The Divine Life: Kathopanishad

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The key takeaways are that there is an ancient tree whose root is upwards and branches are downwards, representing Brahman. Brahman alone is called immortal and upon which all worlds depend.

The text describes an ancient Asvattha tree whose root is upwards and branches are down. It says this tree is pure and represents Brahman, which is immortal and upon which all worlds depend.

The text says the individual soul or Jiva dwells in the city of nine gates and has forgotten its divine nature due to ignorance. It cannot behold the supreme Self due to the veil of separation and is tossed by Vikshepa Sakti. Ahamkara is its minister and it has various afflictions.






No. 10


D$d_ybmo@dmemI Efmo@dW gZmVZ& VXod ewH$

VX~ VXodm_V_w`Vo& Vp_moH$m {lVm gd} VXw
Zm`o{V H$MZ& EV VV &&1&&
1. (Yama said): There is that ancient Asvattha tree
whose root is upwards and branches are down. That indeed
is pure. That is Brahman and that alone is called Immortal.
Upon that, all the worlds depend and no one goes beyond
that. This is verily That.




(Sri Swami Jnanananda Saraswati, Sivanandanagar)
(Continued from the previous issue)

AnmmomgXJwUH${Zb {X {edmZXgmoJr ^d{gYweaU dXo gXmam{YV&&15&&
15. Adoration to the great divine sage Sivananda, who is the refuge of
those who are immersed in the quagmire of Samsara, who is the repository of
many virtuous qualities, who, like the wish-yielding tree, is kindly giving
everything to those who take refuge in him, from whose blossomed lotus-like
face flow the compassionate smiles and who is the only abode of innumerable
good qualities.

Vwhm} {d^m{V gV{edmZXm V Z:>> &&16&&
16. Glory to Sivananda, who is the ocean of good praiseworthy qualities,
who generates eagerness in men to attain the state of everlasting happiness,
and whose nectarine words pregnant with the ultimate Truth are capable of
annihilating the misery of this Samsara.

(To be continued)





(H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj)
Salutations to Sad-Guru who is the
nature of Sat-chit-ananda, who is the
silent witness of all the attributes or
Virttis of the mind, who is the essence of
Vedanta, who is of the nature of
Brahman, who is one with Brahman,
and who has merged himself in the
ocean of eternal bliss.
Para-Brahman is Eternal, pure,
all-wise, free, all-full, non-dual, partless,
all-pervading, Infinite.
In this city of nine gates dwells the
Jiva or the individual soul. He has
forgotten his essential divine nature on
account of Avidya or ignorance. He is not
able to behold the supreme Self on
account of the veil which separates him
from Brahman. Vikshepa Sakti causes
tossing of the mind. So he is not able to
concentrate on the Self.
Ahamkara is his minister. The
Twenty-four Tattvas are the member of
his family. Pramata, Pramana, Prameya
are his three sons. Vitteshana,
Dareshana and Putreshana and the
Shad Ripus or six enemies viz., anger,
lust, greed etc., have robbed him of the
wealth of Atma Jnana. He has become a
prey to all attachments. He is burnt by
the three fires. He is led astray by the
wind of hopefulness. He is enveloped by
the snow of attachment to the body. He is
deluded by the thoughts. I am the doer
(Karta). I am the enjoyer (Bhokta). He is
attacked by the fevers of Pancha Kosha

(five sheaths). He is fallen in the state of

deep sleep of sensual enjoyments.
O man! I shall show you now the
way to get rid of these afflictions and
attain the Supreme goal of eternal bliss.
Hearken attentively. Do Japa regularly.
Do selfless service without expectation of
fruits. Abandon the idea of doership.
Consecrate all your works to the Lord.
Cultivate Bhakti. Take shelter at the
lotus feet of Sad-Guru who is ever in
Nirvikalpa Samadhi under the banyan
tree of Nididhyasan, in the Siddhasana
of Sravana and Manana at the bank of
the great river, the grace of the Lord.
Make prostrations unto Him wet with
Bhakti. He will elevate you He will inspire
you and remove all your doubts and
snares in the path and help you to attain
the kingdom of Atma Swarajya. He will
make you free.
O Beloved Ram! You have forgotten
your real Swaroopa on account of egoism
and desires. Thou art pure, Immortal.
Tat-Twam-Asi. Rise above Moha or
delusion. Give up the identification with
this impure, perishable body. Take bath
in the Ganges of devotion to the lotus feet
of Sad-Guru.
Kill the thieves, lust, anger etc.
Abandon the ideas I am the doer. I am
the enjoyer. Take your seat on
established in the idea of the unreality of


the world. This is the practice of

Pranayama for you. Make friendship
with Mudita, Karuna, Upeksha, Sama,
Dama. Fix the arrow of Manonasa on the
bow of Vasana Kshaya. Burn the forest of
Prati-bandhatraya, the three obstacles.
Have Vairagya as shield, Discrimination
as helmet, Uparati as the necklace,
Samadhana or one-pointedness of mind
as your brave companion, Brahmanu-



sandhana as armour. Satsanga as your

Minister, Jivanmukti as partner in life.
Ascend the throne of Self-Samrajya or
Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Become the Svarat
or Self-king. Drink the nectar of
immortality or eternal bliss of Brahman.
Being crowned with the knowledge of
Brahman know that thou art the eternal,
pure, all-pervading Atman. There is
nothing else besides you. Thou art That.



(H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj)
Once a man with long beard and moustache was offered a glass of gruel
(paste like porridge) that will stick to the beard and moustache and spoil both.
He liked the gruel so much that he could not afford to lose it. He also liked his
beard and moustache which he tended so carefully and lovingly every day. In
his efforts to drink the gruel without spilling it on his moustache or beard, he
took great care and exercised much caution in holding the glass at a distance,
and the net-result was that the entire gruel fell on the ground and nothing went
into his mouth.
The bearded man is like a half-baked aspirant. His tending the beard and
moustache is akin to the half-baked aspirants devoting his time to keeping his
physical cloak neat and beautiful.
The gruel is the wisdom-nectar that the spiritual teacher offers unto him.
In his efforts to keep the body free from pain, affliction, austerities, etc., the
half-baked aspirant tries to keep himself aloof from the practice of Sadhana. He
thinks that without doing practical Sadhana, he can derive permanent
happiness in life.
Nor can he forgo heeding the instructions of the spiritual teacher, because
they promise him the highest good. But the instructions that he receives from
the Guru never do him any good, for he wastes them due to his folly. So, too, his
stay with the Guru proves to be of no use to him. He has to learn much from
experience, and then change his attitude. He has to abandon his love for the
body and for bodily comforts, try to be benefited by his proximity to the Guru, by
the instructions that he receives from the Guru.
Immortal Life is for the Spirit and not for the flesh. You can enjoy the
former, only when you transcend the latter.




New Year Message:


(Sri Swami Chidananda)

Existence being one, mankind is also

one, for uniformity is the law of nature.
Though externally, variety or diversity is
the law of the universe, in its real aspect
uniformity or unity is the fact of life.
Mankind is one. The species of homo
sapiens is one. The unity of mankind is a
fact from which there is no escape, and we
have to accept it. Observation irresistibly
drives us to this conclusion. On the one
side we have this unity of mankind all over
the universe; on the other side, we have
utterances of sages: Ekameva Advitiyam
BrahmaGod is one. Thus the two
terminals being established in unity, the
field which is between them, the field of
their interaction and inter-relation, this
life and the processes of their experiencing
and relationship, which we name religion,
also has naturally to be one. This, too, has
to be governed by that law. Absolute unity
has to partake of the nature of oneness.
Thus when we go into the fact of religion
from this observation, and from this
attitude, or point of view, we are drawn to
the conclusion that whatever the apparent
external differences of religions may be,
the process of religion has necessarily to be
one and the same.

Taking this inference let us proceed

to examine and see if in fact this
inference is correct. Let us consider and
see if actually the process of religion is of
the nature of unity. Any process may be
regarded to have three aspects.
Everything is done with a purpose, there

is a motive force behind the actual

process of technique, and there is an
ultimate objective which this process
strives to achieve. These three aspects in
the matter of religion, ultimately, seem to
pose the question, what is the motive
behind the existence of religion? It is a
desire to escape from the vexing
trammels of the earthly existence.
Examine all religions. They may arise
from a single human personality, a
Prophet with divine inspiration; or the
religion may be some eternal law coming
down to us from a time which is beyond
the reach of historical survey. We will
find that, whatever be the nature of
religions now existing amongst mankind
upon this earth, at the basis the motive
force is to free man from the torments
that beset this severely limited physical
existence, this mortal life upon earth
which is full of miseries, pains, sorrows,
(Tapatraya), and to escape from the
menace of these miseries, and to attain a
state beyond all sorrow, all pain, all
imperfection and limitation,this is the
motive behind all religions. The ultimate
destination it promises for the believer,
one who practises and lives a life of
religion, is a state in which the being is
free from all miseries and wants.
Everything is fulfilled there; there is
complete cessation of sorrow, free from



fear of death. Each religion promises this

end in its own way. We have the Pleasure
Gardens of the Islamic conception of
heaven; we have the Eternal State of
glory by the throne of God on high where
man is once for all free from all trouble,
pain, sorrow and death, according to the
conception of the devout Christian; there
is the Supreme Nirvana, infinite ineffable
peace that is reached by the Buddhists;
there is the Bliss of Satchidananda
where man becomes immortal, free from
all fear and sorrow, full of light, full of
eternal happiness as conceived in the
Upanishadic religion. Thus the ultimate
state promised by all religious processes
conceived of infinite peace, eternal bliss
and all light. Fundamentally the aim is
one and the same.
The process of religion is the freeing
of man from these factors which bind
him down to this earthly existence of
pain and death. If unrighteousness is the
factor causing suffering, then be
righteous. If through untruth man is to
be bound to this vexing mortal life, and
has to pay a heavy penalty in suffering
and pain, then abandon falsehood; be
truthful. If by being cruel, you will reap a
harvest of pain, torment and suffering,
cast away cruelty and practise Ahimsa,
be good, be kind, be compassionate.
Thus the process of religion develops in a
scientific way by studying the causative
factors of this earthly life and its pains
and sorrows. It insists that by living a life
of practical religion you can remove all
these causative factors of suffering. Thus
the processes wean man away from
indulgence to the play of his demoniacal



