Chapter 5 Nalang

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Chapter 1


Former United States president Bill Clinton once quoted, In the era of knowledge

economy, we should use technology as our fuel and take innovation as our power.

As we enter the 21st century, we now also enter the era where modern technology

dominates. Comparing to the past generation, it is indeed important to know that todays

students are wildly different in some ways. In the generation where a high level of

competency is needed, innovation is a must for one to be able to go with the flow; and for it

to be created, the education must focus on promoting creativity for both teachers and

students. Without innovation and creativity, a society will stop making progress and indeed

may degenerate.

According to Bruce (1989), learning happens in the interaction between the learner

and the learning environment; when the appropriate strategies and skills are employed to

technology use, making it a helpful tool for teaching. However, in a study conducted by Wu

(2002), it is said that teaching innovation is when teachers use various and active teaching

methods to arouse students interest in learning, therefore, developing positive student

attitudes toward learning.

Su, Y.C. (2002) also identified that in the era of knowledge economy, the new focus

of education should be on developing effective innovative techniques, as well as skills in

question-solving, judgment, and information/technology application. Since creativity is the

fountainhead of innovation, the nurturing and promotion of creativity should be regarded as a

crucial part of future education (Su 2002).

Darling-Hammond points out that teaching in the context of an increasingly complex

and rapidly changing technology-based economy requires immensely skillful teaching

(1998, p. 6). Whitty (2006) observes that the challenges of the current context require are

think of the notions of teacher professionalism. Building on Whitty, we suggest that this

requires of teachers, individually and of the profession as a whole, a strengthened

or redefined its innovative contingencies, possessing specific 21st century characteristics

that are crucial enablers for teachers to continue to do intelligent and demanding work in the


While it can be argued that the use of technology during classes can support

constructivist approaches, implementing technology into classes does not imply a radical

change of the didactics. According to Yelland learning with technology needs more than

making learning activities digital, it is also about creating contexts for authentic learning that

use new technologies in integrated and meaningful ways to enhance the production of

knowledge and the communication and dissemination of ideas.

Obviously, with regard to integrating technology into the classroom setting, it is the

teachers main responsibility to facilitate this educational innovation. In this light, Fullan

formulated three important dimensions for educational innovation: (1) the possible use of

adaptive material; (2) the possible use of new teaching approaches and, (3) the possible

change of beliefs. While the need to investigate perceptions is emphasized by numerous

authors who stress that cognisance of end users perceptions of this technological innovation

is crucial for predicting the success, speed and extent of its integration in classroom practice,

teachers beliefs and attitudes towards innovation should be examined.

Jones indicated that learning effectiveness will be affected by learning styles, course

design, teaching and other factors. Loo also believed that learning performance will be

affected by learning styles, course design, teaching and other factors. As far as the evaluation

of learning effectiveness is concerned, whether the learning effectiveness is good can be

determined from students school grades, the ability to obtain professional certificates, and

performance in various external examinations.

Teaching innovation means the teachers having creativity, being able to reflect on, to

design and to apply new, diverse teaching methods or activities, understanding individual

differences of students, stimulating students learning motivation and interests, enhancing the

students learning effectiveness in the preparation before teaching, in the process of teaching

and in student assessment. In short, teaching innovation means teachers having creativity and

showing vivid and lively teaching methods to make students interested in learning, thus

enhancing the teaching effectiveness. The purpose of teaching innovation for students

involves: 1) developing student capabilities for independent analysis, thinking and judgment;

2) stimulating student interest and motivation for learning; 3) tapping student potential in

creativity and problem-solving; and 4) enhancing students learning ability. The purpose of

teaching innovation for teachers involve: 1) enhancing teaching quality and effectiveness; 2)

having rich and diverse teaching content and methods; 3) having a diversified student

assessment; and 4) achieving educational goals and ideals

Croker and Algina (1986) also assert in their work the individual needs of the

students that cannot be fulfilled with one standard teaching method as every student comes

from different background and possess different questions about the things being taught and

have a different focus towards the environment around him or her. So until and unless the

things get cleared in the mind of students, the learning cannot be gauged, rather conventional

methods are mostly measuring the memorizing skills of the students instead of bringing

clarity in their minds.

The Philippines, being a part of the developing countries in the world those with a

less developed industrial base and a low Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other

countries (OSullivan 2003) continues to strive hard to, at least, improve the countrys

status. Honestly speaking, the Philippines is a step slower, especially with the advancement

in technology and other innovations, compared to other countries. As per the report by the

organization World by Map, the country stands at 56th place with the highest literacy rate in

the world at 96.3.

As an example of why the Philippines is a step slower compared to other countries,

the K to 12 education, which was only implemented in the country on 2012, is already the

kind of curriculum being used by other countries even before the government had this idea.

