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George Hutton mindpersuasion.


George Hutton

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George Hutton

Thank you for purchasing this course. Many people would

like very much to create a better life filled with better
relationships, better finances, and better health, but many
people don't make much of an effort.

This may sound harsh, but if you think about the people
you interact with on a daily basis, you'll see evidence of
this everywhere.

Because you are reading this now, you know that taking
action is necessary if you want to create anything. The
bigger dreams you have, the more action you'll need to

For that, I congratulate you. It takes very little effort to

complain about ones condition, but it takes effort, risk,
and the ability to hold a certain level of uncertainty in mind
when taking any action with hopes of creating something

In this course we'll be going over a lot of ancient ideas, and

reframing some common ways of looking at things.

We'll dig into the basics of creation, and we'll understand

that being a creator is part of who you are, on a
fundamental level.

Then we'll understand that the path to greatness, riches,

rewarding relationships, and anything else you want lies
not in becoming a creator, but becoming a conscious

George Hutton


Humans are actors. We act. Every moment, every breath,

every thought is geared to transforming our future into one
that is better than our present.

Simply sitting there, reading these words, your

subconscious is calculating all the energy expenditures of
all your muscles keeping you in your current state. It won't
take long before you decide to "shift" in your seat.

This is thought, turned into action, turned into creation.

This happens as you sleep. This happens as you eat. This
happens when you are on the toilet.

The goal is not to become a creator, as you already are a

creator. Your life and everything around you is a direct
result of your past thinking and action.

The goal is to become a better creator. To create

consciously and consistently with what you want. To
embrace the natural feedback system that is always there.
This feedback system is either supporting you or holding
you back.

In this course, we'll first go through the basics of creating.

Thinking, acting and creating, all within the framework of
consistent feedback between your actions and in the

Then we'll go through and dig into each process in detail,

so you can awaken the unconscious creator that already
exists within you, and bring it to the conscious level.
George Hutton

This is the main difference between those who succeed,

and those who fail. Those who succeed think and act
consciously, and achieve greatness.

Everybody else thinks and acts as if sleepwalking through

life, and consequently creates a life of mediocrity, or lack.

The difference is how you think, how you act, and how you
embrace the natural feedback loop.

By the time you finish this manual, you will have a solid
understanding of how to change your thinking and
behavior so you'll naturally get the outcome you desire.

You'll learn a set of daily reviews, and have access to some

powerful mental programming that will help clear out
blockages and obstacles to your inevitable success.

Let me be clear. This course is not magic. This course

requires your participation. This course requires that you
take a conscious look at what you've received in the past
and that you take responsibility for your actions and the
outcomes those actions create.

We do not live in a random world. We do not live in a

universe that is ruled by gods who whimsically give some
people good stuff, and other people bad stuff.

The universe is highly complicated, and will never be

understood by the human mind. But it is not random. It
does follow a set of rules, laws and principles which simply
cannot be violated any more than the law of gravity can be
George Hutton


By taking the right action, and being accepting of ALL

feedback (not just the feedback you want) you will open
yourself to greatness.

Thoughts lead to actions, which lead to outcomes. This

natural law of human existence cannot be broken. It
cannot be circumvented, and it cannot be cheated. The
quality of the outcomes you create is directly dependent on
your thoughts and your actions.

This may seem obvious, but many people act as if it is not.

Many behave as if action is not required.

While it may seem self-evident that action is necessary,

there is no shortage of courses, programs, books and
expensive seminars promising results without effort or
gains without risk.

Despite how obvious it seems that we need to take action

to get results, many people easily fall prey to the idea of
getting the goods without taking any risks.

There are fewer places where this is truer that in "new age"
thinking, or ideas about manifesting, or anything to do with
the Law of Attraction.

However, as you may well know, any program that

promises results without any action, without risk is simply
not possible.

Yet if you take a look on Amazon or any bookstore in the

George Hutton

weight loss section, you'll see plenty of books that promise

weight loss without effort.

If you read any financial blogs or read any investment

newsletters, you'll see plenty of advertisements for robots
and software that seemingly guarantee instant riches and
rewards without risk of failure.

Why are people so willing to buy products that promise

reward without risk? Why are people so willing to part with
their money in hopes of getting results without effort?

Are people hopelessly lazy? Or are people hopelessly


In this course, you'll learn precisely why those two

concerns will not be an issue. You'll learn why taking
action, right action towards goals you choose, is the most
invigorating thing you can ever do. You'll never feel more
alive than when taking action toward an end that you've
chosen, and seeing the feedback along the way which tells
you you are getting closer and closer.

You'll also learn why there's no reason to be afraid, since

any feedback is great feedback.

You'll learn that those two motivating factors, fear and

laziness, are false ideas that keep people searching for
magical solutions.

Understanding that, on a deep level, will open up the most

powerful magic ever created.

George Hutton

The true miracle of human life is creation.

And in this course, you'll learn how Right Thinking and right
action, guided by feedback, WILL lead you to anything you

And NOTHING is more magical than that.

George Hutton

This course concerns the process of creation. The method

by which you can take an idea, a thought, a desire, and
turn it into something you have. Something you can
physically hold in your hand, or experience in some other

Once upon a time, there was nothing on planet Earth but

raw materials. Animals, plants, and people. Then people
learned to take from their environment, and combine the
raw materials together in a new and unique way.

They necessarily created things that had never been

created before. They had a thought, they took action, and
their thoughts became things.

This is the crucial process that exists before all wealth.

Thoughts lead to actions, actions leads to things.

The ancients always spoke of magical ways to turn lead

into gold. This process of alchemy, the metaphysical
precursor to modern chemistry, had at its driving force of
creating something from nothing.

This course is nothing like that. And everything like that.

The Law of Attraction is at the same time the most

promising idea ever created, and the greatest scam ever
conjured up by snake oil salesmen and carnival hucksters.

Let's explore two sides of that coin.

George Hutton

When humans are born into this world, we are helpless.

Over the course of evolution, our brains kept getting bigger
and bigger. Pretty soon our heads were so big, that a fully
formed human, with a fully formed human head could
simply not be birthed by a normal woman.

For a woman to birth a fully functioning human, she would

have hips too big and wide to be able to walk.

So Mother Nature, being the clever girl she is, had us borne
much, much earlier than other mammals.

Compared to other mammals, the percent of time we are

dependent on adults for our survival is much, much longer.

Birds can fly in a few days, or weeks. Baby horses can

walk, and even trot, hours after birth. Fish can swim right
away. All we can do is lay there, poop our pants, and cry.
For a long time.

We can walk in several months, talk a little bit later, and

then use the toilet on our own even later than that.

But it's a long, long time before we could survive

completely on our own. In the days of hunters and
gatherers, for which our bodies and minds were designed,
we didn't participate in the hunt until our mid teen years.

The average life span was 40 years or so, and we couldn't

really function as adults in our communities until we were
14 or 15. That means for fully 35% of our lives, we were
dependent on others for our survival.
George Hutton

Naturally, this creates a very strong frame through which

we saw the world.

In hunter gatherer societies, they recognized that going

out hunting with a "childhood" mindset was dangerous. So
they literally forced boys to become men through various
initiation ceremonies and customs. Females were forced
from girlhood to womanhood when they bore children.

Today, however, we have no ceremonies. We have no

initiations. Which means it's very easy to carry that
childhood mindset with us in our adult lives.

Why is this important?

Let's look at the thoughts into things process as a child.

A child is hungry. This first arises as a feeling of need. An

instinct that needs to be fulfilled. The child cries out. Sure
enough, that need is fulfilled.

A child is lonely. This first arises as a feeling of need. An

instinct to be held, to be comforted. The child cries out.
Sure enough, that need is fulfilled.

The model of thoughts into things as a child is this:

Thought leads to action, which leads to fulfillment.

Thoughts to actions to things.

Let's look at the thoughts into things process as an adult.

George Hutton

A man is hungry. He's sitting on his couch, watching TV. He

sees a commercial for a steak. He drives to the store, buys
a steak, drives home, and cooks it.

He was hungry. He took action. He fulfilled his want.

A woman is lonely. She imagines having a boyfriend. She

calls two of her friends, they go to a club. They talk to
several people, and exchange numbers with some
attractive men. Eventually, she has a boyfriend.

She was lonely. She took action. She fulfilled her want.

George Hutton

The process is the same. Thoughts lead to actions, which

lead to things.

Only in children, the action is simple. A "crying out" for a

want to be fulfilled. And that fulfillment is based on
"receiving" from a higher power. A parent or other adult
who's responsible for taking care of them.

Unfortunately, a lot of us still carry that model with us

today. We feel all we need to do is "cry out," and some kind
of "higher power" will fulfill our need. We speak of being
open to "receive" from this "higher power" and all will be

The problem is that few people will act as your "higher

power." Few will spontaneously and magically give you
what you want. You and your parents (or the adults that
took care of you) had a special relationship.

To complicate things, everything you could want, as a

child, you got. As children, all we know is about food,
affection, sleep and other similar things. There were rarely
any instances in the first one or two years in our lives
where we didn't get every single thing we wanted.

This sets a bad precedent if you can't differentiate between

the adult model of the world, and the childhood model of
the world.

If you act as if all you need to do is cry out, and wait for a

George Hutton

higher power to deliver, you may be waiting a long time.

As adults, we are in need of much more things that are

much more complicated. And there is little chance anybody
will be volunteer to be our "higher power."

Now, before you get angry and ask for a refund, let's
consider the adult model of the world.

An adult does the very same thing. She has a desire. She
takes action, and she eventually receives the desire.

As a child, all you needed to do was to cry out long enough,

and got your desire fulfilled.

As an adult, all you need to do is take action long enough,

and you WILL get your desire fulfilled.

When you were a child, your desire was fulfilled by your

"higher power" or the adults responsible for taking care of

But as an adult, when you consistently take action, who

fulfills your desire?

It has to come from somewhere, it has to be made by

somebody, it has to originate from some location, and it
has to be made from raw materials that were taken from
the Earth in raw form at some point in time.

In a sense, this is a much, higher, "higher power." You

might consider this the "collective unconscious" or the
"super-conscious" of the planet. The vast network of
George Hutton

BILLIONS of people all interacting to get their desires met.

Progress of Humanity

When humans started out on this planet, there weren't

that many of us, and there wasn't that much stuff.

Now there are BILLIONS of us, and we have too much

wealth to even comprehend. Not too long ago, compared
to the time humans have been alive, money didn't even
exist. Now there's TRILLIONS of dollars worth of
currencies being traded on a daily basis on the currency
exchange markets, or FOREX.

Where did it all come from?

Thoughts turned into actions, which turned into things.

This is hard wired into your DNA. It is part of who you are.
In fact, it is hard to NOT turn thoughts into things.

But instead of using your natural Mental Alchemy process

of turning thoughts into things in a haphazard and random
way, as most people do, you are going to learn to
RESONATE with your environment, the vast collective, the
REAL higher power, to make your own Mental Alchemy
process much more efficient, and much more powerful.

The secret is combing the natural processes of your

subconscious, your conscious and the super conscious all
together in a powerfully symbiotic way that will
consistently deliver to you exactly what you want.

George Hutton

This requires, trust, action, risk and belief in yourself.

The good news is that these are qualities you already

possess. You wouldn't be reading this now if it wasn't true.

The truth about human action, any human action, requires

all three of these.

Since we can never predict the future with a hundred

percent accuracy, everything we do will require a little bit
of risk.

No matter what action we take, it all follows the same

process. We have an idea in our minds of what we'd like to
create. We imagine that idea in our minds, and we imagine
what it would take to get it.