nature or the Pasu-Vritti in him. We

must, therefore, lead the life carefully in
such a way that we do not commit those
things which result in painful existence.
The process of religion slowly works
out a scheme of life for him where he is
made to bring into manifestation or into
active expression, all these lofty
life-transforming elements of the divine
aspect of his being, thus to overcome the
animalistic aspect and progressively
unfold the divine element that is already
part and parcel of his inmost
consciousness. Man is made in the
image of God; therefore, Godliness is the
essential factor of his real being. Hence
the external operations of the lower
nature have to be completely removed
and cast away, thus giving full scope for
the manifestation of the Divine
Siva-rupa (nature) in him and with the
unfoldment and the blossoming of the
divine consciousness in man, he
becomes at once a powerful link with the
infinite divine existence, Satchidananda.
Thus the unity which has been for the
time being veiled as it were by ignorance
(by Mala, Vikshepa and Avarana) is
re-established. The consummation of the
religious quest is to make man declare: I
am not this body, I am not the senses,
the mind and the intellect; I am
Brahman, Truth-Absolute, ExistenceAbsolute and Bliss-Absolute. This
comes from the fullness of experience
and culmination of religious practice
which is the discovery of the Eternal
Unity with Godhead. Thus these three
factors of the basic purpose, the process




and the Goal, also, would be found to be

absolutely the same in all religions.
No religion wants you to be tied
down to this earthly life. All religions
have as their goal the reaching of
perfection, freedom, immortality. All
religions also have the same process in
their essence, whatever be the difference
in the details, and they all want the
complete annihilation of the lower self,
the animalistic part of man, and the
progressive unfoldment of his divine
nature, until the unmanifest becomes
manifest, the latent becomes patent, and
man, who is made in the image of God,
partakes, once again, of the infinitude of
his Original. Thus from the negative, the
process to be worked out, and the
ultimate goal, we see that all religions are
at one.
Religions have come either from
eternal wisdom enshrined in scriptural
texts like the Upanishads and Vedas; or
from some great man of wisdom inspired
by God to give out His Message of the
Way of Attainment. If we go to the source
and look at the great and inspired lives of
Jesus, Mohammad, Zoroaster, Buddha,
and examine the great fountain-heads of
the various faiths in the world, we will
find that by their practical example,
through their exemplary life, they have
shown us what is the very soul of the
religion which they have given to
mankind. Here, again, the glorious
sublime unity is found; for they all
depicted in themselves, in a most
splendid manner, the good life, the life of
absolute purity, of infinite compassion


and of sublime love. This is what lay

enshrined in the divine personalities of
Mohammad, Christ, Buddha, Zoroaster
and all the great ones, the Saints, Gurus,
who were the very incarnations and
embodiments of love, purity, goodness,
compassion, non-attachment, brotherhood and wisdom. They were not merely
passive embodiments of these qualities,
but their lives were active expressions of
these great divine qualities; every action
and every word they uttered, when they
moved among humanity, reflected these
practical living of the religion which they
later on gave to their followers, and
in these demonstrations they were all
at one.
Let us examine a few of the
prophetic utterances of these great
messengers of God. Is there any religion
that tells us Utter lies; be dishonest;
hate people; develop anger and
animosity; be impure, be immoral? No,
certainly not, is the answer. Every
religion, on the other hand, lays stress
upon a life of truth, of absolute purity, of
compassion, of love, of devotion, of
tenderness, of a life of sacrifice and of
goodness in thought, word and deed.
Every religion has given a way of life to its
followers as the ideal to be followed in
order to attain the goal viz., ultimate
imperishable happiness, free from birth,
disease, misery and death; and the way
or the means is one and the same in
every great religion. It is a life as
practically demonstrated by each one of



the Prophets, Saints and great men of

Therefore, from whichever angle we
approach and study the subject of
religion and spirituality, and from
whichever angle we see, we find that
fundamentally one and the same; all
faiths are one and all prophets have lived
the same life of ethical perfection, divine
compassion, goodness and awareness of
the oneness of mankind. Thus, however
much we may try to close our eyes to
these facts, we find the oneness of all
faiths proclaiming itself in a living,
irresistible manner through the very
motive force underlying each faith and
religion; in other words, through the
oneness in the very process that these
religious achievements are to be worked
out and through the ultimate conception
of the destination which each one of
these wants its followers to realise. These
different faiths are, as it were, so many
beautiful flowers that go to make a
beautiful bouquet which we offer at the
feet of the Almighty Being.
On the eve of the New Year, my
prayer to the Lord is: May each one of us,



wherever living, during the coming new

year, keep in mind these unifying factors
that are there at the basis of all faiths
and try to inculcate this truth in others
as far as we possibly can, so that the
external strife, rivalry and exclusiveness
(that have been brought about by losing
sight of these fundamental unifying
factors) may be removed from amidst us,
and continued peace and goodwill may
come to prevail upon this fair earth for all
time. It behoves us all, as thinking
human beings, to keep in mind the
aforesaid facts, the principles indicated
in connection with the noble life and
doings of the great Prophets, Saints and
Seers with a deep sense of gratitude in
our hearts for the invaluable and lasting
benefits conferred by them on mankind.
And in the coming new year, let us exert
our best to study their teachings
earnestly, assimilate them and make
them, as far as possible, the working
principles of our daily life from moment
to moment. May this be our resolve for
the New Year. May the new year bring to
you all peace, plenty, happiness and
intense urge to realise the Goal of Life.

The practice of charity makes a man Divine. If you

understand charity as giving alms to the poor and needy or
being helpful to those in distress, you have caught just the
shadow of its true significance. It is not giving of what you
have, but granting of what you have and are. Charity is self
giving or Yajna.
Swami Chidananda






(Sri Swami Krishnananda)

his method of worship is common to all

religions. Various forms of worship are
instituted in every religion of the world
irrespective of their different concepts of
God, but it is this concept of God that
makes the difference in the religions that
we observe. Whatever be our idea of God,
that is also our notion of things in general,
and it has a direct impact on our social
relationships; but the concept of God as
Vishwanatha, as Lord Siva, as God in
principle with us is an inclusive one, so
that religion becomes mankinds attitude
to God. It is not my attitude or your
attitude, it is the religion of mankind, the
religion of humanity, because though
human beings as individuals are many in
number, the character of mankind is
single and human nature is uniform.
Thus, the religion of humanity can only be
one, inasmuch as it is the religion of
human nature. Human nature is the same
wherever we go, whichever country we
approach. So this religion got founded on a
psychological basis and it became a
sadhana naturally because when it
assumes a universal character, a
comprehensive nature, it becomes fit
enough to become a spiritual technique for
any human being. We may take the name
of God as Christ or Buddha or Allah or
Vishnu or Krishna, but what is the concept
in our mind? That is what makes the
difference, and that is what is going to
determine the extent of success that we
can achieve through that practice.

In our temple we have, for example,

the daily routine of Abhisheka through
the Rudra Namaka and Chamaka, the

great, powerful mantras of the Yajurveda

known as the Rudradhyaya, which is
chanted every day, but very few would
have found time to contemplate on their
meaning, the purpose of this invocation
through the Rudradhyaya and the
Purusha Sukta, through both of which
Abhisheka is performed daily to Lord
Siva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. It is
a powerful invocation. Swami Sivananda
Maharaj was very fond of the
Rudradhyaya as well as the Purusha
Sukta. He himself used to make it a
personal sadhana of his. Those who have
enough time and patience to study these
sections of the Veda would find in them a
wealth of meaning and a very effective
means not only of self-transformation
into the good but also a means of
bringing about social security and
The sadhana of Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj was of a double or a dual
nature: salvation of the soul, and also
prosperity of mankind or society. They
would go together inwardly and
outwardly. The charged recitations of the
Rudra mantras invoke God in a variety of
ways. We do not know to what extent the
religion of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj
itself was influenced by this supreme
Rudradhyaya and the Purusha Sukta.
Every blessed concept is Gods concept.
We have to study it to know what it is. It



is vibrant with force. Veda mantras are

all charged with tremendous potency,
and the Abhisheka that is offered to the
Lord with the recitation of these mantras
is always done through some medium
such as Ganga Jal or milk. The article
that is offered gets charged also, and that
is why it becomes Prasada; it becomes a
Tirtha, a holy sacrament. Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj never used to take
his lunch without Tirtha from the
temple. Every day he must take the
Tirtha first. Whatever be the time of his
lunch, the Tirtha from the temple should
come first.
He was an exemplar, though he was
a great idealist. He was a follower of
the philosophy of the Bhagavadgita:
na buddhibhedam janayed (Gita 3.26).
Never would he disagree with anyone. He
would always agree with people in
everything, because why should he
disagree when there is some good point
in everyone? There is no person in the
world without some good in him, and
Swamiji was a person who could see the
good in things. While we always see the
wrong and the error in things and say
that it is not all right, he would say that it
is all right because there is some good in
it. That is the difference between we
people and people of his kind. There is
the good and the bad mixed in every
person and every thing in the world. We
should not see only the good or only the
evil, as they are both mixed up in certain
proportions. The difference is, he saw the
gold part of it while we see the iron.
Thus, in this modus of worship,
prayer and recitation of Veda Mantras he



