Brown 1957 Linguistic Determinism

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Harvard University

N RECENT years the anthropologists Whorf and these are semantic characterizations. The

I (12), Lee (9), and Hoijer (6) have put for-

ward the view that language is a deter-
minant of perception and thought. The nature
of the determining influence exerted by the
object classes of Navaho are usually described
as words naming round objects, words naming
long, thin objects, words naming granular sub-
stances, etc. The linguistic determinists in
vocabulary of a language is quite clear (1), but anthropology believe that the semantic char-
it is less easy to see how the grammatical fea- acter of the form classes fixes the fundamental
tures of a language can affect cognition. Yet it conception of reality in a language community
is just the grammatical differences between and that differences on this level correspond to
languages that are most striking and it is their different Weltanschauungen.
determining force that the anthropologist has At the same time the science of descriptive
stressed. This paper undertakes to show how linguistics refuses to define its word classes in
one kind of grammatical practice, the alloca- semantic terms. Fries (5) has shown that for
tion of words to one or another part of speech, the English parts of speech such definitions are
does affect cognition. always either unclear or overextended. We all
The words of a language can be collected know the English teacher's characterization of
into classes of formal equivalents which are the noun as the name of a person, place, or
called the parts of speech. Fries (5) has shown thing. The terms "person" and "place" are
that English nouns, for example, are words reasonably clear, but do not apply to such
acceptable in sentence frames of the type nouns as "truth," "odor," and "thought." The
"(The) is (are) good." Native speakers meaning of "thing" is so unclear that we can-
of English will find it possible to insert "con- not tell whether or not odor and thought are
cert" or "cow" or "truth" in that frame but things. No one has been able to provide clear
will find "very" or "of" grammatically im- semantic definitions that will serve to distin-
possible. Fries has used other sentence frames guish every English noun from every verb,
to separate out verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. adjective, and adverb. It is well known that
In French, nouns can be further subdivided the "masculine" and "feminine" genders in the
into formal gender classes. In Navaho there European languages include names for objects
are more than 20 formal classes for words having no sex. In Navaho, too, the object
naming different kinds of objects. All of these classes do not show perfect semantic consist-
word classes are defined by linguistic science ency. In short, the semantic definitions of the
in terms of the combinational possibilities of form classes ignore many exceptions and are
forms in a language without reference to the unsuitable for the purposes of linguistic science.
meanings of forms. When the linguistic scientist sets up his
So long as these classes are defined in purely descriptive categories he quite naturally looks
formal terms they do not suggest important for attributes of exceptionless validity, and
cognitive differences. That suggestion comes there are not such semantic attributes for the
in when we add the semantic correlates of the English parts of speech. However, the layman
classes. The native speaker of English is likely may operate, in this area as in so many others,
to think of the parts of speech in semantic with conceptions that take account of prob-
terms. Nouns name substances; verbs name abilistic as well as certain associations. It may
processes; and adjectives name qualities. The be that nouns tend to have a different semantic
genders of certain European languages are from verbs, and that the native speaker de-
usually called masculine, feminine, and neuter, tects this tendency while he is in the process of
The gist of this paper was presented in a conference learning the language. To answer these ques-
on "Linguistic meaning" sponsored by the Social tions examination was made of the nouns and
Science Research Council and held at Yale University,
May 17-18, 1956. The Laboratory of Social Relations, verbs of young children learning English to see
Harvard University, financed the research. whether there was a semantic distinction be-

