Marie-Louise Von Franz - Antichrist or Merlin PDF
Marie-Louise Von Franz - Antichrist or Merlin PDF
Marie-Louise Von Franz - Antichrist or Merlin PDF
istic polarization between light and dark, good and evil. Around the (false) miracles. Either Christ himself or the archangels Michael and
year 1000 (and this was closely linked with astrological speculation) Gabriel will kill him in the end. In later sources he is sometimes
people expected the coming of the Antichrist, personifying the second understood as an instrument of God's providence. The number 666
Fish of Pisces, whichin the astrological image swims in the of the Apocalypse is an attempt to define by means of gematria his
opposite direction from the first one. Viewed psychologically this names in different forms: Antemos, Apnoume, Teitan, Diclux,
would mean an enantiodromia (turning over into the opposite), a Genshrikos, Armillus (Romulus), etc. 7
complete reversal of collectively dominant values. Such an absolute opposition of good and evil, as Jung points out,
The figure of Antichrist coalesced from different sources: Jewish characterizes the Christian era. This opposition probably has the
traditions of the coming of a pseudo-Messiah, New Testament sources, important function of heightening man's moral consciousness and
mainly the Apocalypse, Persian, and gnostic influences. 2 According to sharpening his moral conscience, but it can also lead to an insoluble
some legends the birth and life of the Antichrist were imagined to conflict which brings life to a complete standstill. In practical
be a negative replica (mimema) of that of Christ. Satan too psychotherapy, moreover, we can rarely state what is absolutely good or
decided to become incarnate in the human realm and chose a virgin evil, since these concepts are to a great extent relative: "In view of the
in Babylon as his vessel for this birth. 3 Thus the Antichrist was either fallibility of all human judgment we cannot believe that we will
Satan himself or he already became possessed by Satan in the womb. always judge rightly. We might so easily be the victims of a
Later he was educated by black magicians in Corozaim. misjudgment. The ethical problem is affected by this principle only to
As a pseudo-prophet or political leader (or both) he will assemble the extent that we have become somewhat uncertain about moral
around him a great multitude of Christ's enemies (deceiving them by evaluations. "8 Jung stresses that the validity of good and evil per se
"phantasms"), and at the end of time he will venture into a great continues to exist but that in many situations we have to make an
battle. The civitas Diaboli (seen as the whore of Babylon) will stand up ethical decision against conventional rules so that such a decision
against the civitas Dei. Finally, the Antichrist will be overthrown and becomes a subjective creative act. Jung differentiates between morality,
destroyed. The Antichrist is a Son of Satan non per naturam sedper which means obeying a code of collective rules, and ethics, which
imitationem* He personifies lawlessness, arrogance, and idolatry. His means following one's innermost conscience, or the voice of God in
life is a mysterium iniquitatis. one's own heart. These two can collide (to which every dissident in
According to apocryphal and sibylline sources, Antichrist has power Russia, for instance, could testify). What Jung calls the "fallibility of
over nature, over the sun and moon, plants, water, and thunderstorms. human judgment" is best shown by the fact that the Antichrist has been
He can cure illnesses, revive the dead, and even simulated his own projected again and again onto rulers or groups: Nero, Henry IV,
resurrection after death. 5 His country is in the north or he comes from some popes, or the Jews, the Huns, heretics, and so forth. Antichrist,
the sea (like the beast or old dragon of the Apocalypse with whom he in fact, became a label for what or whom the various ecclesiastical
is identified), and he will erect a counterchurch and regulate all writers disliked.
economies. Whoever does not carry his sign will be able to neither The harshness of this Christian moral dualism calls for a ter-tium
buy nor sell. Adso of Moutier describes him as a nature spirit capable of quod non datur, for a symbolic solution through which life can
changing shape (natu-ras in diversis figuris mutare). 6 He looks "wild" continue to flow. One of the first such mysterious reconciling symbols
and monstrous and has horns. He wins people over to his side by is found in the emergence of the figure of Merlin in medieval
terror, gifts, and literature. 9 The story of Merlin's birth recapitulates ex-
24 25
actly that of the Antichrist. While Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita back from the depths of the unconscious a relation to nature that
Merlini does not tell of his birth, Robert de Boron's "Merlin" the Christian teaching had too harshly suppressed.