gave us a great chance of self-evolution,

to regard God not only in one of His
aspects. There are people who are
philosophers, who do not believe in
Saguna. They say that we are only in
Nirguna, that God is formless; and there
are others who deny His formlessness
and think God is only corporal and
embodied. God can be worshipped in any
capacity because all forms have to be
God, inasmuch as He is accepted to be
omnipresent. Any kind of bigotry and
fanaticism in religion is not good. There
is no such thing as my religion. There is
only religion. The very purpose of the rise
of the religious consciousness in our
mind is to remove this idea of mineness
and yoursness, but if even religion is to
become mine, then there is the end of it.
There is a saying, anyakshetre
kritam papam, punyakshetre vinashyati;
punyakshetre kritam papam, vajralepo
bhavishyati: The sins committed in other
places get washed out in holy places, but
the sins committed in holy places stick to
us like a diamond coat. So if religion
itself becomes a source of bigotry,
fanaticism and mineness, it becomes
my religion apart from your religion,
and that would be a Vajralepaon our
body, worse than the other mistakes that
we could commit elsewhere in other
fields of work. Religion is a remedy that
has come to us. It is not another illness
that has come to our mind. We should
not convert religion into a kind of
disease, but it can become a disease
when it becomes a handmaid or tool of
selfishness. Religion can be used for
destruction, as in religious wars.
Millions were destroyed because of
religion. There is Jihad and the




argument of faith which always sets

itself at naught in respect of others: You
are not the followers of religion. And
today if religion has fallen and seems to
be stifled due to other forces working in
the world, it is because of this detraction
of the religious consciousness through
selfish channels of human prejudice and
The time has come for us to
recognise and realise the importance of
religion as a saviour. It has not come as
an opiate. It is not a drug that we take to
stimulate ourselves into a kind of
self-forgetfulness, but it has come as a
saviour and a remedy and a panacea for
the ills of the mind. Ultimately
everything in the world is related. We can
use anything for any purpose. We can
use a good instrument for bad purposes,
and something unwanted can become
very useful sometimes, according to the
context or the situation. Likewise, our
religious enthusiasms may become
suffering, as we see today in the fields of
established religionsthe religion of
pundits, the religion of temples, the
Christianity. This is an established, rigid
and inflexible form of conduct that has
been socially introduced by people in
place of the original blessedness that
religion was.
What do you see when you go to
temples? Do you feel ennobled, or do you


feel dejected or put down, crestfallen,

that there is something wanting in your
religious field? It is not the mistake of
religion; it is the mistake of the
understanding of religion. Some people
say that science is bad, that it has killed
people. It is not science that kills, but the
misuse of science. Science is only a
principle of knowledge, a coordinated
system of understanding the laws that
operate in the world. It is neither good
nor bad. We cannot say that electricity is
bad because somebody touched a wire
and died. It is a principle, and this
principle can be used or abused.
It is difficult to live in the world. We
should not make a routine of anything.
Anything that becomes a routine
becomes a source of bondage. Living is
different from passing through a routine.
Our life has to become a flow of vitality,
innovation and understanding. Only
then can we be said to be progressing.
We cannot literally follow the word of a
Master and then be said to be following
religion. The letter is different from the
spirit, as Christ very wisely said in his
gospel, and we should follow the spirit of
religion rather than the letter. Because
people follow the letter of religion, we
have religious battles. Religions are set
against each other all because the letter
of each one is following the beaten track
and setting itself against the beaten
tracks of other religions.

In meditation, thought and being coalesce and become one. Swami Krishnananda






(Sri Swami Atmaswarupananda)
All the great religions point to one
great truth. They may not deify that
truth because there is no way that it has
any name or form that ultimately can be
deified. But the goal is one. That one has
a source or is the source that will ever be
beyond the understanding of the mind.
But it can inform the mind to a point of
absolute satisfaction.
Total satisfaction, Pujya Swami
Chidanandaji used to say. And what
does any human being want except total
satisfaction, a sense of completion. That
sense of completion is here and now.
There is nothing else except That. What
is blocking our vision of it? Wrong
and wrong
scriptures tell us. They lead us to search
for the total satisfaction that we want in
wrong directions,
and these wrong
directions never end until we find the
right one.
A compass has 360 degrees, but
only one points straight north. How are
we to find that one that points straight
north? There is one simple answer: Trust
That which has brought you this far.
If we investigate this possibility, we
will be amazed at how we have got where
we are right now. How did it happen?
coincidences? From where came those

inspirations? From where came the

usually unasked for, and often what we
didnt want at that time, and yet it has all
brought us to our here and now. Trust
We want something that we can
grab hold of. But someone once
composed a short poem. It said simply, I
said to the man who stood at the gate of
the years, Give me light, so that I may
tread safely into the unknown, and he
replied, Go out into the darkness and
put your hand into the hand of God. That
shall be to you better than light and safer
than the known way. Note that we dont
first put our hand into the hand of God
and then walk out into the darkness, but
first we walk out into the darkness and
then put our hand in the hand of God.
At some point we have to venture
forth. We have to leave any psychological
comfort zone or safe refuge that we have
created. It is what is binding us. Trust
That which has brought us this far. We
dont know what has, but yet we know
that something has. Trust That. We
must leave our safety netthe web of
thoughts that we imagine is keeping us
secure. We must trust That, that
Unknowable, that has brought us
this far.






A Brief Life-Sketch
(Sri Swami Venkatesananda)

rores of prostrations to the divine feet of

Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, the pure
and holy Prism who radiates in splendorous and brilliant colours, the Supreme
Light that today
Gurudev Sri Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj!
May the dust of their
holy lotus feet purify
and protect us all!
was a great Yogi and
saint in his previous
birth itself, this is his
last birth," predicted
Yogiastrologer in 1949. Anyone who meets
Chidanandaji even once would say very
much more than this! One who had been
with him during the early years of his life
and closely watched and followed the
colourful career of this born-saint,
couldnt restrain his tears of joy,
admiration and reverence when he related
the story of Swami Chidanandajis student
days: and it was from such a one, Sri
Yogesh, that I gathered the following facts
about the resplendent spiritual luminary
that Chidanandaji is.
Sridhar Rao (as Chidanandaji was
called before he entered the holy order of
Sannyasa, imparting greater holiness to
the Order itself, and glory to the
Gerua-robes) was born on the 24th
September, 1916, in a family that literally

demonstrated the truth of Lord Krishnas

heartening divine promise:
Shucheenaam Srimataam Gehe YogaBhrashtoh Abhijaayate
We have heard
of great souls being
born in the families
people, renunciation,
in their case, is a
logical sequence of
such a birth. We
have also heard of
great souls taking
birth in rich, but not
families, they too
had to renounce
their families in order to pursue the goal
they had set before themselves and striven
to reach life after life on earth. Sridhars
birth as the beloved son of Sri Srinivasa
Rao and his Sahadharmini Srimati
Sarojini was a perfect illustration of the
Lords Utterance, both piety and prosperity
dwelt in Srinivasa Raos house.
Srinivasa Rao was a very big
Zamindar of South India, who owned
several villages in Coimbatore district in
South India as well as extensive lands in
Rajagopalapuram in Mannargudi district
and in the Madras city itself. He owned
palatial buildings in Madras, Coimbatore,
etc. In worldly parlance, he was worth
Sridhars Mother was the Ideal Indian
Mother that Chidanandaji himself has



inspiringly portrayed in the course of his

illuminating Durga Puja lectures in 1953.
In a word, she was a saint, and as the
foremost women-saints of India have ever
been, she was a great Pativrata. It would be
quite true to say of her that it was her
Pativrata that shone and radiated from her
as the resplendent rays of piety, supreme
generosity, love for all, devotion to God,
sweetness of disposition, and all the other
divine virtues that Chidanandaji lives to
glorify and spread. To Sridhar, the Mother
was the Adi-Guru, literally so, and
exemplifies in herself, the acme of
perfection of a human being or the model
of divinity upon earth. To the Mother,
Sridhar was a well beloved son as he had
imbibed and improved upon the great
virtues which she had worn as her greatest
Two other influences that moulded or
rather guarded his spiritual personality in
early life are worth mentioning here. The
earliest was what in the ultra modern
world in which Sridhar was born, a man
from the hoary past who loved to tell
children tales from the Mahabharata,
Ramayana, and Bhagavata. He was
Anantayya, a sturdy young man of 60
when Sridhar knew him, when Sridhar
himself was 8 years old. Anantayya was
Sridhars maternal grandfathers athletic
and wrestling companion. He used to tell
Sridhar and the other children of the
family, and tell in a telling manner, the old
stories of the Great Ones, and Sridhar
would in those few years have heard from
Anantayya the thrilling stories of Prahlada,
Dhruva, and the Rishis, over and over
again. A funny incident would illustrate
the depths to which these stories had
penetrated the young heart. One day
Sridhar and a boyhood companion
stripped themselves naked, wound their
shirts round their loins as Kowpeen,
besmeared their bodies with talcum



