Skill Clusters in Jones
Skill Clusters in Jones
Skill Clusters in Jones
Classroom Structure
Classroom Structure:
Jones believes in preventative measures and to prevent misbehavior, he suggests a
classroom structure that takes in consideration the room arrangement. Here he
recommends creating what he calls the "interior loop" where desks and table are
arranged with two wide aisles from front to back allowing the teacher to have an
easy access to all students. Jones also suggests that classroom rules should include
the "General Rules" which serve as guidelines and "Specific Rules"which describe
the routines and procedures and should be emphasized throughout the school year.
Jones believes in assigning chores to instill a sense of belonging among the students.
Opening Routines are among classroom structures that Jones believe minimize
misbehavior and saves a lot of classroom time, he suggests "Bell work" that does not
Limit Setting through Class Arrangement:
In order to help students behave responsibly, Jones suggests teaching them how to
set limits on their behavior. They should be part of this process and their input should
be considered. Dr. Jones uses incentives and social rewards as reinforcements of
good behavior. He also emphasized the importance of discussing a back up system
Limit Setting though Body Language:
Dr. Jones stress the importance of the teacher's body language as a factor in
determining good behavior in class. Any discipline plan that uses words only
according to Jones will eventually turn into ineffective nagging. Jones offer some
suggestion regading nonverbal discipline; he incourages teachers to remain calm
and use proper breathing techniques espeically under pressure. He also suggests
that teacher should use eye contact to communicate their message to their students.
Physical proximity is another effective technique according to Jones who suggest
that teachers without interruping their instructions would move closer to the
misbehaving student. In terms of preventive measures, Jones suggests that teachers
should pay attention to their postures which in turn convey the message of
confidence to their students. Facial expressions also communicate the message of
"meaning business" which discourage misbehavior.'s+Model