While the other countries already achieved the programs goal of developing students

equipped with critical and creative thinking skills, the Philippines is still in the process,

although it is close to achieving it thanks to teaching innovation. With this in mind, the

researchers decided to study the effects of teaching innovation on learning effectiveness. This

study is conducted to assess how teaching innovation contributes on the learning of the

students in Senior High School, particularly in Grade 12 level. This thesis starts from the

view that students, since different teachers employ different teaching methods, might quickly

or slowly understand the discussion, depending on what type the teaching strategy is.

Additionally, the researchers conducted this research to give recommendations that

could help the teachers increase their level of teaching effectiveness in relation to the

learning effectiveness of the students. This study was conducted in order to ascertain the

ideal teaching strategy for the students. The researchers hope to contribute towards a more

effective teaching and higher rates of academic achievement throughout the school.


Background of the study

The participants of the study are the Grade 12 students during the first grading of

A.Y. 2017-2018. The research was conducted in La Verdad Christian School in Apalit,

Pampanga. Pampanga is one of the provinces in Region 3 known as the home of some

excellent talents, producing world-class individuals who definitely are part of the pride of the

country. However, despite this billing, according to the 2013 report of the National Statistics

Office, the literacy rate of the province remains one of the lowest in the region at 93.94. Even

sadly, the number continues to decline, from 97.75 in 1990 to 94.78 in 1994 to 93.94 as of


The school chosen by the researchers has producing quality education as its main

mission. Compared to other schools within the vicinity of Apalit, it is also known as one of

the schools that make maximum use of modern teaching strategy and continuous updating of

teaching methods. The school is also known as one of the schools within the municipality

with the highest number of Senior High School students. With that in mind, the researchers

sought to identify the effects of teaching innovation on learning effectiveness. The school

chosen by the researchers is the school with varied types of students who already encounter

different teaching methods before.


Theoretical Framework

This study was fastened with theories that teaching innovation has effects on

students learning effectiveness.

Invitational Theory

This is a theory of learning and teaching relationships based on human value,

responsibility, and capabilities. Invitational learning is observed in the social context, where

learners should be invited by the teacher to develop their potentials. The four pillars of the

invitational theory are respect, trust, optimism, and intentionality (Purkey, 1992). The

invitational instructor invites learners in, welcomes them, creates warm and welcoming

educational environments, intentionally provides learners with optimum learning

opportunities, and bids learners a warm farewell at the conclusion of the learning experience.

Walbers Theory of Educational Productivity

Walberg determined nine factors that require optimization to increase affective,

behavioral, and cognitive learning. Walberg states that these factors fall into three groups:

student aptitude, instruction, and environment. Instruction includes the number of time

students engage in learning and the quality of the instructional experience, including

psychological and curricular aspects. In light of Walbergs theory of educational

productivity, teaching methods can influence student learning as it is measured by a single

outcome, such as the Standards of Learning test.

Conceptual Framework


1.Demographic profile
of respondents in terms
of: Descriptive Research

Age Survey Questionnaire

Improved Level of
2. Type of Teaching Data Processing and Students Learning
Innovation Consolidation
Improved Level of
3. Effects in terms of: Data analysis and Teaching Effectiveness

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm of the Study

The conceptual paradigm demonstrates the flow of this study whose main purpose is

to determine the effects teaching innovation and the learning effectiveness of students.

The first box that was shown in Figure 1 includes the profile of the respondents, the

type of teaching innovation, and the effects based on knowledge, attitude, and skill.

The second box was the process to be used such as descriptive research, survey

questionnaire, data processing and consolidation and data analysis and interpretation.

The third box was the output. This showed the result of the interaction that revealed

between the output and the process. The expected output of this study was improved level of

students learning and improved level of teaching effectiveness.

The output of this study is now ready for feedback from the school management and

administration, guidance counselors and parent teacher association and teachers regarding the

effects of teaching innovation on the students learning.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to find the effects of teaching innovation on

learning effectiveness of the Grade 12 students of La Verdad Christian School.

Specific questions that the researchers aim to answer are the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender?

2. How frequently do students undergo different teaching strategies?

3. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students:

3.1 Knowledge

3.2 Attitude

3.3 Skill


This study proposes that the researchers will find positive effects associated with

teaching innovation.


Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are considered significant for its originality. The

researchers had in mind that the research material gave significance to the following sectors:

Learners/ Students. The modern way of teaching or teaching innovation is a factor

that can positively or negatively affect or influence the learning status of the students because

they are not used to it. Therefore, the results of this study may serve as an example for the

students to be familiarized to any kind of teaching method that the teacher or instructor may

use. In the end, it will help them cope with the teaching method or with the application of the

modern methods of teaching to their studies.

Parents. The result of this study would make the parents completely understand that

modern way of teaching or teaching innovations may influence their childrens learning

status, be it good or bad way. Parents are the number one motivator and the most influential

teacher for the children, and with their help, children can develop cognitive skills to

comprehend the situation they engaged in and enhance them to study well even though they

encounter an unfamiliar or modern way of teaching.