powder (to represent sacred ash), and

seated themselves on tiger skins on the
terrace of the house prayerfully waiting for
the Lord to appear before them Tapasvis.
Tapas, becoming a Rishi, and having a
vision of the Lord these three were
mysteriously taken shape within his heart
as he heard the stories of saints and
Bhaktas told by Anantayya.
The second great influence was that of
an uncle, Krishna Rao, the great Bhakta
who was made with the Love of God. He
was Srinivasa Raos brother-in-law, and he
was Sridhars shield against all evil
influences of the materialistic world
around. Krishna Rao was the great divine
gardener who carefully and joyously
watered the plant of Nivritti that was fast
growing in the heart of Sridhar. He was
himself a Grihastha-Sannyasi, who never
cared for aught but God, whose one
concern in life was Rama-Nama Japa,
meditation on Rama and continuously
living in Rama. When he found Sridhar
was the one spiritually inclined boy in the
house (though all were religious generally),
his joy knew no bounds. One day, in the
year 1932, he brought a copy of Gospel of
Sri Ramakrishna (Vol. 1) from the market,
and that day marked Sridhars serious
study of spiritual life, Nivritti-life as such.
Every night, Krishna Rao would read to
Sridhar from the Gospel, and often the
reading would assume the shape of serious
spiritual enterprise, Krishna Rao rising to
great heights of spiritual emotion and
Ramakrishna. Often, Krishna Rao would
confidently whisper into Sridhars ears:
Siddha! All this Samsara is Nissara
(essence less), God alone is real. Care not
for this world. You should attain Rama."
Sridhars veneration of Krishna Rao can be
judged from the fact that when, during the
All India Tour of Gurudev in 1950,
Chidanandaji was at Madras, he ran with




flowers and fruits in hand and literally

worshipped Krishna Rao, his early friend,
guide and philosopher.
Sridhars parents had four other
children, a daughter elder to Sridhar, and
two daughters, and a son younger to him.
Happy at having contributed a spiritual
luminary to the world, and satisfied that
all her austerities, devotional practices her
life itself had borne the richest fruit in the
birth and growth of Sridhar, the Mother
attained the Supreme Seat of the Lord in
June 1926, from there to watch her
illustrious son quickly ascend the ladder of
Yoga and reach the peak of spiritual
perfection that was the inner aspiration of
the family itself.
Sridhar was a brilliant scholar at the
school and a Sadhu at home. His aunt
used to affectionately call him Siddha, a
sweet contraction for Sridhar, which might
at the same time have meant that the boy
Siddha-hood that has remained the
unattainable goal of many struggling
souls. After the elementary education at
Mangalore (his mothers home) in 1932,
Sridhar joined the M Ct. Muthiah Chatty
High School at Madras, his brilliant
scholarship earned for him distinction in
his class, and his exemplary conduct and
extraordinary traits earned for him a
distinct place in the hearts of all teachers
and students who came into contact with
him. Long after he had ceased to be a
student of the schools of academic
learning, long after he had begun his
career as a great and powerful spiritual
teacher in the vast school of life itself, his
school teachers have proudly cherished
the exalted feeling that they had truly seen
the sapling Yogi in him even while he was
their ward.
The Loyola College whose portals
admit only the most brilliant among
students welcomed Sridhar. In 1938, he
emerged from it with a degree of Bachelor


of Arts. This period of his studentship, of a

predominantly Christian College, was
more significant in his case than perhaps
in the case of the thousands of others that
pass out of it with a degree in arts or
science. As we learn from his later life, the
glorious ideal of Lord Jesus, the Apostle
and the other Christian Saints, had found
indistinguishable synthesis with all that is
best, greatest and noblest in the Hindu
culture, to which he owed allegiance by
birth, and the resplendent ideal of Lord
Buddha whom young Sridhar, surrounded
by wealth, comfort, and pomp, adored as
his hearts idol. To him, the study of the
Bible was neither mere routine, nor an
unnecessary ritual imposed by a foreign,
ruling class belonging to an alien culture,
it was the Living Word of God, just as living
and real as the Word of God given to
mankind in the Vedas, the Upanishads
and the Bhagavad Gita. The zeal with
which he studied the Bible would have
made him an ardent Christian Missionary,
a pillar of the Roman Catholic Church, and
(with his wonderful powers of eloquence
and persuasion) the Church would have
had in him a proselytizer of unrivalled
power, but his innate breadth of vision in
fact, the very hallmark of Indias Vedic
Culture, Upanishadic culture enabled him
to see Jesus in Krishna, not Jesus instead
of Krishna. Thus, the world has in him
today, a propagator of the Christian ideals,
who is not a wee-bit behind the foremost
Christians in his advocacy of the Gospel of
Jesus, but who would, at the same time,
assure us that the very same Gospel, in
other forms and in other words, forms the
foundation of every other religion in the
world. And, this born Hindu-saint was a
devout adorer of Jesus Christ from the
earliest. But withal, his fervent love to
family deity Lord Vishnu surpassed all.
(To be continued)






(Swami Ramarajyam)
This is




Lord Rama was sent into exile

and had to dwell in jungles. When
Bharat came to know that Rama was
exiled only because of him, he cursed
himself and went to meet Him.

We begin to fight for grabbing

even petty things. Rama and Bharat,
on the other hand, were eager to pass
on the right to rule over the kingdom
to each other. Rama insisted that
Bharat should reign over the
kingdom of Ayodhya. Bharat, very
eager to place Rama on the throne of
Ayodhya, was prepared to live in
jungles in his place. What a beautiful
give and take! How sweet is the

He fell at the feet of Rama and

said, My Lord, the kingdom of
Ayodhya is yours. I have never
dreamt of ruling over this kingdom.
May God curse me if I ever thought
Dear children, if ever you have to
otherwise! Kindly ascend the throne
fight, fight for giving and not for
and let me dwell in jungles in your
taking. Always be eager to give like
Rama and Bharat. Never fight like
Lord Rama said affectionately, Kauravas for usurping other peoples
Dear Bharat, obeying the commands possessions. (Kauravas had tried to
of our parents, you should rule over usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas.)
the kingdom and I would live in
Those who forgo their rights for
the sake of others, are adored. Who
Revered sir, as of right you remembers people with whom rights
should rule over the kingdom, outweigh duties? Rama and Bharat
said Bharat humbly. His eyes filled are adored even today. Nobody
remembers the Kauravas.

with tears.





An Anecdote:


(H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj)
here lived in a small village a poor
man called Grami. He was quite
illiterate, and had not seen any big town
or city. He once wanted to go to Bombay.
A big merchant, Sahukar, belonging to
the same village was in Bombay. He had
a very big Factory, Sales Depot,
bungalow and garden. So Grami thought
I will go to Bombay and stay with
He is a very rich and generous man.
He will also give me the travelling
expenses." Thus making up his mind, he
left for Bombay.
After full two days journey he
reached his destination. It was summer
and the train reached the station about
12 noon. It was very hot. He had to find
his way to Sahukars bungalow after a
good deal of search and enquiry on the
way. As soon as he saw the Sahukar, he
was immensely pleased. Sahukar
recognised him as his old friend and
greeted him very cordially, not out of any
love for him, but merely out of his
egoism, his pride. Sahukars idea was
that the poor man would go back to the
village and would praise him and the way
he entertained him.
Grami was much tired. He asked for
a hand fan. Sahukar said Why do you
trouble yourself? I will just now put on
the electric fan. He did so. Grami had

never seen this. He was astonished and

began to praise Sahukars skill, wealth
and intelligence.
Sahukar was puffed up with pride
and said This is nothing. I can do much
more. You will see later on.
It became dark. Grami, asked for a
candle or lantern. Again Sahukar said
Oh, dont you worry about a candle. I
will just switch on the electric lamp and
it will give you light. So saying he
switched on the lamp and there was
dazzling light in the room. The poor man
was again very much astonished to see
this and again praised Sahukar. The
latters pride swelled up even more. At
8.30 p.m. Sahukar switched on the radio
and it began to give forth the latest
melodies and news of important events
in India and the world. Grami had never
dreamt of this wonder. This time he
could not control himself and was full of
praise for Sahukars genius. Sahukar
was bloated with pride; he became
something like a football bladder
overfilled with air and was about to
burst. Blinded with intense pride, he
went on saying I can do this; I can do
that. See how powerful I am.
Suddenly, the electric current failed;
there was no light; the fans stopped and



the radio ceased its music. The poor

Grami was dismayed.
He cried out, Sethji, why have you
done this?"
Sahukar was much ashamed and
said that the electric current had failed
and so all stopped functioning.
Grami said All right. Let the lights
go. Please put the fan on.
Sahukar replied, No, it cant.
At least let the radio sing.
Sahukar replied, You do not
understand electricity. Without it
nothing will function.
Grami said: You were just now
telling me I can do this, I can do that, I
am powerful and so on. Now where is
that power, that I? Please apply your



that power I and light the lamp at

least." Sahukar hung his head in shame
and could not say anything.
Such is the case with all of us. We
are all full of egoism and say I did this; I
can do this; I will do this (Gita XVI-13 to
15). We do not realise the power behind
which is working through all of our
organs (Indriyas), without which we can
do nothing. When that Power is gone,
this body which is preserved with so
much care and fed every day with
delicious dishes, of which we are so
proud, will only be burnt, buried or
thrown into the water. So be wise; never
boast of your body, intellect, etc., and
realize your real Self.
May God bless us all! May we all
realise our Self by the Grace of Guru!


Beneath your conscious life there is a very wide region of
subconscious life. Subconscious life is more powerful than your
ordinary life of objective consciousness. Through the practice of Yoga
you can modify, control and influence the subconscious plane. Bring
about a complete transformation of the subconscious mind and attain
superconscious experience or the fourth state, Turiya.
Can you serve like Florence Nightingale? Can you obey like a
soldier in the battlefield? Can you be generous like Ranti Deva? Can
you spend sleepless nights in devotion to the Lord, like Mira? Can you
do Tapas like Dhruva? Can you stick to your convictions like Mansoor
and Shams Tabriez? Can you be fearless like the sage who met
Alexander the Great, on the banks of the Indus?
If you say Yes, you will have Self-realisation this very second. You
will contact Avataras and full-blown Yogis this very second. First
deserve, and then desire.