Then we estimate the benefit of that outcome, and

compare that to what it will take to get there.

If we think we'll be better off by a larger amount than the

action required, we'll take action.

Every single action you've ever taken requires three


Trust in your abilities, a belief that you will achieve the

desired outcome, and the risk that is necessary in all

So if you already possess the qualities, what's the

problem? Why aren't you already filthy rich surrounded by
gorgeous people in your dream home by the beach?
George Hutton

The truth is that very few things that exist are really what
we think they are. The very structure of matter is still not
completely understood by scientists. The world is filled
with complex systems and interdependent variables that
are always changing.

In order to take action, you've got to have an

understanding of your reality.

Imagine that you were at a house of a friend of a friend,

whom you havent met yet. For some reason, you were left
alone in the house for a while. Maybe there was an
emergency or something. The house was very nice, very
expensive, and filled with priceless antiques. You haven't
met the owner yet, and there you are. Suddenly, you need
to use the restroom. You've got an idea of what you want,
you've got an idea of how to satisfy that want, but you
might not take action.

You are in a strange house, of somebody you've never met.

Part of you knows there's GOT to be a bathroom
somewhere, but the nature of the house, and the nature of
the owner keeps you stuck right there on the couch until
you get more information.

Because of your unfamiliarity with the situation, and your

own response to that unfamiliarity, you don't take action.

Now, consider another situation. You are also in a new

house, one you've never been in before, but instead of a
stranger's house, this belongs to your friend. Not just any
friend, your best friend.
George Hutton

And for some reason, you are alone. He or she had to leave
abruptly before you had the tour, or even before they said,
"Make yourself at home."

So what do you do? In this situation, you'd hunt around for

the bathroom. You'd still have the same level of
uncertainty about your reality, but your response to that
uncertainty is completely different in this case.

In the first case, you decided that looking around in a

strange house was a bad idea, so you didn't do it.

In the second case, you decided that looking around in a

strange house was a good idea, so you did do it.

Correctly understanding and interpreting your reality is

crucial to being able to take right action that WILL get you
what you want.

George Hutton

Even something as simple as a weather system is hard to

predict with repeatability and accuracy.

Performing a simple act of walking down the street, we are

bombarded by hundreds of thousands of interactions
between matter, energy, people, emotions and various
forms of communication, verbal and nonverbal, conscious
and unconscious.

What we think is going on around us is only a tiny sliver

within a tiny sliver of what's really happening.

Not only that, but we are perceiving everything through

our own filters, biases, and expectations.

If somebody were walking right next to us, at the same

speed, and looking at the same things at the same time,
they would have a completely different representation of
what was really going on.

When we say we need to "open up to receive" what that

really means is we need to more fully understand what is
going on around us.

Understanding the depth of the reality that is around us at

every single second of our lives is the first step.

The three stages of manifesting, as described above, is

thinking, acting and creating. Some schools of thought
hold that there are really four stage of creation, including

George Hutton

the addition of feedback, however since feedback is

inextricably tied in to action as well as thinking, it's difficult
to imagine feedback without any of the other steps.

In fact, feedback is a crucial element in all three steps, and

it will be addressed in detail within each section.

For example, when we think, it's impossible to think

without taking our previous results into consideration.
Even deeper, we can't think at all unless we first act and
get a result. Otherwise, we wouldn't have any idea what to
think about.

When we act, we are always comparing our imagined

outcome vs. what we are actually experiencing, which is
the ever present feedback. We see somebody across the
room, we imagine going and talking to them, and getting a
positive outcome.

We stand up and start walking, and simply the process of

walking over there is feedback. They notice us walking
toward them, and then they shift in their own thinking to
include us and our potential interactions.

Creation, the outcome itself, is merely a feedback from our

environment which we intended in the first place. One
might consider that all feedback is in actuality creation, or
manifesting, as no matter how we act upon our
environment, we will always be creating some kind of

As we'll soon see, while we can separate the stages of

creation into three separate categories, they are forever
George Hutton

intertwined and interdependent. Talking about them

separately does not indicate that they exist separately.
Rather it will help us to understand them by looking at
them separately.


Thinking is preparation. Lower animals rely on instincts

which don't allow for imaginations about the future.
Humans, on the other hand, can create fantastic ideas and
thoughts and then apply them to the real world. We do
have instincts, and these instincts are very powerful. If
you've ever tried to go on a diet and failed, or tried to resist
certain sexual urges and came up short, this was simply a
contest of your conscious, rational mind vs. your powerful

Thinking allows us to respond thoughtfully to our

environment, and even to imagine separate responses
based on several different situations.

Imagine an advanced chess player who ponders three or

four moves, and then three or four counter moves to those
moves. This is action taking place in the mind, before it
takes place. Thinking is the place in the mind when we
"practice" doing what we'd like to do, imagine an outcome,
and then see how that expected outcome compares to our


Action is when the thought moves us to motion. We move

in the direction of our outcome. Based on the feedback we

George Hutton

are getting we either continue doing what we were doing,

or we change course. Sometimes we get feedback that is
completely opposite of what we were hoping for.
Sometimes the feedback is unnoticeable. Sometimes the
feedback is better than we expected.


Manifesting, or creating, is simply when our continued

feedback morphs into our desired outcome.

Sometimes there is a clear path between our actions, the

feedback, and our outcome. Losing weight, exercising,
saving up money in the bank, these are actions that are
clearly measurable throughout time, and we can see
ourselves getting closer and closer.

Other times the outcome, our creation of our intention,

comes completely unexpected. We have an outcome, we
take action, we get sidetracked, but the actions we've
taken lead to consequences. These consequences lead to
other consequences out in the "collective unconscious."
While we were sidetracked, maybe having given up, maybe
trying something else, our actions and the feedback our
actions have spawned have taken on a life of their own.

This is when it seems like magic. When it seems like our

outcome has come straight of the blue.

But if we were to look back at all the events that led to us

"receiving" our outcome, it would be clear that it was
initiated by our own action in some way.

George Hutton

There are two very crucial things to understand at this


One is that we will very rarely be in complete

understanding and awareness of the path between our
initial desire, and its first action, and the final product, or
our creation.

We take action, and even something simple like losing

weight will require many complicated actions of biology,
metabolism, sleep, water intake, etc.

This how hypnosis for weight loss can seem magical. Let's
say you have a certain craving for certain foods that put on
the pounds. You go through your hypnosis sessions, and
remove those cravings. But after the hypnosis sessions,
you still feel "normal." That's how hypnosis works. You
rearrange your "procedures" at an unconscious level, so
the "new" you feels normal, just like the "old" you.

So you carry on, only now you have lost the cravings for
those foods. You naturally eat much healthier foods,
without really knowing it or consciously trying. A few
months have passed, and you are a ten or twenty pounds
lighter, as if by magic!

The first understanding is that the path between where you

are, and where you want to be, will most likely not be
understood completely. But since we live in a physical
world with physical laws, there HAS to be a chain (albeit
too long to comprehend) of cause and effect relationships.

George Hutton

The second major thing to understand is that our conscious

minds are very limited in understanding and calculating the
options around us.

We may look out into the world, and see nothing that can
seemingly help us move toward our goals. Yet our
unconscious sees many opportunities. And when our
unconscious "decides" to act toward those opportunities,
we'll just get a "feeling" that we are doing something for a
reason we don't really understand.

Since our unconscious can only communicate to us in

"feelings" and since most of these "feelings" or intuitions
are fairly vague, it will rarely feel as if we are operating in
a clear direction.

For example, you may go out with your friends with the
specific intention of meeting members of the opposite sex.
You get dressed up, meet in a "pre-game" bar in the
neighborhood, and then go to a larger place where people
go to meet.

You try consciously for an hour, and then you "decide" to

"give up." Since you've given up, you relax, and start
enjoying the companionship of your friends. You decide to
go somewhere else, where people aren't "trying so hard" to
meet each other.

So you go somewhere else, with no expectations, and you

surprisingly meet somebody. Was this a "chance"
meeting? Or was your subconscious continuing on the
quest to fulfill your intention, only to do so it had to get
your conscious mind out of the way?
George Hutton

Did you "decide" to go to that particular place on your own,

or did you get a certain "feeling" that it would be a "good
idea" to check it out?

Let's review the two things to always keep in mind when

endeavoring to create anything.

One is that the path between initial action, and the final
creation, will rarely be completely understood by you.

Two is that your subconscious will play a large part in the

process, and often times you may very well be doing
something toward your goal, driven by your subconscious,
while your conscious mind may think you have "given up."

The difference between a life of consistent creation and one

of lack is how well you set your goals in the first place, and
how well you allow your subconscious to keep after them.
We'll discuss each of these steps, and more, in the next

George Hutton

Why do we think? As mentioned previously, thinking gives

us the ability to mentally practice our actions before we do
them, so we can "try on" the potential outcomes. One thing
about being human is we are never satisfied. Our entire
lives are spent trying to improve ourselves, even if it's just

Even as you're reading this, your body is going through a

process of conscious and unconscious action, all of which to
achieve a specific goal.

As soon as you inhale, the transfer of oxygen and carbon

dioxide is complete, and you exhale. But then your build up
more carbon dioxide, and need more oxygen, so you

You also are constantly shifting and moving, changing

positions to increase your comfort. Then there are the
actions that are more conscious, like opening a medicine
bottle with a child safety proof lid, or writing out a letter
long hand.

If left to its own devices, our brains will drift toward

negative thinking. This was crucial for our survival when
we lived in small bands in a very harsh environment.

It's hard to imagine what life was like back then, as modern
society affords a variety of comforts that can easily lull us
into a sense of security.

Imagine having to hunt for or otherwise find your food on a

George Hutton

daily basis. Imagine always being on the lookout for

predators or competing tribes of other humans. If
somebody back in those days always was thinking positive
as their natural state, they wouldn't have lasted very long,
and wouldn't have passed on that "think positive" gene to
any offspring.

But the structure of thinking is the same. They thought

negative thoughts regularly because it helped them to
avoid danger.

As modern humans we have developed more conscious or

aware thinking, but are instincts are still there, and are still
very powerful.

All of our intended creations will have to involve in some

way our basic instincts for survival, or our ego. Many have
been taught that our ego can be ignored, or removed, or
"released," but as we'll soon see, this is not as easy as it
may seem.

Deep Thinking - The Ego

Our ego represents that part of our instincts dealing with

social safety, and our social status. This is going to be there
regardless of whether we like it or not.

Long ago, before societies were larger than a few hundred

nomadic people, our social status was very closely linked
to our survival. This tendency goes back even further than
humans existed, as the same behavior is seen in primates,
and other animals.

George Hutton

The simple truth is that those higher the social ladder had
more access to food, and more access to sexual

You can think of each generation of each species like a

contest, to see who could gain the most social status.

Those that "won," those that were able to achieve high

levels of social status in any particular generation passed
on their particular genes to the next generation.

Each generation was largely populated by the "social

status winners" from the previous generation, and the
process continued.

Our ego is simply a collection of instincts that make us very

susceptible to social opinions and our social status, either
real or perceived.

Consider another instinct, one that we are all familiar with.

The desire to eat food, or overeat food as the case may be.

If you've ever gone on a diet only to give up after a week or

two, you know how hard it is to ignore your desire for

It's just as difficult to ignore your ego. It's always there,

just like your hunger will always be there. You can no more
"release" your ego than you can "release" your hunger.

One way that many people find helpful to lose weight is to

accept and manage their hunger. There are many
strategies and tricks that make it easier.
George Hutton

One is to give yourself one "cheating day" per week.

