Sciencefair 1617
Sciencefair 1617
Sciencefair 1617
January 19th
February 23rd
March 23(Science Fair Date)
11. Construct your science fair display. Get your cardboard display board
from your teacher so you can show all your work and have your hands free to
point to sections when you give your presentation.
12. Prepare and practice your presentation. Be able to tell about what you
used what you did in your experiments, and what you found out. Know it well
enough that you dont have to read it from the display.
13. Plan a time line so you dont leave everything until the last minute.
If you need help, tell your parents and your teacher, the earlier the better.
14. Relax and Enjoy yourself. You will do a GREAT job!
Title Page: The first page in the report should include the title of the project as well as the name and
grade of the student.
Acknowledgment: Here is where you thank everyone who helped to make your project successful
(including Mom and Dad.) Everyone that you interviewed, including teachers, scientists, and other
experts in the field should be mentioned here.
Table of Content: This page provides the reader with a list of the different parts of the project and the
page number on which each section can be found.
Statement of Purpose: State the purpose of the project in the form of a question.
Hypothesis: You must have a hypothesis before you complete the project. A hypothesis is an educated
guess about what you think will occur as a result from completing your experiment.
Research: This is the part of the report that contains all the background information that you collected
about your topic. Any books or articles read from the internet/journal, authorities on the topic that you
talked to, or outside materials collected should be summarized in this section. This section should be
written in your own words and NOT copied from your resources.
Materials: This is a list of all the materials and supplies used in the project. Quantities and amounts of
each should also be indicated.
Procedure: You will list and describe the steps you took to complete the project. Usually this is listed
in a numbered sequence. This part shows the stages of the project so that another person can carry out the
Observations and Results: In this section, you will tell what you learned from the project. It is also
IMPORTANT to include all graphs, charts, or other visual data (pictures) that helps to show your results.
Conclusion: This is a brief statement explaining why your project turned out the way it did. You
should explain why the events you observed occurred. Using the word because is a good way to turn an
observation into a conclusion. The conclusion should tell whether the hypothesis was proven or not
proven. Also give the reason(s) why you chose to learn more about the subject. You could also add what
you know now that you didnt know before you completed your project.
Reference Page: The bibliography should list all the printed materials the student used to carry out the
project. Items should be listed in alphabetical order in a standard format. These website are a great place
to go to find the proper way of writing a bibliography. , or Also lets you tag
information from Internet sources as you research.
2. Science Buddies: Use the topic selection wizard to help you figure out what science projects interest
you most. Once you have a topic, get help doing research, setting up the experiments, and completing
3. Science Fair Project Resource Guide: Samples, ideas, magazines, resources, and more. Includes a
list of sites that explain the Scientific Method.
4. Scientific Method: Describes the five steps of the Scientific Method that are helpful when creating a
science fair project. Includes examples of wording and sample projects to explain certain steps.
5. Super Science Fair Projects: Guide to projects, topics, experiments, and tips for successfully
completing a science project, including the six steps of the Scientific Method.
6. What Makes a Good Science Fair Project?: Short guide written by a group of experienced judges for
the California State Science Fair.
*All parents must sign and approve their childs Science Fair
I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the materials for the Science
Fair and I am aware that my child is required to complete a Science Project.
I have approved and given permission for my child
_______________________________________________ to participate in this years
Science Fair.
Students Signature ________________________________________________
Parents Signature _________________________________________________
*Teachers Approval of Project Please Conference with your Teacher about
Teachers Signature ________________________________________________
Name: ___________________
Due Date: ___January 19, 2017_____February 23, 2017
DUE no later than January 19th:
Observation: (what you observed)
If, then I think
(Detailed Steps)
Data Collected:
Resource #1
Resource #2
Resource #3
Student Checklist
Due Date
(____/75 points)
Purpose: State your purpose as a question or a statement. What is it you that you want to find out by
doing this project? (page 10)
out, what do you think the results of your experiment will be? After doing the experiment, it may turn out that
your guess was wrong. Its okay if this happens. (Included in Project Summary Worksheet) (page
Permission/Participation Slip Signed and Returned (page 9)
Topic: Choose a topic. Be sure it interests you. Dont pick one because you think it will be easy. Talk it over
with your parents and when you have decided, than be committed to it. Do not change your topic later, you will
have had two months to think about it! (Included
in Participation Slip.)
(____/75 points)
Materials: List all materials that will be used in your experiment. Include exact quantities for each
item used. (page 10)
MARCH 23rd:
(___/150 points)
Research: Look at any books that might help you, make observations by simply looking at things, talk to
people, and find out as much as possible about your topic. Write down any ideas you have and where you got
them. (Included in Resource Form You must have THREE!)
(page 11-13)
Presentation (page 8)
Project to display of findings
Name: ____________________________________
Project Name:
Grade Level: _________________
Total Points Received: ______________/225
Teacher Comments: