As100 Book 100
As100 Book 100
As100 Book 100
Production Staff
Curriculum Division
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama 36112-6106
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Lesson 1
Welcome/Course Overview
Lesson 2
Introduction to ROTC
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Interpersonal Communication
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Welcome/Course Overview
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Table of Contents
Welcome / Course Overview
Introduction to ROTC
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the structure and opportunities at ROTC.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Identify General Military Course (GMC) and Professional Officer
Course (POC) requirements.
State the benefits associated with Air Force ROTC.
Recognize additional opportunities available to cadets through the
ROTC program.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond with interest to scholarship and incentive programs.
Affective Samples of Behavior:
Discuss aspects of GMC, POC, and Field Training participation.
Discuss additional opportunities available to ROTC cadets.
Introduction to ROTC
Air Force ROTCand Your Future
his countrys future as the worlds leading military power depends largely on its leaders.
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) helps support this role by preparing
young men and women for military leadership. Our military know-how and your desire
for a challenging career make a great combination. Well provide the training for you to assume
positions of increasing responsibility in todays high-tech Air Force environment.
We need young officers to fly our sophisticated aircraft, to operate high-speed computers,
to work in research and development, and to specialize in fields such as law and medicine.
Opportunities abound for all academic majors. The Air Force ROTC mission has changed very little
over the years. We still recruit, educate, and prepare college students to be Air Force officers. We
continue to provide opportunities for thousands of college graduates each year.
We offer scholarships to help you complete your bachelors degree, leadership training to
prepare you to meet the challenges of your future, and the pride and prestige of being an officer
in the United States Air Force.
Choose A Program
Air Force ROTC offers 2- through 4-year programs. Most cadets go through the 4-year program.
Its tailored for students with 3 or more years of college left. If you have 2 or 3 years of college
remaining, you may apply for the 2-year program.
Field Training
Once youve completed the General Military Course, youll attend 4 weeks of field training.
This rigorous program of physical conditioning, weapons practice, and leadership training will
evaluate your potential to be an Air Force officer. But, this is just part of the program. Youll also
receive junior officer training, career orientation, and learn about how the Air Force operates.
Travel to and from the base where you do your field training is paid for by the Air Force.
Introduction to ROTC
There will be many opportunities for you to be a leader, since cadets conduct the leadership
laboratory. Cadets participate in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the cadet corps.
Youll prepare briefings, written communications and conduct feedback sessions. Each POC cadet
is assigned a leadership role and is involved in designing and executing leadership laboratory
training to increase the motivation and performance of other cadets. As a POC student, youll
receive a tax-free allowance for each month youre in school. Cadets also receive the stipend
during the summer between their AS300 and AS400 years (AS300 on contract = $450 and AS400
on contract = $500).
2-Year Program
The 2-year program is open to junior college transfer students, sophomores, and veterans with
at least 2 years of academic work remaining. This course is highly competitive and entry is based
on standardized test scores, your college major, grade point average, a physical examination, and
a personal interview. After successfully completing an extended field-training course, youll be
eligible to enter the Professional Officer Course.
Age Requirements:
rated (pilot or combat systems officer) -- commissioned before reaching the age of 29.
scholarship applicants -- be less than 31 years old as of December 31 of the year you will
tech, non-tech and non-rated -- commissioned by age 30 (waiverable up to age 35).
Introduction to ROTC
travel on military aircraft on a space available basis if youre on an Air Force ROTC
scholarship or in the Professional Officer Course
orientation flights aboard Air Force aircraft
visits to Air Force bases; opportunity to delay entering active duty while you pursue a
graduate degree
a challenging job after graduation
Besides these benefits, youll appreciate the team spirit that comes with being a member of
Air Force ROTC, and as a member, youll enjoy joining in the social and extracurricular activities.
Commissioning Requirements
You must meet all requirements for a degree according to your university, complete certain
courses required by the Air Force, and must also obtain the appropriate level of security clearance
eligibility. In addition, you must be within AF weight and fitness standards and pass a medical
Career opportunities in a variety of Air Force specialties are available to you. The importance of
our air and space mission underscores the need for flight, science, space operations, engineering,
and missile officers. The complexity of modern aviation, space technology, and communications
generates a critical need for first-rate engineers, scientists, and computer scientists. Officers are
also needed in nontechnical, general management degree areas. In all fields, the Air Force assigns
young officers to responsible positions early in their careers.
Introduction to ROTC
the CRO. Cadets may apply for this duty during their junior year. Selection is a two-phase process.
Phase I is a application board review and Phase II is an in-person assessment. Phase I applications
are due no later than (NLT) 1 January and 1 August each year. Cadets participate in Phase II of
the CRO selection process each spring at Moody AFB, GA and in the fall at Fairchild AFB, WA. CRO
Phase II consists of a 1-week evaluation to include intense physical activities in possibly inclement
and humid conditions, as well as, writing and briefing skills.
Introduction to ROTC
interested in or are categorized for. Cadet availability dates, detachment location, and the number
of cadets each base can support play a significant role in the assignment process. Participation
is limited to qualified AS300 cadets. AS400 cadets and completed cadets may also volunteer for
RSS, provided they have not previously attended any of the RSS programs at anytime in the past,
and have at least one quarter or semester of college remaining after program attendance.
Introduction to ROTC
Department of the Air Force
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the Air Force organizational structure, its mission, and the
competencies and capabilities needed to complete the mission.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
State the function of the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air
Force Chief of Staff.
Identify the functions of a major command, numbered air force,
wing, group, and squadron.
Identify the Air Force Core Competencies.
Identify the Air Force Distinctive Capabilities.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond enthusiastically about the U.S. Air Force as an organization.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Display interest in the varied aspects of the Air Force structure,
mission, and abilities.
Who We Are
mericas Air Force was forged in the skies of World War I and tempered in the fire of
conflict during World War II. We became a separate service in 1947 and continued to
serve, explore, and transform during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. As we began to
see how airpower could win battles, the successes of Operation DESERT STORM and the conflicts
in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq confirmed that airpower can contribute to and create victory.
Being able to fly, fight, and win is part of the Air Force mission. To accomplish our mission is
a tough job. To do it we must be well organized. More than 682,000 active duty, reserve, and
civilian personnel work together as a cohesive team to accomplish the Air Force mission.
The Air Force organizes for wartime with global capabilities and responsibilities. Its
organizational structures and processes must be simple, responsive, and flexible. The Air Force
will normally operate as a member of an interdependent team of land, naval, air, space, and
special operations forces. This interdependence demands attention to joint and multinational
requirements when organizing, training, and equipping the Air Force.
The Air Force organizes within the principle and tenet of centralized control and decentralized
execution. Organizational structures should be designed to exploit air and space powers versatility
and flexibility to ensure that air and space forces remain responsive, survivable, and sustainable.
The versatility to use air and space forces against any level of objective, whether independently,
in support of, or supported by other components, requires organizations that do not constrain
employment concepts. Flexibility allows forces to cope with the unexpected in modern, fastpaced military operations. Survivable forces must be able to sustain the operation with the proper
balance of people, concepts, and equipment.
The Secretary of the Air Force conducts the administrative affairs of the department and is
directly responsible to the Secretary of Defense. In the overall administration of the department,
the secretary handles matters relating to fiscal spending, production, procurement, and legal
plans and programs. The secretary does not become directly involved in military operations.
The Secretary of the Air Force has an Under Secretary, four assistant secretaries, as well as
other assistants, advisors, or directors. The heads of these offices are staff advisers to the secretary
for the functions assigned to them. The assistant secretaries act for and with the authority of the
Secretary on any matters within their respective areas of responsibility.
The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) is the military head of the Air Force and is directly
responsible to the Secretary of the Air Force for the efficiency and operational readiness of the
Air Force. The CSAF is also a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The Chief of Staff delegates
virtually all functions as the US Air Force military head to the Vice Chief of Staff when demands
of JCS duties necessitate such actions. The Vice Chief works directly with the Air Staff, making
decisions and issuing orders in the name of the Chief of Staff.
The Air Staff furnishes professional assistance to the secretary, under secretary, and the
assistant secretaries. The Air Staff is a headquarters functional organization under the Chief of
Staff of the Air Force (CSAF). It includes management functions that cannot be delegated or
decentralized elsewhere but are needed by the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff to
set present and future designs and structures of the Air Force.
The Air Force has three components: Active Duty, the Air National Guard, and the Air Force
Reserve. Each component is made up of military and civilian personnel. The Air Force organizes,
trains, and equips air forces through its major commands (MAJCOMs.) Those forces are provided
to combatant commands (unified commands) for employment. The organization of these
MAJCOMs is based on combat, mobility, space, and special operations, plus the materiel support
required for these operations. MAJCOMS are commanded by a four-star general. MAJCOMs
are organized on a functional basis in the United States and a geographic basis overseas. They
accomplish designated phases of Air Force worldwide activities. Also, they organize, administer,
equip and train their subordinate elements for the accomplishment of assigned missions. Major
commands are generally assigned specific responsibilities based on functions.
Air Force MAJCOMs are subdivided into numbered air forces, wings, groups, squadrons,
flights, and other specialized units.
Air Force MAJCOMs perform specific duties that are organized functionally within the United
States and by geographical area overseas. Air Force major commands accomplish a broad, overall
mission. The Air Force has ten major commands.
MAJCOMS are commanded by four-star generals and are listed below:
Air Combat Command (ACC)
Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
Air Force Material Command (AFMC)
Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)
Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
Air Mobility Command (AMC)
Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)
Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)
United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE)
Global Strike Command
The next step down brings us to the wing. A wings mission is to develop and maintain the
capability to conduct warfare, or support that conduct. It contains all the elements within its staff
structure needed to perform the mission and operate from a base. In other words, the wing is the
only echelon of command that is capable of deploying and sustaining itself for an indefinite length
of time. The wing commander is usually a brigadier general who is responsible for the entire wing.
Under the wing commander, there is a wing staff and four groups (see figure below).
This structure has helped eliminate a lot of waste in the Air Force and increased our warfighting
capability. The Air Force has eliminated many of the general officer staff jobs and put the generals
back in the field commanding troops. This way, they will be able to directly impact our forces
The wing has four Groups. Groups are flexible units made up of four or more squadrons.
These groups primary functions may be operations, maintenance, mission support, or medical.
Full colonels command these groups.
Under these groups, there could be several Squadrons. Squadrons are the fundamental units
in the Air Force. The Squadron is the lowest formal echelon of command, and its the building
block for the entire Air Force. The Squadron is responsible for conducting the day-to-day mission
for the Wing. In addition, the Squadron is the lowest echelon of command that can deploy on its
own, but it does not have the capability to sustain itself indefinitely like a wing. Squadrons are
usually commanded by a lieutenant colonel, but not always.
The final level in the Air Force is the flight. A squadron commanders span of control is generally
limited, and the flight commanders help maintain the squadrons efficiency.
Other organizations included in the Air Force are direct reporting units and field operating
agencies. Direct reporting units are subdivisions of the Air Force directly subordinate to the Chief
of Staff. Field operating agencies, on the other hand, report to a functional manager because of a
unique mission, legal requirements, or other factors.
deterrent umbrella under which we operate, to those who deploy, to those who operate the fixed
facilities on which we depend when we reach back for support.
We have constituted ten deployable Air and Space Expeditionary Forces (AEFs), pooling fighters,
bombers, tankers, and special support aircraft like AWACS and JSTARS from the MAJCOMS. Two
AEFs are always deployed or on call to meet current national requirements, while the remaining
force trains, exercises, and prepares for the full spectrum of operations. AEFs provide joint force
commanders with ready and complete air and space force packages that can be tailored to meet
the spectrum of contingencies--ensuring situational awareness, freedom from attack, freedom to
maneuver, and freedom to attack. They fit into established theater-based command and control
structures, when such are available, or bring their own command and control when needed.
Operation ALLIED FORCE in Kosovo proved expeditionary operations work. Airmen deployed
rapidly to more than 20 expeditionary bases. In the future, well be even more responsive. Well
be able to deploy an AEF in 48 hours--fast enough to curb many crises--and well be able to rapidly
deploy additional AEFs to deter a major theater war.
You now have a good idea of who we are and how we are organized, we will look more
specifically at what we do.
What We Do
he Air Force Mission. To Fly, Fight, and Win in Air, Space, and Cyberspace. To learn
more about what we do, you must read the Air Force Story.
force. We will eliminate redundancies and streamline organizations to field a more capable,
recapitalized force. We will meet Joint mission requirements within budget while maintaining
an appropriate level of risk. We will harness technology to develop the future capabilities the
nation requires. We will balance investment in short, mid and long-term research to remain
ahead of the competition.
Our most valuable and valued resource developing and caring for Airmen is a top priority.
We are an Air Force familycaring for families makes Airmen more capable and successful. Every
Airman is a wingmanthis is our way of life based on mutual support, teamwork, and respect.
Airmen are innovative and creativewe continually improve todays warfighting capabilities
while preparing for future wars.
Airmen embrace changewe capitalize on doctrinal, organizational, and technological
improvements to transform and maintain the competitive edge. Airmen are warriorswe are
diverse, skilled, knowledge-enabled, motivated, ethical and accountable.
Core Values
Our Moral Compass for Fostering Professional and Personal Behavior Integrity First: Character,
honor, ethics, honesty, responsibility, accountability, justice. Service Before Self: Loyalty, sacrifice,
respect, duty, self-discipline, tolerance. Excellence in All We Do: Teamwork, professionalism,
courage, operational excellence. The nation has placed its trust in uswe are measured by a
higher standard. We personally adopt these higher standards when we volunteer to serve as
Airmen. Our Air Force Core Values drive our attitudes, our behavior and our actions. We are
motivated, ethical and accountable Air Force warriors. America trusts its Airmen to defend the
nation in air, space and cyberspace.
To Fly, Fight, and Win in Air, Space and Cyberspace... We deliver decisive, powerful and
asymmetric options across the commons to provide kinetic and non-kinetic effects for the
President and the nation. We develop, sustain and sharpen our warfighting edge. We organize,
train, equip and deploy forces to operate on land and in air, space and cyberspace. We provide the
most highly motivated, trained and respected Airmen in the world. We accomplish our mission
with superior leadership, initiative, innovation and integrity.
Lasting Heritage Limitless Horizons. An Air Force with interdependent Joint warfighting
capabilities, a culture of innovation, and an integrated force. Capabilities to dominate in air,
space and cyberspaceto deliver desired kinetic and non-kinetic effects on a global stage with
ever-increasing speed, agility, adaptability, precision, and lethality. Accomplish our mission with
superior leadership, initiative, innovation and integrity.
The Environments in which We Operate and Defend Our Nations Interests. Adversaries
contest us across all domains land, water, air, space and cyberspace. Air dominance is an
absolute prerequisite for any engagement. As Airmen, it is our calling to develop and provide the
capability to dominate in air, space and cyberspace. We will fly, fight and win against our enemies
who contest the global commons.
Our History
A Proud Heritage Forged through the Ingenuity, Courage, and Strength of Pioneering Airmen.
In 1909, Americas first military aircraft, Signal Corps No. 1, was delivered to the Army and
American airpower took its first step toward becoming the worlds premier air force. In 1918,
visionary Billy Mitchell gathered a multi-national force of aircraft and conducted coalition
operations against Germany, demonstrating airpower strategies still in use today. Between WW
I and WW II, airpower leaders such as Andrews and Arnold recognized that leveraging technology
was vital, and dozens of aircraft designs, improvements and modifications occurred. In 1929, the
150-hour flight of the Question Mark demonstrated air refueling technology that foreshadowed
the global reach enjoyed by American airpower today. In 1942, Doolittles Raiders, in a perfect
precursor of Joint warfare, launched from the USS Hornet and stunned the world by attacking an
impervious Tokyo. By the end of WW II, the USAAF was firmly established as a major component
of Americas and the worlds defense of democracy. On September 18, 1947, through the
dauntless efforts of men like Gen. Henry H. Hap Arnold, the U.S. Air Force was born. From
194849, the Berlin Airlift demonstrated Americas resolve during the Cold War; for over 50 years
the Air Force has been on a wartime footingfighting in Korea and Vietnam, sitting nuclear alert
around the world, conducting Joint operations in Desert Storm, maintaining Operations Northern
and Southern Watch, and continuing combat operations in Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom and
Iraqi Freedom.
Our Leadership
A Heritage of Great Leadership Defines Who and
What We Are as Airmen. The Great Captains like Billy
Mitchell, Hap Arnold, Jimmy Doolittle, William Tunner,
Curtis LeMay, Chappie James and Bernie Schriever
gave us our mission to fly and fight whenever and
wherever our nation calls. Great enlisted leaders like
Chief Master Sgt. Paul Airey and great heroes such as
Airman 1st Class John Levitow and Airman 1st Class
William Pitsenbarger have shaped a rich heritage of
outstanding leadership, skills, courage, knowledge and
Our Culture
Air Force Heritage Serves to Make Us What We Are Today. Airmen have a warfighting heritage:
Frances S. Gabreski swept Nazi Germanys fighters from the sky; Richard Wright parachuted behind
enemy lines to provide pathfinder beacons for our bombers; Halvorsen flew a C-54 overloaded
with coal into near zero-zero conditions at Templehof; Chapman provided medical support and
protection for wounded comrades on Roberts Ridge. We were expeditionary in 1917, and nearly
90 years later we still are our mobility forces, honoring the example of Berlin and the Hump,
can move a parachute brigade at night into Bashur, Iraq or establish a tanker airbridge to move
entire fighter wings into Desert Shield. Andrews, who brought us the B-17, taught us to be
technology-focused. Stealth changed air warfare forever and precision-bombing systems make
us incredibly lethal. We are transformational because we are self-critical and embrace change:
In the decade after Vietnam we completely revamped our fighters, weapons and tactics ten
years later we achieved stunning air superiority prior to the start of ground combat in Desert
Storm. Our mission is to fly, fight and win: First it was in the air, then in air and space, and now
in air, space and cyberspace. Our record is superb: No American infantry has been lost to enemy
air in more than 50 years.
Our #1 Operational Focus...We are an Air Force and a nation at warin a long global war
fighting terrorism. The Air Force has conducted combat operations continuously for the past
15 years, ever since Desert Storm. Expeditionary Airmen are deployed throughout the world,
engaged in the GWOT, taking the fight to the enemy, and conducting both conventional and
special operations in the air and on the ground.
The Air Force also fights the GWOT in an AOR at Homeour Total Force effort supports
Homeland Defense, provides reachback for deployed operations and conducts strategic mobility,
space and missile operations from home. We care for our warriors and their families, both home
and deployed, and provide a transformational aeromedical evacuation system to safely return
our sick and wounded.
Other Operations
Presence, Deterrence, and Engagement Worldwide...Strategic Deterrence: Air Force nuclear
missile and air forces are continuously at the ready. Humanitarian Operations: We provide
first-in, last-out support for humanitarian crises and natural disasters. Global Presence: The Air
Force is present and engaged around the globe we are based in 14 countries, operate out of
36 countries, conduct training and exercises with numerous friends and allies worldwide, and
support U.S. presence in over 155 countries. Global Engagement: We continually build, sustain and
expand relationships that are critical enablers for expeditionary air and space forces conducting
global operations.
The Key to Meet Combatant Commander Needs of Active, Guard, and Reserve Airmen.
Physical Readiness: We train to be a fit, healthy force, prizing fitness as a key component to
mission effectiveness. Technical Readiness: We continuously hone our combat edge through
qualitative improvements. Education: We are a highly educated and knowledge-enabled force.
Training and Exercises: We train as we fight our training is highly effective because it is realistic,
conducted with Joint and Coalition teams, and leverages advanced technology.
Quality of Life: We sustain and maintain the health and safety of our people and their families
through installation environment and other quality-of-life initiatives. Lessons Learned: We fully
and rapidly integrate lessons in order to sharpen our edge and reduce risk for the warfighter.
Winning the GWOT: Razor-sharp focus on fighting and winning. Developing and caring for our
Airmen: Maximizing effectiveness of the worlds best Airmen. Recapitalizing and modernizing our
air and space systems
Provide ready air and space forces to respond to the full range of warfighter needs, today
and tomorrow. The Air Force must be proficient, able to surge, and agile. The Air Force must
be postured in a continuous warfighting mode to win the GWOT. The Air Force must fight as an
integrated Total Force, a Joint force and a Coalition force. The Air Force must win in air, space and
cyberspace an absolute prerequisite for any engagement on the land, in the air or on the sea.
Obtain knowledge and assets needed to guarantee command of the air, space and cyberspace
commons. Optimize organizations and practices for cross-Command, Joint, interagency and
Coalition operations. Become recognized as a world-class innovator in technology operations,
asset management, and business practices. Key provider of information, network, and cyberspace
capabilities in peacetime and wartime. A high-quality, balanced and diverse force that challenges,
develops and values its people. Recognized as a model for integrity, service and excellence.
Provide an Expeditionary-minded, Technologically Sophisticated Force. Focused: Airmen will
train and exercise to think and act as expeditionary, Joint warfighters. Skilled: Airmen will be
prepared to operate across the cultural spectrum, with technological and language skills, cultural
awareness, and the doctrinal understanding to strategically engage in both kinetic and non-kinetic
operations. Flexible: Airmen will operate effectively in air, space and cyberspace domains.
Technological Capabilities Can Provide a Roadmap for Warfighter Operations. Science and
technology: Air Force innovation creates capability for the Joint warfighter. Increased reliance
on unmanned aircraft: Continue culture of experimentation. Leverage information technology:
Achieve cyberspace dominance.
Developing the Air Force for the 21st Century. We will fund transformation through
organizational efficiencies, process efficiencies and retirement of (increasingly costly) legacy
weapon systems. We will transform our force, while sustaining the GWOT fight and other
ongoing operations that support Americas national interests. We will ensure the U.S. dominates
in air, space and cyberspace to support Combatant Commanders, while providing the President
and the nation with more sovereign options. Total Force Integration incorporates innovative
organizational constructs and a smaller, more capable force structure that leverages increased
talent across the active, Guard and Reserve components.
Expeditionary, Innovative and Knowledge-enabled. We will sustain emphasis on force
development, eliminating redundancies and streamlining organizations to field a more capable
military and civilian force. We will balance stressed career fields grow some, decrease some
and add new skill sets. We will reshape the force and continue recruiting and retention efforts to
ensure the highest quality force. We will identify manpower reductions and use every personnel
authority made available to us by law and every Air Force and DoD policy to appropriately shape
our Total Force.
Financial Transparency
Implement Open, Transparent Business Practices and Achieve Clean Audit. Our core values
demand that we remain good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. We will commit to higher
levels of innovation and excellence in our business and management processes. We will transform
business and management processes to improve operational efficiencies, produce relevant data
on demand, achieve a clean audit, and allow more effective and timely decisions. We will develop
processes that take advantage of shared information; make decisions based on timely, accurate,
reliable data; and continuously work to conserve resources by improving processes.
Accelerate Ability to Field Capabilities, Increase Transparency, and Achieve a Clean Audit
Smaller, but more capable force structure will enable the Air Force to meet Joint requirements
within budget. Newer aircraft will provide greater capability and increased reliability and
maintainability (e.g., C-17, C-130J, F-22A, KC-X, F-35, CSAR-X, UASs). It is imperative that we
maintain the industrial capacity to produce 5th generation fighters (F-22A and F-35) with the
stealth, speed and precision necessary to defeat future threats. Working with our industry partners,
we will continue to eliminate waste and husband our resources to maximize recapitalization.
Fund Total Force in Support of QDR and Air Force Transformation Plan Personnel: Rising
personnel and benefit costs will be offset by smaller integrated Total Force. Operations:
Funded by increased efficiencies, legacy retirements, and force shaping. Infrastructure: BRAC is
underway and investments focus on weapon systems beddowns. Investment: Transformation is
underway focused on Joint fight and 5th generation weapons.
Future Systems
Leverage New Technologies to Upgrade and Replace Legacy Systems. The Air Force aircraft
fleet averages 23 years old, is growing older and must be recapitalized. Todays inventory was
acquired in large lots, predominantly during the Cold War. Through modernization efforts, much
of this inventory will continue to serve us well in the future. Other systems will have to be
replaced as they become unaffordable to maintain and operate or can no longer meet Combatant
Commander requirements. We will harvest all available technology for both modernization and
recapitalization to enable a leap ahead transformation in our capabilities.
Global Vigilance (Space): Upgrade and secure GPS; develop and deploy SBIR, TSAT, and SR;
and ensure continued and timely access to space Special Operations Forces: Network and sustain
C-130 special-use aircraft.
Increase Precision and Minimize Collateral Damage. Continue development and acquisition of
Joint Direct Attack Munitions, Laser-Guided Bombs and the Small Diameter Bomb. Add weapons
data links to ensure day/night/all-weather precision destruction of mobile targets. Incorporate
Universal Armament Interface to minimize costs and maximize configuration options. Continue
to secure capabilities to enhance interoperability of communication systems to ensure safe
operations between Joint and Coalition forces.
Total Force
700,000 Active, Guard, Reserve, and Civil Service (as of September 08) Active Duty: 332,000
(50 percent of Total Force) Air National Guard: 106,000 (15 percent of Total Force) Air Force
Reserve: 76,000 (11 percent of Total Force) Civil Service: 165,000 (24 percent of Total Force)
Our Most Valuable and Valued Resource. Combat capability begins and ends with smart,
healthy, motivated, trained and well-equipped Airmen. Air Force warriors are knowledgeenabled, motivated, ethical and accountable.
Our enlisted force is the backbone of the Air Forcethe envy of air forces around the world.
Junior officers are the workhorses of the officer corpsunmatched in skill and education. Senior
officers lead, guide, command and set the example for all Airmen. Our civilian workforce provides
continuity, experience and stability for our knowledge base. We are an Air Force familyvaluing
and caring for our families makes Airmen more capable and successful. Air Force leaders are focused
on ensuring quality of lifeworld-class programs, facilities and morale-enhancing activities for
world-class Airmen. We are proud of our reputation for providing appropriate quality of life
levels to our Airmen. We are a diverse forceskilled, knowledge-enabled, motivated, ethical and
accountable. We value a diverse workforcerespect for all ensures every Airman can contribute.
We value racial and gender integration and afford equal opportunity for all.
Importance of Service
Putting the Nation, Our Mission and Each Other before Self. We respond to the call to duty
we are volunteers serving a greater good. We foster a culture of service and excellence that
values innovation and entrepreneurship. We sacrifice and fight to protect our fellow Airmen and
our country. Every Airman is a wingman providing mutual support, teamwork and respect.
Our Culture
Air Force Heritage Serves to Make Us What We Are Today. We are technology focused
technology provides us with qualitative advantages. We value quality over quantityeven as we
grow smaller, we grow more capable.
We are transformational and embrace changewe capitalize on doctrinal, organizational,
and technological improvements to transform and maintain the competitive edge. We are
innovativeour experimentation and constant improvement drive change. We are futurefocusedwe are not bound by history but build on it to transform. We are risk-takers who accept
and embrace measured and appropriate levels of risk. We are committed to be good stewards
of the environment and all resources, as well as continuously improve operational and support
processes to eliminate waste.
Enabling and Organizing Our People for Success. Force Restructuring: Postures the Air Force
as a more streamlined, capable force. Force Development: Fosters the skills and knowledge
necessary for mission success. Recruiting and Retention: Ensures a capable team now and into the
future. Training, Education, and Doctrine: Takes us from motivated civilians to capable Airmen.
National Security Personnel System (NSPS): Builds on a new performance management system
that values performance, rewards contribution, and promotes excellence.
Knowing what lies ahead is a sure way to negate the fear of uncertainty, and though no one
can predict the future, the Air Force has a clear vision of what it must do tomorrow.
Basically, its the same mission it has had for more than 50 years. A simple premise now
routine for the worlds greatest-ever air and space force.
But, todays foes are unpredictable, willing to take desperate measures to impose their will.
For the Air Force to maintain the edge against such adversaries is a demanding duty. A task no
one man or woman can do alone.
It takes a total force to keep the Air Force flyingand fighting. This group of professional
serves in all Air Force major commands and organizations. They ensure the nation has the worlds
most modern Air Forcewith the best people, aircraft and spacecraft, equipment, and weapons.
A team that works with the latest information and cutting edge technologies. A force that can, at
a momentss notice, do the job it trains to do each day.
We have looked at Who we are and What we do. Later during the classroom lesson, we
will discover How we do it.
AFDD1-Air Force Basic Doctrine, November 2003
Air Force Dress and Appearance
Standards I and II
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know, demonstrate, and apply Air Force dress and appearance
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Define male and female hair standards.
Identify violations of AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance
of Air Force Personnel.
List occasions when/where wear of the Air Force uniform is
Identify appropriate/inappropriate wear of eyeglasses/sunglasses,
jewelry, and cosmetics.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond consistently to Air Force appearance standards.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Students conform to AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance
of the Air Force Personnel.
Note: This reader is based on AFI 36-2903 and no other policy.
s an officer, you must display the qualities of a leader and apply the techniques of
leadership. Youll set the example, so make it a good one! The manner in which you
follow dress and grooming standards reflects pride in yourself, your profession, your
unit, and the Air Force. You should always strive to exceed the minimum standards in all you do,
especially in dress and grooming. Lead by example!
Air Force dress and grooming standards are a mixture of tradition and practicality. The uniform
draws attention to the individual. The image you present will leave a lasting impression about you
and the entire Air Force on everyone you meet. Any large business or organization that wants to be
recognized as professional sets certain standards of dress and grooming for its personnel. The Air
Force is no different. The American public draws certain conclusions about military effectiveness
based on the image that Air Force members present. Its been said that a military officer can be
picked out of a crowd just by the image he/she presents. Certainly, ones weight control, military
bearing, and confidence are part of this image. The image of a disciplined service member who
can be relied on to do the job excludes the extreme, the unusual, and the faddish.
Personal cleanliness, disciplined behavior, and PRIDE in the uniform will directly affect morale
in the everyday work environment. Its up to us to maintain ourselves as the professionals we are.
More importantly, however, each of us represents the Air Force and the United States in general.
Discredit on one brings discredit on all.
Uniforms must be clean, neat, and correct in design and specifications, fitted properly, pressed,
and in good condition (i.e., not frayed, worn out, faded, torn, patched, etc.). All items are to be
kept zipped, snapped, or buttoned. Shoes must be shined and in good repair. All service uniforms
are authorized for year-round wear, unless the installation commander prescribes otherwise.
As we explain the various uniform combinations, well concentrate on the officers uniform. For
information on proper placement of accouterments for enlisted members, consult AFI 36-2903.
he Air Force philosophy is that the uniform will be plain, distinctive, and standardized.
This standardization includes a minimum number of authorized badges, insignia, and
Individual pride in ones personal appearance and in wearing the uniform greatly enhances
the esprit de corps essential to an effective military force. Therefore, its most important for all
members to maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance. The four elements of
this standard are neatness, cleanliness, safety, and military image. The first three are absolute,
objective criteria needed for the efficiency and well being of the Air Force. The fourth military
image is subjective, but necessary.
Appearance in uniform is an important part of military image. Judgment on what is the proper
image differs in and out of the military. The American public and its elected representatives draw
certain conclusions about our military effectiveness based on the image that Air Force members
present. The image must instill public confidence and leave no doubt that service members live
by a common standard and respond to military order and discipline. Each member has the
responsibility to maintain an acceptable military image as well as the right, within limits, to
express individuality through his or her appearance.
Members will wear only the uniform items prescribed by AFI 36-2903. Personnel who violate
the specific prohibitions and requirements of that regulation may be subject to appropriate
administrative action or prosecuted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Commanders dont have the authority to waive appearance and grooming standards, except
for beards, as identified in AFI 36-2903, Table 1.5, line 7.
xcept when authorized to wear civilian clothes according to AFI 36-2903, Air Force
members will wear the appropriate Air Force uniform while performing their military
Personnel assigned to non-Air Force military installations comply with the order of dress that
most nearly conforms to the order of dress for the particular host service. (For example: service
uniform, combat uniform, and so forth). When the host service order of dress is a combat uniform,
Air Force personnel will wear the Air Force battle dress uniform. When authorized, members may
also wear distinctive berets.
Air Force members attending a special event, either social or official, must wear the service
dress uniform unless the host or hostess requests civilian dress, or the commander specifies
otherwise. Members wear the service dress uniform when the Air Force would benefit by having
its representatives appear in uniform. This rule applies to all social events not of a purely personal
nature. A member who receives a written invitation that doesnt specify the dress required should
ask the social secretary or the secretary of the host organization for recommendations as to the
expected dress. When several Air Force activities are in the same locality, the senior commander
will determine the proper dress uniforms for specific seasons.
Optional uniform items may be worn when a required item isnt prescribed. Commanders
wont direct the wear of optional items unless these items are provided at no cost to Airmen,
according to the Uniform Clothing Allowances for Air Force Enlisted Members. Commanders
wont prohibit the wear of optional items.
Members may alter uniform clothing to improve fit. However, these alterations must not
change the intended appearance of the garment as designed.
Terms Explained
As used here, these terms mean the following:
Right or left: Wearers right or left
Installation Commander: The person who is responsible for and controls the personnel,
facilities, equipment, and real estate constituting an Air Force base, station, operating
location, etc.
On-duty: The hours a person is actually at work, as required by assignment
Mandatory uniform: A complete uniform combination of selected items from Airmens
mandatory clothing
Mandatory clothing items: Uniform clothing items each Airman must always have,
according to AFI 36-2903
Optional clothing items: A uniform clothing item, other than a mandatory clothing item,
approved for wear by all Air Force personnel
Accouterments: Medals, ribbons, insignia, badges, emblems, tags, scarves, gloves, etc.,
authorized for wear on or with any uniform
Service uniforms: All authorized blue uniform combinations
Gig line: When you wear the shirt tucked into the skirt, trousers, or slacks with front fly
opening, the button front edge of the shirt, the outside edge of the belt buckle (when
required) and the edge of the fly must be aligned. This alignment creates a gig line. The
gig line is to be straight and neat
Basic Policy
As an Air Force member, youre always in the public eye. The image you present reflects on us
all. Therefore, its extremely important you make a positive impression at all times.
Personal hygiene: We leave this to your individual discretion. You should bathe and use
toiletries as necessary to prevent any offensive odors.
Personal grooming: Air Force members must present a professional image at all times.
Members should also appear neat and well groomed. Additionally, as stated before, avoid extreme
and faddish styles.
verall, hair should be clean, well groomed, and neat. Avoid using an excessive amount
of grooming aids (thus, its not permissible to grow your hair long and slick it back
with Dippety Do while in uniform). You may dye your hair if you wish, but it must
look natural. Hair must not touch the eyebrows when groomed or protrude below the front band
of properly worn headgear. EXCEPTION: Hair may be visible in front of the womens flight cap.
Men: Mens hairstyles must have a tapered appearance on both sides and back, both with and
without headgear. A tapered appearance outlines the individuals hair to conform to the shape of
the head, curving inward to the termination point. The bulk or thickness of hair must not exceed
1-1/4 inches, regardless of length. The bulk may not exceed 1/4 inch at the termination point.
The hair must not touch the ears and only the closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck
may touch the collar. A block cut is permissible as long as you maintain a tapered appearance.
Hair must not be worn in an extreme or faddish style, or in such a way that it exceeds length or
bulk standards, or violates safety requirements. Men may not attach any visible foreign objects
to their hair.
Women: Womens hairstyles must present a professional appearance. The hair must not
extend in length on all sides below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground at the bottom
edge of the shirt collar at the back of the neck. Hair must not exceed 3 inches in bulk or be styled in
a way that prevents proper wear of headgear. It must not be worn in an extreme or faddish style,
or in such a way that it violates safety requirements. Hair must not include ornamentation such
as ribbons, beads, scrunchies or jeweled pins. Plain and conservative pins, combs, and barrettes
similar to the individuals hair color may be worn to keep hair in place.
Hairnets: Men and women may wear hairnets as required for safety. When worn, hairnets will
be made of cotton or a synthetic material in a conservative, solid color similar to the individuals
hair color. Hairnets must be strong enough to support and control hair, and may not contain any
metal fasteners.
Wigs and Hairpieces: These items must conform to the same standards required for natural
hair. They must be of good quality and fit properly. They must not exceed limits stated for natural
hair, and personnel engaged in aircraft flight line or in-flight operations may not wear them. Men
desiring to wear a wig or hairpiece must have their medical records documented to wear a wig or
hairpiece to cover baldness or disfigurement. Other male personnel are not authorized to wear
a wig or hairpiece.
Watch: Will be conservative.
Rings: A maximum of three. Thumb rings are not authorized.
Bracelet: You can wear one bracelet if it is conservative, presents a proper military image, is
no wider than 1/2 inch, gold or silver in color, and doesnt subject the wearer to potential injury.
Earrings: Women may wear small conservative diamond, gold, white pearl, silver, or spherical
pierced or clip earrings with all uniforms unless safety considerations dictate otherwise. When
worn, earrings will fit tightly against the ear and wont extend below the earlobe. (The band
connecting non-pierced earrings may extend slightly below the earlobe.) Only one earring or
healing post may be worn on or in each lower earlobe.
Body Piercing/Tattoo: You may not wear any type of ornamentation in any pierced, exposed
part of your body (except ears as previously mentioned). This includes your tongue and any
body part where the affixed ornamentation is visible through your uniform. This applies to you
any time you are on a military installation, whether you are in or out of uniform, or on- or offduty. Tattoos/Brands anywhere on the body that are obscene, advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or
religious discrimination are prohibited in and out of uniform. Tattoos/Brands will not be excessive.
Eyeglasses and other ornaments: Ornaments on the head and visible ornaments around the
neck are prohibited while on duty or in uniform. Conservative ornamentation or nonprescription
sunglasses and eyeglasses are authorized. Conservative eyeglass frames may be worn as needed
and when not prohibited by safety regulations. Conservative, clear, slightly tinted, or photosensitive
lenses (which are practically clear under normal light) may be worn indoors. Sunglasses may not
be worn around your neck, exposed, hanging on the uniform or on top of your head. Conservative
sunglasses and photosensitive-type eyeglasses may be worn while outdoors. Only conservative
and clear may be worn in a military formation.
Other Items
Umbrella: A plain, commercial design, solid black or dark blue umbrella may be carried with
any uniform. It must be carried in the left hand to allow the member to render proper military
Attach cases, backpacks, and gym bags: Members desiring to carry an attach will carry them
in the left hand to allow for rendering of proper military courtesies. Backpacks, gym bags, clothing
bags, and other items designed for carrying by an over-the-shoulder strap may be carried over
both shoulders or in the left hand. When wearing ABUs the backpack must be sage green, black
or ABU pattern. Attache cases must be black and gym bags must be either black or dark blue.
Handbags: Women may carry any of the three Air Force-authorized handbags with all service,
ABUs, ceremonial, functional, and semiformal uniforms. These handbags are: The issue handbag,
optional leather or vinyl handbag, and the clutch-style purse.
Religious apparel: Subject to health and safety requirements, members may wear certain
visible items of religious apparel as outlined in AFI 36-2903, Table 2.6. Religious apparel that is
not visible and doesnt interfere with proper wear of the uniform may be worn while in uniform.