Another is to be very careful when and where you go
shopping. Another is to make sure you always drink plenty
of water and fill up on low calorie, fibrous food before going
parties or other social gatherings.

Similarly, there are plenty of ways to "manage" your ego,

which we'll go over in the next section. At this point, it's
simply important to accept your ego for what it is. A
collection of instincts, just like hunger, that were helpful in
the days of hunters and gatherers, but not so helpful any

Mid-Level Thinking - Subconscious Programming

Long ago, Mother Nature had a choice to make. Humans

were evolving faster and faster, and our brains were
rapidly growing in size. Our heads were getting so big that
it was becoming impossible for us to be borne as developed
as other mammals when they are born.

Compared to other mammas, humans spend a great deal

of our lives in our youth. Think of a baby calf or any other
four legged mammal. They can walk within a few days or
even hours. Humans, on the other hand, can't walk for a
year or so. Even then we are clumsy, bump into things, and
don't really become proficient in simple walking and
running until we are three or so.

Our brains are the same way. When we are born, our
brains are almost like open books. On top of our massive
amounts of instincts, we also have massive amounts of

George Hutton

learning capacity. Not just conscious learning, but

unconscious learning as well.

For example, anybody who grows up in a poor household

will likely have a belief that money is difficult, or money is
evil, or something similar. If you are intending to create
money, then this belief can get into the way, just as much
as your instincts to eat can get in the way of your desire to
create a slim and healthy body.

Other subconscious level thinking can be picked up as

adults. If your first girlfriend or boyfriend had red hair, for
example, and was particularly cruel to you when you broke
up, then you might get a deep, negative feeling in your gut
whenever you see an attractive red head.

I remember in school I was terrified of public speaking.

Whenever I had a book report or some other presentation
coming up, I would always get a deep, vague feeling of
dread in my gut whenever I would see somebody giving a
speech on TV.

These two levels, deep, instinctive thinking and

subconscious thinking that is programmed in from our
childhood can be very powerful when combined together,
in both directions.

In Newport Beach, California, there is a beach called "The

Wedge." The waves come in at about a 45 degree angle,
and bounce off the jetty next to the beach. Then the waves
that have "bounced off" the jetty combine with the fresh
"un-bounced" waves that are coming in, and swell up twice
as fast, and twice as high as normal waves in other areas.
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They also crash twice as fast, and twice as hard. Because

they swell up twice as high, they absorb almost all the
water, so when they do crash, it's very shallow. It's not
uncommon for people to suffer serious injuries because
they aren't familiar with the area.

Similarly, if our instincts combine with our subconscious

programming in a negative way, it can be devastating.

One of the deepest fears on an ego level is being kicked out

of the tribe completely. Meaning your social status drops so
low that you are rejected completely by your peers, and
must fend for yourself.

This fear kept people from acting out against other tribe
members in the past, and actually supported cohesion
amongst tribal members.

But getting "kicked out" today doesn't hold nearly as much

potential damage. People get fired from jobs all the time
and still live full and productive lives.

When this is combined by a subconsciously programmed

fear of rejection, which often develops in childhood, this
double-whammy can make it exceedingly difficult to take
the risks necessary to create a life of abundance.

Often times it is this wicked combination of instinctive fear

of rejection and a subconsciously programmed fear of
rejection that gets people involved in various money
making scams that "require no selling," or anything that
sounds like you can make money without even trying.
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Often misunderstood is the "make money while you sleep"

desire that usually goes with Internet Marketing. It's not
that people are lazy; it's that if people were making money
as they slept, they never need to face any kind of rejection.

Unless these two levels of thinking are understood,

addressed, and "managed," it will be very difficult to move
forward with creation.

Surface Structure Thinking

The last level of thinking is our conscious minds. That

which we know we are thinking. Even this type of thinking
is largely like an iceberg. For most thoughts that seem to
be conscious, there's a whole lot more going on beneath
the surface at the same time.

The more closely our conscious is connected to "social"

ideas, like relationships and sex, or "survival" ideas, like
money, income, dwellings, etc., the more stuff they'll be
below the surface.

The more "cerebral" our conscious thinking is, or the more

abstract it is, the less unconscious involvement there will
be. Higher mathematics, scientific subjects or abstract
concepts like philosophy tend to trigger less subconscious
or instinctive involvement.

This is also why stereotypical "scientists" are also believed

to be "socially awkward."

Consider a typical case where all three levels of thinking

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are incongruent.

You see a very interesting, and very attractive person

across the room. Your sexual instincts are screaming for
you to go walk over and talk to them. At the same time,
your social safety instincts are screaming for you to stay
right where you are. Your subconscious programming is
remembering several times where you had pleasant
interactions with the opposite sex, and begins screaming
for you to go over and talk to him or her. At the same time,
your subconscious recalls all the times where you were
rejected, either by your father or your mother (depending
on the sex of your "target") and screams for you to stay

Your conscious mind is busy thinking of a reason, or

something to say that would make rejection less likely. You
might be trying to remember what that perfect "pick up
line" was that you read on the Internet.

If you DO walk over and talk to them, you'll feel nervous. If

you DON'T walk over and talk to them, you'll likely feel
another negative feeling.

As you can see, all three levels of thinking can pull you in
six different directions at once.

This is why creation is often times so difficult. Unless we

are completely congruent, on all levels, we are likely to fall

Now let's consider a situation when EVERY part of you is

congruent and on board.
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You're at home, and you're hungry. Your instincts are fully

screaming at you to eat something. Your subconscious
programming is remembering all the times you ate, and
you felt good, so it's also screaming at you to eat

You happen to be on one of those diets where you allow

one day a week of cheating. You've been on the diet for a
few months, and have lost a few pounds. You feel good
about your progress, and you head to the fridge, fully
prepared to eat something delicious.

Youre conscious mind is congruent, because it's a cheating

day. Your subconscious is congruent, because it
remembers all the "reward" eating you've done in the past,
and also feels good.

Your instincts are also congruent and on board.

Consequently, when you open the fridge and see the food,
you are one hundred percent congruent. No part of you is
screaming to stop, and all parts of you are screaming, "Full
Speed Ahead!"

In situations where you are incongruent, youll feel a whole

range of conflicting emotions, and no matter WHAT you do,
part of you is going to feel resistance.

But when you are fully congruent, you can enjoy taking
action, and enjoy what you are creating.

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Thinking is the internal world. The world of practice,

review, formulation, and comparison. Creation is the final
process, the receiving of that which was desired. The
intermediary step is action.

Without action there can be no creation. Without action, all

thinking is only hoping and dreaming. (Like Captain Pike
from the original Star Trek.) Without action, we are
doomed to receive only what others deem appropriate.

Speaking is acting. Expressing your desires is acting.

Remember, this three part process is built into our brains,
our DNA, and is how we created everything since the day
we were born. We were lonely; we had a bad feeling in our
mind, so we cried out. Our mothers hopefully came and
picked us up. The internal feeling lead to an action, which
led to us to getting what we wanted.

Whether you want to know the time from a stranger on the

street, or whether you are creating a massive fortune to
eclipse all previous fortunes, the structure is the same.

Thinking leads to action, action leads to outcome.

In this section, we'll be talking about the general aspects

and understandings of all action.

Now, as we've mentioned before and as we'll continually

refer to, this "three part process" is merely a metaphor. It
is very difficult to think without acting, and act without

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thinking or act without creating some kind of outcome.

Even if you are laying there in a coma, you are acting. Your
cells are processing energy, you are breathing (aided or
not) and merely being alive, your body is going through
certain processes.

As a conscious adult, your actions are always spurred by

thinking at any of the three levels we talked about earlier,
instincts, subconscious and conscious.

Acting Is For a Purpose

Whenever we act, it's to fulfill a purpose. We want

something, on some level, and we think, on some level,
that our action is going to move us closer to our goal.

It will help us to look at each category of action in the same

categories of thinking. Namely, instinctive, subconscious,
and conscious.

Instinctive Acts

Instinctive acts are those we have very little control over.

Jumping back from fear when we see a tiger or a snake.
Pulling our hands away from a hot or sharp object. Our
pupils dilating when we see an attractive member of the
opposite sex. Our heart rates increasing when we are

These are mainly to fulfill our most basic human needs.

Safety and survival. As these instinctive actions are based
on our long evolutionary history, many of them are
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common with other mammals and predate our


We don't need to think, and we don't need to learn.

Instinctive based actions are built into our brains from the

Mostly negative, there are some positives. It's been

theorized that one of the reasons we like flowers so much is
that the bright colors were an indication of fruit, and water,
two things that were necessary for our early survival.

Imagine walking across a desolate landscape, coming over

one hill after another and seeing nothing. Then off in the
distance, we see some plants with bright red and orange
flowers. This was generally a good sign, as water or other
sources of nutrition were nearby.

Consequently, our brains had these "filters" built in to help

us always scan the environment, and see brightly colored
flowers or other bright colors.

If a baby were to be born in a very drab environment, they

would still be drawn to bright flowers; even they have
never seen them before. It is not something that would
need to be learned.

As we'll learn later on, becoming congruent with your

predisposed, instinctive actions, either positive, or
negative, will make things much easier.

When I was younger, my friend and I decided to go on a

bicycle ride. After a few miles, my friend was exhausted,
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but I felt pretty good. Both of us were perplexed, as we

were both very active, and our health and fitness was
about the same level.

When we checked his bike, we discovered his rear brakes

were always on, meaning that he was having a much
harder time pedaling. Once we released his brakes, he said
it felt like he was suddenly riding downhill.

This is what happens when you are acting incongruently

with your instinctive nature. (Also with your
subconsciously programmed tendencies). You'll be moving
forward, but you'll feel as if something is holding you back.

Once you release the brakes, you'll feel like you're coasting

Subconscious Actions

Subconscious acts are much more subtle, but just as

powerful. If your first love was a red head, you might turn
your head unconsciously when an attractive red head
walks past, while your friends scarcely notice her.

As with our thinking, our subconscious actions, unless

specifically programmed, will usually be protective in

If you had a very bad experience in school, for example,

you may get a strong feeling of anxiety in your stomach
when watching a TV program involving a scary teacher. If
you have deep negative beliefs about money, you may
avoid going to the ATM, or you may avoid opening up
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letters that come unexpectedly from your bank.

If you happen to have had a particularly bad experience

with a certain type of alcohol, merely the name may cause
you to feel queasy.

When I was in college, my friends and I went to Mexico for

spring break. We drank quite a bit of tequila, and to this
day if I smell tequila, or even see people doing tequila
shots on TV, I have to turn my head, otherwise I feel like I
might vomit! (Even writing this is making me gag!)

Notice that subconscious actions, which were

automatically programmed to keep us safe, usually KEEP
US from doing things, rather than propel us to do certain

As we'll learn later on, the hallmark of consistent and

effortless creation is to program your subconscious to
MOVE TOWARD that which you want, rather than AWAY
FROM that which you don't want.

Again, the difference will be subtle. When I see somebody

drinking tequila, I suddenly get a queasy feeling in my
stomach, and I immediately think of something else. I
usually don't consciously remember my university days,
nor do I consciously associate that queasy feeling with the

The problem comes when we expect our subconscious to

give us a clear and linear set of steps or actions to get what
we want.

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Consider the chess analogy. The chess player imagines

every move, and then every counter move for that
particular move, and then every potential move to that
counter move. Pretty soon he or she's looking at several
hundred potential moves.

Our subconscious minds are much, much more powerful

than the conscious mind of the very best chess player.

We may get a feeling to "move toward" something, but if

we expect it to be obvious why we are moving toward that,
we may not take action.