Upon the kind earnest invitation of
Revered Sri Sivananda Munsamiji of
Durban in South Africa, a very great
devotee of Worshipful Gurudev Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj, H.H. Sri Swami
Nirliptanandaji Maharaj, Vice-President,
DLS Headquarters, visited South Africa on
a cultural tour during NovemberDecember, 2014. On his arrival at Durban
on 10th November Swamiji Maharaj was
very cordially received at the Airport by
Revered Sri Swami Ramakripanandaji of
DLS Sarva Dharma Ashram Branch,
Lokasamgrahanandaji of DLS Vedanta
Institute Branch, Tongaat, Revered Sri
Swami Chaitanyanandaji, Revered Sri
Pragalad Moodley of Tongaat Hindu Unity
Ramanna and Revered Smt. Sandra
Ramanna, Revered Sri Daniel Panday of
the Divine Life Society, South Africa,
Revered Sri Prakash Mathura of Vedanta
Institute and Smt. Vanitha Munsami, and
On 13th November Sri Swamiji
attended the Satsang at Sarva Dharma
Durban. The Satsang was conducted by
Revered Sri Ramakripanandaji, the
Prsident of the Ashram. It was attended by
inmates of the Ashram and many other
devotees. Swamiji Maharaj spoke at the
Satsang on the teachings of Gurudev
Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, unity of
religions, Bhakti Yoga and ways of
cultivating Devotion. Sarva Dharma
Ashram under the guidance of Sri Swami
Ramakripanandaji has been doing great
social service by giving help to poor and
needy people of different communities in

various ways which is admirable and

deserves great appreciation.
The Umkomas Branch of Divine Life
Society of South Africa had its Satsang on
14th. This was the first of the Divine Life
Society in South Africa, started with the
blessings of Gurudev in 1949. Swamiji
attended this Satsang and gave a
discourse on the life of Sri Gurudev, which
was very much appreciated by all. This was
attended by a large number of devotees.
Revered Sri Ramulu, President of the
Branch and other important people were
also present.
Revered Sri Sivananda Munsamiji
had arranged a Satsang on 15th November
at Pathamurjani Andhra Sabha Hall, in
Umhlatuzana Township of Durban,
inviting distinguished persons. Swamiji
Maharaj attended this programme and
gave a discourse on Holy Master Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj and his Mission.
This was very inspiring and enlightening,
and was of great benefit for the
interviewed Swamiji Maharaj for about an
hour over the Radio at the Radio Station on
16th November which was directly
broadcast. It was on topics like need of
values in society particularly among the
Youth at the present times, Spirituality,
Religion, and many important related
On that day Sri Swamiji also attended
the Satsang at Sarva Dharma Ashram in
the forenoon. Many devotees, mostly
children from the local communities in
large number had joined the Satsang. The
Ashram has been encouraging the
children and others for Mantra-writing, for



which there is great interest and

enthusiasm from the children, including
those from the Black community. Swamiji
Maharaj gave a discourse at the Satsang
particularly addressing the children and
the youth, on glory of the Divine Name,
inculcating moral values, success in life,
and attaining happiness. The children and
all others were very happy to hear the talk.
In the evening, at the kind invitation
of The Divine Life Society of South Africa,
Swamiji accompanied by Revered Sri
Sivananda Ashram at Reservoir Hills,
Durban. This was established by
Sahajanandaji Maharaj of South Africa.
Swamiji Maharaj was very warmly received
by the President Dr. M. Chatrooghoon,
other Board members, the Rishi Kumars of
the Ashram, and many other devotees.
They had the Satsang at the Ashram on
that day. Swamiji participated in the
Satsang and gave a talk on The Divine
Personality of Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj which was received by all with
great appreciation and happiness.
The Vedanta Institute of South Africa
in conjuction with Tongaat Hindu Unity
Forum had organised programmes for
Swamiji Maharaj at Tongaat for three days,
18th, 19th and 20th. On the 18th the
programme was in Vishwaroop Temple,
Tongaat, hosted by Vishwaroop Temple
and Dharmashala. Swamiji was cordially
received at the Temple by Revered Sri
Swami Lokasangrahanandaji, Head of the
Vedanta Institute, Chairman, Trustees
and devotees of the Viswaroop Temple, and
President and members of the Hindu Unity
Forum. At the Satsang there was a very
good gathering of the devotee. Swamiji
Maharaj attended the Satsang and gave a
talk on Bhakti, the need to develop it and



its role in life, which was quite inspiring

and liked by all.
The Satsang on the 19th was at
Chinna Thirupati Temple Hall and was
hosted by Chinna Thirupati Venkateswara
Devasthanam of Tongaat. Here Sri Swamiji
was warmly received by the Chairman and
other Trustees of the Devasthanam, and
other dignitaries and devotees. At the
Satsang Swamiji Maharaj gave discourse
on The Challenges faced by the Youth
today and the Coping Mechanisms which
was received by all with great appreciation.
The venue for the Satsang of 20th was
Shree Veerabhoga Emperumal Temple
Hall of Tongaat, and was hosted by the
Shree Veerabhoga Emperumal Temple
Trust. On arrival Swamiji was received
cordially by the Chairman, other
office-bearers and devotees of the Trust
and other dignitaries. Swamiji Maharajs
talk at the Satsang was on Need of
Spiritual Life and Religion in the present
times and Hindu Unity. The devotees
present appreciated this very much and
were inspired.
On 21st November Swamiji proceeded
along with Revered Sri Sivananda
Munsamiji to Johannesberg. At the Airport
they were lovingly received by Revered Sri
Ishwaramayanandaji and Revered Sri
Swami Karunyananda Mataji of Sivananda
School of Yoga of Johannesberg, Revered
Sri Swami Sivashankaranandaji and
Revered Sri Swami Shraddhananda Mataji
of Adi Shankarashram of Johannesberg,
and others. On that day a Satsang had
been organized at Sivananda School of
Yoga. Swamiji Maharaj participated in it
and had interaction with the devotees
present and answered their questions.
There was another Satsang at the
Sivananda School of Yoga on 22nd. At the
Satsang Sri Swamiji gave a discourse on



Yoga which was very elevating and

inspiring and was appreciated by the
participating devotees.
At Adi Shankara Ashram there was a
Satsang on 23rd. Swamiji Maharaj joined
this and gave a talk on Conquest of Lower
Nature and Cultivation of Virtues.
Ramakrishna Dham, Johannesberg, on
23rd and 24th November. Swamiji
participated in the Satsang of the Ashram
on both days and on 24th gave a talk on
Importance of Devotion and the Navadha
Bhakti (nine modes of devotion). The stay
at the Ashram was very comfortable and
enjoyable for which Swamiji Maharaj
thanked Revered Swami Premananda
Puriji Maharaj, Head of the Ashram, who
had very kindly extended the loving
From Johannesberg Sri Swamiji
proceeded to Cape Town on 25th
accompanied by revered Sri Sivananda
Munsamiji. He was cordially received at
the Airport by Revered Sri Yogeshwari
Mataji, Revered Sri Swami Parvati Ananda
Mataji, Revered Sri Swami Vidyanandaji,
Revered Sister Sri Vaniji of Ananda Kutir
Ashram DLS Cape Town Branch, affiliated
to DLS Headquarters, Rishikesh. On that
day in the evening Satsang in Ananda
Kutir Ashram Swamiji spoke on The
Essence of the Bhagavad Gita. They had
arranged Satsang in the evening on all
days of Swamijis stay in the Ashram.
On 26th November the Satsang was
hosted and conducted by the Cape Town
Inter Faith Initiative. (CTII). The Vice
Chairperson Mrs. Mary Frost and other
members of CTII had taken part in it. At
their request Swamiji Maharaj gave a talk
on Healing Our Wounded Society with


appreciated by the participants, and was

to the great satisfaction of CTII.
In the Satsang on 27th Sri Swamiji
also took part and gave a discourse on
Arise! Having Arisen, stay Alertthe call
of the Sages.
Swamiji Maharaj also attended the
Morning Meditation of the Ashram from
26th to 28th and also gave talks on
On 28th, there was a Youth
Programme arranged by the Ananda Kutir
Ashram. Swamiji addressed the children
and Youth with a talk which was inspiring
and very valuable for them.
Then Sri Swamiji returned to Durban
on 29th. In the afternoon there was a
Satsang at the residence of Revered Sri
Pradip Ramlalji of Durban, on the occasion
of the Happy Birthday of his Dharmapatni
Revered Rekha Mataji. Swamiji Maharaj
attended it and spoke at the Satsang
highlighting the Importance of the rare
human birth and Devotion and gave his
Revered Sri Swami Nishchalanandaji,
the Spiritual Head and President of the
Integral Yoga Centre of Pietermaritzburg
(affiliated Branch of DLS Headquarters,
Rishikesh) founded by him, had arranged
Satsang under the auspices of the Integral
commencing with 30th November, in
connection with Gita Jayanti, and had
invited Swamiji Maharaj for this. Sri
Swamiji attended the Satsang and gave
discourses all the three days. On 30th
November the talk was on Overview and
Essence of the Gita; and on 1st December
it was on Gitathe Yoga Way of Life.
The Gita Jayanti was celebrated by
the DLS Integral Yoga Centre Branch on
2nd December. On that day a programme



had been arranged at Sri Radhakrishna

Temple for chanting of the entire Bhagavad
Gita. Swamiji Maharaj participated in the
recitation of the Gita. In the evening
Swamiji also attended the Satsang at
Gandhi Hall and spoke on Glory of the
Bhagavad Gita and some of its important
Swamiji Maharaj once again visited
Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills, upon
the kind invitation of Divine Life Society, of
South Africa on 3rd December, and visited
their Sivananda Ghat. Here arrangements
have been made by them for performance
immersion of the ashes in the river, which
is an excellent thing and a great help to the
general public.
Hosted by them, Swamiji stayed at
Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills of Divine
Life Society of South Africa, for the night as
per their request.
Estcourt, the birthplace of Pujya Sri
Swami Sahajanandaji Maharaj on 3rd
December. Sri Swamiji also joined the
Satsang arranged by Estcourt Branch of
the Divine Life Society, South Africa, and
gave a discourse on the Teachings of
Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and
Divine Life. Chairman of the Branch Sri
Ajeesh Lalparsad, other devotees, and
some important persons of Durban, etc.,
had attended it. Swamiji Maharajs talk
was very inspiring and was very much
appreciated by one and all.
On 4th Swamiji Maharaj paid a visit to
Kwa Mashu Technical High School of the
Divine Life Society, South Africa. Here the
entire original School building has been
constructed by the Divine Life Society,
which is very laudable. Then Sri Swamiji
visited Ndimose Primary School at Inanda.



