DPR Pahumara SHP
DPR Pahumara SHP
DPR Pahumara SHP
Section - I
The Pahumara Small Hydel Project is located on the river of the same name. The
project is located in the Baksa District of Assam near village Laugaon. It is proposed to
have an installed capacity of 2000 Kwe consisting of two (02) units of 1000 Kwe each.
The project has been conceived as a run of the river project with diurnal storage.
power generation in Bodo Territorial Council area of the State of Assam especially using
renewable energy source and for helping in rural electrification of the State.
energy produced shall be utilized for augmenting the energy supply in the local rural
distribution network in the Jalah Block of Baksa District and shall provide electricity to
un-electrified villages. The energy availability will also improve the voltage profile and
reliability of the power system in this remote area in and around Laugaon.
Pahumara is a hilly stream and is a tributary of river Brahmaputra. It has its origin
from the southern water shed of Arethumake of Bhutan range of Assam Himalayas.
Pahumara is a perennial stream with a minimum flow of around 2.94 cumec (for 90%
dependable year 1974) after meeting the irrigation requirement and a maximum flow of
948.32 cumec (33457 cusec). The stream has a catchment area of 440 sq.km at the
structures. The geology along the location of various project components have been
found to be favourable for founding these structures. The location of various structures
including the power plant and alignment of the power channel and the tail race channel
have been made keeping in view the slope and structural stability.
The power plant is proposed to have two (02) turbine generating units each of
1000 Kwe output at generator terminals. The turbines shall operate under a net head
varying between 7.2 m and 6.315 m. As for this head and variable discharge, Kaplan
turbines are suitable, the same has been proposed. The turbine-generators shall be of
11 KV line upto the barrage site which shall be used to evacuate the power generated.
Each of the generators shall be provided with brushless excitation system and all
standard protections for generators and transformers of this capacity shall be provided.
The average annual energy expected to be produced from the proposed project
is 9.34 x 106 kwh and the net energy available for sale is expected to be 8.784 x 106
The design energy of the project is 6.853 x 106 kwh, and the net energy available
The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 1413.00 lacs out of which the cost of the
civil works is Rs. 683.00 lacs and the cost of electro-mechanical works is Rs. 653.00
lacs. There is an existing 11 KV line upto the barrage site which shall be used to
The cost of generation in the first year of operation is estimated at Rs. 3.49 per
kwh and on levellised cost basis over a 35-year period works out to Rs. 3.12 per kwh.
The gross revenue in 50% dependable year is estimated at Rs. 281.20 lacs with sale
price of energy at Rs. 3.20 per kwh (levellised sale price). The return on equity after
meeting all operating expenses, tax, but including depreciation is estimated at 20.1 %
The CDM facility was established in August 2003 to assist Developing Member
Countries (DMCs) to access new development opportunities made possible through the
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Sustainable agriculture,
It is estimated average annual energy production from the Pahumara SHP shall
be 8.873 x 106 KWh (allowing for 5% forced outage) and the energy available for sale
be of the order of 8.784 x 106 kwhr per annum. The coal being used in the thermal
power stations in India not being of very good quality, it may be appropriate to assume
that the carbon dioxide being emitted shall be of the order of 987 gms per kwh. On this
basis the carbon dioxide emission reduced by generating same amount of electrical
energy from Pahumara SHP works out to 8.75 x 106 kg per annum which equivalent to
8750 tonnes per annum. On this basis over the life time of power plant the carbon
dioxide reduction is expected to be of the order 3,06,500 MT. Since the Pahumara SHP
is a renewable energy project and its operation can provide energy for social and
Section - II
1. Location :
(i) State : Assam
(ii) District : Baksa
Bodo Territorial council (BTC)
(iii) Block : Jalah
(iv) Village : Laugaon
(v) Access-road : 10 kms from NH-31 at
Bhawanipur point
Section III
d. Village Laugaon
a. Small Hydel
Hydroelectric scheme with a total installed capacity upto 2 x 1000 KW
25000 KW
Has the overall development of the stream/canal been Yes
prepared and stages of development discussed ?
Have the alternative proposals been studied and their Yes
merits and demerits discussed ?
Have the detailed topographical surveys been carried out
for the following items and drawings prepared as per Yes
prescribed scales ?
a. Head work surveys (weir or diversion structure) Yes
b. Desilting tank Yes
c. Water conductor system Yes
d. Forebay Yes
e. Penstock. Yes
f. Power house, Tailrace etc. Yes
Have the general surveys regarding construction Yes, as applicable
materials like pervious and impervious soils, sands, and necessary
aggregates, etc. been carried out ?
Have the hydrological investigations been carried out and
status of discharge data of stream/canal discussed in Yes
reports ?
Have hydrological studies been carried out to establish
the availability of water for the benefits envisaged, and Yes
what is the dependability of the potential ? 50% Dependability
It is proposed to harness hydro energy available at the barrage site on the river
Pahumara located near the village Laugaon in the district of Baksa in the State of
Assam. The barrage has been constructed to feed one canal on the right bank. The
Pahumara river, alongwith its numerous tributaries, originate from the southern
watershed of Arethumke peak of Bhutan range of Assam Himalayas and pass through
vast areas of open mixed jungles within the North Kamrup reserved forest before joining
the Brahmaputra.
The discharge in the river is much more than the irrigation requirements. It is
proposed to utilize the head available by ponding the upstream of the barrage and the
surplus water flowing through the barrage (at present after meeting the irrigation
The maximum (pond) water level is 49.60 m above msl. The average river bed
level at a distance of above 200 meters downstream of the barrage is 41.8 meters. Thus
a gross difference of 7.8 meters is available between the pond level and the river bed
The maximum and minimum discharge passing through the barrage after
meeting the irrigation demand are 53.35 cumec and 15.73 cumec in a 50% dependable
year and 50.52 cumec and 2.94 cumec in a 90% dependable year respectively as per
the river discharge data available over a period of 6 years. On the basis of this
discharge data, water power studies have been conducted, which has resulted in the
possibility of establishing a hydropower station on the left bank of the river (barrage). It
rating each, aggregating to 2000 KW e installed capacity with a plant load factor of
50.6% on average.
The electrical energy generated from this project would meet the needs of the
villages in the vicinity and in the backward districts of Baksa, Kokrajhar and Barpetta
which will improve the power availability in the region and help accelerate socio-
economic development. Besides, the project would also help reduce the energy
shortage of 5.40% and peak power shortages of 5.80% of the state of Assam (Ref.
2004 2005 statistics source: North Eastern Region Power Sector Profile, Ministry
hydroelectric energy.
The proposed Pahumara SHP shall consist of the following major system
(3) Intake structure with trash rack and stop-log gates with hoist arrangement.
(5) One (01) 15 tonne capacity bridge crane H.O.T for the turbine generator
(6) One (01) 10 tonne capacity gantry crane for intake gate operation.
(7) One (01) set of generator and turbine control and protection cubicles with
annunciation system.
(11) One number step-up transformer 3.3 KV / 11 KV, 2500 KVA with associated
current and voltage transformers (CTs and PTs) and vaccum circuit breaker.
(13) Monorail with gate hoist (7.5 tonnes) for operating draft tube gates
In the event of tripping of the unit / units, the inflow into the upstream of the pond
shall be made of flow to the downstream of the river by opening of the barrage gates as
required. The opening and closing of the gates shall be controlled by a level controller to
be installed on the upstream of the barrage. To avoid overtopping of the banks, the level
available for sale after meeting the energy required for auxiliary power consumption.
The project when completed would result in conservation of 8800 tones of coal
Further, the project since uses renewable resource for power generation would
benefit the global reduction of carbon dioxide (green house gas) pollution by 8750
tones annually.
Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate are available in the river bed nearby and in
u/s reaches . Coarse aggregate boulders are to be collected from the u/s reach river of
Kokrajhar which are within a distanced of about 25 / 30 kms from the project site.
Structural and reinforcement steel can be obtained from the Stockyard of Steel
Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) located at Guwahati at a distance of 150 kms from the
project site.
issue of notice inviting tenders, tender evaluation, and placement of orders can be
completed within six months from the date of start of the project, which is included
within the above mentioned period of twenty four months. Temporary sheds for
during the first six month period. The existing building at the barrage site on the left
project site including power required for dewatering. There is already on existing 11 KV
line upto the barrage site. The construction power shall be drawn from this line.
However, as a standby, it is proposed to install a 100 KVA Diesel Engine driven (DG)
Since the power plant is proposed to be set-up adjacent to the existing barrage
and within the land owned by the irrigation department, no adverse effect to
Since the water diverted from the upstream of the barrage is again let out into the
same river about 150 metres downstream, the threat to aquatic life in the downstream
stretch of the river is non-existent. Besides, leakage of water through the barrage gate
seals would not dry-up the river in the downstream of the barrage upto the junction of
There is no wild life habitat including breeding, feeding and migration route within
the project periphery. It is also not a potential site for wild life sanctuary.