This is why negative subconscious programming is much,

much more powerful and effective than positive
subconscious programming.

That negative feeling doesn't require us to understand, or

argue, it just spurs us to move away. We don't wonder
WHY we feel scared about that letter from the bank; we
just stick the letter where we won't see it.

We won't wonder WHY we feel uneasy when we see that

teacher on TV, we just change the channel.

On the other hand, if you've been programming your

subconscious to look for opportunities to make money, you
may feel a subtle, "positive feeling" to walk inside a
particular shop. If you stop and question why, or try and
understand why, you won't likely take action, which means
you'll miss out on whatever is inside that your
subconscious wants you to see.

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We'll be going over some specific strategies and self

programming techniques later on, but at this point, it's
important to understand that action which is spurred by
subconscious programming, rather than instinctive
programming, is very subtle, and requires faith if it's in a
positive direction.

It's very important to understand as much of your

subconscious programming as you can, as achieving
subconscious congruence will really make things seem as if
they are happening by magic.

Whenever somebody uses some kind of Law of Attraction

procedure, and they report miraculous results, it is simply
because their subconscious programming was completely
congruent with their conscious wishes.

When this happens, things will happen without any

seeming effort on your part.

Often times, we'll have "those days" when everything just

"clicks." All the lights are green, everybody says yes, and
all the parking spaces are close to the front.

When your subconscious is fully congruent with what

you're creating, everything will seem like that.

However, most of us are always acting incongruently. Part

of us wants to move forward, while another part of us
wants to stay back. Part of us is excited, which is pushing
us forward, while other parts of us are nervous, and trying
to keep us back.

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We'll learn a very powerful technique in the Appendix on

how to get all of your subconscious parts in congruence, so
acting toward your goals will be much easier and much
more natural.

Conscious Action

In the story of human history, conscious action is a very

recent development. Up until about 50,000 years ago,
(compared to about two million years ago when
pre-historic humans and chimpanzees split from our
common ancestors) we were driven largely by instincts. As
our brains grew more and more, and required learning, we
became driven by instincts and subconscious

Once language was invented, that all changed. We could

now think of something consciously, and then plan the
actions required to make it happen.

As societies became larger and larger, we began to copy

ideas from each other. We saw a tribe member tie a rock to
the end of a stick. We thought about that for a couple days,
and then we happened across a rock that was a lot
slimmer, and had a much sharper point.

We took that rock, that we saw on the ground, and

substituted it, in our minds, within the memory of seeing
our tribe member create the spear with the rock tip.

We created a new spear, with a new tip. Something nobody

had ever seen before. Somebody saw us do that, and then
the same process repeated itself.

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Pretty soon, the whole tribe was equipped with much more
efficient spears that could more safely kill much larger

Ideas mixed with imagination mixed with observable

elements in the world around us.

The same process continued for hunting methods, making

of clothing, even discussions and storytelling.

Once humans acquired the ability to create imaginary

ideas based on what they'd seen, and then try out those
imaginary ideas, the amount of creation exploded.

Conscious thought spurred conscious action which created

real things in the real world. These real things then led to
even more complicated thoughts, which lead to actions,
which lead to more complicated process.

At the same time, this process seems mundane, normal,

and obvious. But is also incredibly magical and awe

Once upon a time, there was nothing on Earth. No life. Just

raw elements. Then somehow, life was created. Then this
life evolved, and started interacting with each other, to
create even more complicated life.

Soon this life was capable of thought, of imagination, and

creation. This self-fulfilling loop is the source of all wealth
on Earth. All stories, all medicine, all restaurants, all love
and compassion.
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In the next section, we'll take a look at creation, the

outcome of our thinking and our actions.

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The third part of the process is the outcome. Things. The

physical. However, unlike thinking and acting, things, or
physical elements, are not necessarily part of the process.
It's difficult to think without involving action of some sort.
At the very least you'll affect your heart rate, breathing
rate, perspiration rate when thinking.

When acting, it will necessarily impact your thinking. As

you move through your environment, your sensing organs
are always collecting data, and this feedback loop will
necessarily change your thinking on some level.

But the outcome, the thing which you create, can exist all
on its own. In fact, everything that we create in our
lifetimes, everything that humans will create and have
created during our time on Earth, is made from things, raw
materials, elements that were here before we were. Before
any life was.

And chances are, anything that we create in our life, any

physical element will be here long after we're gone, either
in the form we've created, or in some other form it will

The ability to interact with our world and create things that
we can later use is something very uniquely human.

Lower animals do use basic tools to some extent, and some

animals take things from their environment and create
things, but humans have the unique ability to imagine

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something completely different than what's right in front of


A memory from our childhood may pop up when we least

expect it, and suddenly with a flash of insight, we've got a
great idea for a product, service, piece of art, or otherwise
useful concept.

As in the previous two sections, the things we create are on

three different levels. Instinctive, subconscious and

Instinctive Creation

The genes we have within us, the recipe for our physical
bodies, is referred to as our genotype. Our physical
representation is an outward manifestation of our inner
genotype. Our genotype is also responsible for the makeup
of our brains, which of course, represents our thinking.

In order to create our physical presence, our genotype

directs our behavior on an instinctive level, to eat and stay
safe. Then it operates on the material, or food we take in,
and transforms it into ourselves.

On a very deep level, we are a self-sustaining creation that

is continuously re-created by itself. The genes that create
our bodies, that drive our instinctive behaviors to eat and
transform that food into muscles, bones, blood, and brain
matter, are always driving us.

The genotype is the collection of the genes which produce

our outward behavior. The genes responsible for our eye

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color, our height, sounds of our voice, etc., are our


Closely related is our phenotype. The genotype is the

collection of genes, and the phenotype is the outcome.

The genotype, for example, contains the genes that are

responsible for our eye color. The phenotype is our actual
eye color. The outward expression of our genes.

Our physical bodies are an outcome of creation that we

have programmed within us. We are the creators, and we
are also the created. We are the instinctive thought, and
we are the instinctive creation of ourselves.

There's a theory in biology called the "Extended

Phenotype," and was proposed by Richard Dawkins in the
book of the same name.

This theory suggests that some genes, in some organisms

lead to the creation of not the organism itself, but the tools
that it creates and uses.

For example, all beavers build dams. They are instinctively

programmed to do so. Now, who is responsible for the
dams? Clearly the beavers are. But do they know what
they are doing? Do they need to learn how to create a dam,
or do they come preprogrammed with the skills and
behaviors to do so?

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Dawkins explained it this way:

"An animal's behavior tends to maximize the survival of the

genes for that behavior, whether or not the genes happen
to be in the body of the animal performing it."

Without getting too complicated, there are some genes,

often times in parasites, which create certain behaviors of
the host animal that benefits the parasite, rather than the
host animal.

Malaria is a good example. Mosquitos carry malaria, but

the mosquitos that are carrying the malaria parasite are
much more attracted to human odor, which is beneficial for
the malaria parasite, but usually not for the mosquito, as
mosquitos tend to have a higher chance of being squished
if they bite somebody.

The crucial thing to understand is that there is a genetic

and instinctive level to creation, just as there is instinctive
thinking, and instinctive acting.

Subconscious Creation

Anything that we create that is not instinctive, but is not

quite at the conscious level is subconsciously generated

However, often times there's not an easy boundary

between subconscious creation, and instinctive creation.

For example, many people are overweight. Eating is

instinctive, but overeating is usually driven by

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subconscious feelings of some sort. The creation, the extra

spare tire is definitely a physical creation, but was it
instinctively created? Or was it subconscious? Sitting in
front of the TV, hypnotized and not paying attention to the
amount of ice cream you've already eaten?

The truth is that much of our lives are filled with outcomes
that are subconsciously created. The clothes we wear, the
friends we hang out with, the jobs we have, the income
levels we enjoy (or don't enjoy) are largely an outcome of
unconscious processes.

Truth about Conscious Thinking

Before we describe the top level, or conscious creation, we

need to understand a bit more about conscious thinking,
and the role our conscious minds play in our lives.

For a long time, neuroscientists believed the conscious or

logical mind was the driving force in our lives. But recently,
through some unique experiments, it's starting to look like
our conscious minds are more often an "after the fact"
story teller, which we later believe was a cause, when in
reality it was an effect.

For example, it's widely known that social proof is a very

powerful force in human behavior. When we choose to do
something, making the choice to take action is a lot easier
if we feel that there have been many others that have
taken the same action with positive results.

We are much more likely to go to a restaurant that is often

crowded than one where there are rarely any people.

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(Unless you happen to be Yogi Berra: Nobody goes there

anymore, its too crowded!)

If we are thinking about buying a certain item of clothing,

it's usually a much easier choice if that article of clothing is
fairly popular.

Often times, the presence of social proof drives us to

action, and THEN we come up with a conscious reason why
we did what we did.

But at the same time, most of us fiercely believe that we

are in control, and our lives are completely under our own
jurisdiction, not some ancient programming from tens of
thousands of years ago.

Once I went to a local restaurant / bar with a couple of

friends. As we walked into the bar section, I noticed plenty
of signs and flags and adverts for Corona Beer on the walls.

We sat down, ordered, and my friend ordered a Corona.

But what was funny was that he looked at the menu, and
actually took some time to think, at least a couple of
seconds, and his facial expressions clearly showed he was
thinking "consciously" about what to get.

When his Corona arrived, I asked him why he decided on a

Corona. He told me he'd always liked them, and that he
hadn't had one for a while, and that drove his choice.

But then I asked him to look around, and he was

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The truth is that this is the way most of us behave, most of

the time. We are almost always driven unconsciously to
act, and then after the fact we come up with some
conscious "story" that helps us "feel good" about our

In this particular situation, that which my friend created,

his Corona, was a subconsciously driven creation, but he'd
convinced himself it was a conscious creation.

If we aren't careful, we can never get out of the trap of

living in a subconsciously created world that we think is our
conscious choice. This is very dangerous, because if we
think it's our conscious creation, we likely accept it, as well
as any excuses for not getting what we really want.

One of the more popular analogies for this is "Sour

Grapes." We look at something we wish we could get, but
then instead of changing our thinking or behaving on any
level, we simply tell ourselves an excuse why we REALLY
don't want that anyway.

In the example, a gardener who has been unsuccessfully

trying to grow grapes looks into his neighbor's yard to see
some juicy, perfectly purple grapes.

Now, if he were consciously trying to create grapes, he

would maybe go and ask his neighbor how he grew them,
what kinds of seeds he used, how and when he watered
them, etc.

But this would require admitting that he'd failed in his

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latest attempt. This would require that his neighbor is

better than him at doing what he wants to do. This would
require swallowing his pride, and approaching his neighbor
with a humble, open mindset.

It's much easier to play a quick "mind trick" and just say
that those grapes are probably "sour." If they are sour,
then there's no reason to feel envious, or bad about our
own failures.

Conscious Creation

Conscious creation is the most difficult kind of creation

there is. It's also the easiest, when done correctly.

There are two ways it can become difficult.

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Humans are born learners. But we learn most naturally

through trial and error. We learn via our built in feedback
mechanism, which is the underlying thread of all of our
thinking, all of our acting, and all of our creation.

This is much easier when our thinking, acting, and creating

is all done on an unconscious level. A child learning to walk
is a perfect example. The ever present feedback helps the
child get better and better with each try.

As adults, sports are a good example. Once you've decided

upon a goal, like a certain performance level, conscious
thought is not required. You try something, notice what
happened, and then try again, based on this new

If you were to practice serving a tennis ball, for example,

youd take it for granted that you'd need to "practice"
hitting hundreds if not thousands of balls before you got
pretty good.