tween the two parts of speech. The distinction children as more concrete than that of adults.
proved to be much clearer than it is in the One sense of the pair "concrete-abstract" is
vocabulary of English-speaking adults. The the same as "subordinate-superordinate." The
second step was an experiment to find out more abstract term, the superordinate, in-
whether the children were aware of the seman- cludes in its denotation the denotation of the
tic distinction between nouns and verbs and concrete or subordinate term, but extends be-
whether they made any use of the distinction. yond it. Superordinate-subordinate relations
between the two lists were all in one direction.
THE NOUN AND VERB IN CHILDREN'S SPEECH The adult list included "action," "article,"
Harvard pre-school sessions were visited for "body," "experience," and at least seven
about a month. There were eight children in others which were superordinate to many
each class; two of the classes were limited to words on the children's list. There were no
children between four and five years while a nouns on the children's list superordinate to
third class accepted those between three and those on the adult list.
four. As an observer, the author sat on the The concrete noun with the smaller denota-
side-lines and let the pre-school life swirl about tion is likely to be more picturable than its
him, recording verbatim all the conversation superordinate, and picturability is another
he could hear. From these records, he made common sense of "concrete." Of course the
vocabulary lists classified into the parts of concrete noun, like the abstract, names a cate-
speech. It was his impression, on examining gory rather than a particular instance. How-
this vocabulary, that the nouns and verbs of ever, some categories have a more or less
children were more nearly consistent with the characteristic visual contour and size while
classroom semantic definitions than are the others do not. Visual contour is a defining at-
nouns and verbs of adults. Nouns commonly tribute for "table," but not for "thing" or
heard were "truck," "blocks," and "teacher." "experience." Of the adult nouns, 16% named
There were no uses of "thought" or "virtue" categories having a characteristic visual con-
or "attitude," These observations suggested tour, while 67% of the children's nouns were
that as the form classes grow larger they de- of this kind. Nouns like "apple," "barn," and
cline in semantic consistency. Perhaps children "airplane" name categories for which size is a
develop firm, and temporarily reliable, notions defining attribute, while nouns like "affair,"
about the semantics of nouns and verbs. These "amount," and "action" do not. On the adult
notions may stay with them as adults even list, 39 % of the nouns were of the former kind,
though they retain only a probabilistic truth. while 83% of the children's nouns had size
To compare the character of adult and child implications. It appears that children's nouns
vocabularies, the first thousand most frequent are more likely to name concrete things (in the
words from the Thorndike-Lorge (11) list of sense of naming narrow categories with charac-
adult usage were examined, and also the first teristic visual contour and size) than are the
thousand most frequent words from the Rins- nouns of adults.
land (10) list of the vocabulary of children in Two lists of verbs were compared: those
the first grade. The Rinsland list is based on among the first 1,000 for adults but not for
4,630 pages of conversation, plus more than a children, and those among the first 1,000 for
thousand letters and stories. The Rinsland list children but not for adults. The question here
is much the same as lists compiled independ- was the percentage of verbs naming animal
ently by the Child Study Committee of the (including human) movement. Of the adult
Kindergarten Union (8) and by Horn (7). verbs, 33 % were of this kind, while 67 % of the
The first set of contrasts deals with two re- children's verbs named actions. The common
duced lists; nouns found among the first thou- notion that verbs name actions seems to be
sand for adults but not for children, compared truer for the vocabulary of children than for
with nouns among the first thousand for the vocabulary of adults.
children but not for adults. The set of nouns These studies of word lists confirm the im-
having clearest "thing" character would seem pression that the nouns and verbs used by
to be those that are called "concrete" and it is children have more consistent semantic impli-
a commonplace to describe the language of cations than those used by adults. It remains

