may be useful:

i. Blister: filled with serum or blood or discoloured base

ii. Abscess: filled with pus

iii. Superficial or partial thickness skin loss: skin loss involving epidermis
and/or dermis, with or without undermining of adjacent tissue

iv. Full thickness skin loss: damage involving subcutaneous layers, which
may expose fat, bone, tendon or joint capsule, with or without undermining
of adjacent tissue

v. Sinus: a blind ended tract

vi. Wound Fistulae: an abnormal passage from an internal organ to the body

c. A disposable measuring tape can be used to record length and width in cms.
Measure the length of the wound along the vertical axis of the body (from head
to foot), and the width along the horizontal axis of the body. A sterile probe
should be used to measure the depth of the wound or any undermining or sinus.
Use an imaginary clock face to increase accuracy of sinus/ undermining

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 10 of 35

10. Wound Photographs

a. Regular photography of the wound provides a useful visual record.

b. Criteria for Wound Photography

i. Obtain written consent (where possible or verbal) from the individual.

ii. Photograph the wound on initial assessment and repeat every four weeks
or more frequently if the wound condition changes rapidly.

iii. Photographs should be labeled with the individuals NHS number, name,
date of birth, date of photo, wound position and the name of the health
care professional who has taken the image. Include a ruled measure to
give an indication of scale. Secure/upload in the patients records in
chronological order or print clearly labeled as above

iv. All photographs should be clear and in focus with an image of the wound
and the wound in context

v. Privacy and dignity should be protected and maintained at all times

vi. If photographs are used for training purposes confidentiality must be

maintained and appropriate level of consent gained

vii. Images can only be used for publication with specific consent (Individual
agreement for photography and release of data for third party use)

viii. Photographs should not be taken using a non NHS mobile phone and
images should be deleted from the digital camera once transferred to their
secure documentation system

11. Type of Wound Tissue

a. The wound assessment must include a description of the type and amount of
tissue present to the wound bed (Ousey &Cook 2012), using the terms
epithelialising, granulating, sloughy, necrotic, or non-healing. Different tissue
types can exist in the wound at the same time and should be recorded as an
estimated percentage of the whole wound e.g. granulation tissue 80% and
sloughy tissue 20%. This allows comparison over time. Percentages are used
as a guide only and do not need to be precise

b. Necrotic tissue may appear black, hard, dry and leathery or grey in colour and
usually indicates devitalised tissue. Assess the patients circulation to the
affected area before deciding on method of debridement. If digits or heels are
necrotic establish the patients vascular status using a Doppler or refer for
specialist vascular assessment. These wounds should be kept dry until
circulation is established

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 11 of 35

c. Sloughy tissue is also devitalized and includes a build up of dead white cells
and may appear yellow or a waxy white in colour. It may appear wet or dry and
is usually attached to the wound base (Ousey & Cook 2012)

d. Infected tissue or any associated cellulitis may appear red in colour, which
extends beyond the wound margins and periwound edge. If this is associated
with any clinical signs and symptoms of infection then systemic antibiotics are
indicated with local wound management to control odour, pain and exudate
(EWMA 2004, EWMA 2008, DH 2010a). Chronic wounds are often colonised
with bacteria therefore diagnosis of infection should not be made solely on the
basis of a microbiology swab result. Care should be taken with individuals that
have conditions such as diabetes or are immuno-suppressed as they may not
exhibit any signs of infection

e. Granulating tissue appears red (strawberry jam in colour and appearance) with
small mounds caused by growth of capillary loops and should be protected

f. Epithelialising tissue appears white, pink or blue/mauve in colour. This tissue

should be kept warm (body temperature) and moist to facilitate epithelial growth
and mitotic cell division (Winter 1962, Hinman and Maibach 1963)

g. Wound colour is related to tissue type and can enhance description of wound

12. Debridement

a Debridement is the removal of necrotic, devitalised, sloughy, infected tissue, or

foreign bodies from a wound (EWMA 2008, Gray et al 2011, Ousey & Cook
2012). The body can debride itself by a natural process called autolysis;
however, this may take time if large amounts of slough are present. Slough can
provide an environment for bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of infection.
Debridement is recommended as a principle of wound management (EWMA
2008, Gray et al 2011)

b. There are a number of different methods to facilitate wound debridement.

i. Autolytic debridement: where the body naturally removes the devitalised

tissue. This process can be enhanced and encouraged by the use of
dressings such as hydrogels, hydrocolloids or capillary action dressings,
alginates or foam wound dressings

ii. Bio-surgery: sterile larvae (maggots)

iii. Sharp debridement: using a sterile blade, scalpel or scissors. This should
only be undertaken by a healthcare professional with specific training and
who has achieved the appropriate level of competence.