You accept that "failure" is built in to the process.

It can take years before you become fully proficient in a

sport. Take golf for example. Many people play golf, as a
part time hobby, for their entire adult lives.

Never once do they consider themselves a "failure" if they

don't get the ball in the hole every single time.

Every time they go to the course, they fully accept that

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some shots will be good, and some shots will be not so

good. They spend their entire lives playing, and enjoying,
while never getting close to perfection.

Now, consider something other than sports. Something

like relationships or business. When we try these things,
we tend to expect it to go perfectly or we hope it goes
perfectly the first time.

If we see an attractive member of the opposite sex, for

example, we think of success or failure as if it's a life or
death situation.

But if you talk to them, and they arent interested in you for
whatever reason, are you a failure? Did you even fail? Or
did you just get valuable feedback that will help you next

Or think of starting your own business. If you lose money

for the first year, are you a failure? Or did you just get
valuable feedback that will help you next time?

When creating something magnificent, it's crucial to

understand that you must learn to not only accept failure,
but to expect it, and embrace it. Failure is as crucial to the
creation process as thinking, acting and the eventual

Since the feedback loop is always present, you will always

have failure.

After all, what is a feedback loop other than a mix of small

successes and small failures on the road to your outcome?
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The second crucial mistake that most of us make is to not

trust the unconscious process. Our conscious minds are
incredibly limited, and unless we can see something
spelled out in front of us in easy to understand terms, we
won't understand what's going on.

To make matters worse, all of us are control freaks on

some level. It's very hard for us to simply let go and let
things take their natural course.

For one thing, even though we've kicked off a chain of

events that our unconscious has full confidence will come
back with what we've asked for, because our conscious
minds can't begin to comprehend what's going on, we think
the process has stopped.

The creation process has often been compared to growing

a flower, or baking a cake. You mix the ingredients, or
plant the seed, stand back and wait.

But then we get anxious, worried, and don't think our

outcome is happening fast enough. So we dig up the seed,
or take the cake out of the oven to see what the problem is.

Well, the problem is that our control freak minds are

impatient, and it's our impatience that is halting or even
destroying the process.

It might be fun to be a kid in science class digging up a

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recently planted seed to check the roots, but if it's a

beautiful flower we're after, digging up the seed every five
minutes is going to delay or stop the process.

But this metaphor is over simplistic to real creation. It is

true that our desire for the outcome to "hurry up and
come" will impede or halt the process, but it's much more
complicated. Which means there are much more
opportunities for us and our control freak minds to mess
things up.

Consider baking a cake. We all have experience from a

very young age seeing stuff go into the oven, and then
seeing it come out transformed.

We also likely have a lot of experience seeing stuff mixed in

a big bowl, and then put in the oven, and then
transformed. We see eggs, flour, milk, sugar, etc., going
in, and cake or cookies coming out.

We understand the entire process. We've seen it plenty of

times, perhaps even done ourselves.

So in the above metaphor, where the impatient control

freak keeps opening up the oven, and messing up the
process, the ONLY thing that is causing a problem is that it
isn't happening fast enough.

The person KNOWS on a conscious level that there's going

to be some cookies eventually. The person KNOWS on a
conscious level that sugar plus flour plus milk plus eggs
plus heat plus time equals cookies.

George Hutton

The entire process is consciously understood.

But in the real world, where thoughts become things, the

entire process is almost NEVER understood completely.
Which means faith, trust, and patience is absolutely

That's why trying to micro-manage or even understand the

process will naturally halt or significantly delay the

If you've ever had a job where you were micro managed by

an ever present boss, you know how much this can stifle

I remember once I used to work in a research and

development lab at a huge, fortune 500 company. The
particular division I worked for developed "sterile
disposables" which meant they were the kind of medical
product that came in a special, sterilized wrapper, was
used once, and then thrown out.

The lab was always a mess, with junk and parts and
products laying everywhere. But one day the big wigs from
headquarters were coming to take a look. The whole
company pretty much shut down to prepare for the visit.

We spent days cleaning the lab. It was spotless. We

prepared a special set up for the big shot to come and take
a look. He came in with his entourage, listened to me give
about a two minute demonstration, and then asked me a
very silly question:

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"You didn't clean all this up for me, did you?"

And he was completely serious.

"Oh, no, of course not," I said, absolutely incredulous.

This is what happens when we put the spotlight of our

conscious mind on the creation process, which is largely
unconscious. Production stops. Creativity stops. All
forward momentum stops, and then needs to be restarted.

Similar to playing a piece on a musical instrument, or

playing any kind of sports, you've just got to relax, and
trust your unconscious to carry you through.

Your unconscious mind is a powerful computer with more

computational resources than anything ever created.
When you relax and step out of the picture, miracles will

Now that we know how the process works, how thoughts

become things, we'll get more specific on Right Thinking
and right action, so you can create anything you want with
unconscious ease.

George Hutton

The creation process is part of your genetic, emotional and

physical make up. No matter what you are doing, you are
carrying out the three step creation process. Thoughts turn
into action, and action turns into results. It is impossible to
be alive and not be going through this process on a daily

But you didn't buy this course to keep doing the same
thing. You bought this course so you could create better
things. Wonderful things. Magnificent things. That's what
we'll learn in this section. How to practice Right Thinking,
which will naturally lead to right behavior, which will
naturally lead to the outcomes you want.

The term, "Right Thinking" is not meant as a moral or

ethical term. Right Thinking or Right Acting is only meant
to be thoughts or actions that are congruent with your
intended outcome. The moral or ethical nature of your
thinking and acting will depend on the outcome you create,
either consciously or inadvertently along the way.

This in no way supports the idea that "the ends justify the
means." This is only a prescription of thinking and acting to
help you more effectively get what you want.

What you specifically want, and how that adheres to any

moral, religious or ethical standards is your responsibility.

That being said, Right Thinking WILL lead to right behavior,

which WILL lead to right outcome.

George Hutton

However, remember the last section. The biggest killer of

creation is needing to be in conscious control of the whole
process, from start to finish.

So if we need to "let go" and trust our unconscious, how do

we know if we're on the right path? How do we know that
our thoughts or actions are right?

This will become clear as we go through the process. As

mentioned before, the three stages of creation, thinking,
acting and receiving, are all part of the same process. So
when you are using this creative process, you will be
experiencing all three at once.

But for the purposes of understanding, we'll get going

through each process as if were unto itself.

What is Right Thinking? Any thinking that leads to right

behavior and right outcome.

As an example, we'll use something simple, like a 10%

increase in salary. What kind of thinking will lead to this

To begin, simply imagine that you've got a 10% increase in

salary. How does that feel? What does it look like? What do
people say to you? How do you notice? What is a different
way you would notice? What does this allow you to do?
What kinds of achievements in your past does this remind
you of? How did you know when you received them?

These questions are just the beginning. It's important to

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mediate on this and let your mind wander. This is initial

desire as the seed or energy that powers the wandering.
When creating, it's important to spend at least a few
minutes on a daily basis meditating on your desire, and
having a playful and open mind.

Avoid thinking in terms of dates. Avoid any references to

the future. Feel everything, and think of everything, in the
present moment. Feel that very special and very powerful,
"now" feeling.

Remember, the purpose is not to consciously control the

process, or come up with any kind of "to do" list once you
finish the visualization meditation.

It's also crucial to dispel any magical thinking. The purpose

of Right Thinking is to give your subconscious a direction,
and then to trust your unconscious to turn that direction
into action.

Now, this action could very well be the way you present
yourself, the way you carry yourself, your facial
expressions, the increased confidence in your voice. Your
boss may notice the "new you" and start to take an interest
in your work. She might realize that you are more valuable
than previously thought, and then give you a raise because
of that new understanding.

But don't mistake this for magic. This is pure science. You
gave your subconscious a clear direction you wanted to go.
Your subconscious simply altered your behavior,
unconsciously, to make that happen.

George Hutton

Thinking lead to action, action leads to outcome. The whole

process wrapped in the ever present feedback loop.

If you sat at your desk every day trying to come up with

conscious ideas on how to get a ten percent raise, you may
have had the opposite effect.

When taking time to think about your desire, realize just

what you are doing. You are planting seeds in your mind
that will lead to action. If you keep digging up the seeds, by
questioning your action, you will halt or otherwise impede
the process.

Plant the seed with trust. When you plant a seed, or put
some cake batter in the oven, you fully trust that the
process will work. You don't wonder if the cake will bake, or
the seed will grow.

When meditating on your desires, generate a feeling of

trust. This is why it's important to let your mind travel
through your memories to anything else you've achieved.

Doing a mental "Swish" pattern will help.

A Swish Pattern is one of the more popular patterns from

NLP. It was designed to take unhelpful feelings and replace
them with helpful feelings.

For example, let's imagine you were scared of driving over

a bridge. That feeling of fear would show up as soon as you
saw the bridge.

In order to do the Swish pattern, you'd need a resource

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state. An emotional state you'd rather feel than fear.

So let's say you choose "happiness" as your resource state.

And let's say you feel happiest when you see your children
or other loved ones.

Then you create a picture, in your mind of your children,

and make sure that picture generates the happiness.

The "Swish" is when you practice replacing the picture of

the bridge, with a picture of your children.

You imagine a very small picture of a bridge far off in the

distance (the picture itself is far off in the distance.) As the
picture gets larger, and starts to generate that "fear"
feeling, you immediately replace that bridge picture with a
big, bright, up-close picture of your children.

The idea is that as you practice replacing the bridge picture

with your children's picture, the feeling of fear you feel
when you see the bridge will be replaced by a feeling of
happiness. It's called the "Swish" pattern because it can
help to imagine a real "swish" sound as you swap pictures.

How do you do this when visualizing? Simply recall

anything that you've done in the past, preferably
something you've created. Something that you've created
so many times, that every time you begin anew, you have
complete confidence you will be successful.

The content is not important, but the feeling of confidence

is. Let's say you are a very good painter. And you have a
very good feeling when you see an empty canvas,
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absolutely positive that you'll be creating something


As you look at the blank canvas, you get that positive

feeling of expectation, based on experience, that you will
like your new picture, and so will all you show it to.

In this example, you'd mediate on your uncreated desire,

and oscillate between your uncreated desire (in this case
the 10% raise) with that feeling of positive expectation you
get when beginning a new painting.

The more you fill your thinking with the true, deep knowing
of expectation, the quicker your creation will happen.

The more diverse experiences of creation you can draw

from, the better. A deep knowing of success, and a
complete lack of impatience, worry, or anxiety.

A great way to practice this "feeling of certainty" is by

doing very simple tasks like throwing a wadded up ball of
paper at the wastebasket. Stand a couple yards away, get
that feeling of "I can do this," based on previous
experiences, and just practice taking "free throws" at the
trash can.

This is a great way to practice the border between thinking

and unconscious action. The more you build up that feeling
of trust of your own actions, driven by your unconscious,
the more powerful of a creator you'll become.

George Hutton

Right Thinking - Congruence

There's an old saying that goes, "The easiest way to ride a

horse is to ride it in the direction it's already going."

Which means if you are congruent with the world around

you, it will be easier to operate within that world to get
whatever you want. Humans come preprogrammed with
several desires. So long as you are congruent with these
basic desires, you'll have a much higher chance of
manifesting what you want.

Similarly, if you take your desire, and express it

congruently with any of these base desires, you'll have a
much easier time.

However, if you are intending to manifest something which

is contradictory to your basic human nature, it will be

For example, food is obviously crucial to our survival.

When we start to get low blood sugar, or we get that pit of
hunger in our stomach, suddenly everything takes a back
seat to our eating. Nothing is more important than finding
and eating food.