Teachers. The findings of this study would serve to all staffs of this institution as a

motivation to enhance their students to keep studying whether they are using traditional or

modern way of teaching. This will also serve as a guide for them to help their students be

familiarized in all kinds of teaching methods. In that way, they will fulfill their responsibility

as the second parent to students.

School administrators/ Educational Planners. This study will serve as a guide to

the school's administrators to build friendly and comfortable classrooms and faculties for the

next school year with a touch of modern technology for the staffs and students. In that way,

students will focus well in their studies as well as the teachers.

Future Researchers. To the future researchers, they could use this study as a

reference for their own research.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study mainly focuses on the effects of teaching innovation on

learning effectiveness of Grade 12 students. This study is not concerned with the classrooms

environment such as the temperature and ventilation, seating arrangement, the size of the

classroom, and other physical factors that include the design of the classroom. It only focuses

on the teachers ability to make the students learn through innovation and see how this

innovation impacts the students learning.

The respondents were 121 Grade 12 students of La Verdad Christian School, as per

result of the researchers computation using Slovins formula with 7 percent margin of error.

Additionally, the respondents involved have been chosen through lottery sampling without



Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the readers about the contents of this paper, the

researchers included the definition of the following terms operationally and conceptually:

Teaching Innovation. Teachers having creativity in the preparation before teaching,

in the process of teaching and student assessment, being able to reflect on, to design and

apply new, diverse teaching methods or activities, understanding individual differences of

students, stimulating students learning motivation and interest, and enhancing the effect of

learning. (Lee, Y.J. 2011)

Learning Effectiveness. The changes in knowledge, skills, and attitude of the

learners after the completion of teaching. (Chiu, K.F. 1994)


Chapter 2


This chapter includes the review of literature and studies that are relevant to the

present study. This part of the study presents summation of reading from books, journals,

magazines, published and unpublished thesis made by the researchers in connection with the

problem in the study. These reviewed literature and studies either in whole or in part found

similarities and differences with the present literature.

Foreign/ Local Literature

The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject

matters or experiencing life lessons provide an understanding of something. Education

requires instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. In the pre-

technology education context, the teacher is the sender or the source, the educational material

is the information or message, and the student is the receiver of the information. In terms of

the delivery medium, the educator can deliver the message via the chalk-and-talk method

and overhead projector (OHP) transparencies. This directed instruction model has its

foundations embedded in the Behavioral learning perspective (Skinner 1938) and it is a

popular technique, which has been used for decades as an educational strategy in all

institutions of learning.

Teaching is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to

juggle multiple tasks and goals simultaneously. Some educators may share George Bernard

Shaws (1908) notion that teaching is about learning with students as fellow travelers. Others

may see the process of teaching in entirely different ways. However, few educators would

disagree with Shaws view that the practice of teaching involves pointing ahead through

intentional processes that facilitate learning. Clinical teachers can guide learners with the

help of established theoretical foundations from the discipline of education.

With regard to access to computers, large-scale one-to-one computing programs have

been implemented in many countries globally (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010; Fleischer, 2012;

Zucker & Light, 2009), such that elementary- and middle-school students and their teachers

have their own mobile devices. In addition, in terms of promoting innovation in education via

information technology, not only does mobile computing support traditional lecture-style

teaching, but through convenient information gathering and sharing it can also promote

innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning (Lan, Sung, & Chang, 2007;

Roschelle et al., 2010), exploratory learning outside the classroom (Liu, Lin, Tsai, & Paas,

2012), and game-based learning (Klopfer, Sheldon, Perry, & Chen, 2012).

Mobile technologies have great potential for facilitating more innovative educational

methods. Simultaneously, these patterns in educational methods will likely not only help

subject content learning, but may also facilitate the development of communication,

problem-solving, creativity, and other high-level skills among students (Warschauer, 2007).

Foreign Studies

In the study made by Ansari and Khurshid (2012) entitled Effects of Innovative

Teaching Strategies on Students Performance, they found that innovative teaching

methodologies clearly outperform the traditional classroom teaching. As the result of their

study says, innovative teaching methodologies satisfy the individual learning requirements

and increase the interest level among the students. Moreover, it was found that more students

perform well in examinations with the innovative teaching methodologies compared to the

traditional ones.

Another, the research by Jones (1996) showed that learning effectiveness is affected

by learning styles, teaching, and other factors. Loo's (1999) research agreed with this, that

learning performance is influenced by learning styles, course design, teaching, and other

factors. As far as the evaluation of learning effectiveness is concerned, whether the learning

effectiveness is good can be determined from students' school grades and the performance in

the participation of various external exams.