The DLS South Africa has constructed

some buildings and also extended some
other kind help. Swamiji also saw the
Sivananda Ndimose Computer Centre of
the school, which has been recently built
by Divine Life Society of South Africa on
co-funding basis. Here Sri Swamiji had an
interaction with the Principal, and also
offered Prayers for the security and
prosperity of the School.
There was a Farewell Satsang for Sri
Swamiji arranged by Revered Sri Swami
Ramakripanandaji at Sarva Dharma
Ashram Durban, on 4th December.
Swamiji Maharaj took part in the Satsang
and spoke on Task of the Divine Life
Society, Branches and the devotees of
South Africa. This was considered very
valuable and important and evoked
appreciation of all.
The Vedanta Institute of South Africa
had arranged another Satsang on 5th
December. This was the Kartigai Deepam
Satsang hosted by Tongaat Sabha at
Tongaat Sabha in their Temple in Railway
Street, Tongaat. There was the Kartigai
Deepam festival on that day as it was the
Kartigai Poornima (Full Moon) day
according to Tamil Calendar. Upon arrival
Swamiji Maharaj was given a warm and
cordial welcome by the Chairman, and
Board Members of the Tongaat Sabha
Hindu Unity Forum and the Vedanta
Institute, and other devotees. Sri Swamiji
took part in the Satsang and gave a
discourse on the Significance of Kartigai
Deepam as also the glory of Hinduism.
This was very inspiring and had great
impact on the participants.
There was yet another visit of Swamiji
Maharaj to Divine Life Society of South
Africa on their request, which was to their
Sivananda International Cultural Centre
Sivanandanagar, La Mercy. Sri Swamiji




was given a warm welcome by the

Chairpersons Dr. Subeera Ramlal and Dr.
M. Chootroghan, other office-bearers and
members of the Board, the Rishikumar
and Rishikumaris, other distinguished
persons, and devotees. Swamiji went
round the Cultural Centre which has been
very nicely established, with beautiful
buildings, and also had Darshan of Mother
Ganga Rani. There was a grand and
excellent Satsang. It was their Sivananda
Day Satsang. A large number of devotees
had participated in the Satsang. The
prayers, and devotional chantings and
singing were excellent, were with great
devotion, serene atmosphere, and it was
all quite elevating. At the Satsang Swamiji
Maharaj addressed, giving a discourse on
Spiritual DisciplineLessons from the life
of Gurudev. Swamiji also expressed great
appreciation for the excellent work being
done by Divine Life Society of South Africa,
and the great devotion and discipline of the
devotees. Pujya Sri Swami Sahajanandaji
Maharaj had done spectacular and
wonderful work for spreading the message
of Worshipful Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj and the economic upliftment of
the poor and needy persons of different
communities in South Africa as devout
Guru-Seva and under his leadership and
able guidance the Divine Life Society of
South Africa had carried on great service to
the people and it is still being continued at
present, after his Mahasamadhi.
The tour of South Africa went on very
well and smoothly. The devotees of South
Africa were very courteous, cordial and
good. At each centre and programme there
was warm and positive response. They
extended rousing reception and excellent
Munsamiji who had sponsored the tour
had looked into minute details and took

special care of Swamiji from the beginning

to end and had made excellent
arrangement with regard to travel,
accommodation, stay and boarding
requirements which were very comfortable
and excellent in every way, as also for the
programmes at different places. Smt.
Vanitha Munsami Mataji had also looked
after stay and boarding of Swamiji at
Durban. Swamiji Maharaj expresses his
grateful thanks to Sri Sivananda
Munsamiji and Smt. Vanitha Munsami
Mataji. At each and every place the
organizations and devotees, without a
single exception, who had hosted the
programmes were also very nice and kind,
made Swamiji Maharaj very comfortable,
successful. Thus the tour of South Africa
was very successful in every way and was
very inspiring and beneficial for the Divine
Life Society, and the devotees. Sri Swamiji
places on record his gratitude and thanks
for each and every devotee of South Africa
for the warm and loving courtesy,
response, kindness and cooperation.
Swamiji Maharaj left South Africa on
7th December from Durban Airport. At the
Airport Swamiji was given a very warm
send-off and was seen off by Revered Sri
Sivananda Munsami, Revered Smt.
Vanitha Munsami Mataji, Revered Dr.
Devraj, Revered Sri Prem Kantilal, Revered
Smt. Kantilal, Revered Sri Rajan Reddy,
Revered Sri Preggie Moodley, Revered
Bhagwan Mataji (General Secretary) and
children of Sarva Dharma Ashram,
Revered Sri Vivekanandan Ramanna,
Revered Smt. Sandra Ramanna, Revered
Sri Yogen of Tongaat Hindu Unity
Forum, and many others. Sri Swamiji
came back to India and landed at Delhi on
8th December.






By the profound blessings of Sri
Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj,
the Divine Life Society Headquarters
continues rendering its humble service
through Sivananda Home, situated in
Tapovan near Laxman Jhula.
Abandoned by family, but invited by
Mother, Father, Friend and Relativeall
in One and One in all. Despised and spit
upon by the world, but having found
mercy at His feet. Disgraced by
humanity, but embraced by divinity. Not
only a few are called, but all are chosen:
Come, come, whosoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, it doesnt matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come,
even if you have broken your vows a
thousand times. Come, yet again, come,
come. (Rumi)
This month Sivananda Home
received new patients who almost all
were at the end of their wits. Among
them was a female elderly patient
brought from the road, suffering from
pulmonary TB and paralysis due to
stroke and not able to walk. A few teeth
only, a few words could she utter.
Another elderly Sadhvi, dehydrated, in
mental and physical shock, after being
abused and left to herself, hardly able to
talk, incontinence of her output
functions and having regular moments
of absence and losing consciousness.
Furthermore, a Babaji, who was brought
from a drainage, where he had been lying
down for a couple of days, with severe
loose motions and vomiting, so much so,
that he could not get up. And a young
boy, with degeneration of the spinal

bone, due to which he could hardly walk,

and diagnosed with pulmonary TB too.
All these patients were checked up by the
concerned doctors and their medical
treatment was started accordingly.
One Sadhu who had lost his
eyesight completely was operated on his
eye and his vision was restored!
Immensely grateful he is to God and
Gurudev, as he found new hope and a
Headquarters too a dying destitute
patient was brought in, suffering from
TB in such a progressive and last stage of
the disease that he passed away a couple
of days later. May his soul rest in Peace
and everlasting Bliss. Om Shanti, Om
Shanti, Om Shantih.
Where Gurudev is, there is HOPE.
Hope for a new beginning, faith for a new
start, forgiveness for whatever happened
in the past, or a peaceful leaving, if ones
time has come. Where Gurudev has
touched, a transformation takes place, a
turning point in the life of that person, be
he or she a patient, a doctor, a professor,
a seeker of truth or someone who begs on
the side of the road. As in the winged
words of Lord Jesus: Come to-me, all
who are weary and burdened and I will
give you rest
Let us behold Thee in all these
names and forms. Let us serve Thee in all
these names and forms. Let us ever
remember Thee. Let us ever sing Thy
glories. Let Thy Name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.
(Swami Sivananda).





By the grace of Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj , under the
aegis of Birth Centenary Celebrations of Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj,
Divine Life Society Spiritual Conference-Uttar Pradesh, will be held from 12-04-15 to
14-04-2015 at Naimisharanya, Dist. Sitapur, UP, (80 K.M. from Lucknow).
The Conference will be blessed by Senior monks from Headquarters and saints
and scholars from other institutions. Devotees from all the Branches of the Society of
U.P. are cordially invited to participate in the Divine Meet aimed at dissemination of
spiritual knowledge.
Delegate fee for participation in the Conference will be ` 500/- per person
inclusive of food and accommodation which may be sent by DD/Cheque in favour of
The Divine Life Society, Lucknow Branch or can be directly deposited in the PNB
Account No 1856000100767344 IFSC Code PUNB0185600 (No delegate fee for
Children up to 12 years).
Last date for enrollment is 31-03-15. Delegate fee along with the form
confirming participation has to be sent to: Sri Jagdish Dayal, A-669, HAL Old
Colony, Faizabad Road, LUCKNIOW, Pin-226016, UP.
For Enrolment and other details kindly visit the website:
or contact :
1. Sri Naresh Singla


2. Sri N K Aggarwal


3. Sri C L Manikant


4. Sri Rakesh Goyal


5. Sri Jagdish Dayal


6. Smt Vijya Tiwari


7. Sri Ambreesh Dubey


All Devotees are cordially invited to participate in the Divine Meet & make it a
grand success.
The Divine Life Society





By the grace of Most Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj,
under the auspices of the Birth Centenary Celebration of Pujya

Sri Swami

Chidanandaji Maharaj, The Chhattishgarh State Divine Life Society Spiritual

Conference will be held from 10th to 12th January 2015 at Ghatpadmur, Jagdalpur,
Dt. Bastar, Chhattishgarh.
The Conference will be blessed by senior monks from Headquarters and saints
and scholars from other institutions. Devotees from all the Branches of the Society
in the State are cordially invited to participate in the programme aimed at
dissemination of spiritual knowledge.
Delegate fee for participation in the Conference is 300/- which may be sent by
Cheuqe or DD in favour of Divya Jivan Sangh Sri Shivananda Ashram,
Jagdalpur to:
Divya Jivan Sangh-Sri Shivananda Ashram, Ghatpadmur, P.O: Dharampura,
Tehsil: Jagdalpur, Dt. Bastar, Chhattishgarh-494005
For Registration and Information please contact:
1. Swami Sivadasananda


2. Swami Visuddhananda


3. Swami Premswarupananda


4. Sri Keju Singh Thakur


5. Sri Nagendra Bhadoria


6. Sri Sanjay Kumar Lahoti


7. Sri Shiv Narayan Chandak


Devotees are cordially invited to participate in the Conference and make it a

grand success.

