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Mihai ION Basic English Morphology: The Noun (Practice)

1. Translate the words in brackets and choose the correct underlined words.

1. (Aceste informaii) is/are not correct and this proves that your (cunotine) on the matter
is/are not enough.
2. In autumn people usually clean/cleans the dry (frunze) from their (acoperiuri) so they don't
block the eaves.
3. She bought (dou pini) although she had decided she was too fat to eat (pine).
4. The (mobila) in her rooms is/are very old but although we gave her some (sfaturi) on how
to redecorate her house she didn't accept it/them and said we spoke (prostii).
5. (Matematica) is/are her favourite subject but (gimnastica aerobic) is/are her passion.
6. (Statisticile) prove/proves that while the Russian (popor) is/are complaining about its/their
living standard, the (oamenii) of Moscow is/are satisfied with life in its/their city.
7. She was very untidy: her (pijama) was/were lying on the floor, the red and the blue (earfe)
was/were hanging from the (rafturi) while her black (pantalonul) was/were thrown on the
back of a chair.
8. He hated all (vehiculele spaiale). Both his (soie) and (copil) had been killed in a (serie) of
stupid accidents due to insufficient (cercetri) in the field.
9. He had found a very interesting (specie) of plants while struggling with the (narii i
mutele) in the Virgin Forest.
10. (Statistica) is/are concerned with information that can be expressed in numbers. It/They
is/are a branch of mathematics.

2. Choose the correct word from the ones underlined.

1. The acoustics of the famous Albert Hall in London was/were so bad that they had to
rebuild the interior.
2. A/ means of travelling around in the galaxy was/were devised by Asimov in The
Foundation Trilogy.
3. The sad always finds/find something to sorrow about.
4. In the years he spent in the west of Africa he got acquainted with the local fruit/fruits and
found it/them delicious.
5. Billiards often replaces/replace other types of entertainment in the English countryside.
6. His politics was/were the main reason why his family and friends rejected him.
7. James' progress over the last few months keeps/keep amazing his teachers.
8. The elderly often forgets/forget that they were once young.

3. Circle the correct verb form in the sentences below.

1. The crew was/were left waiting for the captain on the deck.
2. My family always spends/spend their Easter holiday up in the North of Moldavia.
3. The press was/were asked to leave the hall.
4. The press was/were asked to take their seats.
5. The team has/have all been working hard during the last month.
6. The whole team has/have been working on the same project during the last month.
7. The police has/have no idea about the identity of the murderer.
8. Every six months the cattle was/were driven East and was/were sold.
9. The jury was/were very satisfied with her performance.
10. The government declares/declare to have known nothing about the raise in the prices.
11. The enemy was/were spread all along the top of the hill.
12. The clergy was/were opposing Henry VIII's idea of breaking away from the church in
13. The public was/were so dissatisfied with the show that they left one by one.
14. The audience is/are gathered in the hall, waiting for you.
15. In this village it is the community that decides/decide.
16. The staff is/are arguing fiercely with its/their opponents.

Mihai ION Basic English Morphology: The Noun (Practice)

4. Rewrite the sentences using the correct possessive form of the words in brackets.

1. (roof/shed) was blown off by the storm last Wednesday.

2. She was happy to get (protection/police) and never told Mark what had happened.
3. He was satisfied with (work/that day).
4. Although (question/Anna) surprised both her parents, they didn't show their feelings.
5. (legs/chair) were not very well glued, so Jimmy fell when he sat down.
6. (beams/moon) were lighting the valley and this made their walk much more romantic.
7. (two hands/my watch) broke when I fell from the (wall/garden).
8. (waves/sea) were heard struggling down below.
9. Fortunately (half/her face) was covered by the large (brim/her hat) so she didn't give
herself away.
10. She rubbed (floor/kitchen) clean and then continued with the (windows/sitting room).
11. Marcia was very satisfied with her (holiday/two months) in the French Alps.
12. She bought (worth/140 dollars) of books.

5. Circle the correct/more appropriate form.

1. a photo of my brother/ a photo of my brother's

2. two days' journey/ two day's journey
3. the friend of his sister-in-law's cousin/ his sister-in-law's cousin's friend
4. Peggy's and Dorothy's room/ Peggy and Dorothy's room
5. the nephew of the wife of George's son/ George's son's wife's nephew
6. Tom and Peter's bikes/ Tom's and Peter's bikes
7. I will be at John/ John's this afternoon.
8. She bought herself some leather shoes/ shoes made of leather.
9. Mother came from the dentist/ dentist's.
10. I couldn't help admiring my tailor's coat/ my tailor coat.
11. She bought bread from the baker/ baker's.
12. A photo of him/ A photo of his in his younger years was on the mantelpiece.
13. A book of her/ A book of hers was found forgotten in her drawer in the classroom.
14. The car's race/ The car race was to take place at two o'clock in the afternoon.
15. The grass' blades/ The grass blades were shining in the morning sun.
16. She couldn't help glancing at the station clock/ the station's clock every minute.
17. Please give it the thought of a moment/ a moment's thought.
18. Every afternoon she enjoyed drinking some tea made of camomile/ camomile tea.