There are no rare or endangered species of flora and fauna within the project site.
It is also not a spot used for recreation at present. However, it is likely that after
the site is developed for power generation, by creating a pool upstream of the existing
barrage, the head pool could be developed as a place for recreation by provision of
boating facilities. Further, the upstream pool could be used for developing fishery and
pisciculture, which will increase availability of local and fresh fish in the villages and
towns nearby. It may be worth mentioning here, that fish is the staple food of the state,
and presently fish is being imported from far away places like Andhra Pradesh and Uttar
There are no trees within the project boundaries. However after completion of the
project, trees with commercial value can be planted along the tail race channel and the
head pool to enhance the environment and ecology of the area. Appropriate provision of
Rs. 0.50 lakhs has been made in the budget estimates for plantation of trees, and land
The entire project is proposed to be aligned within the land owned by the
The total cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 1413.00 lakhs without escalation
in cost and interest during construction, and Rs. 1566.33 lakhs with escalation in cost
and interest during construction. The cost of civil works and electro-mechanical works
equity ratio as 70 : 30 :
The interest during construction on the borrowed capital is Rs. 106.57 lakhs.
As per small hydro power policy of Government of Assam, it has been proposed
Keeping this in view, the cost of generation has been worked out.
The cost of generation in the first year works out to Rs. 3.49 per kwh at the
As per the figures available for the year 2001 2002, Assam State Electricity
Board has been purchasing power from other states and Central Sector Stations with an
average cost of Rs. 1.9041 per kwh. For the same year, (2001 2002) the tariff
As per the financial analysis carried out for the project and reported in Chapter
cash accrual is Rs. 4269.35 lakhs over the life time (35 years) of the project. Further,
It is thus apparent that generation from this project is competitive with the power
purchased from other states / Central Government stations. Further, whereas the
energy produced from coal, oil and natural gas stations would rise in the future, the cost
of energy produced from this station would not rise with time and would rather reduce in
terms of its real cost, considering the inflation in economy and devaluation in real value
of money.
The State of Assam is located in the North-eastern part of India blessed with
abundant natural resources especially oil, gas, forest and agricultural resources. The
state is located as a strategic corridor to other states like Arunchal Pradesh, Nagaland,
Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram located on the north-eastern and eastern
frontiers of the country. Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB) has been assigned the
role of bulk purchase of supplying of electricity throughout the State. During the year
2004 05 there was a shortage of peak power by 5.80 % and an energy shortage of
5.40%. The state has been also purchasing power to a tune of 2072 million units (2001-
02) from central sector stations and other states. The average purchase price is Rs.
3.03 per kwh (as per the present agreed cost of power procurement from Power Trading
Corporation by ASEB).
The National Electricity Policy of Government of India envisages that peak and
energy shortages should be met completely by 2012. It is further envisaged that the
quality and reliability power should improve. The policy lays emphasis on rationalizing of
tariffs, rural electrification and encouraging higher private sector participation. The policy
also addresses key issues such as hastening the returns process by defining time lines
for critical processes such as open access in each state, metering requirement, energy
dispatch centers.
Indias leading infrastructure development and finance companies. IL&FS was promoted
by the Central Bank of India (CBI), Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
(HDFC) and Unit Trust of India (UTI). Over the years, IL&FS has broad-based its
shareholding and inducted institutional shareholders including State bank of India, Life
development infrastructure projects and creation of value added financial services. The
IL&FS group has evolved along routes perfectly configured to business requirements.
Technical support and service routes provide specialized expertise project development
and sectoral companies house the ability to see initiatives and carry than through to
* Tourism
The IL&FS has entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU ) with the
Bodo land territorial council for development of small hydro power stations in the Bodo
land area for meeting the local electrical energy requirements as presently electrical
energy availability especially in the rural areas in Assam suffer from unreliable power
supply, low voltage and brown outs. Towards this end, IL&FS has identified the existing
barrage.- sites for power generation purposes by utilizing the head difference between
the upstream water level of the barrage and the downstream water level and the
discharge which is released through the river as excess over the irrigation requirements.
These irrigation barrages have been constructed by the Assam Irrigation Department for
meeting the irrigation requirements in the adjoining areas by impounding the river flows.
Pahumara is a perennial river flowing from the Bhutan hills through the State of Assam
260 37 N and longitude 910 1 E near village Laugaon in the district of Baksa.
The Pahumara SHP is connected by all weather road from NH-31 from
Bhawanipur point. The distance is around 10 kms. The nearest railway station is
Barpeta road situated at a distance of 33 kms. The project site is accessible through out
the year from NH-31. The project site is 150 kms from the state capital Guwahati.
The proposed power station is to be located on the right bank of the river
Pahumara, downstream of the existing barrage. The land around the site is almost plain
and flat without much undulations. The land around the site is barren and not used for
The South West monsoon rains from the end of the early half of April being the
general rainy season. The period from April to September is the monsoon period. The
The climate is predominantly humid from April to September, the humidity being
very high - more than 90% with an average temperature of 290 C. The humidity
decreases to 60 67% from September to March. Normally the dry period is between
February and March. The minimum temperature (during December and January) is
The site is located in the alluvial plain of Assam. As per geological and soil
investigations based on observations of the soil excavations in and around the project
area, the proposed power house site is devoid of rock strata and is entirely covered with
There are no mineral resources below the ground level in the vicinity of the
The river Pahumara originates from the southern water shed of Arethumke of
Bhutan range of Assam Himalayas and runs almost in north - south direction to join river
From the upstream of the barrage one canal take-off on the right bank. The
design discharge of the right bank canal is 9.92 cumec. Since the barrage is accessible
from the National Highway 31 on the right bank, it has been proposed to locate the
constructed upstream of the warped wall adjacent to the right bank canal intake. Water
from the reservoir created by the barrage shall be flowing into the head pond of the
power station through the proposed intake channel and the modified intake of the
The discharge available in the river is much more than the irrigation requirements
of both the canals. It is proposed to utilize the excess water which is presently flowing
The discharge data of the river Pahumara for the years 1965, 1966, 1972, 1973,
1974, 1975 ( 6 years) have been utilized for determining the power and energy for the
proposed SHP.
For estimation of hydro power potential, the hydrological data for the years 1965
- 1966 and from 1972 1975 (6 years) have been considered which is considered to be
adequate for planning of small hydro power projects. The discharge data corresponding
to these 06 years have been tabulated in Table 4.1. The irrigation requirements is
stated in Table 4.2. The water available for power generation has been calculated after
deducting the monthly irrigation requirements from the river discharge for all the 6-years
Only 21% of the 4.5 million households in the state of Assam have access to
electricity. The per capita consumption of electricity is only 104 kilowatt hours, which is
The shortage of electrical power can be easily gauged from the fact that Assam
State Electricity Board has very recently have invited tenders for supply of off-peak
power of 80 MW (between 0000 hrs to 1700 hrs and from 2300 hrs to 2400 hrs) and
peak power of 100 MW from 1700 hrs to 2300 hrs daily from November 2006 to April
2007. This trend is likely to continue into future no major power project is commissioned
Asian Development Bank has observed that the lack of sufficient and reliable
power is eroding the states competitiveness and prevents it from attracting industrial
investments from outside. ADB has also observed that improved power supply at a
removable cost is essential to revive the states industry and economy. Further, they
operates below capacity and is unable to meet the States total power demand. It
depends on power purchased from neighbouring states, and other Central Government
power generating agencies. Due to purchase of power from other agencies, the cost of
power is high. Further poor billing and collection of revenue add to the financial
problems of ASEB.
support for providing electricity in the state. Diversion of state governments funds for
electricity, naturally, reduces the governments expenditure on meting the more basic
increasing awareness against pollution caused by use of coal, oil, natural gases in
sources of energy like small water power, solar, and wind etc., which are non-
exhaustible and non-polluting. Amongst all the renewable energy sources receiving
attention, small hydro power is most promising since the technology having evolved
over a period spanning more than 150 years has reached a stage of maturity.
Small hydropower programme is one of the thrust areas of the Government. The
2000 MW capacity addition from small hydro power projects by the year 2012. The
responsibility of the Ministry includes the development and utilization of the entire
spectrum of renewable energy sources from the traditional to the modern technologies,
including solar, wind, biomass, small hydro power, cogeneration, ocean energy,
geothermal energy and alternate fuels. The main activities include research and
international cooperation.