Meanwhile, according to Shu-Mei Chen (2010), teaching innovation refers to the

teachers showing creativity, being able to reflect on, to create, and to practice new teaching

methods, understanding individual differences of students, stimulating students learning

motivation and interest, enhancing the students learning effectiveness in the preparation

before teaching, in the process of teaching and in student assessment. In short, teaching

innovation is teachers having creativity and presenting vivid and lively teaching methods to

make students interested in learning, thus enhancing the teaching effectiveness of teachers.

Moreover, according to Qiu (2000), Chen (2002), and Wu (2002), the effects of

teaching innovation as related to students are the following: 1) It cultivates students'

independent analysis, thinking, and judging abilities; 2) It arouses students' interests and

motivation to learn; 3) It brings students' creativity and potential of solving questions into full

play; and 4) It improves students' learning abilities. Similarly, the effects of teaching

innovation as related to teachers are the following: 1) It improves the qualities and effects of

teaching; 2) It makes the teaching/lesson content more plentiful and diversified; 3) It makes

the assessments more diversified; 4) It achieves the goals and dreams of education.

Local Studies

Teaching is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective. As a profession, it is

taken as a mission to mold the young. According to Abanador, Buesa, Maibo, and Remo

(2014), in their research entitled Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the

Engineering Department of an Asian University, professors in the College of Engineering of

Lyceum of the Philippines University in Batangas City used the teacher-centered, learner-

centered and content-focused method. Regarding the assessment of the engineering students,

they prefer all the methods of teaching for them to fully understand and learn effectively

concerning on their career choice.

Another study was done by Dr. Rovelina Bucao-Jacolbia of Polytechnic University of

the Philippines, identifying the new teaching styles and methods experienced by the College

of Education students of PUP. In that study, Jacolbia came up with 10 styles preferred by the

sample and they are the following: Case Study, Demonstration, Buzz Groups/Brainstorming,

Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw Method, Peer Teaching/Monitoring, Seminar, Project-Based

Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Blended Teach Strategies, and Portal. Jacolbia

defined each methods.


Related research literature and studies from local and foreign authors presented in this

study discuss the effects of teaching innovation on learning effectiveness.

Related literature found always have a correlation with other studies. For example,

Bebell & O'Dwyers (2010), Fleischers (2012), and Zucker & Lights (2009) study shows

that promoting innovation in education via information technology, not only does mobile

computing support traditional lecture-style teaching, but through convenient information

gathering and sharing it can also promote innovative teaching methods. Supporting this is

Warschauers (2007) study which states that mobile technologies have great potential for

facilitating more innovative educational methods, like developing communication, problem-

solving, creativity, and other high-level skills among students.

The resemblance of this study together with the other related literature were the

following: First, teaching innovation always affects the students learning positively.

Another, teaching innovation always outperforms the traditional teaching styles, which is

why students have an increased level of interest in studying. And lastly, learning is easy

when the instructor uses different types of teaching method, which gives students the

freedom to choose where they learn effectively.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the necessary data gathering procedures that were involved in

the study. This includes the discussion of the research design, respondents in the study, the

research locale details, sampling procedure, research instruments, data gathering procedure

and statistical analysis technique used to analyze the data.


To attain the purposes of this study, the researchers used the survey approach of

conducting a research. Specifically, it utilized the descriptive survey and correlation

procedures to discover what kind of teaching innovation the teacher uses and to find out the

effects of this innovation to the students learning.

Descriptive research, which is primarily concerned with finding out "what is," is

clearly applied in this research.

According to Gay (1976), descriptive research is designed to gather information on

condition existing at a particular period. Additionally, Krathwohl (1993) said that description

emerges following creative exploration, and serves to organize the findings in order to fit

them with explanations, and then test or validate those explanations. Additionally, this type

of research answers questions and satisfies curiosity about a certain phenomenon. It also

describes and elaborated the nature and causes of an existing phenomenon at the time of the



The researchers chose the Grade 12 students of La Verdad Christian School as the

subjects of this study. The stratified random sampling and the fishbowl technique were used

in the study wherein the researchers orderly picked the respondents to fill up the 100

samples. In these techniques, all members of the population have an equal chance of being

selected. Hence, it suggests that these types of sampling are fair and free of biases. The entire

process of sampling is done in a single step with each subject selected independently of the

other members of the population.


The respondents of this study were the Grade 12 students of La Verdad Christian

School, whose total population is 308 (but the researchers used 301 as they excluded

themselves). Out of that total population, the researchers get 121 as the samples.

As shown in Table 1, the Grade 12 - GAS has the most number of respondents with

18. Not far behind is the 12 ABM B with 17, followed by 12 STEM B with 16. Three

sections have the common number of respondents: 12 ABM A, 12 HUMSS A, and 12

HUMSS B with 15 each. 12 STEM A has 14, while 12 ICT and 12 IC have the least

with 7 and 4, respectively.



