First Periodical Test in English
First Periodical Test in English
First Periodical Test in English
Edmar was walking by the seashore one Saturday afternoon. He was gathering shells for his
collection. How he enjoyed picking up the beautiful shells.
11.Who is the character in the story?
12.Where is the setting of the story?
13. When did the story happened?
*Sequence the following events in proper order.
a.Rosa is a diligent student.
b.She prepares for the examination by studying well.
c.Then she goes to sleep early.
d. There is coming examination tomorrow.
e. Next day she is ready for school.
*Select from the sentences the words with long vowel a sound.
* Read the story and be able to give the similarities and differences.
Lyra and Loida are sisters. They both love animals. Lyra has a pet bird while Loida has a pet cat.
39. Lyra and Loida are sisters. They both love animals. This sentences tells _____.
a. differences b. similarities
40. Lyra has a pet bird while Loida has a pet cat. This tells ______.
a. differences b. similarities
1.Notes details in a 1,2,3,4,5 5
selection listened to
2.Read words in 24,25,26 3
sentences with long a
vowel sound
3. Form plural of nouns 6,7,8,9, 5
4. Use context clues 19,20,21,22,23 5
to find meaning of
unfamiliar words.
5.Sequence events in a 14,15,16,17,18 5
story listened to
6. Read words with with 27,28,29 3
long vowel o sound
7. Arrange words in 34,35,36,37,38 5
alphabetical order
8. Us coherent sentences 30,31,32,33 4
using appropriate
grammatical structures:
kind of nouns; mass
noun / count nouns
9. Analyze a narrative in 11,12,13 3
terms of its character
and setting
10. State similarities and 39,40 2
differences in a literary
text read.
TOTAL 16 8 16 40
1. c
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. children
7. oxen
8. teeth
9. churches
10. bags
11. Edmar
12. seashore
13. one Saturday afternoon
14. d
15. b
16. c
17. e
18. a
19. empty
20. bravery
21. happened
22. kind
23. shy
24. cake
25. name
26. gate
27. bone
28. cone
29. alone
30. count
31. count
32. mass
33. mass
34. manage
35. mango
36. men
37. Monday
38. moon
39. b
40. a