iv. Surgical debridement: used when there is an urgent clinical need to remove
or release devitalised tissue and when fast debridement would speed the
individuals recovery. Referral should be made to an appropriate consultant
surgeon via the GP
Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 12 of 35
c. When deciding whether or not to debride a wound or which method to choose, the
clinician should consider the following:

i. The environment

ii. The condition of the individual and their wound

iii. The condition of the surrounding skin

iv. The quality and strength of the underlying blood supply

v. Any risk of an adverse incident

vi. The preference of the individual with a wound

vii. Pain and tolerance level

viii. Equipment and the availability of wound management products

ix. The overall treatment goals (EWMA 2008)

13. Wound Exudate

a. Exudate is the fluid produced as a result of wounding. It will vary in volume,

consistency and biochemical composition and may be either beneficial or
harmful to underlying tissues and surrounding skin (WUWHS 2007). Some
studies indicate that exudate is beneficial to healing acute or superficial wounds
while others have found that chronic wound exudate contains enzymes that
disrupt healing by degrading the extra-cellular matrix and excoriate surrounding
skin. Quantifying the volume of wound exudate can be difficult. This should be
recorded as none, low moderate, high. These terms are subjective but can be
qualified by using the dressing to record exudates levels, strike through and/or
wear time. The colour, viscosity or change in the wound exudate should be
noted. The presence of any surrounding oedema/lymphoedema should also be

b. Exudate as defined by its colour:

Characteristic Possible cause

Clear, amber Serous exudate, often considered normal but may be
associated with infection by fibrinolysin-producing bacteria such
as staphylococcus aureus may also be due to fluid from a
urinary or lymphatic fistula/leak.
Cloudy, milky May indicate the presence of fibrin strands (fibrinous exudate
or creamy the response to inflammation) or infection (purulent exudate
containing white cells and bacteria).
Pink or Red Due to the presence of red blood cells and indicating capillary
damage (sanguineous or hemorrhagic exudate).
Green May be indicative of bacterial infection, e.g. pseudomonas
Yellow or May be due to the presence of wound slough or material from
Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 13 of 35
brown an enteric or urinary fistula.
Grey or blue May be related to the use of silver dressings.
N.B Some medications are known to discolour urine and consideration could be
given to drugs as a cause of exudate discolouration when all other causes have
been excluded.

c. Exudate as defined by its consistency:

Characteristic Possible cause

High viscosity High protein content due to: Infection, inflammatory response
(thick, often Necrotic material
sticky) Enteric fistula
Residue from some types of dressings or topical preparations.
Low viscosity Low protein content due to: venous or congestive cardiac
(thin, runny) disease, malnutrition.

(WUWHS 2007)

d. Chronic wound management techniques and dressings are based on the

principle of moisture balance (EWMA 2008, WUWHS 2007, and Cowan 2014).
In general this means that:

i. Drier wounds, (except those with poor circulation), should be moistened

with dressings that hydrate tissue, e.g. hydrogels, hydrocolloid sheets and

ii. Wounds with excess exudate require dressings that absorb or control fluid,
e.g. alginates, gelling fibers, capillary action, foams; negative pressure
wound therapy (NPWT), compression bandages and hosiery. Also
consider the frequency of dressing changes to minimize any further skin

iii. Surrounding intact skin should be protected from exudate with the use of
barrier films and creams to prevent excoriation.

iv Dressings should be selected from the Worcestershire Wound Management


14. Wound cleansing

a. Routine cleansing of clean granulating wounds with the aim of bacterial removal
has been proven to be ineffective (EWMA 2008, WUWHS 2007, Lloyd-Jones
2012, Davies 1999, Lindsey 2007).

b. The rationale to cleanse wounds should include: Removal of debris, (e.g.

foreign bodies, dressing residue and devitalised tissue), exudate from the
surrounding skin and to refresh the individual. Chronic wounds may be
cleansed with tap water, or water which is suitable for drinking (WUWHS 2008,
Griffiths et al 2001, and Fernandez et al 2010). Showering/bathing with these
wound types is acceptable.
Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 14 of 35
c. Use minimal mechanical force when cleansing or irrigating the wound.