12 ABM A 38 15 12.40
12 ABM B 42 17 14.05
12 STEM A 34* 14 11.57
12 STEM B 39 16 13.22
12 HUMSS A 38 15 12.40
12 HUMSS B 37 15 12.40
12 GAS 44 18 14.88
12 ICT 18 7 5.79
12 COOKERY 11 4 3.31
Total 301 121 100%

* - excluding the researchers

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents



Gathering of necessary data for the study was done through a survey questionnaire.

This questionnaire was formulated in the form of checklist to make the respondents filling

up of the questionnaire faster and more convenient. It has two parts, the first of which is the

respondents profile which includes the name of the respondent, his/her section, and his/her


In the second part of the questionnaire, the researchers applied the multi-dimension

measurement method design. Likert five-point scale method was adopted for the

measurement of the questionnaire. A 5 to 1 score was given according to the extent of

agreement and disagreement. 5 points indicate always and 1 point indicates never which

the higher the score, the higher the degree of agreement and vice versa.

The questionnaire, made originally by the researchers, was subjected for validation by

the instructor before it was tested to students.



In order to go through with the data gathering procedure, the researcher asked the

approval of the School Head of La Verdad Christian School to allow the selected Grade 12

students to be the respondents of the study. Simultaneously, the researcher made an

arrangement regarding the availability of the students. Administration of survey

questionnaire followed.

The main data gathered from the respondents assessment of the administered

questionnaire tallied, organized, analyzed and interpreted through the use of the most

appropriate statistical procedures.


The data gathered were presented in tables and in tabular forms and are generally

viewed to answer the specific problems in Chapter I. Appropriate statistical treatment was

used to analyze the data.

1. Percentage

The percentage was used to determine the profiles of the respondents because the data

are nominal and are used to show the distribution of the parts of a whole. According to

Buchanan (1974), in his fine article regarding nominal and ordinal bivariate statistics, the

percentage is the most useful statistic ever invented.

The formula of percentage is as follows:

P = f/N x 100

where: P = Percentage

f = frequency of each variable

N = total number of population

2. Weighted Mean

This was used to determine the subjective feeling of the respondents pertaining to the

questions raised in the second part of the questionnaire. According to Zulueta and Costales

(2003), this is used when variables being studied are abstract or continuous such that they

cannot be counted individually.

The formula of weighted mean is as follows:

fx = (f)(x)

where: fx = weighted mean

f= frequency



The formula for an average weighted mean is as follows:

where: = average weighted mean

F =frequency

f =total number of respondents

fx = summation of weighted mean


Chapter 4


The chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered through the

use of a survey questionnaire. Results were presented based on the specific questions posed

in Chapter 1 using tabular and textual presentations.

Sub problem 1.1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender?


Male 43 35.54
Female 78 64.46
TOTAL 121 100.0

Table 2. Frequency and Percent Distribution of the

Respondents According to Gender

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents when

they are grouped in terms of gender.

As shown in Table 2, 43 or 35.54% of the respondents are male and majority of the

students are female with the total number of 78 or 64.46%. According to Yale Global,

women now outnumbered men in school attendance and almost two thirds of graduates are

women. This study confirms the data written in Borzelleca (2012)s article that says the

male-female ratio in higher education has been steadily moved in favor of the females ever

since the 1970s. These findings must be cited so an initiative could be done in empowering

teenagers in improving their educational attainment and employment prospects while

reducing involvement in crime.


Sub problem 2.1. How frequent do students undergo different teaching strategies?


Teachers use
90 29 2 0 0
modern tools like
power points,
projectors, 450 116 6 0 0 4.73 Always
televisions, and any
other present-day 74.38% 23.97% 1.65% 0% 0%
Teachers use games 5 31 59 21 5
and other interactive
activities to make 25 124 177 42 5 3.08 Sometimes
the discussion more
interesting. 4.13% 25.62% 48.76% 17.36% 4.13%
Teachers encourage
the students to
examine and
investigate a certain 19 54 41 7 0
topic (analyzation
with the purpose of 95 216 123 14 0 3.70 Often
between existing
knowledge and
unfamiliar content 15.70% 44.63% 33.88% 5.79% 0%
or concepts.

Teachers assign one 28 58 28 6 1

or more students to
140 232 84 12 1 3.88 Often
present a report on a
certain topic. 23.14% 47.93% 23.14% 4.96% 0.83%

Teachers employ the
use of mobile
technology like 13 40 43 22 3
Instant Messaging
(IM) and web
browsers like
Google Chrome, 65 160 129 44 3 3.31 Sometimes
Firefox and Internet
Explorer to be able
to connect with the
students and get
10.74% 33.06% 35.54% 18.18% 2.48%
reliable information
needed for studying.
Teachers require the
23 39 39 19 1
students to submit
design plans, model,
portfolio, written 115 156 117 38 1
3.53 Often
report, oral report,
either individually
19.01% 32.23% 32.23% 15.70% 0.83%
or in small teams.

