Course Syllabus For EECE2210: Electrical Engineering

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EECE2210: Electrical Engineering
Spring Semester 2016
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Jose A. Martinez-Lorenzo
Office: 211 Snell
Phone: 617-373-6835
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday 12 p.m. 1 p.m. and by appointment
Class Schedule: 1:35 pm - 2:40 pm


Shillman Hall 215

TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Jia Cheng Cheng; [email protected]

T.A. FOR QUIZZES: Jia Cheng Cheng; [email protected]
TUTORS: Jia Cheng Cheng; [email protected]
Introduces the basic device and signal models and the basic circuit laws used in the study of linear
circuits with emphasis on applications of interest to mechanical engineers. Starts with the
presentation of passive elements (R, C and L) and of independent and controlled sources. Proceeds
to basic circuit analysis with resistive networks and to the use of the nodal voltage method to
analyze complicated circuits. Explains the methods for linear circuit simplifications including
superposition and the Thevenin and Norton theorems. Presents the ideal operational amplifier
model and several applications. After basic DC circuits the course proceeds to AC circuits using
phasor analysis techniques preceded by a review of complex algebra and concludes with the use of
Fourier analysis to analyze circuits subject to general periodic signals. The course includes a brief
treatment of transients and their role in linear circuits.
Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:
1) analyze resistive networks with independent and controlled sources using basic circuit laws and
network theorems,
2) understand the properties of the ideal operational amplifier and how to analyze related circuits,
3) extend previously studied methods of analysis to circuits with energy storage elements,
4) understand how to apply the theory developed in the course to real world circuits,
7) apply phasor methods for the steady state responses under sinusoidal excitation,
8) use Fourier series to compute the output of a linear system from a periodic input signal
8) understand the role of transients in linear circuits.

Chapter 1:

Circuit Terminology

3 classes

1.3 Circuit Representation

1.4 Electric Charge and Current
1.5 Voltage and Power
1.6 Circuit Elements

Chapter 2:

Resistive Circuits

5 classes

2.1 Ohms Law

2.2 Kirchhoffs Laws
2.3 Equivalent Circuits (Simplifications)
Tech brief 3
section 6.5 review of complex algebra

Chapter 6:
Chapter 3:

Analysis Techniques
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Node-Voltage Method
3.4 Linearity and Superposition
3.5, 3.6 Thevenins and Nortons Theorems
section 6.5 review of complex algebra

Chapter 6:
Chapter 4:

Operational Amplifiers

1 class
5 classes

1 class
6 classes

4.1 Op-Amp Characteristics

4.2 Negative Feedback
4.3 Ideal Op-Amp Model
4,4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 Simple Op-Amp Applications

Chapter 5:


3 classes

5.2 Capacitors
5.3 Inductors
5.4 RC circuit
5.5 RL circuit
section 6.5 review of complex algebra

Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

A.C. Analysis

1 class
6 classes

7.1 Sinusoidal Signals

7.2 Phasors
7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.8 Phasor-Domain Analysis

Chapter 12: Fourier Analysis

5 classes

12-1 Periodic signals and Fourier analysis technique

12-2 Fourier series representation
12-3 Circuit applications




36 classes


Ulaby and Maharbiz, Circuits,

Second Edition, National Technology and Science Press, 2012
(ISBN 978-1-934891-19-3)

Nahvi and Edminister, Schaums Outline of Electric Circuits,

Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2011
(ISBN 978-0-07-163372-3)

M.S. Sarma, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Oxford University
Press, New York, 2001
Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,
Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2013
Nilsson and Riedel, Electric Circuits,
Ninth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011
Thomas and Rosa, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits,
Seventh Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2011
15% *Homework Sets: They will be
examined by the TAs for the course
and graded either 100%, 50% or 0 %
depending on the clarity and
completeness of the solutions.
*No homework sets will be accepted
after the posted due date.
*Homework solutions will be posted
on Blackboard.
25% *Weekly Quizzes: Based entirely on
the assigned homework and videos.
They are given on the days the
homework sets are due.
*No makeup quizzes will be given
without a valid excuse.
30% *Midterm Examination: (65 min.)
30% *Final Examination: (2 hr.)

15% *Homework Sets: They will be examined
by the TAs for the course and graded
either 100%, 50% or 0 % depending on
the clarity and completeness of the
*No homework sets will be accepted
after the posted due date.
*Homework solutions will be posted on
25% *Weekly Quizzes: Based entirely on the
assigned homework and videos. They are
given on the days the homework sets are
*No makeup quizzes will be given
without a valid excuse.
30% *Midterm Examination: (65 min.)
30% *Project & presentation: (15 min.)


Students who decide to be examined via OPTION B should do a hands-on project, which must be
relevant to the broad field of Mechanical Engineering. The main objective of this project is to
learn the basis of project design and management. Clearly, students taking this option will place
them in an advantageous position for a future Capstone Project requiring the use of mechatronic
devices. Project may be based on one or two of the following low-cost hardware/devices:

NI myDAQ: it is a low-cost portable data acquisition (DAQ) device that uses NI LabVIEWbased software instruments, allowing students to measure and analyze real-world signals. NI
myDAQ is ideal for exploring electronics and taking sensor measurements. Combined with
NI LabVIEW on the PC, students can analyze and process acquired signals and control
simple processes anytime, anywhere.

The mySTEM Project Board: it is designed to allow students to incorporate all manner
of sensors with easily configurable outputs. This hardware allows students to become
familiar with reading sensors, configuring Labview to process the information and create
desired outputs. The mySTEM board plugs into the side of the myDAQ turning them into
compact affordable programmable action controllers.

ARDUINO: Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based

on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.
Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, and affects its
surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. You can tell your Arduino
what to do by writing code in the Arduino programming language and using the Arduino
development environment.

Some examples of projects developed in previous years include the following: pill sorting device;
PID controller; organ instrument; ultrasonic tape measure; automatic drink mixer; controller for a
radar switch; reversed motorized pendulum; g-force measurement device. As you can see, the sky is
the limit!

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