d. Irrigation can be useful for cleaning of a cavity ulcer

e. Appliances used (e.g. bath, shower, bucket or bowl etc.) should be cleaned
before and after use in accordance with the infection prevention and control
guidance. If a bucket is used it should be lined with a new clinical waste bag or
bin liner and the bucket should be kept solely for that specific use and
individual, appropriate polythene bags can be obtained from NHS Supply Chain

f. Tap water is not recommended for wounds that can be probed to bone, for
those that are immuno- compromised and where the safety of the tap water
cannot be assured.

g. Any cleansing solution should be warmed prior to use

15. Infection control principles in relation to wound care

a. When carrying out any wound care intervention the clinician should:

i. Be familiar with Worcestershire Health and Care Trust Infection prevention

and control policies and guidelines

ii. Assess the risk of infection and cross infection and plan care accordingly

iii. Maintain hand hygiene and use standard precautions

iv. Use non-woven sterile swabs if cleansing the wound to reduce fiber
shedding (cotton wool is not indicated for use)

v. Use a non-touch technique, gloved fingers should not touch the wound
surface (Dougherty and Lister 2011)

vi Equipment used should be in accordance with trust and manufacturer

guidance eg; forceps, scissors, dressings. Single item products should not
be reused (MHRA 2013)

vii Unused part dressings must not be kept for use at the next dressing
change or used on other individuals with a wound

16. Topical Antimicrobial/Antiseptic Cleansing Agents

a. Antiseptic solutions (e.g. hypochlorites, EUSOL, chlorhexidine and betadine

iodine) should not be used for routine wound cleansing as these can cause pain
and reduce the proliferation of macrophages and lymphocytes essential to the
wound healing process (Naylor et al 2001).

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 15 of 35

17. Potassium Permanganate

a. The product license for Potassium permanganate is in the treatment of weeping

or varicose eczema (Leppard and Ashton 1998, BNF 2014) and is not a wound
management product. It should be diluted in lukewarm water to a concentration
of 1:10,000 and used as a soak for no more than 20 minutes daily and for a
maximum of two weeks (EWMA 2006). The solution stains skin and nails dark
brown and can cause skin irritation. It has the potential risk of toxicity if used on
large areas over a long period of time (EWMA 2006). This product is not
recommended for use across Worcestershire Health and Care Trust. Any
individual prescribed for Potassium permanganate should have the treatment
rationale confirmed by the prescriber prior to the commencement of treatment
and should be regularly reviewed.

18. Wound Infection

a. All chronic wounds will contain bacteria, but not all are infected. Routine
swabbing for Microscopy, culture and sensitivity is not required and an
unnecessary expense (EWMA 2004). Infection is the result of a complex
interaction between the host, organism, wound environment and therapeutic
interventions. This is complicated by bacterial virulence (EWMA 2005, EWMA
2006). Identifying wound infection should be viewed as a clinical skill which can
be supported by laboratory findings when necessary. A thorough assessment
of the individual and their wound is required prior to diagnosis.

b. Observations should be made for:

i. Abscess, cellulitis, an increase in the white blood cell count

ii. Increased wound exudate; serous, seropurulent, haemopurulent, purulent

wound fluid

iii. Individual with a wound feels unwell with possible pyrexia

iv. Increased heat production, redness and swelling (cellulitis) to the peri

v. Delayed healing or wound breakdown, discoloration of wound and

surrounding skin

vi. Granulation tissue that is friable and bleeds easily

vii. Increased, unexpected or a change in the individuals pain experience

viii. Pocketing to the wound bed

ix. Bridging of tissue between cavities

x. Change in wound odour/Malodour

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 16 of 35

c. NB: The wound aetiology and bacteria will define both the signs and symptoms
that are present to the wound and individual. Not all signs or symptoms will be
present in all cases. This may be due to the type of bacteria, auto-immune
impairment, diabetes mellitus, and quality of vascular supply or the use of
medications such as steroids, anti-inflammatory, immune-suppressants and
chemotherapy (EWMA 2004). Individuals with wounds that exhibit a spreading
cellulitis and/or systemic infection should have a wound swab and blood
cultures taken, this is to identify the offending organism and an assessment of
the differential diagnosis. The individual should be treated with antibiotics which
in some cases may be given intravenously dependent on the severity of the
host response. Topical treatment should be considered in accordance with the
Wound care formulary.

