Down To Earth Spirituality
Down To Earth Spirituality
Down To Earth Spirituality
Jurgen O. Schulz
Our God is a down-to-earth deity.
The Word became flesh. The very stuff our bodies are made of. He became
humana term which derives from the root humus, meaning earth. This was
the raw material our Creator used to make us. The Lord God formed man of the
dust of the ground (Gn. 2:7)
The staggering miracle of the Incarnation means that not only is man made of
dustbut now God is too! Deity took on humus. This is the ultimate circuit
blower! God didnt just visit our race; he became a part of it!
Theos and anthropos were organically joined.
A member of the Trinity now has skin color, eye color, hair color and fingerprints.
He has immersed himself in the physical realities of human existence, and his
favorite self-description became: Son of Man.
Martin Luther rightly stated,
The mystery of the humanity of Christ,
that he sunk himself into our flesh,
is beyond all human understanding.
J. B. Phillips concludes that we need to be shocked afresh by the audacious
central Factthat, as a sober matter of history, God became one of us.
The foundational article of the Christian faithThe Word became fleshis a
bombshell for the Gnostic who affirms that the material world is illusory and evil.
which G. K. Chesterton reacted angrily and in effect said, Dont you dare call it
commonthats blasphemous! A similar rebuke was given to the apostle Peter,
What God has cleansed you must not call common.
A Gnostic view of spirituality has led many to believe that only that which is
explicitly Christian is truly glorifying to God. Taken to its logical conclusion,
this would mean that true holiness requires one to wear Christian shoes, eat
Christian food, sleep in a Christian bed, listen to Christian music, drive a
Christian car and breathe Christian air. Obviously this is absolutely absurd! And
such thinking is inconceivable for anyone who seriously believes in the
The fact that Holiness took on humanity
forces us to reconstruct our understanding of spiritual.
No longer can we view the secular as unsacred. No field of human endeavor is out
of bounds. For everything belongs to yoube it Paul or Apollos or Peter, the
world or life or death, things present or futureeverything belongs to you; and
you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God (1 Cor. 3:22,23).
Everything belongs to you moves the goalposts of spirituality to the ends of the
earth! Its all encompassing. The only thing to avoid is that which contradicts who
we are in Christ. The rest is ours!
We can honor our Creator, not only in prayer and worship, but also in farming,
medicine, business, music, landscaping and computer programming. Through
work we enrich one another and cultivate and care for the created world that God
made, sustains and loves.
A musician serves God by composing great music, and not just by writing songs
about Jesus. An architect honors his Maker by bringing beauty and excellence
into his work, and not solely by designing cathedrals. Human activities do not