describes how the Devil and his host in hell decide to nullify Among the later episodes of Merlin's life, I will comment on
Christ's work of Redemption through a pseudo-prophet. One only a few. Merlin leaves his home because Vortigern, the illegiti-
devil who possesses the capacity to assume different forms takes mate king of Britain, wants to build an impregnable tower, but
on the task. An innocent girl is selected to be the mother. One the walls keep collapsing without reason. Astrologers advise the
night when, against her confessor's advice, she forgets to keep a king to mix the blood of a fatherless boy with the mortar, so it is
light burning, the devil sneaks into her room and as an incubus decided to sacrifice Merlin. When Merlin is brought before the
impregnates her. The girl then turns to her confessor who makes king, he reveals that there is a large quantity of water under the
the sign of the cross over her and sprinkles her with holy water. foundation of the tower, and beneath this water two dragons
He imposes on her a vow of lifelong chastity, which she keeps. one white, one redshake the walls with their continual fight-
Thus the devil's spell is broken. Because of her pregnancy the ing. 10 As I have elsewhere shown, 11 the fighting red and white
girl, Merlin's mother, is imprisoned and eighteen months later is dragons are an alchemical motif. They represent in the symbolism
condemned to death. The baby Merlin appears in court and of alchemy the opposites of male and female which after fighting
proves that the judge himself does not know who his own father and death become the partners of the alchemical conjunctio or
is either. Thus Merlin's mother is acquitted. Merlin inherits from Hierosgamosthe union of opposites. Merlin thus points to a
his mother the gift of prophecy and from the devil the knowledge conflict in the depth of the psyche, covered by water, that is, un-
of the past. Before leaving his mother he dictates the story of consciousness.
Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail: "And because I am Later in his life, Merlin withdraws from human society into
dark and always will be, let the book also be dark and mysterious the forest. There he lives the life of a wild animal until emissaries
in those places where I will not show myself. " of his sister Ganieda come to soothe him with song and lyre. But
Obviously Merlin is meant by the devil to become the Anti- at the sight of men he breaks loose and disappears again into the
christ, but the positive Christian influences of his mother and the forest. He gives consent to his wife Gwendolena to marry another
priest prevent this. He develops instead a strangely ambiguous man, but on the wedding day he appears riding on a stag, pulls
third nature: he is usually good but sometimes also a trickster and off the stag's antlers, and using them as a weapon kills the bride-
a rather shadowy figure. He is nearly immortal, for it is said he groom. He flees back to the forest but falls into a river and is
will not die before the end of this world. In Jungian terms he saved only by his sister's servants. She tries to keep him with her,
represents the natural whole man, good and evil, mortal and im- but he loses all joy in life, and so she agrees to his return to the
mortala symbol of the human psychic totality which Jung forest and helps him to build a tower with seventy windows and
terms the Self. doors for his astronomical observations. In winter he lives in the
Merlin, like the Antichrist, has a special relationship to nature tower provided with food by his sister. In summer he roams
and possesses the gift of changing shape. Moreover, he personifies about wild. In return for her care he teaches his sister prophecy.
the archetype of the druid, the shaman and medicine man. Near During this period Merlin becomes a "wild man of the woods. "
Merlin's abode, for example, springs a well of water that cures He maintains a special relationship to the stag, a trait he shares
madness. In addition, he is an astrologer, poet, and prophet in with the Celtic god Kerunnus and with the Irish Suibne. 12
one. In him pagan traits unmistakably predominate; they bring For the remainder of his lifetime Merlin never mixes directly
26 27
the angels get rid of Mephistopheles at the end of Faust, Jung felt, was is handing over to her bit by bit. . . he raises himself to the calm,
rather a cheap trick. Therefore Faust appears in the Beyond as an untroubled heights of an Indian god, who withdraws unconcerned
immature boy (which he had remained) who needed further from the world into the stillness of the Self. "31 On the other hand,
instruction and help of the "Eternal Feminine. "27 some feel Merlin's bewitchment to be a catastrophe, representing a
There is one cluster of motifs around Merlin that deserves victory of evil feminine forces.
some attention in this connection: his ambiguous relationship to the The hawthorn, a member of the rose family, is a revealing symbol in
feminine principle. In some versions he has nothing to do with the this context. In ancient Greece it served as a decoration of the bride on her
reign of Venus (his parallel in Wolfram's Parzival, Clinschor, is a nuptial day; the altars of Hymen, the god of marriage, were lit by torches
eunuch!), and in later time he even becomes a model in misogynous made of its wood. 32 In the cemetery of the Abbey of Glastonbury was a
literature. But in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita and in Robert de famous hawthorn tree, which came from a staff that Joseph of Arimathea
Boron's description he is, on the contrary, married, and in the latter planted at Christmas; it has been covered with flowers every Christmas
even has a daughter who helps Perceval with her advice. In this way night since. The crown of thorns of Christ was said to be made of
he is also more complete than Christ or the Antichrist, neither of hawthorn, and thus the hawthorn is called a salutaris herba. In almost all
whom is married. In the legend of the Antichrist it is sometimes European countries the hawthorn served to banish or exorcise witches,
said that an evil woman will dominate at the end of time, and sorcery, and all evil spirits. 33This salutary aspect of the hawthorn seems to
Bousset, in fact, has shown that the Antichrist himself represents in a suggest that Morgana's spell is not to be understood negatively. Instead, it
way the old feminine dragon, Tiamat, the enemy of Yahweh. means that love has overcome magic. (The latter always contains an
Merlin, however, cannot keep up his marriage; his longing to live element of power, which is contrary to love. ) Merlin's eternal conjunctio
as an anchorite in the forest is stronger. 28 In old age Merlin finally with Morgana is thus an image of the Hierosgamos, the supreme union
lives in a group consisting of four people, one woman and two other of opposites.