19 Taking a Wound Swab for microscopy

a. Cleanse the surface of the wound to remove surface bacteria

b. Rub the tip of the swab across the wound in a zig zag manner and at the same
time rotate the swab handle (Kelly 2003, Levine et al 1976)

c. Complete the microscopy form with sufficient information for laboratory staff and
microbiologist to know from where and why the swab was taken and any
additional supporting information such as current antimicrobial therapy

d. NB: Systemic treatment for wound infection should not be delayed while waiting
for swab results. Topical antibiotics are not generally used in wound care due to
the risks of resistance (DH 2010b). Follow microbiology/pharmaceutical
guidance on the systemic treatment of wound infection

20. Wound Dressing Selection

a. Choice of dressing, method of debridement and the optimum wound healing

environment should be created using modern dressings (NICE 2001). A
different treatment or dressing type may be required to meet the needs of the
individual with a wound at their different stages of healing. Wound management
selection must be made on an individual basis after a thorough assessment and
following discussion with the individual with the wound.

b. The following characteristics should be considered in dressing selection (Cowan


i. The ability to prevent penetration of capillary loops into the dressing

material avoiding adherence

ii. Be hypoallergenic, sterile and have a long shelf life

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 17 of 35

iii. Be cost effective with a supporting evidence base

iv. Maintain high humidity and an optimum pH at the wound / dressing


v. Remove excess exudate, toxic components and not release toxic

chemicals, particles or fibres into the wound bed

vi. Allow gaseous exchange at the wound interface

vii. Provide thermal insulation to encourage mitotic cell division

viii. Be impermeable to bacteria

ix. Be free from particulate and toxic contaminants

x. Allow removal without causing additional trauma and be comfortable to the

individual to wear

xi. Ensure the wound remains moist with exudate but not macerated (except
wounds with no underlying circulation, which must be kept dry)

21. Wound re-assessment

a. It is essential for all health care professionals to set a deadline. This should be
undertaken according to individual need, and always undertaken if the patients
condition changes. Maximum period before re-assessment is 1 month but may
be as little as daily. Frequency should be based on vulnerability and condition of
the patient.

b. Any alterations to the treatment regime will be discussed with the patient,
Healthcare Professional and the rationale for this will be documented

i. Rationale:-

ii. Monitor appropriateness of current treatment

iii. Respond to any changes as a result of the re assessment

22. Pain assessment

a. Consideration should be given to pain in relation to wound management and a

pain assessment undertaken in patients identified during screening. When a
patient has pain the pain assessment tool should be completed. ( Appendix 2).
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP 2014) defines pain as:
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or
potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 18 of 35

b. An individuals experience of pain is unique, it is complex and influenced by
many factors. A systematic and rational approach to the assessment and
management of pain is essential. This is a specific role of the clinician and
should be documented as with other aspects of the assessment (NMC 2009). A
number of publications have been published since 2000 including: Pain at
wound dressing change, (EWMA 2002) and, Minimising pain at wound
dressing-related procedures (WUWHS 2004) which suggests that we need to
consider that all wounds are painful, that over time wounds may become
painful, acknowledge that the surrounding skin can become sensitive and
painful, the lightest touch can be intensely painful and that the healthcare
professional should know when to refer for specialist assessment.

23. Surgical/plastics referral

a. Referral for surgical/ plastics opinion should be made based on the needs of the
individual, their health status, their risk (anaesthetic and surgical intervention),
the assessment of psychosocial factors regarding the risk of recurrence, the
failure of previous conservative treatment and the positive effect of surgical
intervention ( NICE 2008).

24. Individual Centred self care

a. Individuals and carers should be made aware of their wound and the potential
risk and/or complications. Treatment and care should take into account the
individual needs and preferences, carers and relatives should have the
opportunity to be involved in discussions where appropriate.

i. Individuals should be encouraged to maintain their independence and

attend appointments at clinics, GP surgeries and wound healing clinics

ii. Individuals and carers who are willing, competent and able to should be
taught how to undertake dressing changes based on professional advice

25. Transfer of individuals with a wound between care settings

a. All individuals with wounds who are transferred to any other care setting must
have their treatment regime communicated to the appropriate health care
professional prior to discharge. Referral and transfer information (Appendix 4)

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 19 of 35

26. Clinical audit monitoring tool

Standards % Clinical exceptions

Holistic wound assessment will be 100
carried out within the specified time
All individuals will have their wound 100
size documented within the specified
time scale
Management will be in accordance 100
with wound assessment and the
wound care formulary
Regime of care will be communicated 100
on transfer of care setting

How will monitoring be carried out? Ongoing clinical audit, led by Tissue
Viability Services within Worcestershire
Health and Care Trust

27. References

BAPEN (2013) Malnutrition Universal Screening

Accesed November 2014

British National Formulary (2014) British Medical Association and the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 61. March. www.BNF.org. Accessed Oct

Cowan, T. (2014) Wound Care Handbook 2014-2015 7th edition. MA Healthcare

Davies, C. (1999) Cleansing rites and wrongs. Nursing Times. 95, 43, 71-73.