Likert Scale Evaluation

1.00 1.49 Never
1.50 2.49 Rarely
2.50 3.49 Sometimes
3.50 4.49 Often
4.50 5.0 Always

Table 3. Frequency of Time the Students

Undergo Different Teaching Methods

Table 3 shows how frequent the students undergo different teaching methods.

From the table, the majority of the students, 74.38% to be specific, said they always

encounter teachers who use modern tools like power points, projectors, televisions, and any

other present-day devices. An average weighted mean of 4.73 showed that students agree on

that. Moreover, 48.76% of the respondents said they sometimes meet teachers who use

games and other interactive activities to make the discussion more interesting, resulting to an

average weighted mean of 3.08. Another, 44.63% of the total sample said they often find

teachers who encourage the students to examine and investigate a certain topic through

analyzation and experimentation with the purpose of discovering relationships between

existing background knowledge and unfamiliar content or concepts. 47.93% of the

respondents also said they often encounter teachers who assign one or more students to

present a report on a certain topic. An average weighted mean of 3.31 was also revealed,

showing that students sometimes encounter teachers employ the use of mobile technology

like Instant Messaging (IM) and web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet

Explorer to be able to connect with the students and get the reliable information needed for

studying. Lastly, the respondents also said they often meet teachers who require the students

to submit design plans, model, portfolio, written report, oral report, either individually or in

small teams, as what the average weighted mean of 3.53 revealed.


Sub problem 3.1. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students



I can easily grasp
39 40 35 7 0
the data/information
more when teachers
195 160 105 14 0 3.92 Often
use charts, tables
and graphs during
discussion. 32.23% 33.06% 28.93% 5.79% 0%
It is more effective
to use power point 58 40 18 5 0
presentations on
laptops and
290 160 54 10 0
projectors than just
4.25 Always
using the traditional
black board and
chalk method during 47.93% 33.06% 14.88% 4.13% 0%
I can easily catch up
with the discussion 29 45 33 14 0
when teachers allow
us to work
collaboratively with 145 180 99 28 0
other students 3.74 Often
because we are able
to share our insights
and ideas with each 23.97% 37.19% 27.27% 11.57% 0%
I can easily catch up
11 28 47 26 9
with the discussion
when the teacher 3.05 Sometimes
55 112 141 52 9
assigns someone to

report the lesson in
9.09% 23.14% 38.84% 21.49% 7.44%
Instant messaging,
helps me connect 28 43 35 14 1
with my teachers
and classmates and 140 172 105 28 1
3.69 Often
allow us to share
23.14% 35.54% 28.93% 11.57% 0.83%

Likert Scale Evaluation

1.00 1.49 Never
1.50 2.49 Rarely
2.50 3.49 Sometimes
3.50 4.49 Often
4.50 5.0 Always

Table 4. Effects of Teaching Innovation on Students Knowledge


Table 4 presents the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students knowledge.

This table shows that 40 or 33.06% of the samples said they often easily grasp the

data/information more when teachers use charts, tables and graphs during discussion. The

majority of the respondents also agreed that it is always more effective to use power point

presentations on laptops and projectors than just using the traditional black board and chalk

method during discussion, as revealed by the average weighted mean of 4.25 since 58 or

47.93% of them answered always. The respondents, through the average weighted mean of

3.74, also agreed that often they can easily catch up with the discussion when teachers allow

them to work collaboratively with other students because they are able to share insights and

ideas with each other. Meanwhile, the respondents have different perceptions when a teacher

assigns someone to report the lesson in class. Based on the result, 47 or 38.84% said

sometimes they can catch up with discussion, sometimes not, leading to a weighted mean of

3.05. Moreover, the respondents said that instant messaging often helps them connect with

their teachers and classmates and allow them to share relevant information, as what the 43 or

35.54% agreed upon.


Sub problem 3.2. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students attitude?


Use of modern
53 43 19 6 0
educational tools like
projectors, laptops and 265 172 57 12 0
microphones boost my 4.18 Often
interest to listen. 43.80% 35.54% 15.70% 4.96% 0%
Games and other
interactive activities
28 57 30 5 0
inside the room
140 228 90 10 0 3.9 Often
increases my eagerness
to learn. 23.33% 47.5% 25% 4.17% 0%
Games and other fun
50 37 27 7 0
activities decrease stress
levels in the room
250 148 81 14 0
replacing it with 4.07 Often
excitement and
willingness to learning.
41.32% 30.58% 22.31% 5.79% 0%
Making use of the
33 40 41 8 0
internet boosts my
interest on a specific 165 160 123 16 0
lesson that is being 3.80 Often
tackled and to be tackled
27.05% 32.79% 33.61% 6.56% 0%
in the future.
I become more serious
and critical thinker when 22 44 39 14 2
the teacher requires us to
submit design plans, 110 176 117 28 2
model, portfolio, written 3.58 Often
report or oral report at 18.18% 36.36% 32.23% 11.57% 1.65%
the end of the topic.