The Ministry has now moved to a liberalized policy regime, allowing the market
forces to play a major role. Direct cash subsidies are being phased out by a package of
incentives and financing arrangements. A suitable policy environment and support for
market mechanisms have been created which would lead to increased participation of
A three fold strategy has been pursued by the Ministry for the promotion of NRSE
allowance, facilities for wheeling, banking and third party sale of grid power, and
Agency (IREDA), and other financial institutions, for commercially viable projects,
with private sector participation, and external assistance from World bank, Asian
The Government of India and the State Government have announced a number
of incentives for development of small hydro in the country which are stated below:
(b) The Government has permitted private sector to participate in power generation
(c) The MNES supports SHP development, both in the government and private
(R&M) of existing SHP stations and government projects that have been
languishing for want of funds. A special incentive package has been developed
for the promotion of the SHP programme in the Northern Eastern states, Jammu
such as cost of the project, capacity utilization factor, and cost of electricity
generation are the guiding factors for grant of subsidy. Emphasis is also laid on
the programme, the MNES provides a one-time subsidy for commercial SHP
projects. The subsidy is utilized by the promoter towards repayment of the term
loan availed from a financial institution. The subsidy is released after the project
performance parameters are attained as laid down in the MNES scheme. The
The alternative studies conducted during the course of preparation of the DPR
The recommendation in the report is for installation of vertical axis axial flow
Kaplan turbine located on the left bank of the river on a by-pass channel across the
Pahumara barrage.
Fig. 2.1
Topographic survey of the area covering the approach channel, forebay, power
station, tail race pool has been carried out on a scale 1:500 at 1 meter contour intervals.
The area surveyed extends upto 200 meters from the upstream of the barrage center
and upto 250 m downstream. The width of the strip surveyed is 200 m from right bank
of the barrage.
The discharge data of Pahumara river have been collected by the Assam
the proposed barrage site. The discharge at the barrage site has been considered as
90% of the discharge measured at the bridge site of NH crossing. There is no tributary
meeting the river between the barrage and the gauging site at the NH crossing.
The irrigation project has been designed on the basis of the discharge available
From the barrage at Kathalmuri ghat, one canal take-off on the right bank. The
Since the inflow at the Kathalmurighat is much more than the irrigation
requirement as mentioned in Table 4.1, the surplus water available at the barrage and
The discharge data corresponding to these years have been considered for
power potential evaluation. After accounting for the irrigation requirements the balance
water as available for each of these years for power generation has been calculated
Fig. 3.1 A view of the Pahumara river near the Barrage Site showing the location of principal villages Laugaon and
Assam state comprises of two main river valleys. The northern valley is known
as the Brahmaputra valley and the southern valley is known as Barak valley. The
Brahmaputra valley is an alluvial plain in between the foot hills of Bhutan ranges and
other hill tracts, on North and central ranges of Naga, Karbi, Khasi, Jaintia, Garo hills
etc. This valley approximately covers 56339 sq.km. of riverine area within the strip of
both bank of the river, stretching from Sadiya on the east up to Dhubri on the West. The
These streams and rivulet originate from southern water shed of Arethumke peak of
Bhutan range of Assam Himalaya and flow in areas characterize by open mixed jungles
within north Kamrup reserved forest. River Pahumara is one of the major tributaries on
the north in the District of Baksa district. The catchment area of Pahumara is about 440
sq.km from its origin upto its existing head works (barrage) site at Kathalmuri ghat.
The area between Bhutan foot hills and about 5 km, north of the NH-31 (C) is
River Pahumara is a major tributary of the mighty Brahmaputra and this river
along with other two main rivers namely Kaldiya and Moradiya command the Pahumara
basin of the Northern region of Brahmaputra valley. This basis lies between lat. 26.10N
and long. 91.5 to Lat. 26.5 N end long. 91.15E. Each of the rivers has independent
source of origin but they come together to drain the water of the whole basin into the
river Brahmaputra.
elevation 1000-15000 metres and flows south to join the rivers Kaldiya and Moradiya.
Actually this river is a combination of some hilly streams and local springs. The main
tributary of this river is Rupahi. The other main stream is Jiapota which itself is a
combination of some streams mainly Bhumki and Thebor. This combined discharge of
Jaipota meets the river Rupahi at Kathalmurighat about 8 miles north of NEF Railway
line and takes the name of Pahumara and flows almost towards south. After crossing
the national highway 31 it flows in south western direction. After traveling about 3 miles
south of NH 31 it allows its whole flow to discharge in to vast low lying area consisting of
many beels. Into this low lying area, two other rivers, namely, Kaldiya and
Morapagladiya also discharge. After this it takes the name Chowlkhowa flowing towards
River Pahumara flows with bed gradient nearing in 1000 15000 in the plains on
Kamrup district. Its bed in this reach consists of medium and fine silt. It has a shallow
and wide but well defined section. In the backwater one of the Brahmaputra, the river
The discharge data of Pahumara river have been collected by the Assam
Irrigation Department at NH-31 bridge site (18 kms downstream of head works site)
from 1964 onwards. The discharge at this site has been reduced by 10% to arrive at the
The maximum observed discharge 948.32 cumec (33457 cusec) on July 17 th,
1970 and minimum observed discharge is 2.1 cumec. The discharge data available for
the Kathalmuri barrage head works site for the period from 1972 to 1982 is given in
Table 4.1 which has been extracted from the detail project report for the Pahumara
From the barrage at Kathalmuri one canal take-off on the right bank and the
other on the right bank. The design discharge the right bank canals is 9.92 cumec.
Since the inflow at the Pahumara barrage is much more than the irrigation
requirement as mentioned in Table 4.2, the surplus water available at the Pahumara
barrage and intercepted is proposed to be utilized for power generation. The water
available for power generation after accounting for irrigation discharge on 10-daily basis
for the years 1965, 1966 and from 1972 to 1976 is shown in Table 4.3.
In Figure 4.1, the year-wise total annual runoff, and determination of 50%
dependable year (1974) have been graphically presented. The flow data available for
power generation (after meeting the irrigation requirements) have been stated in Table
In Figure 4.2, the discharge duration curve after accounting for the irrigation
drawals for the power generation has been presented. From figure 4.2, after accounting
for the irrigation discharges, the ninety (90) percent, fifty (50) percent and seventy five
(75) percent dependable discharges available for power generation have been
determined and are stated below based on six -years discharge data.
The silt concentration in this river has been observed to be maximum 700 PPM.
In view of this, no additional measures are required in the design of the power station,
Table 4.3
Fig. 4.1
Fig. 4.2
The area comes under the new alluvial zone of Assam on the north of the river
Brahmaputra. The alluvial materials laid in the area very recent in the chronological
sequence of origin. The present material of these alluvial curries with a complex
power house location upto a depth of 8 m below the existing ground level. The soil is
young and immature. The soils comprises of a matrix of river bed material and silt.
The prime object of this investigation work is to find out sub soil profile, important
engineering properties, bearing capacities of subsoil etc. The report includes physical
properties of the subsoil deposit such as grain size distribution, bulk density, specific
The field work involved boring, recording soil profile by visual observation,
The sample collection by manual boring (Auger and Hand) including pertinent
field test and other visual observation were done in the month of April 2006.
The investigation shows that the soil in the area predominately found clay, silt
and sand. The boring did not present anything unusual like encountering boulders,
1963 specifications. The samples so collected were waxed at either end, labeled and
The disturbed samples were collected from auger heads or from returning wash
water and split spoon sampler. It is then packed in polythene bags after marking in the
with a hammer of 65 kg weight falling freely through a height of 75 cm. The number of
blows required to push the samples tube through 45 cm length is countered. The
reading of first 15 cm distance is not counted towards standard penetration values and
this position is called seating. The N values are shown in the borehole logs.
The bore hole log is numbered for identification of location and also shows the
(2) Ground water table the reading for the ground water table is taken after
waiting for sufficient time till the water level in the casing become stationary.
IS : 6403 1981 recommends the following equation to calculate the net safe
C = cohesion of soil
(D = depth of footing)
qs = 1/F {1.3 C Nc + 1.2 D (Nq 1) + 0.2 B N } for general shear failure and
submerged condition.
Depth = 3.0 m,
Angle of shearing resistance for local failure = m = tan 1 2/3 tan 180 = 12.220 say 120
qs = 1/3 {(2/3 x 1.3 x 1.5 x 9.19 + 1.2 x 0.79 x 3.0 x (3.05-1) + 0.2 x 0.79 x 2.0 x 1.79} t/m+2
The maximum allowable bearing pressure is to be found out from the elastic
settlement consideration and is found from the following equation of I.S. Code 8009
(Part-I) 1976.
Sr = Total settlement in m
Cc = Compression index
P = Pressure increment
Depth = 3.0 m
The soil below the foundation is divided into three layers of thickness 1 m each
and settlement of these three layers are calculated separately and finally summed up.
