Sunday Bulletin August 23, 2015
Sunday Bulletin August 23, 2015
Sunday Bulletin August 23, 2015
augu st 23, 2 01 5
l e av e ta k i ng of t h e fa l l i ng a s l e e p of t h e t h e o t oko s
The Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, was born in the year 130 in the city of Smyrna (Asia Minor). He received there the finest education, studying poetics, philosophy, rhetoric, and the rest of the classical sciences considered necessary for a young man of the world.
His guide in the truths of the Christian Faith was a disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian, St Polycarp of Smyrna (February 23). St Polycarp baptized the youth, and afterwards ordained him presbyter and
sent him to a city in Gaul then named Lugdunum [the present day Lyons in France] to the dying bishop
A commission was soon entrusted to St Irenaeus. He was to deliver a letter from the confessors of Lugdunum to the holy Bishop Eleutherius of Rome (177-190). While he was away, all the known Christians
were thrown into prison. After the martyric death of Bishop Pothinus, St Irenaeus was chosen a year later
(in 178) as Bishop of Lugdunum. During this time, St Gregory of Tours (November 17) writes concerning him, by his preaching he transformed all Lugdunum into a Christian city!
When the persecution against Christians quieted down, the saint expounded upon the Orthodox teachings of faith in one of his fundamental works under the title: Detection and Refutation of the Pretended but
False Gnosis. It is usually called Five Books against Heresy (Adversus Haereses).
At that time there appeared a series of religious-philosophical gnostic teachings. The Gnostics [from
the Greek word gnosis meaning knowledge] taught that God cannot be incarnate [i.e. born in human
flesh], since matter is imperfect and manifests itself as the bearer of evil. They taught also that the Son of
God is only an outflowing (emanation) of Divinity. Together with Him from the Divinity issues forth
a hierarchical series of powers (aeons), the unity of which comprise the Pleroma, i.e. Fullness. The
world is not made by God Himself, but by the aeons or the Demiourgos, which is below the Pleroma.
In refuting the heresy of Valentinus, St Irenaeus presents the Orthodox teaching of salvation. The Word
of God, Jesus Christ, through His inexplicable blessedness caused it to be, that we also, should be made that
which He is ... , taught St Irenaeus. Jesus Christ the Son of God, through exceedingly great love for His
creation, condescended to be born of a Virgin, having united mankind with God in His own Self. Through
the Incarnation of God, creation becomes co-imaged and co-bodied to the Son of God. Salvation consists
in the Sonship and Theosis (Divinization) of mankind.
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resurrectional apolytikion. 3.
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e p i s t l e r e a di ng
g o s p e l r e a di ng
t t that time, a man came to Jesus, and kneeling before him asked, Good teacher, what
good thing shall I do in order to have eternal
life? Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good?
No one is good but one, that is, God. But if you
want to enter into life, keep the commandments.
The man asked him, Which ones? Jesus replied,
You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false
witness. Honor your father and mother; and, You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. The young
man then said to him, All these things I have observed from my youth! What do I still lack? Jesus
replied, If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you
have, give it to the poor, and you will have [a] treasure in heaven. Then come, and follow me! But
when the young man heard these words, he went
away sad because he was a person with great possessions. Jesus said to his disciples, Amen I say to
you: it will be hard for someone who is rich to enter
into the Kingdom of Heaven! Indeed, I tell you that
it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. When his disciples heard this, they
were extremely astonished and said, Who then
can be saved? Gazing at them, Jesus answered, By
human resources, this is impossible, but with God
all things are possible!
Saturday, January 25, Great Vespers, 5pm
u p c om i ng c h u rc h s e r v ic e s:
Saturday, August 29, The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Orthros / Div. Liturgy, 8:30am
Great Vespers, 5pm
Please see Matthew Monos if you would like to
special order a book or icon. Visit today!
community pot-luck
Save the date! On Sunday, August 30 we will be
having a community pot luck. Please plan to bring
a dish to share.
hope and joy
Information about future events will be forthcoming.
school supply drive
Today is the last day for donations. Items will be
delivered tomorrow, Aug 24 to the Voluntary Action Center. Thank you to all who participated in
this supply drive.
give a month towards our future
We would like to offer families and individuals the
opportunity to help offset our mortgage payment
with a donation of $640. If you would like to sponsor one month for 2015, please contact Fr. Michael.
consecration assumption
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church will be consecrated on Sunday, October 4 by His Eminence
Metropolitan Iakovos. If you are interested in attending and would like to travel by bus to event,
please sign up in the Narthex - cost will be determined by how many people sign-up - with 40 peo-
In the refutation of another heretic, Marcian,
who denied the divine origin of the Old Testament, the saint affirms the same divine inspiration
of the Old and the New Testaments: It is one and
the same Spirit of God Who proclaimed through
the prophets the precise manner of the Lords coming, wrote the saint. Through the apostles, He
preached that the fulness of time of the filiation
had arrived, and that the Kingdom of Heaven was
at hand.
The successors of the Apostles have received
from God the certain gift of truth, which St Irenaeus links to the succession of the episcopate (Adv.
Haer. 4, 26, 2). Anyone who desires to know the
truth ought to turn to the Church, since through
Her alone did the apostles expound the Divine
Truth. She is the door to life.
St Irenaeus also exerted a beneficial influence
in a dispute about the celebration of Pascha. In the
Church of Asia Minor, there was an old tradition of
celebrating Holy Pascha on the fourteenth day of
the month of Nisan, regardless of what day of the
week it happened to be. The Roman bishop Victor (190-202) forcefully demanded uniformity,
and his harsh demands fomented a schism. In the
name of the Christians of Gaul, St Irenaeus wrote
to Bishop Victor and others, urging them to make
After this incident, St Irenaeus drops out of
sight, and we do not even know the exact year of
his death. St Gregory of Tours, in his Historia Francorum, suggests that St Irenaeus was beheaded by
the sword for his confession of faith in the year 202,
during the reign of Severus.
The Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, St Polycarp of Smyrna, and St Irenaeus of
Lyons are three links in an unbroken chain of the
grace of succession, which goes back to the Original Pastor, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
A Living Tradition
by By Bishop Photii of Triaditza
(This is an excerpt from a longer article)