The Divine Life Society




By the grace of Most Worshipful Gurudev H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj,
under the aegis of Swami Chidananda Birth Centenary Celebrations, the Divine Life
Society Chandigarh Branch will be holding a Sadhana Shivir and Annual Day
celebrations at Sivananda Ashram, Chandigarh, on 7th and 8th of March, 2015.
Senior monks from Head quarters Ashram and other Institutions will grace the
occasion. Devotees from all the Branches of Divine Life Society are cordially invited
to participate in the programme.
For enrolment and information, please contact:
1. Sh. F.Lall.Kansal, President, 09814015237
2. Dr. Ramneek Sharma, Secretary, 09814105154
Sivananda Ashram, Divine Life Society
#2, Sector 29-A, Chandigarh160030
Phone: 0172-2639322

The Divine Life Society



By the grace of Most Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj,

under the auspices of Birth Centenary Celebrations of Pujya Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj the 41st All Andhra Divine Life Society Spiritual
Conference will be held from 24th to 26th January 2015 at Ghantalasa
Government Music and Dance College, Durgapuram, Vijayavada, Andhra
The conference will be blessed by senior monks from Headquarters and
saints and scholars from other institutions. Devotees from all the Branches of the
Society are cordially invited to participate in the programme aimed at
dissemination of spiritual knowledge.
Delegate fee for participation in the conference is `300/For Registration and Information please contact:
1. Sri Chilla Ramakrishna 09440564735, 2. Sri T. Chandramouliswara Rao
09618283789, 3. Dr. N. Nageswara Rao 09440387659, 4. Sri Saibabu 09394005462

All Devotees are cordially invited to participate in the conference and make it
a grand success.
The Divine Life Society






Ambala (Haryana): Regular Satsang
activities were carried on in addition to a
Video Satsang on every 2nd Sunday.The
Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee
honoured the team doctors serving in Sri
Gurugranth Sahib Seva Society on 6th of
November to mark the occasion of Sri
Guru Nanak Jayanti. Free Jalseva and
Nishkam Homeopathic Seva at Sri
Gurugranth Sahib continued in which
about 50 persons were treated and were
all given free medicines.
Aska (Odisha): Satsang activities
were carried on regularly on every
Thursday and Sunday of the month. On
8th September Birthday of Sadgurudev
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was
celebrated in a befitting manner with
special Satsang and concluded with the
distribution of fruits, buiscuits and
Jnana Yajna Prasad to the hospitals.
Special Satsangs were arranged from 9th
to 23rd, and on 24th Birthday of Pujya
H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj
was celebrated with Paduka Pooja and
more than 300 devotees attended the
function. Navaratra Pooja was celebrated
from 24th September to 3rd October.
Sadhana Shibir was held on 26th
Barbil (MatkambedaOdisha): The
Branch conducted weekly Satsangs (4
Nos) and residential Satsangs (4 Nos) in
October. Around 435 patients have
undergone free Homeo treatment in the
Dispensary run by this Branch. Sadhana
day was observed on 24th of the month

and Balvihar classes were conducted on

every Sunday for school-going children.
Bargarh (Odisha): Daily and weekly
Satsang activities were carried on
regularly and free distribution of 200
copies of Oriya Magazine Mahat Vani,
distribution of medicines to 165 poor
patients were carried out. Talks on
Bhagavad Gita and Bhaja Govindam
were held from 9th to 15th October. A
talk on Srimad Bhagavat Mahapurana
(Ekadasha Skanda) was arranged on
Bellary (Karnataka): Daily Satsang
activities continued regularly along with
Paduka Pooja and Ashtottara Archana
on all Sunday. Vijaya Dashami was
celebrated on 3rd October with Paduka
Pooja and Archana. Pratishthapana day
of Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy and
Inaguration of Satsang Bhavan was
celebrated with Gana Homa and
procession of the Idol of Sri Vinayaka
Swamy in the colony on 14th October.
Paduka Pooja, Archana of Sadgurudev
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was
performed on 24th. All the above
functions were concluded with the
chanting of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra,
Shanti Mantra and Prayer for World
Peace and distribution of Prasad after
Satsang activities continued on every
Thursday and Paduka Pooja on 8th and
24th of the month. Gita Parayan was
held during Ekadashi. A special
Sadhana day was observed on 19th
October with Bhajan, Kirtan, discourses



by senior devotees and Swadhyaya from

books of H.H. Sri Swami
Vishnusahasranam Parayan (11 times)
was also conducted by the Branch.
Ramacharit Manas was recited on the
occasion of Kartik Maas. A senior
devotee of the Branch is taking classes in
Government Engineering College besides
inspiring the students about the
importance of divine life and also Jnana
Yajna Prasad was distributed.
Bhanjanagar (Odisha): A Seven-day
programme on Srimad Bhagavatam
Pravachan was organised by the Branch
from 3rd to 9th September. The 127th
Birthday of Beloved Gurudev Sri Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj was celebrated on
8th with special Paduka Pooja followed
by a special Satsanga. The 381st
monthly Sadhana day was observed. On
24th, Holy Jayanti day of H.H. Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj was celebrated
with Shodashopachara Pooja and a
special evening Satsang with 200
devotees and concluded with Prasad
Sevan. Navaratri Pooja was held from
24th September to 2nd October and on
19th October Pratishtha day of the
Branch was celebrated.
Bhuj-Kutch (Gujrat): The Branch
organised Jnan Shibirs on 8th and 22nd
November in Narainpur and Sukhpur
respectively with two sessions. In the
First Session, the Life and Teachings of
Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj and the working of Shivanand
Ashram were focussed and copies of
Divine Life Magazine were distributed.
Lectures on Yoga and Sangeet Therapy
were delivered in the Second Session and
mass prayers were recited by all the


Chatrapur (Odisha): Apart from

daily Satsang, the Branch has also
conducted 5 weekly Satsangs and 5
special Satsangs. The monthly Jayanti
day ceremonies were observed on 8th
and 24th with Paduka Pooja of
Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Durga Pooja on 3rd October and the
Annual Day Function of the Branch on
6th were celebrated. Sundarakanda
Parayana (64 times) from Sri Ramcharita
Manas were held. Sadhana Shibir and
Vyaktitva Vikas Yuva Shibir were also
held along with Golden Jubilee function
of the D.L.S.
activities were carried on regularly. The
127th Birth Anniversary of Sadgurudev
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was
celebrated on 8th September with
Mahamantra and the 99th Birthday of
H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj
was also observed with Nagar Sankirtan,
Guru Paduka Pooja, Bhajan and Kirtan
and lectures were delivered on Gita and
Gurutattwa and Vastradaan to the poor
and needy as part of Narayana Seva and
concluded with Prasad Sevan at Ashram
Gunupur (Odisha): The Branch
organised various activities in the month
of Kartik from 9th October to 6th
November, with Prabhat-pheri, Parayan
of Twelve Chapters of Bhagavat
Mahapuran, Thursday Satsangs, Gita
Mahamantra Chanting and concluded
with Prasad Sevan by 500 devotees.
Gurgaon (Haryana): The Branch
has arranged discourses on Ramayana,



Puranas and other Holy Scriptures

throughout the year. Services of
Physiotherapy clinic were continued. A
programme was conducted at the
Branch to commemorate the Centenary
Chidanandaji Maharaj on 9th November.
463 people were benefited with the
services of 8 eminent doctors of Medicity,
Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh): The
Branch has conducted Satsangs with
Pravachan regularly on all Wednesdays,
Fridays and Sundays of the month. Free
medical campaign continued on every
1st Sunday of the month and Narayana
Seva for the poor and needy was also
Kantabanji (Odisha): The Branch
conducted Satsangs on all the Sundays
with the reading of Srimad Bhagavad
Gita, Ramayana, Upanishads and
chanting of Om , with Bhajan and Kirtan
and lectures on Gita and concluded with
Shanti Path.
Khamtari (Raipur, Chhattisgarh):
As usual, various programmes were
conducted by the Branch, on every
Sunday with Gita Path, Bhajan-Kirtan,
Chalisa, Arati and Prasad. On alternate
Sundays Dr. Naresh regularly gives talks
on Gita. On every Sivaratri (monthly)
Rudrabhishekam of Lord Vishwanath
with Namakam and Chamakam and
Purusha-suktam. Ramacharit Manas
Path on every Monday is done by Matri
Mandali. Sundar Kand Path is also done
by Matri Mandali on every Tuesday.



