English Stressed Time Exercise
English Stressed Time Exercise
English Stressed Time Exercise
Sentence Stress:
In spoken English, we use sentence stress to show our listeners which parts of our
sentences are the most important (the parts that carry the most meaning).
We usually stress content words, for example, nouns, adjectives and main verbs
rather than auxiliary verbs or articles.
We stress words by saying them more slowly and slightly louder than the other
words in the sentence.
10) Indicate which words in this sentence have stress by underlining them.
Explain why they have stress.
- Have you seen the new film with Tom Cruise?
Have: modal verb
You: Depending on the intention of the sentence, you can be stressed or not. If
you want to draw someone in a conversation (Have YOU seen) or that the film
itself is more important.
Seen: full verb
The: determiner
New: adjective
Film: noun
With: preposition
Tom Cuise: If you are not a fan of Tom, you might whisper his name
This exercise was adapted from the BBC Learning English site: