The Audit Process - Final Review
The Audit Process - Final Review
The Audit Process - Final Review
Contingent asset is a possible asset that derives from past events and whose existence will be
confirmed only by the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the
entity’s control.
Inflow of economic benefits virtually certain is not a contingent asset. Probable but not
virtually certain is disclose nature and estimate of financial effect. ‘Virtually certain’,
‘probable’ and ‘possible’ are judgement.
3. Going Concern
Use of basis means no intention to liquidate the entity or to cease trading. Assets stated on
continuing use basis and not break-up or liquidation values. Financial statements usually most
relevant if prepared assuming entity is to continue in operational existence for foreseeable
12th Session Summary of Auditing 2 Fazlan Muallif and Rexy Dwi Putra
future. Break-up values not relevant to users assessing entity’s cash-generation ability and
financial adaptability.
When financial statements are prepared on going-concern basis, users assume the
company is going to survive beyond short term. Difference in perception between users and
auditors concerning going concern is one reason for audit expectations gap. Going-concern
status considered during final review.
• Unqualified report where auditors agree that the use of the going concern basis in preparing
the financial statements is still appropriate.
• But where the auditors do not agree its use is appropriate, they should issue an adverse
7. Audit Documentation
There are two major purposes of audit documentation:
• First – to record the audit evidence to form the basis of conclusions and opinion;
• Second – to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit and to allow quality
control and other reviews to take place. One of the efficiency and effectiveness elements
relates to the recording of matters that will make future audits more efficient and effective.
12th Session Summary of Auditing 2 Fazlan Muallif and Rexy Dwi Putra