Audit of Hospital - Mcom Part II Project
Audit of Hospital - Mcom Part II Project
Audit of Hospital - Mcom Part II Project
Page No.
Types of Audit
Expenditure of a hospital
Special audit points to be considered by the auditor
Audit of Hospital
Are details of what is owned and what the organisation owes properly
recorded in the balance sheet?
When examining the financial report, auditors must follow auditing standards
which are set by a government body. Once auditors have completed their
work, they write an audit report, explaining what they have done and giving
an opinion drawn from their work. Generally, all listed companies and limited
liability companies are subject to an audit each year. Other organisations
may require or request an audit depending on their structure and ownership.
Be there all the time The audit is carried out during a defined
timeframe, and auditors are not at the organisation all the time. The
prime purpose of the audit is to form an opinion on the information in
the financial report taken as a whole, and not to identify all possible
irregularities. This means that although auditors are on the look-out for
signs of potential material fraud, it is not possible to be certain that
frauds will be identified.
For each major activity listed in the financial report, auditors identify
and assess any risks which could have a significant impact on the
financial position or financial performance, and also some of the
measures (called internal controls) that the organisation has put in
place to mitigate those risks.
Finally, auditors prepare an audit report setting out their opinion, for
the organisation's shareholders or members.
Auditors discuss the scope of the audit work with the organisation the
directors or management may request that additional procedures be
performed. Auditors maintain independence from management and directors
so that tests and judgments are made objectively. Auditors determine the
type and extent of the audit procedures they will perform, depending on the
risks and controls they have identified. The procedures may include:
Type of Audits:
Internal Audit - Internal auditing is an independent,
objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve
an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and
improve the effectiveness of risk management, control,
and governance processes. Internal auditing is a catalyst for improving an
organization's governance, risk management and management controls by
providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments
of data and business processes. With commitment
to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides value to governing
bodies and senior management as an objective source of independent advice.
United States this reporting relationship is required by law for publicly traded
Check that the identification number given on the fixed asset tallies
with the number given in the FA Register.
Check that for purchases as well as sale of fixed assets proper
authorization has been taken from the appropriate authorities
Check that the discrepancies observed on physical verification of fixed
assets have been correctly adjusted in the books of account after
taking approval from the appropriate authority.
Check the method and the procedure adopted for carrying out the
physical verification of fixed assets and ensure that verification was
carried out as per the generally accepted accounting practices and
Check that the physical verification sheets in respect of fixed assets
are properly prepared and duly signed by the persons responsible for
carrying out the physical verification. The name, designation of
employees and the date of carrying out the physical verification should
also be clearly mentioned in the physical verification sheets.
Check that the physical verification of Fixed Assets is carried out by the
Management at least once in 3 years.
Check supporting Bills / Invoices
Check the correctness of the accounting head expense / income
Check for cash receipts signature /acknowledgement of cash recd.
Check that all the relevant columns of the Cash/ bank vouchers have
been properly filled in.
Check that all the supporting to the Vouchers are crossed as cancelled
after the payment.
Check that payments are made only against original supporting.
Purchase Vouchers
Check authorization of Purchase Vouchers by a responsible person.
Check the Purchase Voucher with the supporting documents like Bill /
Invoice and the Goods Received Note(GRN).
Check whether the rates given in the purchase invoices are as per the
purchase Orders raised/amendments to the Purchase Orders/ approved
by an appropriate authority.
Check whether payment has been made/Bill passed for rejected
quantity of material as per the GRR.
Check whether a proper accounting head - expense has been debited.
Check that all the relevant columns of the Purchase Vouchers have
been properly filled in.
Check that the PV is passed as per the terms given in the Purchase
Check that the purchase voucher is prepared only in respect of original
Bills / Invoices.
Photocopies of invoices \ duplicate invoices should not be passed.
Check that the Bills / invoices are passed strictly as per the PO terms.
Journal Vouchers
Check authorization of Journal Vouchers by a responsible person.
Check the Journal vouchers with supporting Bills / Invoices /documents.
Check that supporting documents are duly approved by an appropriate
Check the correctness of the accounting head - debit / credit.
Check that all the relevant columns of the journal vouchers have been
properly filled in.
In case of contractors bills check that bills submitted by the
contractors are supported by the Work Orders issued in advance to the
contractors. No bill should be passed unless supported by a/ WO and
Advance to Employees
Check the Trial balance in respect of Advance to employees to
ascertain the amount outstanding in the name of each employee. Find
out the date since when the advance is outstanding to be settled and
make a list if employees advances that have not been settled for a
long period.