DH (2010a) Essence of Care: Benchmarks for prevention and management of pressure

ulcers. Department of Health. London.
ents/digitalasset/dh_119979.pdf Accessed Jan 2014.

DH (2010b) High Impact Actions for Nursing and Midwifery: Your Skin Matters:
Pressure ulcer prevention. Institute for innovation and improvement.
html Accessed Jan 2014.

DH (2010c) National Patient Safety Agency. Patient Safety First: Preventing

Pressure Ulcers. Health Foundation. Institute for Innovation and Improvement.
mes/pressure-ulcers/ Accessed Jan 2014.

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DH (2010e) Essence of Care Benchmarks for fundamental aspects of care: Benchmark
for food and drink: Department of Health.
ents/digitalasset/dh_119974.pdf Accessed Jan 2014

Dougherty L. and Lister S. (2011) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical
Nursing Procedures. 8th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Oxford.

Dowsett, C. & Ayello, E. (2004) TIME principles of chronic wound bed preparation
and treatment. British Journal of Nursing. (Tissue Viability supplement) Vol 13, No 15
p s16-21

Elia M (2003), Screening for malnutrition: a multidisciplinary responsibility.

Development and use of the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) for
adults. MAG, a Standing Committee of BAPEN (ISBN 1 899467 70 X) 2003.

Elia M, Russell CA (2009) Combating malnutrition: Recommendations for action: A

report from the Advisory Group on Malnutrition led by BAPEN European Pressure
Ulcer Advisory Panel Scale

EPUAP & NPUAP (2014) Prevention of pressure ulcers: Quick Reference Guide.
European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel. Washington DC. USA.
http://www.epuap.org/guidelines/Final_Quick_Prevention.pdf Accessed Jan 2014.

European Wound Management Association (EWMA) (2002)

Position Statement: Pain at wound dressing changes London MEP ltd
pring_2002__English_.pdf. Accessed November 2014

European Wound Management Association (EWMA) (2004) Position Document:

Wound Bed Preparation in Practice. London: MEP Ltd.
English_final_04.pdf Accessed Nov 2014.

European Wound Management Association (EWMA). Position Document: Identifying

criteria for wound infection. London: MEP Ltd, 2005.
d_Infection_/English_pos_doc_final.pdf Accessed Nov 2014.

European Wound Management Association (EWMA). Position Document:

Management of wound infection. London: MEP Ltd, 2006.
os_doc_2006.pdf Accessed Nov 2014.

European Wound Management Association (EWMA) (2008). Position Document:

Hard- to-heal-wounds: A holistic approach. London: MEP Ltd.
http://www.woundsinternational.com/pdf/content_45.pdf Accessed Nov 2014.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 21 of 35

Falanga V. (2004). Wound bed preparation: science applied to practice. Introduction
in Wound bed preparation. EWMA Position document. MEP Ltd www.ewma.org

Fernandez, R., Griffiths, R., Ussia, C. (2010) Water for wound cleansing (review).
Cochrane database of systematic reviews CD 003861.Accessed Nov 2014.

Gray,D. Chadwick,P. Acton,C et al (2011) Consensus guidance for the use of

debridement techniques in the UK. Wounds UK. (7) 1 p77-84

Griffiths, R.Fernandez, R. Ussia, C.Is tap water a safe alternative to normal saline for
wound irrigation in the community setting? Journal of Wound Care 2001;10:40711.

Hinman, C. Maibach, H. (1963) Effect of air exposure and occlusion on

experimental human skin wounds, Nature. Oct 26.

International association for the study of Pain (2014) http://www.iasp-pain.org/

Accessed November 2014

Kelly, F. (2003) Infection control: Validity and Reliability in wound swabbing. British
Journal of Nursing, 12, 16, PP 959-964.

Kingsley, A. White, R. & Gray, D. (2004) The wound infection continuum: A revised
perspective. Applied Wound management Supplement. Wounds UK. Aberdeen: 1
(1): p 13-18

Leppard, B. Ashton, R. (1998) Treatment in Dermatology. Radcliffe Medical Press.


Levine, N. Lindberg, R. Mason, A. Pruitt, B. (1976). The quantitative swab culture and
smear: a quick simple method for determining the number of viable aerobic bacteria
on open wounds. J Trauma; 16(2): 89-94.