You must wear proper undergarments with all uniforms. Long-sleeved undershirts will not be
worn with the short-sleeved uniform shirt or blouse.
Men: Men will wear undershorts and white undershirts (either V-neck, U-neck, or athletic
style) with all service uniforms. A sand (tan) colored crew neck undershirt is required when wearing
ABUs. Major command commanders may authorize sand colored turtleneck T-shirts, thermal
undershirt, or dickeys. Members may wear white thermal undershirts even when exposed at the
Women: Women will wear bra and panties with all uniforms. They must wear an undershirt
with ABUs (same guidelines as above). Women may also wear other appropriate garments as
Trousers: Trousers must be bloused over the combat boots. Material of the trousers must
match the material of the shirt.
Combat boots: Combat boots are the only footwear
authorized for wear with the ABU. Boots are sage green, while
desert tan boots are still authorized. Boots may or may not have
a safety toe. They may have zipper or elastic inserts. Wear sage
green socks over the white socks to preclude white socks from
showing. Blouse your ABU trousers over the top of the combat
boots (gather in and draped over), they cant be folded or have a
tapered look.
Belt and buckle: The dessert sand riggers style belt must be worn. The tip of the belt may
extend up to 2 inches beyond the buckle, facing the wearers left.
Accouterments: Name and USAF tape.
Center the US Air Force tape immediately above the left breast pocket. Center the
Name tape immediately above the right breast pocket. Tapes may be folded under at
ends or cut off to match pocket width.
Center regular size subdued cloth or subdued metal pin on grade insignia 1 inch from the
edge of the collar and parallel to the edge of the collar.
A maximum of three (3) embroidered badges may be worn on the ABU when Name/
USAF tapes are worn. (Aeronautical and chaplain badges are mandatory. All other badges
are optional.)
An additional patch may be worn over the right pocket centered 1/2 inch above the
Name tape.
NOTE: When field items (body armor, helmet cover, molley gear and canteen covers) are
NOT available in ABU, the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) digital pattern can be worn.
Part 2
You have already read in the first reading assignment on Air Force Dress and Appearance
that as an Air Force officer, you must display the qualities of a leader. You set the example in your
dress and grooming which reflect pride in yourself, your profession, your unit and the Air Force.
You should always strive to exceed the minimum standard in all things that you do, especially in
dress and grooming! Remember, an Air Force officer is always on display, in front of the troops
and to the general public!
The previous reading dealt with Personal Grooming Standards and wear of the Airmen Battle
Uniform (ABUs). This reading will begin where that reading left off, and focus on your blue Service
Uniform, Dress Uniform, and Mess Dress Uniform.
Terms Explained
As used here, these terms mean the following:
Right or left: Wearers right or left
Installation Commander: The person who is responsible for and controls the personnel,
facilities, equipment, and real estate constituting an Air Force base, station, operating
location, etc.
On-duty: The hours a person is actually at work, as required by assignment
Mandatory uniform: A complete uniform combination of selected items from Airmens
mandatory clothing
Mandatory clothing items: Uniform clothing items each Airman must always have,
according to AFI 36-2903
Optional clothing items: A uniform clothing item, other than a mandatory clothing item,
approved for wear by all Air Force personnel
Accouterments: Medals, ribbons, insignia, badges, emblems, tags, scarves, gloves, etc.,
authorized for wear on or with any uniform
Service uniforms: All authorized blue uniform combinations
Gig line: When you wear the shirt tucked into the skirt, trousers, or slacks with front fly
opening, the button front edge of the shirt, the outside edge of the belt buckle (when
required) and the edge of the fly must be aligned. This alignment creates a gig line. The
gig line is to be straight and neat
Service Uniform
a. Service cap: Mandatory (Major and above); optional (Captain and below). Wear it
squarely on the head, with no hair showing in the front. For Majors and above, the
front of the hat will be decorated with clouds and lightning bolts; its plain for all other
officers. All officers will wear the large size insignia (eagle) centered on the front of the
b. Flight cap: (Mandatory) This hat is worn slightly to the wearers right with the vertical
crease of the cap in line with the center of the forehead, in a straight line with the
nose. The bottom of the cap is approximately 1 inch from the eyebrows in the front.
Women may have hair showing in front of the flight cap.
When not worn, the flight cap may be tucked under the belt on either side, between the first
and second belt loops. It may protrude above the top edge of the belt as long as it does not fold.
Service Trousers/Slacks
Wear these dark blue pants with
the bottom front resting on the front of
the shoe/boot with a slight break in the
crease. The back of the trousers legs will
be approximately 7/8 inch longer than
the front. These may be worn with any
of the service uniform combinations.
For men, a dark blue belt with silver tip
and buckle must be worn. The silver tip
end of the belt must extend beyond the
buckle facing the wearers left, with no
blue fabric showing. For women wearing
the slacks with belt loops, they must
wear the same dark blue belt as the men, but the silver tip end of the belt must extend beyond
the buckle facing the wearers right, with no blue fabric showing.
Your footwear should always be shined and in good repair.
a. With the service trousers/slacks, you may wear the low quarters (also known as oxfords),
oxfords with low wedge heel, combat boots, or black dress boots. When the low quarters
are worn, men must wear plain black socks. Women may wear plain black socks or hose (see
below for description of hose allowed). With the boots, you have the option of wearing plain
black or white socks.
b. Women may choose to wear plain black pumps (high-heeled shoes) with the service slacks.
The pumps must have no design. The heel must be of a height suitable to the individual, but
no higher than 2-1/2 inches. Platform shoes or extra thick soles arent allowed. When the
pumps are worn, women must wear hose. Hose will be neutral, dark brown, black, off black,
or dark blue in a shade that complements the uniform and skin tone. No patterned hose will
be worn.
c. With the service skirt, women may wear the low quarters, dress boots, or pumps.
Regardless of the shoe chosen, women must wear hose with the skirt. (See previous
paragraph for restrictions on the pumps and hose. Note: Its much more professional
looking to wear the pumps rather than the low quarters with the skirt). Women may
also opt to wear dress boots with the skirt, but these must be removed and oxfords or
pumps worn in the members work place. Boots may not have extra thick or platform
soles. Heel height of the boot may not exceed 2-1/2 inches.
d. Badges (chaplain and aerospace badges are mandatory; all others are optional):
Center 1/2 inch above the ribbons. If no ribbons are worn, center the badge 1/2
inch above the left pocket. If more than one badge is worn, wear the badge with the
highest precedence centered 1/2 inch over other badge. See AFI 36-2903, Table 5.1,
for placement of other badges.
e. Tie (mandatory): Tip of the tie will be no more than 1-1/2 inches above or 1-1/2 inches
below the top of the belt buckle.
f. Tie tac/bar (optional): It may be of the AF crest of arms, star and wing design, or the
individuals rank insignia type. The tie tac/bar may be satin finish or highly polished.
When worn, center the tie tac/bar between the bottom edge of the knot and the
bottom tip of the tie.
NOTE: The finish of all accouterments must match.
(4) Badges (aerospace and chaplain badges are mandatory; others are optional):
Center badge 1/2 inch above the ribbons. If no ribbons are worn, center badge
parallel to the nametag. If more than one badge is worn, wear the badge with the
highest precedence centered 1/2 inch over the other badge. See AFI 36-2903,
Table 5.1, for placement of other badges.
b. Tuck-In Style shirt: This shirt must be tucked into the service slacks and skirts. Place
accouterments as indicated above and in AFI 36-2903.
NOTE: The finish of all accouterments must match.
Other Garments
In this section, well discuss three of the many other
authorized garments. You may wear these garments with any
of the light blue shirt/blouse combinations. In addition, you
may wear the all weather coat with the service dress uniform
and the ABU uniform.
Blue Pullover/Cardigan Sweater. This is an indoor/outdoor
garment. It may be worn without a tie or tab, and the shirt
collar may be worn in or outside the sweater. Dont push
the sleeves up. You can also wear this sweater under the all
weather coat or the gabardine lightweight blue jacket. Wear
the shoulder mark insignia on the epaulets of the sweater.
Rank Insignia
- Officers: Center regular size grade insignia 5/8 inch from
the end of the epaulet
- Enlisted: wear the 4-inch chevrons
Female Officer/Enlisted
Coat and Matching Skirt or Slacks
Matching Tie Tab
- Matching Flight Cap
- Service Cap (Mandatory for the rank of major and above)
Rank Insignia
- Officers: 2Lt - Col wear epaulets and metal rank.
Center regular size grade insignia 5/8 inch from the
end of the epaulet.
- Enlisted: the 3 1/2-inch or 4-inch chevrons
Blue Sleeve Braid
US Insignia. Wear highly polished US without the circle. Align the bottom of the insignia
halfway up the seam of the collar, resting on but not over, and horizontal to the ground.
Nametag (Mandatory): Worn on the wearers right side of the service dress jacket with
the bottom of the nametag parallel to the bottom of the ribbons. It should be centered
between the sleeve seam and the lapel.
Ribbons. Wear all. Ribbons must be in proper sequence and centered immediately above
the pocket welt.
Badges (Chaplain and aerospace badges are mandatory). A maximum of four earned
badges may be worn on service uniforms. All badges except the duty badge can be
worn above the ribbons or pocket if ribbons are not worn; wear a maximum of two, any
combination--your choice. Center badge 1/2 inch above top row of ribbons or pocket if
ribbons arent worn. Center additional badge 1/2 inch above the first one. If more than
one badge is worn wear the badge with the highest precedence in the top position. Below
pocket, wear only one duty/miscellaneous badge centered 1 1/2 inches below the top of
the welt pocket. On right side of uniform, wear only one duty/miscellaneous badge, with
bottom edge of badge parallel to top of the welt pocket. Wear polished badges only.
NOTE: The finish of all accouterments must match.
(4) Missile badge. Optional item. If authorized, and you elect to wear this item,
center it 1/2 inch below the bottom row of medals, or in the same comparable
position if no medals are authorized.
Accouterments. Same as mens on previous page, except the missile badge is worn 1/2 inch
above the top row of medals similar to other badges.
At any public meeting, demonstration, march, rally, or interview if the purpose may be to
advocate, express, or approve opposition to the Armed Forces of the United States.
Air Force members will not wear or mix distinctive uniform items with civilian clothes. Distinctive
uniform items are those items unique to the uniform. They include such items as grade insignia,
cap devices, badges and insignia, buttons with Air Force Coat of Arms, and so forth.
1. AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, Washington DC,
Headquarters USAF, 2 August 2006. (Attachment 24 November 2009 letter)
2. Benton, Jeffery C., Col, USAF (Ret). The Air Force officers Guide. Stackpole Books,
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 1996.
3. 7 Sep 07 Message
4. 10 Sep 08 Message
5. Frequently Asked Questions on Airman Battle Uniform 7 Aug 08
6. 12 Aug 08 Message
7. 16 mar 07 Message
Military Customs and Courtesies
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the fundamental customs and courtesies practiced in the Air
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Define military customs and courtesies.
Recognize various enlisted and officer rank insignia.
Identify when saluting is appropriate.
Describe the correct procedure for reporting to a senior officer.
Identify common dos and donts of military etiquette.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond appropriately to Air Force customs and courtesies.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Practice proper customs and courtesies on all occasions.
nlike many other professions, the military profession is a calling and a way of life. The
Air Force, like the other Armed Services, has its special problems, its customs, and its
standards, all developing out of the nature of its mission and the serious responsibility
inherent in carrying it out. The more you understand the character of military life in all its facets,
the better understanding youll have of the opportunities the Air Force has to offer.
Military conduct is based on accepted standards of behavior as demonstrated by good
manners, consideration for others and courtesy. The Air Force is made up of people from various
social groups. It is, in fact, a cross section of America exhibiting all the various manners, aims,
morals, and ideals existing throughout the nation. Unless this heterogeneous social group accepts
a common code of conduct, no semblance of unity can exit. Hence, there is a vital necessity for
military customs. A custom is a social convention stemming from tradition and enforced as an
unwritten law. On the other hand, if the guidance is in written form, its a military courtesy.
Military customs and courtesies go beyond basic politeness. They govern our regard for the rights
and ideas of others. History shows that a lack of military customs and courtesies has a direct
relationship with a decrease in esprit de corps, morale, discipline and most importantly, mission
effectiveness. Fundamental to this idea is that its a two-way street. The respect shown to a
senior by a junior acknowledges the seniors responsibility and authority. In turn, the courtesy
extended to a subordinate reflects the respect and regard for his or her part in accomplishing the
Air Force mission.
ost military customs and courtesies evolve from long-standing practices or have
some historical significance. The US flag is folded in a triangular shape to represent
the tri-corner hat of early American patriots. The lowering of the flag to half-staff
comes from the naval custom of lowering sails upon the death of a crewmember to indicate that
things were not shipshape. The position of honor has always been to the right. This originated
from the medieval swordsmen who always wore their weapons on the left side and drew them to
their right. The strongest and most experienced warriors were given the place of honor to allow
them easy access to their weapons. This practice carried over to today. To allow ease of saluting,
the senior person walks on the right.
Origin and Reasons
s with other customs and courtesies, saluting has evolved from history. The ancient
knights used the gesture of raising the face visor on their helmets as a greeting. This
move signified friendship and confidence as it removed the sword hand from the
weapon and provided vulnerability in the suit of armor.
The salute is a respectful greeting exchanged between members of the same profession. Its
an everyday courtesy based on mutual respect. Its one of the traditions that bind military
personnel together. Salutes are required when youre in uniform. Theyre exchanged on- and offduty and on- and off-base.
Salutes are exchanged when meeting outdoors
and must be rendered during ceremonial occasions
and in public gatherings when the National Anthem
or the bugle call To the Colors is played. The salute
is also required during situations outdoors when the
US flag is honored and during the playing of Ruffles
and Flourishes when specific individuals are being
General Rules
Salutes are rendered as a courtesy. Theyre
required between those junior and those senior in
rank. If individuals are equal in rank, salutes may be
exchanged. If juniors walking together meet a senior,
the juniors salute simultaneously. If a junior salutes
a group of seniors, the seniors return the salute
There are no set rules regarding how close or how far away a junior must be in order to
render a salute. When a junior recognizes a senior, the junior should initiate a salute. As a rule
of thumb, a salute should be initiated by the junior member, a verbal greeting exchanged by both
members, with a return salute by the senior member. This action occurs very quickly, usually
within a distance of six paces.
Youre not expected to initiate or to return a salute if its impractical or dangerous to do
so. The salute is intended to be a dignified military greeting, not a test of manual dexterity.
Therefore, you arent required to give a salute when encumbered (that is, when both hands are
full), but you should give a verbal greeting.
If you recognize an officer of one of our sister services or a sovereign power, you should salute
in the normal manner.
If a group of individuals (standing still, not in formation) is approached by a senior, the first
person who recognizes the senior should call the rest to attention, and each individual should
render a hand salute. If the group is walking, all should salute simultaneously.
Staff Cars
At all bases, military members (as pedestrians) are required to salute staff cars when theres
an occupant inside the car. (Theres no need to salute an unoccupied staff car.) Again, recognition
is the key. Staff cars are marked with an eagle (indicating the rank of colonel) or one or more stars
(indicating the rank of a general officer) on a placard on the vehicles front bumper or a flag on
the front fender.
The base/wing commander must also be saluted when riding in a vehicle bearing a plate
showing the words BASE COMMANDER/WING COMMANDER and insignia of grade. Secretary
of the Air Force and Chief of Staff also have staff cars with unique plates.
Saluting Indoors
Reporting. When reporting to an officer in his/her office, knock once on the door. When told
to enter, walk directly (squaring any corners) to within two paces of the desk, come to attention
(eyes caged forward), and salute. Hold your salute until it is returned and remain standing at
attention until you are dismissed or told to be seated.
If you have been directed to report, you will state, Sir (Maam), Cadet/OT (last name) reports
or reports as ordered.
If you are reporting on your own, you will state appropriately:
Sir (Maam), Cadet/OT (last name) reports to ask a question.
Sir (Maam), Cadet/OT (last name) reports to make a statement.
At the end of the conversation ask, Will that be all, Sir (Maam)? The officer will acknowledge,
then from the same location you reported in, salute and state, Good morning (afternoon or
evening), Sir (Maam). After your salute is returned, drop your salute, execute the proper facing
movement and depart. Note: If the officer states, That will be all or You are dismissed before
you ask, Will that be all, Sir (Maam), then do not ask that question; just salute and render the
appropriate exit greeting such as, Good evening, Sir (Maam).
If youre in frequent working contact with a senior, the senior may waive the saluting
requirement. Youll still be expected to salute when reporting to other senior officers.
Award Ceremonies. During award ceremonies, its mandatory to stand at attention during the
presentation. The member receiving an award marches up to the person presenting the award
and stops two paces in front of the individual. After the award has been presented, the member
salutes, waits for a return salute, then lowers the salute. (Remember: Take, Shake, Salute).
Salute only when the presenter is a military member and his or her rank is equal to or superior
to yours. The audience isnt required to salute at any time.
FMAN 36-2203 prescribes procedures for reveille and retreat ceremonies. You must
know exactly what is expected of you as either a participant or observer. While at this
school, you may be required to participate in these ceremonies, and youll undoubtedly
take part in them at future duty assignments.
Saluting the U.S. Flag. When youre in uniform and an uncased flag passes by in a parade or
any ceremony, you salute when the flag comes within six paces of you and hold the salute until
the flag passes six paces beyond you. If in formation, follow the verbal commands of your flight
or squadron commander. On the command of Present Arms, render a hand salute and hold it
until the command Order Arms.
If in civilian clothes, under similar circumstances,
come to attention, remove your hat (if youre wearing
one), and place your right hand over your heart when
the flag is six paces before you; hold until the flag is six
paces past you.
At Air Force installations, flags on stationary staffs
are saluted at reveille, retreat, and on special occasions.
Except at these times, the flag shouldnt be saluted
while on a stationary staff.
On Air Force installations, the flag is lowered at the
end of each day. Usually, the bugle call Retreat is
sounded and is followed by the playing of the National
Anthem or To the Colors. If youre outside, you must
stop what youre doing and face the flag (if visible) or
the music. During the sounding of Retreat you stand
at parade rest, then, if in uniform, come to attention
and salute during the playing of the National Anthem or
To the Colors. If in civilian clothes, come to attention,
remove your hat (if youre wearing one), and place your
right hand over your heart when the National Anthem begins to play.
During any other flag ceremony, halt, face the flag or music, come to attention, and present
arms from the first to the last note of music.
If you encounter a color guard outside which has the American flag uncased, you should
salute when it comes within six paces of you and hold your salute until the flag has passed six
paces beyond you.
If youre driving a vehicle and see a flag ceremony or hear the music, stop and sit quietly until
the music ends; your passengers also remain silent.
If caught halfway between the parking lot and your destination when the retreat ceremony is
played, dont run to get inside or under cover. Stand and pay a moments respect to the flag. For
Retreat/Reveille, stand at parade rest, then come to attention.
The National Anthem. If youre outdoors, at an athletic event, or other function and in
uniform when the National Anthem is played, face the flag (if visible), salute, and hold the salute
until the music is finished. If the flag isnt visible, face the music and salute.
If youre in civilian dress, stand at attention, remove your hat with your right hand, hold it over
the left side of your chest with your right hand over your heart. If youre not wearing a hat, place
your right hand over your heart. In either case, stay in that position until the music stops.
Military personnel dont salute the national flag during indoor ceremonies when in uniform.
When the National Anthem or To The Colors is played, personnel in civilian or military attire will
stand at attention facing the flag (or the source of music if the flag isnt visible). When in civilian
attire, come to attention, and place your right hand over your heart.
Theres no requirement to come to attention when the National Anthem is played on the
radio or television (such as before a sporting event or station sign-off).
At base movie theaters, the National Anthem is played prior to the start of the film. You
should rise, stand at attention, and, if in civilian clothes, place your right hand over your heart.
When displaying the flag at half-staff, raise the flag briskly to the peak of the staff for an
instant and then lower it ceremoniously to half-staff position (1/2 the distance between
top and bottom of the staff). Before lowering it for the day, also raise it to the peak first.
Flag is displayed with the union away from the building. Place the union at the peak of the
staff, unless the flag is at half-staff.
Suspend flag vertically. If street runs primarily East-West, the union will be at the top and
to the North. If street runs North-South, display union at the top and to the East.
On a stage, the American flag is in place of honor to the speakers right, other flags to
speakers left.
Always display the flag with the union to the observers left. Place above and behind the
speaker. Union will be to speakers right or the observers left. This holds true regardless
of whether flag is suspended horizontally or vertically.
American flag is crossed over and in front of the other flag. American flag is to the
observers left.
Display flags on separate staffs of equal height. American flag is to its own right or to the
observers left.
When displaying with other flags, such as state flags, place American flag at highest point
in the center. If using staffs of equal heights, American flag must be on its own right.
If American flag is carried with only one other flag, color bearer should march in line, but
to the right of the other flag. If carried with several other flags, color bearer should march
in front and to the right.
Use the all-purpose flag. Flag is draped over the casket with the union at the head and over
the left shoulder of the deceased. Flag is usually given to next-of-kin after the funeral.
Place nothing on top of flag when using it to cover casket.
Do not carry the flag flat or horizontal, always free and aloft.
Do not display flag with union down, except as a distress signal.
When raising and lowering the flag, do not allow it to touch anything beneath it, such as
the ground, floor, or water.
Do not use flag as cover for a ceiling.
Do not lower flag into the grave.
You may use the flag as a distinctive feature of an unveiling ceremony of a statue or
monument but never use it to cover the statue or monument.
Do not use the flag as a drapery of any sort. It is never festooned but always to fall and
hang freely.
Additional Restrictions
Do not use the flag as a receptacle for receiving or carrying objects.
Never use the flag for advertising purposes.
Never embroider it on articles such as cushions and handkerchiefs, nor print or otherwise
impress it on paper napkins, boxes, or anything designed for temporary use.
Never use it as a part of wearing apparel.
Pledge of Allegiance
In military formations and ceremonies, the Pledge of Allegiance wont be recited.
When the pledge is recited at protocol functions, social events, and sporting events which
include civilians, you should:
When in uniform indoors, stand at attention, face the flag and remain silent, but you dont
salute. However, if the participants are primarily civilians or in civilian clothes, you may recite the
Pledge of Allegiance if you wish.
When in civilian clothes (indoors or outdoors), stand at attention, face the flag, and recite the
Pledge of Allegiance while holding your right hand over your heart. (Men should remove their
headdress with their right hand and place their right hand, while holding the headdress, over
their heart.)
Flag Display
There are specific rules prescribed by public law governing the display of national flags. If
youre involved with the use and display of flags, consult AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremony,
for more information.
International law forbids displaying one national flag above another during peacetime. When
the flags of several nations are displayed together, theyre placed on separate halyards or staffs
at the same height.
The national flag is never used as a decoration except as an interment flag. It shouldnt be
used to drape doorways, arches, furniture, steps, art objects, etc.
When displayed on a wall, it must be hung flat. No lettering, emblem, or object should ever
be placed on it.
As with individuals, the courtesy of honor to the right applies to the display of flags. The US
flag should always be placed to the right of the point of reference.
If, for example, the national flag is placed with the Air Force flag and a general officers personal
flag, the US flag would be to the right of the stage (audiences left). The Air Force flag should be
in the middle, and the generals flag would be on the left (audiences right).
If the US flag is displayed with other flags in a radial (curved base) stand, the US flag is placed
in the middle (highest) position.
hen walking, a junior officer does not precede a senior officer. The lower ranking
member should give the superior walking room, allowing the senior officer to stay
on the right. The junior officer should stay in step with the senior officer.
If there are too many people to allow everyone to ride in the rear, the lowest-ranking officer
will ride in the front and, upon reaching the destination, will remain in place until the senior
officers get out.
ll military personnel are addressed properly by their grade or title. Airman First Class
Jones is correctly addressed as Airman Jones. Master Sergeant Smith may be called
Sergeant Smith but should never be addressed Hey, Sarge. Such an address is
neither dignified nor appropriate. You should address warrant officers as Mister, Mrs., Miss,
or Ms with their last name. Its also correct to call a cadet/OT with the family name of Williams
either Cadet Williams or Mister Williams or Miss Williams.
Officers senior to you may be addressed by their rank and last name, or as Sir or Maam.
If theyre junior to you, use their rank or rank and last name. Rank has no sex and one of the
most glaring blunders is to assume a ranking officer is a he. A lieutenant is addressed officially
as Lieutenant. The adjectives First and Second are not used in conversation. The custom
of referring to officers of general rank as General has been modified, and today most officers
wearing stars are not offended if they are addressed by the term Sir or Maam instead of their
Military physicians and dentists may be addressed as Doctor or by their grade and last
A chaplain in the Air Force may be addressed by grade in correspondence only and otherwise
will be addressed by religious title: Father, Rabbi, or Reverend. The religious title or
Chaplain is preferred.
The term Airman is one which has created some confusion. Its used in two ways. Airman
is properly used to address enlisted persons in the lower grades (Airman basic, Airman, Airman
first class, and senior Airman). In a broader, second way, the term covers the entire Air Force, and
by this definition, a master sergeant and a colonel are both Airmen.
AF Pay Grade
Proper Titles
Title of
Technical Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Senior Airman
Airman First Class
Airman Basic
Technician-Supervisor Tier
Trainee-Apprentice Tier
NOTE: Use of the proper title is mandatory in most official/written communications but may also be
used as title of address. The title of address (i.e., Technical Sergeant Shortened to Sergeant) is used in
oral communication only.
Military Etiquette
n addition to the customs and courtesies just mentioned, there are many Air Force taboos
to be avoided. As you gain experience, youll realize the following list is far from complete.
It does, however, represent the most important actions to avoid.
Most taboos are no different from social errors to be avoided in civilian life. They stem from
common sense and courtesy. If you learn to avoid taboos, youll be making a good start toward a
successful military career. Just to name a few, here are some taboos to avoid:
Apple Polishing. The boot licker or apple polisher has no place in the Air Force. The
apple polisher does a job not out of dedication but out of selfishness or fear of reprisal--often
at the expense of subordinates. A distinction must be made, however, between boot licking
and displaying good manners, cooperation, loyalty, and respect. Steadfast rules cant be quoted
to serve you in all situations; therefore, good judgment must be substituted. Perhaps an example
will illustrate the general rule.
If your supervisor asks your opinion, give your honest opinion. Dont merely say what you
feel will please him/her. Remember, your supervisor respects your judgment or he/she wouldnt
have asked for your opinion. You wont want to be known as a yes person. In short, dont try
to curry favors through insincere actions. Fortunately, individuals who violate this taboo are few.
Certainly, such behavior isnt desirable.
Tardiness. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition
to being extremely impolite, its punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an
unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to
appointments and meetings youve arranged with subordinates. Dont keep them waiting. If your
subordinates think of you as a latecomer, you havent set a good example for them.
Violating the chain of command. The chain of command is the direct line of authority
from the Commander in Chief to the lowest working level. Each level of command or authority
is responsible to the next highest level. To bypass your superior and consult a higher authority is
contrary to military procedure.
There may be times when, because your supervisor isnt available, youll have to consult a
higher authority. In such a case, inform your supervisor of the facts as soon as possible.
Leaning on a seniors desk. Leaning or sitting on a seniors desk is very discourteous and too
informal. If your business requires you to be in the office for more than a minute or two, the
senior should invite you to sit down.
Indebtedness. In the future when you find it necessary to borrow money or buy on credit,
youll do so not only as a private citizen but also as a member of the officer corps. With this in
mind, you must protect the reputation of the entire corps as well as your own reputation. You
must pay all your just debts when theyre due. If for some unexpected reason you cant pay a
bill on time, you should contact the creditor and make your intentions known. The creditor will
probably arrange a satisfactory settlement procedure.
Appearing encumbered while in uniform. When in uniform, an officer should present a
military appearance. The officer should wear the uniform proudly--as an honorable member of
an honorable profession. Its impossible to present this image while wrestling bags of groceries,
carrying stacks of boxes, or carrying a small child in each arm.
Public display of affection (PDA). PDA such as handholding, embracing, or walking arm-inarm is inappropriate for members in uniform and may be service discrediting since indiscriminate
displays of affection in public detract from the professional image the Air Force is trying to project.
A poor appearance in public. An officers conduct and appearance must be able to withstand
public scrutiny 24 hours a day. Whether on- or off-duty, in or out of uniform, an officer must look
and act the part. Misconduct brings discredit on the officer personally, the uniform the officer
wears, and the entire Air Force. The uniform should always be neat and worn properly. The officer
should take special pains to present a fine appearance when in the civilian community.
The officer should not frequent places that have unsavory reputations. No matter how good
the intentions, the officer should remember theres a reason for the reputation. Installation
commanders publish periodic lists of off-base establishments that, for various reasons, have been
found unworthy to serve military personnel. Military members are forbidden to enter these offlimits establishments. When arriving at a new station, always find out which places are off-limits
and avoid them.
1. AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies, Washington DC: Department of the Air Force, 3 June
2. Benton, Jeffrey C., Col, USAF (Ret.). The Air Force Officers Guide. Stackpole Books,
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 1996.
Team Building - A Central Skill
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Comprehend the concept of effective team building.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Explan the four stages of group growth.
Explain the differences between groups and teams.
Identify the characteristics of effective teams.
Identify principles of effective teams.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond positively to the concept of effective team building.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Express value of team-building principles.
What is a team? A team can be defined as an energetic group of diverse individuals who
are committed to achieving common objectives, who work well together, enjoy doing so, and
who produce high quality results. The objective of team building is to develop this group of
individuals into a team dedicated to accomplishing the mission. The intent of this lesson is to give
you a basic understanding of the team building process and to give you the tools necessary to be
a contributing member of the effective team.
s a team matures, members will gradually learn to cope with the emotional and group
pressures they face. As a result, the group undergoes a gradual transformation and
transitions through fairly predictable stages.
People are often uncomfortable when meeting others for the first time. Because there is no
shared history, there is no unity among the group. The typical relationships at this stage are:
Even the most enthusiastic members hold back from showing much emotion during the
forming stage. Seldom are members willing to ask a leader questions when a team first meets.
And when a leader asks team members questions in such a situation, rarely will anyone rush to
reply. If someone does answer, the response will be brief. In addition, team members are unlikely
to interact, and they will direct what few questions and answers they have only to the leader.
At this stage, each individual is thinking more of himself or herself than of the team. People are
guarded and formal.
Individuals feel like a team when they are familiar with the rules and boundaries. Until they
know the rules, however, they dont know whom to trust, who will lead, what is expected of
them, and how they should behave toward one another. They are not yet a real team; theyre
simply a collection of individuals. Therefore, the teams task at this stage is to develop ties among
the group rather than to produce anything. Growing comfortable with one another is members
most important job. A team in the forming stage faces the following kinds of issues:
Orienting members and answering questions
Establishing trust
Establishing relationships with the leader
Establishing purpose, norms, procedures, and expectations
Even though a group may pass through this stage quickly, it is still an essential phase of
development. Because little participation occurs at this stage, it may be tempting to rush past it.
But if a team ignores the forming stage, this lack of a foundation will undermine the next three
phases. Unless people trust one another, it is far more difficult for them to accomplish tasks big
or small. A group leader at this stage should be firm and lay the groundwork by offering direction,
clarity, and structure. The leaders job is to answer questions and make sure team members get
their uncertainty (forming stage) to take on a group identity (norming stage). The more team
members interact, the more they develop common behaviors and points of view. They feel
pressure to conform. The group acquires its own character and culture. This culture can affect
everything from the amount of work each member is expected to do to problem-solving styles.
Questions that arise at this stage include the following:
What are the teams norms and values?
How can I best get along with everyone else?
How can I show my support for others?
How can I fit in?
During the norming stage, team members grow more content with their stake in the group
and begin to value the teams goals over their own personal goals. The team no longer relies so
heavily on the leader; instead, members take responsibility for solving problems. People are in
an agreeable mood. They feel loyal to one another. The typical relationships at this stage exhibit:
Conformity to standards and expectations
Tighter bonds
A tendency to ignore disagreements
A team in the norming stage must continue to encourage close ties among members. It will
face the following kinds of issues:
Maintaining unity
Encouraging participation and a sense of responsibility
Supporting other team members
Providing feedback on team and team member performance
But potholes exist on this otherwise smooth runway. While all may appear to be going well as
team members cheerfully support one another, they may actually be too agreeable. No one dares
disagree for fear of breaking the newly formed bonds. Encourage your teams close bonds in the
norming stage, but know that too much agreement can lead to bad decisions, all for the sake of
keeping the peace. Dont try to completely avoid conflict; manage it. It will help your team come
up with good solutions and move you into the storming stage.
Teams should try to create an atmosphere in which all members feel free to express their
ideas. Diversity promotes creativity, individuality, and effective problem solving. While the forming
and norming stages encourage agreement to bond a group, during the storming stage the team
can weather some disagreement. Leaders and team members can ensure their storming-stage
conflicts do not dissolve the group by keeping four objectives in mind:
Identify the groups external enemy to avoid infighting
Reinforce how important it is for everyone to work toward the same goal
Keep the teams goal foremost in mind
Have team members teach one another useful skills
bonds, encouraging members to take the initiative, urging the team to do better than average,
and taking advantage of whatever talents members bring to the group.*
*The preceeding information on the group stages was taken from the Principles of
Leadership and Management. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2008.
irtually everyone has been involved in some type of group, often referred to as team.
But is there a difference between a group and a team? In the introduction we defined
a team as an energetic group of
diverse individuals who are committed to
achieving common objectives, who work well
together, enjoy doing so, and who produce
high quality results. Using this definition, a
team is a specialized group of individuals. Let
us then define group. A group can be defined
as two or more persons who are interacting
with one another in such a manner that each
person influences and is influenced by each
other person. The common characteristics of
groups and teams, therefore, are the interaction
of individuals and influence. When we look at
what distinguishes a team from a group, we
normally find four differences. First, team members usually have a stronger sense of identification
among themselves than group members do. Often, both team members and outsiders can readily
identify who is and who is not a part of a particular team; identifying members of a group may be
more difficult. Second, teams have common goals or tasks; these may range from participation
in a particular sports event to being a member of a process action team identifying computer
security issues for your wing. Group members, on the other hand, may not have the same degree
of consensus about goals as team members do.
Third, task interdependence typically is greater with teams than with groups. For example, a
navigator cannot perform his operational duties without the pilot flying the aircraft. On the other
hand, group members often can contribute to goal accomplishment by working independently;
the successful completion of their assigned tasks may not be contingent on the other group
members. Of course, task interdependence can vary greatly even within teams. Fourth, team
members often have more differentiated and specialized roles than group members. Group
members often play a variety of roles within the context of the group; however, team members
often play a single, or primary, role on a team (e.g., team captain, facilitator, etc.). Bear in mind,
however, that these distinctions between group and teams often reflect only matters of degree.
So in a real sense, one might consider teams to be highly specialized groups.
3. Cooperation. This aspect of teamwork can be at tension with competition. Both are central
human characteristics, but the nature of our profession puts a premium on cooperation
with each other to compete with the enemy. Cooperation requires team players and the
willingness to share credit with all team members.
4. Participation. Since every team member has a stake in the groups achievements, everyone
should participate in discussions and decisions, share commitment to the projects success,
and contribute their talents.
5. Respect for the Individual. This happens as we recognize everyones unique skills. Success
comes when you understand and appreciate each persons contributions to the team.
6. Clearly Defined Roles. All members must understand their duties and know who is
responsible for what issues and tasks. The team members should understand which roles
belong to each person and which roles are shared among team members. Ideally, the team
should use each members talents and involve everyone in team activities.
7. Communication. Team members should speak with clarity and directness, be succinct,
listen actively, avoid interrupting, and share information.
8. Dedication/Commitment. Dedication to the mission is reflected in all we do as a team.
No matter what the role, every person is critical to accomplishing the mission. Ensure
your team displays dedication in all it does and creates an environment that inspires trust,
teamwork, and pride.
9. Clarity of Team Goals. Ideally, the team needs to agree on its mission, see the mission as
workable, have a clear vision, and progress steadily towards its goal. An effective team
is clear about the larger project goals and the purpose of individual steps, meetings,
discussion, and decisions.
10. Loyalty. A three-dimensional trait, includes faithfulness to superiors, peers, and
eamwork is essential to getting the job done. Understanding how a group progresses
through the four stages of development is important in working well together. From
there your group needs to become a team and exhibit those characteristics and
principles that will make your team successful. No job in the Air Force gets accomplished without
a team effort. Begin today to become a vital team member capable of working with others to get
the job done.
Read the case study below and think about the behaviors of the people. Consider what youve
learned about the stages of growth and a groups experiences on the way to becoming a team.
1. Principles of Leadership and Management. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2008
2. Richard Hughes, Robert Ginnett, and Gordon Curphy. Leadership Enhancing the Lessons of
Experience. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999.
3. Scholtes, Peter, The Team Handbook. Joiner Associates, Madison, 1996.
Military Communication Skills
Lesson Preparation: Review Air Force Handbook (AFH 33-337), The
Tongue and Quill dated 1 August 2004, Chapter 2, Chapter 10, Chapter
12, and Part VI.
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Apply Air Force communication guidance for written documents
and briefings.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Explain the seven steps to effective communication.
Describe guidance for electronic communication (e-mail, voice
mail, and telephone systems) in the Air Force.
Apply T&Q guidance for writing background and talking papers.
Explain the steps required to prepare a military briefing.
Describe effective delivery techniques in a military briefing.
Use guidance to prepare and deliver a military briefing.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the importance of effective communication, including
Air Force documents and briefings.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Actively participate in class discussions and assignments for writing
and briefing.
ometime in your military career, you will be asked to brief and write in specific military
formats. As officers, a great deal of your success will come from your ability to brief
and write effectively. So, you need to be familiar with the common types of staff
correspondence and have flexible writing skills to adapt accordingly.
aying attention to these seven steps will increase your success in writing and speaking.
The first four steps are like building a foundationpreparation thats critical to the end
product. For the time well-spent in the front end, the payoff is CONFIDENCE in what
youre writing and saying.
1. Analyze purpose and audience. What is my purpose? Who is my audience? What are their
interests? How much do they know already? What will make it easy for them to understand
or act? Youre much more likely to hit the target if you know what youre aiming at. (FOCUS
principles Focus and Understand your audience apply in this step.)
I want to write books that unlock the traffic jam in everybodys head.
~John Updike
2. Research your topic. Do whatever it takes to get smart on your topic. In the military, coworkers and base personnel can be helpful sources of information. Often, there are continuity
books or military instructions/manuals that may be of help (see T& Q, p 33). Libraries have
reference material, as does the internet. However, see page 30-31in the T&Q for guidance in
evaluating the soundness of internet sources. Finally, objectively writing about a topic may
mean coming to terms with our biases/prejudices. We all have them; we just dont want
them getting in the way of our intended messages. Most problems and questions cannot be
reduced to a single solution or answer. Anticipate multiple viewpoints for a more thorough
research of your topic.