a question whether children are, in any sense, barns," whereas a mass noun would be in the
aware of these implications. There are many singular"some rice." The semantic difference
ways in which such awareness could be useful between these two classes of noun is suggested
to one learning the language. Adults often try by the designations "mass" and "particular."
to convey the sense of a word by speaking it in Mass nouns usually name extended substances
the presence of the object or event named. All having no characteristic size or shape, while
such single namings are ambiguous. The adult particular nouns name objects having size and
who says "water" while looking at a glass of shape. Many nouns can function in either a
water may cause a child to attend to the glass mass or particular way with attendant shifts
itself as a container, to the glass as a trans- in the speaker's view of the referent. "Some
parent material, to the liquid character of its cake" is a chunk of a mass while "some cakes"
contents, to the height of the liquid, to the are either cupcakes or layer cakes arranged in
state of containment, and so on. Selection of a row. Many words in the vocabulary of psy-
the nonlinguistic attributes that govern, proper chology have this double potentiality. Al-
denotative use of the word "water" cannot be though the personologist deplores such usage,
guaranteed by a single naming. Repeated the layman speaks of someone having "a lot of
pointings can, of course, establish the invariant personality" or "very little temperament." The
circumstances governing use of the word. If professional insists that personality is not an
there were nothing to suggest to the child the undifferentiated substance of which one can
probably relevant features of the nonlinguistic have more or less. Personalities are like cup-
world, discovery of linguistic meanings would cakesall of a size and one to a customer
be a very laborious affair. However, a new with only their frostings to make them unique.
word is ordinarily introduced in a way that In the speech of the pre-school children
makes its part-of-speech membership clear: "milk," and "orange juice," and "dirt" were
"Look at the dog" or "See him running." If a the most common mass nouns. These were al-
part of speech has reliable semantic implica- ways given correct grammatical treatment. No
tions it could call attention to the kind of at- one said "a milk" or "some dirts." It was de-
tribute likely to belong to the meaning of the cided to work with three functional classes: the
word. A child who had absorbed the semantics particular noun, the mass noun, and the verb.
of the noun and verb would know, the first
tune he heard the word "dog," that it was METHOD
likely to refer to an object having character- The experiment involved three sets of four pictures
istic size and shape, whereas "running" would each.2 One of these sets will be described in detail. The
be likely to name some animal motion. The first picture in the set shows a pair of hands performing
a kneading sort of motion, with a mass of red confetti-
part-of-speech membership of the new word like material which is piled into and overflowing a
could operate as a filter selecting for attention blue-and-white striped container that is round and low
probably relevant features of the nonlinguistic in shape. The important features of the picture are the
world. It seemed that one could learn whether kneading action, the red mass, and the blue-and-white
round container. The motion would ordinarily be
children experience any such filtering of attri- named with a verb (like "kneading"), the mass with a
butes by introducing to them newly invented mass noun (like "confetti"), and the container with a
words assigned to one or another part of particular noun (like "container"). It was assumed that
speech, and then inquiring about the meanings children would have no readily available names for any
the words appeared to have. of these conceptions. Each of the remaining three
pictures of this set exactly reproduced one of the three
In the children's speech that had been re- salient features of the first picture, either the motion,
corded, nouns and verbs were given proper the mass, or the container. In order to represent the
grammatical treatment. In addition, the chil- motion a second time it was necessary to show also a
dren made correct use of a subclass of nouns mass and a container. However, the mass was here
painted yellow so as not to duplicate the original, and
the mass nouns. These are words like "dirt," the container was of a different size, shape, and color
"snow," "milk," and "rice" which are given from the original. The other two sets of pictures in-
different grammatical treatment from such volved different content, but always an action, a mass
particular nouns as "barn," "house," and 2
The author is grateful to Dr. Susan Ervin for
"dog." For example, when "some" is used painting the pictures and for suggesting colors and
with "barn" the noun is in the plural"some forms that would please children.

