The Party Is Over - Was Karl Barth That Good
The Party Is Over - Was Karl Barth That Good
The Party Is Over - Was Karl Barth That Good
only by the grace of God's gift of revelation. Barth taught predestination (Church Dogmatics U/2, pp. 60-88, 106me where to find that rule for theological formulation, but I 115). Barth recognizes, and I believe correctly, that the
cannot say that I learned the rule itself from Barth.
Reformed orthodox theologians never proposed a
predestinarian system in which all doctrine was deduced
In the second place, I haven't learned how to do somehow from the divine decrees. Barth notes, however,
exegesis from Karl Barth. The first essay by Barth that I that the rather stark presentation of the doctrine of the
studied was the Epistle to the Romans. I began there, back decrees poses the problem of a Deus nudus absconditus, an
in my seminary days, because I believed that I had to read utterly absent or hidden God. Barth finds a clue to his
Barth, but 1 viewed the Church Dogmatics as a monolith solution in the argument of Amandus Polanus that God the
beyond the limits of my library acquisitions budget. I did Father elects not as Father but as God inasmuch as election
learn from Barth's Romans that my own inchoate objections is the common work of the Trinity in all three persons: thus
to the cold, historical-critical and essentially non- God the Son both elects and effects our election. From this
theological content of contemporary exegesis were clue, Barth moves on to overcome the problem of the Deus
objections that had some validity. And when Barth's preface nudus absconditus in his own doctrine of "Jesus Christ
pointed me toward the exegetical and hermeneutical electing and elected." What Barth does not note is that the
approaches of the Reformers, I found a way of access to the concept of the decree as an essential and therefore
theological meaning of the text for the present life of the trinitarian act of the Godhead, together with the definition
church. But as I read further in Barth's own commentary, I of election as occurring "in Christ," is typical of Reformed
found that its radically existential approach taught me more theology in the 16th and 17th centuries. Nowhere in this
about the impact of Kierkegaard than the impact of Paul on older theology do we encounter the problem of the Deus
Barth's thought. Genuine contact with the text of Romans is nudus absconditus-certainly not as Barth defines it. Nor,
minimal in Barth's essay.
in addition, does Barth's collapsing of election into Christ,
so that the electing and elected Mediator is also the only
elect and only reprobate man, stand in any real relation to
Similarly, when I eventually began to work on the
the theological material on which he has commented and
Church Dogmatics and to see there the christological
from which he takes the clue to his solution to the doctrinal
principles of Barth's theology brought to bear on various
problem that he has posed.
texts of Scripture, 1 was frequently at a loss to see how the
text itself pointed in the direction chosen for it by Barth.
I can only provide a historical hypothesis as to what
Barths reading of the story of Judas is a good example.
has actually occurred in Barth's meditation on older ReMost commentators see in these texts (Matt. 27:1-10 and
formed concepts of election. The problem of the utterly
Acts 1:16-20) unremitting condemnation: in Acts, the text
absent or hidden God is not a problem of the older theology
concludes with a pointed citation of an imprecatory Psalm.
but rather a problem caused for Barth by the Kantian
Barth, however, m view of his doctrinal assumption that
background of his own thought: the God who stands behind
Christ is the only elect and only reprobate man, finds some
the phenomenal order as a transcendent and unreachable
hope in the fate of Judas. Nor is this moment of exegetical
noumenon is not accessible or know- able unless he can be
folly an exception: Barth frequently uses his overarching
located in some way in the phenomenal order. Christ
christological principle as a heuristic key to unlocking texts
provides Barth with this location and, therefore, with his
that have, m and of themselves, no clear relation to the
sole focus of knowledge about God and God's acts. Barth's
person and work of Christ. The result is an incredibly
focusing of election on Christ, like Schleiermacher's
arbitrary and dogmatic exegesis, justified only by the vague
identification of Jesus as the one man continuously and
contention that it is both "christological" and "theological."
consistently conscious of his utter dependence on God,
I haven't learned how to do exegesis from Karl Barth.
deals with the Kantian barrier to a doctrine of divine
electionbut it does not arise out of a meditation on the
In the third place, and by way of conclusion, I haven't Reformed tradition. Rather than let the materials of history
learned from Karl Barth how to appropriate the insights of speak for themselves, Barth used them as a foil for his own
the Christian tradition for use m the present. The Church exposition. This pattern of argument can be documented in
Dogmatics is doubtless a gold mine of materials from the many other places in the Church Dogmaticsas, for
history of Christian doctrinebut all too frequently, rather example, in Barth's several excursuses on the Protestant
than actually building on the foundation of these gathered orthodox theological prolegomena in the first two halfmaterials, Barth uses them as a foil for his own formulations volumes of the Dogmatics.
and fails to convey either the meaning or the direction of the
materials themselves. As an example of this problem, I In his method, in his exegesis, and in his use of history
would point to what is actually one of Barth's most Barth consistently fails to point his readers beyond his own
insightful historical excursuses: the discussion of individual theological wrestlings. His arguments are