A man will turn over half a library to make one book.
~Samuel Johnson
3. Support your ideas. A common way to support your idea is by stating some facts (premise
1, premise 2, etc) followed by the conclusion (your idea). This form of supporting your idea
is known as logical argument (verbal or written). If our premises arent airtight, well fail to
successfully support our idea. Giving examples that are meaningful to your audience is a
helpful method to supporting your ideas. In addition, citing sources adds credibility; your
ideas are not just a personal belief or opinion. Finally, avoid illogical or irrational ways of
linking your premises and conclusions. For more information to avoid fallacies in thinking,
see the T&Q, Ch 5, pp 41 and/or the Introduction to Critical Thinking lesson found in the
AS300 Student Study Guide.
4. Organize and outline. To continue building a solid foundation for any written or verbal
communication, you need to organize your ideas in a meaningful way. For example, a topical
or classification pattern is one way to organize your ideas. If youre writing or briefing about
military aircraft, you might want to sort your ideas by function (e.g., fighter aircraft, cargo
aircraft, etc.). Some topics, such as American wars, are better understood using a sequence in
time approachgoing from the earliest to the most recent wars. Chapter 6 in the T&Q (p 55)
provides information on developing your purpose statement and outlining ideas.
I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed
gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
~English Professor (name unknown), Ohio University
5. Writing your draft. On page 12 of the T&Q, the following guidance addresses most types of
writing (or even Power Point slides for a briefing). Your goal in writing is to share a message
with the audience. To successfully do so, connecting with the audience is vital:
First, Get to the point quickly. Use your introductory paragraph to state your purpose up
front. Most AF readers dont have the time or patience to read a document that resembles
a mystery novel with a surprise ending.
Second, Organize your main ideas for a topic so readers know where youre leading them.
When discussing a topic, we usually are addressing some main ideas or main points. Its
very common to see the overview slide for military briefings identify 2-4 main points for
discussion. The main idea or points are further elaborated upon with support information
in any writing or briefing.
When writing a talking paper or background paper, the single-dash items identify the main
points, while the double- and triple-dash items provide support information. In addition, its very
helpful to your readers if you link your supporting information with transitions. For example,
the words first, next, and finally let a reader follow your thought process to explain an idea.
Transitions not only link ideas, they can also link paragraphs. For example, a common transition
to let your reader know youre changing main idea/points is, Now, that weve discussed the
benefits of exercise, lets look at the major types of exercise. Transitions are critical pieces to
helping your readings follow your writing, paragraphs or your slides in a briefing.
Third, Make sure your sentences are clear and direct. Cut through the jargon and passive
voice. Dont make your readers wade through an overgrown jungle of flowery words.
Fourth, Finally, summarize or conclude your message in a way that connects all the dots
and makes the message complete.
6. Edit your draft. On pages 91-104, the T&Q offers many great suggestions to improve the
editing process. Here are some of the major points:
Edit the document yourself before asking for help. Why should someone else invest time
and effort to improve your writing if you arent willing to do so yourself? Also, its just more
respectful to others if you do the initial clean-up. However, be sure youve taken enough
time between doing the draft and then the editing processit makes a big difference in
seeing objectively vs subjectively.
Purposely edit at a slow pace. Our minds have a tendency to fill in the gaps when we read.
One technique is to touch each word with your pencil tip as you review the document.
Try on your audiences shoes before you read. Try to visualize what itll be like for your
audience to see or hear your information. We need to be in tune with how our audiences
will react to each word.
Find someone else to review your near final draft. That someone else, hopefully, has
a strong background in the basics (grammar, spelling, jargon, writing mechanics), and also
the big picture (the general flow and clarity) of your document.
Plan on more than one editing pass. The T&Q suggests reading and re-reading your work,
starting with the big picture and then on to the finer details. You just cant catch everything
the first time! And dont forget about using spot-check. Finally, T&Q, page 102-103, shows
a guide for the use of proofreading marks and abbreviations- -a universal language when
editing any document. When you think youve got the paper in order, weve still got one
more step to ensure a professional document.
7. Seeking feedback. (also see T&Q, pp 105-112) When you submit your final document, you
want the focus to be your papers messagenot errors, lots of questions, or confusion. Find
another set of eyes and tell them what you want to focus on. If you dont identify the feedback
need, you may get a grammar check vs something else. A good start is to seek feedback
about your papers intended purpose and audienceDoes it still make sense when another
person reads, and considers purpose and audience? Finally, whatever feedback you receive,
remember that youre ultimately responsible for the content of your paper. Any comments
from others during your editing or feedback steps can be used or not used by you.
here is one basic concept that remains the same for all military writingconversational
tone. The best way to communicate a message is to focus on the reader and write in
plain English. In the 1960s, consumer advocacy groups encouraged legislation that led
to the foundation of the government initiative to write in plain English. The premise of this
was to write government and business documents using language that was clear, concise and
straightforward. The movement continued through the Nixon, Carter, and Reagan administrations,
and finally came to fruition on 1 June 1998 when President Clinton directed the use of plain
English. The bottom-line is, Use everyday words, rather than bureaucratic legalese.
When we talk to someone, we dont use $64,000 words or stuffy language. To make your
writing more like speaking, begin by imagining your reader is sitting across from you. Then write
with personal pronouns, everyday words, contractions, and short sentences. Write to one
reader. Primarily use 1P (I, we) and 2P (you) and vary your pronouns.
Writing in conversational tone also means being
concise. Concise does not mean the same as being
brief. You must add enough details to support
your ideas, but do it by the most direct method. In
other words, concise means getting to the point as
effectively and efficiently as possible. Thats why
you should write predominantly in active voice,
remove any unnecessary words, and avoid dead
words, such as that and which.
Why are all these points important in writing?
They are important because the reader cant see your non-verbal skills in a written document.
Since you arent there to coax the reader along, youve got to make the document do the job for
1. Brief - As a memory jogger or reference, only as specific or detailed as required by the user.
2. Telegraphic - Omit adjectives, articles and introductory phrases.
3. Organized - Focus user on subject; establish main points; provide support; reach a
conclusion or give a status.
4. Structured for the user - Know the boss needs; know where talker will be used; know how
familiar boss is with the subject; know how much detail the boss wants; know the desired
1. Stationery - 8 1/2 X 11 inch plain bond paper (never use letterhead).
2. Title - center in capital letters 1 inch from top; use three lines, be specific, do not underline
or place in bold. Double-space the title.
3. Margin - 1 inch all around.
4. Headings not required, but may use: purpose, background, discussion, recommendation,
5. Text - dont number paragraph, telegraphic wording/bullets, no punctuation at end, 1/2/3
dash sequence, double space between bullets and single space within a bullet.
6. ID Line - 1 inch from bottom of page and flush with the left margin; includes rank, name/
organization/office symbol/phone number/typists initials/date prepared.
On the following page is a SAMPLE Talking Paper.
- Talking paper: quick-reference outline on key points, facts, positions, questions to use for oral
- Point paper: memory tickler or quick-reference outline to use during meetings to informally
pass information quickly to another person or office
-- No standard format; this illustrates space-saving format by eliminating (PURPOSE, DISCUSSION,
-- Usually formatted to conform to users desires
--- Both papers assume reader has knowledge of subject
--- Prepare separate talker for each subject
-- Prepared in short statement; telegraphic wording
-- Use one-inch margins all around
--- Single dashes before major thoughts; multiple dashes for subordinate thoughts
--- Single space each item; double space between items
-- Use open punctuation; ending punctuation not required
-- Avoid lengthy details or chronologies, limiting to one page when possible
-- See DoD 5200.1-R/AFI 31-401 to prepare classified papers
-- Include writers identification line as shown below
- Include recommendations, if any, as last item
Mrs. Story/ACSC/DESP/3-7084/jah/7 Apr 97
ou can expect to have a computer and telephone assigned to your personal work area.
Your office will likely have a printer, copier, and facsimile (fax) machines available, too.
The proper use of any mode of government electronic communication is serious; we
have an Air Force Instruction to clearly guide our useAFI 33-119, Official Messaging. In addition,
we have to be vigilant about how our use of electronic communication can be used in hostile
actions against the United States (i.e., Operational Security/OPSEC). Yes, its very serious business,
so expect annual Air Force training on this topic.
Keep in mind that the Air Force has the right to monitor our electronic communications.
Unfortunately, we have a number of individuals who abuse the use of their electronic
communications, resulting in criminal charges and consequences through the Uniform Code
of Military Justice (UCMJ). If your communication is always respectful, youre half-way there!
To practice respectful communication, imagine that everything you write will be read by the
Secretary of the Air Force. It works! The other half of your effort is about communicating in a way
that doesnt compromise our nations securityOPSEC.
The following guidance, regarding wall paper and slogans in our emails, has been recently
emphasized for the Air Force:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Per AFI 33-119, dated 25 January 2005, the following rules
regarding sending electronic messages via Air Force systems are now in effect.
Para 3.7 ...Users will not add slogans, quotes, special backgrounds, special stationaries,
digital images, unusual fonts, etc., routinely to their official or individual electronic
messages. Users must consider professional image and conservation of Air Force
network resources (bandwidth).
Request your workgroup administrators inform your personnel concerning the changes
being implemented under AFI 33-119 and assist as needed in helping to remove any
unauthorized signature blocks and or stationary.
Now, to learn more about the right way to use electronic communications, you must read
pp 143- 154 in The Tongue and Quill (Aug 04). When youre finished, complete the Electronic
Communication Quiz in this lesson. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your instructor. Also,
your instructor can provide you with the quiz answer key.
hy study speech, or more specifically, the military briefing? Why attempt to improve
your oral communication skills? If for no other reason, speech is important because
we use speech more than any other medium of communication, except for listening.
About 80 percent of language activity takes the form of speaking and listening. The fact that
children may speak 30,000 words a day before they can write half a dozen words dramatizes a
condition that prevails throughout most of life. The world is, for most people, a speaking and
listening world.
Most people agreepreparing a military briefing
is time-consuming but relatively easy, as compared
to actually giving a military briefing. However, no
matter how well prepared or interesting your material
is, you cant be a successful briefer unless you can
convey the message to your audience. The outcome
of your presentation rests squarely on your delivery
making your verbals and nonverbal complement each
other, rather than go against each other. An effective
briefing must always be delivered with an urge
to communicate, with directness and vigor. In Air Force briefing, the emphasis is on a direct,
conversational style of speaking rather than an artificial, oratorical style. Think of your delivery as
amplified conversation spiced with military respect and bearing instead of public speaking,
and you should find it easier to face your audience.
ommanders say that one of the most important skills officers need is the ability to brief
effectively. The good news is that any officer can become an outstanding briefer. The
disturbing news is that many never do. Here is what you need to know to be able to
give winning briefings--the kind that communicate and get desired results.
Before preparing a military briefing, you need a clear objective or idea of just what you expect
the listeners to think, feel, or do after hearing your briefing. Next you must decide if you are
giving a briefing to inform or one that seeks to persuade or advocate. Finally, you must commit to
adhere to the ABCs of briefingaccuracy, brevity, and clarity. Now you are ready to begin.
There are three things to know about preparing and presenting a military briefing. The
acronym OSD (which also stands for Office of the Secretary of Defense) will help you remember
them. They are Organization, Support and Delivery.
Beginning. Here is where you tell them what you are going to tell them. Military briefings
have a standard beginning. For example, if I were briefing you on how to give a military briefing
here is how I would begin: Good Morning, I am Dr. John Kline. Today I will brief you on How to
Give a Military Briefing. More specifically we will look at three thingshow to organize, how to
support and how to deliver a briefing.
Body. Here is where you tell them the information. Main points in briefings are most often
organized according to one of the standard patterns of organization: chronological, spatial, cause/
effect, problem/solution, pro/con and topical. The bottom line of effectively organizing a briefing
is to organize logically so that it helps you present the information and, above all, helps your
audience listen and retain it.
Ending. Here, you tell them what you told them. Military briefings also have a standard
ending. Again, if I were briefing you on how to give a military briefing, I would end this way: Sir/
Maam, today I briefed on how to give a briefing. We looked at three thingshow to organize,
how to support, and how to deliver a briefing. Sir/Maam, this concludes my briefing. Are there
any questions?
Verbal Support. Since a briefing is by definition, brief,
support is generally limited to factual data carefully selected
to accomplish the need to know. Still each of the standard
types of verbal support is important. Definitions are often
needed to explain new or unfamiliar terms or acronyms.
Examples provide specific or concrete instances that help
clarify general or abstract ideas. Comparisons and Contrasts
between the familiar and unfamiliar help audiences grasp
new ideas more readily. Statistics and Testimony or quotations
from expert and trustworthy sources help to prove the points
you are making.
Visual Support. Somebody once said, A picture is worth a
thousand words. Visual aids can dramatize, amplify or clarify
the points you are trying to get across to your audience.
Most often you will use Power Point with your briefings. But
whatever visual support you use, keep a few things in mind. Make it relevant, simple and large
enough to be seen by your audience. And dont let it draw either your attention or the attention
of the audience away from what you are saying.
Although preparing the briefing can be laborious, delivery is the most difficult part for
most people. But it doesnt need to be. If you know your subject and have prepared well, then
presenting briefings can be an exhilarating experience. The secret is to be well organized, have
the right supporting information and then practice, practice, practicegiving attention to several
important factors of delivery.
Method. Most of your briefings will be delivered extemporaneously. You will plan them idea
by idea rather than word-by-word. Then you will just carry a brief outline or a few notes to the
lectern when you speak. This method will cause you to prepare carefully, yet it will enable you to
adjust to your audience and sound more spontaneous and conversational.
Eye Contact. You will want to look directly at people, most likely giving more attention to the
senior person(s) in the audience, but attempting to include all listeners. Effective eye contact will
keep the audiences interest, allow you to adjust to nonverbal feedback, and make you appear
more credible to your listeners.
Body Movement. Whereas in many speaking situations persons are advised to get out from
behind the lectern and move around, with military briefings this is seldom the case. Military
briefings are usually presented from behind the lectern. Be careful not to lean on the lectern,
sway, rock or move out of the range of a microphone if there is one.
Gestures. Use them. The hands, arms, shoulders, head and face can reinforce what you are
saying. Although gestures can be perfected with practice, they will be most effective if you make
a conscious effort to have them appear natural and spontaneous rather than planned.
Voice. Three vocal characteristics are important. First is, quality. Although you should strive to
be pleasing to listen and attempt to use your voice to its best advantage, rest easy in knowing that
some of the very finest briefers anywhere have only average voices. Second is understandability.
Your audience must be able to understand you. Give special attention to articulationhow you
form sounds, pronunciationhow you say words, and avoidance of stock expressions such as
okay, vocalized pauses such as uh, um, or and uh, and, above all, poor grammar. The third
characteristic is variety. Effective briefers vary the rate, volume, force, pitch and emphasis.
Transitions. One mark of a winning briefing is how well the parts are tied together. Effective
transitions aid listening, provide a logical flow and add a professional touch. In written documents
such as the one you are reading now, bold print or space between sections lets you know that I
am transitioning from one point to another. Briefers do the same thing with the words they use
and the way they say them. For example, suppose I was briefing and wanted to transition from
the first point, Organization to the second point, Support. I might say, Not only is it important
to organize our points effectively, it is also important that we choose the right kind of information
to support the points we are making. Notice how I led you from one point to another. Attention
should be given toward supplying transitions between the beginning and the body, the body and
the ending, between main points, from main points to sub points and even between sub points.
Effective transitions help your listeners and add polish and professionalism to your briefing.
nything youve already learned about writing, grammar, and writing mechanics will
be helpful in military communication. However, when youre using Air Force specific
documents and briefings, The Tongue and Quill (1 Aug 04) will be handbook youll
always want to keep in easy reach. Effective communication in the military will be important to
you as a follower, supervisor, and leader!
1. AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill, 1 Aug 2004.
2. Kline, John A., Speaking Effectively: A Guide for Air Force Speakers, Air University Press:
Maxwell AFB Alabama, Dec 89 (article in this lesson written specifically for AFOATS/CR use).
3. (site for retrieving
DoD publications/forms)
Interpersonal Communication
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Comprehend how interpersonal communication skills influence
mission accomplishment.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Summarize how the communication process, effective listening,
and diversity affect mission accomplishment.
Explain the relationship between interpersonal communication
skills and effective leadership.
Describe how interpersonal communication skills influence mission
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the importance of how interpersonal communications
influence mission accomplishment.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Actively participate in case study discussion during lesson.
Good interpersonal communication skills can both enhance a career and make the day-to-day
requirements of your job run more smoothly. In a team environment, such as the military, verbal
communication is especially important. Leadership is based upon communicating to others that
you really know your job, and can persuade other people to do theirs. Therefore, enhancing your
interpersonal communication skills is vital to mission accomplishment.
Definition: One way to define interpersonal communication is to say that its the process
whereby understanding is achieved between individuals.
To achieve mutual understanding, we need to acquire/refine a few specific communication
skills such as: effective communication, effective listening, and an understanding of how diversity
affects interpersonal communication.
Effective Communication: In order to achieve effective communication you need to understand
the elements of the communication process.
SOURCE: The sender must control meaning by analyzing the purpose, symbols and receiver
SYMBOLS: Language becomes all-important; words, numbers, media, tone, gestures and
setting all influence the effectiveness of our communication.
RECEIVER: Needs to LISTEN actively and must analyze the message and the sender.
FEEDBACK: Ensures understanding took place; can be verbal or nonverbal.
Effective Listening: Along with an understanding of the communication process, you need to
understand how effective listening enhances mutual understanding.
Effective listening requires:
- Hearing the person out
- Asking better questions to enhance understanding
- Being sensitive to what lies between the words
- Remaining objective; dont prejudge the person or the message
- Listening with all your senses
Interpersonal Communication
This illustration shows what a diverse world we live in, and it shows how living in such a
diverse world will challenge your interpersonal communication skills.
1. AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill, 1 Aug 2004.
Air Force Benefits
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the significant elements of Air Force entitlements.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
State the Air Force education programs available to military
Identify the types of pay and the different types of allowances.
State how leave is accrued and used.
Identify the benefits of the medical, legal, and liturgical services
offered by the Air Force.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Value the benefits package available to military members.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Compare benefits offered by the Air Force with other future career
As far as personnel benefits, few companies offer education, retirement, and survivor plans
comparable to the Armed Forces. To make an intelligent decision on the question of a military
career, you should become familiar with the entitlements offered to our personnel as described
in this chapter. These are important human relations issues that the Air Force rolls into the
broader term, Quality of Life, which rank high among Air Force senior leaderships concerns.
They spend a considerable amount of time and energy ensuring that Air Force members are
adequately compensated for their service to their nation. While this lesson will not cover every
facet of the Air Force benefits package, it will present some of the more tangible benefits that can
be compared with benefits offered by large firms that offer similar employment opportunities.
Education Entitlement
AFIT in civilian industries offers programs where officers are afforded the opportunity to
work in various industrial jobs to gain a better understanding of how these industrial
operations support the national effort.
You can receive full tuition assistance for all three programs, but once you are on active duty
you should contact the base education office to get more details on AFIT.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance is available to active-duty service members.
The program is designed to encourage personnel to pursue voluntary,
off-duty educational opportunities. Currently the Air Force will pay
100 percent of the tuition cost at a cap of $166.66 per quarter hour
or $250.00 per semester hour up to the maximum of $4500 per
fiscal year. The student will be responsible for the excess fees and all
book expenses.
ompensation for military service is accomplished primarily through basic pay, although
special and incentive pay serve to compensate members for special skills or necessary
high-risk jobs. The salary-based system pays disbursements on the 1st and 15th of
every month.
Basic Pay
The largest component of your paycheck is basic pay, which varies according to your grade
and years of service (see Fig. 1 at the end of this reading). Additionally, Reserve and National
Guard time also count for pay purposes. Basic pay doesnt include ROTC or any military academy
service. In addition to annual increases in basic pay authorized by Congress, youll also receive
longevity increases at certain intervals. These will come at the 2-, 3-, and 4-year points in your
career and then every 2 years thereafter. However, the maximum number of increases varies by
rank, e.g., captains receive their last increase after 14 years of total service (prior service captains
receive their last increase at 18 years).
Special Pay
Only individuals who use certain specialized skills or who are assigned in specified locations
will receive special pay. For example, many medical, dental, and optometry officers are entitled
to special pay. Personnel on duty in designated areas where they are subject to hostile fire or
imminent danger are also entitled to special pay. This pay is commonly known as combat pay.
Its payable to members assigned to or associated with a unit subject to hostile fire or imminent
danger in places or situations as designated by the Secretary of Defense. With the exception of
special pay for the medical community or in combat type situations, other special pay varies
widely based on years of service and/or other circumstances. For example, certain engineering
and scientific officers who sign up for additional years of service or those who are proficient in a
foreign language can qualify to receive special pay.
Incentive Pay. Individuals required to perform hazardous duties receive incentive pay. While
other incentive pays are available, the most common types are aviation career incentive pay
(ACIP) and hazardous duty incentive pay (HDIP).
ACIP, or as its more commonly called, Flight
Pay, is the most common type of incentive pay
for Air Force officers. This includes rated officers
(pilots and navigators), flight surgeons, and other
designated medical officers who perform flying
duties. As a rule, rated officers could receive
flight pay on a continuous basis if they meet all
flying requirements; nonrated officers receive
this pay only if theyre on flying status. Flight pay
rates vary according to an individuals total years
of aviation service.
HDIP for flying is given to nonrated officers
whose jobs require them to participate
in regular and frequent aerial flights. For
example, Air Weapons Controllers (AWACS)
receive HDIP. These members are paid a
varying amount each month they qualify for
the pay. Also, members performing other
hazardous duties receive a similar, monthly
HDIP payment. Some of these duties include
parachute jumping, explosives demolition,
working with highly toxic fuels or propellants,
and participating in experimental stress tests.
Allowances are amounts of money you receive for your welfare and the welfare of your
dependents. Theres one major difference between pay and allowancespay is taxable, while
allowances are not. The following paragraphs cover some of the most common allowances youll
receive if you become a member of the Air Force.
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The Air Force provides you with living quarters or a
basic allowance to find off-base housing. If you live in government quarters, you dont receive
BAH because your base housing replaces the amount needed to maintain off-base quarters. The
intent of this allowance is to provide uniformed service members with housing compensation
based on comparable civilian costs of housing. The amount of BAH is based on your grade,
dependency status (with or without dependents), and your base or units geographic location. If
you dont live in government quarters (Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ) or family housing), you
can start receiving your BAH simply by completing an application form at the finance office of
your permanent duty station. You wont receive this allowance until you do so. Current BAH rates
can be found at:
Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). This allowance is a fixed monthly rate and is the same
for all officers.
What do a second lieutenant, an airman basic, and a four-star general have in common? The
three, as well as everyone else on active duty, earn leave at the rate of 2 days for each month of
active service, which equates to 30 days per fiscal year. While on leave, individuals are entitled to
receive pay as if they were actually on duty. The individual is not, however, entitled to any travel
allowance while on leave. Obviously, the purpose of leave is to give you a break from your job,
so you can return a more productive member. The Air Force encourages the use of leave, so plan
ahead and dont lose it. The types of leave include ordinary or annual leave, convalescent or sick
leave, and emergency leave.
Ordinary Leave. The most common form of
leave is a leave of absence granted on the
request of a service member for a number of
days not to exceed the total leave the member
has accrued. Accrued leave includes that which
the individual was permitted to carry over from
the previous fiscal year of active service.
Convalescent Leave. Also known as sick leave, this is nonchargeable leave used for the
purpose of medical care when your absence is part of a treatment prescribed by a physician
or dentist for recuperation and convalescence. Convalescent leave must be approved by
your commander.
Emergency Leave. Emergency leave may be granted when an individual can show evidence
an emergency exists and that granting leave may contribute to alleviate the emergency.
Emergency leave is charged against present or future accrued leave. Emergency leave
differs from ordinary leave in that no preplanning is required, and you can be on your way
within hours of applying for it.
o benefits package would be complet without medical coverage, but did you realize
the Air Force also offers assistance with legal and spiritual matters as well?
Medical Services
The DOD operates an extensive medical system to meet the health care needs of active
duty and retired personnel and their families. As a member of the Air Force, youre entitled to
comprehensive medical and dental care.
Almost every Air Force base has a Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) to
include a dental clinic. The USAF medical system has three basic tiers
clinics, hospitals, and medical centers. Factors that influence the type of
facility available include the location and mission of the base, population
to be supported, and the availability of other DOD or civilian medical
Clinics generally provide primary carethe care needed to maintain your daily health. Clinics
care for routine illness such as a cold or flu and conduct physical exams or check-ups. Hospitals
provide more advanced levels of care such as general surgery or obstetrical services. Medical
centers provide advanced, highly specialized care such as pediatric cardiology. The worldwide
aeromedical evacuation system provides beneficiaries with access to higher levels of care, and
agreements with local specialists near each base further expand the military health care system.
Each Air Force base designates a clinic which administers routine physical examinations and
conducts sick call daily. You should report to sick call if you need medical attention. If youre
hospitalized, youll only be required to pay for your meals since youll continue to draw subsistence
allowance. The government pays all other hospitalization costs.
The government renders inpatient and outpatient medical care to you and your dependents.
These include treatment for chronic infections/diseases and nervous mental/emotional disorders.
Other services and treatments include loan of certain types of equipment, family planning
services, acute emergencies of any nature, immunizations, maternity and infant care, drugs and
medicines, and other care as authorized by the surgeon general of a uniformed service. Each
base has a health benefits advisor to provide full details on the health benefits available.
Services not provided dependents in uniformed services facilities include: domiciliary or
custodial care, prosthetic devices (other than artificial limbs and artificial eyes), hearing aids,
orthopedic footwear, spectacles, care a dependent might like to have but isnt essential (e.g.,
plastic surgery solely to improve appearance), ambulance service, and home calls by doctors,
except in extreme emergencies.
As active duty members, you will receive the
majority of your health care from the MTF at your base
of assignment. If you get married and have family
members, they have a choice of health care plans under
TRICARE program.
and legal affairs. Legal office personnel can also assist in preparing correspondence to creditors
and other parties, as appropriate. They provide counseling on changing your home of record and
filing claims against the government.
Unfortunately, Air Force lawyers (judge advocates) cannot represent you in civilian court.
They can, however, advise you on the problem and refer you to a civilian lawyer, if necessary.
Each judge advocate is a member of a state bar and is bound by the same rules of professional
ethics and client confidentiality as their civilian counterparts.
s youve discovered in this reading, the benefits package offered to Air Force members
is extensive. Military leaders and members of Congress strive on a daily basis to ensure
that the compensation for service to our great nation is both fair and meaningful, and
as you progress through this course, youll learn more and more about the benefits and services
available to Air Force members.
1. Air Force Instruction 36-2908. Family Care Plan, 1 October 2000.
2. Air Force Instruction 36-3003. Military Leave Program, 26 October 2009.
3. Benton, Col Jeffery C., (Ret). The Air Force Officers Guide. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stack Pole
Books, 1999.
Air Force Officer Career Opportunities
Cognitive Lesson Objectives:
Know the basic history and understanding of Air Force officership
as a profession.
Know the variety of career fields available to AFROTC cadets under
the Air Force Specialty Code system.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
State common traits of historically recognized professions to
include military officers.
Identify primary officer AFSC categories and potential jobs offered
to graduates in each category.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Value the importance of the academic choices you make in relation
to your future Air Force career choices.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Actively participate in classroom discussion leading to the
formulation of a personal degree plan.
Service as an Air Force officer is much more than a job. Officers are professionals whose
duties are of great importance for the government and people of the United States. If they
accept their calling as professionals, the nation will be served. In this chapter, we will review the
significance of being in one of the historically recognized professions, the profession of arms, and
then examine the various career fields in which Air Force officers can serve.
ust what does the term profession mean? One way to define profession is to examine
the professions that have historically been viewed as learned professions. There are
several ways to identify the traditional learned professions: theology, the law, the various
academic disciplines, and medicine. To one degree or another, the learned professions govern
themselves. In the United States, the clergy is almost totally self-regulating; university-level
teachers, physicians, and attorneys all have their own rules, guidelines, and ethics developed and
enforced internally by their professional community. The professions also can be thought of as
service organizations: the clergy to serve individuals and societys spiritual needs, teachers to
help individuals develop their intellectual potential, attorneys to help ensure justice for individuals
and for society as a whole, and physicians to cure physical injuries and disease.
Professions are also defined by a specialized expertise: the clergy by theology, attorneys by the
law, teaching by various academic disciplines, and physicians by medicine. Along with specialized
expertise comes the requirement for continuing education in the profession. Physicians must
stay abreast of current research and advances in medicine; lawyers must pursue continuing
legal education; and teachers must continue research in their academic areas. The degree of
self-regulationcontrolling admissions to the profession, defining professional expertise, and
maintaining professional ethicsgives each of the learned professions a sense of corporate
identity. As these postulates are true for other professions, they are true for the profession of
An officer is a professional in two senses: individual and collective. In the individual sense,
the officer like the lawyer, clergyman, or medical doctor is a specialist, an individual practitioner,
employed because of his unique learning, experience, and expertise, to perform a necessary
service of value to society. In the collective sense, the officer is a member of a profession, part
of a self-conscious group of practitioners, pursuing a common calling and practicing under a
collective compact with the nation and each other.*
*Information in this paragraph was taken from The Armed Forces Officer, US
Department of Defense. Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books, Inc., 2007.
Military Expertise
Air Force officers serve in two roles. One is as a technical specialist, and the other is as a
military professional. Most young officers understand their roles as technical specialists
as pilots, engineers, maintenance, logistics, or personnel officers, for example. Perhaps their
academic majors have some connections with their Air Force specialties. Certainly, each officers
initial training is directly related to his or her first job in the Air Force. Some officers identify with
their specialties exclusively, never coming to understand that they are first and primarily Air Force
professionals, and only then specialists. This is rather difficult to understand, because most, if not
all, of the duty time of junior officers is devoted to their specialties. Many officers complete their
careers as specialists, never having served as generalists. But even this does not change the fact
that all Air Force officers are professionals first and specialists second. Why?
The armed forces exist to serve the United States by providing the military wherewithal
to deter war and, should that fail, to fight and conclude war to the advantage of the United
States. The armed forces do not exist for themselves, as a source of employment, as a market
for American industry, nor do they exist as an internal police agent. Planning, equipping, and
training to employ military forcewhat has been called managing violenceis an extremely
complicated and demanding task. Unlike the other learned professions, the officer corps requires
a very broad spectrum of specialties. Each one of these specialties exists not independently in its
own right, but to contribute to the armed forces war-fighting capabilities. This professional role
demands that each Air Force officer understand the purpose of war, the capabilities of air and
space power, the role of air forces in warfare, and how the officers specialty contributes to unit
mission accomplishment. By having an understanding of the ultimate objectives of armed force
and how organizations and functional specialties interact, all units, specialties, and officers can
maximize their contributions to mission accomplishment. It is the duty of each Air Force officer
to acquire and maintain professional expertise. Developmental education aids in achieving this
responsibility, but because the breadth and depth of professional military expertise is so great,
no officer can depend on developmental education alone. Career-long self-study is required to
attain real professionalism.**
**Much of the information in the preceding sections was taken from The Air Force
Officers Guide, 31st Edition, Colonel (USAF Ret) Jeffrey C. Benton. Mechanicsburg,
PA: Stackpole Books, 1996.
different officer career fields and help you identify the career fields that are available to people
with your academic major. Some officer career fields require mandatory undergraduate degrees,
but many more simply identify desired, rather than mandatory, academic majors. For example,
if you want to become an Air Force pilot, the following educational requirements are outlined in
the AFOCD:
For entry into this specialty (Air Force Pilot), an undergraduate degree specializing
in physical sciences, mathematics, administration, or management is desirable.
That being the case, can someone whose academic major is music become an Air Force
pilot? The answer is yes. How about an English major? Certainly. History? Yes again. Business?
Absolutely. You get the point. What about an Air Force Intelligence officer; what do you need to
study to become one? The AFOCD states:
For entry into this specialty (Air Force Intelligence), an undergraduate degree is
desirable in physical, earth, computer, social, or information sciences; engineering;
mathematics; or foreign area studies.
Again, does that mean an accounting major or business management major cant pursue a
career as an Air Force intelligence officer? Clearly the answer is no. Any academic major can
compete for this specialty.
An example of a required or mandatory academic major can be found in the developmental
engineering career field. To be an Air Force Developmental Engineer, you must study engineering.
The AFOCD states that you must earn a specific engineering degree from an institution accredited
by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). In such a case, could a political
science major become an Air Force developmental engineer or an Air Force computer systems
engineer? The answer is no. On the other hand, does that mean that an individual who majors
in an engineering discipline must serve the Air Force as an engineer? Again, the answer is no.
Engineers often become pilots, computer programmers, communications officers, intelligence
officers, or even training squadron commanders. The diversity of career field opportunities
available to you is one of the hidden perks of service as an Air Force officer.
Before graduation from the AFROTC program, but dependent on your commissioning, the
Air Force assignment system matches you with your desired AFSC according to several variables.
First, you will identify a few AFSCs that you are both interested in and qualified for. With your
desires made known, the assignment system makes career selections based on the needs of the
Air Force. For instance, you may have intelligence officer as your first choice and if the Air
Force has a need for intelligence officers, there might be several hundred openings for you to
fill. However, if there is a glut of intelligence officers, there may only be a few hundred slots
to fill, and competition would be stiff. This competition would be resolved using performance
factors from ROTC including your cadet class rank, your grade point average, your score on the Air
Force Officer Qualifying Test, and your participation and performance as an Air Force ROTC cadet.
This system fulfills two primary objectives with respect to the assignment systemit ensures Air
Force needs are met, meaning placing only properly qualified people into appropriate specialties,
but the Air Force also attempts to place individual officers in career fields where they desire to
work and are excited about the opportunities offered by particular specialties. The bottom line
is thisby earning a college degree in any major and participating in AFROTC, you open doors to
join this exciting and historic profession.
(The following pages describe and offer a few examples from each of the nine
broad career areas.)
he Operations Career Area encompasses utilization fields that directly employ weapon
and supporting systems to accomplish the primary operational mission of the Air Force.
Included are operations commander, pilot, navigator, astronaut, command and control,
space and missile, intelligence, weather, and operations support.
Career Field Summary: The pilot career fieldincluding unmanned
aircraft systems (UAS) pilotsencompasses all functions performed
by rated pilot officers to conduct or directly support flying operations,
including combat, combat support, and training missions. Inherently
included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection,
contingency planning, and policy formulation. Candidates for this career
field must meet the qualifications for air vehicle operator duty outlined
in AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards.
Education: For entry into this specialty, undergraduate degree
specializing in physical sciences, mathematics, administration, or
management is desirable.
Career Field Summary: The navigator career field
encompasses all functions performed by rated navigator officers
to conduct or directly support flying operations, including
combat, combat support, and training missions. Inherently
included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection,
contingency planning, and policy formulation.
Education: For entry into this specialty, an undergraduate degree specializing in physical
sciences, mathematics, administration, or management is desirable.
Career Field Summary: These officers perform and manage intelligence functions and
activities to support United States and allied forces. They conduct information operations to
include analysis of information vulnerability. Some of
the other duties included are intelligence operations
and applications activities; collecting, exploiting,
producing, and disseminating foreign military threat
information; geospatial information and services (GI &
S) data application; developing intelligence policies and
plans; and human, signals, imagery, and measurement
and signature types of intelligence. Additionally,
intelligence officers plan and coordinate the use of
intelligence resources, programming, and budgeting;
support force employment planning, execution, and
combat assessment; and advise commanders, government officials, and other users of intelligence
information essential to military planning and aerospace operations.
Education: For entry into this specialty, an undergraduate academic specialization or degree is
desirable in physical, earth, computer, social, or information sciences; engineering; mathematics;
or foreign area studies.
Career Field Summary: Weather officers command, manage,
and perform weather operations for Air Force and Army activities
by integrating current and forecast atmospheric and space weather
conditions into operations and operational planning. They develop,
direct, and coordinate meteorological and space weather studies and
research, in support of the Air Force core weather responsibility of
providing meteorological and space weather information for Department
of Defense air, ground, and space operations.
Education: Successful completion of the Basic Meteorology Program
(BMP) or completion of 24 semester hours of college-level courses in
meteorology, including six semester hours of dynamic meteorology
and six semester hours of weather analysis and forecasting. Also, undergraduate academic
specialization in meteorology or atmospheric science is desirable.
Aircraft Maintenance
Career Field Summary: Aircraft maintenance officers
lead, train, and equip personnel supporting aerospace
equipment sustainment and operations. They manage
maintenance and modification of aircraft and associated
equipment; administer aircraft maintenance programs and
resources; direct aircraft maintenance production, staff
activity, and related materiel programs; and advise senior
leadership on unit capabilities.
Education: For entry into this AFSC, an undergraduate academic degree in management,
engineering, industrial management, business management, logistics management, or physical
sciences is desirable.
Logistic Readiness
Career Field Summary: Logistics readiness officers are called on to integrate the spectrum of
the logistics processes within the operational, acquisition, and wholesale environments. The
major logistics processes include distribution, materiel
management, and contingency operations. They direct
distribution and materiel management, contingency
operations, fuels management, airlift operations, and vehicle
management. Additionally, they plan logistics support
programs for wartime requirements.
Education: For entry into this specialty, undergraduate
academic specialization in logistics management, economics,
management, business administration, computer science,
information management systems, finance, accounting,
petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, or industrial
management is desirable.
Security Forces
Career Field Summary: Air Force officers working in this career field lead, manage, and direct
security force activities, including installation, weapon system, and resource security; antiterrorism;
law enforcement and investigations; military working dog functions; air
base defense; armament and equipment; training pass and registration;
information, personnel, industrial security; and combat arms.
Performing duties in the security forces career field may require the use
of deadly force.
Education: For entry into this specialty, undergraduate academic
specialization in sociology, criminology, police administration, criminal
justice, or a related area is desirable.
Civil Engineer
Career Field Summary: Civil engineers develop and
implement civil engineer (CE) force employment and
provide staff supervision and technical advice. They
also perform and manage CE functions and activities
to provide facilities and infrastructure supporting
the United States and allies. Activities include
programming, budgeting, project management,
drafting, surveying, planning, performing feasibility
operations, energy and environmental programs,
land management, real property accounting, fire protection, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD),
disaster preparedness (DP) programs, family housing and dorm management, and mobilization
programs at the base level.
Education: For most jobs in this career field, undergraduate academic specialization is
mandatory in architecture or civil, electrical, environmental, construction, architectural, or
mechanical engineering at a school that has at least one program accredited by a nationally
recognized body in engineering; or in architecture at a school that is accredited by a nationally
recognized body in architecture; or graduation from a service academy with a major in an
engineering discipline. A few specialties in this career field have more specific requirements.
Public Affairs
Career Field Summary: Public affairs
officers plan, budget for, executes, and
evaluates effectiveness of public affairs
programs. They are also required to
train full-time public affairs specialists
and additional duty unit public affairs
representatives and provide public
affairs advice, counsel, and support for
commanders and senior staff people.