Here, Cc = 0.09
Second layer of 1 m
Here Cc = 0.09
Third layer of 1m
Here, Cc = 0.09
Total settlement S1 = S11 + S12 + S13 = 24.28 + 15.9 + 7.1 = 47.28 mm < 65 mm, Safe
QU = Q p + Q r
Qp = Ap (1/2 D N PD N q )
Qic = Ca As
= 0.85 t/m2
q = D {D = Depth of foundation}
l = Length of embedment
D = stem diameter = 30 cm / 40 cm
Ap = 0.070 m2
= 300
Nq = 18.40 N = 22.40
Ap = 0.126 m2
Qp = 0.126[0.5 x 0.4 x 0.85 x 22.4 + 0.85 x 7.5 x 18.40] = 15.25
Qic = 0.5 x 2.3 x (3.14 x 6.5 x 0.4) = 9.38
Qis =
= 10.00 + 12.51 = 22.51 ton
Qt = 9.38 + 22.51 = 31.89 ton
Qu = 15.25 + 31.89 = 47.14 ton
Safe load, Qs = 47.14 / 2.5 = 18.85 tonne Say 18.0 ton
All the test results have been presented systematically through different tables and
As seen in the bore logs and particle size distribution curves, it is found that soil mass
As the soil in the site possesses good bearing capacity we recommend isolated footing
suggested net safe bearing capacity for isolated footing of 3.0 m depth is 10.0 t/m2 (Table
5.1). The load carrying capacity of bored cast in-situ RCC pile (without under reamed) of dia
30.0 cm and 40.0 cm size are shown in Table 5.2. However the safe pile load capacity is to
Depth from RL of founding Net safe bearing capacity Suggested net safe
existing ground level
level (m) (tonne / metre2) bearing
(m) capacity
(tonne / metre2)
3.0 95.0 10.09 10.0 10.0
Table 5.2 : Safe load carrying capacity of bored RCC pile (without under
Pile dia RL of pile Length of Pile cut Safe load carrying Recommended safe load
(cm) terminating pile from off length capacity from IS 2911- carrying capacity (tonne)
level (m) EGL (m) (m) 1980 (tonne)
The various construction material required for the project are available in the
vicinity of the project site. The sources have been identified keeping in view the
technical specifications applicable to each type of construction material and the
quantities required.
The following is lead statement of various construction material.
Cement 25 / 30 km
Steel 25 / 30 km
The sand, stone, gravel and boulders are available in the river bed in sufficient
quantity from where it can be collected for the construction purposes.
Materials like CGI sheets for roofing of the power station, fixtures etc. would have
to be procured from Bongaigaon or Guwahati (150 kms).
Generating equipment, electrical and mechanical equipment, gates, hoists, trash
racks etc. would have to be specially manufactured to order and transported to site and
installed as and when required. All the equipment proposed are indigenously
manufactured and no import of equipment is envisaged.
Items like checkered plates for covering cable trenches, glass panes for windows
etc., can be procured from Guwahati (150 kms).
Mini and Micro Hydro Stations for augmenting electricity generation in the country due
Once the project is completed, it will on average supply 8.78 million kwhrs of
electrical energy to the Assam State Electricity Board Grid, which will meet the energy
requirements partially. Further, this power station, being located in the midst of vast
tracts of agricultural and where substantial amount of electrical energy is being used for
pumping ground water for agricultural production, shall meet their requirements and
also will reduce transmission losses in Assam State Electricity Board grid.
Carbon dioxide and Flyash by reducing carbon-di-oxide production by 11,100 tones and
3000 tones of flyash from the thermal power stations. This objective is in consonance
The civil works for the project includes; head race channel, road bridge over
head race channel, intake structure, power house building to house turbine and
generation equipment along with control and protection equipment, draft tube, tail pool,
tailrace channel and switchyard. The head race channel is proposed to take off
diagonally between approaches of barrage and the right bank main canal. The intake
integral with the same. It is proposed to cut a rectangular notch through the retaining
wall upstream of the head regulator for the main canal. The tail race channel joins the
invited separately for execution of civil works, supplying and installing mechanical
equipment and electrical plant. During the period the tender formalities are being
complied with action for acquisition of required land is envisaged. Accommodation for
residential and non-residential purposes and other ancillary facilities are also required at
the site as no facilities are available at the site. It may perhaps be possible to avail the
facilities available in the irrigation department rest house located nearby, for which
The power supply will be required at the power house site. About 250 KVA will be
required for operating the concrete mixer and vibrators and the dewatering pumps. The
existing 11 KV line of Assam State Electricity Board to the barrage site and located
The construction agency executing the power house will arrange its own
manpower as required.
to the river which runs almost continuously. The contractor will have to make his own
For civil works of the power house, the main equipment required will consist of:
(b) Concrete mixer and vibrators for producing and compacting plain and
(c) Air compressor, rock drills, diesel generating set as a standby, welding
The project estimate does not include provision of these equipment as these
During execution, supervisory staff for both civil and mechanical electrical
works being carried out will have to be posted by the developer. Provision for
establishment has been made at the rate of 4% of the I-works (details of which are
However, it is proposed that the O&M staff be appointed by the time the erection of
electro-mechanical equipment starts so that they get acquainted and are trained in the
can be taken at the nearest villages / towns of Pathsala and Sarupeta where such
A bar chart showing the construction of works has been included in this report.
The programme includes the civil works, and supply and installation of mechanical and
(two pages)
The site of the power station has been selected on the left bank of the Pahumara
river. The power station will be located on a bypass channel to be constructed from the
The approach channel and the forebay is aligned in an area where there are no
The land which to be utilized for the project purposes does not have any tree and
is almost barren with some small bushes, scattered here and there. There are no
There is no wild life habitat including breeding, feeding and migration route at the
site. It is also not a potential site for wild life sanctuary. There are no rare or endangered
importance at the proposed site. It is also not a spot used for recreation. However, it is
likely that after the site is developed for power generation, the surrounding area could
view of very small quantity required for the construction of the power plant and
appurtenant works.
project site since the number of workers envisaged at the peak of construction is
The maximum number of construction workers at the peak period is not likely to
exceed fifty (50) persons. The civil construction work is likely to take not more than six
(06) months. Necessary sanitary and health facilities shall be provided for the workers
by the contractor.
The project would enhance the aesthetic aspects of the site. To improve the
aesthetics of the site as well as to improve upon the vegetal cover, it has been provided
for in the project estimate for planting of trees around the project site.
the power station, being exempted under the relevant act of the Government of India.
A sum of Rs. 50,000/- has been provided for in the project estimate for meeting
the expenditure on land scaping and plantation around the power station.
The discharge data has been monitored by the Assam irrigation Department from
the years 1965, 1966 and from 1972 to 1975 (6 years) which they have used for the
planning and design of the Pahumara Irrigation Project including the Pahumara barrage.
The discharge data for this period has been taken from the Revised Project Report for
the Pahumara Irrigation Project prepared by the Assam Irrigation Department and
at Kathalmuri ghat for power generation purpose. Therefore from the discharges
available at the Kathalmuri ghat barrage site irrigation requirements through the left
bank and the right bank canals have been deducted to arrive at the surplus flow
available at the barrage site to be utilized for the power generation purposes.
three years discharge. However, since the discharge data is available for a longer
period (i.e., for 6 years), it has been considered desirable to analyze the entire six years
10.1.2 Head
The gross head is the difference in elevation between the water surface levels in
pond level (49.6 m above mean sea level) as the upstream level, in order to maximize
distance of about 150 metres from the barrage axis, a suitable site has been identified
where the tail race channel can join the river. This site has been identified on the basis
- The length of the head race and the tail race channel is minimum,
- The bed level of the river does not change appreciably, if the length of
At the site of the confluence of the tailrace channel with the river channel, the
river cross section has been plotted and the water level in the river corresponding to the
Similarly, the bed width of the tail race channel has been taken as 30 metres, so
that when the power discharge flows through this channel, the depth of flow does not
exceed 1.03 m. This has been chosen to achieve a higher available head for power
The river bed level at the point of confluence is 41.7 metre (above mSL). With a
slope of 0.1 metre from the tailrace channel with a length of 85 metres, the bed level of
the tailrace channel works out to 41.8 m (mSL). The tail water rating curve has been
prepared for different flows. The tail water rating curve is shown in Fig. 10.6.
For deciding the installed capacity, four alternative scenarios have been created
The water power studies have been conducted with the above four alternatives
for the entire six calendar years i.e. for 1965, 1966 and from 1972 to 1975. Thus, the
simulation studies conducted for these years amply reflects the total likely scenario as it
The energy generated for each of these alternatives, year-wise are shown in
Tables 10.1, and Table 10.2 and also diagrammatically displayed in Figure 10.5.