Lindsay, E. (2007) to wash or not to wash: what is the solution for chronic leg ulcers?
Wound essentials; 2: 74-83

Lloyd-Jones, M. (2012) Wound cleansing: has it become a ritual or is it a necessity?

Wound care S22-26, December

MHRA (2013) Single-use Medical Devices: Implications and Consequences of

Reuse. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) London.
Accessed Nov 2014.

Naylor, W. Laverty, D.& Mallett, J. (2001) Handbook of Wound Management in

Cancer Care. Blackwell Science. Oxford.

NICE (2001) Guidance on the use of debriding agents and specialist wound care clinics
for difficult to heal surgical wounds. NICE London

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 22 of 35

NICE (2006) Nutrition support in adults: Oral nutrition support, enteral tube feeding and
parenteral nutrition. National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care. London.
http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG32/Guidance/pdf/English Accessed Jan 2014.
NMC (2009) Nursing and midwifery code of professional conduct. London

NICE (2008) Surgical Site Infection: Prevention and Treatment of surgical site
infection. National Collaborative Centre for Womens and Childrens Health.
http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG74FullGuideline.pdf Accessed Jan 2014

NICE (2014) Pressure ulcers: the management of pressure ulcers in primary and
secondary care. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. London.
http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG29/Guidance/pdf/English Accessed Nov 2014.

Ousey, K & Cook, L. (2012) Wound Assessment Made Easy. Wounds

UK 8 (2) www.wounds-uk.com/made- easy. Accessed Nov 2014

Palmer C (1999) Patient choice in wound care management: the experience of larval
therapy Presentation given at the Tissue Viability 32nd Conference in Manchester.

Posnett, J., Gottrup, F., Lundgren, H. & Saal, G. (2009) The resource impact of
wounds on health-care providers in Europe. Journal of Wound Care, 18(4), 154-161.

Posnett, J. & Franks, P. (2008) the cost of skin breakdown and ulceration in the UK.
In The silent epidemic Smith and Nephew Foundation, Hull.

RCN. (2006) Clinical Practice Guidelines: The management of patients with venous
leg ulcers. London. Royal College of Nursing.
http://www.rcn.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/107940/003020.pdf Accessed Jan

Winter GD. Formation of the scab and the rate of epithelisation of superficial wounds
in the skin of the young domestic pig. 1962. Journal of Wound Care 1995. 4:3667.

World Union of Wound Healing Societies (2004) Principles of best practice:

Minimising pain at wound dressing-related procedures: A consensus document.
London. MEP Ltd.

World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) (2008). Principles of best practice:
Compression in venous leg ulcers. A consensus document. London. MEP Ltd.
http://www.wuwhs.org/datas/2_1/9/Compression_VLU_English_WEB.pdf Accessed
Jan 2013.

World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS). Principles of best practice:

Wound exudate and the role of dressings. A consensus document. London: MEP Ltd.
(2007). http://www.wuwhs.org/datas/2_1/4/consensus_exudate_ENG_FINAL.pdf
Accessed Jan 2014.

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 23 of 35


TYPE OF WOUND (Please circle)

Pressure Ulcer Leg Ulcer (*) Diabetic Ulcer

Ward: _____________________________ Surgical Fungating Traumatic

CONSULT/GP: ________________________ Burn Skin Tear Other: ___________________

(*) NB Alternative Assessment Chart)

Position of Wound(s) (plot on diagram on reverse):

Length of time wound(s) present: ________________________________

General Assessment

Waterlow Score: Urinalysis: Pressure Ulcer Grade (EPUAP):

Hb: Capillary Blood Glucose

Platelets: FBC/Serum Protein: Other:

Factors which may delay wound healing (Please circle)

Diabetes Anaemia Infection Poor Nutritional status Under/Over weight

Immobility Smoking Jaundice Non-concordance Medication Other:

Health Promotional literature provided: YES/NO

Known reaction to treatment products YES/NO Please state ________________________ Refer to: ________________________

Allergies: _______________________________ Refer to: ________________________

SIGNATURE: _____________________________ Date: ___________________ Time ____________________________