Table 5. Effects of Teaching Innovation Likert Scale Evaluation

on Students Attitude 1.00 1.49 Never
1.50 2.49 Rarely
2.50 3.49 Sometimes
3.50 4.49 Often
4.50 5.0 Always

Table 5 presents the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students attitude.

This table shows that 53 of the respondents said use of modern educational tools like

projectors, laptops, and microphones always boost their interest to listen, though overall, it is

often experience by the majority as what the average weighted mean of 4.18 reveals. Aside

from the modern educational tools, the respondents also agreed that games and other

interactive activities inside the room often increases their eagerness to learn. Moreover, the

majority of the respondents said that games and other fun activities often decrease stress

levels in the room and replace it with excitement and willingness to learn as shown by the

weighted mean of 4.07. Another, the students through the weighted mean of 3.80 also agreed

that making use of the internet often boosts their interest on a specific lesson that is being

tackled and to be tackled in the future. Lastly, the students often become more serious and

critical thinker when the teacher requires them to submit design plans, model, portfolio,

written report or oral report at the end of the topic.


Sub problem 3.3. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students skills?


Projects, assignments,
portfolios, reports, and 38 53 24 6 0
recitation enhances
my independent
analysis, thinking and 190 212 72 12 0 4.02 Often
judging abilities that
in turn shapes and
cultivates my 31.40% 43.80% 19.83% 4.96% 0%
Projects, assignments,
28 58 28 6 1
portfolios, reports and
recitation brings my
inner creativity and 140 232 84 12 1
3.88 Often
potential of solving
equations into full
23.14% 47.93% 23.14% 4.96% 0.83%
The use of mobile
32 46 33 9 1
technology on our
lessons helps me
understand and 160 184 99 18 1
3.82 Often
became proficient in
using the internet.
26.45% 38.02% 27.27% 7.44% 0.83%

Analyzation is easy
37 38 40 5 1
for me when the 3.87 Often

teacher uses teaching
materials such as 185 152 120 10 1
projectors and power
points to help students
visualize a certain 30.58% 31.40% 33.06% 4.13% 0.83%
Making experiments
and other actual 36 51 27 5 2
activities makes me
become more
180 204 81 10 2
proficient than just 3.94 Often
understanding the
literal meaning of the
29.75% 42.15% 22.31% 4.13% 1.65%

Likert Scale Evaluation

1.00 1.49 Never
1.50 2.49 Rarely
2.50 3.49 Sometimes
3.50 4.49 Often
4.50 5.0 Always

Table 6. Effects of Teaching Innovation on Students Attitude


Table 6 presents the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students attitude.

The table above shows that 53 or 43.80% of the respondents said that projects,

assignments, portfolios, reports, and recitation often enhance their independent analysis, thinking and

judging abilities that in turn shapes and cultivates their wellbeing. 58 or 47.93% also agreed that

projects, assignments, portfolios, reports and recitation often bring their inner creativity and potential

of solving equations into full play. Moreover, 46 or 38.02% said the use of mobile technology on

lessons often helps them understand and become proficient in using the internet. Analyzation also

often becomes easy, as shown by the average weighted mean of 3.87, especially when the teacher

uses teaching materials such as projectors and power points to help students visualize a certain topic.

Making experiments and other actual activities also often make most of the respondents become more

proficient than just merely understanding the literal meaning of the text.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the brief description about the studys concept, the findings, the

conclusions drawn from the results, and the recommendations formulated by the researcher.


This research was conducted for the aim of determining the effects of teaching

innovation in the learning effectiveness of Grade 12 students in La Verdad Christian School.

The purposive-survey method of research was used in the study with the total of 121 students

as respondents. It was utilized to gather information regarding the demographic profile of the

students such as gender. This instrument was significant as well in revealing the frequency at

which instructors employ teaching innovation and the degree to which learning effectiveness

has taken place.


The data were analyzed and the following findings were formulated in accordance

with the specific given questions under the statement of the problem.


Sub Problem 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender?

As shown in Table 2:

1. 35.54% of the respondents are male and majority of the students are female with

the total number of 78 or 64.46%.

Sub Problem 2. How frequently do students undergo different teaching strategies?

As presented in Table 3:

1. 74.38% said they always encounter teachers who use modern tools like power

points, projectors, televisions, and any other present-day devices.

2. 48.76% of the respondents said they sometimes meet teachers who use games and

other interactive activities to make the discussion more interesting

3. 44.63% said that teachers often encourage the students to examine and investigate

a certain topic through analyzation and experimentation with the purpose of

discovering relationships between existing background knowledge and unfamiliar

content or concepts.

4. 47.93% of the respondents also said they often encounter teachers who assign one

or more students to present a report on a certain topic

5. 35.54% of students agree that they sometimes encounter teachers who employ the

use of mobile technology and web browsers to be able to connect with the

students and get the reliable information needed for studying.