Education: For entry into this
specialty, undergraduate academic
specialization is desirable in mass or
public communication, communicative
arts, journalism, public relations,
advertising, or one of the behavioral
sciences (sociology or social psychology).
Force Support
Career Field Summary: Officers serving in this career
field administer and conduct Total Force support
operations across the Air Force. Operations include
organizational design and development, manpower
programming and allocation; workforce planning and
requirements; force management to include assignment,
classification, and education and training; performance
management for both individuals and organizations;
program management including finance, budgeting
and Airman support; force readiness providing family
development, morale, welfare and recreation services,
and other force support operations.
Education: For entry into this specialty, undergraduate academic specialization in human
resource management, business administration, sociology, psychology, public administration,
mathematics, industrial engineering, industrial engineering technology, management engineering,
systems management, computer science, management, organizational development, behavioral
science, operations research, education, hospitality, restaurant and hotel management, recreation,
fitness, finance, or accounting is desirable.
Physical Therapist
Career Field Summary: Physical therapists plan, develop,
and manage physical therapy programs and activities focused
on evaluating and treating patient disabilities requiring physical
therapy. Additionally, they implement research activities and
provide and conduct training in physical therapy.
Education: For entry into this specialty, completion of a
course in physical therapy acceptable to the Surgeon General,
HQ USAF, is mandatory.
Biomedical Scientist
Career Field Summary: Biomedical scientists plan,
administer, and manage multi-disciplinary professional
programs and activities in the broad area of biomedical
sciences. They are also required to formulate biomedical
sciences programs; and develop, evaluate, and interpret
policies in the biomedical sciences, to include such
activities as managing and directing professional
programs for technical training, research, clinical practice,
therapeutics, and operational support.
Education: For entry into this specialty, a degree in
an appropriate scientific discipline.
Bioenvironmental Engineer
Career Field Summary: Bioenvironmental
engineers apply engineering and scientific
principles in identifying occupational and
environmental health (OEH) hazards and
managing associated risks to ensure force health
protection. They apply their knowledge of
engineering and the sciences to assist
commanders in meeting mission objectives at
home station and in deployed settings.
Education: Varies depending on specific area
of specialization. (see AFOCD for more specific information)
Family Physician
Career Field Summary: A family physician is tasked to provide
continuing, comprehensive health maintenance and medical care
to the entire family regardless of sex, age, or type of problem.
These doctors provide outpatient and inpatient care and services
and instruct other health care providers and nonmedical personnel.
Education: For entry into this specialty, a doctor of medicine
or a doctor of osteopathy degree from an approved school of
medicine or osteopathy, acceptable to the Surgeon General, HQ
USAF, is mandatory.
Career Field Summary: The nurse career field encompasses the functions of planning,
organizing, controlling, coordinating, executing, and evaluating nursing activities. This includes
providing direct care for patients; supervising auxiliary nursing service personnel; participating in
education and training activities; and research for the
improvement of patient care. The field also includes
participation in administering anesthetics; assisting with
surgical procedures; flight nursing activities; nursemidwifery; and other expanded roles in providing care of
obstetrics-gynecology, pediatric, or other patients in an
ambulatory setting.
Education: For entry into this specialty, graduation
from an accredited school of nursing acceptable to the
Surgeon General, HQUSAF is required. However, certain
specializations in the career field require a graduate degree
or specific specialized education.
Career Field Summary: Air Force dentists examine, diagnose, and treat diseases, abnormalities,
injuries, and dysfunctional disorders of the oral cavity and its associated structures. Additionally,
they administer dental service policy, including
establishing and maintaining dental health standards.
Education: For entry into this specialty, a doctor of
dental surgery or a doctor of dental medicine degree
from an American Dental Association accredited
college or university is mandatory.
Education: For entry into this specialty, it is mandatory to possess a doctor of medicine degree
or a doctor of osteopathy degree from an approved school of medicine or osteopathy, a masters
degree or equivalent in public health, and completion of a residency in a clinical specialty at a
hospital acceptable to the Surgeon General, HQ USAF.
Judge Advocate
Career Field Summary: These officers manage and
provide legal services to preserve prerogatives of the
United States Air Force and its commanders. They
perform duties prescribed by Uniform Code of Military
Justice (UCMJ) pursuant to Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1995 (MCM), and prepare
and provide legal opinions and decisions necessary
for efficient and effective discharge of the USAF
mission. This specialty also encompasses the
administration of military justice, including counsel
on disciplinary matters, pretrial advice, preparation
for trial, trials by courts-martial, post-trial actions,
and appellate review. Additionally, these officers
render legal advice to commanders on all phases of
Air Force operations, including international law,
operations law, procurement, claims, environmental
law, military and civilian personnel issues, patents,
litigation, military affairs, legal assistance,
preventive law, taxes, and allied legal matters.
Education: For entry into this specialty, a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor degree in law
issued by an accredited law school is mandatory.
Career Field Summary: Chaplains develop
and administer Chaplain Service policies and
procedures, including plans and operations,
readiness management, Chaplain Service
manpower, budgetary and fiscal management,
and chaplain facility repair, modification, and
construction. Chaplains also manage resources
to provide professional religious support needed
to accomplish the mission of the US Air Force and
maintain the highest degree of effectiveness and
readiness. Chaplains are also called on to advise
commanders on religious, ethical, moral, morale,
and quality of life matters.
Education: The following education is mandatory for entry into this specialty: Completion
of 120 semester hours of undergraduate credit at an institution meeting requirements of DOD
Directive 1304.19; Master of Divinity or equivalent theological degree; or 3 years of equivalent
resident graduate study according to DOD Directive 1304.19.
he Acquisition Career Area encompasses basic and applied research in support of Air
Force requirements, research and development command and staff functions, and
engineering responsibility for the design, development, installation, modification,
testing, and analysis of materiel, systems, methods, processes, and techniques. Also included is
teaching college-level courses in subjects encompassed by the academic disciplines related to the
specialty. Excluded from this area are functions pertaining to the operation and maintenance of
standard items of materiel, including their logistical and administrative support, and medical and
dental research included in the Medical Career Area.
Developmental Engineer
Career Field Summary: These officers plans,
organize, manage, and implement systems
engineering processes to assure required capability
over the life cycle of Air Force systems. Included are
accomplishing specialized engineering processes
and sub-processes; formulating engineering policy
and procedures; and coordinating and directing
engineering and technical management activities
Acquisition Manager
Career Field Summary: These officers manage
defense acquisition programs covering every aspect of
the acquisition process, including integrating engineering,
program control, test and deployment, configuration
management, production and manufacturing, quality
assurance, and logistics support. They also perform
functions essential to acquisition programs involving
major defense acquisition programs and/or subsystems
and performs acquisition support roles.
Education: For entry into this specialty, undergraduate
academic specialization in engineering, engineering
science, engineering management, mathematics,
analytical science, physical science, business, or management; or completion of a minimum of
24 semester credit hours of study from an accredited institution of higher education from among
the disciplines of: accounting, business finance, law, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial
management, marketing, quantitative methods, and organization and management is mandatory.
Career Field Summary: Contracting officers
plans, organize, manage, and accomplish
contracting functions to provide supplies and
services essential to Air Force daily operations and
war-fighting mission. Included are accomplishing
contracting system processes, formulating
contracting policy and procedures, coordinating
contracting activities, and directing contracting operations. The contracting system includes
effective acquisition planning, solicitation, cost or price analysis, offer evaluation, source selection,
contract award, and contract administration.
Education: A baccalaureate degree with a minimum of 24 semester credit hours (or the
equivalent) of study from an accredited institution of higher education in any of the following
disciplines is mandatory: accounting, business finance, law, contracts, purchasing economics,
industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, and organization and management.
Financial Management
Career Field Summary: Air Force financial management officers are asked to perform financial
management activities and manage financial programs
and operations, including accounting liaison and pay
services; budget preparation and execution; program,
cost, and economic analysis; and nonappropriated fund
oversight. They also develop special studies and
analyses of management problems and recommends
solutions and serve as a financial adviser to commander
and staff.
Education: Undergraduate academic specialization
in business administration is desirable. A minimum
of 12 semester hours in economics, accounting, and
statistics subjects (6 of which must be in accounting) is
1. Air Force Instruction 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel, 7 March 2006.
2. Air Force Officer Classification Directory (AFOCD), 31 January 2010.
Officer Air Force Specialty Code (AFSCs)
(Changed 31 Oct 08)
10C0 Operations Commander
11BX Bomber Pilot
11EX Experimental Pilot
11FX Fighter Pilot
11GX Generalist Pilot
11HX Helicopter Pilot
11KX Trainer Pilot
11MX Mobility Pilot
11RX Recce/Surv/Elect Warfare Pilot
11SX Special Operations Pilot
11UX Remotely Operated Aircraft
12BX Bomber Navigator
12EX Experimental Test Navigator
12FX Fighter Navigator
12GX Generalist Navigator
12KX Trainer Navigator
12MX Mobility Navigator
12RX Recce/Surv/Elect Warfare Nav
12SX Special Operations Navigator
12UX Remotely Operated Aircraft
Space, Missile, and C2
13AX Astronaut
13BX Air Battle Manager
13DX Control and Recovery
13MX Airfield Operation
13SX Space and Missile
14NX Intelligence
15WX Weather
20C0 Logistics Commander
21AX Aircraft Maintenance
21MX Munitions and Missile Maint.
21RX Logistics Readiness
30C0 Support Commander
Security Forces
31PX Security Forces
Civil Engineering
32EX Civil Engineer
33C0 Communications Commander
33SX Communications and Information
Public Affairs
35BX Band
35PX Public Affairs
Force Support
38FX Force Support
51JX Judge Advocate
52RX Chaplain
60C0 Program Director
Scientific Research & Development
61SX Scientist
Developmental Engineer
62EX Developmental Engineer
63AX Acquisition Manager
64PX Contracting
65AX Auditor
65FX Financial Management
65WX Cost Analysis
71SX Special Investigator
80C0 Commander, Cadet Squadron, USAFA
81C0 Training Commander, OTS
81T0 Instructor
82A0 Academic Program Manager
83R0 Recruiting Service
84H0 Historian
85G0 USAF Honor Guard
86M0 Operations Management
86P0 Command and Control
87G0 Installation Inspector General
88A0 Aide-de-Cap
90G0 General Officer
91C0 Commander
91W0 Wing Commander
92J0 Nondesignated Lawyer
92J1 AFROTC Educational Delay-Law Student
92J2 Funded Legal Ed Program Law Student
92J3 Excess Leave Law Student
92M0 Health Professions Scholarship Program
(HPSP) Medical Student
92M1 Uniformed Services University of Health
Sciences Student
92M2 HPS Biomedical Science Student
92R0 Chaplain Candidate
92S0 Student Officer Authorization
92T0 Pilot Trainee
92T1 Navigator Trainee
92T2 Air Battle Manager Trainee
92W0 Injured, Combat-Related
93P0 Patient
94N0 Nuclear Weapons Custodian
95A0 Non-Extended Active Duty USAFR Academy/
CAP Liaison Officer
96D0 Off not Avail in awarded AFSC for cause
96U0 Unclassified officere
96V0 Unallotted
97E0 Executive Officer
Aerospace Medicine
Welcome/Course Overview
Air Force Heritage
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the major historical events, leaders, and milestones that
contributed to the development of the USAF.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
List the critical events of the Combined Bomber Offensive.
Identify the state of American airpower upon entering World War I.
Identify a key technological advancement of the Korean War.
Define the major air campaigns of the Vietnam conflict.
State the objective of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space
State the goal of each of the four phases of the air campaign during
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the importance of knowing Air Force heritage.
Affective Samples of Behavior:
Read the assigned information before attending lecture.
Voluntarily participate in classroom discussion.
On a cold December
day in 1903, Orville and
Wilbur Wright made
mans first controlled
heavier-than-air vehicles.
Although the longest
flight lasted only 59
seconds and traveled just
852 feet, the air age had
begun. After establishing
the Aeronautics Section of
the Signal Corps in 1907,
the War Department
solicited bids for an airplane that could carry two people, 40 miles per hour, for 125 miles. The
Wright Brothers were awarded the contract to produce this aircraft. On 2 August 1909, the Army
officially accepted the Wright brothers aircraft after Orville Wright and Lt Frank P. Lahm had
remained aloft for over one hour and 12 minutes with an average speed of 42 miles per hour. From
this inauspicious beginning, the USAF has made exponential leaps forward through technology
development and capability.
During this period of time, the fledgling new air service fought the contempt and lack of
understanding many military leaders held toward the airplane. Brigadier General James Allen,
the chief signal officer of the United States Army, questioned the merit of the airplane. He
was skeptical of the airplanes use as an offensive weapon, stating that for the purpose of
dropping explosives on the enemy, a high speed aeroplane is hardly suitable...In passing over
the enemys works a flying machine should travel at least 4,000 feet above the earth...Traveling
at the rate of 30 miles an hour at this altitude, even after considerable practice, it is not thought
a projectile could be dropped nearer than half a mile from the target. General Allen was not
alone in his narrow view of aviations utility. Assistant Secretary of War Henry S. Breckenridge
testified before the House Military Affairs Committee in 1913 that military aviation was simply an
World War I
Upon entering the Great War, the United States ranked 14th among airpowers of the world.
Brigadier General William Billy Mitchell, an observer of the air war prior to the United States
entry, studied the concepts of Sir Hugh Trenchard (Father of the Royal Air Force) to formulate his
own ideas for the application of air power. Mitchell took Trenchards ideas of forward action and
relentless offensive to heart. In 1917, he wrote his first formal statement of Air Service doctrine
in a paper entitled General Principles Underlying the Use of Air Service in the Zone of Advance
Applying these principles, Mitchell successfully devised and executed a plan that put 1,500
planes over the battlefield in support of American ground attacks at St. Mihiel. Despite heavy
losses, Mitchells command achieved air superiority over the battlefield and effectively attacked
enemy ground forces, airfields, and communications centers. By the wars end, Mitchell had
gained a reputation as a flamboyant, outspoken, aerial tactician.
World War I was an age of men whose daring and courage brought them both fame and
early death. During his 4 months in action, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker amassed 26 confirmed
kills, with nearly the same number of unconfirmed kills, earning him the title of Americas Ace
of Aces. Captain Rickenbacker was the first flyer to earn the Medal of Honor for conspicuous
bravery during an engagement in September 1918. Like Rickenbacker, all the aviators of the first
war are remembered as heroes.
When the Armistice took effect on 11 November 1918, the United States had 45 squadrons
at the front, 80 Americans had earned the title of Ace, and the Air Service had accounted for
the destruction of 781 enemy aircraft and 73 balloons. Despite these accomplishments, many
observers concluded that airpower had not proven itself in warfare. Still, air leaders viewed
World War I as a positive experience and upon his return from Europe, General Mitchell intended
to make a case for airpower as the first line of national defense.
As a result of his writings, Mitchell would have a profound effect on the development of
air doctrine, especially among the instructors and students at the Air Corps Tactical School. The
Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS), located first at Langley Field, Virginia, and then Maxwell Field,
Alabama, was the institution where Air Corps officers contemplated, developed, and taught
airpower doctrine. The instructors focused on the offensive nature of air warfare aimed at the
vital centers (industrial web) of an enemys industrial complex. They felt the destruction of this
complex would wreck the enemy nations capacity to sustain normal day-to-day activities, which,
in turn, would destroy its will and capability to wage war. Based on this concept, the Air War Plans
Division, an air staff agency consisting of ACTS graduates developed the war plans (AWPD-1 and
later AWPD-42) with which the Army Air Corps entered and fought World War II.
Technology. Finally, the interwar period was punctuated by technological development. The
Great Depression slowed the 5 year expansion plan mandated by the Air Corps Act of 1926, but
important gains in the development and acquisition of new bomber aircraft occurred nonetheless.
The first of these were the Boeing B-9 and Martin B-10, both of which were twin-engined, all
metal monoplanes with retractable landing gear. Almost as fast as the best American pursuit
planes of the period, the B-9 and B-10 raised the hopes of air power advocates. However, these
aircraft were not capable of accomplishing the strategic bombing doctrine.
The Air Corps specified a multiengined bomber capable of carrying
a 2,000-pound bomb load over a
range of 1,200 miles at a speed of
200 miles per hour or better. Boeing
developed the B-17, a four-engine
bomber with a wingspan of 103 feet
and a service ceiling of 30,000, which
was capable of carrying a bomb load
of 2,500 pounds over a distance of
2,260 miles at top speed of 250 miles
per hour. After flying nonstop 2,100
miles from Seattle to Dayton at an
average speed of 232 miles per hour
in an August 1935 test flight, the B-17
became the symbol of strategic airpower for the Air Corps. Although the B-29 and B-36 would be
developed later, the Air Corps now had the machine to implement its doctrine during World War
Innovation during the interwar period was not just focused on military aviation. Due to
advances in aircraft technology, altitude, speed, distance, and endurance records were set.
The Question Mark, an airplane flown by Major Carl Spaatz, Captain Ira Eaker, and Lieutenant
Elwood Quesada, set an endurance record by staying aloft for over 150 hours. The airplane was
refueled 43 times, taking on 5,660 gallons of fuel. While significant, it didnt compare to Charles
A. Lindberghs solo flight across the Atlantic. The trip took 33-1/2 hours!
World War II
While the interwar period was marked by technological developments in aircraft design and
continued controversy as the Air Service made gains in its drive for independence from the Army,
the United States remained unprepared for World War II. Upon entry into World War II, the Air
Corps had only fourteen B-17s!
On 1 September 1939, the Second World War opened with the Nazi invasion of Poland. Using
the blitzkrieg (lightning war), the Germans overcame Polish resistance in 16 days. The Nazi
war machine continued its drive across Europe, and by July 1940, Norway, Holland, Denmark,
Belgium, and France had also fallen victim to Germany. While Britain stood alone against a Nazi
dominated continent, the United States would not officially enter the war for another year and a
half, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
On 8 December 1941, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare that, since the
unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, 7 December, a state of war existed between
the United States and the Japanese Empire. On the morning of 11 December 1941, Germany and
Italy declared war against the United States and the President told Congress, The long known
and the long expected have taken place. The forces endeavoring to enslave the entire world now
are moving toward this hemisphere. Congress recognized the state of war with Germany and
Italy that same day. Thus, the United States found itself engaged in a two-front war.
Based upon agreements with the British, it was decided that the United States would wage
a defensive campaign in the Pacific, while fighting offensively against the Germans who were
considered the stronger, more dangerous enemy. The Army Air Forces (AAF) entered the fray with
the AWPD-1 plan to paralyze German war production and cripple her ability and will to wage war.
They attacked selected targets from electric, transportation, synthetic petroleum, and aviation
industries. When German fighters proved to be more effective than anticipated and the German
submarine campaign took a heavier toll than expected on Allied shipping, President Roosevelt, in
August 1942, issued a call for complete air ascendancy over the enemy. The result was AWPD42, a newly devised plan updating the requirements and plans for the Army Air Forces to carry
out its operations.
Eighth Air Force B-17 attacks began on 17 August 1942, with raids against the railroad
marshaling yards at Rouen and Sotteville, France. Twelve B-17 squadrons and four RAF Spitfire
squadrons took part; losses were very light--two Spitfires and no B-17s. This experience, added
to the subsequent missions flown, led the AAF leaders to gain a false sense of confidence in
their doctrine of high-altitude, daylight, precision bombing. American air leaders were convinced
that tight bomber formations and heavy defensive armament would protect the Boeing B-17
Flying Fortress and Consolidated B-24 Liberator during daylight operations. However, with deeper
penetrations into the continent and Germany, the aircrews would face formidable opposition and
suffer tremendous losses.
In 1943, the Americans and British began joint strategic bombardment operations against
Germany. This effort, known as the Combined Bomber Offensive (CBO), combined around-the
clock operations--American bombing by day and British bombing by night--to keep the pressure
on Germany. The initial American bomber assaults deep into Germany were met with disaster.
On 14 October 1943, the AAF launched two groups of B-17s to attack the ball bearing plants
of Schweinfurt, Germany. There were 28 B-17s knocked out of the sky before the formation
reached its target. Another 32 fell victim to the Luftwaffe on the return back to their English
bases. Additionally, 17 B-17s sustained heavy damage and were eventually declared lost, while
another 121 sustained less serious damage. Of the original 291 aircraft, 198 had been damaged
or destroyed. This raid, combined with the losses absorbed on three other raids during the same
week, cost 148 bombers and their crews. As a result, the AAF avoided targets deep in German
territory for the rest of 1943.
Perseverance. AAF leaders,
losses, were not ready to
discard the doctrine of strategic
bombardment. General Henry
H. Arnold, Chief of the Army Air
Forces, felt that a fighter with
sufficient range to escort the
B-17s and B-24s into the heart of
Germany was the answer to the
attrition problem. The Eighth Air
Force attempted to increase the
range of its available fighters, but
it wasnt until the arrival of the P-51 Mustang, fitted with drop tanks, that the tide turned. The
P-51 could escort the bombers to the farthest reaches of Germany.
In late February 1944, The Eighth Air Force resumed its raids with attacks aimed at the
German aircraft industry. The attacks continued into the spring and by April the results were
obvious: the American fighters and bombers had gained control of the air. Air superiority was
vital both for the Allies success and for the relatively low casualties during the D-Day invasion.
Due to air superiority, the American and British bombers were able to attack virtually any target
in Germany for the rest of the war. By April 1945, the CBO had significantly hampered the German
war machine.
The Pacific. Halfway around the world in the Pacific Theater, another air war was taking place.
As in Europe, the AAF wanted to conduct a strategic bombing campaign against the Japanese
homeland. Due to the vast territory involved, however, this campaign would have to wait until
U.S. forces could secure airfields close enough to Japan to permit B-24 operations. The strategy
employed allowed General Douglas MacArthur to conduct an island-hopping campaign from
Australia, while Admiral Nimitz drove the Navy straight through the middle of the Pacific to secure
islands necessary in order to permit bombing operations.
Prior to these operations taking place, the decision was made to launch a strike on Japan. On
18 April 1942, Lt Col James H. Doolittle led sixteen B-25 Mitchell bombers from the U.S.S Hornet
on a raid of the Japanese mainland. Although this raid caused insignificant material damage,
it boosted the sagging morale of the
American people and caused the
Japanese to devote more resources to
home defense. It also showcased the
potential of the aircraft carrier, which
became one of the premier weapons
of World War II in the Pacific Theater.
In June 1942, at the Battle of Midway,
Navy pilots sunk four Japanese carriers,
crushing any hopes the Japanese
had of winning the war. The Battle
of Midway is considered the turning
point of the war in the Pacific. Finally,
the strategic bombing campaign
got underway in late 1944, when
the Marines captured the Marianas
Islands. Major General Curtis LeMay
commanded the Marianas-based
B-29s; it was through his direction
that these Boeing Superfortresses
exacted a terrible toll on the Japanese. LeMays 21st Bomber Command conducted firebombing
raids on Tokyo and other cities. One such raid left sixteen square miles in the center of Tokyo
completely destroyed, but it was the atomic bombs of August 1945 that forced Emperor Hirohito
to capitulate.
Atomic Bombs. On 6 August 1945, the world entered the atomic age when a B-29 named
Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb, Little Boy, on the city of Hiroshima. Three days
later, Bocks Car dropped the second atomic bomb, Fat Man, on Nagasaki. On 14 August 1945,
Japan surrendered ending World War II.
WASPs. The unsung heroes of the Army Air Forces during World War II were the Womens
Air Force Service Pilots (WASPs). Much like Rosie the Riveter made it possible for the young,
able-bodied men to fight for their country, these women freed male aviators for combat duty. The
WASPs main mission was to ferry aircraft such as the B-17, B-26, P-51, P-47, and C-54 to Europe.
They also flew many other types of missions like target towing, smoke laying, radio control
flying, instrument instruction, and test flight. By the wars end, these women had flown
approximately 60 million miles in service to their country.
winter and a dismal, rainy spring. Operation VITTLES airlifted over 200 million tons of supplies
into Germany. Finally, on 12 May 1949, the Soviets lifted the blockade. The West had won the first
encounter of the Cold War, and the Berlin Airlift had accomplished what few thought possible: it
had supplied an entire city with its basic necessities completely by air.
and relayed his intent to China through India. While its debatable whether or not President
Eisenhower would have actually used the weapons, the mere threat was enough to bring a rapid
closure to the war. Nuclear weapons success in ending the Korean War dramatically impacted the
U.S. strategic perspective for the next decade.
Strategic Force Development. Despite the fact that the majority of missions flown during
the Korean conflict were classic tactical missions, the U.S. focus was strategic nuclear force
development. Typical of the thinking of the period, Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force,
stated that the Korean War was a special case and air power can learn little from there about
its future role in U.S. foreign policy. The tensions between the United States and the Soviet
Union intensified in the wake of the Korean War. Many Americans believed the Soviets had a
master plan to dominate the world. This fear led to the expansion of the defense establishment
and development of weapons of such great power and range they would deter the Soviets from
expanding and exporting their Communist ideology. Thus money was funneled to Strategic Air
Command (SAC) for nuclear weapons development, while the tactical needs of the Air Force were
Strategic weapons developed to counter the Soviet Union included the B-52 Stratofortress,
capable of delivering nuclear bombs on the Soviets and the KC-135 Stratotanker, which would
provide the air refueling support to the attacking B-52s. The intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) was also developed during this time. With refinements made during the next 30 years,
the ICBM changed the nature of military technology, national strategy, and international relations
forever. The ICBM also opened the door for the exploration and use of space for civilian and
military purposes. The Atlas, Thor, Titan I, Titan II, Minuteman I, Minuteman II, Minuteman III, and
Peacekeeper missile systems were all developed and fielded throughout this 30-year period to
complement SACs bomber force, as well as the Navys missile launching submarines. This nuclear
triad (bombers, submarines, and missiles) still forms the backbone of the American deterrent
force today.
The thoroughly tested Apollo vehicle continued to be used during the 1970s. It provided
transport of crews to Skylab, the first American space station. Three separate crews studied the
effect of long duration space flight on the human body. Their record setting missions also conducted
an ambitious scientific program, which included earth observation and solar astronomy. The
Apollo vehicles last mission was a political breakthrough, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, in 1975.
The U.S. did successfully protect the people on the island but not without cost. Six U.S. soldiers
were killed with 33 wounded and eight missing; three helicopters were shot down. One of the
key problems experienced during the operation dealt with communications equipment. Different
military services could not communicate with one another because of incompatible frequencies.
These communications problems contributed to the death of three Army Special Forces personnel
at the hands of a Navy A-7 Corsair. Military planners began to take a hard look at joint operations.
Another dramatic raid during this time period was Operation EL DORADO CANYON. Intelligence
sources linked several terrorist acts against U.S. citizens with Libya. Intelligence also confirmed
that Libya was producing large quantities of chemical munitions to be used by its military or
terrorist groups. The raid involved 13 F-111 Aardvarks from RAF Lakenheath and RAF Upper
Heyford. After flying 2,888 nautical miles to avoid flying through the airspace of any European
nation, the F-111 began their raid. Receiving support from Navy A-7 Corsairs and EA-6 Prowlers,
the F-111s executed a precise military operation, suffering the loss of only one crew. Smart
munitions proved their effectiveness by dramatically limiting collateral damage.
As the U.S. prepared to close out the decade, the U.S. Air Force executed another major
military operation, Operation JUST CAUSE. Panamanian President Manuel Noriega was seeking
to seriously undermine the U.S. credibility and strength in the region through drug trafficking.
Panamanian officials increasingly harassed U.S. military and civilian personnel in the country.
Eventually President Bush said, Hes gone too far, when Marine 1st Lt Robert Paz was executed
near Noriegas private residence. Just 4 days later, 25,000 U.S. military personnel were involved
in Operation JUST CAUSE. The operation was a major success despite being compromised to the
Panamanian Defense Forces. It was obvious. U.S. military planners had learned their lessons from
Operation URGENT FURY.
after launch, killing its crew of six astronauts and one civilian. Since then, many payloads have
shifted to expendable launch vehicles, while the shuttle mainly carries payloads that require a
Though less dramatic than the space shuttle, unmanned systems in space or sensors on the
ground provide the backbone of our Defense Department space effort. Most of these programs
are managed by the Air Force Space Command, which formed in 1982 as the primary DoD agent for
space. Operation DESERT STORM illustrated the importance of Space Support missions, particularly
Satellite Operations. The
NAVSTAR Global Positioning
System provided threedimensional navigation data
so that soldiers could travel
in the featureless desert
and aircraft could bomb
within feet of their target.
The Defense Meteorological
Satellite Program provided
weather data that permitted
our aircraft to continue
combat sorties despite the
worst weather in years in
Iraq. The Defense Satellite
provided communications
for commanders in the field and the National Command Authorities in a part of the world that
lacked telephone lines, while other systems provided warning of SCUD missile launches that
threatened our troops. Of course, Space Lift Systems, such as the Delta II medium launch vehicle
or the Titan IV heavy lift vehicle, were made available months or years earlier to place these
systems in orbit.
Tanker support was also essential for training activities during DESERT SHIELD and for combat
operations during DESERT STORM, especially due to the long distances involved. For example,
fighter missions from the more distant bases in the theater to targets in Iraq could last 8 to 9
hours and require refueling en route to the target and during the return flight. During DESERT
SHIELD, tankers flew almost 5,000 sorties and refueled over 14,500 aircraft. In DESERT STORM,
the tanker fleet logged 15,000 sorties and refueled almost 46,000 aircraft.
The strategic airliftersC-141 Starlifters and C-5 Galaxy transportswere crucial to the
deployment of forces to the theater. In addition to deploying USAF units, airlift also rapidly moved
light ground units such as the 82d Airborne Division and Marines, who picked up prepositioned
equipment in the theater. Throughout Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM, airlift
moved the vast majority of personnel into the theater and ensured the timely delivery of high
priority resources. The USAF transport fleet was complemented for the first time by the extensive
activation of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, providing 158 civilian aircraft--95 passenger and 63
cargofor the airlift effort. During the two operations, the airlift moved 482,000 passengers and
over 515,000 tons of cargo. This total was more than four times the ton-miles delivered during
the 15 months of the Berlin Airlift in 1948-1949.
The offensive campaign plan, developed under General Schwarzkopfs direction, was based
on the clear advantage that the coalition enjoyed in air power. The original plan, called INSTANT
THUNDER, called for a quick, decisive campaign that would paralyze the Iraqis ability and will to
fight. The name itself is significant, because it signified the overwhelming offensive focus, rather
than the gradualist approach used in Vietnams ROLLING THUNDER 15 years earlier.
USAF planners developed
a four-phase air campaign plan
to guide the air operations. The
initial phase of the campaign
was aimed at strategic targets in
the heart of Iraq. These included
key government offices; military
headquarters; the command,
control, communications and
intelligence system; nuclear,
production and storage facilities;
offensive delivery systems such
as ballistic missiles; electric and petroleum production and distribution capabilities; and the Iraqi
Air Force.
The second planned phase was designed to suppress the Iraqi air defenses in the Kuwait
Theater of Operations (KTO). The third stage was the isolation and destruction of the Iraqi forces
in the KTO. This stage was designed to reduce the combat capability of the potent Iraqi ground
forces before the final coalition ground offensive. The last phase of the air plan was to provide
The intensity of the air attack--1,300 combat sorties and over 100 cruise missile attacks in the
first 24 hours--stunned the Iraqi military. With minimal losses, the coalition air forces gained air
superiority within days. The limited reaction by the Iraqi Air Force resulted in 36 air-to-air kills
by coalition fighters with no Iraqi victories. As the campaign progressed, the coalition destroyed
over 225 Iraqi aircraft on the ground, including many in hardened aircraft shelters. In the face of
this determined offensive counterair effort, the Iraqis flew 130 aircraft to Iran in an attempt to
preserve a portion of their fleet.
The air campaign achieved almost all of its strategic objectives. The most significant effects
were the general disruption of the military command and control system, and the destruction
of the production and delivery capabilities for weapons of mass destruction. The most difficult
targets were the mobile SCUD ballistic missile launchers. But even this relatively limited Iraqi
capability was degraded by the flexible use of a variety of aircraft. Air operations effectively
isolated the KTO from its supply base in central Iraq.
Additionally, the air attacks accomplished their objectives of reducing the combat capability
of the ground forces and deflating the morale of the soldiers. At the start of the ground campaign,
General Schwarzkopf estimated that the overall combat effectiveness of the Iraqi ground forces
had been reduced by 50 percent. The air campaign destroyed an estimated 1,800 tanks, 1,000
armored vehicles, and 1,500 artillery pieces. Units that experienced air attacks suffered desertion
rates of 20 to 40 percent before the coalition ground offensive began. Additionally, the low
morale was reflected in the willingness of many Iraqi soldiers to surrender without fighting. On
24 February 1991, the first day of the coalition ground offensive, over 8,000 troops surrendered,
with that number growing to 86,000 during the remaining 3 days of the war. The stunning ground
victory, at the cost of less than 200 coalition lives, owed much to the foundation laid by the air
In May 1994, the military selected Supreme Court Justice Emile Jonassaint to be provisional
president of its third de facto regime. The UN and the U.S. reacted to this extraconstitutional
move by tightening economic sanctions (UN Resolution 917). On 31 July 1994, the UN adopted
Resolution 940, authorizing member states to use all necessary means to facilitate the departure
of Haitis military
leadership and to
restore constitutional
rule and Aristides
presidency. In the
weeks that followed,
the United States took
the lead in forming a
multinational force
(MNF) to carry out
the UNs mandate by
means of a military
Operation UPHOLD
fostering democratic
reducing the flow of
into the United
States. Despite the
pledges of a militarybacked regime in Haiti to return power to the democratically elected government it had ousted,
the regime did not relinquish authority but became increasingly repressive and presided over a
plummeting economy. As the result of deteriorating conditions, tens of thousands of impoverished
Haitians fled the country, many attempting to enter the United States.
The United States responded with Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, the movement of forces to
Haiti to support the return of Haitian democracy. The U.S.-led Multinational Force for Haiti (MNF)
began on 19 September 1994 with the approval of the Security Council, which at the same time
approved the follow-on UN operation. In preparation for this contingency, DoD simultaneously
planned for an invasion and for the peaceful entry of forces into Haiti, and executed portions
of both scenarios. For the invasion, an airdrop was planned involving 3,900 paratroopers. Most
of this force was airborne when Haitian officials agreed to a peaceful transition of government
and permissive entry of American forces. With U.S. troops prepared to enter Haiti in a matter
of hours, President Clinton dispatched a negotiating team led by former President Jimmy Carter
to discuss with the de facto Haitian leadership the terms of their departure. As a result, the
MNF deployed peacefully, Cedras and other top military leaders left Haiti, and restoration of the
legitimate government began, leading to Aristides return on 15 October.
Europe (OSCE). However, violence continued and the situation worsened significantly in January
1999. A peace conference held in Paris broke up on 19 March with the refusal of the Yugoslav
delegation to accept a peaceful settlement.
Excerpts from USAF Posture Statement 2000:
The Air Force played a dominant role in NATOs air war against Serbia. Operation ALLIED
FORCE was the equivalent of a major theater war for the Air Force. We had over 500 aircraft and
44,000 people from our active and reserve components committed to this significant combat
operation. Some of our Airmen fought from home bases in the U.S. or overseas, but many
deployed into 1 of the 21 expeditionary operating locations we created during the crisis. For
example, the international airport at Tirana, Albania was turned from a remote airfield into both
a major humanitarian relief center and a combat location for Task Force Hawk in less than 12
days. Five C-130s arrived from Ramstein AB, Germany on March 30th, and by April 4th, the first
C-17 was offloading outsized cargo for the Armys Apache helicopter unit. From the time our
expeditionary Airmen landed at the airport to the time combat helicopters landed in Tirana only
9 days. By mid-April the airfield was fully operational, flying approximately 25 airlift sorties per
day. Throughout this short time period, Air Force civil engineer units steadily improved airfield
operations and living conditions by setting up water, sewer, electricity, roads, and critical runway
repairs and upgrades. By the end of operations, 1,240 sorties would fly into Tirana.
More than 90 percent of the combat sorties delivered precision-guided munitions. B-1 and
B-52 aircraft dropped 10,000 nonprecision munitions to close airfields and strike concentrations
of opposing forces. These strike sorties were highly effective and successful because of our welltrained people and our unquestioned ability to control the air above the fight. It wasnt just
precision munitions, however, that made the outcome of Operation ALLIED FORCE so successful.
The integration of manned and unmanned air and space weapon systems were truly merged in
one air and space domain where intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) from air
or space platforms were step-for-step synchronized with our combat operations at all levels of
warfarefrom the strategic level to the tactical level.
The success of Operation ALLIED FORCE stemmed from our long-term investment in aircraft
modernization and stealth, as well as a range of precision, near-precision and stand-off weapons;
real-time communications; unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); space systems; and ISR aircraft. We
gleaned many insights from this conflict, and they will be reflected in current and future budgets.
Some of the lessons we learned were:
Expeditionary operations worked. With seeming ease, our Airmen deployed to more than
20 expeditionary bases, bringing with them the force protection, logistics, sustainment,
and communications systems that supported expeditionary combat operations.
Logistics worked. Depots (parts suppliers) surged and provided some 500,000 additional
hours of work. With Air Mobility Commands worldwide express package delivery system,
93 percent of replacement parts got to forward expeditionary bases in Europe in an average
of just 3.7 days. The engaged force averaged a 92 percent mission capable rate, much
better than the peacetime average, because it had adequate parts and a full complement
of experienced maintenance personnel.
Technology worked. The many areas where technology gave U.S. great advantages are
the same areas that offer U.S. the chance to modernize and improve our forces, gaining
greater capability and saving dollars.
During the 78 days of combat, 14 NATO nations flew 38,000 sorties and dropped 27,000
munitions against a wide range of Serbian targets in a small battlespace. Our Air Force provided
nearly 50 percent of the coalition aircraft, dropped 70 percent of the munitions, and provided a
large portion of the support aircraft. These support aircraft flew critical intelligence, surveillance,
reconnaissance, and mobility missions, which were key ingredients to the operations success.
During combat missions, hundreds of aircraft from many countries flew in close proximity over
the Balkans; at some times, as many as five aerial refueling tracks were operational over the
Adriatic at one time, competing for airspace with the tracks for ISR and command and control
aircraft. For the Air Force, Operation ALLIED FORCE was equivalent to a major theater war.
We proved expeditionary air and space power was decisive. From the operational perspective,
Airmen damaged over 85 percent of critical infrastructure targets and attacked more than 850
Yugoslav army ground mobile targets (such as tanks, artillery pieces and trucks). From the strategic
perspective, air and space power demonstrated NATOs might and resolve to Serbian leaders; and
in the end, Serbia complied with NATO demands. The synergy that resulted from combining air,
space, and information operations allowed NATO to attack strategic, operational, and tactical
targets, day and night, and often in adverse weather conditions within hours of being identified.
