Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design
he word green elicits many definitions and responses. From nature itself to environmentally friendly
consumer items and building methods, the word
has been ubiquitously slapped onto a multitude of products and services currently on the market. The green
movement in construction particularly has a multitude of
implications. For some, green architecture is a black and
white definition, set by LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) standards. Others seek aesthetic
integration with the environment as a determining factor.
A new movement related to green architecturebiophilic
designhas recently gained much momentum within the
building community. The leading experts in the biophilic
design field hold that we should bring as much of nature
as we can into our everyday environments so as to experience it first-hand; second, we need to shape our built environment to incorporate those same geometrical qualities
found in nature (1). While the green movement has often
focused on the means, biophilic design tends toward emphasizing the end results, establishing natural-based habitats
for humans to live and work. Rather than merely erecting
buildings, architects who utilize the tenets of biophilic design create spaces in which humans can truly fulfill their potential. Biophilic design incorporates elements derived from
nature in order to maximize human functioning and health.
Historical Context
While humans evolved over the millennia, their relation to the environment likewise changed. People depend
on their surroundings for both natural resources and for enabling the establishment of community. As creatures of the
earth, humans respond to its natural features, which can also
be incorporated into constructed design. The modern history
of architecture is characterized by building movements and
styles, often imposed by an elite few who deemed this good
architecture. The rigid geometry of Modern Architecture, for
example, holds few relationships to the outside world. Conversely, great architects in the past were better able to discern those qualities, and to reproduce them in their buildings
because they were more engaged with their immediate surroundings. As a consequence, buildings provided protection
with the benefits of natural elements. The premise of biophilic
design aims not only to reduce the harm that stems from the
built environment, but also to make the built environment
more pleasing and enjoyable. It seeks both to avoid and minimize harmful impacts on the natural environment, as well
as to provide and restore beneficial contacts between people
and nature in the built environment. Architecture in and of
itself is not harmful, and its benefits of shelter and community cannot be overlooked. However, built environments can
certainly cause stress. Biophilic design provides the answer
to this predicament, preventing harm to both people and nature while facilitating a beneficial link between the two (1).
Too often, a distinction has been made between architecture and environment, cutting people off from a psychologically-developed need to commune with nature. When
architects overstep their role, using images and surface
effects to supplant everyday human desires and sensibilities in the name of artistic endeavor, humans are left to live
out their lives in a series of ill-fitting, overexaggerated and
often idiosyncratic formal architectural schemes. Biophilic
design does not advocate tree houses or cave-dwelling, but it
does provide the nature-based features that prompt complex
thinking in humans. Though not technically biophilic design,
the nature-communing architecture of Frank Lloyd Wrights
Fallingwater arguably speaks to the human soul much more
than a box-like machine for living by Le Corbusier. Not
an architectural style, biophilic design must avoid becoming such. Designers can often become caught up with the
potential of new technology, pushing its limits but not in
the service of its users. Because of these risks, the green
aspect of biophilic design must not overwhelm its overarching goals of creating an ideal environment for people (1).
Biophilic design affords humans a host of benefits. Using particular landscapes can reduce stress and enhance
well-being because we gravitate toward certain configurations and natural contents. These landscapes were the environments prehistoric people inhabited throughout their
evolution, and the human brain adapted to respond to
these types of spaces. In built environments, we have obstructed the connection developed over millennia. We are
so accustomed to our built habitats that we do not notice
their deleterious effects, and as a result, stress has become
a chronic issue in modern society. Eliminating some of the
distinction between built and natural allows biophilic design
to impart the benefits of both types of environments (2).
One crucial element of the natural landscape to human
health is sunlight. We are evolutionarily programmed to respond positively to well-lighted or sunny areas over dark or
overcast settings (1). People can expect these spaces to foster restoration, improve emotional well-being, and promote
health (1). Distractions of modern life induce stress, especially the artifacts (i.e. cell phones, laptops, etc.) to which
we are so attached (1). The rates of technological progress
have far exceeded rates of psychological evolution, leaving
us ill-equipped to cope with our lifestyle. Biophilia expert
Yannick Joye states, by including elements of ancestral
habitats in the built environment, one can counter potential deleterious effects, which stem from this dominance,
[of uniform/modernist environments], resulting in more
positive effects and more relaxed physiological and psychological states (2). Because biophilia attempts to integrate
ancestral and current habitats, it can alleviate the stress
Biophilic design principles can be applied in a variety of
contexts allowing growth of both people and environment.
Human psychology clearly benefits from contact with nature, and inviting nature into our buildings is the ideal way
to insure the both the continuation of our modern lifestyle
and assuagement our more primitive needs. Positive effects
can especially be seen in the realm of healthcare. Its typically stressful atmosphere holds tremendous room for improvement, and numerous studies evidence natures role in
healing. In sum, the built environment need not interfere
with biological human needs to commune with nature nor
with existing ecological systems. Ancient architects built for
their cultures, which were almost always more in touch with
the earth than western society of the present. They mimicked natures forms, producing magnificent structures with
which we are still awedthough biophilic design is a novel
concept, they certainly employed some of its recommendations. Today, we can add another layer to this tradition
and ensure maximal benefit for our planet and ourselves.
1. S. Kellert, J. Heerwagen, and M. Mador, Biophilic Design: the Theory,
Science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life (Wiley, New Jersey,
2. Y. Joye, Rev. Gen. Psychol. 11.4, 305-328 (2007).
3. S. Pliska, Biophilia, Selling the Love of Nature (2005). Available at (17 August 2010).
4. E. Gordon, Personal interview, 23 August 2010.