Tockington Tracker: Headmaster'S Corner
Tockington Tracker: Headmaster'S Corner
Tockington Tracker: Headmaster'S Corner
I am very much looking forward to tomorrows and Performance Arts Suite. Thank you
charity run, for which the weather promises to be so much for your continued support.
dry, and I do hope that you are able to join us. A reminder that next Tuesday 26th September
Everyone is welcome, no matter what your ability our Year 8s will be joining us for their Monitors
or pace. All donations and sponsorship collected Meal and Meeting between 6.00 - 7.30pm. Mrs
will go to Cancer Research UK. Symonds and I are looking forward to making
Its been great to see the steady trickle of brick plans for this years Prom.
orders being returned for our FOTM Music
Mrs Russells 5K TMS Charity Run for Cancer Research UK 23rd Sept 2017
The 5k event (3 laps of the marked 1.64km course) will start next to the cricket nets, head along
the athletics track above long jump pit, turn right by log, head back to goal (Grocotts end), down
towards flag pole, run along top of the astro, turn right towards swimming pool, turn left by adventure
playground, head up through adventure playground (mini backwards), run along grandstand, head
up mini hill round the big tree, towards the Grocotts house, around cricket nets, head towards
kitchen garden passing nature pond, through the door to kitchen garden, run around the outside
wall, out of kitchen garden to head in to rose garden, run around rose garden to keeping Manor
house on the right, turn left between haha and boys c/rooms, turn right and head towards START/
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
Many congratulations to all
the children who took part in
the Library reading challenge
over the summer. It was
great to present certificates
in assembly today to so
many pupils. Fantastic that
you kept up your reading so
actively over the holiday.
Mrs Beach
In the spring term we will be re-launching Totally Tockington in printed format.
We would like to make this a larger, more colourful publication including examples of artwork as well
as the usual puzzles, stories and interesting information. We will therefore work on one edition each
half term, which we will put together, print out and sell to you, our readers.
The production team will need:
Journalists (to write the articles)
IT specialists (to put our articles into Publisher)
Artists (to decorate articles and submit artwork)
Puzzle writers
A sales team (to sell the copies working out the price at which we need to sell the newspaper
to cover our costs)
Advertisers (to publicise each edition)
Each edition will have a Guest Editor someone with an interest in the theme of the paper.
Hopefully the children will be able to find a role within one of these areas to interest them and we will
be able to put together a really interesting newspaper for you to read.
Mrs Beach
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
The focus of this week has been electing a U13 1st XIII vs Monmouth School, 0 40
School Council. It has been great for the children Man of the Match: Jake Wakeling
to learn about democracy and to have elections
in each class. Our School Council will meet Players of Note: Logan Fitzpatrick, Harry Huby,
every six weeks and will allow the children to Archie Symonds
have a stronger voice in the way our school is
run. The council is made up of one person from
U11 vs Monmouth, 15 - 40
each year. The council members are:
Tries from: Jaime de Cos, Zac Rowles and Oliver
Oliver Gill, William Bate, Hannah Williams, Alex
Nguyen, Toby West, Harrison Leadbeater, Eva
Barrett and Hugo Lewis. Congratulations! Man of the Match: Jaime de Cos
Next week during Form Time the focus will be A tough match against a strong Monmouth side.
"Rights, responsibilities and being part of a The boys were resilient despite the score and ran
diverse community". The children will look at a in 3 good tries. There were a lot of positives in
range of things for this broad topic, from law and the match, however, plenty to work on at training.
why we have laws, through to what responsibilities
parents have. This will fit together nicely with
National Poetry week for which the theme this Year 2 PE
year is Freedom; do our rights and laws reduce Year 2 are showing some potential with their
our freedom? rugby skills. We had an excellent lesson learning
N Glanville and J Sheppard to pass at speed as well as scoring tries. Eva
Barratt won the badge for her outstanding skills,
she passes effectively from the left or the right
SWIMMING FOR A GREAT CAUSE side. The World Cup looms in 2029!
Congratulations to
Gloria Dykes and James
Join us in wishing Mrs Hinchliffe luck as she Sheasby for their super
swims 10,000m for Cancer Research UK. skills and concentration
Usually observed teaching at the poolside, shes in their Rugby lesson.
taking to the water in an open air pool over the Well done!
course of this weekend. Shes off to a great start Mrs Pullin
having completed the first 100m and in Mrs Hs
own words she was born for water not land!
so should have no trouble knocking out the
remaining 9,900m!