6. Change the masculine nouns into feminine nouns in the sentences below. Make all the
other necessary changes.

1. My father's brother was a tall, thin man in his forties.

2. The only problem with my landlord was that he couldn't stand the tom cat I had brought
with me in a basket and was not willing to give in.
3. About six in the evening, the lads used to gather in the market place in front of the pub.
4. The policeman summoned the heir to hand in the will.
5. Every Sunday my husband and I went to my brother-in-law's place and had lunch with
my father-in-law.
6. My nephew was delighted with the present he got from his grandfather.
7. My brother could never forgive himself for running over the stag that night.

7. Change the feminine nouns into masculine nouns in the sentences below. Make all the
other necessary changes.

1. Everybody congratulated the bride and sent scowling looks to the spinsters who
surrounded her.
2. The princess's mother didn't take seriously the old witch's spell. "Look out," she had

Mihai ION Basic English Morphology: The Noun (Practice)

said, "at 18 your daughter will become a nun and she'll never be anybody's fiance, wife
or mother."
3. My mistress hadn't paid me for three weeks and my stepmother was awfully unkind, so I
decided to run to my aunt for help.
4. The Queen of Hearts wanted to have the little girl's head cut off.
5. All her girlfriends had climbed up the social ladder and had a career: most of them were
successful businesswomen, others were chairwomen of more or less significant
associations, her school friend had become a congresswoman.
6. As to her, all she could say was that she was a widow and had three daughters.
7. The two waitresses were quite slow and irritation was flushing the lady's cheeks.

8. Identify and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. There may be several
mistakes in the same sentence.

1. There were several churchs along the valleyes and deep into the woods.
2. Matt was ready to give up his believes and start a new life in a different place.
3. After the thought of a moment, Donna gathered her strengths and decided to change the
position of all the furnitures in the room.
4. She showed us a favourite place of her which was not far from the city.
5. Heros were soon forgotten by younger people who were interested in setting up
businesses and to whom money were more important than fame.
6. The savings of last year could cover the expenses of the journey.
7. All Nick wanted was to get the worth of his money.
8. He admired her photoes which were much better than all her work so far.
9. Carol was amazed to see the room's walls painted in sparkling red.
10. The binocular was not well adjusted so she couldn't see the two deers very clearly.
11. It was difficult for him to give her advices, although he knew that his knowledges were
far beyond the results of her researches.
12. Bob hated the fact that he had to write so many literary analysis for school every week
but for the sake of peace at home, he kept writing his homeworks regularly.
13. The woman waiter was much slower in bringing the orders than the man waiter.
14. Mathematics are not easy to learn, I know, but it's time you made some progresses.
15. Poultry is the common noun for the gooses, hens and ducklings in your backyard.
16. My parent's house was not far from the main road, at ten mile's distance from the lake.
17. Mother doesn't like the coffee, that's why she always drinks a tea in the morning.
18. Nobody answered the door because the family was all over the house preparing for the
19. A large supply of winter shoes were expected to arrive by the afternoon's middle.
20. All the pathes led to a circle of trees surrounding three tall status.
21. When she reached the door, she knelt to gather her mails thrown over the garden's fence
by a hurrying postmen.
22. Since the heats were extreme, they took several bathes and by noon used up all the hot
waters they were allotted for the day.
23. There is many traffic on the highway this morning because more than one car were
involved in the accident.
24. I had two difficult reading assignment last week and some math and physics homeworks
that are due next week.
25. Nowadays the youths is more responsible than it used to be.

9. Translate into English.

1. S-au fcut progrese semnificative n acest domeniu al cunoaterii.

2. Poliia susine c relaia sa cu publicul se nbuntete.
3. Am multe teme de fcut pentru mine.
4. Mnnci multe fructe?
5. Pot s-i dau nite informaii n aceast chestiune.
6. n ziarul de azi sunt cteva tiri interesante.

Mihai ION Basic English Morphology: The Noun (Practice)

7. Premiul de anul trecut s-a acordat unui musician foarte tnr.

8. Nu trebuie s pleci aa de devreme, gara este la zece minute (de mers) de hotel.
9. Crezi c bogaii au vreo grij?
10. Noua prieten a fiului meu este o tnr ncnttoare.
11. Diana, zeia vntorii, se numea Artemis n mitologia greac.
12. La nceputul secolului nostrum erau puine studente n colegiile englezeti.
13. Dnil Prepeleac, eroul povestirii lui Creang, a dat o capr pe un gscan i gscanul pe o
pung goal.

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