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 24 of 35


Photograph taken YES/NO Consent obtained YES/NO

Date: __________ Time _________

Date: __________ Time _________

Date: __________ Time _________

Date: __________ Time _________

Date: __________ Time _________

Patient Name ________________________ Patient No. ______

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 25 of 35

Wound Dimensions (cm)
1. Length
2. Width
3. Depth
4. Tracing / photo no
Tissue - Wound Appearance (Colour copy in
Wound Management Formulary). Specify %
1. Epithelialisation (Pink)
T 2. Granulating (Red)
3. Sloughy (Yellow)
4. Infected (Green)
5. Necrotic (Black)
6. Over granulation
7. Unhealthy granulation
1. Colonised
2. Critically Colonised
I 3. Local Infection
4. Systemic Infection
Swab sent
Organism isolated
Anti-microbial therapy
Managing Exudate
1. Colour
2. Amount (specify dressing wear time)
M 3. Type
4. Odour
Edge of Wound: Cliff/flat/rolled
Surrounding Skin
1. Erythema (distance)
2. Blanching/non-blanching
E 3. Excoriated
4. Macerated
5. Dry / scaly
6. Oedema
7. Healthy
8. Skin stripping from adhesive dressing removal
Pain Assessment
Yes specific pain assessment chart
Signature: Date & time

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 26 of 35


Wound No: ______

1. Promote Epithelialisation 2. Promote Wound Granulation 3. Remove Slough/debridement

4. Manage/Remove Infection/Odour 5. Promote Wound Maturation 6. Manage exudate
7. Manage pain 8. Palliative Care 9. Prevent skin stripping


Objective (insert number

of evaluation above)

Wound cleansing method

Dressing Required

Type and size of dressing

Instructions for application

Emollients, Skin Cream

Comments (i.e. allergies to


Date, time & Signature

Print Name

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 27 of 35


Name ................. Type of wound

Pressure Ulcer Neuropathic Ulcer Ischaemic ulcer Surgical

Ward _________________________ Traumatic Gout Fissure


Position of Wound(s):____________________________ Length of time wound(s) present: ________________________________________


General Assessment

Waterlow Risk Texas Pressure Ulcer Grade FBC/Serum Protein HbA1C

ESR/CRP Doppler ultrasound Monofilament Other____________________________________________

Factors which may delay wound healing

Diabetes Anaemia Infection Alcohol Smoking Poor Nutritional status Under/Over weight

Immobility Foot deformity Footwear Non-concordance Medication Rheumatology Other:_________________

Investigations x ray Other________________________

Refer to Tissue Viability Orthopaedics Diabetologist Vascular Dermatology GP Orthotics Other_________________________


Health Promotional literature: Care of foot ulcer High risk foot Nail surgery Pressure ulcer Skincare

Signature:_____________________________________ print name____________________________ Date: __________________________

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 28 of 35
Location of Wound
Photograph taken YES/NO Consent obtained YES/NO

Wound No: ________ Diagram: Date: __________

Wound No: ________ Diagram: Date: __________

Wound No: ________ Diagram: Date: __________

Patient Name.................................................................... Patient No...........................................

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 29 of 35
Wound No: Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
Wound Dimensions (cm)
4. Length
5. Width
6. Depth
7. Probe to bone 4.
Tissue - Wound Appearance Specify %
1. Epithelialisation (Pink)
2. Granulating (Red)
T 3. Sloughy (Yellow)
4. Infected (Green)
5. Necrotic (Black)
6. Over granulation
7. Unhealthy granulation
5. Colonised
6. Critically Colonised
I 7. Local Infection
8. Systemic Infection
Swab sent
Organism isolated
Anti-microbial therapy
Managing Exudate
1. Colour
2. Amount (specify dressing wear time)
M 3. Type
4. Odour
Edge of Wound: Cliff/flat/rolled
Surrounding Skin
9. Erythema (distance)
10. Blanching/non-blanching
E 11. Excoriated
12. Macerated
13. Dry / scaly
14. Oedema
15. Healthy
16. Undermining
17. Callous
Pain Assessment
Yes specific pain assessment chart
Podiatrists Signature ______________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________________
Date __________________ Date _________________ Date___________________ Date ___________________

Patient Name.................................................................... Patient No...........................................

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 30 of 35

Treatment Objective

1. Promote Epithelialisation 2. Promote Wound Granulation 3. Remove Slough/debridement

4. Manage/Remove Infection/Odour 5. Promote Wound Maturation 6. Manage exudate
7. Manage pain 8. Palliative Care 9. Offload

Objective (s)
(insert number of evaluation

Wound cleansing method

Dressing Required
Type and size of dressing

Instructions for application

Skin care and emollients


Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 31 of 35

Appendix 3 - Pain assessment


Do You Have Yes No Comments


At Night


Is Your Pain: Yes No Comments

Comes & Goes
Does it move

Relieving Factors

Is There Anything That Gives You Comments



< 2 Weeks
1 2 Months
2 4 Months
> 4 Months

Signature: Date:_______________________ Time: ______________


0 1 2 3 4

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 32 of 35

Appendix 4

Referral and transfer form to be used for all referrals to Tissue Viability


Address (Please include Key code if applicable)