men: his sister Ganieda, who gives up a love affair to be with him, The negative element comes only in the fact that the couple disappears
the bard Taliesin, and the madman who had been cured by his into the beyond, that is, into the unconscious. They are entombes or
spring and whom Merlin orders to make up his lost years of insanity enserres in their nuptial bed of stone forever, and only a few knights
in the service of God. 29 His relationship to the feminine is now sometimes hear the famous cry of Merlin which calls them to some great
characterized as the famous alchemical brother-sister incest. Finally adventure. Jung writes: "This cry that no one could understand implies
Merlin disappears from the world, according to some versions, in that he (Merlin) lives in unredeemed fdrm. His story is not yet finished,
the embrace of the fairy Morgana (Vivien and Muirgen, etc. ). and he still walks around. It might be said that the secret of Merlin was
Under a hawthorn bush she entices him to reveal to her all his carried on in alchemy, primarily in the figure of Mercurius. Then
magical tricks, and with them she in turn bewitches him so that he Merlin was taken up again in my psychology of the unconscious and
cannot, nor does he even desire to, escape from her eternal embrace. remains uncomprehended to this day! That is because most people find it
This disappearance of Merlin has been differently interpreted. quite beyond them to live on close terms with the unconscious. "34
Heinrich Zimmer, for example, praises it as a voluntary sacrifice of Merlin, then, in Jungian psychology, is a figure that unites all opposites.
worldly power: "Insofar as Merlin knowingly surrenders himself to The creative fantasy of medieval poets saw intuitively
Vivien's bewitchment, to enchantment through the arts of
enticement, knowing what he 31
(in the life of Merlin) a pattern according to which our Western 4 Haimo of Auxerre, Patrol lat., vol. 117, col. 779.
cultural consciousness tends to evolve. Collective consciousness, 5. Rauh, Bild des Antichrist, pp. 67f.
however, limps far behind in its comprehension of this pattern. An 6 Adso, Abbot of Montier-en-Der, Libellus de ortu et tempore Antichrist, v.
important psychological event in the process of "catching up" occurred 950. Cf. Rauh, Bild des Antichrist, p. 153, and E. Sackur, Sibyllinische Texte
when Pope Pius XII made the official Declaration of the Assumption (Halle, 1898), p. 108. He sometimes appears as a child, a youth, or an old
of Mary. 35 Mary, as the text runs, thus "enters the nuptial chamber" man.
(thalamos) in Heaven. "The dogmatization of the Assumptio Mariae 7. Rauh, Bild des Antichrist, p. 219. Another interesting idea can be
points, " as Jung stresses, "to the hieros-gamos in the pleroma; and found in Honorius of Autun, who says that the (plant) Mandragora
this in turn implies, the future of the divine child, who, in is a girl from the north without head. She symbolizes the followers
accordance with the divine trend toward incarnation, will choose as of the Antichrist after his death, a mob without head. Then Christ
his birthplace the empirical man. The metaphysical process is known gives this woman a new golden heada symbol of her return to
to the psychology of the unconscious as the individuation process..., faith. (Cf. Rauh, ibid., pp. 262 f. )
" 36 As Jung goes on to explain, "The central symbols of this process 8. C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (New York: Vintage
describe the Self, which is man's totality, consisting on the one hand Books, 1963), p. 329.
of that which is conscious to him, and on the other hand of the 9. Cf. Paul Zumthor, Merlin le prophete (Lausanne, 1943); also
contents of the unconscious. The Self is the teleios anthropos, the A. O. H. Jarman, The Legend of Merlin (Cardiff, 1960), and Emma
whole man, whose symbols are the divine child and its synonyms. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend (London,
" 37 "Although he (the savior arising from the divine marriage) is 1971), pp. 347ff. and further literature cited there.
already born in the pleroma, 38 his birth in time can only be 10. The red dragon signifies Vortigern, the white one the two brothers
accomplished when it is perceived, recognized, and declared by man. "39 Pendragon and Uther, who will defeat Vortigern. After this hap
It seems to me that now we have to choose if we will do the works of pens, and once Pendragon is also dead, the other brother calls him
the Antichrist or continue on the path of Merlin and listen to his cry, self Uther Pendragon and becomes king. He is, of course, the father
which calls us to the new adventure, the quest for individuation. of King Arthur.