Having said all that, the greatest advantage we have is our outstanding people.
optical and infrared cameras, and signals intelligence collection systems on board these aircraft
developed a common operational picture for U.S. forces and guided attacks against al Qaeda and
Taliban targets.
The impact of operations in Afghanistan on Air Force Competencies, Functions, and Doctrine
remains to be seen. The analysis of the operations, and determining lessons learned, will
continue for several years. According to then Secretary of the Air Force James Roche, Operation
ENDURING FREEDOMwhich set in motion the collapse of the Taliban regimetaught us several
lessons about warfare in the new age.
OEF demonstrated the potential of highly networked joint operations. By linking AC-130
gunships, Predators, Global Hawks, and JSTARS, Operation Enduring Freedom demonstrated
that high pay-offs result from a network-centric warfare concept of operations. The Special
Operations Forces on the ground, as well as sophisticated overhead reconnaissance systems,
served as a network of sensors that provided a picture of the battlefield. This permitted coalition
forces to combine a wide variety of existing military capabilitiesranging from advanced laserguide weapons to old B-52s updated with modern electronicsand to coordinate them with the
most rudimentary weapon system: men on horseback. Dramatically improved communications
between pilots and Special Operations Forces on the ground reduced the time (Kill Chain) it took
from a soldier identifying a target to an aircraft attacking it from hours to minutes.
The second front on the war on terror is in Iraq. Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) began in
March of 2003. To many people, OIF, sometimes referred to as Gulf War II had no air campaign
associated with it. This is a misperception. In fact the air campaign for OIF had been underway
for over 12 years before the first Coalition soldier set foot in Iraq. The 12 year campaign to
suppress Saddam Husseins forces was referred to as Operations NORTHERN and SOUTHERN
WATCH. In fact, as then Air Force Secretary James G. Roche pointed out at the conclusion of the
initial OIF combat operations, Operations NORTHERN and SOUTHERN WATCH were so successful
that During the entire campaign, the Iraqi Air Force didnt fly a single sortie against coalition
During Operation Iraqi Freedom the coalition planned for and waged war emphasizing
mobility and speed, precision, and information dominance. These characteristics were exhibited
by the ISR assets employed by the U.S. and coalition forces and the amount of data collected. The
operation began with the launch of a decapitation mission on 20 March 03. In coordination,
ground forces began moving towards Iraqs southern boarder. On 21 March, Special Operations
Forces took control of two airfields in western Iraq that could be used as a staging area for future
operations. Counterair and interdiction missions were conducted by U.S. air forces on 27 March.
Targets included enemy military assets between Baghdad and Army and Marine forces south of
the city, Command and Control targets, and Iraqi military forces surrounding Baghdad.
declared that major battle
operations had ended on 1
May 2003, we all realize that
IRAQI FREEDOM is still ongoing.
The lessons learned from
IRAQI FREEDOM are still being
collected and analyzed and it
may take several years before
they are fully understood in
depth. However, we can look
at some lessons as they apply to
U.S. policy.
The main advancement in
U.S. military operations during
OIF are in the area of joint
operations. The area of joint
ops is clearly the predominant
success story of Iraqi Freedom.
General Franks noted in
his testimony that we have
improved joint interoperability
and C4I networks. These
advancements enabled new
levels of synergy between air,
land, and sea forces, allowing
forces to achieve military
maneuver, special operations,
precision lethal fires, and nonlethal effects. On advancements
in joint ops, he stated: We saw
for the first time integration of
forces rather than deconfliction
of forces. The U.S. military
realized effective integration
of forces, displayed by U.S.
conventional forces leveraging
special ops capabilities to
deal with asymmetric threats.
Likewise, special ops forces were
aided by conventional forces
in taking on special missions.
The advancements in joint
operations is changing, which will require more interoperability and precise real-time command
and control in air and space operations. The speed of information will require the United States
Air Force to achieve decision cycle dominance to strike adversaries before they can mount an
effective defense. There will be an increased demand for precision in warfare, and the need to
field capabilities that can deliver timely, desired effects while minimizing collateral damage.
As a result of these lessons learned, the Air Force has established a capabilities-based approach
to war planning that is closely aligned with National Security Strategy and DoD priorities, allowing
us to focus investments on those key weapon systems we need to support the joint warfighter.
The Air Force Concept of Operations or CONOPS that support capabilities-based planning and
the joint vision of combat and combat support operations will shape the future of the USAF. The
CONOPS help analyze the span of joint tasks we may be asked to perform and define the effects
we can produce. Most important, they help us identify the capabilities an expeditionary force will
need to accomplish its mission, creating a framework that enables us to shape our portfolio.
Camp David where they continued their discussions of various options. Again CIA Director Tenant
presented his robust strategy which involved a military campaign to overthrow the Taliban and
conduct a covert anti-terror war against Al Queda in sixty or more nations.[3]
Tenet wanted to send CIA agents and Special Forces into Afghanistan and provide the Northern
Alliance with military support in their war against the Taliban. Once in place, Special Forces would
provide targeting information to American aircraft which would then attack key Taliban positions.
The war would be fought by the Northern Alliance, with America providing financial aid,
logistical support, arms, and precision air attacks. It would take discipline and patience, stated
Tenet, but it would work.[4]
At this point, the Pentagon offered the President other alternatives, included an immediate
cruise missile attack on various Al Queda training camps. A second option involved a combined
cruise missile and manned bomber attacks against the terrorist training camps and key Taliban
centers. A proposal for an all-out land invasion was offered but it was quickly dismissed. The last
Pentagon recommendation focused on implementing a coordinated air campaign using Special
Forces as forward air controllers.[5]
The Pentagon was skeptical of providing direct support to the Northern Alliance.[6] This
amalgam of forces controlled only a small portion of Afghanistans northeast corner and was
judged to be little more than a patchwork of about 30,000 poorly armed militia-men. It may
be too risky, explained one Pentagon official. The Americans should not put its faith-and its
people-in the hands of an opposition force that had shown little skill in fighting the Taliban in the
past.[7] The assassination of the Northern Alliances talented commander, Ahmed Massoud on
September 9th created even more unsettling doubt of the Tenet proposals.[8]
After reviewing various options and dismissing a suggestion to attack Saddam Hussein,
President Bush retired to consider Americas course of action. Two days later, on 17 September,
he reconvened his cabinet officers and notified them of his decision. America, he began, will fight
the terrorists and will confront anyone who aids and harbors them. Phase One of this military
campaign would basically follow the plans proposed by George Tenet.[9] In Afghanistan, stated
the President, I want the CIA to be first on the ground, and work with the Northern Alliance.[10]
Then, he turned to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and General Henry Shelton, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and told them to ensure that the air strikes were coordinated with
guidance from Special Forces. Well attack, emphasized the President, with missiles, bombers
and boots on the ground. [11]
A pivotal factor in these decisions was the status of various countries surrounding Afghanistan.
Of these Pakistans loyalty was especially critical. From 1979 to 1989, during the USSRs occupation
of Afghanistan, Pakistan supported the most radical factions of the Mujahideen guerrillas in their
fight against the Soviets. Then, from l994 through 2001, Pakistan was one of only three countries
which provided the Taliban with major support in their continuing civil war against Ahmed
Massouds North Alliance forces.[12]
The question of Pakistans support, therefore, was crucial. To fight the Taliban and Al Queda,
the U.S. would need military bases and permission to over-fly Pakistan. Secretary of State Colin
Powell informed the President that radical Muslims were constantly threatening Pakistans
government and therefore he believed President General Pervez Musharraf would support the
American cause. I believe, explained Secretary Powell, that Musharraf does not want the radicals
to turn Pakistan into a rogue state, and therefore he will be open to U.S. assistance.[13]
Later, in a Washington meeting with one of Musharrafs representatives, the Bush
Administration forcefully encouraged Pakistans full cooperation. Under Secretary of State Richard
Armitage requested that Pakistan seal the borders, provide over flights and basing rights, sever
diplomatic relations with the Taliban and cut off the flow of oil and gas to Kabul. If Pakistan
would agree to these terms, explained Armitage, the U.S. would lift all economic sanctions, and
shower Musharraf with more financial aid than he would know how to spend. Essentially, noted
Secretary Powell, we gave him an offer and he decided to he could not refuse it.[14]
While work continued on the diplomatic front, the Bush Administration began sending military
supplies to the Northern Alliance. Just days after the American attacks, an arms agreement was
made with Russia in which the U.S. began financing the transfer of weapons from Russia to
the Northern Alliance.[15] Interestingly, several months prior to the September 11th attacks,
Northern Alliance spokesmen were in Washington trying to get military aid. However, because
the U.S. wanted to remain loyal to Pakistan, an old time cold war ally, these pleas for assistance
were overlooked.[16]
From September 17th through October 6th, the deployment phase of the Operation Enduring
Freedom moved forward. Ships, planes, CIA operatives, Special Forces, and logistical support
began moving into striking positions. On 21 September, USAF Lieutenant General Charles F. Wald,
the commander of American Air Forces assigned to the Middle East, headed for the Combined Air
Operations Center [CAOC] located in Saudi Arabia. From his post, General Wald would help direct
the air campaign against Taliban and Al Queda forces. While the U.S. and British navies were
sending ships into the Persian Gulf and off Pakistans coast, B-52s and B-1B bombers were heading
for the Indian Ocean to the British island of Diego Garcia.[17] The air war over Afghanistan was
about to begin.
The air campaign began on October 7th when about 50 cruise missiles were launched from
American and British ships. These attacks were followed by F-14, F-18, B-2, B-1 and B-52 strikes
against Taliban headquarters, training camps, airfields, air defense nodes, and other key targets.
In Kandahar and Kabul the electrical systems were quickly destroyed, plunging the cities into
darkness. Other missiles struck and destroyed Taliban leader Mulla Omars guest house.[18]
At the time of these attacks, there were an estimated 45,000 Taliban soldiers, equipped with
approximately 450 T-55 and T-62 tanks. Their air force consisted of about 30 MIG-21s and SU-22s.
Taliban air defenses were fortified with a few SA-3s, some 300 or so antiaircraft guns, and about
100 shoulder-fired stinger missiles left over from the Soviet/Mujahideen war of the l980s.
In terms of conventional arms, Taliban fortification were not overly formidable.[19]
While U.S. air strikes continued through the first week, a radio station configured C-130 aircraft
headed into the battle arena and began broadcasting messages to the Afghanistan people. Called
Commando Solo, this aircraft informed Afghan listeners of Americas intentions of aiding them
in their struggle against the Taliban.[20] In addition, USAF C-17 transports dropped over 75,000
packets of food and medical supplies. These planes flew out of Ramstein Air Base and parachuted
most of their cargo into Afghanistan refugee camps. Each food packet possessed the written
statement: This is a food gift from the people of the United States of America.[21] Commenting
on this unique dual air strategy, U.S. Congressman Ike Skelton said its the first time Ive ever
heard of trying to feed the people while youre trying to destroy their government. I dont think
its ever been done before, but I think its an excellent strategy.[22]
By day three the Americans had gained air supremacy.[23] During the initial strikes, the
Taliban had launched several stingers and they continued to fire their antiaircraft guns. However,
because the Americans flew above 15,000 feet the Stingers were ineffective.[24] From the state
of Missouri, B-2 stealth bombers flew forty-one hours across half the world into the war zone
where they attacked Taliban air defenses. Bagram air base was hit and Shindand air field located
near Herat was pocketed with craters.[25] After these attacks the B-2s flew to the island of
Diego Garcia where a new crew took the controls and flew them back to the U.S. Although B-2s
would be used later in the war, by 11 October, with most of the Taliban air defenses destroyed,
they were no longer scheduled to fly regular sorties.[26] For the most part, explained General
Wald, Taliban integrated air defenses and their command-and-control systems were demolished
within the first 15 minutes or so.[27]
After the first week, various American planes began flying around the clock striking key Taliban
targets. There were, however, accusations that an errant bomb had struck the Kabul offices of
a land mine removal team, killing four civilians.[28] Commenting on this, Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld, who twice a day relayed political guidance to U.S. Army General Tommy R. Franks,
Commander of U.S. Central Command, stated that as always, coalition forces will continue to
make every reasonable effort to select targets with the least possible unintended damage.[29]
Shortly afterward, U.S. Navy pilots flying off the U.S. carrier Carl Vinson were told to fly over
and visually identify targets before dropping their bombs.[30] As in the 1999 Kosovo air war,
political considerations concerning collateral damage played a significant role in the planning and
execution of the air campaign.
After 2 weeks into the war, C-130 gunships and F-15E Eagles made their first appearance.[31]
Initially, C-130 gunships flew primarily in the south, attacking Taliban posts in the Kandahar region.
Because of their extended loitering ability, they could remain over enemy territory for long periods
of time, thus providing a continuous threat. While the aerial attacks from passing bombers were
relatively short in duration, noted
one Air Force officer, the AC-130
gunships can strike with their Gatling
guns providing continuous fire and
that experience can be even more
By week three, the air war
shifted away from striking airfields,
air defenses, communication nodes,
and other fixed targets to attacking
tanks and Taliban troop placements.
Engagement zones were established
as patrolling forward air controllers
looked for targets and authorized
attacks.[33] On or about the 19th of
October, in support of the Northern
Alliance, USAF C-130 cargo planes
began ferrying U.S. and British Special
Forces into Afghanistans back country.
[34] Both C-17s and C-130s continued
dropping ammunition, warm clothes,
boots, and miscellaneous equipment
to these commandos.[35]
Despite the intense air assault, by late October, Taliban forces were still occupying all the
major Afghan cities and they appeared to be more resilient than ever. In addition, the Northern
Alliance had not made any significant advances against the enemy and while air attacks continued
against key Taliban targets, there were few signs of progress. At this point, because of political
constraints, aircrews were required to withhold strikes against the Taliban defending Kabul.
About 35 miles northeast of the capital, the enemy had constructed a series of bunkers and were
fully entrenched in these defensive perimeters. A Northern Alliance force was maneuvering
southward through the Panjshir valley toward Kabul and requested more air strikes. The U.S.,
however, responded with only token air attacks.[36] According to Janes Defense Weekly, the
number of air strikes in this area were sporadic and limited in intensity with fighter-bombers
dropping usually no more than eight bombs.[37]
When one Northern Alliance commander was asked about the importance of air power, he
claimed that it was of little help to his troops but it was certainly aiding the enemy. After a
few attacks, their morale was better. In comparison, he submitted, our artillery is better.[38]
Most Northern Alliance commanders did not understand why air power was being held back.
The concerns of American generals and politicians--to exhaust diplomatic avenues, to minimize
civilian deaths, to avoid alienating the Muslim world, to stop short of being dragged into the
quagmire of Afghanistans politics--have little resonance among these men, explained the New
York Times. [39]
This incremental use of air power was a calculated attempt by the U.S. government to ensure
that the military campaign was not leaping ahead of a diplomatic effort to restore a pro-Western
Afghan government. Pakistan wanted assurances that a new Kabul government would represent
all of Afghanistans tribes. Between 1992 and 1996, a Mujahideen government, dominated by
Tajiks and Uzbeks and void of Pashtuns which comprised over forty percent of the population was
unable to bring stability to Afghanistan. Then, in 1996, the Pashtun dominated Taliban captured
Kabul and with Pakistan aid forced the Northern Alliance into an extensive military retreat. The
configuration of a post Taliban government, therefore was a serious political issue. It was even
more sensitive to Pakistan since its arch rival, India, had fully supported the Northern Alliance.
Washington wanted to slow down the advance on Kabul to convey a message to the Pashtuns
that in the future they would play a vital political role. In addition, there was a belief that a
sudden Taliban retreat from Kabul would throw all of Afghanistan into total anarchy.[41] In
effect, concluded the New York Times, American military planners were finding themselves
obliged to calibrate the bombing to achieve a desired political result---establishing a stable,
broadly representative government in Kabul--that has eluded Afghanistan for decades.[42]
With little progress to report, there suddenly appeared a swelling chorus of complaints
concerning the Americas slow military progress. A few U.S. congressmen claimed that the
American strategy was just too timid and sluggish. They wanted to send in more U.S. ground
troops and sever American dependence on the Northern Alliance.[43] This viewpoint was
reinforced on October 20th, when a Northern Alliance advancement against Mazar-e Sharif
collapsed after suffering from significant casualties.[44] At this point, even Northern Alliance
commanders were complaining that the American bombing campaign appeared increasingly
misguided and ineffectual.[45]
For many skeptics, Americans new war appeared to be slipping into a morass of
inconclusiveness. Noting that the signs of progress were sparse, the New York Times wondered if
America was facing another Vietnam and thus becoming involved in another stalemate on the
other side of the world.[46] While the Taliban were oozing bravado, announced Time magazine,
critics from the Middle East to Congress were claiming that America was hurtling toward either
humiliating defeat or inescapable quagmire.... [47]
In November, Foreign Affairs featured the essay Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires. In their
preview the editors noted that for 10 years (1979-1989), the Soviet Union was unsuccessful in
trying to conquer Afghanistan. Accordingly, noted the editors, the U.S. needed to proceed with
caution--or end up on the ash heap of Afghan history.[48] This period of pessimism concerning
Americas war effort was exacerbated by the portent of a harsh early Afghanistan winter with
its sub-zero freezing temperatures and winds of over 100 miles an hour. And finally, there was
confusion as how the U.S. would react to the advent of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which
was scheduled to begin on November 17th.[49]
In early November, the Americas war momentum increased. On 30 October, General Tommy
R. Franks, Commander of U.S. Operations in Afghanistan, flew to Tajikistan and met with General
Mohammed Fahim, Commander of the Northern Alliance. The conference, according to General
Franks, was very formal and productive.[50] Upon conclusion, there were wide spread forecasts
that the intensity of fighting around Mazar-e Sharif would increase. Subsequently, the Pentagon
stated that more troops and forward air controllers were on their way into Afghanistan to join the
100 or so commandos already in country.[51]
Once in place and among the Northern Alliance fighters, many of these American Special
Forces commandos grew beards and wore tribal clothing and rode on horses to the front lines
over treacherous high mountain trails atop wooden saddles. In addition, pack mules were used to
carry in heavy equipment.[52] The commandos brought with them targeting equipment which
included high-powered telescopes, global positioning receivers, hand-held laser range finders,
and radios that allowed them to send maps and close-up photographs to command centers
via satellites and to loitering aircraft.[53] Once these messages arrived in the Saudi Arabian
Combined Air Operations Center, [CAOC] they were linked with data gathered from JSTARs, U-2s,
satellites, RC-135 Rivet Joints, flying Predator UAVs and other sources.[54] Then, as the New York
Times explained, in Saudi Arabia, American commanders could watch all these moving parts on
a big screen, directing aircraft like pieces on a chess board.[55]
According to Secretary Rumsfeld, the commandos not only helped plan the offensive against
the Taliban defending Mazar-e Sharif, they were an integral part of the advancing Northern Alliance
forces.[56] At one point, Northern Alliance Commander Rashid Dostum cornered a young Air
Force Special Operations lieutenant and told him he desperately needed air support. Dostum, one
of Afghans most feared warlords, was astounded when only 20 minutes later bombs rocketed out
of the sky, striking Taliban positions, sending fireballs everywhere, destroying artillery, and killing
over 250 enemy soldiers. Since Dostum did not expect air support for at least another day, he was
shocked with the rapidity, accuracy and power of the strike.[57]
These quick and precise strikes were indications that net centric war had arrive in Northern
Afghanistan. They were the culmination of new advancements in surveillance and the most
obvious signs of Americas transformation in warfare. Using laser guided target designators, U.S.
Special Forces forwarded messages to waiting B-52 and B-1 bombers who quickly unleashed their
precision guided weapons. Twenty first century technology was now linked to the nineteenth
century fighting skills of the Northern Alliance. Indeed, noted Secretary Rumsfeld, the battle for
Mazar, was a transformational battle.[58]
The Northern Alliances offensive against Mazar-e Sharif began on 4 November when
Dostums forces captured Keshendeh, a town 50 miles southwest of the key objective. This
village, explained Janes Intelligence Review, was taken only after Dostums cavalry charged into
the Talibans defensive lines.[59] According to Secretary Rumsfeld, U.S. commandos participated
in the attack. Initially, there were several key air strikes in which:
The explosions were deafening and the timing so precise that, as the soldiers
describe it, hundred of Afghan horsemen emerged, literally, out of the smoke,
riding down on the enemy through clouds of dust and flying shrapnel. A few
carried RPGs, some had less than ten rounds of ammunition in their guns-but they
rode boldly--Americans and Afghans--into tank, mortar, artillery and sniper fire. It
was the first U.S. cavalry attack of the 21st Century. [60]
While Dostum was maneuvering against Keshendeh, another Northern Alliance force under
the command of General Atta Mohammed was preparing for an attack against Ag Kupruk, a town
40 miles south of Mazar-e Sharif. An American U.S. Army commando team of twelve, plus one
USAF forward air controller were fighting with this force of about 2,000 troops. Earlier, to equip
these soldiers, the commandos had called in air drops of supplies which included shoes, blankets,
food, and ammunition. Now, as they approached Ag Kupruk, six commandos advanced with
Attas forces while the other seven circled northward through the mountains and maneuvered
behind the enemys lines. From their advantage points these two commando teams designated
targets with their lasers, called in air strikes, and helped guide bombs to their mark:
The bloody accuracy of the attacks instantly lifted the spirits of Atta and his troops.
During one bombing raid, Stan, the A-teams warrant officer, was showing Atta
how the lasers worked. Just as Atta put his eye up to the view finder, an American
bomb obliterated a distant target. [61]
On November 6th, after more air strikes, followed by a Northern Alliance ground attack,
Ag Kupruk capitulated. With Keshendeh and Ag Kopruk in Northern Alliance hands, Generals
Atta Muhammed and Dostum joined forces and advanced northward through Shulgarah Gorge
toward Mazar-e Sharif where more battles were fought. In support of these operations, U.S.
aircraft continued their attacks from the vertical flank, as sorties increased to approximately 120
per day.[62]
Once outside of Mazar-e Sharif, a third element of the Northern Alliance, a Hazara military
unit, joined in for the final advancement. Then, on the evening of November 9th, more than
5,000 Taliban soldiers fled from the city, leaving behind most of their armor and heavy weapons.
For the first time since l997, Mazar-e Sharif was in Northern Alliance hands. Within the next few
days, the cities of Taloqan, Herat, Jalalabad and Kabul capitulated, as Northern Alliance forces
consolidated their grip on most of Afghanistan. The uncontrolled stampede of retreating Taliban
from Mazar-e Sharif, explained Janes Intelligence Review began a rapid domino like collapse
first across the north and then across Afghanistan as a whole. Northern Alliance commanders
agreed that one of the primary keys to this victory, was the intensity and accuracy of relentless
U.S. bombing....[63]
After the capture of Kabul, the battle for Afghanistan shifted to the Kandahar region where
the Taliban held out until early December. Except for continuous mopping up military operations
primarily in the mountains of Paktia province, Phase One of the war against terrorism ended
with the capture of Kandahar on 7 December. Commenting on the importance of Mazar-e Sharif,
Janes Intelligence Review stated that within a single week in early-mid November, the USAs
coalition had all but won the war.[64]
bomber. In some cases, if the Northern Alliance was under direct attack, the data was sent directly
to loitering planes who had authorization to attack. The emphasis was not on weapon platforms
as much as on the ability to remotely sensor the target and quickly coordinate the signals into an
effective air strike. Moreover, stated General Franks, a critical factor was not so much of having
boots on the ground as having eyes on the ground. [66]
Yet the concept of eyes on the ground was only part of success story. The Air Force also
used new techniques to integrate aerial surveillance aircraft throughout the war theater. When
an orbiting satellite or Rivet Joint aircraft received suspected communication from Taliban or Al
Queda forces in the Mazar-e Sharif area, this intelligence was quickly forwarded to the CAOC,
where it was analyzed. From there, officers directed other surveillance aircraft, such as JointSTARS, AWACS, or P-3s with wide-area sensors to further investigate these signals and narrow
their place of origin. Once the confined area was identified, Predator UAVs were sent in to pin
point the target and call in waiting AC-130 gunships or strike aircraft for an attack.
There is no doubt, noted Aviation Week & Space Technology, that the air war over Afghanistan
was a milestone in the transformation of air strategy and surveillance operations. Moreover,
analysts and senior military officers:
Are hailing it as the first conflict in which intelligence was the primary U.S.
weapon. Key factors in their assessment were persistence (the ability to maintain
around-the-clock surveillance), integration at the tactical and operational levels
of intelligence from many sources, and the ability to control data collection. [67]
John T. Correll, editor of Air Force Magazine, noted that some of these net-centric target
acquisitions and subsequent air strikes required less than 20 minutes. In contrast, he noted, for
various reasons--some technical, some procedural, some political--most targeting of air power
takes much longer than 19 minutes.[68] During Kosovo air campaign, for instance, a war which
involved nineteen NATO nations, the targeting cycle sometimes required more than 2 weeks.[69]
The Afghanistan net-centric air war was achieved by gathering intelligence using commandos,
spy satellites, unmanned drones and aircraft equipped with downward looking radar. All of these
sources helped improve the accuracy of acquiring targets. Because of the rapid communication
of messages through digital links from surveillance units to commanders and then to weapon
platforms, the effects of fog and friction caused by excessive distances were decreased. In
contract, the Special Operations Forces dramatically increased the effectiveness of the air
campaign and on the ground, explained U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense. Overall, they
turned the Northern Alliance into a conquering army.[70]
Emblematic of this war was the depiction of a U.S. commando leaning over his laptop, sending
digital targeting data to a circling B-52 bomber and an UAV forwarding video photos to a waiting
AC-130 gunship.[71] These were the obvious signs of a transformation in warfare. Moreover
stated General Jumper, we are witness to the true potential of transformation. It can be seen in
the stories from current operations. [72]
As of this writing, the war in Afghanistan continues as allied forces attempt to root out the
remaining Al Queda and Taliban resistance. The first phase of Americas war on terrorism was
primarily fought against Taliban forces who used conventional tactics of massing their troops
in defense of their cities. In Maoist terms, the Taliban were using conventional tactics in the
strategic offensive phase of the protracted war strategy. This was a phase of guerrilla warfare in
which Americans, with their advanced technology, had a superior edge. But now the Taliban and
Al Queda forces are in the mountains and using Maos guerrilla tactics. There is little doubt that
fighting this type of war will be a test of Americas know how and ingenuity.
1. Anthony Davis, How the Afghan War Was Won, Janes Intelligence Review [February 2002]
6-13. Vertical Flank is concept found in Robert P. Givens Turning the Vertical Flank, School
Of Advance Airpower Studies paper, June 2001.
2. Dan Balz, Bob Woodward and Jeff Himmelman, Afghan Campaigns Blueprint Emerges,
Washington Post, (January 29, 2002) p. 1.
3. Bob Woodward and Dan Balz, Washington Post, At Camp David, Advise and Dissent,
(January 31, 2002) p. 1.
4. James Carney and John F. Dickerson, Inside the War Room, Time (December 31, 2001) 113119.
5. Woodward and Balz, At Camp David, p. 1.
6. Carney and Dickerson, Inside the War Room, 113-119.
7. Ibid.
8. Joseph Fitchett, Did Bin Laden Kill Afghan Rebel? International Herald Tribune, (September
17, 2001) p. 1.
9. Carney and Dickerson, Inside the War Room, 113-119.
10. Bob Woodward and Dan Balz, Combating Terrorism: It Starts Today! Washington Post,
(February 1, 2002) p. 1.
11. Ibid.
12. Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (London:
Yale University Press, 2001) pp. 183-195. In 1997/8 Pakistan provided the Taliban with an
estimated US $30 million in aid.
13. Woodward and Dan Balz, At Camp David, p. 1.
14. Carney and Dickerson, Inside the War Room, pp. 113-119.
15. Editors, Turning the Tide in Afghanistan, Boston Globe, (December 31, 2001) p. 1.
16. Ibid.
17. Lieutenant General Charles F. Wald, Commander, 9th Air Force and U.S. Central command
Air Forces, interviewed by author, 30 May 2002;, and Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon,
U.S. dispatches Ground Troops and Top Officer, New York Times, (September 21, 2001) p.1.
18. Peter Baker, Kabul and Kandahar Hit in Attacks Through Night, Washington Post, (October
8, 2001) p. 1.
19. Thomas E. Ricks and Vernon Loeb, Initial Aim Is Hitting Taliban Defenses, Washington Post,
(October 8, 2001) p. 1. and Michael R. Gordon and Eric Schmitt, Dusty City May Be Pivotal
To U.S. Effort, New York Times, (October 9, 2001) p. 1.
20. Karen DeYoung and Alan Sipress, Dual Strategy Of Assualt and Reward, Washington Post,
(October 8, 2001) p. 1.
21. Anne Hull, U.S. to Drop Food Over Afghanistan, Washington Post (October 8, 2001) p. 14.
22. Ricks and Loeb, Initial Aim, p. 1.
23. Bradley Graham and Dan Balz, U.S. Controls Skies, Hunts New Targets And Encourages AntiTaliban Forces, Washington Post, (October 10, 2001) p. 1.
24. Bill Gertz, Afghanistan Hits Will Continue Till Taliban Is Ousted, Washington Times, (October
9, 2001) p. 1.
25. Graham and Balz, U.S. Controls Skies... p. 1.
26. Michael R. Gordon and Steven Lee Myers, Talibans Troops Hit As Allies Plan For Commando
Raids, New York Times, (October 11, 2001) p. 1.
27. Lt. Gen. C. Wald, interviewed by author, 30 May 2002; & John A. Tirpak, Enduring Freedom
Air Force Magazine (February 2002) 32-39.
28. Graham and Balz, U.S. Controls Skies... p. 1.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Rowan Scarborough, Runsfeld Ponders Ground Troops, Washington Times, (October 19,
2001) p. 1.
32. Vernon Loeb and Thomas E. Ricks, Pentagon: Taliban Forces Eviscerated, Washington Post,
(October 17, 2001) p.1.
33. Rowan Scarborough, U.S. Splits Aftghanistan into Engagement Zones (Washington Post)
(October 18, 2001) p.1.
34. General Charles R. Holland, Commander in Chief, Headquarters U.S. Special Operations
Command, Interviewed by author, March 8, 2002. and Thom Shanker, Conduct of War Is
Redefined By Success of Special Forces, New York Times (January 21, 2002) p. 1.
35. Tirpak, Enduring Freedom, 32-39.
36. Zahid Hussain, Alliance Poised for New Attacks Around Kabul, London Times (September
26, 2001) p. 1 and Thomas E. Ricks and Alan Sipress, Attacks Restrained by Political Goals,
Washington Post, (October 23, 2001) p. 1.
37. Anthony Davis, Poor logistics and slow air war Stall UF move on Kabul, Janes Defense
Weekly, (October, 31, 2001) p. 4.
38. David Rohde, Anti-Taliban Forces Say Light U.S. Strikes Lift Foes Morale, New York Times,
(October 26, 2001) p. B-3.
39. Ibid.
40. Rashid, Taliban, Militant Islam, p. 45.
41. Thomas E. Ricks and Alan Sipress, Attacks Restrained By Political Goals, Washington Post,
(October 23, 2001) p.1. and Michael R. Gordon, Military Campaign Out-Stripping American
Diplomatic Maneuvers, New York Times (October 15, 2001) p. 1.
42. John F. Burns, U.S. Military Goals Entagled In Afghan Politics, New York Times, (October 12,
2001) p. 1.
43. Romesh Ratnesar, The War: Bombs Away Time (November 12, 2001) 47-52. and Michael
Sirak & Kim Burger, Pressure Pushes US bomb Raids Into Overdrive, Janes Defense Weekly,
(November 7, 2001) p. 7.
44. Davis, How The Afghan War Was Won, 6-13.
45. Dexter Filkins, Talibans Foes Say Bombing Is Poorly Aimed and Futile, New York Times,
(November 2, 2001) p. 1.
46. R.W. Apple Jr, Quagmire Remembered: Afghanistan As Vietnam, New York Times, (October
31, 2001) p. B-1 & 3.
47. Ratnesar, The War: Bombs Away, 47-52.
Listening: The Neglected SKill
Lesson Preparation: Review Air Force Handbook (AFH 33-337), The
Tongue and Quill dated 1 August 2004, Chapter 11. Complete the
Listening Habits Survey at the end of this section before coming to class.
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Comprehend that effective listening positively affects mission
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Explain the differences between hearing and listening.
Define effective listening and the five steps of the listening process.
Describe the 10 most common listening problems.
Explain the seven-step process for improving listening ability.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Value that effective
Communication is a vital skill that each of us, as potential supervisors, leaders, and followers,
must continually try to improve. We cant hope to lead, motivate, train or evaluate others without
mastering the ability to clearly communicate our thoughts and ideas. In Air Force Doctrine
Document 1-1, Leadership and Force Development, the competency of personal leadership
focuses on necessary skills for face-to-face, interpersonal relations that directly influence human
behavior and values. A specific competency listed under personal leadership is fostering effective
communication. In addition, personal leadership skills are critical at all leadership levels: strategic,
operational, and tactical.
In this class well also review the role of effective listening and how it relates to the
communication process. You receive more information by listening than by any of the other means
of communicationwriting, speaking, or readingbut listening is our weakest skill. As listeners,
we often fail to do our part in the communication process. As a result, poor listening is one of the
most significant problems facing organizations today. By gaining a better understanding of just
what listening involves, by recognizing the barriers to effective listening, and by forming good
listening habits, we can learn to become better listeners.
Use the following pages as a note-taker during class.
Listening: The Neglected Skill
1. Listening vs. Hearing
Hearing Listening 2. Listening is a selective process of receiving, attending to, understanding, evaluating, and
Receiving Attending to Understanding Evaluating Responding -
Communication Studies
Work at listeningListen for ideasConcentrate on the message6. How can we help others to listen to us?
Be a good listener yourselfBe interesting to talk toUse good eye contactTell the truthUse the listeners name regularly-
Communication Studies
Communication Studies
Air Force Installations
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the various services and activities found on a typical Air Force
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Identify the services and facilities available in the base community.
Recognize the importance of the Air Force installation to the
accomplishment of the mission.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the value of Air Force installations services.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Discuss aspects and utility of Air Force installations.
The personnel of the United States Air Force are stationed at installations around the world.
With over 21% of the force in places foreign or remote, and considering that these members
rotate regularly to new assignments, an infrastructure is necessary to ensure stability. Air Force
installations not only serve as focal points for Air Force operations (training, airlift, space, fighter,
bomber, tanker, etc.), but they also serve as focal points for personnel. To keep some continuity
and to address concerns universal to military communities, Air Force installations have unique
characteristics and services.
Base Housing
The Base Housing Office and Housing Referral
Office support personal housing needs. Quarters
for single service members are similar to apartment
living in any other community. They have all the
conveniences any well-equipped apartment might
have. Quarters for married service members and
their families resemble the typical American
home. The size of the house authorized depends
on the size of the family, ages, and sexes of the
children, and the members rank. Because of the
time involved with moving people in and out of a
location, most bases have a waiting list to aid in
the orderly allocation of housing.
Living on base is like renting the unit. Quarters are unfurnished but do include a range,
refrigerator, and some are equipped with dishwashers and central air. The Government pays all
utility and maintenance costs. In turn, the occupant is expected to maintain the yard, and comply
with sanitation, conservation, safety, and fire prevention standards established for military
Even if the Air Force member doesnt plan to live on base, they must check with the Base
Housing Office at their new base before entering into any contract for off-base housing. Some
rental or real estate agencies have been placed on an Off-Limits list by the base commander
because of their past dealings with military members. Obviously, an Air Force member cant enter
into a contract with an agency on the list.
Another reason for checking in with this agency is that they can provide you a list of utility
companies in the local area. Most utilities require a deposit when someone opens an account
with them. Most major utility companies will waive this deposit for military members.
When moving a family to an overseas duty station, the base housing office will have what
is called a Furniture Management Office (FMO). This is due to the household goods weight
restriction for overseas locations. FMO will loan furniture (to include carpets) and appliances to
families living both on and off base for the duration of their assignment.
Customer Service also prepares identification cards. The ID card is valid on military installations
worldwide and is a dependents authorization to use numerous facilities, such as the hospital, BX,
commissary, and recreation center. Military personnel and their family members should always
carry their ID card. Report lost ID cards immediately to the MPF Customer Service Unit. Dependent
ID cards are honored until the expiration date. Besides these functions, the personnel assistance
element can assist you with the following:
Dental Plan
SSAN Applications
ID Card Applications
DEERS Enrollment
Name Changes
Base Exchange
Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
manages several retail stores, the largest of which
is the Base Exchange or as most people call it, the
BX. Today, base exchanges offer nearly the same
services you find at a shopping mall.
The BX provides merchandise and services
at prices considerably lower than those for
comparable products on the civilian market. This
is possible because BX transactions arent subject
to state taxes. In foreign countries theyre not
subject to taxes levied by the individual country.
The BX makes a small profit, and the funds are
distributed to base welfare, unit, or nonappropriated funds.
The BX generates reasonable earnings to support Service (SVS) programs. Its self-supporting
and pays for overhead expenses such as employee salaries, inventory, supplies, and utilities.
The AAFES not only operates the BX but also operates shoppettes (convenience stores),
troop stores, automotive services, and some food operations. Additionally, it provides vending
and specialty businesses to include catalog sales, film processing, and personal services such
as barber and beauty shops. The BX also operates the military clothing sales stores, commodity
concessions, and motion picture theaters. Overseas, they operate new car sales and bookstores.
For convenience, the BX accepts most major credit cards. It provides a lay-away program, a military
clothing deferred payment plan, and other customer services such as personal check cashing.
Just as the BX is the base department store, the commissary is the base supermarket. The
commissary is usually a single store where you can buy groceries and household supplies. It
carries the major brand names you find in a commercial establishment. The commissary sells
items at cost except for an added 5 percent surcharge to cover operating equipment and supplies.
Additionally, the commissary provides the means for the Air Force to feed its members. It
buys food for the dining facilities and operates the sales store for those not required to eat in the
base dining facility.
Finally, the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) falls under the Airmen and Family Readiness Center.
AFAS is the official USAF emergency financial assistance organization. It helps Air Force people in
emergencies and provides tuition assistance to dependents of Air Force personnel.
Officers Club
The Officers Club provides entertainment, social programs, and food and beverage service
to members and their guests. The Club is the center of social life for many officers and their
families. This results from tradition and the relatively inexpensive food and drinks. Most units
hold their formal and informal functions
at the Club.
The Club usually consists of at least
one large dining area, one or more
private party rooms, a main bar, a smaller
casual bar, a dancing area, and a cashiers
cage. It may also have a barbershop,
swimming pool, tennis courts, and other
facilities and services at much lower cost
than similar facilities and services in a
comparable off-base country club.
Although membership at the Officers
Club isnt mandatory, all officers are highly encouraged to join and participate. The clubs success
depends upon the support of all officers. Service members may use their privileges at other base
clubs they might visit.