Table 10.1
Table 10.2 : Utilization of the generating units in the 50% dependable year
From the Table 10.1, it is evident that the incremental energy increases when the
installed capacity is increased from 1500 KW (2 x 750 KW) to 2000 KW (2 x 1000 KW),
but decreases when it is increased to 2500 KW (2x 1250 KW). This clearly shows that
the optimum installed capacity for the Pahumara SHP is 2 x 1000 KW. This decision is
also further buttressed by the fact that the plant load factor for an installed capacity of
45.6% before accounting for forced outage, auxiliary consumption and transformation
Further, the use of two units is justified as can be seen that with the alternative of
2 x 1000 KWe, the second unit is required to be operated for about 130 days (4.3
months) in a year. This solution gives an opportunity that spare capacity is available for
a reasonable time to take care of annual maintenance and forced outage of one unit in
If the plant load factor in the 90% dependable year is considered, the plant load
factor with an installed capacity of 2 x 1000 KW is 41.2% whereas the same for the
In consideration of plant load factor (> 50% on average and > 40% in the 90%
dependable year) flexibility in operation and maintenance, part load operation and
KW e each.
The design energy is the energy likely to be produced in the 90% dependable
year with 95% availability. From the hydrological data for the Pahumara Barrage, 1975
is the 90% dependable year. From the power generation simulation studies conducted
for this year with 2 units of 1000 KW e each, the energy likely to be produced is 7.214 x
106 KWhrs. With 95% availability, the design energy is calculated to be 6.853 x 10 6
Fig. 10.1
Fig. 10.2
Fig. 10.3
Fig. 10.4
Fig. 10.5
Fig. 10.6
The head race channel takes off from the left bank of the river at a distance of 70
metres from the barrage axis. The bed width of the head race channel is 23 metres. The
head race channel has vertical sides. At 83.0 m downstream of its off-take point of head
race channel (i.e. after crossing the existing left bank main canal alignment), it is
proposed to construct a village road bridge with a width of 6 metres catering to IRC-
Class-I specifications for facilitating the road traffic to the existing barrage and villages
The Intake structure is integral with the upstream face of the power station
structure. The intake structure comprises of a trash rack in the upstream face installed
at an angle of 750 to the horizontal followed by a vertical intake gate. The vertical intake
The tail pool is provided with a reverse bed slope of 1V : 5 H till it meets the bed
level of 65.3 m El of the tail race channel. The width of the tail pool at the exit of draft
tube is 15.0 m, which is same as the combined width of the draft tubes of all the three
units and piers. This splays to 30.0 m in width over a length of 20 metres. The walls of
the tail pool are warped in both horizontal and vertical. The tail race channel has
trapezoidal section with side slope of 1V: 1.0 H till it meets the Pahumara river, the
length of trapezoidal section is 110.0 metres. The tail race joins the river at a distance of
Water conductor system consists of head race channel, head regulator bridge,
forebay, Intake, power house, draft tubes, tail pool and tail race channel.
As per the surveyed site plan the length of HRC is 43.4 m, with a bed slope of
0.1 in; 43.4 m length, the channel is 9.5 m wide with 5.0 m depth of water.
= 47.5 sq.m
Velocity of flow VH
= 1.05 m/sec.
V H2
Velocity head = 0.056 m
Width of HRC is 9.5 m; at chainage 33 m of HRC, 1.5 m wide pier has been
provided, so there are two bays, each 4.0 m wide and are provided with 5.3 m high
gates and gates hoist arrangement. In case of repair of forebay or P.H, the flow can be
controlled by these gates. Upstream of the gates, coarse trash rock is also provided to
3.0 Forebay
Within the available space and considering he economic aspect the layout of
scheme has been proposed so that it may have 350 m3 of water above MDDL.
Because head race channel is not so long and it is also connected with barrage
pond, so there would not be any difficulty to get water for generation. The width
of forebay is 15.0 m with a sloppy bed, length of forebay including its upstream
transition is 25 m.
Inclined trash rack at intake has been provided at an angle of 700, to stop the
entry of trash etc. to the turbine. The height of opening at trash rack is 5.0 m and
velocity of flow at entrance = Ve 1.13 m / sec
Velocity head = 0.065 m
Longitudinal slope S= 0.0011765
(0.1 m in a length of 85 m)
S = 0.03443
By considering all the head losses and adding them, average hl comes out to be
V2 V2
K. 0.46 (where velocity V has been taken at entrance) which is approx. 0.03
2g 2g
m for Q = 38.6 cumecs; similar head losses can be found out for other discharges.
Intake Structure
provided in the intake gate structure for stoplogs. The intake gate is proposed to be
operated by electric motor operated hoist from the control room. The gate shall be of
A trashrack fabricated out of mild steel flats and structural numbers at the inlet to
the bellmouth to prevent the entry of large size debris/floating matter. Trash racks (in 3
pieces) shall be erected between the grooves provided at the nose piers on either side
& bay for easy removal from the top. The trash rack shall be installed at an angle of 75 o
to the horizontal.
The racks are provided from the bottom of the intake structure 1.0 above pond
level. The area of the trashracks is sufficient to ensure a minimum velocity of flow or
Access to the power house has been proposed along a 5 m wide road on the
river. The size of the building is 10.6 m (along flow) x 23.5 m (across flow) to
accommodate two units of Kaplan type turbine along with its respective synchronous
generators and control panels. The layout of the various components is shown in Drg.
sliding stop log type intake gates has been made to take care of maintenance
requirements. The power house proposed is of the indoor type, where all erection and
Drainage sump, hydraulic power pack and control panel are placed at suitable
locations to minimize the space requirements and the length of the control cables, etc.
Structural Design
The power house design consists of (a) superstructure and (b) substructure. The
(1) Roof
(4) Walls
(5) Floors.
(a) Dead loads consisting of self weight of the structure and the permanent
superimposed loads.
(d) Crane loads consisting of the weight of fully loaded crane, its impact, crane
The permissible stresses for design of superstructure are as per IS:456 for RCC
and IS:800 for structural steel. The same have been increased for various
The permissible stresses for rivets, bolts, etc. are increased by 25% only in all cases
from Sl.No. 2 to 6.
The power house is proposed to be covered by GCI sheets with the sheets fixed
The GCI sheets conform to IS:277. It is to be placed directly on the purlins and
held in position by hook bolts of 10 mm dia at 400 mm c/c. At joints of two sheets a
minimum overlap of 150 mm is provided. The joints along the sides of the sheets shall
overlap two corrugations and the screws are provided at 300 mm centers. All holes are
to be made through ridges and curved washers are inserted to avoid leakage. At the
eaves, the hook bolts are placed at 250 mm c/c to prevent the lifting of sheets due to
Roof Supports
The roof is supported on purlins resting on steel trusses. The spacing of trusses
is governed by the considerations of the load on the roof. The truss is analyzed for
Gantry Girders
The gantry girders are of RCC embedded in the concrete columns and walls of
the power house. The girders will be supported on brackets projecting from the RCC
columns on the upstream and downstream sides. Suitable base plates are also
provided for fixing the rails on the girders. The gantry girders are designed for worst
combination of moments, shear force and thrust transmitted to them by the crane in the
loaded conditions.
The power house is designed with a raft foundation. The stability analysis is
done considering:
The analysis is done in two directions, longitudinal and transverse. The loads
Generator Floor
The generator floor which is also the top slab of the draft tube is designed to
carry load of machines, live load and any thrust transferred through turbines, generator
with opening at draft tube location where it acts as RCC box combined with draft tube
piers and the base slab. However, it is checked for concentrated loads and thrust of
The drawing of the power house showing general layout and other details are
The water from the power house after power generation is proposed to be
channelised to join the Pahumara river downstream of the existing barrage through at
tail race channel provided with a suitable slope. The tail race channel is designed to
bank canal intake and upstream of barrage. The bed width of the proposed head race
channel shall be 9.5 m. To prevent entry of bed load into the approach channel, it is
proposed to construct the bed of channel sufficiently high at the entry into the mouth of
the approach channel. The entry to head race channel shall be so aligned such that a
smooth flow from the river into the approach channel is ensured and the bed load is
The head race channel shall have a rectangular cross section with a width of 9.5
metres. The length of the head race channel is proposed to be 43.4 meters.
The proposed approach channel has to pass under existing road to barrage
requiring a bridge span of about 9.5 m. To keep the same alignment of road the bridge
power house. The span of the road bridge at centre line shall be of 9.5 m.
generation, the excess water has to be passed over the barrage spill ways after meeting
the primary commitment for irrigation in order to maintain the safety of the canal and the
The intake structure will be provided with a trash rack downstream of which will
be the intake gates. The two number gates will be operated by a hoist provided on the
The hydro-turbine is the key element in the hydro power station and all the
ratings and dimensions revolve around that of the turbine. Though theoretically , turbine
can be applied at any head , but on considerations of economy ,and the strength of
materials achieved upto that point of time, the use of hydro-turbine is limited in
The basic factors considered in the selection of the turbine is enumerated below:
(3) Suitability of the runner diameter to adapt to runner blade angle control on
Type of Turbine
Small, Mini , Micro Hydroelectric Power Houses issued by Bureau of Indian Standards,
the head of application for different types of hydro turbines are given in Table 13.1.