Telephone number


GP (Name, Address and telephone number)

Next of Kin (Include telephone number)

Date of transfer (include where from and where to)

Referring Health Care Professional

Relevant medical history

Nutritional status

Location of wound

Aetiology of the wound

Wound classification

Wound swab taken and results

Size of wound

Peri - wound skin condition

General skin condition

Pain and pain management


Previous dressings used

Current treatment

Frequency of dressing change

Date and time of completion

Wound Assessment and Management Guidelines Page 33 of 35

Equality Analysis

Title of Policy/Function New Existing/Revised

(Function Includes: Services; Projects; Strategy; Processes; Systems;
Practices; Procedures; Protocols; Guidelines; Care Pathways etc..)
Guideline for Wound management Revised

Short description of Policy/Function (aims and objectives, is the policy/function aimed at a

particular group if so what is the intended benefit):

This document has been produced to support Registered Healthcare Professionals working within
Worcestershire Health & Care NHS Trust; it should be referred to for the recommended best
practice for managing a patient with a wound.

The guideline will reduce potential risk and harm to patients with a wound.

The role of the Registered Health Care Professional will be defined in this guideline, outlining their
responsibility and accountability for the patients with a wound.

Name of Lead/Author(s) Job Title Contact details

Professor Jackie Stephen- Professor & Consultant Tissue [email protected]
Haynes Viability Nurse 07775 792775

Rosie Callaghan Tissue Viability Specialist [email protected]

Nurse 07717 543046

Monique Maries Tissue Viability Nurse [email protected]

Suzy Tandler Tissue Viability Nurse [email protected]

When the policy/function involves patients/staff/partners/stakeholders etc. please where possible

include them in the Equality Analysis to demonstrate openness, transparency and inclusion and
particularly by those who this policy/function is most likely to have impact.
Does this Policy/Function have any potential or actual impact that is positive(+), neutral (N)
or negative (-) impact on the following protected characteristics please indicate:
+ N - Please provide a rational/justification for each of the
following regardless of impact
Age N This policy encompasses all ages.
Disability N Reasonable and appropriate adjustments will be made to
ensure that any person who has a disability/ learning
disabilities will not be discriminated against as will no
person with mental health issues . Equally, consideration
for careers and family members who have either a
disability/learning disability or mental health issue to avoid
associative discrimination.
Gender N This policy is relevant to any persons who are undertaking
Reassignment or have under taken gender reassignment in the same way
as those who have not undertaken or who are undertaking
gender reassignment.
Pregnancy & N This policy is relevant to any person who may be pregnant
Maternity or receiving post natal care. It is not relevant to the un born

Wound assessment and management Guideline November 2014 Page 34 of 35

Race N
This policy is relevant to any race.
Religion & Belief N
All patients will be treated equally; this is regardless of their
religion or belief
Sex N This policy is relevant to any gender and applies to both
sexes equally.
Sexual orientation N This policy is relevant to any sexual orientation/preference.
Marriage & Civil N This policy is relevant to marriage and civil partnership
Partnership equally.
Other Groups who could experience inequality, e.g. carers, homeless, travelling communities,
unemployed, people resident within deprived areas, different socio/economic groups e.g. low income families, asylum
seekers/refugees, prisoners, people confined to closed institutions or community offenders, people with different work
patterns e.g. part-time, full-time, job-share, short-term contractors or shift workers - Access, location and choice of
venue, timings of events and activities. Support with caring responsibilities

Analysis conducted by: (minimum of 3 people)

Name Job Title Contact details
Professor & Consultant [email protected]
J. Stephen-Haynes Tissue Viability Nurse 07775 792775

Rosie Callaghan Tissue Viability [email protected]

Specialist Nurse 07717 543046
Monique Maries Tissue Viability Nurse [email protected]

Suzy Tandler Tissue Viability Nurse [email protected]

Start date of policy/function December Period valid for : 24 months

Review date of policy/function December

Service Delivery Unit:

Reference/Version: Date Equality D D M M Y Y

If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact on the policy/function please refer it to the
author together with suggestions to avoid or reduce the impact.

A copy of the completed Equality Analysis must be attached to the policy/function and a copy sent

Patrick McCloskey
Equality Inclusion Practitioner
Isaac Maddox House, Shrub Hill Road, Worcester, WR4 9RW
Tel: 01905 761324
[email protected]

Wound assessment and management Guideline November 2014 Page 35 of 35

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