Similarly, the desire to eat is significantly turned on simply

by eating. Our ancestors lived in a world of significant lack,
so when they did find food, only those that had the genetic
predisposition to eat as much as the physically could lasted
through the lean times.

So if you are manifesting a sleek, attractive body, there

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ARE going to be times where your intention is going to be

directly opposed to your nature. Understanding this is the
first step.

The next step is to fully acknowledge, accept, and

appreciate your nature, and express it in terms of your

Instead of trying to avoid eating altogether with pure

willpower (which NEVER works) instead substitute certain
foods. While you are eating those foods, take the time to
really visualize your perfect body, and ALL the good things
that will come with it.

Similar to the Swish Pattern, you'll slowly associate those

strong, positive emotional feelings that naturally come
with a healthier and slim body, with your new healthier
eating patterns.

As you're likely starting to realize, Right Thinking is NOT

automatic. It's not like flipping a switch and suddenly
sitting back while your brain is flooded with the perfect
thoughts that will lead you effortlessly to your rewards.

Right Thinking does take effort, and it does take time. But
the rewards will be enormous.

Continuing with the weight loss example, another way to

train in Right Thinking is to substitute future gratification
for present gratification.

One of the hallmarks of success in any area is delayed

gratification. Being able to put off receiving a good now, in
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the present, for an even greater good in the future. The

trick is to build up the positive expectation for that future
good, so that the positive emotions of thinking about it
become larger than good feelings in the present.

When you do this in a way where your desire AND your

nature are congruent, and at the same time putting the
gratification out in the future, it will have a powerful result.

Here's an example, with the weight loss example.

Let's say it's Tuesday night. You've spent plenty of time

building up a big, emotionally powerful visualization of
your future self. You visualize that while eating healthy
food, so the positive emotions from visualizing your future
are starting to become associated with your healthy

But sometimes you like to cheat. It's nice to have a couple

days a month that you can look forward to.

So here you are on Tuesday night, eating something

healthy. You are visualizing your perfect body, and all the
emotional, romantic, and social success that will bring.
Those good feelings are being associated with the food you
are eating. At the same time, you are imagining next
Saturday, when you'll be going to your favorite restaurant
with your friends, where you'll have your wonderful day of

So now you're associating TWO future goods: Your perfect

body, AND the cheating day, out in the future, and
associating those with your current experience of eating
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healthy food.

Now, this may sound like a lot of work, but it only takes a
few minutes, and pretty soon you'll actually prefer those
good feelings out in the future, as you imagine them in the

Humans are very optimistic. We love to imagine a better

future. When you take the time to construct a great future,
and get some powerful emotions imagining your great
future, it WILL become bigger and better than anything
you can experience in the present.

The Road Is Better Than the Inn

In truth, humans are forward looking creatures. We are not

lower animals, that only think and act in the present. We
are designed to move toward a brighter future than the one
we have.

Have you ever planned a perfect vacation? And then when

you were on the vacation, it didn't seem quite as fantastic
as the planning stages?

Or maybe you spent a lot of time preparing an exquisite

meal for your close friends. The planning, research, and
shopping are great fun. The cooking is exciting. Then when
everybody dives in, and starts to experience the actual
meal, it's common to feel a bit of "let down."

It's been said that Alexander the Great wept after he

conquered the entire known world. Without a huge goal out
in the future, it's easy for us to become lost. To feel listless.
George Hutton

To feel as if we have no purpose.

Take the time to create a powerful desire. Express it in

terms of your nature. Put it out in the future. When you do
things similar to your nature, in the present, associate
those things with your ideal future.

You'll be creating a massive attractive force for yourself in

the future that will pull you relentlessly forward to success.

This may seem like a lot of work. It may be complicated to

conjure up all kinds of mental pictures and associations.

But consider this. The more strongly you put your dream
out in the future, the more powerful you make it,
emotionally, romantically, socially, and even sexually, the
more you'll be programming your subconscious.

This is where the real magic comes in. The more time you
take in the present, to put your goal strongly out in the
future, and associate it with your day to day tasks in the
present, the more clear your subconscious will be
regarding what you want.

And when your subconscious is sufficiently programmed,

any action required will happen on a subconscious level.

They'll be little or no willpower required; there won't even

be any conscious thinking required.

You'll just be going through your regular day to day

activities, not even noticing that you are doing anything
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But your actions will be on purpose, and they WILL create

your outcome.

And when it shows up, it WILL seem like magic.

The Pitfalls of Proof and Magic

The path to creation is not easy. It's not automatic, and it's
not our normal way of thinking as humans. If it were, then
everybody would always be creating massive riches,
beautiful bodies, and fantastic, emotionally and sexually
fulfilling relationships.

The area of Right Thinking requires constant vigilance, as

it's not our natural state. To achieve an awakened,
conscious state of creation requires effort to get there, and
effort to stay there.

Similar to exercise, or saving money, you need effort to

achieve your goal, as well as effort to maintain it.

There are two telltale modes of thinking that keep us out of

the Right Thinking state of creation. They are very
common, very easy to fall into, and luckily, very easy to

Magical Thinking

The first area of thinking to avoid is magical thinking. While

Right Thinking will lead to seemingly magical results, it's
important to understand that these only seem like magic,
as our actions that lead us to what we want are

George Hutton

unconscious, and out of our awareness. They still must

adhere to the laws of science.

If you've got children, you know how hard it is to keep up

with them. They've got tons of energy. Imagine what it
would be like if we had that much energy. If we saw
somebody a couple hundred meters away, and
immediately sprinted to see them.

Imagine if we spent our free time running around and

playing. We wouldn't have any problems losing weight and
keeping slim, and we wouldn't really think about it one way
or the other. Our unconscious actions (running around and
playing) would naturally lead to our desired result. It would
only seem like magic, but it would be rooted in the laws of
chemistry, physics and biology.

Any time we are trying to create something, without fully

embracing the need for action, on our part, either
consciously or unconsciously, we are engaging in magical

If we are trying to create the perfect relationship, but we

never leave the house or never show up when friends invite
us to social gatherings, we aren't doing our part, and we
are engaged in magical thinking.

If put up pictures of things that we want, cars, homes,

other evidence of wealth, but we don't spend time
meditating on our goals on a daily basis, to generate
subconscious action in the direction of our goals, we are
engaged in magical thinking.

George Hutton

Some of the language used in Law of Attraction techniques

and methods can lend itself to magical thinking. We say
things like, "Be open to receive," which sounds like we are
going to get a gift, like a birthday present, without needing
to give anything in return.

As adults, even Christmas presents require a "give and


Think of it this way. Every single thing you could ever want
has to be something that involves somebody else, in some

Even if you want nothing more than a pound of gold,

somebody is going to need to dig that gold out of the Earth.
Somebody is going to need to spend the time, effort, and
investment to refine that gold, and separate out the

Somebody is going to need to form that gold into a brick.

Somebody is going to have to transport that brick of gold,
which would require insurance, security and other
precautions, to a location near you so that can go and get

It's necessary to understand that all of these people aren't

doing that just so you can get your gold. They all have their
own reasons for doing so. They are all getting
compensated, in some way, for you to receive that gold.

A more appropriate way to think of "being open to receive"

might be being open to exchange.

George Hutton

The world is filled with people, all who want something

from somebody. The great promise of human nature is that
by getting out into the world, and interacting with others,
consciously or unconsciously, you will get what you want,
so long as you are open to participating in helping others
get what they want.

Being "open to receive, may be being open to giving first.

Interacting with the world with a genuine attitude of "how
can I help," you will be creating a kind of potential energy
among the vast unconscious collective that will
dramatically accelerate your progress.

Skeptical Thinking

On the other side of the coin of magical thinking is skeptical

thinking. This is somebody who needs to know everything,
see everything, and be certain of all the processes and
procedures involved.

This is the person whose "go to" statement is, "Do you
have any evidence?"

This is that little voice that pops up whenever you get an

intuition to try something new. You've done plenty of
visualizing; you've charged your future with a powerfully
attractive force pulling you to your outcome.

Your subconscious is busily scanning the environment

looking for opportunities to help you get closer to your
goal. Perhaps your outcome is to meet somebody. Perhaps
your outcome is to find a better paying and more enjoyable
career. Perhaps your outcome is to finally lose those extra

George Hutton

pounds and feel sexy in your body.

So you get an intuition to go into a nearby restaurant that

you've never been in before. Perhaps in your peripheral
vision, your unconscious has noticed somebody going in
that is exhibiting the body language and facial expressions
of somebody that may lead to you getting your outcome.

You stop, turn and look at that restaurant. Then that voice
starts up.

"Why on Earth would you go in there? That's an Italian

restaurant; you don't even like Italian food? Why would
going into an Italian restaurant help you get a job? That's
stupid? What if people knew you were going into an Italian
restaurant to try and find a job as a school teacher? What
would they think?"

You get cold feet, you feel stupid, and you don't go in.

This is one reason why it's very important to keep your

desires very secret. Other people have a dramatic impact
on our own thought process, especially their reactions to
our stated dreams.

So when you voice your desires, the slightest twitch or

even a slight tone of voice that is anything other than
congruent can stop us dead in our tracks.

The Skeptic part of us needs proof because part of us is

terrified of taking risks. If we ONLY took actions that were
guaranteed to work, we would never fail. But we would
rarely act.
George Hutton

How to Quiet the Inner Skeptic

When practicing Right Thinking, it's important that your

thoughts lead to action, preferably on an unconscious
level. Everything in life requires a bit of uncertainty, and
sometimes that can be scary.

If you are expecting to understand everything that's going

on, it will be much more difficult, as you'll be much less
likely to take action. It's much easier to take action when
you don't have an expectation of immediate or
understandable results.

In the previous example, we imagined you had an

intention, and your subconscious was pushing you to go
into an Italian restaurant, because it noticed there was
somebody who may help you achieve your desires.

Expecting to know exactly why you're going into the

restaurant, and having some kind of idea consciously of
what you might expect can set up a feeling of potential

From a conscious standpoint this makes perfect sense. If

you see somebody consciously, and you have a conscious
idea of what kind of outcome you want based on an
interaction with them, it's easy to imagine getting it, but
it's also easy to imagine not getting it.

This can create feelings of anxiety. Any time we are trying

to consciously achieve a goal, we will experience this
anxiety. Part of us is excited about the possible success,

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but part of us is afraid of what will happen if we fail. Part of

us is pushing us forward; another part of us is holding us

This is exacerbated when the part of us that is pushing us

forward is based on "magical thinking" meaning we're
expecting something for nothing, and the part that's
holding us back is based on "skeptical thinking" meaning
we are terrified of moving forward unless we are absolutely
certain we will succeed.

How do we avoid these common oscillations? Ideally, we

want to proceed completely on an unconscious level.
Without having any kind of expectation what may or may
not happen.

When children learn to walk, they don't have a specific idea

in mind of what they want. They don't imagine each step,
and calculate how much weight to put on each foot and at
each angle. They just move forward with their intention,
and see what happens.

Our natural learner, that part of us that fully embraces all

feedback as valid, and is absolutely necessary to growth
and achievement, doesn't think in terms of success or

As a natural learner, we simply move forward, with an end

goal in mind. We don't see the next step as a linear
progression towards that goal. We see it as merely a
collection of information, as well as actions that will move
us closer.

George Hutton

The secret is to purposely hold that "what if" frame of

mind. To be open for any outcome and trust that it WILL
lead us closer to our outcomes, regardless of what

Anything we do will give us positive feedback. The only

thing that will keep us from getting our outcome is a lack of

George Hutton

Right Thinking naturally leads to right action. Being open

starts in the mind, and then naturally folds into the world
around us, through our actions.