The broad performance specifications for reaction type turbines are given in
Table 13.2.
Table 13.2 Turbine Performance Specifications for Small Hydro Power
of turbines for application upto a minimum head 1.5 metres. Though it is possible,
theoretically, to harness any head, even as low as 0.1 m, but the same is not desirable
on account of economy. It may be worth mentioning here that the lowest head
harnessed so far on the basis of reported literature is 1.05 meter at Ganzhutan hydro
power plant in Guangdong province of Peoples Republic of China. This power station
has one (1) unit of 3000 kW rating with a rated discharge of 610 cumec.
On critical perusal of the tables 13.1 and 13.2 stated above , the following types
of turbines are suitable for application to the SHP site under discussion with a design
- Tubular with adjustable blades and fixed wicket gates (Horizontal semi- Kaplan)
- Tubular with adjustable blades and adjustable wicket gates (Horizontal - Kaplan)
- Cross flow
The cross flow turbines are suitable for a head range 1 metre to 200 metres and
are of predominantly impulse type. This type of turbine has a very good part-load
efficiency but low peak efficiency when compared to the other two types. Further, being
an impulse type has to be placed above the tail water level and there by some head will
be perpetually remain unutilized. This will also result in further energy loss. The un-
utilizable head in the case of low head installations may be a significant quantity.
Therefore, use of cross flow type turbine in this particular case is not recommended.
The Francis open flume type is also not recommended for the following reasons:
(a) The turbine setting is in this case is vertical , which will result in a higher
(b) The Francis turbine has a low specific speed which will result in a low turbine speed
larger leading to a costlier turbine and associated cost of civil works. Further , the
cost of speed increasing gear box will be also higher due to a larger speed ratio.
(c) The part load efficiency of Francis type turbine is lower than that of Kaplan type of
After exclusion of Francis (open flume) and cross-flow types from the ambit of
consideration, the following types of turbines , which are axial type, are left for
consideration . These belong to the generic type Propeller and are further classified
as (i) propeller,(ii) Kaplan and (iii) semi Kaplan depending on the adjustability of
The axial flow turbines , as per the configuration of their shaft, are available in
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Inclined
The horizontal configuration requires more length in the horizontal direction with
the vertical configuration requiring the minimum. The inclined axis configuration
requires an intermediate value. The vertical axis type has a higher head loss as
On the basis of relative placement of turbine and generator, the configuration can
- Tubular
- Bulb
The bulb and stra-flow type have horizontal axes whereas the tubular type can
have any of the axis configuration. The bulb and straflow type are generally suitable for
large flows and outputs (normally greater than 1000 KW). Moreover, these type of
turbine generating units are very sophisticated in construction, requiring a higher degree
of skill for installation and maintenance. Further, these types of turbines are susceptible
to erosion damage if the sediment load is heavy. Hence for the project under
consideration, bulb and rim type hydro turbine generator units are not being considered.
The comparison between alternative types of turbines for this power station is
now limited to
(1) Propeller type (fixed runner blades and adjustable wicket gates)
(2) Semi Kaplan type (adjustable runner blades and fixed wicket gates)
The Kaplan type turbines are suitable to large head variation and variation in the
The current world wide trend is to use standard runner diameters for
economizing on the cost. Similar practice is also adopted by the Indian manufacturers.
However the Indian manufacturers also agree to manufacture the runner to any exact
diameter when so desired by the customer, and to suit to specific site conditions for
increased efficiency.
Therefore while tendering for the turbine and the generator, it will be desirable to
give the option to the manufacturer to supply the turbine with that diameter as per his
design which suits best to the operating regime. As the responsibility of the basic
hydraulic and mechanical design of the turbine is vested in the manufacturer so also its
performance, the above flexibility in approach shall be in the overall interest of economy
and efficiency of the power plant and thus shall not deviate from the basic philosophy of
the design.
The turbine manufacturers have published the basic layout dimensions of the
project report, standard layout designs have been adopted for effecting economy of
space. The detailed for construction, however, shall be based on actual information
The basic specifications of the turbine, generator and other equipment have been
outlined in this report. These criteria have been specified on the basis of adequacy of
keeping in view the location at which the installation is proposed and the level of
availability of technical skill locally and above all simplicity and robustness of the
at different mini and small hydroelectric power stations elsewhere using similar type of
The runner shall be made of 13% Chromium 4% Nickel stainless steel. If the
bidder offers Aluminium Bronze as a cheaper alternative, the same could be also
accepted. The runner hub shall be of cast steel. The runner chamber shall be made
structural steel. The turbine shaft shall be made of forged carbon steel. The stay ring
shall be fabricated of structural steel, the draft tube elbow piece including the transition
piece shall be fabricated from mild steel plates. After the transition piece, the draft tube
The turbine speed shall be in the range of 100 150 rpm depending upon the
specific speed adopted by the manufacturer. To reduce the cost of the generator, it
would be desirable to increase the speed to 500 /600/750 rpm which would be the
normal rpm of the generator. The speed increase shall be accomplished by using a
(5) Turbine Generator Room Equipment Handling Crane (1) 15 ton capacity
Bridge Crane
(6) Gantry crane 5 tonne capacity for handling intake gate and trash rack
Turbine :
13.6.2 Generator
1. Synchronous, and
2. Induction.
Induction generators are generally about 20% cheaper than the synchronous
developing its own excitation power, induction generators require an external source for
providing it with the magnetization power. The synchronous generators require more
complicated governing and excitation control systems whereas the induction generators
do not operate and being sturdier require less maintenance, and are ideally suitable for
Since the unit size is 1000 KW, it would not be possible for the 11 KV local
system to provide the magnetization power required by the generator. Hence it has
Type : Synchronous
Frequency : 50 Hz
Each generator shall be provided with its individual control and protection
the runway speed of the turbine i.e. about 2.7 times the rated speed for 30 minutes
without any damage. The factor of safety at maximum runaway speed of the turbine
without overheating.
The generator shall be provided with four (04) nos. of embedded temperature
detectors for indicating the stator winding temperature on the generator console.
maintain the temperature of the generator at last 5oC above the ambient and avoid
condensation of moisture.
The generator shall be cooled by axial flow centrifugal fans mounted at each end
of the rotor. The generator shall be provided with screen protected enclosures for open
The frame shall be designed to withstand the bending stresses and deflections due to
its self weight and the weight of the core supported by it.
The stator core shall be built up by segmental punching made of low loss silicon
sheet steel non-oriented type and end plates. Each punching shall be properly debarred
13.6.3 Flywheel
Necessary flywheel effect shall be incorporated into the rotating parts of the
generator and shall be determined in consultation with the turbine manufacturer to limit
the speed rise and pressure rise within permissible limits. In case requisite moment of
inertia is not available from the rotor, a separate flywheel shall be provided to furnish the
A single stage speed increaser shall be provided connecting the shafts of the
increasing the speed of the turbine to that of the generator. In case suitable belt drive is
In case parallel shaft gear types speed increaser is used, it shall have body
manufactured out of cast iron or fabricated steel. The gear shall be made of suitable
The guide vanes as well as the adjustable runner blades are proposed to opened
by hydraulically operated servomotor and held in desired position by oil pressure. In the
event of load throw off or when actuated by master tripping relay due to fault or under
command to shut down (normal or emergency), the oil pressure is released by the
actuation of DC operated solenoid valve and the guide vanes close under counter
weight provided.
An oil pressure unit (OPU) proposed to be provided for the purpose. The OPU
shall be provided with an electrically operated pump and a manual pump. The pressure
in the system shall be continuously maintained at the desired pressure level within a
very narrow band. In the event of pressure falling by say about 5% the electrically
operated pumping shall start to build up the pressure again. Pressure switches shall be
therefore provided for starting the pump (on falling pressure) and stopping the pump (on
The oil pressure unit shall also be used to operate the runner blades.
There shall be one control panel for each of the turbines and the generators
fabricated out of 2 mm thick mild sheet steel. It shall be free standing type with single
front design. The control panel shall be mounted on antivibration pads. The board shall
be applied with synthetic enamel paint on antirust primer after being subjected to sand
- Cast resin dry type double secondary single phase potential transformer 3 nos.
- 1200 Amps 415 V, 3 phase, 3 pole, electrically operated drawout type air breaker
with thermo-magnetic release, shunt trip coil under voltage release, auxiliary
functions :
- Monitoring of the alarm inputs from the turbine and generator protection system.