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
HOCKEY U13 B vs The Downs, 0 2
U13 vs Monmouth Girls School, 4 - 3 A very close game with 10 shots on goal compared
to The Downs 2 shots. We were very unlucky not
A very exciting, closely fought match. At half time,
to score. A well-played match. A special mention
Monmouth had played better than the TMS girls
to Alejandra Brava and Maria Garcia-Segovia on
and their three goals were proof of this, however
their first game.
Tockington began to wake up and they scored
two goals to keep them in contention. Player of the Match: Angel Burrows for her
excellent attacking skills.
The second half was much more evenly matched.
The play shuttled from one end of the pitch to the Most Improved Player: Maria Garcia-Segovia for
other and the two goals that Tockington scored her very good effort as GK in her first game.
were decisive. We had many other opportunities
to score, but Monmouth's solid and dogged
defence kept the goals out.
A super game by all the team; notable U11 B vs The Downs, 0 7
performances from defenders, Lara Walker and The girls played an older and stronger team and
Isabelle Preston and goal keeper Erin OLeary, in were consequently outplayed in the first half.
the first half. Great attacking play, particularly in At half time we changed the team around, as
the second half from Alys Wakeling, Katie Shutt did The Downs, and we played a much closer
and Iona Campbell, but all the girls played their second half. This was a good training game for
part and thoroughly deserve the whole team the girls, playing in a stronger age group.
Plater of the Match: Eva Lewis, as chosen by
The Downs.
U13 A vs The Downs, 1 - 5 Player of Note: Melissa Mapondera
A very tough match against a large squad. The
score sadly did not reflect the quality of the game
U11 A vs The Downs, 0 5
and we were unlucky not to score more goals.
The final score did not reflect the match and the
Goal Scorer: Katie Shutt
play in midfield was fairly even. TMS defence
Players of Note: Erin OLeary, Katie Shutt, Lara was not strong enough on this occasion to keep
Walker goals out and our few attempts at shooting were
Player of the Match: Isabelle Preston for her blocked. More work is to be done on the strength
excellent work in defence. of our hitting out and defence in the circle. Lots
to do but a whole season ahead of us.
Player of the Match: Anna Baber, as chosen by
The Downs.
Players of Note: Lily Edwards and Poppy
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
Year 3 & 4 Year 5 -8
Friday 15th September 30 PBs on a damp but pleasant day.
An excellent effort from everyone, with our The Performances of the Week were from Diego
new children and all of the Year 3s performing Romero, Melissa Mapondera, Fernando Ramirez
admirably. PBs were achieved by Violet Gibbs and Jaime de Cos.
and Maya Sapkota.
Auguste Moreau, Stephanie Taylor, Beau
Stirling Rolls improved his All Time list time to Goodenough, Elodie Preston and Erin OLeary
3m 10s. Thomas Williams and Charlie Newman all lowered their PBs by more than 40 seconds!
both gained entry (and both winning 5 stars) onto
the Mini Course All Time list with 3m 15s and Alys Wakeling (now 25th on the All Time list)
3m 19s respectively. and Alejandra Brava (14m 55s) led the Senior
girls home. Henry Packham lowered his list time
Joshua Newman ran exceptionally well in his to 8m 08s on the Junior course.
first ever attempt on the course with a stunning
3m 17swow! Poppy Newman (9m 46s) and Georgia Cooper
(9m 34s) excellently lowered their existing list
times. Gemma Allen got onto the list with her
Friday 22nd September commendable effort. Well done!
Twelve PBs from the group on a beautiful
The children were led home by Toby West and our
rising star, Joshua Newman. Top Performances
of the Week from:
Alex Bienemann, an excellent 3m 24s
Justus Seegel, an improvement of 17s
Katie Woodhouse
Maisie Scannell
There were significant improvements from
Emily Billimoria, Elsie Lewis, Jenson Edge,
Alex Cresswell, Harry Hurford, Thomas Byrne,
Addison Guest and Hannah Jung who all set a
new PB! Well done everyone!
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY
Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY