Teaching Writing

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Teaching Writing

I - Introduction
Students need to be personally involved in writing exercises in order to make the
learning experience of lasting value. Encouraging student participation in the
exercise, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills, requires a
certain pragmatic approach. The teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is
trying to develop. Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means (or type of
exercise) can facilitate learning of the target area. Once the target skill areas and
means of implementation are defined, the teacher can then proceed to focus on what
topic can be employed to ensure student participation. By pragmatically combing
these objectives, the teacher can expect both enthusiasm and effective learning.

II Choosing a Target Area

Choosing the target area depends on many factors; what level are the students?
What is the average age of the students, Why are the students learning English, Are
there any specific future intentions for the writing (i.e. school tests or job application
letters etc.). Other important questions to ask oneself are: What should the students
be able to produce at the end of this exercise? (a well written letter, basic
communication of ideas, etc.) What is the focus of the exercise? (structure, tense
usage, creative writing). Once these factors are clear in the mind of the teacher, the
teacher can begin to focus on how to involve the students in the activity thus
promoting a positive, long-term learning experience.

III - Which Means?

Having decided on the target area, the teacher can focus on the means to achieve
this type of learning. As in correction, the teacher must choose the most appropriate
manner for the specified writing area. If formal business letter English is required, it
is of little use to employ a free expression type of exercise. Likewise, when working
on descriptive language writing skills, a formal letter is equally out of place.

IV - Planning the Class

With both the target area and means of production clear in the teacher's mind, the
teacher can begin to consider how to involve the students by considering what type
of activities are interesting to the students: Are they preparing for something specific
such as a holiday or test?, Will they need any of the skills pragmatically? What has
been effective in the past? A good way to approach this is by class feedback, or
brainstorming sessions. By choosing a topic that involves the students the teacher is
providing a context within which effective learning on the target area can be
Finally, the question of which type of correction will facilitate a useful writing exercise
is of utmost importance. Here the teacher needs to once again think about the
overall target area of the exercise. If there is an immediate task at hand, such as
taking a test, perhaps teacher-guided correction is the most effective solution.
However, if the task were more general (for example developing informal letter
writing skills), maybe the best approach would be to have the students work in
groups thereby learning from each other. Most importantly, by choosing the correct
means of correction the teacher can encourage rather discourage students.

Differences Between British and American Spelling

American - British Spellings
Most dictionaries include both spellings and will make note of the two spellings.
Usually the differences are noted in one of two ways:
In many US dictionaries the difference is included in the headword with the variation
in parentheses:
For example colo(u)r
In British Dictionaries, the Dictionary makes note of the difference in brackets
immediately after the headword:
For example watch, plural watches; glass, plural glasses
Here is a list of the main differences between British and American spelling:

-our (honour)
-re (centre)
-ogue (dialogue)
-ence (defence)
-ise 1 (recognise)

-or (honor)
-er (center)
-og (dialog)
-ense (defense)
-ize (recognize)

American English spelling sometimes does not double the consonant at the end of a
word, while British English spelling does, especially when the consonant is an 'l'.
For example travel, traveller, travelling (British) and travel, traveler, traveling

Differences Between American and British English

While there are certainly many more varieties of English, American and British
English are the two varieties that are taught in most ESL/EFL programs. Generally, it
is agreed that no one version is "correct" however, there are certainly preferences in
use. The most important rule of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage. If you
decide that you want to use American English spellings then be consistent in your
spelling (i.e. The color of the orange is also its flavour color is American spelling
and flavour is British), this is of course not always easy or possible. The following
guide is meant to point out the principal differences between these two varieties of
Use of the Present Perfect
In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred
in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. For example:
I've lost my key. Can you help me look for it?
In American English the following is also possible:
I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?
In British English the above would be considered incorrect. However, both forms are
generally accepted in standard American English. Other differences involving the use
of the present perfect in British English and simple past in American English include
already, just and yet.

British English:
I've just had lunch
I've already seen that film
Have you finished your homework yet?
American English:
I just had lunch OR I've just had lunch
I've already seen that film OR I already saw that film.
Have your finished your homework yet? OR Did you finish your homework yet?
There are two forms to express possession in English. Have or Have got
Do you have a car?
Have you got a car?
He hasn't got any friends.
He doesn't have any friends.
She has a beautiful new home.
She's got a beautiful new home.
While both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American English),
have got (have you got, he hasn't got, etc.) is generally the preferred form in British
English while most speakers of American English employ the have (do you have, he
doesn't have etc.)
The Verb Get
The past participle of the verb get is gotten in American English. Example He's gotten
much better at playing tennis. British English He's got much better at playing

Probably the major differences between British and American English lies in the
choice of vocabulary. Some words mean different things in the two varieties for
Mean: (American English angry, bad humored, British English not generous, tight
Rubber: (American English condom, British English tool used to erase pencil
There are many more examples (too many for me to list here). If there is a
difference in usage, your dictionary will note the different meanings in its definition
of the term. Many vocabulary items are also used in one form and not in the other.
One of the best examples of this is the terminology used for automobiles.

American English British English



American English British English



American English British English



Once again, your dictionary should list whether the term is used in British English or
American English.
For a more complete list of the vocabulary differences between British and American
English use this British vs. American English vocabulary tool.
There are also a few differences in preposition use including the following:

American English British English at

on the weekend

the weekend

American English British English in

on a team

a team

American English British English

please write me

please write to me



Past Simple/Past Participles

The following verbs have two acceptable forms of the past simple/past participle in
both American and British English, however, the irregular form is generally more
common in British English (the first form of the two) and the regular form is more
common to American English.


Burnt OR burned


dreamt OR dreamed


leant OR leaned


learnt OR learned


smelt OR smelled


spelt OR spelled


spilt OR spilled


spoilt OR spoiled


Here are some general differences between British and American spellings:
Words ending in or (American) our (British) color, colour, humor, humour, flavor,
flavour etc.
Words ending in ize (American) ise (British) recognize, recognise, patronize, patronise
The best way to make sure that you are being consistent in your spelling is to use the
spell check on your word processor (if you are using the computer of course) and choose
which variety of English you would like. As you can see, there are really very few
differences between standard British English and standard American English. However,

the largest difference is probably that of the choice of vocabulary and pronunciation. For
further information concerning these areas please refer to the following links below.

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