Ensure that no further advance is given to an employee unless the
previous outstanding advance is cleared by him.
and check for the following :Match the Debit and Credit entries individually.
Give the breakup of the closing balance - Invoice wise.
Ensure that there are no such cases where the payments have been
received for later bills and the earlier invoiced are unpaid.
Give a breakup of the closing balance as above in (b) including the
Outstanding Liabilities
Pick up a few entries from the ledger account and trace the entry to
the Voucher and the supporting bills / Invoices to ensure that the
expense bills are properly approved / authorized and accounted for.
General Ledger Trial Balance / Revenue ledger Trial Balance
Carry out a scrutiny of the General Ledger Trial balance/Revenue
ledger Trial balance and comment on accounts that need to be
reconciled like inter office account / Inter unit account etc.
In case of accounts like TDS Receivable / Interest Receivable/ Insurance
claim Receivable / Margin money deposit with banks ask for the break
up / detailed statements of accounts and comment upon it.
In case of Creditors / Debtors account check that the amount as given
in the General ledger agree with the balance shown by the Creditors
Ledger Trial balance/ Debtors ledger Trial balance.
Check whether any special accounts like suspense account etc. are
appearing in the trial balance and carry out a scrutiny.
In case of other accounts carry out a review of the ledger of the
account to locate any irregularity / reconciliation matter
Checklist for Physical verification of cash
Carry out a surprise physical verification of cash.
Check that the physical cash balance tallies with the balance shown by
the cash book.
Check that the cash book is up to date at all times.
Check that the cash in safe/cash in transit is within the insurance cover
Check that fidelity insurance cover is taken in the names of persons
who have the custody of cash.
Check that receipts are issued by the cashier at the time of receipt of
cash from the employees / others.
Check that signatures of the payee are taken by the cashier on the
cash payment Voucher at the time of making cash payment.
Checklist for Bank reconciliation
Check that Bank reconciliation statements in respect of all the bank
accounts are prepared on a monthly basis.
this behalf. Check that the Freight consignment Notes are properly
Check that the consignment of finished goods once weighed and
okayed at the despatch section are checked for the necessary papers Gate pass / Sales Invoice / Road permit / Freight Consignment No, etc.
at the exit gate by security or by a responsible person deputed in the
sales despatch section.
Verify the status of transporter wise trucks provided against the trucks
ordered. Also, ensure that penalty for not providing the trucks is
charged without exception.
Check that all the trucks being dispatched are not being loaded less
than the minimum weight agreed for payment. If so, proper
justification & approval should be reviewed.
Status of marine insurance, if any to be checked.
Check that all the transporters are approved transporters and their
contract is approved by authorized person from Head Office.
Check that entry for the incoming material is made at the entry gate
Ensure that the weighment / Counting of the incoming material is
made properly and correctly at the receiving section.
Check that stamp / acknowledgement of the receipt of the incoming
material is made on the back side of Freight Consignment Note.
The remark should indicate the quantity (weight / number of pieces
etc.) of the material recorded at the receiving section along with
condition (ok / damaged / wet etc) in which material has been
The receiving section should maintain a record of all the incoming
material received consignment wise, clearly giving the date / No. of
vehicle / Description of the material / Quantity etc. This record can be
maintained in the form of MIS report prepared on a daily basis.
Check the procedure for the clearance of RM for use in the production
Ensure that the procedure for quality testing of raw material / finished
goods is well documented in the form of a quality manual.
Ensure and check that the raw material / finished goods once rejected
are not subsequently cleared under deviation. In special cases ensure
that the approval under the deviation is duly approved.
Check the specification / laid down standards for the testing and
clearance of the raw material / finished goods and ensure that the
actual test result conform to the laid down specification.
Whenever there is a change in the laid down specification ensure that
the change is approved and authorized in writing by an appropriate
authority and that the change is incorporated in the manual of
Check the time taken at the quality assurance to clear the sample
material has been received. Calculate the loss of interest due to delay
in Modvat / Cenvat claim.
Challans / invoices in respect of material sent for processing should be
received back in the plant within 6 months. Ensure that the material
sent outside the factory for processing is received back in the factory
within 6 months from the date of despatch. (180 days). (A delay
beyond 180 days would result in a loss of Modvat / Cenvat to the
Check whether the statutory records PLA and RG - I are properly
Check whether the classification, declaration, Price declaration or MRP
value, declaration of marketing pattern, and discount structure are
filed by 15th April every financial year.