There shall be also inputs through suitable transducers for monitoring the
- Generator KW
- Generator KWH
- Generator current
- Generator voltage
- Frequency
- Power factor
- Trivector meter.
The system shall be provided with independent CPU, MEMORY and POWER
SUPPLY so that failure of one system shall not affect the operation of other system(s).
The system shall have self-checking and self-diagnostic features for all internal
The system should be suitable for continuously operating without air conditioner
in the power plant environment with temperature upto 45o C and high humidity.
(1) Rotameter to check flow of cooling and sealing water to the bearings, gearbox,
This board shall also be of single front design conforming to the same
manufacturing standards and dimensions as the unit control board. This power
distribution board shall cater to various auxiliary power requirements in the station.
The power supply to the board shall be obtained from the spillway gate control
room due to its higher reliability. The board shall house the following :
One telephone connection shall be provided in the power station from the local
Since the level of the bottom most floor is below the tail water level, there is
likelihood of seepage water entering into the power station. Besides there is likelihood
the power station entering into a drainage sump whose floor level is fixed at
31.6 m.
It is proposed to install two (02) nos. of sump pumps discharging into the tail race
The pumps would be of self priming mono-block type. The motors will be rated at
It is proposed to dewater the draft tube by one number portable centrifugal pump
of submersible type. For the purpose of dewatering of the draft tube, a 750 mm dia
opening has been provided on the draft tube deck. The dewatering opening shall be
closed by suitable mild steel cover with bolting facility and shall be flush with the floor
The indoor lighting shall comprise of twenty four (24) numbers of twin 40 watt
Besides there will be ten (10) number of 60 watts incandescent lamps distributed
around the power station to form the D.C. emergency lighting systems. These lamps will
The outdoor lighting is proposed to comprise of 8 nos. of 250 watt sodium vapour
lamps mounted on the powerhouse walls two on each face to illuminate the
transformer yard the draft tube deck, the approach road and the spillway area.
It is proposed to install six (06) nos. of exhaust fans of 300 m size, 1000 RPM
proposed to install a D.C. Battery lead-acid type rated at 120 Ampere-hours, 110 volts.
The cells shall be of tubular positive plate with polypropylene plastic or hard rubber
foundation level below the raft. From the grounding mat, six (06) nos. of risers shall
brought upto the machine hall floor. The risers as well as the ground mat shall be made
of mild steel strips with corrosion protection as per standard practice. The risers shall be
The earthing of the frames and the neutral shall be as per the relevant provisions
tons. The hoisting operation shall be done by electric motor operated hoist, which can
be operated from the generator floor level. The HOT crane would facilitate a small group
Two numbers stop log type gates are proposed as the draft tube gate for each
The gates shall be operated from a gantry girder provided for the purpose on the
draft tube deck. The lifting and lowering operations shall be possible with a chain pulley
The gate shall be provided with a suitable lifting beam with grab-clamps.
The tail race channel will connect the draft tubes of the power house with the
Pahumara River. The section of the channel would be trapezoidal with a bed width of
install one 125 KVA, 3300 /433 V transformer tapped from the 3.3 KV generator bus.
It is proposed to install one no. of step-up transformer rated at 2500 KVA, 3.3 /11
From the high voltage side a single circuit 11 KV overhead line shall be erected
The power is to be evacuated through the existing 11 KV single circuit line upto
investigations are included. The cost estimates also include the expenditure
2. B-Land: The land required for the proposed power plant including the
presumed that the project activity being an activity aimed at economic and
social development of the un-developed area around the project, the land
3. C-Works: The estimates for the following works have been included:
(i) approach channel, (ii) head regulator for approach channel and coarse
screening, (iii) intake and power station structure and (iv) tail-race. The cost
estimates have been based on the designs prepared for each of the
Government with due consideration towards lead distances for steel, cement,
coarse and fine aggregates and other materials and cost escalation.
entry of trash, logs and other foreign materials to the forebay, it is proposed to
provide a coarse trash rack in front of the bridge structure. It is also proposed
to provide two vertical lift gates operated by a gate hoist so that the approach
cleaning of the channel as well as the forebay. The cost estimates for the
RCC bridge of 10 m long and 6 m wide complying to IRC Class-A and the
cost of the structure for the coarse track rack and the gate hoist and a 1 m
wide operating platform is Rs. 60.43 lakhs (Annexure C-2). The cost of the
forebay is Rs. 47.96 lakhs (Annex-C3); that for intake and power station
structures is Rs. 319.66 lakhs (Annex-C-4) and that for tail pool and tail race
channel is Rs. 109.77 lakhs (Annex-C). The total cost of civil works is
4. K-Building: The cost for temporary buildings and residential buildings for the
operating staff has been estimated at Rs. 25,00,000/- and including in the
budget estimates.
5. M-Plantation: A sum of Rs. 50,000/- has been provided for plantation in the
project area. Since the project area is very small, the expenditure proposed is
considered adequate.
works during the construction period which is in line with the prescribed
20,00,000/- has been provided for special tools and plants like: concrete
road from the PWD road upto the power plant entry.
10. S-Power Plant and Accessories: A provision of Rs. 600,00,000/- has been
and testing of two units of 1000 KW turbine and generating units along with
all auxiliary equipment including the cost of 2500 KVA step-up transformer
and 11 KV switchyard with circuit breaker, isolators, and earthing system etc.
The cost estimates are based on budgetary prices receive from a few reputed
13. Ordinary Tools and Plants: A provision has been made @ 0.5% of the I-
works towards the cost of ordinary tools and plants in line with the prescribed
14. Receipts and Recoveries: In accordance with prescribed norms, 75% of the
cost of tools and plants has been provided for under this head amounting to
the construction of the project, the special tools and plants procured for the
15. Indirect Charges Audit and Accounts: In accordance with the prescribed
KV single circuit line upto the Pahumara barrage site. There is an existing 11
KV line upto the barrage site from the 33 x 11 KV, 2 x 5 MVA Pathsala Sub-
the proposed SHP. It is understood that the 11 KV line from Pathsala has a
connected load of about 500 KVA. It is proposed that the existing 11 KV line
Annex. C-1
TOTAL 4,742,191.07
Annex. C-2
Annex. C-3
TOTAL 4,796,487.63
Annex. C-4
Annex. C 5
TOTAL 10,977,405.52
(1) Project Cost: Cost of the project has been worked out in detail in chapter of cost
(2) Operation and Maintenance Cost : This cost includes : (i) the employee cost, (ii)
repair and maintenance cost and (iii) administrative expenses inclusive of
insurance cost. This cost has been assumed @ of 2% of the project cost
escalating @ of 4% per annum.
(3) Interest on Working Capital: The working capital has been worked out on the basis
of the following assumptions in accordance with the regulations of the
Assam State Electricity Regulatory Commission:
(a) Operation and maintenance expenses for one month
(b) Cost of maintenance and spares @ 1% of the historical cost
escalated @ 6% per annum.
(c) Receivable equivalent to two months fixed charges for sale of
The interest rate has been taken as 11% per annum on the working capital. The
working capital and the annual interest due on it for the 35-year period of
operation has been calculated and presented in Sl. No. 7 of Table 15.2 (Page
(4) Energy : Generated energy has been calculated as per detail under power studies.
It has been done on the basis of 95% plant availability factor.
Losses:- Auxiliary consumption - 0.5%
Transformation Losses - 0.5%
Total - 1%
Transmission losses have not been considered as it is proposed to sale the
energy produced to the Assam State Electricity Board at the Power Station bus bars.
The average energy produced considering the river discharges for the period
from 1965 to 1965 and 1972 to 1975 is 9.34 x 106 Kwhrs. Allowing for 5% towards
outages, the likely energy to be produced is 8.873 x 106 Kwhrs. After accounting for
auxiliary consumption, transformation and transmission losses (totaling to 1%), the net
It has been agreed between the IL&FS and the Bodoland Territorial Council that
from the sixteenth year of operation the power producer shall provide free power to the
state to the extent of 7.5% of the energy available at the bus-bars i.e. after accounting
Loan 70%
(7) Taxation: As per Govt. of India policy Income Tax holiday for first ten (10) years of
11.2% per annum which has been considered for the first ten (10) years of
following annexures.