Sub Problem 3.1. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students


Table number 4 depicted that:

1. 33.06% often grasp the data/information more easily when teachers use charts,

tables and graphs during discussion

2. 47.93% also agreed that it is always more effective to use power point
presentations on laptops and projectors than just using the traditional black board
and chalk method during discussion

3. The respondents, through the average weighted mean of 3.74, also agreed that

often they can easily catch up with the discussion when teachers allow them to

work collaboratively with other students because they are able to share insights

and ideas with each other.

4. 38.84% said sometimes they can catch up with discussion, sometimes not, leading

to a weighted mean of 3.05.

5. 35.54% of the respondents said that instant messaging often helps them connect

with their teachers and classmates and allow them to share relevant information

Sub Problem 3.2. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students attitude?

The table number 5 displays that:

1. Fifty-three (53) of the respondents said use of modern educational tools like

projectors, laptops, and microphones always boost their interest to listen.

2. The respondents also agreed that games and other interactive activities inside the

room often increases their eagerness to learn.

3. Majority of the respondents said that games and other fun activities often decrease

stress levels in the room and replace it with excitement and willingness to learn as

shown by the weighted mean of 4.07.

4. The students through the weighted mean of 3.80 also agreed that making use of

the internet often boosts their interest on a specific lesson that is being tackled and

to be tackled in the future.

5. The students often become more serious and critical thinker when the teacher

requires them to submit design plans, model, portfolio, written report or oral

report at the end of the topic.

Sub Problem 3.3. What are the effects of teaching innovation in terms of students skills?

The table number 6 shows that:

1. 43.80% of the respondents said that projects, assignments, portfolios, reports, and

recitation often enhance their independent analysis, thinking and judging abilities

that in turn shapes and cultivates their wellbeing.

2. 47.93% also agreed that projects, assignments, portfolios, reports and recitation

often bring their inner creativity and potential of solving equations into full play.

3. 38.02% said the use of mobile technology on lessons often helps them understand

and become proficient in using the internet.

4. As shown by the average weighted mean of 3.87, Analyzation also often

becomes easy, especially when the teacher uses teaching materials such as

projectors and power points to help students visualize a certain topic.

5. Making experiments and other actual activities also often make most of the respondents

become more proficient than just merely understanding the literal meaning of the text.


Based on the results and findings of this study, the researcher concluded the


1. Women now outnumbered men in school attendance that could be resulted from a lot

of factors such as there is higher incidence of behavioral and school disciplinary

problems among males than females.

2. Large number of the population in San Francisco High School is within the normal

age bracket appropriate for sophomore students.

3. Even though, there are lots of means to read in our present time such as reading

newspapers, magazines, novels, eBooks, etc., most of the students are still having

difficulty using their free time reading because of many distractions caused by

technology advancement we have in our society today.

4. Majority of the students nowadays are sometimes find reading interesting and they

usually read not for fun but because of educational assertion or because of school


5. Based on the results of the research, accessing social media covers most of the time of

the students whenever they have leisure time. It is evident that social media is

becoming a part of the younger generations routine and gradually taking control of

their individual lives.

6. Social media users tend to use their social networking sites primarily for

entertainment and non-academic purposes. It was viewed as a social platform because

it enable them to stay in touch with their friends and only few of them viewed it as a

means of reading informational texts.

7. According to the findings, the sophomore students in San Francisco High School

have the reading ability matched for freshmen students. Therefore, we can conclude

that since reading is like a muscle needed for a workout, students nowadays are not

taking advantage the information overflow that is being bombarded in our society

today. Or we could say that they are reading but their comprehension skills are

declining because of interference existing in our surroundings.


Based on the conclusions, the researchers recommend the following:


1. Utilize technology particularly social media to improve academic level of the

students. School administrators should find a way on how the features of social media

support or sustain the objective of our educational system. Students could be encouraged to

be involved in activities like communicating with other social media users in English to

improve their use of the language whether in speaking or in writing. They could also

persuade them to like pages that are providing informational texts or pages that will add more

knowledge to students, and to challenge their reading comprehension.

2. Parents have a huge role on guiding their children on using computers at home.

Thus, they have primary influence to their childrens behavior and attitude to control their

use in social media and to limit the hours that the students spend in social media so they

could use their leisure time in other activities. Parents should be a role model as well in

developing a reading habit. Truly, reading is a painless way to learn thats why parents

should instill to their children the importance of reading.

3. Reading is one way for us to produce a literate society so lawmakers should

establish programs that could improve the current state of our students regarding their

reading ability. They could consider the following; provide more training to the teachers so

they could develop the quality of their teaching and to help students learn to comprehend text

in an effective way; a serious action should be taken as well in establishing a reading

comprehension exam that should be conducted in every first quarter of the school year in all

grade levels to assess their reading ability; for the students who will get a failing grade or a

low score to the reading comprehension exam should undergo remedial sessions to improve

their reading skills.


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