Right action must necessarily be uncertain. It must be

driven by intuition, and it must be interactive. We are but
one small part in the larger, collective unconscious. We are
interacting with the collective unconscious to create
outcomes for ourselves, as well as help others create their

We need not know how we are creating our outcome. We

need not know who we are interacting with, and how we
are helping others create their outcomes.

All we need to know is that by getting out into the world,

and interacting with others, spurred on by our intuition, we
WILL succeed.

If we want to lose weight, we know it's a good idea to

exercise, and to eat certain foods, and to avoid other
foods. But its also commonly taught that weighing yourself
on the scale every day might not be such a good idea.

If you don't lose as much as you think, or you may have

gained a pound or two, it can kill your momentum.

Similar to the need for checking to see if the cake is

finished baking, or the seed has started sprouting, it's
tempting to check on our progress.

George Hutton

One of Hemingways characters once remarked that you go

bankrupt slowly, and then all at once. Creating an outcome
works the same way. You may be making very and
sometimes imperceptible progress, but then all of a
sudden, things all start happening at once.

One big thing happens, and then that leads to something

else completely unexpected, and before you know it,
you've created something much better than you ever
thought possible.

If you think of all the great things you've accomplished and

experienced in the past, you likely didn't see them coming.
Or at least your conscious didn't see them coming.

Maybe you met somebody, and that led to an activity that

you wouldn't have otherwise done.

Or maybe something bad happened unexpectedly. But

then when you looked that seemingly terrible situation a
second or third time, you found that it really was an

Many of the greatest discoveries of all time happened

because there were problems that needed to be solved.
Nobody likes problems. In fact, when anything resembling
a problem comes up, we tend to run in the opposite

However, if you take a look at some of the biggest

problems you've dealt with over the course of your life, you
may discover that you ended up much better off.

George Hutton

This doesn't mean you should consciously go out and

create trouble. This just is an example that by being open
to everything that happens, you will see much more
flexibility in your behavior.

Right Thinking and Right Action go hand in hand. If you

goal or desire is sufficiently charged with strong emotions,
it will color all your actions on a daily basis.

Leverage Your Filters

We come into the world with filters. Filters are windows

through which we parse and sort the massive amount of
data that we are constantly being hit with.

All animals come with filters. They are associated with the
instincts of the particular creature. For example, any
animal that has a natural predator has filters to sort any
indication of the predator as it comes near.

Zebras have brains that are fine tuned to pick out lions, but
not other animals. Fish have sensors that are tuned to get
out of the area in a hurry if any sharks or other predators
come close.

As humans we also have filters, but they are much more


Consider that every human suddenly goes on high alert

when they hear their name. None of us were born with our
names pre-wired into our brains.

But we were pre-wired with a sense of ourselves. With an

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understanding that we, as ourselves were a unique entity

surrounded by other unique entities.

So we took something that was given to us, and associated

that with what we already had. After we made the
connection, we become on high alert whenever our names
our called.

Consider money. We come hard wired to have an

unquenchable desire for many different resources. Food,
shelter, tools, etc. We learn very early on that money
represents anything that we want. So we develop a keen
filter to sort our peripheral vision for money.

If you are walking down the street, for example, and a bill
or a coin appears in your peripheral vision, you will
immediately turn and focus on that.

Now, we are often taught that learning only happens when

we are children. But consider this. Suppose you went to
another country, where the money was different than what
you're used to.

I think youd agree that it wouldn't take you very long to be

super-attuned to the new form of money.

This is proof that you have within you the ability to take
you very raw desires, and translate them so that your
subconscious can sort and filter everything around you, on
a constant basis, in light of what you want.

Everybody would like more money. Everybody likes the

sound of their own name. These things are easy to pick out
George Hutton

from the noise around us.

The way to manifest your desires, whatever they may be,

is to simply follow your instincts. It's easy to be drawn to
your name. It's easy and automatic to be drawn to the
money you suddenly see on the ground.

Take a moment to imagine how that feels. You are walking

down the street, maybe thinking about something nice,
maybe not. Maybe you are excited about where you are
going, maybe you're not.

But then suddenly your subconscious catches something

out of the corner of your eye. Your head whips around and
you see the money laying there. You double check, and
sure enough, it's money.

This happens very quickly, but when you see something

that will lead you to your desires, the process is the same.

You notice something, and your subconscious gives you a

signal to go and check it out. That signal comes across as
an intuition, or a vague feeling of desire or interest.

The difference is that you know consciously and

immediately what that money is, and what it represents.
There's no "battle" between the magical thinker and the
skeptical thinker. There's simply no time.

How do you feel compelled to take action, when you aren't

sure what will happen?

There are two ways.

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One is to practice visualizing your goal on a regular basis.

But visualize it with a feeling that it will lead you to action,
rather than some kind of magical expectation that it will
simply show up.

Visualize it and imagine that it's out there in the world, and
your job is to go and find it. Visualize it like you are a
treasure hunter, and your job is to find it through
interactions with others.

Law of Attraction is a Misnomer

The name, "Law of Attraction," is an unfortunate

metaphor. It says that what you want also wants you. It
says that when you vibrate at a certain frequency, you'll
"attract" things to you.

But this is only a metaphor. It does not mean that all you
have to do is sit at home, and the things you want will
physically move through time and space to where you are.

In fact, the opposite is true. When you visualize, and start

to vibrate at a certain frequency, that means when YOU go
out and move through the world, YOU will notice all those
other things that are also vibrating at that same frequency.

It's your job to move towards them.

Remember the metaphor of the large, collective

unconscious. Also remember that everything involves
other people.

George Hutton

If EVERYBODY on Earth decided to practice the Law of

Attraction, with the expectation that things would move
toward them, then NOBODY would take any action.

Nobody would get out in the world. And nobody would

receive anything. There would be no traffic on the
freeways, nobody working in any shops, nobody showing
up to work at the water or power stations. Life would
quickly take a dramatic turn for the worse.

A common teaching from various religions is the Lord helps

those who help themselves.

This is absolutely true whether you are deeply religious, or

you are a devout atheist.

This means that when you do your visualizations, imagine

that you are placing your outcome "out there."

Imagine yourself taking action and achieving the outcome.

It's not necessary to actually visualize the specific steps to
achieve your outcome. Just get a feeling of moving through
the world, and interacting with people.

Remember the Swish Pattern. Visualize your desire, and

oscillate with pictures of smiling people who are happy to
see you. Imagine groups of people who are all chattering
away and enjoying each other's company.

Expand your consciousness to include the entire world. The

entire universe. Become the Law of Attraction that
encompasses all of reality.

George Hutton

End of the Day Review

Visualizing from this perspective will give you a strong

push forward. This will prime your subconscious to have a
forward looking, outward perspective. It will help reduce
the dependence on magical thinking. It will generate a
positive expectation and curiosity about any potential

To significantly increase your trust in your day to day

actions to remove as much of your skeptical thinking as
possible, it's also helpful to do an "end of the day" review.

To be sure, it's hard to fully remove that "is it done yet"

thinking when creating. While having an infinite amount of
patience will yield instantaneous results, this can be
extremely difficult. Humans are natural entrepreneurs. We
often take action with high hopes, only to have the
outcome be less than we'd expected.

Meaning you might get a strong impulse to do something,

only to find it didn't give you ALL of your desires wrapped in
a nice golden package.

To counter this tendency, it will help to develop an

appreciation for both the road AND the inn.

Meaning you will learn to appreciate the path to your

outcome, as well as the outcome itself.

A daily review is the perfect way to do that. Just take some

time and imagine your goal. Imagine it with that "Now"

George Hutton

Then, similar to the Swish Pattern, where you juxtapose

your desire and taking action in the future, juxtapose your
desire, and your day to day activities that you've just
finished that particular day.

You may have done plenty on the way to your outcome

with realizing it. Just look at your daily activities, especially
those that were spontaneous and unplanned, and you'll
see that you really did make lots of progress without
realizing it.

One way that can help journaling. Free Noting is a great

way to explore your recent past and gain insights into the
subconscious reasons behind your actions.

Bring to mind some positive feelings associated with what

you're creating. Then just start Free Noting, or writing
down whatever comes to mind, about your recent day or

You'll find this activity (when combined with the rest of the
recommended activities in this section) will literally light up
your mind with ideas, insights and inspirations to create
your desire, or something even better.

George Hutton

It can be difficult to remember all of these, so in this

section we'll review the crucial elements that will
dramatically accelerate the completion of your desires.

Visual Image

Create a powerful, compelling, visual image if your final

outcome. Visualize it in as many situations as possible, and
in as many senses as possible. What will you hear, see,
taste, feel and experience when it is complete? What will
people say to you? Imagine close friends are asking you
how you created something so magnificent, and imagine
you are telling them. Imagine you are giving a speech at a
local community group, or other association related to your
outcome, and explaining to them how it was created.

Visual Image - Forward Leaning

Create a Swish Pattern with your image. First imagine your

desire. Then visualize you going out into the world and
interacting with people. It doesn't need to make any logical
sense. Imagine your image, and then imagine a time in the
future when you are with strangers, talking and laughing.
Imagine you are with friends, sharing something
completely unrelated to your goal. Imagine that you are in
a very crowded place, maybe a train station or city center,
and just appreciate the vastness of humanity. Swish these
two images back and forth until one naturally leads to the

Visual Image - Backward Looking

George Hutton

Create another Swish Pattern. One image with your desire

and one image of something you did in the past that you
were happy with. Anything you could call a success. Don't
worry about what images to bring up, as your subconscious
is aware of what you need to see. Swish them back and
forth until your desire automatically calls to mind past

Free Noting

Consider free noting for ten or twenty minutes at the end of

your day. Just journal without any logical direction or
reason, and see what you write. It may seem strange at
first, but once you start writing, (and give yourself
permission to "play") the floodgates of your mind will burst
open. You'll start writing faster and faster. Don't worry
about grammar or spelling. Simply put down whatever
comes to mind. Allow yourself to feel appreciation for any
spontaneous action you did that day or week. Feel
appreciation for any ideas you imagine about your future.

Daily Action - Listen to Intuition

As you go about your day, simply listen for impulses or

feelings that compel you do things that you don't normally
do. Depending on your personality, this may be very
difficult, or this may be very easy. Behaving "outside of the
box" may mean taking a different route to work, or starting
up a conversation with a stranger at the post office.

It could be something as easy as skipping lunch. Avoid any

kind of skeptical thinking, where you feel you need to know
specifically why you are doing any particular think. Enjoy

George Hutton

the process. Enjoy exploring the world around you. Allow

yourself the pleasure of discovery. Give yourself a pat on
the back whenever you do something out of character, or
beyond what you normally do, regardless of the outcome.

Metaphor for Understanding

Beware of the need for logical, linear thinking. Consider

this. A simple weather pattern has about five variables, all
of which are inorganic. Meaning they are fixed, and based
only on the laws of physics. Pressure, temperature, wind
speed, precipitation, humidity, etc.

All of these are simple, physical properties that affect the

weather. Yet predicting the weather is incredibly difficult.
Sure, they know it "might" rain tomorrow. But do they
know what time it will start? Do they know what time it will
stop? Any weather reporter who could predict the rain to
such a degree of accuracy would be recognized as a true

The reason something as simple to understand as the

weather is so hard to predict is that all the variables are
interdependent. Consider just three variables, air
pressure, temperature and humidity. Interdependent
means that when you change one, you change the others.
And since you are changing the others, they will again feed
back into the system.