Base Chaplain
Most bases have a very active chapel program to serve all military personnel in the area,
regardless of their denomination. Military chaplains represent a wide variety of faiths and have
the endorsement of their sponsoring denomination. The number of chaplains depends on the
total base population. Military chaplains perform all the services you might expect, including
confidential counseling. The senior chaplain advises the commander on unit morale.
Force Support
Every base operates activities to help improve
the quality of life. Force support maintains
recreational facilities on- and off-base, loans
sporting goods and recreational equipment, and
provides other services for use by active duty,
retirees, dependents of both, and accompanied
guests. Although not all activities are free, the fees
are well below what youd pay for similar services
off base.
At outdoor recreation one can rent (at minimum cost) sporting goods and recreational
facilities. Common items include camping trailers, tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, fishing gear,
archery equipment, bicycles, and snow or water skis. The type of equipment stocked usually
depends on the things to do in the local area. Some bases have contracted for facilities at
popular vacation spots. For example, the Hali Koa is a hotel located in downtown Waikiki, Hawaii
that is owned and operated by the military as a hotel for DoD personnel. It offers affordable rates
and a convenient location. Hotels such as this are available in many countries as well as in several
states here in the U.S.
Other services/facilities provides include bowling alleys, golf courses, libraries, swimming
pools, and jogging trails. They also offer automotive, art, and ceramic classes, electronic and
furniture repair, leather, and photography hobby shops.
At most bases, fitness centers offer such programs as basketball, softball, racquetball, and
weight rooms. Additionally SVS provides facilities for intramural contests between units.
The Information, Tickets and Tours (ITT) office
provides discount tickets to local attractions,
movies, plays, etc. Sometimes they even provide
a bus to get you there.
The Base Library is usually well stocked and
has programs to help very young children develop
an interest in reading. The Child Development
Center offers the next best thing to your personal
childcare. The Youth Center offers games and
special programs to community youth, such as
music lessons.
SITES Program
Finally, specific information regarding individual installations is available to everyone through
the Internet as well as the Family Service Center. This source of information about individual
bases is the Standard Installation Topic Exchange Service (SITES). SITES provides summarized
information on key aspects of the moving process. It is designed to supplement the full range
of relocation services provided by the Relocation Assistance Offices located at all major military
SITES also provides information on the base and local community, education opportunities,
employment opportunities for spouses, child and teen services, housing information and survival
tips for first timers. SITES is located at
The Air Force installation is the hub of activity for its members and, as such, has a meaningful,
robust infrastructure focused on meeting almost every need. It is important that the service
member be familiar with what services are available and take full advantage of them.
Force Support Squadron Implementation Plan, 26 September 2008.
War and the American Military
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the basic characteristics of war
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
State the three enduring truths that describe the fundamental
nature of war
Define war according to Clausewitz
Identify the basic themes of war
Identify the four different viewpoints on war: Pacifism, Realism,
Holy War, and Just War Theory
List the three factors that dominate war
State the elements of war
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the importance of studying war for military professionals
and how this relates to military leadership
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Value the importance of studying war for military professionals
War is a complex and chaotic human endeavor. Human frailty and irrationality shape wars
nature. Uncertainty and unpredictability-- what many call the fog of war-- combine with
danger, physical stress, and human fallibility to produce friction, a phenomenon that
makes seemingly simple operations unexpectedly and sometimes even insurmountably
difficult. Uncertainty, unpredictability, and unreliability are always present, but sound
doctrine, leadership, organization, core personal values, technologies, and training can
lessen their effects.
War is a clash of opposing wills. An enemy can be highly unpredictable. War is not
waged against an inanimate or static object but against a living, calculating enemy. Victory
results from creating advantages against thinking adversaries bent on creating their own
advantages. This produces a dynamic interplay of action and reaction in which the enemy
often acts or reacts unexpectedly. While physical factors are crucial in war, the national
will and the leaderships will are also critical components of war. The will to prosecute or
the will to resist can be decisive elements.
In the late 20th century, wars were traditionally conceived in three linear, sequential phases.
First, in-place or rapidly-reacting forces halted the initial attack, perhaps trading space to buy time.
Second, additional combat power was built up in theater while limited offensive action weakened
the enemy. Finally, a decisive ground-centric counteroffensive was launched. Classically, the endstate was seen as the product of the ground-based counterattack. These three phases, while
necessary in this view to complete military victory, were not time-urgent but sequential and
generally treated with equal urgency.
More recently, however, the nature of the threats and the way we choose to deter and fight
those conflicts has changed. The United States is faced with adversaries who may seek to offset
our technological superiority through asymmetric means, threatening the use of chemical,
biological, or radiological weapons; information attacks; terrorism; urban warfare; or anti-access
strategies, either overseas or at home. Therefore, we must seize the initiative from the aggressor
as soon as possible. Military capabilities that are vulnerable to preset time lines risk attack of
those time lines. Delay in decisively and quickly halting an enemy may force a difficult and costly
campaign to recover lost territory. Additionally, the asymmetric threats of lost coalition support,
diminished credibility, and emerging incentives for other adversaries to begin conflict elsewhere
are real. Thus, a new way of looking at conflict is emerging.
While such attacks may not totally eliminate the need to directly engage the adversarys fielded
military forces, it can shape those engagements so they will be fought at the time and place
of our choosing under conditions more likely to lead to decisive outcomes with minimized risk
to friendly forces. The aggressive use of air and space power can also reduce the size of forces
needed for conflict termination, risking fewer American lives.
As you progress through your professional military career you will be exposed to many
different views of American military power. As the following article illustrates, be careful of falling
into the trap of believing that all of our adversaries think like we do.
he views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not represent the
official policy or position of the US Department of State, the US Air Force or any other
US government agency.
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice has a dream job after government service:
becoming the next commissioner of the National Football League. In an interview with a sports
magazine correspondent in April 2002, Rice commented that American football is the national
pastime and an important American institution. As a national security strategist, Rice is attracted
to two fundamental similarities between football and warfare: the use of strategy and the goal of
taking territory.
These are insightful observations of American football and its long association with US military
thinking. Indeed, US armed forces and their emphasis on the use of overwhelming force greatly
resemble American football, which provides a classic model of the military concept of centralized
control, centralized execution.
Today, the United States clearly is the worlds most dominant military power. In spite of the
Armys mantra of lighter, faster, more lethal and its much-publicized transformation, everywhere
this military moves it goes like a giant football team; it employs football-like strategy and tactics in
conducting the nations security missions. However, the lack of a peer competitor raises questions
about the strategic value of traditional US reliance on overwhelming military power. Todays
enemies include terrorists and failing states. While US power is superior in strategies against peer
competitor nation states, it historically has proven less successful against guerrilla insurgencies,
terrorist organizations and other unconventional challenges.
By way of analogy, soccer offers a useful model for these unconventional threats, in that the
teams use finesse, surprise attack and patience instead of power and force. Soccer is an ideal
paradigm of the concept of decentralized control, decentralized execution. To compensate
for their comparative conventional military weakness, terrorist organizations and failing states
fight like soccer players. American football teams are not well suited to fight against these new
threats. In preparing to confront these opponents, the United States should incorporate some
soccer concepts in its military planning, training and war-fighting doctrine.
fluid motion with players passing the ball up and down the field. Soccer players must improvise
plays without strategy sessions and without direct assistance from the coaching staff, making it a
useful model for guerrilla warfare (and terrorist attacks for that matter).
Violations of rules (such as the use
of violence) are assessed against the
individual player (yellow or red card)
and not against the team. However,
within the immediate area of the goal,
violations may be charged by permitting
the opposing team to have a free kick
(attack) at the goal. In contrast to
American football, most soccer attacks
on the goal usually are disguised, indirect
and sudden. Direct attacks usually are
easily thwarted by the defense. Soccer
players also use tactics such as disruption,
frustration and attention diffusion. Each
player understands the ultimate goal, yet
it really is a decentralized execution.
In contrast to American football, where long, blitzkrieg-style passes from a single quarterback
to a single receiver are common, soccer employs tactics of multiple, quick and short passes among
three, four or even five players in coordination to distract and confuse the opposing team. Like
a pinball in a machine, the ball is passed from one attacking player to another quickly without
any centralized plan. This style of soccer attack is ideally suited to guerrilla and terrorist warfare
because it requires improvisation among the players rather than detailed advance planning.
It also enjoys the advantages of surprise, since the defender cannot predict which player will
receive the ball. The defending team can be surprised by such an attack and defeated even if it
has numerical superiority.
The study of the classical works on strategy provided an excellent point of departure and a
broader perspective from which to examine the lessons of the Vietnam War, observed Michael
Handel, a former professor at the Naval War College, in Masters of War: Sun Tsu, Clausewitz
and Jomini. Eventually, these collectively learned lessonswere codified in the Weinberger
Doctrine, which subsequently proved its value as a guide in the highest-level political and strategic
decision-making processes preceding the war against Iraq.
The Weinberger-Powell Doctrine can be understood as conditions that should be met before
the United States would commit military forces to a conflict. They include ideas such as US forces
should be used only if vital interests are at stake, sufficient force should be applied with the
intention of winning the conflict, and political and military objectives should be clearly defined.
The Weinberger-Powell Doctrine was most effectively applied tactically in the 1991 Persian
Gulf War using massive air attacks followed by overwhelming ground forces equipped with modern
technology to rapidly defeat enemy forces and minimize coalition casualties. In addition, the
doctrine specifies exit conditions, which reflect the American desire to fight and win conflicts
The dependence of the United States on overwhelming technological superiority to fight its
wars has proven effective when matched against conventional forces, such as Iraq in 1991, Serbia
in 1989, the Taliban in 2002 and, most recently, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. These opponents
confronted the United States with a defined center of mass and were, therefore, vulnerable to
US military superiority. However, US warfighting strategies have failed in situations where the
enemy is ill-defined, hidden, spread out over the world or, simply stated, employs strategies of
Examples include the Vietnam War, the US war on drugs in Latin America, and the debacles
of US interventions in Lebanon (1982-1983) and Somalia (1992-1993). In these conflicts, US
superiority in technology and power was neutralized by primitive, yet effective, means. During
the Vietnam conflict, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong successfully employed soccer tactics
by dispersal of forces, guerrilla warfare and defensive tactics. The Vietnamese, however, were
defeated when they attempted to confront the US using football tactics in large-scale, massed
attacks (such as in the Tet Offensive of 1967). Ultimately, the Vietnamese soccer strategy outlasted
the US football strategy, and the United States pulled out of the war.
The other US military failures also reflect the difficulties of the US football way of war. The
Lebanon intervention failed because of the use of suicide bombers and irregular warfare by
Muslim militia groups. The Somali intervention was perhaps the most embarrassing failure, since
US troops, supported by overwhelming firepower, were defeated in the battle of Mogadishu by
gunmen of a warlord employing primitive methods of communication and weapons. Again, the
Somalis used soccer tactics in countering US conventional military superiority through hit-andrun attacks against weak points of the US forces. They avoided straight-ahead attacks against US
centers of strength.
The present global war on terrorism against al-Qaida and other nonstate groups also
demonstrates the limitations of the American style of warfare against an enemy following tactics
of surprise and sneak attack against unguarded portions of the playing field. Terrorists also
employ the soccer strategy of remaining on the defensive and applying constant pressure until a
weakness appears in the opponents defenses.
Contemporary US adversaries who use soccer strategies tend to look at the entire world as
their playing field, taking actions at openings where the United States and its allies are vulnerable
to sneak attacks. Recent examples include the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, as well as
al-Qaida actions that include the car-bomb attack on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (1998)
and the attack against the USS Cole in Yemen (2000). It is illustrative of the limitations of US
power and the football-type strategy that conventional US military responses to these terrorist
attacks (cruise-missile attacks against suspected al-Qaida training camps) were ineffective. The
terrorists were widely dispersed, used primitive technology and simply could blend into the
civilian population.
Another implication of the limitations that football strategy faces against opponents who use
soccer tactics is that penalties assessed against individuals (as in soccer) do not materially hurt
the terrorist team. Eliminating Osama bin Laden was a necessary goal of US strategy, but his
death would not end the terrorist threat. Loosely organized, worldwide Islamic terrorist networks
are believed to be fairly autonomous units capable of individual acts. Leadership is dispersed and
decentralized. Once the determined terrorists complete their training, they go about the world
(their battlefields) on their own (no more coaching or committee meeting) to carry out their
terrorist missions. In addition, terrorists have the advantages of surprise and can choose the time
and place for their attacks: Defense against such a soccer strategy is difficult.
In contrast, an American football team has a huge
bureaucracy and extensive division of labor. It takes much
more time and effort to move this team into combat
readiness. (It took six months to prepare the US-led coalition
forces to fight the 1991 Persian Gulf War; the United States
prepared for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM for almost a year).
1. Douglas MacArthur, Reminiscences [Fawcett Publisher, Greenwich Connecticut, 1964] p. 438.
2. Associated Press, Bush Faces World of Conflict, Washington Times, [January 1, 2001] p. 4
3. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [The Manhattan Engineer District, 29 Jun
46]. Available online from
4. Carl Von Clausewitz, On War Edited by Michael Howard and Peter Paret [Princeton University
Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1976] p. 76.
5. Clausewitz, On War, p. 88.
6. Clausewitz, On War, p. 137.
7. Colonel Dennis M. Drew & Dr. Donald M. Snow, Making Strategy [Air University Press,
Montgomery, Alabama, l998] p. 143.
8. Current and Projected National Security Threats to the United States. LTG Michael D. Maples,
US Army, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. Statement for the Record, Senate Armed
Services Committee, 28 Feb 2006. Available online from:
9. Gerard Prunier, The Rwanda Crisis, [Columbia University Press, l995] p. 261.
10. Ibid, p. 87.
11. Jeffrey B. White, A Different Kind of Threat; Some Thoughts on Irregular Warfare, [Defense
Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C., 1996]. Available online from
12. Mao Tse Tung Selected Works of Mao Tse Tung, Vol. 2.[Lawrence & Wishard LTD, London,
l954] pp. 157-243.
13. Mark Clodfelter, The Limits of Air Power [Macmillan Company, New York, 1989] p. 10.
14. Pauline Jelinek, Iraqi Bomb Bulider Saw US Plans, [Associated Press & Boston Globe, Boston,
MA, 3 Nov 00] p.18.
15. T. Harry Williams, Lincoln and His Generals [Vintage Books, New York, 1952] pp. 147-298.
16. Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of US
Air Force, Air Force Doctrine Document 1, 2003, [Air Force Doctrine Center, Montgomery,
Air Force Core Values-The Price of Admission
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Comprehend the importance of Core Values to Air Force members.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Compare core, ethical, and personal values.
Explain the importance of AF Core Values to Air Force members.
Defend the need for consistency in personal, ethical, and AF Core
Affective Lesson Objective:
Value the necessity for Air Force members to adhere to the Air
Force Core Values.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Justify the need for adherence to Air Force Core Values to other
The Core Values are timeless. Throughout history, no matter what the country or culture,
they have been identified as self-evident guides to right behavior. Former Air Force Chief of Staff,
General Anthony McPeak, emphasized their importance when he said: ...we need first a new
focus, a focus on enduring values that can guide us in a changing, more complex, often confusing
Core Values act as a compass. Just as a compass needle always points North no matter what
our location, Core Values point in the right direction and help us make right decisions no matter
what the circumstances. They are True North principles.
Professional Integrity
BG (Ret) Malham M. Wakin
ome years ago one of the students in my medical ethics class approached me after the
major research paper had been graded (it was worth 40% of the grade in the course).
This student had worked hard during the course and had also worked hard on this 20page paper but it was clearly a solid B paper and there was tragic disappointment on the face of
this student. I need an A on this paper to keep my A in the course, he said. Please, you must
raise my paper grade or youll jeopardize my chance to be admitted to medical school.
Now I was very much interested in helping this student achieve admission to med school
because I believed he had the potential to be an excellent physician and I had said as much in the
strong letter of reference I had written for him and sent to several med schools. But raise his
grade on the basis of this request? My immediate response, provided almost automatically, was
I cant do that....In a very real sense, what I want to discuss with you tonight is bound up with
that answer--I cant do that. When I gave that answer, I didnt mean that I wasnt able to do that
or that I didnt have the authority to do that. Physically and from
the perspective of being the only instructor in the course, I could
have raised that grade. And I didnt mean that fear of external
consequences prevented me from changing that grade, i.e., fear
that I might get caught and possibly lose my job. No, what I meant
was, I cant change that grade because the work really was not A
work--it would be inappropriate to base student grades on need
to get into medical school rather than quality of work--it would
be unfair to other students whose work was graded on the basis of
qualitative merit--all of these are certainly good reasons why I
cant do that. But perhaps what I also meant was that changing
that grade to one I did not believe was earned would be a violation
of my own integrity. My personal integrity, my self-respect, my
ability to live with myself if I knowingly chose to do what I believed to be morally wrong, was
probably a good part of the meaning of the sentence I cant do that.
But personal integrity is not the end of the story here. It seems to me there is also such a thing
as professional integrity, which is related to, perhaps dependent upon, certainly compatible with,
but different from personal integrity. There are communal or corporate values associated with the
teaching profession that place role specific constraints on my behavior and these are in addition
to the normal moral values that I have as an ordinary moral agent. One thinks immediately of
the special obligation to be competent in the subject matter and in teaching techniques. Proper
preparation; special concern for each students intellectual and yes, character development; fair
and timely evaluation of student workall of these and more constitute special obligations of
teaching professionals. And the teacher, who is literally in front of the students constantly must
be totally conscious of the example which he or she sets for studentswe teach by what we are
and do, perhaps even more than by what we say. Maybe all of this was what was constraining
me--maybe this is what I meant when I said, I cant do that. I have special responsibilities to the
institution, to my professional colleagues, and to the community I serve in this profession, which
really does matter, to the well being of our community, and they trust me.
Consider a more complicated case, this time from the medical profession. As a general
practitioner, Ive just received the results of the blood tests on my 23-year-old male patient and
he is HIV positive. He is also engaged to be married. I point out to him his responsibility to inform
his fiance because she has a right to know about the danger to her and to any future children
they might have. He reacts very emotionally to my suggestion because he believes she will refuse
to marry him if she learns he has the AIDS virus. He says to me, you must keep my condition
a secret from her and from everyone. Youre bound by the principle of patient confidentiality.
Upon reflection, I reply, I cant do that.
Now, what I mean when I say, I cant do that is that the moral principles that guide me as
a medical professional require me to act but in this case their guidance is not unambiguous. The
principle of respect for my patients autonomy by observing confidentiality is a very important one
and it does indeed constrain my conduct. But the competing obligation I have to prevent harm is
also very relevant in this case and if I cannot persuade my patient to tell his fiance himself, then
I may judge that my duty to prevent harm overrides my duty to observe confidentiality in this
case. My professional integrity is bound up in these competing moral principles and although it is
extremely controversial here, I tell my patient, I cant do that.
Its the spring of 1968 and Im a young sergeant in a combat infantry company in South
Vietnam. My platoon has captured an entire village of suspected Viet Cong sympathizers: 400
people, women, old people, children, and babies. We found no weapons in the village. My
lieutenant orders us to herd them all over to the roadside ditch and shoot them. I say to him, I
cant do that. What I mean is, we cant do thatno one can do that. I know that I have a duty
to obey the orders of my superiors but I know that this order is in direct conflict with both my
countrys laws and with the fundamental moral law against harming the innocent. Several years
earlier, in confirming the Yamashita death sentence, General MacArthur said: The soldier, be he
friend or foe, is charged with the protection of the weak and unarmed. It is the very essence and
reason of his being. When he violates this sacred trust, he not only profanes his entire cult but
threatens the fabric of international society. In this case of conflicting duties, my professional
integrity tells me that my higher duty is to avoid harming the innocent and when Im ordered to
kill babies--I cant do that.
These examples from education, medicine, and the military may help us to focus on this
fuzzy notion of professional integrity. Integrity itself is a much-used term but very much in need
of analysis. When we use the word integrity in a moral context we refer to the whole moral
character of a person and we most frequently allude to ones personal integrity. When we say
to someone, dont compromise your integrity, we usually mean, act in accordance with your
moral principles within your value system. Be consistent. There is a real sense in which integrity
encompasses our personal identity. As Polonius has it, To thine own self be true. But we must be
very careful here. Consistency is not all there is to personal integrity. There is little merit in being
consistent with your principles if thine own self is egoistic, treacherous, criminal, and abusive.
This is why integrity has to do with wholeness, with ones entire character and what that moral
character is like is what counts. And subscribing to decent moral principles is not enough--we
must act on decent principles--consistently. Others have noted accurately that integrity is the
bridge between character and conduct.
Several centuries ago, Aristotle pointed out that moral credit is not automatic when right
actions are done nor is it enough to know what is right or to say what is right. He suggested that
we are morally praiseworthy when we do a right action if we, first of all, know that the action
is right, secondly, choose the act for its own sake because we know it is right, and thirdly, do
the action from a firm and unchangeable character--from the habit of doing, that kind of action
consistently. For Aristotle, it was very important that we develop the moral virtues through habit
and practice, doing right actions so that they become part of our identity--our character. Integrity
is the modern name we use to describe the actions of those persons who consistently act from
a firmly established character pattern, doing the right thing. We especially stress the concepts
of integrity when there is temptation to diverge from what good character demands. Persons
of integrity do not stray from acting in accordance with strong moral principle even when it is
expedient or personally advantageous to do so. Persons of integrity act like the ideal persons they
are trying to be. This is perhaps what the ancient Taoist has in mind when he says, The way to
do, is to be. Thus the wholeness of the good person, the total identity, is what we mean when we
refer to his or her integrity. When we say, dont sacrifice your integrity we really mean, dont
stop being who you ought to be.
If Im a member of one of the professions, then who I ought to be must also involve my social
role as a practicing professional. My professional integrity will include the role specific obligations
and responsibilities of my particular profession. I stress here the social character of professional
integrity because the community is involved at every stage of professional development.
First of all, the very existence of the professions results from some fundamental need that
society has and it is likely to be an eternal need. The need that we have for health care, for example,
is unlikely to go away and it is that need that over time has generated what we know today as the
medical profession. It may come as a surprise to some to learn that the health care professions
do not exist for the sole purpose of providing employment to health care professionals or profits
for health care organizations. It is because of societal need that our communities develop and
maintain medical schools and nursing schools. Similarly, every organized society will express its
interest in justice by providing some variation of a court system and a legal profession. We need
an ordered society; we want to be treated fairly; we seek justice. We train our judges and our
lawyers in law schools supported by the community because of the important value that we
place on justice. Similarly, we know how crucial education is to our society so we provide for the
training of teachers; we know how important security is to our nation-state so we provide military
academies and military training for the members of the military profession.
No member of the professions can escape these ties to the community since they constitute
the very reason for the existence of the professions. Thus, professional integrity begins with
this necessary responsibility to serve the fundamental need of the community. Notice that the
community makes possible the opportunity for one to become qualified in a given profession and
usually allows the professionals the authority themselves to set the standards of competence
and conduct of its members. Doctors control the licensing and certifying of doctors, lawyers
do the same for members of the legal profession, and military officers certify and control the
commissioning process for leaders of the military profession.
Members of the public professions are thus educated and supported by the society because
of the critical services the professions provide. In the case of teachers in public institutions and
in the case of the military profession, practitioners are supported from the public coffers during
their entire careers. Clearly, some of the role specific obligations are based on this relationship
and on the authority to act on behalf of the entire society, which is literally bestowed on these
professionals. With the authority to act goes the public trust and violations of that trust are
serious breaches of professional integrity. For example, there were instances recently in the
local public school systems where two male high school teachers engaged in sexual intimacies
with teenaged female students. These teachers violated the trust they had been given; they
violated their professional integrity. But let us direct our attention to the elements of professional
integrity in the military profession to see if that will illuminate both our responsibilities as military
practitioners and the relationships between professional and personal integrity.
Professional integrity derives its substance from the fundamental goals or mission of the
profession. For the military profession we might broadly describe that mission as the preservation
and protection of a way of life deemed worth preserving. Just as in medicine one violates
professional integrity by performing surgical procedures that are not medically indicated in order
to increase the surgeons income, so too engaging in operations that are not militarily necessary
in order to reflect glory on the commander would also be a breach of professional integrity. Killing
unarmed prisoners, executing the elderly and babies who are not engaged in the attempt to
destroy you is surely inconsistent with the goals of the military and hence a breach of professional
In the military, as in all of the professions, the issue of competence is directly relevant to
professional integrity. Because human life, national security, and expenditures from the national
treasury are so frequently at issue when the military acts, the obligation to be competent is not
merely prudential. That obligation is a moral one and culpable incompetence here is clearly a
violation of professional integrity. When a B-52 pilot is known to engage in unsafe practices,
when he frequently endangers the lives of other aircrew members and people on the ground by
performing forbidden flying maneuvers, then not only does he violate professional integrity, so
do those colleagues and superiors who tolerate this conduct and take no action to prevent it. This
aspect of professional integrity is worth noting.
Part of the social aspect of professional integrity involves the joint responsibility for conduct
and competence shared by all members of the profession. When fellow surgeons bury the
mistakes of their incompetent colleagues rather than expose these colleagues and remove their
license to practice they fall short of their responsibilities to the goals of the profession--they sin
against professional integrity. Only fellow professionals are capable of evaluating competence in
some instances and hence, fellow professionals must accept the responsibility of upholding the
standards of the profession. Fellow officers can spot derelictions of duty, failures of leadership,
failures of competence, and the venalities of conduct that interfere with the goals of the military
mission. The wing commanders of that B-52 pilot who knew of his repeated safety violations
and failed to ground him before he killed himself and others, failed in their responsibilities--they
violated their professional integrity. Often the obligations of professional integrity may be pitted
against personal loyalties or friendships and where the stakes for society are so high, professional
integrity should win out.
These lessons seem obvious in theory but are most difficult to put into practice, especially in
the preprofessional training which takes place in military academies, medical schools, and law
schools. Nontoleration of failures of professional integrity does not seem so crucial in training
situations where the stakes are not too high. Perhaps this is why the penalties for tolerating
lapses of integrity are ameliorated in training situations but then often seem sensationally tragic
when enforced in the professional context. But preprofessionals must learn the importance of the
social elements of professional integrity and the responsibility they inherit to maintain standards
of competence and conduct in the entire profession and not just for themselves. Society provides
the training opportunities, the resources necessary for carrying out the professional function,
and the authority to act on its behalf. With this authority to act and the autonomy, which usually
accompanies it, breaches of professional integrity must be viewed as a serious failure of the
societal trust. When a cadet at the Air Force Academy knows that a fellow cadet has plagiarized
a paper to meet a deadline and takes no action to correct this behavior, he or she has violated
societal trust in a fashion analogous to the colleagues who took no action to correct the unsafe
B-52 pilot. If our preprofessional preparation does not inculcate the habits of professional
integrity, can we have confidence that those habits will be practiced by these same individuals
when they become licensed professionals?
We derive other aspects of professional integrity as we examine the basic functions of each
profession. If in preserving our way of life we must use the military instrument, then members
of the military profession must sometimes go to war. If combat occurs then professional soldiers
must fight. To refuse a combat assignment is to break faith with all other members of the
profession and is a first order violation of professional integrity. It would be the equivalent of a
teacher refusing to teach, a doctor abandoning patients, a judge refusing to hear crucial cases.
Because the stakes are so high in the military case, this breach of professional integrity could be
devastating to society.
How are personal integrity and professional integrity related? There are varying opinions
about this. Some people believe that one can live up to high standards of competence and
conduct in ones professional role--at the hospital, in the school, at the military base--but live an
entirely different kind of moral life outside the professional context in ones private life. Some
think they may be required to do things in their roles as professionals that they would never
do as private laypersons. Some instances of this dichotomy are obvious. As a private person I
would normally not even contemplate harming other persons, yet as a military professional I
am licensed to kill (under specified conditions) for reasons of state. A variation of this concern
surfaced during an annual meeting of the Colorado Bar Association in the fall of 1995. One of the
topics offered for small group discussion was the following one: I would never do many of the
things in my personal life that I have to do as a lawyer. At the heart of this matter is the issue
of client advocacy. Lawyers are enjoined to act in their clients interests and to do so zealously.
In defending my rapist client whom I know to be guilty, I may cross-examine the innocent rape
victim in such a fashion as to totally discredit her even though I know she is telling the truth. If it is
legal and will help my client, it would seem that the standards of the profession require me to do
it, even though in ordinary morality I would judge it to be wrong to harm an innocent person. This
sort of example really is problematic for it appears to reveal a direct conflict between personal
integrity and professional integrity.
There are similar examples in medicine. Abortion for convenience is legally permitted in
most U.S. hospitals but some obstetricians believe that convenience abortions are immoral
so in these hospitals they find a conflict between professional integrity and personal integrity.
Now in most such situations, doctors and nurses are permitted to refuse to participate on moral
grounds even though the action itself is legally permitted. Perhaps this is one key to resolving
integrity dilemmas--what is legally permitted is not always or even usually morally obligatory. But
I mention these possible clashes between professional integrity and personal integrity because
I wish to minimize them. I wish to support the view that the two types of integrity are generally
compatible and to foster the position that they are interdependent. What I wish to argue is that
since professions exist to serve societys need for important values (education, health, justice,
security, etc.), the means used to provide those values and services should be morally decent
means and the persons in the professions who provide them should be morally decent persons.
Put in more direct terms, good teachers ought to be good persons, good doctors ought to be
good persons, good lawyers ought to be good persons and good military professionals ought to
be good persons. We want to live in a world where the duties of a competent professional can be
carried out by a good person with a clear and confident conscience. That means that professional
practices must always be constrained by basic moral principles. That this is not always the case
now is obvious: several of the attorneys at the previously mentioned convention pointed out
that they had left certain large law firms because they perceived that they were being asked to
do things that violated their personal integrity. Now in the best of all possible worlds, the moral
restraints on professional functions would have made those same actions inimical to professional
integrity as well. And this is the proper order of things. When professions go beyond their essential
service function to society and distort their purpose toward profits, power, or greed then they
lose the trust and respect of their communities --they stop being professions. Militarism is the
pejorative term we use to describe a society or a military gone bad in the sense that it distorts
the essential goals and function of the military profession. The twin sources of guidance we use
to hold militarism in check are the just war theories and the laws of war. These twin guides are
related in an essential way to professional integrity--they represent in the broadest terms, when
and how the military instrument ought to be used.
Well-established professions often spell out the role-specific principles which support that
professions conception of professional integrity. The codes of conduct promulgated by the
American Medical Association and the American Bar Association and state and local chapters of
these groups are well known. The military profession has many codes, regulations, mottoes, and
traditions, which combine to form a military ethic on which professional integrity is based. At the
Air Force Academy we have our honor code, our honor oath, and our specific list of core values,
which is now identical with the official list of core values of the Air Force. When we say that we
value integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all that we do, we acknowledge that
the essential nature of the military profession is to serve our parent society. We make specific
our commitment to the conception that good soldiers are good persons. What we should mean
when we commit ourselves to integrity first is that we understand the importance of both
personal integrity and professional integrity and through our efforts to keep them compatible we
will best provide the crucial military function to our society. The idea for a paper on professional
integrity was suggested to me by a very thoughtful article written by F. G. Miller and Howard
Brady, which appeared in this Hastings Center Report, May-June 1995. The Miller-Brady article,
Professional Integrity and Physician Assisted Death pursued the thesis that under carefully
delineated circumstances voluntary physician-assisted death as a last resort...does not violate
physicians professional integrity.
Core Values are not just nice ideas to which we give lip service. They are foundational
principles upon which a strong Air Force is built. The challenge to each of us is to gain a personal
understanding of what the Core Values are and how to more effectively live them out as members
of the Air Force. It is now up to you to take the suggestions from this reading and make them
more than just words on a page. We encourage you to take time to think seriously about what
has been presented here, discuss it with your friends and associates, and the work through the
exercise, which will help you to develop a personal mission statement.
The Air Force is flying into a very exciting future. It will be characterized by higher and higher
levels of excellence as each of us continuously improve our ability and determination to live the
Core Values.
Step Four - Draft a Personal Mission Statement. The first three steps have prepared you to
begin working on your Personal Air Force Mission Statement. Using the thoughts you generated
in the first three steps, create a rough draft of that statement on a separate piece of paper. Make
this a working copy. Carry it around with you. Look at it often. Make changes as appropriate.
Make notes to include in another draft. Redraft it when it seems appropriate.
Step Five - Evaluate and Reevaluate. A mission statement is not something to be filed away
and forgotten. To mean anything it must become a living document, which serves as a guide to
present/future behavior. It is, therefore, important to review your mission statement on a regular
basis to check your progress and ensure what you are doing reflects what you have written down,
and what you have written down still reflects what you really want to be and do. Some checklist
questions to evaluate your mission statement include the following:
Does it reflect timeless core values? What are they?
When I think about what I could really be and do in the Air Force, is this it?
Does it pass the mirror test? Does it reflect values which, when lived out, will make me
feel good about myself? Does it reflect what I really consider to be my purpose and vision
as a member of the Air Force?
Do I feel motivated by it?
Do I have a plan for self-improvement, to include gaining needed skills, to help me
accomplish my mission? Do I know where I need to start now? Does it challenge and
inspire me to do my best?
Step Six - Write a Permanent Draft. Review it regularly. Remember, your mission statement
is a personal leadership tool. Keep it before you, especially as you make decisions and plan your
workweek. Memorizing it will help you to continually make your vision and values a positive guide
to personal effectiveness.
Much study has been done on the subject of values and their power to influence behavior.
One result of this study is a clear understanding that a key to the power of any value in our lives
is a personal acceptance of its importance and a commitment to live it based on that acceptance.
In other words, a value must be deeply believed in by an individual to make a difference in his or
her life. The Air Force cannot impose the Core Values on you--it cant make you value them. On
the other hand, as a member of the Air Force it is essential to you and to the institution that you
do. Your individual success and the effectiveness of the Air Force team of which you are a part
depend on it.
he flight mission statement is as important to the success of the group as the personal
mission statement is to each individual. In a time of never ending changes, the flight
mission statement gives the team a solid foundation to focus performance and give
direction. At the core of any successful organization is a shared vision and team values. The
effective mission statement incorporates the vision and values of each individual into flights
vision and values. It becomes the flights constitution. The standard by which all decisions and
performance are measured.
An effective mission statement is broad enough to cover the big picture and specific enough
that each individual in the flight understands how it applies to his/her role in the flight. With this
understanding, all flight members are able to develop personal goals that are in line with and lead
to the accomplishment of flight goals which in turn lead to the accomplishment of the flights
mission. Because everyone in the flight is measured by the mission of the flight, the flight mission
statement must be written by everyone in the flight. This process helps everyone feel they wrote
the mission statement. That participation will lead to more buy in to exerting the necessary
effort to accomplish the mission.
An example of the cascading effect of the flight mission statement would be something similar
to the following:
Flight mission statement: To become outstanding officers through teamwork.
The above mission statement is broad enough for everyone in the flight to get the big picture:
As a team the flight will work to become outstanding officers. It is also specific enough for each
individual to see what part he/she must play in helping the flight accomplish its mission: My
individual goals must be geared toward applying myself to the point where I exert maximum
effort to become an outstanding officer, which entails selflessly working to ensure my fellow flight
members accomplish the same.
With the above mission statement in mind, instead of a flight setting a goal of winning 90
percent of the field leadership campaigns, it might set a goal of spending five hours a week
studying the theory of the five functions of management and applying them in their preparation
for all activities. Each individual in the flight might then set a goal of studying the five functions
of management for one hour every night and applying the philosophy 90 percent of the time in
all activities. If each individual lives up to this goal, he/she takes one step closer to accomplishing
the specific mission; becoming an outstanding officer. Consequently, the flight will be one step
closer to accomplishing the broader mission; becoming outstanding officers through teamwork.
The following mission statement is an actual mission statement written by the members of the
OTS 22nd Training Support Squadron. It is broad enough that the squadron as a team understands
the big picture (its focus)--and specific enough that the youngest Airman understands where
he/she fits into the team. Use it as a guide to help you build your flights mission statement. You
will need to develop the flights mission statement and turn it in to your instructor. Later in the
program you will review the statement and revise it as required.
22 TSS Mission Statement: To provide quality education and support to train and commission
officers for the USAF.
The following table is provided to help you build your flight mission statement. It shows the
criterion for writing an effective mission statement and the questions to ask when analyzing what
youve written.
Questions to Ask
Does the mission statement clearly identify:
- Why the organization exists?
- Who the customers are?
- What the customers need and expect?
- How the customer's needs and expectations are met?
Criterion (Cont.)
Balanced Scope
Reality Check
Does the mission statement focus more on the needs of the customer than on a specific product or service, thus ensuring a
broader vision and more flexibility?
During this step, have the following been considered as appropriate: expectations developed during the Plan to Plan step, any
promises made and relevant issues created for the flight by
senior levels.
Student/Flight Assignment
sing the information in this lesson, you are to create your own personal mission
statement. In addition, you will create five supporting goals to help you achieve your
mission. You may want to reference the reading for Group Dynamics when developing
your goals. Similarly, you and your flight are to create a flight mission statement with five
supporting goals. Complete this assignment and turn-in copies of these mission statements to
your instructor by the end of the next duty day.
Later in the program, your instructor will return these mission statements for you and your
flight to review and revise as necessary. It is highly recommended that you and your flight track
the progress towards or achievement of the personal and flight goals established during this
1. Foundations for Quality: Air Force Core Values, Personal Application Handbook, Air Education
and Training Command, 1993.
2. Covey, Stephen, R., Principle-Centered Leadership, Summit Books, New York, NY, 1991.
3. Covey, Stephen, R., Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Fireside, New York, NY, 1989.
4. Strategic Planning Lesson Plan, Air Force Quality Institute, Maxwell AFB, AL.
The Air Force Leader
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the basic concepts of Air Force leadership.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Define leadership in your own words.
List the traits of an effective leader.
List the leadership principles.
Describe the four primary factors in a leadership situation.
Affective Lesson Objective:
Respond to the importance of leadership and the profession of
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Actively participate in a discussion of leadership by providing
personal examples of effective and ineffective leaders.
eadership is the art of influencing and directing people to accomplish the mission. The
concept of effective leadership includes two fundamental elements: the mission and
the people. They are embedded in the definition of leadership.
The Mission. The military organizations primary task is to perform its mission. This is
paramount, and everything must be subordinate to this objective. Thus, the leaders primary
responsibility is to lead people to carry out the units mission successfully. Former Air Force Chief
of Staff, General Curtis E. LeMay stated, No matter how well you apply the art of leadership,
no matter how strong your unit, or how high the morale of your men, if your leadership is not
directed completely toward the mission, your leadership has failed. Yet, a leader must never
forget the importance of the units personnel.
The People. People perform the mission. They are the heart of the organization and without
their support a unit will fail. One of a leaders responsibilities is the care and support of the
units personnel. Successful leaders continually ensure the needs of their subordinates are met
promptly and properly.
Leadership Traits
Effective leaders have certain distinguishing characteristics, which are the foundation for their
approach to the leadership situation. The list of a leaders desirable qualities is virtually endless.