11. Emma Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz, The Grail Legend,
pp. 375f.
Notes 12. Huth-Merlin I, pp. 158f.: quoted in Zumthor, Merlin le prophete,
p. 208. The stag in medieval times is a well-known symbol of Christ
1. cw9/ii. because he owns the secret of self-renewal, and also of the Antichrist
because of his Superbia. This one animal symbol, therefore, com
2. Cf. W. Bousset, Der Antichrist (Gottingen, 1895) and Die Apocalypse
bines the traits of both extremes. In Alchemy it is Mercurius who is
Johannis (Gottingen, 1906 [reprint 1966]), and H. D. Rauh, Das Bild
often called cervus fugitivus; in this form he represents the spirit of
des Antichrist im Mittelalter (Miinster, 1979).
the prima materia, which is so difficult to obtain.
3. This is only one version: others assert his purely human descent or 13. Cf. Helen Adolf, "The Esplumeor Merlin, " Speculum XXI (1946),
that he was generated "nefasto incesto. " (See Rauh, Bild des Anti
pp. 173 and 176, and "New Light on Oriental Sources of Wolfram's
christ, p. 155). The Antichrist is then either Satan himself or his
Parzival, " Publication of the Modern Language Assoc. of America, vol.
instrument (organon).
42 (1947). Cf. also Visio Pads (Pennsylvania State University, 1960),
32 33
14. The Grail Legend, pp. 36Iff. outburst seems not to be consistent with his usual wisdom, and indeed he then
15. In later times, the erection of Stonehenge is frequently attributed to nearly drowns in a river. In this episode he becomes the stupid trickster, lacking
him. in animal instinct. But "these defects, " as Jung points out, "mark his specially
16. Jung has shown that Elijah, in contrast to Christ's one-sided perfec human nature, " with its capacity for further development.
tion, symbolizes the complete man, a total incarnation of Yahweh, 29. Geoffrey, Vita, verses 1237ff.
of his light and dark side. In his obscurity he represents the deus 30. In the Vita Merlini, Morgana is the sister of Arthur and one of the
absconditus, the Ancient of Days. In the legend he is called the meta- nine fairies of Avallon. She is also called Dame du lac.
tron or "little Yahveh. " See Pere Bruno, "Elie le prophete, " Etudes 31. "Merlin" in Corona, IX 2 (Munich-Berlin, 1939), pp. 150-52.
Carmelitaines, Desclee de Brouwer 156, vol. II, pp. 15ff.
32. E. and J. Lehner, Folklore and Symbolism of Flowers, Plants, and
17. Cf. Zumthor, Merlin le prophete, p. 198. Elijah is closely related to Trees (Tudor, N. Y, 1960), p. 59.
the Antichrist because at the Last Judgment he will appear as a
33. Cf. Handworterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens, ed. Hoffmann-
witness together with Enoch.
Krayer (Berlin, 1918-1941), under "Weissdorn. "
18. C. G. Jung, "Alchemical Studies, " cw 13, paras. 239-303.
34. Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p. 228.
19. Ibid., paras. 103, 105, and 111. The alchemists themselves realized
the closeness of Merlin and Mercurois; in the Rosarium philosopho- 35. Apostolic Constitution: Munificentissimus Deus...
rum a philosopher Merculinus (!) is quoted, and there also exists an 36. "Answer to Job, " in cw 11, para. 755.
alchemical Allegoria Merlini, an old text that describes the transfor 37. Ibid, paras. 746-49.
mation for the "King. "
38. The collective unconscious, my note.
20. Ibid., para. 267.
39. Ibid, para. 748.
21. Ibid, para. 284.
22. See above, pp. 3f.
23. For this, see C. G. Jung, "Answer to Job, " in cw 11, paras. 746-49.
24. For this, see P. Zumthor, passim. For the German literature see J.
Vielhauer, Das Leben des Zauberers Merlin (a translation of Geoffrey
of Monmouth's Vita Merlini) (Amsterdam, 1978).
25. Ibid, pp. 90f.
26. M. L. von Franz, C. G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time (New York,
1976), p. 279.
27. Another variation is the strange figure of Gil Martin in James
Hogg's Confessions of a Justified Sinner. He seems to be just the Devil
or Antichrist, but when the hero has done all the evil deeds he
suggests, he shows him his disappointment. Probably, as Barbara
Hannah shows, Gil Martin is ultimately more a Merlinlike personi
fication of the Self than a personification of absolute Evil.
28. As earlier pointed out, he leaves his wife and even agrees that she
may marry again but on her wedding day murders the rival. This