substance, and a particular object. In one case, the simply failures to answer because of some dis-
first picture showed hands cutting a mass of cloth with traction from the task. The results are sum-
a strange tool. In the third set, hands were shown
emptying an odd container of a slushy sort of material. marized in Table 1. A simple test was made to
In overview, the following use was to be made of the determine the significance of the differences in
three sets of pictures. Children were to be shown the the pictures selected by children when the new
first picture in conjunction with a new word identifiable word was a verb, when the word was a par-
either as a verb, a mass noun, or a particular noun. ticular noun, and when it was a mass noun.
Then they would be shown the remaining three pictures
of the set and asked to point out the one that pictured For example, the selections made when the
again what had been named in the first picture. It was word was a verb were dichotomized into pic-
anticipated that when the new word was a verb they tures of actions and all others. These frequen-
would point to the picture of motion, when it was a cies for verbs were compared with like fre-
particular noun they would point to the container,
and when it was a mass noun they would point to the quencies for the choices made when the words
extended substance. were either particular or mass nouns. In other
Three word stems were used: "niss," "sib," and words, the test was to determine whether ac-
"latt." If the stem was to function as a verb X would tion pictures were more likely to be selected as
begin by asking: "Do you know what it means to sib?" referents for new words introduced as verbs
(Children do not always answer "no" as they ought.)
"In this picture" (first picture of a set) "you can see than for new words introduced as nouns.
sibbing. Now show me another picture of sibbing" Comparable tests were made to see whether
(presenting the other three pictures of the set). If the particular nouns were associated with pictures
stem was to function as a particular noun, X began: of objects and mass nouns with substances.
"Do you know what a sib is?" and proceeded in con-
sistent fashion. If the word was to function as a mass All three of the resultant 2 X 2 tables yielded
noun, X began: "Have you ever seen any sib?" and differences beyond the .005 level of significance
went on accordingly. when the Fisher-Yates test was applied.
Each child saw all three sets of pictures and heard It is well known that children will sometimes
each of the word stems; one of them as a particular do what an adult wishes in a task of this kind
noun, one as a mass noun, and one as a verb. The
combinations of word stem, part-of-speech member- though they do not understand the task as the
ship, picture set, and order of presentation were all adult does. Consequently, the qualitative re-
randomly varied. There were 16 children in all, half of sults may be more persuasive than the quanti-
them between three and four years, and half between tative. In the first trial with the first child, for
four and five. They were all acquainted with X by the
time the experiment was performed. The procedure was
instance, X showed the picture of cloth being
very like the familiar business of looking at a picture cut by an odd tool and said that there was a
book and naming the things seen and was accepted by "sib" in the picture. Then went on with: "Can
the children as a kind of game. The game was always you show me another sib?" and while X still
played with one child at a time. fumbled with the other three pictures, his sub-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ject swung around and pointed to the steam
valve on the end of the radiator saying,
When a new word was introduced as a verb, "There's a sib." The pictured tool looked very
10 of the 16 children picked out the picture of like the steam valve. In another case, X showed
movement. When the word was a particular the picture of confetti-kneading and said,
noun, 11 of 16 selected the picture of an ob- "There is some latt in this picture," where-
ject; and when the word was a mass noun, 12 upon his subject said: "The latt is spilling."
of 16 selected the extended substance. Of the And it was.
15 responses that were not correct, four were Recent experiments with phonetic symbol-
ism (2) and metaphor (3) indicate that seman-
TABLE 1 tic rules are not always arbitrary. A word can
PICTURE SELECTIONS FOR WORDS BELONGING TO suggest its meaning because the sound is an
echo of the sense or because the word had a
Category Verbs
Particular Mass prior meaning which is related to the new
Depicted Nouns Nouns meaning. The present study suggests that most
Actions 10 1 0 words have an additional kind of "appropri-
Objects 4 11 3 ateness" stemming from their grammatical
Substances 1 2 12 character. While the part-of-speech member-
No response 1 2 1
ship of a word does not give away the particu-

lar meaning, it does suggest the general type to the meaning of the word. In this way, they
of that meaning, whether action, object, sub- make use of the semantic distinctiveness of the
stance, or whatever. In learning a language, parts of speech. It seems likely that speakers
therefore, it must be useful to discover the of languages other than English will also have
semantic correlates of the various parts of detected the semantic characters of their parts
speech; for this discovery enables the learner of speech. There is a sense, then, in which this
to use the part-of-speech membership of a new grammatical feature of a language affects the
word as a first clue to its meaning. The present cognition of those who speak the languages.
experiment with very young children who are Differences between languages in their parts
learning English indicates that in this lan- of speech may be diagnostic of differences in
guage, at least, the semantic implications of the cognitive psychologies of those who use
the verb, mass noun, and particular noun are the languages.
discovered by native speakers. It now seems REFERENCES
quite probable that speakers of other languages
1. BROWN, R. W. Language and categories. Appendix
will also know about the semantics of their to J. S. Bruner, J. J. Goodnow, & G. A. Austin,
grammatical categories. Since these are strik- A study of thinking. New York: Wiley, 1956.
ingly different in unrelated languages, the 2. BROWN, R. W., BLACK, A. H., & HOROWITZ, A. E.
speakers in question may have quite different Phonetic symbolism in natural languages. J.
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3. BROWN, R. W., LEITER, R. A., & HILDUM, D. C.
mined how seriously and how generally thought Metaphors from musical criticism. /. abnorm, soc.
is affected by these semantic distinctions. Psychol., 54, 347-352.
4. BUCKINGHAM, B. R., & DOLCH, E. W. A combined
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5. FRIES, C. C. The structure of English. New York:
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distinct semantic characteristics. These char- vocabulary of children up to and including six
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purposes of linguistic science. Human beings 8. INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN UNION, CHILD
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9. LEE, DOROTHY D. Conceptual implications of an
nature of the parts of speech of their language. Indian language. Phil. o,f Sci., 1938, 6, 89-102.
It was shown that the nouns used by young 10. RINSLAND. H. D. A basic vocabulary of elementary
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the names of things and their verbs more re- 11. THORNDIKE, E. L., & LORGE, I. The teacher's word
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of-speech membership of a new word as a clue Received August 17, 1956.

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