The scheme would generate 9.34 million kwhrs on average year and it is
projected that the net energy available for sale after meeting auxiliary power,
transformation and transmission losses and accounting for forced outages shall be
Year 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Genera- 3.49 3.38 3.27 3.17 3.06 2.54 2.79 2.98 3.22 3.51 3.87
cost per
The cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 1413.00 lakhs and cost including
escalation and interest during the construction is Rs. 1566.33 lakhs. The per kilowatt
cost is Rs. 7.832 crores per MW. The cumulative cash accrual at the end of 35 year
operating period is Rs. 4269.35 lakhs on an equity of Rs. 437.93 lakhs which is 9.75
The project benefits do not include the carbon credit i.e. likely to be available
under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which will enhance the profitability of
the project. The equivalent carbon dioxide remission shall be 8,750 tonnes per annum
which shall qualify for CO2 trading under CDM regime. With a notional trading value of
It is also to point out that the financial evaluation has been made on the basis of
escalation in cost of operation and maintenance @ 4% per annum whereas the sale
rate of energy has been considered constant at Rs. 3.20 per kwh for all the 35 years
which is unlikely to happen due to inflation and depreciation in the value of rupee. In the
event of increase in cost of generation, the profitability of the project shall further
Annexure 15.1
Salvage value 10%
Depreciation has been calculated on an useful life span of 35 years by straight
line method.
Interest rate
Interest rate on term loan 10%
Interest rate on working capital 11%
Period of repayment of term loan (in years) 10 years
Gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane etc. are termed as green
house gases (GHGs) as they absorb and re-emit some of the infrared radiation warming
the earths surface and the atmosphere. Any change in the quantity of these gases in
the earths atmosphere can change the earths temperature and climate. Between 1860
AD and 2000AD, the average global surface temperature has increased by about 0.30C
to 0.60C. The warming has been significant since 1970. The warming is more prominent
in the continental land mass lying between 400 N and 700 N. the increase in
concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere has been attributed to the
human activities like burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, agricultural practices and
manufacturing of industrial products. The enhanced green house effect are likely to
change in vegetation and rise in sea level. Developing countries especially the poor
ones are more vulnerable to these changes due to their high dependence on natural
resources and their limited capacity human, financial and institutional to adapt to
extreme events. Climate changes can also affect the health and the livelihood of the
poor adversely. Extreme climate conditions accentuated by green house effect are likely
Keeping in view the adverse effects of the increase in green house gas
Protocol) at the Third Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework
mechanisms CDM is the only one in which developing countries can participate.
project, generates emissions reduction (ER), CDM enables the project owner to sell the
ER credits, once they are certified, to an interested buyer. The project owner or seller
at home or through the Kyoto mechanisms or any company that might be interested in
buying emission credits for investment, resale, or enhancement of its green image. The
benefits of CDM for the developing country are new financial resources, better
developing country. As emissions have the same global effect irrespective of their
generate revenue for the project owner. However, as the ER credits are invisible and
intangible, their existence needs to be established and verified. For example, a small
alternative thermal power plant (base line) would have produced GHG emissions. The
operational entities and certified by the CDM Executive Board have a financial value
and can be sold to generate a revenue stream for the project owner. The CDM project
would normally also result in improved local environmental conditions and lowering of
pollution related health problems compared with the baseline. The CDM facility works
with projects aimed at both sustainable development benefits and GHG mitigation.
These include:
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Sustainable agriculture
16.3 THE CDM PROCESS Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
The CDM process is quite complex and includes five major steps as follows:
(i) Project Identification: the CDM facility will assist the operations departments
the development costs of the CDM and for purchasing an agreed quantity of
ERs. Alternatively, the seller might want to pay for the development costs of
(ii) Project development : The second step relates to project development. This
verification plan that will be implemented during the operation of the project to
(iii) Validation and registration : The project design document developed in (ii) is
the project, the ERs generated are measured according to the monitoring and
operational entity.
(v) Issuance of ER credits: The CDM Executive Board certifies the verified ERs
The CDM process is explained through the flow chart enclosed as Annexure-16.1.
From the report of the International Agency, Benign Energy The Environmental
Implications of Renewables (1998) the Life Cycle Emission from various energy
It is estimated the annual energy production from the Pahumara SHP shall be
8.873 x 106 on KWh and the energy available for sale be of the order of 8.784 x 106
kwhr per annum. The coal being used in the thermal power stations in India not being of
very good quality, it may be appropriate to assume that the carbon dioxide being
emitted shall be of the order of 987 gms per kwh. On this basis the carbon dioxide
emission reduced by generating same amount of electrical energy from Pahumara SHP
works out to 8750 tonnes per annum. On this basis over the life time of power plant the
carbon dioxide reduction is expected to be of the order 306500 MT. Since the
Pahumara SHP is a renewable energy project and its operation can provide energy for
social and sustainable development without contributing to GHG emissions is eligible for
The Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNES), Govt. of India, provides
a one time subsidy to improve the economic viability of Small Hydro Electric Projects
generally calculated in accordance with the following formula in the North Eastern
Since the installed capacity of the project is 2.0 MW, the likely amount of one time
The Detailed Project Report for the proposed Pahumara Small Hydroelectric
Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited. The contributors to this report
acknowledge gratefully the support and help extended by Sri D.K. Mittal, Managing
Director, IIDC Sri G.K. Pharlia, Advisor and Sri Pradeep Agrawal, Senior Manager
without whose encouragement and cooperation this report could not have been
The authors also acknowledge the technical support provided by Sri D.K.
Agarwal, Retired Engineer-in-Chief, and Sri G.P.S. Bhati, Retired Executive Engineer,
This work has been undertaken as a part of the institutes forward looking policy
Devadutta Das
Principal Investigator and
Professor, Department of Water Resources
Development & Management,
Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Park
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Telephone No. 01332: 285774 (O), 285822 (O), 285773 (R)
Fax No. 01332 285774, 273967
AC Alternating current
ACSR Aluminium conductor steel reinforced
Ah Ampere-hour
AERC Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission
ASEB Assam State Electricity Board
AVR Automatic voltage regulator
BCR Benefit/cost ratio
BTC Bodo Land Territorial Council
c/c Center to center
CB Circuit breaker
CEA Central Electricity Authority
Ch Chainage
cm/s Centimeter per second
Cumec Cubic metre per second
CWC Central Water Commission
DC Direct current
DG Diesel generator
Dia Diameter
DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DPR Detailed Project Report
DSI Detailed Surveys & Investigations
E&M Electro-Mechanical
FRL Full Reservoir level
FSL Full Supply Level
FY Financial year
GI Galvanised Iron
GOI Government of India
GRP Glass Reinforced Polyester
GWh Giga Watt hour (one million unit of power)
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HFL High Flood Level
HGL Hydraulic Grade Line
HV High Voltage
Hz Hertz
ICR Interest Coverage Ratio
ID Internal diameter
IDC Interest During Construction
IL&FS Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited
INR Indian National Rupee
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
Kg Kilogram
Km Kilo-meter
kN Kilo-Newton
kV Kilo-volt
kVA Kilo-volt-ampere
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilo-watt-hour
LS Lump-sum
LV Low Voltage
m Metre
M15 Concrete of characteristic strength 15 N/mm2
m2 Square metre
M20 Concrete of characteristic strength 20 N/mm2
M25 Concrete of characteristic strength 25 N/mm2
m3/s Cubic metre per second
mA Milli-amp
masl Meters above sea level
min Minute
mm Millimeter
MAT Minimum Alternate Tax
MDDL Minimum Draw Down Level
MNES Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy and Sources Ltd.
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
msl Mean Sea Level
MVAr Mega-Volt-Ampere reactive
MW Mega-Watt
MWL Maximum Water Level
No. Number
NPV Net Present Value
NWL Normal Water Level
O&M Operation & Maintenance
OD Outside Diameter
OGL Original Ground Level
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
R Radius
RC Run-of-river
rpm Revolutions per minute
Rs Indian rupees
SCADA System Control and Data Acquisition
SHP Small Hydropower Project
TWL Tail Water level
V Volt
V:H Vertical to Horizontal
VAT Value Added Tax
Yr Year
Title of Drawings Drg. No.
1. Layout Plan of Scheme marked on Contour Map 01
2. Layout of Project 02
8. Switch Yard 08
A1-6, B1-6, C1-6, D1-6
Applied(ton applied(ton/sq
) m) A B
6 0 0 0 0.00
0.5 9.30 5.50 0.97 0.93 0.95
9.45 2.34 2.67 2.51
10.00 3.40 3.32 3.36
10.30 3.44 3.40 3.42
1 10.30 11.00 4.22 4.45 4.34
10.45 5.42 5.36 5.39
11.00 6.88 6.83 6.86
11.30 7.12 6.92 7.02
1.5 11.30 16.60 3.05 3.12 3.09
12.00 3.18 3.22 3.20
12.30 11.38 11.50 11.44
2.00 12.30 22.20 12.43 12.56 12.50
13.00 15.11 15.20 15.16
13.30 15.18 15.24 15.21
2.5 13.30 27.70 19.45 19.76 19.61
14.00 21.34 21.40 21.37
14.30 21.37 21.45 21.41
3.00 14.30 33.30 23.32 23.54 23.43
15.00 27.51 27.60 27.56
15.30 27.60 27.65 27.63