While many characteristics (such as truthfulness) are expected of all members of the military
profession, there are six traits that are vital to Air Force leaders.
Integrity. The total commitment to the highest personal and professional standards. A leader
must be honest and fair. Integrity means establishing a set of values and adhering to those values.
Former Air Force Chief of Staff General Charles Gabriel said, Integrity is the fundamental premise
of military service in a free society. Without integrity, the moral pillars of our military strength-public trust and self-respect--are lost.
Loyalty. A three dimensional trait which includes faithfulness
to superiors, peers, and subordinates. Leaders must first display an
unquestionable sense of loyalty before they can expect members
of their unit to be loyal. General George S. Patton Jr. highlighted the
importance of loyalty saying, There is a great deal of talk about
loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top down is
even more necessary and much less prevalent.
Commitment. The complete devotion to duty. A leader must demonstrate total dedication to
the United States, the Air Force, and the unit. Plato said, Man was not born for himself alone, but
for his country. Dedicated service is the hallmark of the military leader.
Energy. An enthusiasm and drive to take the initiative. Throughout history successful leaders
have demonstrated the importance of mental and physical energy. They approached assigned
tasks aggressively. Their preparation included physical and mental conditioning which enabled
them to look and act the part. Once a course of action was determined, they had the perseverance
and stamina to stay on course until the job was completed.
Decisiveness. A willingness to act. A leader must have the self-confidence to make timely
decisions. The leader must then effectively communicate the decision to the unit. British Admiral
Sir Roger Keyes emphasized that, In all operations a moment arrives when brave decisions
have to be made if an enterprise is to be carried through. Of course, decisiveness includes the
willingness to accept responsibility. Leaders are always accountable--when things go right and
when things go wrong.
Selflessness. Sacrificing personal requirements for a greater cause. Leaders must think of
performing the mission and caring for the welfare of the men and women in the organization. Air
Force leaders cannot place their own comfort or convenience before the mission or the people.
Willingness to sacrifice is intrinsic to military service. Selflessness also includes the courage to
face and overcome difficulties. While courage is often thought of as an unselfish willingness to
confront physical dangers, equally important--and more likely to be tested on a daily basis--is the
moral courage a leader needs to make difficult decisions. General Douglas MacArthur said, No
action can safely trust its martial honor to leaders who do not maintain the universal code which
distinguishes those things that are right and those things that are wrong. It requires courage and
strength of character to confront a tough situation head-on rather than avoiding it by passing the
buck to someone else.
These traits are essential to effective leadership. Developing them in yourself will improve
your ability to employ the leadership principles.
Leadership Principles
An Air Force officer is flexible enough to meet changing circumstances, competent enough
to perform under adverse conditions, courageous enough to lead at the risk of life or career, and
courageous enough to stand on principle to do what is right. The leadership principles are guides
that have been tested and proven over time by successful leaders. Many of these principles are
related to the Air Force Core Values. As you comprehend and apply these principles, you and your
subordinates will begin to experience success in all your efforts.
Take Care of Your People. People are our most valuable resource and should be cared for to
the best of a leaders ability. The time and effort a leader spends taking care of subordinates and
co-workers will be amply rewarded in increased unit morale, effectiveness, and cohesion. Leaders
should exhort each unit member to reach their highest potential and thus maximize their value to
the Air Force. An effective and thorough effort to resolve threats to the individuals and familys
well being will free Airmen to achieve their potential. Find out what their requirements are and
be sensitive to their needs. Are the people housed adequately; are they well fed; are they paid
promptly; are there personal problems with which they need help? When people are worried
about these conditions, they cannot focus their full attention on their job, and the mission will
suffer. If people believe they are cared for as well as circumstances will permit, the leader is in a
position to earn their confidence, respect, and loyalty.
Motivate People. Your greatest challenge
is motivating subordinates to achieve the high
standards set for them. Motivation is the key to
successful leadership. Motivation is the moving
force behind successful leadership. In fact,
the ability to generate enthusiasm about the
mission may be the single most important factor
in leadership. Recognition of the efforts people
put forth is one positive way in which motivation
toward mission accomplishment pays dividends.
The leader who publicly applauds the efforts of
unit personnel builds a cohesive organization,
which will accomplish the mission.
Motivating people depends on understanding their needs and working to align these needs
with unit requirements. Most people will work for an organization, which they know, cares about
them, and one in whose mission they believe. Remember, the most powerful form of lasting
motivation is self-motivation. One of your goals as a leader should be to provide an environment
that fosters and rewards self-motivation.
Be a Follower. The Air Force expects all its leaders first to be followers. Airmen observe their
leaders and take from them successful traits while avoiding those that are counterproductive.
Good followers also understand and take personal pride in their contribution to the total Air Force
mission; they have the strength of character to be gratified by the collective pride in a fine team
effort without seeking individual reward. Effective followers have the strength of character to
flourish without seeking hero status and are willing and able to participate in a team effort to
effectively employ air and space power.
Know Your Job. People will follow a competent person who has the knowledge needed
to complete the mission successfully. The Air Force leader should have a broad view of the
units mission, and should ensure all members understand how their jobs relate to mission
Between World War I and World War II, the Army Air Corps was fortunate to have men like
General Henry Hap Arnold and General Carl Spaatz. These men knew their jobs and how they
could enhance the mission. Their preparation and vision paid substantial dividends when they
were charged with building a force to fight the air battles of World War II. But, just as important
as their own competence, these leaders ensured assigned people knew their responsibilities.
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Maxwell Taylor stated, One expects a
military leader to demonstrate in his daily performance a thorough knowledge of his own job and
further an ability to train his subordinates in their duties and thereafter to supervise and evaluate
their work.
Know Yourself. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is important to successful
leadership. You, the leader, must recognize your personal capabilities and limitations. Former
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Robert D. Gaylor put it this way: Sure, everyone wants to
be an effective leader, whether it be in the Air Force or in the community. You can and will be if
you identify your strengths, capitalize on them, and consciously strive to reduce and minimize the
times you apply your style inappropriately. Dont, however, ignore your weaknesses. Recognize
them and strive to overcome them. In the interim, select team members whose strengths
compensate for your weaknesses so that your collective efforts will get the job done.
Set the Example. You must set the standard for the unit. People will emulate your standards of
personal conduct and appearance. They will observe your negative characteristics as well as your
positive ones. A leaders actions must be beyond reproach, if he or she is to be trusted. Deviations
from high standards will only be amplified and the message of a leaders actions will permeate the
entire organization. Regardless of how strongly we feel about ourselves, it is the public perception
of our actions that count in the end. For example, the supervisor who violates basic standards
of morality invariably ends up in a comprising situation. A leader who drinks excessively or who
abuses controlled drugs sends a dangerous message: I cannot control myself; how can I control
you? Lack of self-discipline in a leader destroys the units cohesion and, ultimately impairs its
ability to perform the mission.
People do not expect their leaders to be saints. But they do expect leadership from a person
who recognizes the importance of example. As General George S. Patton, Jr. once remarked, You
are always on parade.
Communicate. Information should flow continuously throughout the organization. Former Air
Force Chief of Staff General Thomas D. White believed, Information is the essential link between
wise leadership and purposeful action. Communication is a two-way process. An informed leader
is able to evaluate realistically the units progress toward mission accomplishment. Successful
leaders listen to what their people have to say, and are always looking for the good ideas which
can flow up the chain. It is the leaders job to keep all channels open. The more senior a leader
becomes, the more listening skills are required.
Educate Yourself and Others. People should be properly trained to do their jobs. Education,
technical training schools, and on-the-job training are formal means by which Air Force personnel
are trained. Informal training, practice, and personal experience at the unit level are crucial
reinforcements to formal training. General of the Army Douglas MacArthur observed, In no other
profession are the penalties for employing untrained personnel so appalling or so irrevocable as
in the military. Greater efficiencies are possible with a highly trained and skilled force; therefore,
education must be a top priority.
Equip Your Troops. Its your responsibility
to ensure the unit is equipped properly to
accomplish the mission. If they do not have the
proper tools, obtain them. Proper tools include
equipment and facilities that lead to mission
accomplishment. Occasionally, needed tools
are not available in enough quantity or are not
available to you at all, despite your best efforts
to obtain them. In these situations a good
leader works to develop a creative alternative
and solicits solutions from those doing the job.
A poorly equipped force cannot capitalize on its
extensive training and requires more personnel or time to accomplish its mission than a properly
equipped force. Your leadership responsibilities include identifying needs, securing funds, and
then obtaining the necessary weapons, tools, and equipment.
Accept Responsibilities. General Curtis E. LeMay was once asked to provide a one-word
definition of leadership. After some thought, General LeMay replied, If I had to come up with
one word to define leadership, I would say responsibility. As a leader you are responsible
for performing the units mission. If you fail, you are accountable for the consequences. Any
unwillingness to accept responsibility for failure destroys your credibility as a leader and breaks
the bond of respect and loyalty. Accountability also includes the requirement for discipline
within a unit. A leader should reward a job well done and punish those who fail to meet their
responsibilities or establish standards. The former is easy, even enjoyable; the latter is much more
difficult, but equally necessary. George Washington observed, Discipline is the soul of an Army. It
makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.
Develop Teamwork. Leaders cannot accomplish the mission alone. It is also impossible for
followers to accomplish the entire mission while working completely alone. As a leader you must
mold a collection of individual performers into a cohesive team that works together to accomplish
the mission. The units mission will suffer if each person in your organization is doing his own
thing in isolation. As the leader, you should know how the various functions within the unit fit
together and how they must work in harmony. You should create and maintain an atmosphere of
teamwork and cooperation to meet mission demands. Teamwork comes when people are willing
to put the units mission before all else.
eadership has been defined as the art of influencing and directing people to accomplish
the mission. Management is the manner in which resources are used to achieve
objectives. Military leaders should also be aware of their responsibilities as Air Force
managers. British Field Marshall Lord Slim made a clear distinction:
There is a difference between leadership and management. The leader and the
men who follow him represent one of the oldest, most natural, and most effective
of all human relationships. The manager and those he manages are a later product
with neither so romantic, nor so inspiring a history. Leadership is of the spirit,
compounded of personality and vision--its practice is an art. Management is of the
mind, more a matter of accurate calculation, statistics, methods, timetables, and
routine--its practice is a science. Managers are necessary; leaders are essential.
In essence, you lead people and you manage things. The Air Force needs people who can do
both. The requirement is for the proper division of attention between the two, with the proportion
dependent on the situation. Approach each leadership situation paying careful attention to the
four primary factors: the mission, the people, the leader, and the environment.
The Mission. Most missions involve many tasks that must be completed if the unit is to fulfill its
responsibilities. The leader must define the mission and set priorities for its various components.
In many instances higher headquarters has defined the mission. Yet, the leader should translate
the higher direction into goals with which people will relate. When possible, the leader should
involve unit personnel in setting these goals to ensure their support. Individual involvement is
very important when total effort is needed from everyone. The goals must be challenging but
attainable. Goals that are unrealistic frustrate even the most dedicated people.
Set reasonable and acceptable standards of job
performance to make sure that goals are met. These
standards must be consistent with the mission, and
defined clearly for every individual. Recognize those who
meet or exceed standards, prescribe additional training
for those who cannot, and take corrective action for those
who will not. When standards are not met, determine the
reason and move quickly to correct the situation through
training or, if appropriate, administrative or disciplinary
action. Get the facts, then act.
The People. Be sensitive to people. People perform the mission. Understanding people helps
determine the appropriate leadership action to take in a given situation. You cannot be totally
successful at getting the most out of people without first knowing the capabilities of those you
are leading. Capabilities have two principal elements: training and experience.
Training. Assess the level of training in the unit. If the people are not trained, do what
it takes to get them the necessary training. Your subordinates cannot successfully
accomplish the mission without the proper training. Medal of Honor recipient Sergeant
John L. Levitow credited his heroic action under fire to the training he received.
Experience. Levels of experience vary widely. A leader should identify each individuals
experience and ability to perform in various situations. Do not base your evaluation of
an individuals experience solely on rank. While rank may be a good overall experience
indicator, the person may never have accomplished a particular job or been in a particular
The Leader. Successful military leaders adapt their leadership style to meet the mission
demands, and use an approach that capitalizes on their strengths. For example, if you are able to
communicate effectively with people on an individual basis but are uncomfortable when speaking
to large groups, then use personal conferences as much as possible. If you write well, take
advantage of this skill by writing letters of appreciation or using other forms of correspondence.
If you are a good athlete, organize and participate in unit sporting activities. In other words,
capitalize on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
The Environment. Leaders should carefully consider the environment in which they work.
Leadership methods, which worked in one situation with one group, may not work with the same
group in a different environment. Consider the squadron that is permanently based in the United
States, but deploys overseas for an extended period of temporary duty. Billeting or food service
difficulties, equipment, or parts shortages, family separation problems, inclement weather, etc.
may occur. Any of these problems create an entirely new environment with which the units leader
must cope. As a leader, you must alter your leadership behavior, as necessary, to accommodate
changes in the environment of the given mission. Be sensitive to your surroundings.
o better explain the roles of management and leadership, well examine them in terms
of three elements: behavior, personal characteristics, and organizational situation.
Effective leaders are often described as dynamic, which is regarded as beneficial because
it denotes movement and change. The function of leadership is not only to produce change, but
also to set the direction of that change. Management, however, uses the function of planning to
produce orderly results, not change.
- Administers
- Motivates
- Maintains
- Develops
- Controls
- Inspires
Managers use the management process to control people by pushing them in the right
direction. Leaders motivate and inspire people by satisfying their human needs, keeping them
moving in the right direction to achieve a vision. To do this, leaders tailor their behavior towards
their followers need for achievement, sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and control
over their lives. Bennis offers the following summary of this behavioral comparison:
Personal Characteristics. The following figure illustrates an interesting comparison of successful
leaders and managers that was researched by Professor Robert White of Indiana University.
Everyone who has been exposed to both types of characteristics knows from experience that
neither is exclusively positive or negative.
- Problem solvers
- Statistics driven
- Values driven
- Thrive on predictability
- Ambiguous
The best managers tend to become good leaders because they develop leadership abilities
and skills through practicing good management techniques. Seldom is there an effective leader
who has not been a good manager. Similarly, managers who become successful leaders have
humanized their management skills with inspiration, empowerment, and vision through a catalyst
called charisma. Social scientist Alan Bryman goes so far as to suggest that management styles
may set the stage for charisma.
Organizational Situation. What are the organization implications of these two concepts of
management and leadership? Leaders launch and steer the organization towards the pursuit of
goals and strategies. Managers ensure the resources needed to get there are available and are
used along the way. An organization needs both leadership and management, and if they are
combined in one person or persons, so much the better.
To achieve a plan, managers organize and staff jobs with qualified individuals, communicating
the plan to those people, delegating the responsibility for carrying out the plan, and devising
systems to monitor its implementation. What you, as an officer, will need to do, however, is not
to organize people, but to align them, and that is a leadership activity.
What is the relative importance of effective leadership and management? Strong leadership
with weak management is no better, and sometimes actually worse, than the opposite. The
challenge is to achieve a balance of strong leadership and strong management. A peacetime
military can survive with good administration and management up and down the hierarchy,
coupled with good leadership concentrated at the top. A wartime force, however, needs
competent leadership at all levels. Good management brings a degree of order and consistency
to key issues like readiness, availability, and sustainment. But no one has yet figured out how to
manage people into battle. They must lead.
Embrace these proven leadership traits and principles. The Air Force requires every Airman,
officer and enlisted, to reflect these traits and principles, at every level, when performing the Air
Force mission--our success in war and peace depends on it.
ore than 40 years ago, management guru Peter F. Drucker reiterated that the first
systematic book on leadership, written 2,000 years ago by Xenophon, a Greek general,
is still the best on the subject.1 Xenophons book on combat leadership describes
leadership actions during a five-month campaign when he and others, although surrounded by a
hostile and numerically superior foe, led 10,000 men in a retreat from Babylon to the Black Sea.
mission, they must also be responsible for the lives of those they lead. So, battle represents a
worst-case condition. No wonder traditional motivators such as higher pay, good benefits and
job security are not much good. There is no business as usual on the battlefield.
Under these conditions, good leaders enable ordinary people to routinely accomplish the
extraordinary. In battle, leaders help their followers reach difficult goals and complete arduous
tasks. People in such an environment cannot be managed--they must be led. And under terrible
conditions, successful combat leaders build and lead amazing organizations that get things done
ethically, honestly and, for the most part, humanely.
Goldwaters Suggestion
Back in 1989, Senator Barry Goldwater endorsed an earlier book of mine on leadership that
described the techniques of leadership as an art. Goldwater stated that while my techniques
were sound, all were founded on certain principles such as basic honesty. According to him, all
leadership techniques must be derived from these basic principles or they will not work.4
Assuming Goldwater was correct, while leadership techniques depend on the situation
and the leaders as well as the followers styles, there are basic principles from which all
techniques are derived that are always true.5 Once these principles are uncovered, techniques
in any situation almost automatically follow. Moreover, if general leadership principles from the
worst-case scenario could be documented, they would have an extremely important impact on
many other activities. Leaders from all organizations could use these principles to dramatically
increase productivity and the likelihood of success in any project in which they were engaged.
Such principles could be likened to the law of gravity. A stone dropped from an outstretched
hand will fall whether the one who drops it is a combat leader, a business leader, a coach, a
teacher or any other leader. And, the stone will always fall down--not up. Thus began my search
for the source principles of leadership from the battlefield experience. I was hardly the first to do
leadership studies in the military. I have heard of and examined leadership studies from combat
and in noncombat situations from all of the services. However, I believed this would be the first
attempt to derive noncombat leadership principles from the combat experience. Former Combat
Leaders Survey
The foundation of the research was data from a survey sent to more than 200 former combat
leaders. Other data were derived from conversations with hundreds of leaders from all four
military services and from information gleaned from histories of wars ranging from World War II
to current operations.
I especially sought people who had become successful in the corporate world or in nonmilitary
organizations after leaving the Armed Forces. Of the responses received in the initial phase, 62
were from generals and admirals. The survey asked these extraordinary leaders the following
Leadership Essentials
There are hundreds of excellent techniques and rules people may follow in leading others.
But the eight universal laws are essential--the soul of all leadership. The eight laws are simple,
but they are not always easy to implement, and sometimes conflict with one another. However,
implementing even one of these laws can make the difference between success and failure. But,
if you violate these universal laws, you will probably fail, even if you are at first successful. No
one can guarantee success in any situation because there are other factors, such as available
resources or policies, which might override anything a leader could do. But, there is no doubt that
if a leader follows the universal laws, chances of success will increase. These laws are so powerful
that the consequences of following them or not can determine success for most leaders in most
the soldiers who looked to their officers for leadership. They asked the soldiers what they wanted
from leaders. Integrity was so basic it was assumed; it was not even included in the choices given.
Among the choices listed in the survey, the top choice was that leaders should know their stuff.
As confirmation of the universality of this law, during my research, I found a speech by Captain
Wolfgang Lueth, one of Germanys leading World War II submarine aces, which clearly shows he
came to the identical conclusion. He told German naval cadets: Your crews wont care if you are
a perfect fat head, as long as you sink ships.10 Your subordinates do not care two straws how
good you are at office politics either. They do not care whether you are good at managing your
career or that you get all your tickets punched correctly. They want to know if you are competent-they want to know if you know your stuff.
Declare your expectations. This law encompasses objectives, goals and vision--and getting
the word out over and over in every way possible. But first, you must think through the entire
process. I like to say you cannot get there until you know where there is. Drucker spent
a fair amount of time working and consulting with Japanese companies. Commenting on
Theory Z back when it was thought this was the solution to managing American companies,
Drucker maintained it was not so much quality circles or some other special technique used
in Japan that changed the quality of Japanese goods. Rather, it was management experts such
as W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran and others who made Japanese leaders aware of the
problem.11 Japanese business leaders then declared their expectations of a renewed focus on
quality. This redirected the emphasis in their companies to a subject that had previously been
ignored or thought unimportant. Quality circles and other techniques that became total quality
management techniques supported that effort. So this law really has two parts: establish your
expectations, then declare them.
Show uncommon commitment. People will not follow you if they think your commitment is
temporary or that you may quit the goal short of attainment. Why should they invest their time,
money, life or fortune in something if the leader is not going to lead them there anyway? Others
will only follow the leader when they are convinced he will not quit no matter how difficult the
task or no matter what obstacles are encountered. The 216 BC Battle of Cannae was probably the
most decisive battle in history. Most military students study Cannae for its lessons in strategy and
a most successful employment of what has come to be known as the double envelopment. But
Cannae also has an important lesson for leaders. Carthaginian commander Hannibal faced Roman
forces that outnumbered his by almost four to one. Hannibal showed uncommon commitment:
We will either find a way, or make one.12 His commitment clearly gave his men heart. Almost
80 percent of that seemingly overwhelming Roman force was left dead on the field of battle.
Fighting in the Carolinas during the American Revolution, Major General Nathanael Greene
also demonstrated this kind of commitment: We fight, get beat, rise and fight again.13 During
the Civil War, in a note to General Henry W. Halleck, General Ulysses S. Grant wrote: I propose
to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.14 Little wonder that Grant was the first Union
general about whom Confederate General Robert E. Lee expressed concern. There will always be
obstacles. Someone said, There are no dreams without dragons.15 When you show uncommon
commitment, followers know their investment of time and effort will not be wasted. They know
you will not walk away--that you will see the task through to the end. Yes, there may be dragons;
but your commitment gives everyone confidence that you and they can and will slay them.
Expect positive results. It is true a leader who expects positive results might not actually get
them because of circumstances beyond his control. It is equally true a leader who does not expect
positive results will probably not get them. Chester L. Karrass, who said, You dont get what
you deserve--you get what you negotiate, proved that years ago.16 In thousands of negotiation
experiments, Karrass found that time after time the better the negotiators expected to do, the
better they did. So, while expecting positive results might not always lead to success, failing to
expect positive results will almost always lead to something less--and, maybe, to failure. When
things were at their blackest, with his troops surrounded by superior forces and over 1,000 miles
from friendly support, Xenophon told his officers, All of these soldiers have their eyes on you.
If they see that you are downhearted they will become cowards. If you are yourselves clearly
prepared to meet the enemy, and if you call on the rest to do their part, you can be sure that they
will follow you and try to be like you.17 Xenophon expected positive results, and he got them.
Take care of your people. During recent downsizing,
CEOs who made sacrifices for their people, including
taking salary cuts themselves to help avoid layoffs,
were rewarded. Their workers were more productive,
which eventually paid off in higher profits. Those who
sacrificed others while taking bonuses and pay increases
for themselves did not get the same results. According
to retired Colonel Harry G. Summers, a commander
has a responsibility to shield his subordinate leaders
from arbitrary and capricious attack.18 Summers is
100-percent right. To illustrate his point, Summers tells
of a combat action in Vietnam. Brigadier General James
F. Hollingsworth, an assistant division commander, flew
over Summers battle position in a helicopter. He called
Summers battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel
Dick Prillaman on the radio and told him that one of his company commanders was all screwed
up. I want you to relieve him right now, he demanded. Prillaman responded instantly: Hes
doing exactly what I want him to do. If you relieve anyone, it should be me.19
Hollingsworth could have done exactly that. Instead, he said, Now dammit Dick, dont get
your back up. It just looked screwed up from up here. Go down and check it out.20 By the time he
retired from the Army, Prillaman was a Lieutenant General. Good leaders who take care of their
people tend to get promoted, but that is not guaranteed. The decision we must make is whether
we are primarily interested in being a real leader or getting promoted no matter what. Most of
the time good leadership and promotion go together, but not always.
Duty before self. Duty has two main components: the mission and the people. Sometimes the
mission comes first; sometimes the people. However, with a real leader, one thing never comes
first--personal interests and well-being.
All U.S. Armed Forces have great examples of those who put duty before self. Howard Gilmore
was the commander of the USS Growler, an American submarine on its fourth war patrol in the
Southwest Pacific. Forced to surface to recharge the submarines batteries on the dark night of 7
February 1943, Gilmore and his crew did not see the Japanese gunboat until it was too late. The
gunboat closed range to ram the surfaced submarine. By skillful maneuvering, Gilmore moved
the Growler aside to avoid the gun-boats attack. The gunboats crew fired all of its guns, hoping
it could damage the Growler and delay its escape for only a few minutes so nearby enemy ships
could finish the sub off. Gilmore had already ordered those on deck to clear the bridge. He was
the only one still not inside the sub. Before he could get below himself and order a dive, he was
wounded by enemy fire. He was alive but could barely move. He knew his crew and submarine
were in danger from the gunboat and other approaching enemy ships. He could not get to the
hatch. For his men to climb out of the submarine to drag him into the submarine would result
in further delay, which could be fatal to his crew. The submarine had to crash dive immediately.
Gilmore gave his final order even though he knew it meant his own death: Take her down.21
The Growler was seriously damaged, but under control. Gilmores crew brought the sub back to a
safe port. No doubt they were inspired by the courageous fighting spirit of their skipper, who had
sacrificed his life while putting duty before self. Gilmore was awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor posthumously for his bravery. Fortunately, noncombat situations do not require this kind
of sacrifice. But make no mistake about it, if you put duty before self, there will be sacrifices you
must make.
Get out in front. There are leaders who feel they must maintain total detachment. They believe
they must coolly and carefully analyze the facts and make decisions without being influenced by
outside complications. From their viewpoint, this must be done away from the action, where the
noise, pressures of time and other problems distract from their ability to think calmly and clearly.
There is a place for contemplative thinking and measured analysis in leadership, but many
leaders have their priorities wrong. The first priority is that the leader must get out where the
action is--where those who are doing the actual work are making things happen. They cannot lead
from behind a desk in an air-conditioned office. Military historian John Keegan has written many
professional books on command and strategy. In his classic treatise on the essence of military
leadership, The Mask of Command, he concludes: The first and greatest imperative of command
is to be present in person.22 That means getting out and seeing and being seen. That way, you
can see what is going right and what is not. You can make sure your objectives, goals and vision
are being conveyed the way you intend. You can make on-the-spot corrections. You can tell it like
it is. You can set the example. At the same time, your people can tell you what is on their minds.
You can communicate with them in a way no consultants survey can match. When you are out in
front and for real, others know it and will positively respond to your leadership.
I call the eight universal laws the stuff of heroes.23 Apply them. They will work for you today,
as they worked for Xenophon 2,000 years ago.
End notes:
1. Peter F. Drucker, The Practice of Management (New York: Harper and Row, 1955), 1942.
2. B.H. Liddell Hart, Strategy (New York: Praeger, 1954), 18.
3. Drucker, interview with the author, 7 November 1997.
4. Barry Goldwater, letter to the author, 10 August 1989.
5. E.P. Hollander and L.R. Offermann, Power and Leadership in Organizations, American
Psychologist, 45 (1990), 179-89.
6. Anonymous, letter to the author, 13 November 1997. Former Vietnam combat leader Brigadier
General Michael L. Fergusons comment is typical of the responses: I truly hope it reaches
all the people out there who are students of leadership, because I am convinced that we
need more and more great--no, really great--leaders who will use these laws of leadership to
protect the future of our country. If not, we will be in real trouble. God bless.
7. For a complete list of interviews and contributors, see William A. Cohen, The Stuff of Heroes:
The Eight Universal Laws of Leadership (Atlanta: Longstreet Press, 1998), 263-66.
8. Perry M. Smith, Taking Charge (Washington, DC: National Defense University, 1986), 28-29.
9. National Research Council with the collaboration of the Science Service, Psychology for the
Fighting Man (New York: Penguin Books, 1944), 307.
10. Captain Wolfgang Lueth, Command of Men in a U-Boat, speech given in 1943 at a German
Naval Officers Course, in Harald Busch, U-Boats at War (New York: Ballantine Books, 1955).
11. Drucker.
12. Mark Healy, Cannae 216 BC: Hannibal Smashes Romes Army (Grants Pass, OR: Osprey
Publishing Co., 1998).
13. Spurgeon Compton and W. Carroll Headspeth, The Retreat to Dan (South Boston, VA: South
Boston News, 1974), 8.
14. In His Own Words, Ulysses S. Grant Network Home Page at
15. Anonymous.
16. Chester L. Karrass, In Business as in Life, You Dont Get What You Deserve-You Get What You
Negotiate (Santa Monica, CA: Stanford Street Press, 1996).
17. Xenophon, The Persian Expedition, Rex Warner, trans. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1949). 104.
18. Harry G. Summers, Take Care of the Troops, Washington Times, 7 August 1997, 14.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Citation awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to Howard Walter Gilmore, The American
War Library, at
22. John Keegan, The Mask of Command (New York: Penguin Books, 1988), 329.
23. Cohen.
1. AFDD 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, 17 November 2003.
2. AFDD 1-1, Leadership and Force Development, 18 February 2006
3. Benton, Jeffrey C. Col. (USAF Ret.), Air Force Officers Guide, Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole
Books, 1996.
4. Guidelines for Command: A Handbook on the Leadership of People for Air Force Commanders
and Supervisors, Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University, 1995.
Human Relations in the Air Force
Cognitive Lesson Objective
Know the importance of managing diversity and the concept and
consequences of harassment.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
List some possible benefits and potential problems of a diverse
Recognize the importance of managing diversity.
Summarize the key to managing diversity.
Recognize the various forms of harassment.
Summarize the effects of harassment & assault on mission
Affective Lesson Objective
Respond to the importance of diversity and an environment free of
Affective Sample of Behavior
Participate in discussion and offer opinions during case studies.
he topic of human relations in the Air Force is necessary because America is a diverse
nation, our military reflects societys diversity, and the military must effectively manage
diversity in order to achieve mission success. A diverse work force has visible differences,
e.g., skin color, race, gender, age, body shape, body size, and language, along with less visible
differences, such as spirituality/religion, ethnicity/culture, socio-economic situation, sexual
orientation, creativity, experience, and education (Buchanan, 2001; Kochan et al., 2002). While
sexual orientation is not usually included as a topic of diversity in the military, we need to keep in
mind that we might work with, work for, or supervise civilian personnel whose sexual orientation
may vary. Whatever the situation, we need to manage the diversity in a way that treats people
professionally and accomplishes mission success.
What does the research literature tell us about diversity? Clarke and Iles (2000) found a
positive climate was related to perceptions of policy support, organizational justice, support for
diversity, and recognition of the need for diversity. In particular, the perception of organizational
justice strongly predicts organizational commitment, job satisfaction, career planning, career
commitment, satisfaction with manager, career satisfaction, and career future satisfaction.
(Clarke and Ikes, p. 341) Organizational justice was defined as having two elements--procedural
justice, the process of assessing how fairly decisions were made, while distributive justice focused
on the fairness of who received rewards, resources, and discipline.
The perception of an organizations policy about diversity is strongly connected to support
from its senior leadership (Corporate Leadership Council, 2000). What does our leadership say?
...Americas diversity has given this country its unique strength, resilience,
and richness. So maximizing the benefits of diversity is a mission imperative
for all of us in the Air Force. In the face of emerging national security threats
and a dynamic global environment, the Air Force must adapt. Continued air
and space dominance will require a transformation in the way we employ
our weapons, systems, and most important, our people. This process begins
and ends with them. Our people are the means to pursue and adopt new
operational concepts, organizational constructs, and advance technologies. It is only with and
through a highly trained, highly diverse, and highly capable Total Force that we will continue to
sustain the dominance we enjoy today.
As we implement [then] Secretary Rumsfelds priorities to transform the joint force and
improve human resource practices, the relationship between diversity and mission success
become increasingly apparent. By embracing diversity, we open the door to greater vistas of
creativity and ingenuity, delivering to the Air force a competitive edge over our adversaries.
In our view, diversity should not be viewed as a compliance-oriented, conflict resolution tool,
or a mechanism to level the playing field. Support for diversity is not about lowering standards
of performance or sorting people into rigid categories. Diversity is the very opposite of those
concepts. It is a performance-based leadership strategy, employed by the Air Force and its
leadership to leverage the unique qualities of all of our members. We are committed to diversity
of culture, thought, creativity, education, and problem solving skills. Support of diversity doesnt
imply that we are a less disciplined military force. We must simultaneously value diversity for the
wealth of insights, perspectives and skills it provides the Air Force, while remaining a unified force
that achieves common goals and objectives. Personnel diversity is needed to preserve the current
advantages paved by the rich heritage of this nation, and to secure asymmetrical advantages in
the future for our Air Force.
To effectively leverage diversity, we must renew our force with diverse talents, develop leaders
with the capacity to lead a diverse 21st Century organization, and sustain a diverse culture that is
inclusive of our Total Force.
Renewing our force with a rich representation from all demographics opens the door to
innovative ideas offering an unparalleled competitive edge for air and space dominance. We must
attract and retain people from all segments of American society and tap into the infinite talents
resident in Americas diverse population if we hope to reach our fullest potential as a fighting
We must enthusiastically reach out to the extraordinarily diverse groups of people in our
nation to ensure that the Air Force offers a welcoming career to the best and brightest of American
society, regardless of their background. If we all look alike, think alike, and talk alike, we could
very well jeopardize our ability to remain truly innovative and creative in developing ways to
improve capabilities needed to fly and fix the airplanes and vehicles we use to employ air and
space power.
Next, we must develop inspirational leaders and a skilled, knowledgeable workforce capable
of executing Air Force missions over time. The capacity to lead a diverse force is an undeniable
aspect of Air Force leadership. We must develop leaders with cultural sophistication, international
expertise and language skills to successfully lead a diverse force in demanding overseas
environments. A major factor in developing our force is mentoring. We expect Air Force leaders
to challenge any policy, practice, or process that limits the growth and development of potential
leaders form all groups. Our leaders must maximize individual and unit performance. To do so,
they must be well equipped and actively mentor all members of our diverse force as commanders,
supervisors, and managers at all levels.
Finally, we must sustain a diverse workforce of motivated capable people through an inclusive
culture that provides all membersindividually and collectivelythe chance to grow to their full
potential as they pursue mission excellence on the Air Force team. By taking actions to ensure that
our culture is inclusive, we will create and sustain an environment conducive to high standards of
performance making us an employer of choice.
learly, our supervisory and leadership responsibilities are critical to manage diversity for
effective force development. What are some tools we can use to manage diversity?
Here are some ideas to consider for personal and interpersonal development:
Learn about other cultures and spiritual beliefs--not only within our country, but world-wide
Dr. Roche stated, We must develop leaders with cultural sophistication, international expertise
and language skills to successfully lead a diverse force in demanding overseas environments.
Current military efforts require that we know and respect the cultures and beliefs of other nations.
We have an obligation to read and learn more. We have an obligation to keep up with national
and international news. In many countries, religion is tied directly to the culture. Can you identify
the leading religions in the world? On the following list of world religions, rank order the religions
1-13, according to membership numbers: (answer key on page with bibliography)
Among scientists who study human behavior and development, there is an adage: Every
human is in certain all other humans, like some other humans, and like no other
human. (Kluckhohn and Murray, p 53)
In order to develop our forces to their utmost capability, we must mentor our future force.
To successfully mentor, we need to challenge any policy, practice, or process that limits the
growth and development of potential leaders from all groups. In other words, is the workplace
barrier-free from cultural, ethnic, gender or religious stereotypes? In 2003, Dr. Roche removed
the Air Force Academys landmark quote, Bring Me Men (aka, the Bring Me Men ramp). The
change recognized the importance in developing women leaders at the Academy while removing
a potential gender barrier. A news story at the Naval Academy marked another change in practice.
The article, Men Removed from Naval Academy Alma Mater, was printed by the Associated
Press, May 20, 2004:
ANNAPOLIS, Md. The Naval Academy has removed references to men from its
alma mater, saying the lyrics excluded women from the schools heritage. The
song Navy Blue & Gold, originally contained the lyrics Now college men from
sea to sea may sing of colors true. But who has better right than we to hoist a
symbol hue: For sailor men in battle fair since fighting days of old Have proved the
sailors right to wear the Navy Blue & Gold.
The new lyrics replace the two references to men. The song begins Now colleges
from sea to sea may sing of colors true, and the third line has been changed to
For sailors brave in battle fair since fighting days of old. Without changing the
meaning of the song, these words make our Alma Mater inclusive of all who cherish
it, Vice Adm. Rodney P. Rempt, academy superintendent, said in a statement.
Women were first admitted to the academy in 1976 and account for slightly less
than 15 percent of the student body.
Changing policies and practices can be very difficult--especially when those practices are longcheristed traditions. However, Only when each and every member of the group enjoys high
quality task and social interactions can the full benefits of diversity be realized (Elsass & Graves,
p. 968).
Inclusion involves behaviors to include all members, along with behaviors to avoid exclusion
of some. Lets look at an example when a practice looks like exclusion. Many military events
have someone offer a blessing to start the ceremony. At the end of the blessing, you may have
heard, In ____s name, we pray. Depending on how we fill out that blank, the result can mean
connecting with the spiritual beliefs of some, but excluding the beliefs of others. The best action
is to ensure the spiritual comments are given in a universal style thats sensitve to all practices.
In the 1997 edition of Air Force handbook on communication, the Tongue and Quill, page 40
is dedicated to discussing Nonjudgmental communication:
We all have our own set of learned barriers to effective writing and speaking.
Inadvertently, we will exclude members of our audience--and that hurts
communications. A mentally agile communicator, on the other hand, develops a
sixth sense about avoiding ingrained habit traps that allow race, religion, ethnicity
or sex to fog the message. Here are some common pitfalls that arent all-inclusive,
but will help you to become more sensitive:
VISUAL SUPPORT. Visual aids or illustrations should show a range of people who
populate our Air Force--men and women of all races and ethnic groups, and, where
possible, of different religious groups. Avoid stereotyping of jobs based on sex or
RELIGIOUS. Most people have a strong emotional attachment to their spiritual
beliefs. Comments like I jewed them down or They were all mackerel snappers;
or making reference to religious events celebrated by only one group, such as
Christmas or Hanukkah, can leave portions of your audience with a feeling of
exclusion or ridicule.
ETHNIC & RACIAL. Using words and phrases like Mexican standoff and chiefs and
Indians can be counterproductive. Joke telling is the biggest area where otherwise
sensitive people make mistakes. Humor is not universal. The only way to avoid this
trap is to retire all jokes, phrases or words with racial or ethnic bias.
SEXIST. We tumble into this one less often these days. To be gender-neutral, using
he or she is acceptable. Or you could change the antecedent, if possible (i.e.,
everyone, a person, people, anyone, etc.). Just be consistent.
The rest of the page concludes with examples of inclusive word usage, such as firefighter
vs. fireman. How powerful is inclusion? Does it really make a difference for the good of the
organization and mission? Heres an experience shared by a former department head at the Air
Force Academy, Col Dave Porter:
About the time the first group of women entered the Air Force Academy in 1976,
the first group of female aircraft mechanics were finishing technical training. All of
the females were assigned to a unit in the Pacific commanded by Porter. Right off
the get-go, the women had a problem on the flightline when it came time to move
their tool kits. The kits weighed about 80 lbs and needed to be moved from aircraft
to aircraft or stored securely when not in use.
