GSM Shield Datasheet PDF
GSM Shield Datasheet PDF
GSM Shield Datasheet PDF
The GPRS/GSM Shield provides you a way to use the GSM cell phone network to receive
data from a remote location. The shield allows you to achieve this via any of the three
The GPRS Shield is compatible with all boards which have the same form factor (and
pinout) as a standard Arduino Board. The GPRS Shield is configured and controlled via its
UART using simple AT commands. Based on the SIM900 module from SIMCOM, the
GPRS Shield is like a cell phone. Besides the communications features, the GPRS Shield
has 12 GPIOs, 2 PWMs and an ADC.
Quad-Band 850 / 900/ 1800 / 1900 MHz - would work on GSM networks in all
countries across the world.
The buttons
There are 3 buttons on the GSM shield board.
SIM900 Power Button:
Stack the GSM shield on your arduino main board. The GSM shield will running
automatically when you power up your arduino main board. If you want turn on/off the
SIM900 module manually. Just press the the sim900 power button one second.
SIM900 Reset Button
Reset the SIM900 module.
Arduino Reset Button:
Reset the Arduino main board. Same function as the Reset Button which on the arduino
main board.
Note: Our test sketch will control D8 pin to turn on the SIM900 when the arduino board is
powered up.
Setting Jumper
If you want use UART send AT commands. Set the jumper to HW position. If you use soft
serial. Set to SW position.
Our test sketch use soft serial. So we keep it on SW position normally.
If you are using MEGA2560. Just need to connect the middle pins of RX and TX jumpers
to RX1 TX1 on Arduino Mega 2560. And change the code setting.