Lesson Plan 3

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TOPIC FOR THE LESSON: Behaviorism Theory

Grade Level/Course: Psychology 9-12

Unit: Development and Learning Domain

National Standards for High School Psychology: Learning: Content Standard 1 and 2

Lesson Targets/Objectives (write in ABCD format):

1) The student will be able to effectively able to analyze the Behaviorist Theory with
100% accuracy.
2) The student will be able to extend their knowledge of behaviorist theory to understand
the activity with 90% accuracy.

Key Vocabulary or Language Targets: Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning.

Materials: Smartboard, PowerPoint presentation, lemonade powder, cups, bell, and water.


Video will be shown about Pavlovs dogs and students will watch. Teacher will ask what
the argument being made means for things like science and medicine. 15
Teacher's Activities Students Activities Time


We will begin our discussion on the

Behaviorist Theory. The important pieces Students will take notes and answer 40
are Operant conditioning, reinforcement, questions. min
punishment, and classical conditioning.


We will now do a simulation of

conditioning. Every time I ring this bell 20
place lemonade powder on your tongue and Students will place lemonade powder on min
the take a sip of water. tongue and swallow water at minutes 0-19
Teacher will ring bell every 30 seconds for when teacher rings bell.
20 minutes.
(last bell ring)
Did you still taste the lemonade powder
even though you did not place any on your

Closure Time
The class will discuss why they believe the activity worked and if it could apply to other
things in life. 15

Teacher will asses how well the activity is understood.

__ Camcorder __DVD/Video stream __Worksheets __ Computer Lab __ Handouts
__Other (list items needed):
Instructional Strategies to be Used:
__Discovery Learning __Cooperative Learning _x_Simulations __Debate
_x_Discussion _x_ Concept Formation _x_Questioning _x_Lecture
_x_Inquiry __Other

Multiple Intelligences:
_x_Verbal/Linguistic __Musical/Rhythmic __Interpersonal
__Logical/Mathematical _x_ Intrapersonal _x_Body/ Kinesthetic
__Naturalist __Visual/Spatial

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