Before we go on with the story, stop and think about what your next move might be. How
would you handle the situation? Should women even be in the field of aircraft mechanics?
Porter responded to the problem by putting wheels on the heavy tool kits. Not
only did the women mechanics get the new mobile tool kits, so did all the men.
Consequently, the creative problem solving resulted in success for the new female
mechanics and significant improvement for the men. Prior to the change of putting
tool kits on wheels, the male mechanics had experienced a high rate of sick call
and missed work days due to back problems from lifting the heavy kits. Following
the change, the male aircraft mechanics had a significant decrease in sick call and
related missed days. All in all, the inclusive decision benefited everyone in the unit
and the mission!
iversity of the Air Force work force is a reality that can make our military even better.
Leveraging diversity can result in increased innovation by challenging long-accepted
views, creating dynamic environments with higher productivity, promoting a wider
array of ideas and solutions, and offering varied perspectives. (Russell, 2000; Zachary, 2000)
Both the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force agree, ...we are committed to inclusively
developing tomorrows expeditionary airmen and civilians, consistent with the requirements of
law, and we expect the same commitment from you. Americas security depends upon it. (2004)
On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, Is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, Is it politic?
And Vanity comes along and asks the question, Is it popular?
But conscience asks the question, Is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor
popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
uman relations complaint and incident rates have been rising in the Air Force since
1984. Events of racial violence, such as those in Miami and in Los Angeles, demonstrate
that racial tensions are not going away. The recent focus on sexual harassment and
sexual assault has raised attention in this area as well.
The Air Force cannot isolate itself from these societal trends. Despite commanders
involvement and education programs, people will occasionally behave inappropriately. It takes a
strong continuing commitment by everyone to minimize these behaviors and their effects.
Every human relations incident--be it racial, religious, or gender-related--detracts from our
peoples ability to do their jobs to the best of their ability. When you are confronted with such
a situation, whether youre the victim, the offender, supervisor, co-worker or commander, you
have a role. Unless the situation is corrected, our ability to perform our mission effectively is
diminished greatly. We cannot ignore this responsibility.
This lesson is designed to help you meet these challenges. It provides insight and guidance
for a healthy and productive learning environment for all members of the Air Force ROTC family.
The Air Force will conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment/
assault. It provides equal opportunity and treatment for all members irrespective of their race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or, in the case of civilian employees, handicapping
conditions, except as prescribed by statute or policy. Whenever unlawful discrimination is found,
the Air Force immediately eliminates it and neutralizes the effects. Commanders or supervisors
who are aware of unlawful discrimination by subordinates but fail to take action will be disciplined.
(AFPD 36-27, Social Actions, and AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Actions.) People arent born
prejudiced--they are influenced.
Other People. If someone we respect says something about a group, we may accept it as
Our Own Experiences. For example, if we have an argument with someone from a different
racial group, we may decide that everyone from that group is hard to get along with.
The Media. Television, movies and books can entertain us, but they can also mislead us.
For example, many main characters on TV are young, white and male. We may start to
think only young, white males do exciting or important things.
Poor Self-esteem. Some people have bad opinions about themselves. To feel more
important, they sometimes look down on others.
Seen One, Seen Them All. Stereotyping is the belief that all people in a group are the
same. They can fool people into thinking they know someone when they dont! Do you
know if discrimination and sexual harassment exist in your work environment? Look for
the following indicators. Any of these elements may constitute sexual harassment or
Physical Contact. Squeezing a someones shoulder or putting a hand around his or her
Gestures. Puckering ones lips suggestively or making obscene signs with ones fingers or
Jokes. Telling off-color, ethnic, or racial jokes.
Pictures. Displaying pin-ups, particularly those of scantily clad individuals.
Comments. Generalities that lump one group together and denigrate them.
Terms of Endearment. Calling a co-worker honey, dear, sweetheart, or some similar
expression. The effect is the primary issue rather than intent. Even if the person means
nothing to you or you have used the term for years, you should be aware that these
expressions are inappropriate.
Questionable Compliments. Nice legs! You look hot in that outfit! Compliments like
these can make individuals feel uncomfortable or worse. Even if the person who received
the compliment is not disturbed by it, others may be.
Sexual Assault. Any unwanted touching of a sexual nature that is done without a persons
consent. Assault of any type should be reported immediately to your commander or local
The military is comprised of people with different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. To strive
for a more productive atmosphere, get to know the people you work with and respect their
individuality, as they should yours. The following can help you get more out of work relationships.
Does this behavior contribute to work output, mission accomplishment, or a better
learning environment?
Could this behavior offend or hurt other members of the group?
Could someone misinterpret my behavior as intentionally harmful or harassing?
Could this behavior send out signals that invite inappropriate behavior by others?
Do I treat people equal regardless of race, gender, religion, etc.?
Do I care if I offend others?
Do I really listen when someone tries to tell me something I do not want to hear?
The Recipient
Consider using an informal method of
resolution if the behavior was minor.
Only use this method if you feel it
will permanently stop the offensive
behavior without reprisal and you feel
the offender should be given a chance
to change. Document all the facts and
Consider formal channels if the incident and behavior is serious, absolutely unacceptable,
or repeated (especially after telling the offender to stop). Serious behaviors may
include: asking for sexual favors in return for a good performance appraisal/grade,
making supervisory decisions because of a persons race or gender, or denying specific
opportunities because of difference in religious beliefs.
Take responsibility to see that discrimination and sexual harassment or sexual assault are
stopped without reprisal.
If a formal complaint has been filed, seek legal counselor assistance to understand your
Avoid any appearance of reprisal whether direct or indirect.
Seek help from an agency that can assist you in getting on track (e.g. Chaplain, Social
Actions, university counselors).
Take responsibility to see that discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault are
stopped and that there is no reprisal.
The Supervisor
If you observe or are approached about discrimination or sexual harassment/assault, take
Advise the offending person to stop immediately. If the offender is your supervisor, report
it to the next level, or encourage the recipient to do the same.
Act promptly and take corrective action if you supervise the offending individual.
Warn all parties immediately against behavior that may look like direct or indirect reprisal.
Inform the chain of command.
Take responsibility to see that discrimination and sexual harassment/assault are stopped
and that there is no reprisal.
The Commander
If you are the commander of the recipient, offending person or have observed discrimination
or sexual harassment, take action.
Encourage resolution at the lowest level.
Brief the alleged offender of his or her rights.
Discuss behaviors that the recipient may perceive as direct or indirect reprisal. Talk about
steps to report reprisal.
Recommend mediation if appropriate.
Solicit technical assistance from Social Actions, chief EEO counselor, or university
Provide timely resolution and feedback to the recipient or alleged offender.
Enforce strong sanctions against violations.
Follow-up with all involved individuals.
Take responsibility to see that discrimination and sexual harassment are stopped and that
there is no reprisal.
To help combat discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault in your education
environment, never ignore the problem, speak up and seek help. There are two ways to go about
this. You can attempt to resolve the problem either informally or formally without reprisal.
Informal Resolution
Speak with the offender. Approach the individual(s) in person. Give yourself time to collect
your thoughts or cool down. Stay focused on the behavior and its impact. Write down your
thoughts before approaching the individual(s) involved. Use common courtesy and ensure your
approach is not disrespectful. For example: Youre a good trainer, but I cant concentrate on the
task with you rubbing my arm. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
Keep records. Include each event, date, time, location, what happened, what was said, how
you felt, and the names of any witnesses or others victimized by this person.
Write letters. You can write a letter to the offender. Include the following in your letter:
A description of the unwelcome behavior
Date(s) and time(s) the behavior occurred
Formal Resolution
Discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault can have serious consequences for
unit cohesion and teamwork. The Air Forces complaint process is designed to address concerns
specifically related to discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, and if
civilian, handicapping condition. All Air Force personnel and their dependents have the right to
thorough and expedient investigations of equal opportunity (EO) concerns when they perceive an
injustice or incident of unfair treatment has occurred. If you feel uncomfortable with the informal
process, or are not able to resolve an issue at that level, a number of agencies are available to
assist you.
The Chain of Command. We encourage
you to use your chain of command first
before seeking outside resolution. If the
problem is within the chain or is severe,
you may want to direct your concerns to
the commissioned staff. If you do not want
to use this avenue, there are university
agencies that can assist.
The University. Your institution is subject to several federal statutes that require racial/gender
equality. Practices to the contrary are given serious investigation to ensure a quality educational
Reprisal. Air Force policy ensures that each of us has a right to report sexual harassment and
sexual assault or discrimination without fear of reprisal. Acts of reprisal against an individual
should be reported immediately. Reprisal occurs if someone threatens you or your career because
you filed a complaint or discussed an issue with your chain of command or another agency. It
could include negative performance ratings, letters of counseling or reprimand, etc. Sometimes
reprisal is difficult to recognize. It could include withholding training, denying opportunities to
compete for awards and recognition, job assignments designed to limit progression, etc.
For example: An individual filing a complaint may be removed from the duty section to
protect them from hostility. However, the individual may feel he or she is being punished for
filing the complaint. If a person knowingly files a false statement or tries to use the complaint
system in retaliation against an individual, he or she can be penalized. However, a complaint that
is not substantiated does not automatically fall into that category. Acts of reprisal are illegal. It
not only affects the recipient but can spread rapidly throughout the unit. Reprisal or retaliation
against an individual for complaining destroys faith in unit leadership and can damage the human
relations climate. Reprisal also jeopardizes unit effectiveness, morale, and cohesion. Leaders
should clearly state opposition to reprisal of any type. Leaders must train subordinate leaders
and continually address the negative consequences of reprisal actions and its impact on the
environment. Leaders can cultivate a climate in which the resolution of complaints is accepted
as part of mission accomplishment. Actions such as co-workers making jokes or comments,
ostracizing recipients or alleged offenders, or posting anonymous notes on the bulletin boards
impact the unit. Commanders and supervisors must observe behavior, actions and moods within
the unit to be aware of and act quickly if reprisal (real or perceived) occurs. Leaders must also act
quickly if anonymous reprisals happen within the unit. Acts of reprisal or intimidation of any
type are illegal and will not be tolerated!
A goal of every Air Force leader is for human relations to have a positive meaning. It is to a
leaders benefit to treat people fairly, with respect and dignity. This creates a conducive working
environment where subordinates look forward to coming to class, learning, doing their job, and
working side by side with their classmates. Effective human relations do not mean forsaking
military standards, common courtesy, and discipline. Human relations translate to supervisors
showing concern for people and acquiring knowledge about and respect for the background,
values, goals, needs, and skills of subordinates. Good leadership is willing to listen, respond,
and demonstrate trust and confidence in each individuals abilities. These leaders also treat
individuals and groups with respect and dignity. Treating everyone with respect and dignity is
absolutely essential to ensuring everyone is developing and working toward their full potential.
Over the history of our nation we have seen how differences can create conflict and a hostile
environment. If not properly handled, conflict and other negative behaviors, based on actual or
perceived differences, can be detrimental to teamwork and unit cohesion. Pitfalls can occur that
should be dealt with on the spot. The following examples are barriers to good human relations:
I dont want to talk about it. Ignoring the issue of discrimination and sexual harassment or
sexual assault wont make it go away. Doing nothing about it can only increase the likelihood that
your organization could be involved in legal disciplinary action. Increasingly, recipients who feel
they have nowhere to turn within their organizations take their complaints to formal channels.
It only happens to women. Perhaps more often than you think, sexual harassment or sexual
assault does affect men, as well as women. Studies show that the number of nontraditional
sexual harassment and sexual assault complaints are increasing. Sexual harassment or sexual
assault can also affect co-workers negatively. Everyone in your organization can be harmed by
sexual harassment and sexual assault.
We cant even enjoy a good joke anymore. Sexual harassment and racial jokes arent
funny. It is no laughing matter when a persons self-worth and job performance suffer because of
inappropriate behavior. What may seem like harmless behavior to one person can be offensive
to another. It is important to understand that this type of behavior can be a form of illegal
If they are in this country, they should speak clear English. Some people react to accents
negatively. They may even be rude when someone does not speak proper English. People have
accents either because of ethnicity or the region of country they come from. English may also
be their second language. Some people consider them to be less intelligent, less competent, and
less trustworthy.
Individuals deserve to be treated fairly in any situation. Likewise, people make judgments
about others based on the kinds of expressions they use because of where theyre from. Such
expressions include yonder, yall, or sup. The people who speak this way are sometimes
thought to be uneducated, or less intelligent.
Were from different backgrounds; how can we communicate? People have different
experiences, which account for many of the problems that occur when they try to interact cross
culturally or across genders. Cultural, racial, and gender differences affect our experiences. Our
experiences or lack of them directly relate to our ability to communicate and be understood.
Sharing experiences and opening the lines of communication can often bridge these gaps.
Respect is the key to combating discrimination. sexual harassment and sexual assault in
the Air Force. Resolve conflicts immediately and at the lowest level. Explore options that will
improve unit relationships. Sensitize yourself and your peers to the issues. Promote positive
human relations. Eliminate unacceptable behaviors. Consider the needs of your organization.
Take a stand against discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Effective Communication
Be open about differences. Dont ignore them. Share how your background has influenced
Encourage questions about the things that make you different. For example, Id like to
learn about that holiday you celebrate. Will you tell me about it?
Make a point to make friends with people different from you. Share any concerns. For
example, if a new friend has a disability, you might ask, Does it help if I hold the door for
you, or would you rather I not?
Dont make someone a spokesperson for his or her group. So, what do Hispanics think
about this? Dont suggest the person is an exception; Youre not like other blacks Ive
Avoid telling racial or sexual jokes--even jokes about your own group. It encourages more
of the same. Be careful with other kinds of humor such as the friendly insult.
Make your feelings known if someone says an unfair remark about a group.
Emphasize common experiences that unify rather than differences that divide. Regardless
of culture, race, gender, religion, and a host of other factors, people around the world
share the need to communicate with others.
Equal Opportunity and Treatment. The right
of all persons to participate in and benefit from
programs and activities for which they are qualified.
These programs and activities shall be free from
social, personal, or institutional barriers that prevent
people from rising to as high a level of responsibility
as possible. Persons shall be evaluated only on
merit, fitness, and capability regardless of race, color,
gender, national origin, age, or handicap except as
prescribed by statute, or DoD/Service policy. (DoDD
1350.2, The Department of Defense Military Equal
Opportunity and Treatment Policy; AFPD 36-27, Social Actions.)
Equal Employment Opportunity Program. A program to ensure compliance with the
law; to ensure and to eliminate discrimination in Air Force recruitment, selection, placement,
awards recognition, and training based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicapping
condition, or age.
Discrimination. Any action that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons
or groups based on race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, and, if civilian, handicapping
conditions, for which distinctions are not supported by legal or rational considerations. (AFPD
36-27, Social Actions; AFI 36-1201, Discrimination Complaints.)
Disparaging Terms. Terms used to degrade or connote negative statements pertaining to
race, color, gender, national origin, religion or age. These terms include insults, printed material,
visual material, signs, symbols, posters, or insignia. The use of these terms constitutes unlawful
Prejudice. A negative feeling or dislike based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization (i.e.,
prejudging a person or group without knowledge or facts).
Racism. Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure, which subordinates a
person or group because of race.
Religion list answer key: According to the web site,, the list of
religions are already in their correct order.
1. Buchanan, Anne, Towards an Inclusive Organizational Culture, Canadian Council for
International Cooperation, April 2001, p. 1; accessed web site August, 2004.
2. Corporate Leadership Council, Strengthening the Diversity Function, Washington: Corporate
Executive Board, December 1998.
3. Corporate Leadership Council, Corporate Diversity Programs, Washington: Corporate
Executive Board, April 2000.
4. Elsass, Priscilla and Graves, Laura, Demographic Diversity in Decision-Making Groups: The
Experiences of Women and People of Color, Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 1997,
pp. 946-973.
5. Hicks-Clarke, Deborah and Iles, Paul, Climate for Diversity and Its Effects on Career and
Organizational Attitudes and Perceptions, Personnel Review, 29(3), 2000, pp. 324-345.
6. Kluckhohn, Clyde and Henry A. Murray. Personality Formation: The Determinants. In
Personality in Nature, Society, and Culture, 2nd Edition. C. Kluckhohn and H. Murray, Eds, pp.
53-67. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1953.
7. Kochan, T. Bezrukova, K. Ely, R. Jackson, S. Joshi, A., Jehn, K., Leonard, J., Levine, D., Thomas, D.,
The Effects of Diversity on Business Performance: Report of the Diversity Research Network,
November 2002. (support provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Society for
Human Resource Management Foundation)
8. Roche, James (speech), Air Force Diversity, March 2004, copy obtained from SEC/MRE office.
9. Russell, Brenda, The Bottom Line on Diversity, Smart Companies Find it Promotes Productivity,
Boosts Profits, Chicago Tribune, 31 December 2000.
10. Simons, George and Dunham, Darlene, Making Inclusion Happen, JALMC Month Newsletter
Managing Diversity, December, 1995,
11. Woods, Susan and Bormann, Tammy, Building the Framework for Organizational Inclusion,
The Network Newsletter, Cornell University, 7(2), January 2000, p. 2.
12. Zachary, G. Pascal, Might is the Mongrel, Fast Company, July 2000.
The Oath of Office and Commissioning
Cognitive Lesson Objective:
Know the meaning of the Oath of Office and Commissioning.
Cognitive Samples of Behavior:
Define the meaning of the Oath of Office according to the lecture.
Describe the significance of the commission according to the
Affective Lesson Objective:
Value the Oath of Office and Commissioning.
Affective Sample of Behavior:
Actively discuss the lecture topic with classmates and instructor.
shows that the oath represented more than a simple, ceremonial formality; rather, it provided
overarching guidance and a standard of moral conduct, as opposed to dictating specific, limited
The first official oath of office for U.S. military officers under the Constitution was established on
1 June 1789. The law implemented the requirement in Article 6 of the Constitution that Senators
and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all
executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound
by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.11 This first oath was short and to the point:
I, A.B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of
the United States.12
During a 60-year period in our history, both officers and enlisted personnel took the same
oath, as required by Congress in April 1790. The oath used the wording to bear true faith and
allegiance to the United States of America rather than to support the Constitution, but it
retained the concept of allegiance to the nation as a whole. It constituted one of 16 sections in an
act that regulated the military establishment- the forerunner of todays authorization acts.13
Congress periodically updated these authorization acts although the oath remained constant
(with one minor addition in 1795).
The officer oath became separate from the enlisted oath again in 1862, when the 37th
Congress passed an all-encompassing 176-word oath for all government officials (including
military officers) to verify their loyalty during the Civil War. This Ironclad Test Oath included
(1) a background check to ensure that government officials were not supporting, or had not
supported, the Confederacy and (2) a part that addressed future performance, much of whose
wording remains in todays oath.14 In addition, this legislation specified that failure to comply
with the oath constituted perjury and that violators would incur the associated penalties, thus
formalizing the implied concept that officers are accountable for failing to live up to their oath. In
1884, after several years of multiple oaths that applied to different subsets of people (depending
upon which side they fought on during the late rebellion), the 48th Congress amended a revised
statute of 1873 that eliminated the first half of the Ironclad Test Oath and established the wording
that has carried over into modern times.
At least 19 pieces of legislation address the oath- 11 affect the officer oath, three address the
enlisted oath, and five address both. One notes four key variations in the wording of the officer
and enlisted oaths over time (table 1).15 The other changes are either administrative or concern
the application of the oath.
Table 1
Key Variations of U.S. Military Oaths
shows how the complexity of modern war and the problems generated by working with alliances
can cause even a great American like General Clark to struggle. The act of reaffirming the oath of
office should serve to guide all officers when they find themselves in difficult situations.
This brief history of the oath makes the significance of its wording more apparent. The oath
provides enduring guidance for military officers. Each part carries its own history and message:
That I Will Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States
To understand the opening pledge, one should know and understand the Constitution. Prior
to taking their oath upon commission or reaffirming it upon promotion, too few officers take
the time to read and study the document they swear to support and defend. The oath requires
officers to support and defend the Constitution- not the President, not the country, not the
flag, and not a particular military service. Yet, at the same time, the Constitution symbolizes the
President, the country, the flag, the military, and much more. The preamble to the Constitution
succinctly highlights the ideals represented by that document.20 Because the Constitution was
built on a series of checks and balances that distribute power across the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches, officers must give their allegiance to all three entities- despite the fact that
the chain of command leads to the President. These checks and balances create an inefficiency
inherent in Americas democratic system that often proves frustrating for military officers, whose
environment tries to provide the most efficient and effective fighting force available.21
The original oath of 1789 mentioned only that one must support the Constitution. Although
many people may at first consider the phrase support and defend as a single thought, each word
carries a slightly different connotation. George Washington conveys the notion of support in his
farewell address: The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter
their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution, which at any time exists, till changed by
an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea
of the power and the right of the people to establish Government presupposes the duty of every
individual to obey the established Government.22
The words and defend were added in 1862, during the Civil War, when defense and preservation
of the nation became paramount.23 The passive pledge to support was expanded to include an
active requirement to defend. The phrase support and defend the Constitution is purposely vague,
allowing better minds to interpret and improve, within certain guidelines.24 To understand the
significance of the wording, one should compare the U.S. oath to the Soviet version, the latter
requiring officers unquestioningly to carry out the requirements of all military regulations and
orders of commanders and superiors.25 It is a true blessing that America does not require its
officers to obey unquestioningly but gives them the opportunity and flexibility for innovation.
But with that flexibility come both responsibility and accountability for ones actions.
have long known about the shortage of intelligence from human sources that we need if we are
to analyze the capability and intent of emerging nonstate actors; yet, the Air Force intends to
purchase over 300 F-22 aircraft at a cost of $63 billion to replace existing fighters that can already
counter the air forces of any major state actor for the foreseeable future.27 We must think hard
about making improvements to an existing service strength instead of funding a known national
shortfall.28 Our oath demands that we support and defend against all enemies- not just highprofile or high-profit threats.
That I Take This Obligation Freely, without Any Mental Reservation or Purpose of Evasion
This passage also originated during the Civil War. Congress and President Abraham Lincoln,
wanting to ensure that soldiers not defect, expanded the oath in an attempt to guarantee
loyalty.33 In the final analysis, however, loyalty depends upon the integrity of the individual.
This notion corresponds to the Air Forces core value of integrity first, the Marine Corps and
Navys core value of honor, and the Armys core values of integrity and honor.34 Integrity
is a learned trait. Whether that learning is based upon a religious upbringing or an embracing
of acceptable norms of society, honor and integrity are part of the core of all military services.
Maintaining integrity is implicit in the oath and must guide officers when they face conflicts of
interest and hard choices.35
And That I Will Well and Faithfully Discharge the Duties of the Office on Which I Am about to
This wording has its genesis in the first statute of 1789. In addition to the standard oath, the
Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives had to take an additional
oath to solemnly swear or affirm, that I will truly and faithfully discharge the duties of my said
office, to the best of my knowledge and abilities.36
This clause epitomizes the Air Force core value of excellence in all we do, the Marine Corps
and Navys value of commitment, and the Armys core value of duty. We must be proactive
and perform our duties to the best of our abilities, mastering our specialties while we are junior
officers and then gaining breadth as we advance in rank. The progress of the nation depends
upon our doing so.
So Help Me God
Controversy over the
separation of church and
state sometimes clouds
this final phrase; nevertheless, it is the most
important one in the oath.
Our actions have moral
and, for those who believe
in a Supreme Being, even
officers seem hesitant to
embrace their religion
publicly or acknowledge
the significance of divine
American history is replete
with examples of public
appeals to a higher being for guidance and protection. The Declaration of Independence includes
an appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world, and, although the Constitution does not include
the phrase so help me God in the Presidents oath, Washington added those words when he
took the first oath.38 President Lincoln openly addressed the concept of divine guidance in the
Gettysburg address: This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. When the pledge
of allegiance added the phrase under God in 1953, President Dwight Eisenhower commented,
In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in Americas heritage and
future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be
our countrys most powerful resource in peace and war.39
So help me God became part of the officer oath in 1862, but the enlisted oath did not add
these words until 1962. The Congressional Record provides superb insight into their meaning:
The words, So help me God, are not a part of the obligation assumed upon taking the oath.
They constitute rather an assertion of sincerity to undertake the duties of military service in good
faith and with the aid of the highest power recognized by the enlistee. It is directed solely to his or
her personal conception of the almighty, whatever that may be or whatever it may not be. There
is no effort to impose on the enlistee any established religious conception, or even to require his
acknowledgement of any religious conception. . . . For the vast majority of the persons taking the
oath, however, this addition will assure a unique degree of personal conviction not otherwise
attainable, and will thus prove a welcome source of both personal and national strength.40
Even atheists have a moral obligation from a societal perspective. One finds this concept as far
back as 400 B.C., when Sun Tzu, in The Art of War, starts his first chapter with the statement War
is a matter of vital importance to the State. . . . Therefore appraise it in terms of five fundamental
factors. . . . The first of these factors is moral influence.41 Clearly, one of the greatest military
minds of all time understood the moral implications of our actions and their importance for
So help me God also implies retribution if officers do not keep their word. Compare the part
of the Soviet oath that ends with If I break this solemn vow, may I be severely punished by
the Soviet people, universally hated, and despised by the working people.42 Although that is
quite a condemnation, in actuality it is less severe than the potential consequences for someone
who has a strong moral or religious foundation. So help me God acknowledges that no stronger
commitment exists.43
By studying the key documents and events in Americas history, military officers can gain
better insight into their oath of office and the moral implications of their actions. Junior officers
should focus on how to well and faithfully discharge the duties of their office. For senior officers,
the oath should carry even greater significance as they use a more indirect style of leadership to
instill in their followers the services core values.
Core Values
Air Force
Integrity First
Marine Corps
Officers must develop the skills to make the appropriate leadership decisions when guidance
may be vague on how best to support and defend the Constitution. They must take the time
to identify capabilities for addressing the entire spectrum of conflict and wrestle with ways of
resolving conflicting priorities in coalition warfare. Individuals at all levels must focus on the
needs of the nation rather than on the desires of their services. Finally, officers must embrace the
moral foundation symbolized in the phrase so help me God, since it is the heart and soul of the
success of future generations of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines.
1. Richard Peters, ed., The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, vol. 1 (Boston:
Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1845), 23.
2. See Joseph Gales Sr., ed., Annals of Congress: The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress
of the United States, vol. 1, March 3, 1789 to March 3, 1791 (Washington, D.C.: Gales and
Seaton, 1834). Although the Congressional Record contains hundreds of pages on topics such
as public credit, public debt, and duties on tonnage, one finds only three pages on the oath
that are worthy of discussion.
3. The Air Forces Air War College includes the officer and enlisted oath on the inside back cover
of its textbook on leadership and ethics. The code of conduct is on the inside front cover. In
his book True Faith and Allegiance: The Burden of Military Ethics (Lexington: University Press
of Kentucky, 1995), James H. Toner includes the officer and enlisted oaths on the page that
precedes the table of contents.
4. Due to limitations of space, this article focuses on the officers oath. Many of the same themes
and ideas apply to the dedicated professionals in our enlisted force.
5. American Peoples Encyclopedia, 1956 ed., s.v. oath. According to Merriam-Websters
Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed., an oath is a solemn [usually] formal calling upon God or a god
to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what
one says (2): a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of ones words.
6. American Peoples Encyclopedia, 1956 ed., s.v. Hippocrates.
7. Lt Col Thomas H. Reese, An Officers Oath, Military Review, January 1964, 25.
8. Harold Melvin Hyman, To Try Mens Souls: Loyalty Tests in American History (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1959), 1213.
9. John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript
Sources, 17451799, vol. 11 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 19311944),
on-line, Internet, 13 January 2002, available from (Click on
search; search on George Washington, May 7, 1778, General Orders.) Washingtons oath
for commissioned officers is as follows:
I . . . do acknowledge The United States of America to be Free, Independent and Sovereign
States and declare that the People thereof owe no Allegiance or Obedience to George the
Third, King of Great Britain and I renounce refuse and abjure any Allegiance or Obedience to
him, and I do swear (or affirm) that I will to the utmost of my Power support, maintain and
defend the said United States against the said King George the Third, his heirs and Successors
and his and their Abettors, Assistants and Adherents and will serve the said United States in the
office of . . . which I now hold with Fidelity according to the best of my skill and understanding.
10. Ibid. In another example, on 28 December 1780, Washington court-martialed Thomas
Dewees, finding him guilty of two offenses: (1) not taking the oath of office and (2) selling
public wood to the prejudice of the service. Here we see that not taking the oath is not
simply an administrative error. In fact, the practice at the time was to publish the sentence in a
newspaper to prevent in future the commission of such crimes. Todays 24-hour worldwide
media coverage continues to publicize military indiscretions and has an impact on how the
public perceives the military.
11. Mortimer J. Adler provides a superb analysis of the Constitution in We Hold These Truths:
Understanding the Ideas and Ideals of the Constitution (New York: Macmillan, 1987).
12. Peters, 23. Using the initials A.B. is a legislative format to identify a place filler for the persons
first and last names.
13. Ibid., 11921. As is the case today, separate appropriation acts specified the budgets.
14. The oath of 1862 is as follows:
I, A.B. do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United
States since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance,
counsel, or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that I have neither
sought nor accepted nor attempted to exercise the functions of any officers whatever, under
any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded a
voluntary support to any pretended government, authority, power or constitution within the
United States, hostile or inimical thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm) that, to the best
of my knowledge and ability, I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States,
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion,
and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to
enter, so help me God.
See An Act to Prescribe an Oath of Office, and for Other Purposes, 37th Cong., 2d sess., chap.
15. To trace legislation relating to military oaths, one should understand the basic organization,
structure, and four major changes to legislation in the United States. The original laws, starting
in June 1789, were identified as statutes, organized by chapters and sections. On 1 December
1873, Congress enacted the Revised Statutes, a single act that codified all the permanent
laws in force. These statutes superseded all the previous ones from 1789 through 1873. The
Revised Statutes were organized by title and section. The next overall effort to better organize
the laws of the land occurred in 1926, when the United States Code (USC) replaced the Revised
Statutes. The laws were organized into 50 titles and divided into sections. Title 5 dealt with the
Executive Department (including military officers); Title 10 dealt with the Army (and the Army
Air Forces within the Army); Title 32 concerned the National Guard; and Title 34 dealt with
the Navy/Marine Corps. The most recent (and ongoing) version of the USC began in 1946,
with a comprehensive project of revising and enacting all of the USC into positive law, which
did away with the need to refer back to previous statutes to clarify the current law of the
land. The current USC is organized by title and section but also includes subtitles, chapters,
and parts to further divide and organize the legislation. The current Title 10 consolidates the
military services (except the National Guard) into a single title, although there is still legislation
relating to the Department of Defense, a department in the executive branch, in Title 5. At
least 19 pieces of legislation address military oaths. For a more detailed description of the
legislative history of the oath of office, contact the author by E-mail: [email protected].
16. In a highly publicized confrontation between Gen Douglas MacArthur and President Harry
S. Truman during the Korean War, Macarthur openly criticized the administrations handling
of the war effort, even threatening to invade China and thus defy the civilian leaderships
policy. As a result of the generals actions, on 11 April 1951 President Truman relieved
MacArthur as supreme commander, United Nations Command. Truman explained how, from
his perspective, MacArthur did not support the requirements of the Constitution and did not
faithfully discharge his duties: Full and vigorous debate on matters of national policy is a
vital element in the constitutional system of our free democracy. It is fundamental, however,
that military commanders must be governed by the policies and directives issued to them
in the manner provided by our laws and Constitution. In time of crisis, this consideration is
particularly compelling. Truman Dismisses MacArthur, CNN Interactive, on-line, Internet,
14 October 2002, available from cold.war/episodes/05/
17. Wesley K. Clark, Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat (New York:
Public Affairs, 2001), 154.
18. Although it is well understood that the United States is a NATO member and therefore a part
of Clarks dedication, he consciously seems to focus on NATO rather than the United States.
19. One could also argue that Clarks support of NATO over current U.S. policy is consistent with
the Constitution, which provides the authority for the executive branch to make treaties; thus,
the NATO alliance, ratified by Congress according to the Constitution, is consistent with that
20. According to the preamble, We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more
perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
21. Maj Larry A. Helgeson has similar thoughts in his article Moral Obligations from our Oath
to the U.S. Constitution, in United States Air Force Academy Journal of Professional Military
Ethics, 1988, 319.
22. George Washingtons Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 17 September 1796,
on-line, Internet, 4 January 2002, available from
23. Part of President Abraham Lincolns justification for the Emancipation Proclamation
demonstrates the thinking of the era: I felt that measures, otherwise unconstitutional, might
become lawful, by becoming indispensable to the preservation of the constitution, through
the preservation of the nation. See Helgeson, 15.
24. Even Washington understood that the Constitution was not perfect. Prior to the Continental
Congress, he observed, Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The
event is in the hand of God. John Romain Rood, The History of Building the Constitution of
the United States (Detroit: Detroit Law-Book Co., 1948), 13.
25. Helgeson, 4. Many countries today require an allegiance to a king or head of state. For example,
the following countries require officers to swear allegiance to an individual:
Great Britain: I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will as
in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in
Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her
Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the Air Officers and other Officers set over me.
Jordan: I swear to be loyal to God, country, and the king, and conduct all my job
requirements with honor and dignity, with no discrimination or bias, and to obey all
military orders issued to me from my superiors.
Brazil: As I incorporate to the Brazilian Air Force, I promise to obey strictly the orders
given by the authorities, respect my superiors in hierarchy, and be good to my comrades/
subordinates; dedicate myself entirely to the service of my country, defending honor,
institutions and duties with the sacrifice of my own life.
Information provided by international officers attending the U.S. Air War College, Maxwell
AFB, Ala., spring 2002.
26. The concept of posse comitatus is based on an act of Congress (20 stat. L., 145, chap. 263, sec.
15, 18 June 1878). Sec. 15 starts with the following statement: From and after the passage of
this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse
comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under
such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the
Constitution or by act of Congress. The law was passed as a result of 15 years of perceived
military occupation of the South after the Civil War. See The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878,
on-line, Internet, 22 August 2002, available from
27. Jim Garamone, F-22 Gets Green Light for Low-Rate Production, American Forces Information
Service News Articles, on-line, Internet, 4 April 2002, available from http://www.defenselink.
28. In fact, the F-22 Web site highlights how our new-generation fighter will take us from air
superiority to air dominance. The site actually has a clock that counts down the seconds to
air dominance. See F-22 Raptor Team Infonet, on-line, Internet, 4 April 2002, available from Another example of a neglected shortfall is strategic lift.
29. Hyman, 5.
30. The Army has seven core values: integrity, honor, loyalty, respect, duty, personal courage, and
selfless service.
31. United States Air Force Core Values (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air Force, 1 January
32. National Archives and Records Administration: Washingtons Inaugural Address, 30 April
1789, on-line, Internet, 4 January 2002, available from
american_originals/inaugtxt.html. Washington reiterated this warning against parochialism in
his farewell address eight years later: In the most solemn manner against the baneful effects
of the spirit of party, generally. See George Washingtons Farewell Address. The problem of
parochialism is also highlighted in the New Testament of the Bible: If a kingdom is divided
against itself, that kingdom cannot stand (Mark 3:24).
33. It is ironic that even patriots like George Washington and John Adams initially took an oath
and swore allegiance to the king of England and later, as clearly stated in the Declaration of
Independence, acknowledged that sometimes one must go against that pledge: Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. In another piece of irony,
immediately after the chancellor of New York swore in George Washington as president of
the United States (during which Washington pledged to preserve, protect, and defend the
Constitution), the chancellor proclaimed, Long live George Washington, president of the
United States, rather than proclaiming long life for the Constitution. See Gales, 27.
34. The Navy and Marine Corps share the core values of honor, courage, and commitment.
35. Vice Adm James B. Stockdale said that a persons integrity can give him something to rely on
when his perspective seems to blur, when the rules and principles seem to waiver, and when
hes faced with hard choices of right and wrong. Quoted in Maj Mark A. Hyatts Honor and
Ethics Must Be Reflected in the United States Air Force Officers Oath of Office, United States
Air Force Academy Journal of Professional Military Ethics, 1988, 25.
36. Peters, 24.
37. suppressing the spiritual core of our national being. Our nation could not have been conceived
without divine help. See Ronald Reagan: State of the Union Address, 27 January, 1987,
This Nation, on-line, Internet, 14 October 2002, available from
library/ sotu/1987rr.html.
38. Washingtons farewell address highlighted the link between religious values and the success
of this experiment in democracy: Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political
prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. See George Washingtons
Farewell Address.
39. The Original Pledge of Allegiance, on-line, Internet, 25 September 2002, available from The pledge of allegiance originated in
1892, when Francis Bellamy published a few words in The Youths Companion magazine for
schoolchildren to recite on 12 October 1892, the 400th anniversary of Columbuss discovery
of America. Over 12 million children recited the initial version of the pledge that day: I pledge
allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it standsone nation indivisiblewith liberty
and justice for all. On 14 June 1943, the first National Flag Conference changed the words
my flag to the Flag of the United States, and in 1942 Congress formally recognized the
pledge. One year later, the Supreme Court ruled that students could not be forced to recite
it. In 1953, after lobbying from the Knights of Columbus, the pledge saw its final change,
adding the phrase under God. Unfortunately, that phrase recently came under scrutiny
when the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that the pledge constitutes
an unconstitutional endorsement of religion because it contains the phrase under God. On
the bright side, it is encouraging to see so many public officials actively working to reverse that
40. House, Armed Forces Oath of Enlistment, Report to Accompany H.R. 218, 87th Cong., 1st sess.,
25 July 1961, 4. The Constitution guarantees that no religious test shall ever be required as
a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Both Congress and the
Supreme Court have ruled that including the words so help me God is not unconstitutional.
41. Sun Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Samuel B. Griffith (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963), 63.
42. Helgeson, 4.
43. The Bible includes references to oaths. For example, Matthew quotes Jesus as saying, Again,
you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, Do not break your oath, but keep the
oaths you have made to the Lord (Matt. 5:33).
Lt Col Kenneth Keskel (USAFA; MS, University of Florida) was the formers chief of the Programs
and Organization Branch, Directorate of Manpower and Organization, Headquarters Air Combat
Command, Langley AFB, Virginia. He previously served as deputy commander, 374th Support
Group, Yokota AB, Japan; commander, 2d Mission Support Squadron, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana;
chief, Manpower and Organization Division, U.S. Southern Command, Miami, Florida, and Q
Heights, Panama; chief, Manpower Office, 384th Bombardment Wing and 22d Air Refueling Wing,
McConnell AFB, Kansas; chief, Manpower Systems Development, Headquarters USAF, Pentagon,
Washington, D.C.; and research analyst, Air Force Management Engineering Agency, Randolph
AFB, Texas. Colonel Keskel is a graduate of Squadron Officer School, Intermediate Service School
(RAND Fellow), and Air War College.
The conclusions and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author cultivated
in he freedom of expression, academic environment of Air University. They do not reflect the
official position of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, the United States Air Force, or
the Air University.