On the occasion of Gita Jayanti and

Branch Establishment Day, the Branch
organised a Sampurna Bhagavad Gita
Havan with all enthusiasm.
Khatiguda (Odisha): In addition to
two times Pooja everyday and weekly
Satsang on Thursdays, the Branch
observed Sadhana Day on 2nd November
with Narayan Seva and held 12 hours
Mahamantra Kirtan and Ekadashi
Satsangs on 3rd and 18th with Sri
Vishnu-sahasranama chanting. Mobile
Satsang was conducted on 16th. The
sacred 5 days Kartika Panchaka was
observed from 2nd to 6th November with
special pooja and on 6th Kartika
Gurupaduka Pooja.
Khatiguda (Odisha): The Branch as
usual celebrated Navaratri fervently.
Vishnu-Sahasranama on both Ekadasis.
It also conducted Mobile Satsang at the
residence of members.
Khurda Road (Odisha): Besides
regular Satsang activities, a special
Sadhana day was observed on 24th
November with early Morning Prayer,
meditation, video talk of H.H. Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj on Gurubhakti,
followed by Paduka Pooja, Bhajan and
Kirtan, Arati and prayer for world peace,
and concluded with Prasad Sevan.
Khurja Road (Uttarpradesh): The
Branch conducted Yoga classes for gents
and ladies morning and evening
respectively on all Sundays. Ladies
Sankirtan at the Balkeshwar Temple was
held on all Ekadashis. Publication and
free distribution of Janopayogi literature
as the Jnan Prasad was done and free
medicines for patients were distributed
in the Sri Swami Devanand Homeo



Dharmarth Aushadhalaya run by the

Konisi (Odisha): Apart from regular
Satsang activities, a special Satsang was
arranged from 1st to 5th November with
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Parayan which
was attended by several saints and
devotees at Konisi Akhileshwar Temple.
Poor-feeding was done on 1st Sunday of
every month. Jnan Prasad was
distributed to students of a nearby
school students and also at Anath
Lanjipalli (Odisha): Weekly Satsang
activities went on regularly. On 8th
October, Sri Swami Advaitanandaji
Maharaj, Treasurer, DLS Headquarters
visited the Branch and gave an inspiritng
talk on Bhagavad Gita. Hanuman
Chalisa (108 times) Parayan was
conducted on 6th November on the
occasion of Purnima with a prayer for
world peace. On 14th November, the
students of a Local Jail School were
taught and imparted the moral values of
patriotism with the teachings of Sri
Gurudev. Narayana Seva was held on
30th with Prasad Sevan after a special
Satsang, with Paduka Pooja, Bhajan and
(Brahmapur-Odisha): Daily, weekly and
mobile Satsangs were carried on
regularly. Gita chanting on Ekadashis
and recitation of Hanuman Chalisa (108
times) and Sundarakand Parayana on
Sankranti Day were conducted. On the
occasion of Kartika Maas, a special
Ramacharitamanas Navahna Parayan,
Pravachan, Harinaam Sankirtan, and
Sri Krishna Kathamruta were conducted
from 4th to 6th November, followed by
Narayan Seva in which Sattvik food was


distributed to about 250 poor and needy

Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh): Daily
Satsang activities were carried on
regularly. The 127th Birth Anniversary
of Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj was celebrated on 8th
September with Bhajan, Kirtan, Sri
Lakshmi Ashttotarashata Namavali, Sri
Naam-Japa and concluded with Prasad
distribution. The Branch members
visited Sneha Orphan Ashram and
conducted Satsangs, and pocket money
and fruits were distributed to 32
Satsangs, Matri Satsangs continued
delivered a lecture on Sri Gurudevs
teachings on 6th November on the
occasion of Kartika Purnima and
hundred Dipas were lighted at Swami
Sivananda Bhajan Mandir. Branch
Foundation Day was observed on 23rd
November in which about 300 devotees
addition to daily Pooja and Archana, the
Branch conducted special Satsangs from
8th to 24th September to mark the
occasion of Birthday of Sadugurudev Sri
Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and H.H.
Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj with
Gurupooja, and Ganesh Pooja.
Puri (Odisha): The Branch observed
the Birth Anniversary of H.H. Sri Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj and H.H. Sri
Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on 8th
and 24th September respectively, with



Paduka Puja, Gita Path, Mahamantra

Kirtan, Dhyan, Bhajan, Kirtan, and
Daridra Narayan Seva and concluded
with Maha Prasad. On Thursday weekly
Satsanga and occasionally Mobile
Satsanga were held. Bhajan-Kirtan with
Vishnu-Sahasranama was on each
conducted a special Satsang with local
primary school teachers as part of
Kartika Samaradhana with a view to
introducing Divine Life Society to
teaching community at Adi Bowddha
Stupa at Adurru village on 16th
November. Sri Ch. Bhargavagaru and
some members of the DLS Branch
Vasanta Nagar, Kakinada also attended
this Satsanga.
Apart from this H.H. Sri Swami
Krishnanandaji Maharajs Nirvan Day
was also celebrated on 23rd October with
The Branch also conducted a special
Satsanga on the occasion of Gita Jayanti
at Sri Rama Krishna Sai Gita Mandir at
Katrenipadu village near Razole. The
discourses on Gita based on 1st and 2nd
Chapters along with its Path and
Sankirtan. The Adabala family arranged
Anna-Samaradhana for nearly 200
instrumental in introducing Divine Life
Society to the villagers.
Satsang activities were carried on.
Paduka Pooja with Abhisheka and
Archana was done in the morning of
every 8th and 24th of the month with an
evening Satsang. The 15th Anniversary
of Pratishtha Divas of the Branch was



observed on 22nd October with a special

Satsang in which 100 devotees
participated. The 13th Punyatithi
Aradhana of Worshipful Sri Swami
Krishnanandaji Maharaj was observed
on 31st October. Discourses on Narada
Bhakti Sutras were delivered by Sri
Swami Devabhaktanandaji Maharaj of
Headquarters Ashram. A 3-day Youth
camp was organised in which about 105
students participated. Free booklets
were distributed among students and
Salipur (Odisha): The Branch
conducts recital of Gita 15th chapter,
Bhagavat one chapter and readings of
two pages from the book Sadhana,
apart from Jai Ganesh, Guru Stotra,
Adityahriday and other slokas of all
Devatas are recited. Apart from these,
monthly Gita Parayana (complete)
Parayana are held. Birthday of Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj was observed on
8th September.
On Sundays free medical treatment
is done and medicines were distributed
free as Health Services. The Branch also
Chidananda Jayanti was celebrated on
24th September with special Satsang
and Paduka Puja.
Sirpur Kaghaznagar (Telangana):
Weekly Satsangas were held by the
Branch on Sundays. Every Thursday
Guru Paduka Puja was conducted in
Dhyan Kutir.
South Balanda (Odisha): Bhagavat
Saptah Parayana and Pravachana Maha
Yanja was conducted by the Branch from
31st October to 6th November. The
Kathakar Pujya Babaji Chhanda Charan



Dasjee of Puri did the Katha very nicely,

sweetly and brought out the essence of
Lila Tattwa. The Branch routinely
conducts two times Pooja. General
Satsang is held on every Fridays.
Sivananda Day was celebrated on 8th
November and a special Ladies Satsanga
was arranged. 24th November was
celebrated as Chidananda Day. Akhanda
Maha Mantra Sankirtan was held on
29th November for World Peace and
Universal Brotherhood. Narayan Seva
and Ananda Bazar for 1500 members
Temple, South Balanda.
South Balanda (Odisha): Everyday
two-time Puja and Satsang were held on
every Friday. Sivananda Diwas observed
with Paduka Puja. On Ekadasis there
was special Matri Satsang. Chidananda
Day was also observed with Pada Puja for
world peace and universal brotherhood.
Akhanda Mahamantra Sankirtan was
held on 25th October.
Steel Township Branch, Rourkela
(Odisha): The Branch conducted 6
Sadhana day. Yoga classes in the
morning, free music classes on every
Sunday and Monday evening, Paduka
Pooja on every Thursday and Swadhyaya
on Saturday evening continued all
through the month of October.
Sunabeda Ladies Branch (Odisha):
Mahamantra Sankirtan for one hour,
Srimad Bhagavata Path one Chapter
daily followed by Gita Path and
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Japa. Weekly
Satsangas were held on Sundays,
Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ekadasis
were observed with Abhisheka and
Vishnu-Sahasranama. 24th November


was observed as Chidananda Day with

Anusthana of Mahamrityunjaya Japa.
Holy Kartika Purnima was celebrated on
6th November followed by Akhanda
Mahamantra Sankirtan for 12 hours.
Varanasi (U.P.): Satsanga was
conducted by the Branch at Vriddha
Ashram on 12th October. It was
attended by the Branch devotees besides
old ladies of Ashram.
Hong Kong Yoga Centre (China):
The Branch held Maha Mantra chanting
on every Saturday. The regular monthly
Satsanga was on 11th October which
included Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, and
Hanuman Chalisa. It was followed by a
talk on the teaching of Gurudev by
Revered Sri Hari Cheng. Regular
Yogasana classes based on Practical
Guide to Yoga and covering essential
Yoga exercises, breathing techniques
and meditation were continued. There
were 17 new classes with 197
participants during the month. The
Branch also continued with the Bhajan
practice sessions held at North Point
Yoga Centre on 4th. It held 2 sessions of
workshop on Yoga for Beginner on 14th
and 18th October. In total 18 candidates
Bussum (Netherlands): The Branch
has started 4-Year Yoga Academy from
13th September. The Academy conducts
courses on the study of Bhagavad Gita
and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. A Silence
Retreat was held from 7th to 9th
November in which 28 people took part.
The Branch also observed fortnight
Satsang with Kirtan and meditation.
Apart from these, Yoga sessions are held

every week for 180 members.

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