That means with only three simple interdependent

variables all operating on a feedback loop system, the
simple weather becomes incredibly difficult to predict with
accuracy. Human societies have suffered from drought for

George Hutton

a long time, and we'll continue to suffer from drought.

When there is no water coming from the sky, the best
things humans can do are hope and pray. Despite our
massive advances in science and technology, we can't
make it rain consistently.

Now, consider you and your outcome. That which you

desire. Remember as we discussed previously, your desire
is necessarily dependent upon others. Others who have
their own desires, wishes and intentions.

Others who have complicated emotions, beliefs and

behaviors as you do. At last count, there were seven
BILLION people on Earth.

The point of all this is that by now you can see how utterly
impossible it can be to try and predict exactly what to do,
exactly what steps to take, in order to achieve your

That's why acting with openness, curiosity and positive

expectation is absolutely necessary. The moment you
demand from the world to deliver, into your lap, that which
you desire, the process will shut off.

It's also important to understand that it may seem like

nothing is happening, and then all of a sudden the flows or
riches burst forth from the most unexpected place

Consider the story of the straw that broke the camel's

back. Piles after piles were put upon the poor camel, with
no discernable outcome. Then one single straw was put on,
George Hutton

and this created a cascading effect.

The opposite happens when we are acting on the world to

create our desires. We may spend days, weeks, months
even, interacting with others, visualizing and being open,
curious and explorative.

It may seem like nothing is happening, but then one day,

out of the blue, several events that were started long ago,
somehow coincide and your outcome is deliver to you,
seemingly like magic.

Only it won't REALLY be magic. But then again, it really will


Certainly, your friends and other observers will wonder

why you are so lucky. They will wonder why fantastic
things seem to "happen" to you.

And you will wonder yourself. You may have even give up
hope, only to find sudden riches where you least expect

The outcome is the easiest part. Right Thinking is crucial,

as you will need to train yourself to jettison magical or
skeptical thinking. You'll need to visualize your outcome in
terms of the present, the past, and the future.

Right Acting is also crucial. It requires that you listen to

George Hutton

your intuition, and that you take action. Often times this
action will be uncertain, and may even make you feel silly
or foolish. But by opening yourself up to the vast collective
unconscious, you will continue in the right direction.

One common question is to ask the question, "How do I

know I'm on the right path? How do I know that I'm doing
the right things?"

One way to make sure you are on the right path is if you do
something at least once a day based on your intuition, and
NOT because you have a clear idea of what's going to

One way to do your daily review would simply be to call to

mind the things you did that particular day that adhere to
the following guidelines:

1) It is not planned

2) You did it because you had a "feeling"

3) There is a degree of uncertainty; you arent sure what

will happen

4) You allowed yourself to enjoy the experience

independent of the outcome

Think of the part of yourself that takes action based on

intuition as a muscle. The more you strengthen this
muscle, the more flexible you'll become.

George Hutton

One Caveat

It can be easy to fall into a trap of doing things just

because, when in reality we are avoiding taking action. If
you are doing things where you are escaping, then youre
not moving forward. Youll know youre escaping if you are
honest with yourself.

When you are an explorer of the world around you, youll

know it. But when you are escaping, youll know this as

George Hutton

Think of your subconscious mind as a master chess player,

who could easily play 1000 of the world's greatest masters
at once. Your subconscious can quickly scan your
environment and compare it to what you want to
accomplish. Having a strong and clear desire is much
better than having a vague desire. Imagine if you just
wanted to "not feel lonely." There are plenty of ways your
subconscious can make that happen. But few of them will
really be what you want.
If you don't take the time to understand what you really
want, you aren't likely to appreciate fully what you get.

This is one constraint of your massively powerful

subconscious. Not having a clear direction or desire.

Another constraint is your ability to take action. If you have

a clear idea of what you want, say an emotionally and
sexually rewarding relationship with an intelligent and
caring person, that's great.

Your subconscious will read body language, listen to tones

of voice, scan social situations and give you a "feeling" of
going into a particular area instead of going into another
particular area.

However, you can severely constrain your subconscious if

you fail to take action. If you demonstrate unwillingness to
take action, again and again, you'll stop feeling those
intuitions. Even if you spend an hour a day doing
visualizations, repeating affirmations, and doing daily
reviews, but you unwilling to take action when the outcome
George Hutton

is uncertain, you won't achieve anything.

But when you DO make it a habit to take action on hunch,

without needing to know why, without needing to justify
the action after the fact, you'll be able to achieve so much

In fact, if you were to practice taking action, when the

outcome is uncertain on a daily basis, this will get you in
good "mental" shape.

Here's a metaphor to help you understand.

Let's say you live in an ancient, hunter gatherer

environment, and your job is to go after food for the tribe.
You never know WHAT kind of physical activity you might
need. So you practice doing everything you can to
strengthen your muscles, increase your running speed,
and increase the accuracy of your spear throwing.

Now, when you are actually practicing, do you consciously

imagine what specific animal you'll hunt for that particular
exercise you're doing? Not likely.

You just know that someday, your skills WILL come in

handy. The stronger you are, the faster you can run the
more endurance you have when you run, and the more
accurately you can throw your spear, the more likely catch
dinner when the time comes. The more diverse your
exercise regime is the wider variety of game you'll be able
to hunt WHEN YOU SEE IT.

In your real life, doing things when you don't know what's
George Hutton

going to happen is the same thing. You may meet

somebody in that particular location that may either help
you directly, or will lead you to meet somebody that will
help you directly.

Or, it could just be an exercise in increasing your

behavioral flexibility.

Think of it this way. Let's say you can measure your

behavior flexibility on a scale of one to ten, where one is
when you are absolutely petrified to leave the house, and
ten is feeling comfortable in any situation. Its perfectly
natural for you to walk up and start a friendly, relaxed
conversation with anybody, anywhere, any time.

Can you understand that having a higher "flexibility score"

will give your unconscious MUCH MORE to work with when
it is scanning your environment?

If your subconscious knows that you are too terrified to

walk into an unfamiliar social environment, it won't likely
give you the push to do so, even if it KNOWS that you'll find
what you are looking for inside.

This all goes back to the advice of NOT needing to know

why you are doing you are feeling intuitive about, and NOT
looking at it after the fact with any kind of conscious
understanding of whether or not the outcome is helping
you or not.

You will significantly accelerate your progress by simply

getting into the habit of doing new things, where the
outcome is uncertain, just to give your subconscious more
George Hutton

flexibility. The more you do this, the quicker your outcome

will manifest.

George Hutton

The truth is that Right Outcome is a natural result of Right

Thinking and Right Acting. Even though you may never
fully understand the process, by visualizing and acting
correctly, your action WILL come forth.

However, it's crucial to understand that all events that

happen must adhere to science. We are not breaking any
laws of physics, or the necessary cause and effect laws that
govern our universe.

Imagine that a being of vastly superior intelligence was

watching everybody on Earth at every single moment. And
let's say somebody somewhere manifests one million

It's absolutely necessary for that super human being, with

super human intelligence and knowledge, to be able to
explain in precise terms how and way that person
manifested one million dollars.

However, that person, and all the people around that

person would likely think they got lucky, or a miracle

We are NOT creating magic here. We are following the laws

of science, physics, chemistry and biology.

Its just that its very rare for us humans to be in situations

where we fully understanding everything thats going on
around us, or all of the events that led us to wherever we

George Hutton


The good news is that we don't have to understand

anything. We don't even have to pretend to understand

Similar to a well performed magic trick. To those who don't

know the secret it certainly appears to be magic.

It is also important to understand that things take time to

manifest. Some things will necessarily take more time than

Consider something easy to manifest, like a peanut butter

sandwich. Since we know consciously everything we need
to do, it's easy to understand how it works and it doesn't
appear to be magic.

And it will happen very quickly.

Now consider finding a job, in your field, making 50% more

income than you are now. Since you likely have a fairly
good idea how that will take place, it also won't seem like
magic after the fact. You'll be able to look back on your
creation, and see how you could have consciously planned
the entire thing.

It's when we intend to create truly magnificent things, that

only SEEM to beyond our reach, will they seem like magic,
both to us and to all those around us.

And it's also clear that these can take time, sometimes a
George Hutton

For example, if you have never made more than minimum

wage, and youre intending to manifest a million dollars, it
WILL happen, just not overnight.

If your income is already more than $100K per year, and

your intention is to manifest the perfect car, then it will
likely happen sooner rather than later.

There are two aspects of manifesting to understand. One

can be considered creation, and one can be considered
finding, or sorting.

Finding or sorting is when you have a good idea of how to

put together what we want, and its just a matter of sorting
through our reality to find the right elements.

However, when we have no idea what we need, then weve

got to create as well as sort.

In the first case, where a minimum wage worker is

manifesting a million dollars, this will require a good deal of
creating AND sorting. Creating skills, creating
opportunities, creating value. And then sorting for matches
between skills, opportunities and elements that will further
the plan.

On the other hand, consider the person who makes $100K,

and is manifesting a certain type of sports car. In this case,
the person already has the income, or the means to
acquire his or her goals, only it's a matter of "finding"
rather than "creating."

George Hutton

They may set the intention of a red sports car. They

visualize that sports car every night. They see their future,
and their interactions with others in light of getting that
sports car. Every night they visualize their previous days
activities in light of that sports car, and feel gratitude for
taking action.

Then one day, they are in a business meeting, and they see
somebody that looks interesting. They go and start up a
conversation, and they mention the person's unique key
right. As it turns out, that person knows somebody who
deals in unique imports, specifically sports cars. Through
this "random" interaction, this particular person "finds" his
sports car.

Now, lets consider a minimum wage worker who manifests

a million dollars. It's not likely (but certainly not
impossible) for this person to simply "find somebody" who
will give them a million dollars. While it shouldn't be
discounted, it also shouldn't be the main strategy.

This particular person visualizes the future, the past, and

the present. After listening to their intuition, this person
meets somebody at a networking meeting. Through this
encounter, they learn about a skill they might be good at.
They practice this skill, and later, through several other
meetings and visualizations, get a high paying job using
these skills.

One or two years later, they have an idea, based on their

skills, and their work experience, as well as the
relationships they've made. This idea turns into a business,
which is later sold for a million dollars.
George Hutton

Now, could this person have planned this out from the very
beginning, step by step? Not likely. But by continuously
visualizing and being open to new ideas and situations, this
person both created the skills, the relationships and the
opportunity, and found how to best use them on their path
to millions.

George Hutton

Creating a life filled with abundance, positive relationships

and increasing amounts of wealth and income is why you
are here. You weren't put on Earth merely to receive what
others deemed appropriate, but to create. You are a

And as a creator, your job is to move through life with the

mind of an explorer.

The path to success is simple, but not easy. Simple in that

all you've got do to get whatever you want is to first choose
what you want. Then try something. If that something gets
you closer, do more. If that something doesn't get you any
closer, do something else. All the while being open to
feedback, and fully participating within the collective

It's not easy because we rarely will have everything laid

out for us in simple, step by step linear actions. Most of the
time, you'll need to act without any degree of certainty.

Therein lays the crucial difference between those that

succeed consistently and those who merely wish to

Creators are always eager to take action, learn from the

feedback, and then take more action based on that
feedback. Creators know the path to creations will be filled
with unexpected twists, turns and discoveries.

George Hutton

Because you are reading this now, you are a creator. You
know that you have a purpose. Your purpose is to create.

With Right Thinking, Right Acting, and openness for all

feedback, you will succeed.

George Hutton

Please dont hesitate to contact us with any questions,

comments, feedback, success stories, or just to say, Hi!

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