Check whether RT-12 returns have regularly been filed with the excise
authority by 10th day of the following month accompanied by copies of
PLA and TRG challan and Cenvat monthly return. An
acknowledgement should be obtained from the Excise Department.
For export sales ensure that applications in Form AR4 and the original
invoices have been submitted to the excise authorities.
Credit on Capital goods is to be taken immediately in the same
financial year upto 50% of duty paid and the balance credit in any
subsequent financial year provided capital goods are still in possession
and use of the manufacturer. Ensure that the above provision is taken
care of.
Further the cenvat credit is allowed even if the goods (Input / Capital)
are acquired by the manufacturer on lease, hire purchase or loan
agreement from a financing company. The credit is not allowed if the
manufacturer claims depreciation under Section 32 of the Income Tax
Act on the amount of duty paid. Check whether the above provisions
have been considered while considering the Modat / Cenvat Credit.
The Excise law / rules should be referred from time to time as the
provisions change every year.
Ensure that full Credit for Modvat / Cenvat / PLA has been taken by
20th of every month in respect of duty debited for despatches made
during 10/15th day of the month and full credit is taken by the 5th of
the next month in respect of duty debited for despatches made
between 16th to 30/31st of the month. Ensure that there is no lapse
on this account and that the duty credited is equivalent to the duty
debited on fortnightly basis.
Ensure that Cenvat account debit should be limited to the Credit
balance available on the 15th day and the last day of the month
Checklist for Insurance Expenses:
Check whether the Insurance policies taken by the company cover the
following assets at all the locations (factories, offices, branches etc.)
Plant & Machinery, Furniture / Fixtures, Electrical installation, Office
Ensure that the additions / deletions to the fixed assets during a
particular accounting year are fully taken care of in the policy.
Check whether the insurance premium amount has been properly
negotiated. Ensure that competitive rates of 2-3 insurance companies
were taken into consideration while finalizing the premium payable.
For this purpose, all necessary precautions should be taken to reduce
the level of premium.
Obtain a list of all the insurance claims pending for settlement as on a
particular date and comment upon the old pending cases.
Obtain a list / statement of all the Insurance policies and ensure that all
the assets of the company are fully insured.
Ensure that the value of assets / fixed assets declared by the
company is proper and that the assets are not under covered.
settlement of the legal cases. For keeping an effective control over the
legal cases the Personnel Department should prepare a status report of
pending legal cases on a monthly basis.
Ensure that the Personnel Department is taking due care in case of
contract labour employed by it to ensure that legal and statutory
obligation like FPS / PF / ESI are taken care of. The Personnel
Department should maintain proper attendance record in respect of
the contract labour and should obtain copies of monthly PF / ESI
challans from the contractor.
Check that the various licenses like the Factory license / license under
the Contract labour (abolition + regulation) act 1970 / license for
storage of inflammable and hazardous chemicals etc. are renewed in
Ensure that the various provisions of industrial and labor laws
Like the Apprentices Act / Factories Act / Payment of wages Act
Minimum wages Act etc. are duly taken care of.
Ensure that proper attendance / leave records are maintained by the
Personnel Department is respect of all the workmen / staff / officers/
Verify the register of patients with duplicate copy of bills and patients
admission record to see that bills have been property and correctly
cash book.
Check receipt of interest. rent, dividend etc. with receipt counterfoil
into cash book and bank book and ensure that all such income has
duly accounted for and have been applied in the manner as. specified.
Verify all recurring nature of revenue expenditure, with necessary
Vouch the Register of patients with copies of bills issued to them. Verify
bills for a selected period with the patients' attendance record to see
that the bills have been correctly prepared. Also, see that bills have
been issued to all patients from whom an amount was recoverable
See by reference to the property and Investment Register that all
income that should have been received by way of rent on properties,
dividends, and interest on securities settled on the hospital, has been
Ascertain that legacies and donations received for a specific purpose
still outstanding).
Vouch all purchases and expenses and verify that the capital
expenditure was incurred only with the prior sanction of the Trustees or
the Managing Committee and that appointments and increments to
See that depreciation has been written off against all the assets at the
appropriate rates.
Inspect the bonds, share scrips, title deeds of properties and compare
their particulars with those entered in the property and Investment
Obtain inventories, especially of stocks and stores as at the end of the
year and check a percentage of the items physically; also, compare
their total values with respective ledger balance.